Cut a tree in your area with your own hands

How to properly cut a tree on the site? on the Nedvio website

If you have trees on your property, that’s great. “Living hedges” from trees can serve as an excellent decoration and natural fence from prying eyes, creating the necessary shade in the garden.

But sometimes there are too many of these trees, they interfere with the penetration of the sun to the bushes growing in the country, preventing us from enjoying the rays of the sun. The roots of large trees interfere with the growth of the beds, uprooting the plantings. Often, old trees simply disfigure the landscape, not to mention the fact that tree branches can grow in very uncomfortable places – for example, near a house, disfiguring the roof or its facade decoration.

One way or another, some trees have to be cut down, especially if they are large and bulky. Keep in mind that if a tree grows on your site, then here you are your own masters, but if this has grown on a common territory, then for the sawing you need the approval and consent of the neighbors. Of course, it is worth soberly weighing and evaluating everything in order to make a decision on the disposal of the tree. But if it is accepted, then the question arises – how to get rid of the tree in the country?

We cut down the tree. Procedure and steps of the process

With a direct cut, it is better to call an assistant who will guide the tree when it falls – this work can be done with your hands, but if the tree is thick, then it is better to take a rope to grip.

First you need to make one chunk in the tree, it should be at a comfortable level for you, where it is most convenient to saw, without especially straining your back, arms or the whole body. The saw cut is cut both with a saw and with a hacksaw with large teeth on the side where the tree should fall.

The order of cutting a tree will be approximately as follows:

  • First, cut a piece of wood from the top at a 45 ° angle to the ground, about a third of its thickness, but no more. Then cut it parallel to the ground;
  • After the cut, you need to pull the tree in the right direction. If the tree is thick, then it is necessary to make a cut on the back side, slightly below the base of the previous slice. It should be at a 45 ° angle to the corner of the first sector you cut;
  • Pull the tree again slowly. If the tree doesn’t start to fall, make another cut, deeper where you made the first one, right on top of it;
  • During cutting, the tree should not be pulled under any circumstances, since the trajectory of the fall in this case is unpredictable. If the tree has already begun to lurch, you need to quickly run to the side..

After felling the tree, you just have to uproot the stump and roots – this is also not easy, but you can take special cutters that will make your task easier. The last stage is the disposal of the sawn wood: you need to either burn all of its parts or take them out of the site.

Cut a tree. Which is better: do it yourself or hire a team?

The first thing that comes to mind is to call specially trained people who will not only come and cut the plant, pick out the stump and roots of the tree, but also take them away so that it no longer gives you trouble. But such services can be quite expensive, especially if your site is located far from large villages and gardening..

However, you can save money on cutting trees by doing everything yourself. If the tree is large, then it is best to take a chainsaw or a saw – the tool does not have to be bought at all, it is issued at special rental points. It will reduce manual, hard physical labor for you and save time. But ordinary, push-and-pull hand saws can be completely dispensed with..

Safety rules and preparation for cutting

Before starting to cut a tree, the first step is to assess the safety of yourself and those around you. Having roughly calculated the height of the tree and the trajectory of its fall, estimate how close to this place are electrical wires, roads, whether there are nearby buildings.

Before the actual process of sawing, put on a helmet – this headgear can protect you from injury in unforeseen cases. In addition, it is best to wear gloves, tight shoes that prevent splinters and non-slip shoes. At the same time, it is better to choose a day for cutting a tree in calm, good weather, so that natural forces do not interfere with your work..

These rules for safe felling of trees should be especially carefully followed if you want to cut down a tree that is tall and strong, such as pine. Utilization of such trees, especially if they grow in the immediate vicinity of houses, of course, it is better to entrust the pros.

After the assessment stage, it is necessary to determine the height of the tree, at least approximately, the slope of the tree, if any. In a radius equal to two values ​​of the height, it is necessary to remove everything that can be damaged during the felling of the tree. After that, it is best to cut down the large, lush branches of the tree – these can be reached using a ladder..

