Do -it -yourself sawing angles. Equipment for processing saws with…

yourself, sawing, angles, equipment, processing, saws

Angle connection skills, good machinery and good tools to save time and effort

Woodplain sharpening table. Sharpening of disk saws with carbide attacks

Like any other tool, disk saw discs with intensive use quickly dull. Sharpening of disk saws can significantly reduce financial costs (do not have to purchase new saws). In addition, a slightly fanned saw can seriously worsen the quality of the cut, which is especially true for finish processing of the boards. The correctness and quality of severity directly affect the operational period of the tool. Now many private entrepreneurs (craftsmen) or shops provide a saw of sawing saw, but the cost of such a service is quite expensive. Because of this, it will be rational to sharpen the cutting edge yourself, with your own hands.

To understand how to sharpen the disc saw, you need to know the materials from which the working details are made, as well as their properties. It is worth starting with materials. it is they who affect the process of the process and determine the life of the saw.

Almost all saws have cutting edges from hard alloys. Their minimum hardness is at least 50 points on the Rockel scale. For their production, steel 9XW, 65g, etc. are used.D. It is important to note the fact that the edge with a hardness of more than 60 points on the Rockwell scale requires the use of a special diamond sharpener tool. Such edges are widely manufactured by domestic manufacturers and have a hardness of 80-90 points for Rockwell, this is achieved through the use of tungsten-baltic alloys (brand steel-VK). Such hardness provides a long service life of the cutting edge. Alloy manufacturers are very rarely used by alloys.

The next characteristic of the material is the size of the carbide grain of alloys: the smaller the grain, the higher the characteristics of the entire alloy. It is worth noting that such alloys are used only on the cutting surface, and the claim itself is made from less durable alloys. The cutting edge joins the disk with attacks at high temperatures.

  • Direct. Used for longitudinal cuts, the quality of the sawing is quite low.
  • Oblique (or mowed). They are tilt in the right and in the left side, the teeth are located in turn. one with the right inclination, the next with the left, then again with the right. These are the most common forms of inclination of teeth, which allows you to prevent chips from the pieces of the saw. This form makes it possible to saw almost any material (wood-fiber slab, wood-bruise, plastic, wood), drinks with these types of saws can be both longitudinal and transverse.
  • Conical. A similar form of teeth is used for auxiliary work, because of this they rarely dull. They allow you to make a cut accurately and accurately, therefore they are used for capes (creating a “groove” for further sawing). The teeth can be either convex and concave form, it does not affect the quality of the cut, but the concave teeth is hard to sharpen.
  • Trapezoidal. Such teeth go very slowly. Often they are alternated with straight teeth so that the trapezoidal is longer than the direct. This form allows you to make neat cuts due to the fact that longer trapezers make neat black tiles, and short straight lines “grind” the plane of the surfaces in the sawdrop. The disadvantages of such elements include low speed.

After a fluent familiarization with materials and forms of cutting elements of a disc saw, you can begin to describe the process.

Important process criteria

The most important parameters of the teeth are sharpening angles. Total angles usually 5: the front and rear angle of the tooth (the disk has one plane with the teeth), 2 bevel angles (tilt angles relative to the disk plane), as well as the angle of pointing. The size of the angles and their direction directly depend on the purpose of the saw and the direction of the supply of material.

So, for longitudinal cuts, large front angles are made (from 15 O to 30 o). A saw for a transverse saw has small angles: from 5 o to 12 o, a saw for universal work has an average angle value. 15 about. The angular dimensions are affected not only by the direction of the sawdust, but also the density of wood. The dependence of the size of the angle on the density is straight. the greater the density of the processed material, the lower the angles should be. In addition, for the processing of some materials, sharpening angles must be negative, but they are extremely rare.

Homemade Metal Band Saw

The wear of the teeth most often occurs along the main surface of the cutting edge (upper acute line), however, with frequent work with dense wood rocks, side faces can wear out. Therefore, it is important to monitor the flooding of the teeth, so the cutting edges should be rounded less than 0.2 mm. It is extremely necessary to monitor the state of the disk, because the dull saw has low performance, sharpening disk saws with a highly blunt cutting edge takes more time, and the quality of the cut can decrease significantly.

The cutting edge should be sharpened at the first signs of wear, which is determined quite simply with a visual examination of the cut and the time spent on it. In order to properly sharpen the teeth, you need to bend them on the necessary angles of inclination, and sharpen the edge from two sides at an angle of about 25 about. In this case, the final passage when Nataching is made from the back of the teeth. The thickness of the metal removed by sharpening should be in the range of 0.05-0.15 mm.

Before starting sharpening, it is necessary to clean the disk of rust and other spots. The exact dimensions of the angles are indicated on the disk (if the disk is high.quality).

The principles and angles of sharpening disk saws

Metal grinding scheme on the teeth of the saw.

The working parts of the circular saws are dragged at 4 main angles of sharpening. These angles (rice.2), like the shape of the cutting tooth, are the main technical parameters of the disk.

So, each tooth of the circular is characterized by the front (γ), the rear (α) corners, as well as the corners of the cut of the front and rear surfaces (ε1 and ε2). The value of these angles depends on the purpose of the sawing device, the sawed material and the direction of sawing.

In particular, the saw for longitudinal cutting is pulled at a relatively large front angle (from 15 ° to 25 °). The sharpening indicator of the front angle for cross.cutting is in the range from 5 ° to 10 °. But the universal option that performs the processing of the material in all directions is traditionally sharpened at an angle of 15 °.

In addition, the degree of hardness of the cut objects also affects the indicated angles. Their values ​​are in strict dependence: the harder the material from which this or that workpiece consists of, the less pointed the cutting teeth should be.

The main principle of sharpening the teeth of carbide saws is based on the fact that during prolonged operation, the most significant wear occurs on the upper cutting edge. As a result of intensive use of its fishing line for a trimmer, it can be rounded to 0.3 mm or more. As for the planes of the tooth, the wear is most fixed on the front surface.

Proper grinding of cutting elements should provide a type of edges in which the radius of their rounding does not exceed a value of 0.2 mm. To do this, it is recommended to steal metal on the front and posterior plane planes in parallel to this method can be considered optimal. You can sharpen only the front plane, however, in this case, such an operation will take more time, in addition, the tooth itself will flow faster due to the need to remove more metal from the front surface.

The standard layer of stuck metal is considered 0.05-0.15 mm.

Principles and angles of tightening

There are four main angles of sharpening on the edges of the saw. They, together with the shape of the tooth, can act as the main operational characteristics of the tool. To describe each tooth are used:

These characteristics can depend on the type and weight of the circular saw, its purpose, as well as the density of a particular surface.

Sharpening angles in the diagram

Based on the parameters indicated above, you can divide all circulars into several types:

  • To cut through the longitudinal holes. When performing this task, the front angle of sharpening from 15 to 25 degrees should be used.
  • For transverse cutting. In this situation, the front angle can vary from 5 to 10 degrees.
  • Universal sharpening. To perform any operations, the saw is pulled at an angle of 15 degrees.

The size of the angle is set not only from the direction of movement of the saw, it is also associated with the material of the workpiece. If you need to cut very hard materials, then you should choose the smallest angle. To work with softer products, the angle increases.


Before starting work, it is necessary to de.energize the tool, the detail of which has lost its previous characteristics. The disk is tightly fixed using special bars, which are placed on both sides. For all teeth, marks are placed on the canvas, while equal efforts and an identical number of tool movements are applied in the process. So you can perform high.quality, uniform disk processing.

The part is set back after reaching the required type and checking the sharpening angles. Next