Don’t forget to bookmark Nedvio’s site. We talk about construction, renovation, suburban real estate in an interesting, useful and understandable language.

Configuration of flooring on the ground near the house in the country

Although the terrace is usually located next to the house, it is possible to make an attractive small summer cottage flooring in wood and in a quiet corner of the garden between fruit or ornamental shrubs. It will be nice to spend time with friends over evening tea or just sit in silence with a book. Such dacha floorings remote from the dwelling are called platforms. They can be located around trees or next to boulders, or even just out of the blue. The main thing is that you can always sit comfortably on these sites by placing a table and chairs. The attractiveness of platforms is due to their shape and coating..

Garden decking made of wood is very popular in America. It was the Americans who gave them the name “deck”, which means “deck”. The fact is that initially the decks were made exclusively of teak, like the decks of ships..

The pattern and configuration of flooring on the ground for a summer residence largely depends on the chosen design and the taste of the owner, as well as on the size of the boards and the way they are laid.

tree, area, hands

When creating a wooden flooring in a dacha with your own hands of the simplest design, floorboards are laid parallel to the sides of the platform or diagonally, which creates the illusion of a larger size, since the eye tracks the drawing, and not the details of the structure. More complex compositions such as herringbone can be expressive if they relate to the surrounding textures or architectural features of the home..

However, there are times when the drawing does not give the expected effect. For example, if the flooring for a summer residence is located on the street between a house sheathed with shingles and a paved path. In this case, a simple drawing of parallel boards will distract attention from the structure..

To choose the most suitable pattern, make several sketches on tracing paper and superimpose them one by one on the flooring drawing. Of course, both the drawing and the flooring must be on the same scale..

As a general rule, the more intricate the design of the wood flooring for the garden, the more complex the base of the platform should be. For a diagonal pattern, a more frequent installation of the lags is required, and for more complex types of patterns, double lags with an interval between them, allowing you to nail the end board. The span between the supports also depends on the thickness of the deck boards and their quality..

How to make wooden flooring in the country with your own hands

Flooring near the house in the country is one of the options for arranging the backyard territory. In order to make such a garden flooring with your own hands, you will need boards of a certain section, elements for fastening the structure and an antiseptic for processing the platform. Country flooring made of wood on the site can be of various configurations – when arranging it, the owner can show all his imagination.

Laying wooden flooring in the country (with photo)

Depending on the selected material, the flooring from the boards in the country house is fixed on the street to the logs with nails, screws (self-tapping screws) or special clamps. Fastening with nails is the fastest and cheapest, but screws hold better. To strengthen the fastening, in addition to nails or screws, you can use building glue, which is previously applied to the logs with a pistol. But note: when the glue hardens, you will not be able to move the boards, and later this will make repairs more difficult if the flooring is damaged.

When attaching boards with nails, it is better to hammer them in by hand. A pneumatic gun, of course, works faster, but it drives nails too deep, especially into soft wood, like pine, which is most often used for such purposes. Screws are screwed in with a screwdriver or electric drill with an appropriate attachment.

The boards are nailed or screwed to each log with two nails or screws. For extra strength, wide boards are recommended to be nailed with three nails to each log. It is necessary to fix 50 x 50 mm bars only at one point, otherwise the wood will simply split. Therefore, in such cases, preference should be given to fastening with screws..

To make the flooring in the country, start fixing by mounting the board against the wall of the house, leaving a 3 mm gap between them, or on one of the far sides of the platform. Lay planks to the full length of the deck, preferably with the convex side of the annual rings facing up to minimize cracking and lateral warping.

To ensure drainage, ventilation, taking into account the probable natural expansion and shrinkage, it is necessary to leave gaps between the boards 3-5 mm wide. Calculate the exact size of the gap in advance, based on the size of the material.

Planks are commercially available in lengths from 2 to 6 m and widths from 100 to 150 mm, so that, if desired, you can make flooring without joints. For longer decks, the boards will have to be docked in length. More durable layouts are random and alternating. Group joints weaken the structure but create an eye-catching pattern. To achieve maximum strength, solid floorboards should overlap at least three logs.

Attach boards to each log. To make the wooden flooring in the country house as beautiful as possible, you need to avoid hammer dents, and for this, try to hammer in nails so that the hats are flush with the flooring. If the boards start to split, blunt the tips of the nails with a hammer and tilt the nail slightly towards the middle of the board. If this does not help, pre-drill pilot holes for nails with a diameter% of nail thickness.

When laying country flooring with your own hands, it may turn out that some of the boards are too curved. To use them for their intended purpose, first nail the ends of the board to the logs. Then, in the curved section, nail the nails over the intermediate lags. If the board is bent outward relative to the plane of the flooring, then at the top of the hump at a slight angle, drive a chisel into the log and use it, like a lever, to put the board in place, and then nail it. If the board is curved inward, insert a chisel against the hump and press down on it to nail. During this work, you will need both hands, so you should use clamps to temporarily fix the “recalcitrant” boards. And so that the board does not take the wrong shape again, after pulling the nail out of the log, use screws for fastening.

If you plan to coat the floorboards with paint or antiseptic, or finish the platform base, this must be done before final assembly of the platform. If you use boards impregnated under pressure, it is enough to cover their ends with an antiseptic..

For decks where a gap between the boards is required, the same gaps can be quickly obtained with 90mm nails, baited into the lugs to the side of an already fixed board. Press the next board firmly against them, secure it and remove the spacer nails. To prevent them from falling under the flooring, you can first hammer them into the bosses. For different gaps, use nails of the appropriate diameter or saw out a wooden template spacer.

When nailing planks, periodically check the dimensions of the non-sheathed section of the flooring and, if necessary, adjust the clearances so that the last plank fits the full width. As a last resort, it is better to saw it along.

After nailing down all of the garden flooring boards, use a beard to set the nail heads in a bit. Then run the chalk line along the sides of the deck and saw off the protruding ends of the planks. An experienced carpenter will be able to make an even cut along the chalk mowing line, and it is advisable for a beginner to attach a guide rail to the flooring with clamps..

The simplest boarding structure can be easily manufactured as follows. Directly on the ground, you need to lay out in parallel several beams with a section of 120 × 120 mm and a length of 1-1.5 m, and then nail boards of 50 × 150 mm to them from above. Thus, you can make a simple flooring on an empty area behind the house and turn it into something practical and beautiful..

First, determine the floor area. Taking these data into account, almost any lumber warehouse will quickly calculate the amount of wood required for it (however, it is still worth checking these calculations yourself). To the resulting cubic capacity it is necessary to add 5% for accidental breakage of boards and errors in the design of the flooring. Then you should add the volume of blanks for railings, balusters and racks.

Outdoor decking: board sizes

Most of the flooring in the country with their own hands is made from standard boards with a section of 50 x 150 mm, 50 x 100 mm or 50 x 75 mm. It should be borne in mind that 50 x 50 mm bars easily twist and warp, if they are not mahogany or cedar, and boards 50 x 200 mm and wider also tend to warp and drain water poorly.

Most often, boards with a size of 50 x 150 mm are used for flooring, since they are faster to lay and easier to fix, they are less deformed.

The simplest decks, which also have greater strength, are made from boards of 50 x 150 mm or 50 x 100 mm, laying them on logs parallel to the sidewalls of the platform. In this case, you can use alternately boards of different widths, for example, 50 x 100 mm and 50 × 150 mm, 50 × 50 mm and 50 × 150 mm or 50 x 50 mm and 50 x 100 mm.

Decking made of boards in the country with a pattern drawn from blanks with a cross section of 50 x 75 mm and 50 x 100 mm, installed on an edge, usually rests on beams, and not on logs. True, it will be heavier and more expensive, but it will allow to block large spans between the supports and reduce the height of the lower part of the structure.

It is better to nail boards installed on the edge to the beams, and if the joints of the boards fall on the logs, then side strips should be attached to the latter or double logs should be provided in these places.

Depending on how you plan to lay the wooden flooring boards in the country – flat or on the edge – determine how many of them you need for your structure.

Above the outer supports and in the middle of the spans, the floorboards installed on the edge are separated with 3 mm plywood spacers covered with waterproof construction glue, which should not protrude from the floorboards. After that, collect the flooring in a bag and knock down the boards with nails through the spacers..

Arrangement of wooden flooring for the garden

When setting up your garden decking, think carefully before you dig up a protruding rock or cut down a tree in the place where you planned to build a platform. Try to preserve natural features by fitting them into the big picture.

There are two approaches to arranging such decking, but in any case, you first need to make a frame around the obstacle. Only after that make a decision: either leave the “window” in the flooring, or surround the obstacle with boards on all sides, repeating its shape.

If you decide to surround a tree with flooring, do not forget that it grows not only upward, but also increases in diameter, which means that it is necessary to provide living space for it. But in any case, never attach the deck to the trunk. This is bad for a tree, and swinging its trunk from the wind can destroy your structure. If you make a large opening, then it may not be superfluous to place a bench under the crown of the tree..

See what wood decking for summer cottages can be on these

How to cut a tree on the site

No matter how gardeners take care of the plants, sometimes it is necessary to cut down or uproot trees. How to cut a tree in your area without big problems? All this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Let’s see how it is easier and better to do this..

The reasons why the tree needs to be removed can be different. Often old sick or emergency trees, shrubs in new areas are to be cut. Sometimes you have to uproot old fruit trees that are not suitable for their varietal characteristics or strongly shade young plantings.

In any case, the task of cutting down unwanted and large trees on the site must be approached intelligently and prepared accordingly so that there are no problems with the law.

There is a widespread misconception that if the land is in their ownership, then trees can be cut on their site without permits. This approach applies only to fruit trees and shrubs in summer cottages..

It turns out that if you want to uproot an old apple tree or bush, then you do not need permission. But if it comes to an adult oak, large maple or any other tree growing on your site, then it is not always possible to do without the registration of the relevant documents.

How To Cut Down A Tree


Do you want to be fined or otherwise punished? read the document in your region, which stipulates the rules for the maintenance and protection of green spaces. Perhaps by cutting down a mature tree. you break the law.

Of course, you can quietly uproot the tree, but no one is immune from compassionate neighbors who will not hesitate to write and report where they should be about your illegal actions. And chopping trees at night is not fun..

If the tree is cut in parts

Sometimes it happens that it is impossible to free up space for a tree to fall. Especially if there are buildings or power lines mowing nearby. In this case, you need to cut down the trunk in parts using a stepladder or high ladder. In no case should you “cut the branch on which you are sitting”, namely, you should not cut while sitting, hanging or clinging to this tree. Limbs and health are more important.

How to properly cut a tree on the site?

The easiest way out. contact the specialists who are engaged in such work. Then you will get the finished result quickly and painlessly for a certain fee. If you do not want to bear the costs and are confident in your abilities, then you can cut down the old tree yourself. To do this, you will need:

  • ladder,
  • saw,
  • long strong rope,
  • work clothes,
  • helmets
  • and definitely an assistant.

If possible, prepare your work area first. Determine the height of the tree and remove from the zone equal to two heights of the tree everything that can be broken and damaged when the trunk falls. Cut down the largest branches first. Then take a close look at the tree. Often old trees are tilted to one side under the influence of prevailing winds or uneven crown. It is better to make the tree fall in the direction of the slope when cutting..

Cut off all branches from the side the tree will fall on. This will protect yourself from the branches and chips that bounced off when falling. If the crown of the tree “fell apart” into two parts, then it is better to first saw off the branch that pulls down, and then deal with the rest of the crown.

How to uproot a tree stump

Of course, after cutting the tree, you need to do something with the remaining stump. If the cut tree was small, then uprooting will not be a problem. But if the tree was old and the stump looks like a good coffee table, then you have to tinker.

The easiest way out of the situation. fit the stump into the interior of your site or summer cottage. A good designer and a smart gardener will be able to make a beautiful garden table, bench, or flower vase from the remaining tree stump. However, such a table cannot be moved, and in most cases the stump is not very well located. Stump removal work can be divided into two groups: mechanical and chemical.

What trees need to be uprooted?

Trees also have a lifespan, so even varietal fruit trees sometimes need to be removed and uprooted. It is especially important to do this on your site if the tree is sick, rotten or wobbly..

Such trees, as a rule, have a wide and rather dense crown, they are tall and can threaten buildings and people. At any moment, with a strong gusty wind or under the weight of snow, the tree can collapse. To protect yourself from such a case, these trees need to be removed..

Chemical methods for removing stumps

  • Potassium nitrate. This method is lengthy, but not laborious. Many holes are made in the stump, into which saltpeter is poured. The stump is covered from rain with foil and wait for many days until all the wood is saturated with saltpeter. After the stump is set on fire and it cheerfully and quickly burns to ashes, including all the roots (I strongly advise against doing this procedure if your site is on a peat bog).
  • Roundup and other herbicides. A tree, even when cut down, has under the ground almost the same root system in area as a crown. And the cut tree tries to make up for the deficiency by a large amount of root growth. If you do not need this, then the stump should be processed (several times) with a roundup. Proceed with caution, if the solution gets on a cultivated plant, it will die.

Chemical method

If there is a lot of things to do at the dacha, moreover, you do not want to spend a lot of money, make physical efforts, then you can use a chemical way to solve the problem.


A good chemical assistant in solving such a problem is potassium or sodium nitrate..

  • Several holes are drilled in the stump. It is better that they are up to 40cm deep, and about 5cm in diameter..
  • Saltpeter is poured into the hole, poured with water.
  • So that the water does not wash out the saltpeter, it is recommended to plug each hole with plugs..

Such manipulations are recommended to be performed in summer or early autumn. As a result, until next spring, the stump will already undergo a destructive effect..

In the spring, all these plugs are uncorked, kerosene is poured into the holes and a small “fire” is made. Thanks to kerosene, the stump will ignite quickly. Saltpeter releases oxygen during combustion, which allows the fire to spread deep into the ground. Strong fire burns not only the ground part of the stump, but also its entire root system.

[stextbox It is still not recommended to leave such a bonfire unattended in order to prevent it from doing much harm by spreading to other objects. [/ stextbox]

After the fire has gone out, you can be sure that the stump has completely collapsed. However, it is recommended to dig up the place where he used to be.

You can take ammonium nitrate and carry out similar manipulations, bypassing the ignition process. Ammonium nitrate itself successfully copes with this task..

The advantage of using ammonium nitrate is the possibility of using this method even on peat soils. The first method will be inappropriate, since peat is fire hazardous..

Soil erosion

It should be noted right away that there are companies that are ready to provide qualified assistance in solving any garden problems. Including those associated with the elimination of stumps.

Such companies have at their disposal special equipment that quickly destroys the remains of old trees. Special shredders, unfortunately, are characterized by high cost, and a rare summer resident will be able to purchase the necessary tools. However, you can rent such equipment..

Not all summer residents can take advantage of modern technologies. Renting tools or equipment is problematic. This is associated with additional costs.

But even in these cases, the problem can be solved manually by resorting to soil erosion. The object of removal is dug in from all sides. Using a long stick with a metal tip (thick wire), the root system is examined. By dipping the stick into the ground, it is easier to figure out how “branchy” the root is..

After digging in the root from all sides, its large branches are sawed off or cut with an ax. At a short distance from this place, a sufficient depression is pulled out.

Using a hose, a strong stream of water is sent to the slightly bare root. The soil is washed out and begins to drain into a previously prepared second hole, simultaneously exposing the root. On the second day, you can finally remove the annoying object. Since it is now in sight, it will be easy to cut down and destroy it..

However, not all summer residents can take advantage of advice such as soil erosion. It will be effective if the tree is planted in sandy or other light soil..

Natural ways

If it was not possible to get rid of the stumps with the help of soil erosion, there is no need to think that now it is impossible to do without uprooting. There are many other alternative recommendations on how to quickly free your garden plot from “old tree traces”.

Many people are interested in such a method as planting young seedlings. To do this, a decent depression is made in the center of the stump with a drill. Fertilizers are poured into it, and then a young tree is planted in the prepared soil. Further care of the seedling is identical to the care of trees planted directly into the ground..

In the process of growth, the root system of the seedling grows and expands. In addition, it begins to draw out all the nutrients from the old stump. As a result, the exhausted “old man” simply dies and collapses in a natural way.

You can plant not only young seedlings to destroy stumps. A suitable method is to “infect” the stump with fungal spores. To use this method, it is recommended to strictly follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • with the help of improvised tools, recesses are made on the surface of the stump;
  • mushroom mycelium is laid in the cracks;
  • poured abundantly with water;
  • cover with a bag.

Using this method, you will not be able to quickly forget about such a neighborhood. The first crop of mushrooms can be harvested one year after the stump is infected. After five years, the wood will undergo final aging, after which no trace of the old stump will remain.

Preparatory work

After deciding on the elimination of old stumps, there is no need to rush to immediately perform practical actions. The root system of different trees has significant differences.

For example, spruce trees are not recommended to be planted next to residential buildings, since their root system has a superficial fan-shaped structure. During hurricanes, they are the first to fall and damage residents. However, when uprooting a New Year’s beauty, you have to make much less physical effort..

The situation is somewhat different when you have to “fight” with a pine tree. Although she is a “coniferous relative”, she has a rather powerful taproot that goes deep into the ground so that it will be very difficult to uproot it.

[stextbox trees can also have a shallow and powerful deepening root system. [/ stextbox]

Having information regarding the characteristics of the root system of an old tree, it is easier to choose the best way to remove.

There are several ways to get rid of stumps without uprooting:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • using garden tools.

How To Cut Down a Tree With No Tools


How to remove stumps on the site

The stumps left after cutting down trees often interfere with the cultivation of crops, but it is difficult to get rid of them using traditional methods without special equipment. But you can do without uprooting and quickly get rid of stumps using alternative methods. We will tell you how to do it yourself in our article..

Stump harm

If the stump does not cause negative emotions, does not interfere with the improvement of the site, many summer residents do not make any attempts to eliminate it. Some even decorate it, and the stump is already becoming a kind of decoration element..

But the presence of several stumps is not perceived by summer residents at all. Experienced summer residents sometimes even strongly recommend getting rid of old stumps. The reasons for this dislike are obvious. Old tree stumps can act as breeding grounds for bacteria. They find an excellent refuge for woodworms, fungal spores.

And if the old stump is not at all a pity, then you need to worry about healthy trees nearby. A bad neighborhood will soon be able to migrate to a healthy tree. As a result, young trees will die, and the summer resident will never be able to enjoy the harvest of his favorite fruits..

Also, “old traces” of trees prevent summer residents from renewing their orchard. It will be difficult for young seedlings to get along with “woody prints”.

Salt and chemicals

You can use ordinary table salt as a chemical for stump control. A stump is poured with it, poured with water, and after wintering, it is sprinkled thoroughly with earth..

This method is effective, but it must be borne in mind that it is not recommended to plant something on this site for several years. The soil will be excessively “salty”, so such a test will not be within the power of the plants.

In specialized trading establishments, there are special chemicals on sale that allow you to destroy weeds and stumps. The principle of working with them is similar to the procedure when saltpeter is used..

There are a number of ways to get rid of tree stumps without uprooting. Depending on how quickly you need to get rid of the stump, you should choose the appropriate method. Also, we must not forget about the recommendations and safety rules, so as not to cause great harm to yourself and the environment..

The forest is cut – the fines are flying

For a felled tree, administrative responsibility and a fine can threaten – from 3-4 thousand rubles for citizens and up to 300 thousand rubles for legal entities. And if you cut a lot, and even mature trees of especially valuable species, there is a chance to face the Criminal Code and go for several years to “advanced training courses for lumberjacks”.

Even the tree planted by your grandfather on your property does not belong to you.

Sometimes trees are a real danger – it’s better to prevent it beforehand

Although, of course, situations are different: trees on the site can threaten buildings or power lines, grow in the place that you have identified as a building spot, interfere with the cultivation of cultivated plants. But you never know the reasons why the tree may be superfluous! And you can clear the area of ​​trees. And legislative obstacles serve as a “brake” that will make the landowner think about the fact that it is not necessary to bravely pull the chainsaw starter right away. Perhaps an ailing old tree is worth trying to save; in a healthy person – cut off only interfering branches; plan construction in a different way. A fairly tall, but still young tree, you can try to transplant to a place where it will not interfere with your ideas.

Is it possible to saw trees on the site and how not to earn a fine for it

If you have recently become the owner of a land plot, then now you probably plan to start equipping your suburban property to your liking as soon as possible. But on the way to the dream, barriers can be encountered that darken the joy of creating a “new world”. This happens when the site is overgrown with trees and shrubs. In this case, do not immediately grab the saw and ax: this can be fraught with unpleasant consequences..

How to clear woody vegetation in your area?

Let’s see what difficulties can arise in the process of clearing the site and how to avoid them. The following questions arise most often.

  • Is it realistic to clear the area of ​​trees yourself or is it better to turn to professionals?
  • How territories are cleared in general?

And most importantly, we will delve into the legal side of the issue – in what cases a fine can be expected for removing trees from a site.

Ignorance of the laws does not absolve from responsibility

The Civil Code on the right to own property in the form of a land plot says: “The owner of a land plot has the right to use at his own discretion everything that is above and below the surface of this plot. “. However, the end of the phrase reads like this: “… unless otherwise provided by the laws on subsoil, on the use of airspace, other laws and does not violate the rights of other persons” (Art. 261, clause 3 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The trees on your property may be part of the forest plantation. Especially if your home is near a forest Here are some other laws worth exploring:

  • Article 260 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Illegal felling of forest plantations”;
  • Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” dated 10.01.2002 No. 7-FZ;
  • Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO), Articles 8.25-8.28;
  • Order of the Federal Forestry Agency dated 5.12.2011 No. 513 “On approval of the List of species (breeds) of trees and shrubs whose timber harvesting is not allowed”;
  • Forest Code of the Russian Federation.

You ask how maple, ash or birch in a summer cottage can be forest plantations? It’s very simple: the Forest Code gives a very vague definition of what is meant by the terms “forest” and “forest plantations”. And also – about the categories of land on which these same plantations can exist: in addition to forest lands, forests can be located “… on agricultural land and other lands established in accordance with the Land Code of the Russian Federation” (Forest Code, Chapter 1, Art. . 6). And there are also forest park protective belts around cities, especially large ones..

Ignorance of the laws does not absolve from responsibility And finally: large single standing trees can turn out to be geodetic landmarks and be taken into account and plotted on a variety of maps from cadastral engineering to the military. Therefore, before cutting trees and shrubs on your site, you must apply for permission from the ecology department of the district administration. In the application, you must indicate the reason for the need to demolish the tree or trees, approximate dimensions (trunk diameter at a height of about 1 m), species.

If in your area there is no special strictness with trees, the administration of the settlement will simply give you a written permission that will protect you from an environmentally alert neighbor. But if everything is serious, then a specialist will go to the place who will appreciate the trees you do not need and the real need to remove them. He will draw up his opinion, on the basis of which you will receive (or not) a felling ticket by paying the appropriate fee.

The cost of removing an old tree is equal to the cost of planting several new ones. In addition to the fee, you may also have to pay the cost of reforestation activities. For example, in Kazakhstan, these activities are estimated at 1: 5 (that is, the cost of removing one tree is equal to the cost of planting and growing five new ones), and there is talk of increasing this amount to 1:15.

And yes: if you plan to turn to the services of professional sawers, they will start their work only after you receive permits. Separately, it is worth mentioning that in a situation where a tree interferes with you, but does not grow on your land (for example, on municipal land or behind a neighbor’s fence), its owner must obtain permission to remove it..

Permission to demolish a tree must be obtained by its owner

Do it yourself – or a pro?

Having dealt with the legislative part, we turn to the practical – is it realistic to clear the area of ​​trees yourself or is it better to turn to professionals? Gone are the days when a summer resident had only a hand hacksaw in his arsenal. However, buying even the most powerful chainsaw will not make you a professional lumberjack..

Having a professional tool won’t make you a pro

In my opinion, it is worth clearing the area of ​​trees on your own only if the area is covered with shrubs and young tree growth, and not with century-old trees. Or when reclaiming virgin lands, when neither you nor your neighbors have any buildings or landings yet. Then you can fell trees by simply cutting them down at the base..

In our market for this case, you can choose a tool for your purposes. Take a look at Saws, Gas Saws, Electric Saws, Cordless Saws.

Cutting methods

Not so long ago, the felling process was quite lengthy and required good physical condition of the worker. The whole process was carried out with an ax or an ordinary saw. Today, such decisions are not particularly relevant. You can easily and quickly cut a tree in your area using a chainsaw.

Important! Before starting work, be sure to read the instructions for using the tool and watch the video on the technology for applying the model you have chosen to eliminate any moments of misunderstanding of the process. Otherwise, the result will not be a neatly cut tree, but harm to their health or the physical condition of the assistants..


In addition to all technical points, the time of their implementation also affects the positive result of all the work performed. Not all natural phenomena contribute to the correct fall of the sawn trunk. Therefore, proceed with plant removal only under the following weather conditions:

    Lack of wind. A sudden flow of air can dramatically change the trajectory of the fall you set and lead to irreparable tragic consequences..

How to cut a tree with a chainsaw?

In order to correctly remove the interfering plant, be sure to first read the basic rules of technology.

Sawing and garbage disposal

The final stage of removing a tree from the territory is sawing the trunk, harvesting firewood from it and removing the remaining garbage.

tree, area, hands

Do this work sequentially..

Important! Determine in advance the place where to take the garbage. Given its possible amount, most likely a specific area intended for this will be needed. Sometimes a cheaper option would be to contact a special company for the disposal of construction waste and lumber.

Watch a video that clearly shows the entire process of cutting down a tree.

Reasons for cutting a tree

Despite the value and attractiveness of a growing tree, there are a number of reasons why it should be removed..

Let’s highlight some of the most popular ones:

  • A hollow appeared in the trunk
  • A significant part of the wood is affected by rot
  • Settlement of insect pests, which cannot be eliminated
  • There is no harvest
  • The tree is too large and disproportionate to all surrounding plants, interferes with their development
  • The size of the overgrown tree greatly reduces the amount of light entering the interior of the house.
  • There was a threat of his fall
  • Wood interferes with the laying of engineering lines.

Permission to remove a tree from the site

If the situation is simple, that is, you are the owner of the land on which there is a plant you do not like, get to work at any convenient time. But, if it grows in a public, or, moreover, a protected area, be sure to ask the relevant authorities in advance: is it possible to cut a tree?

In some cases, it will take a long time to get legal permission to remove it. Otherwise, there is a great opportunity to receive a fine for a sawn tree or even imprisonment for improper attitude to green spaces..

Important! All the nuances of this problem are widely disclosed in the current legislation. Be sure to read them before cutting..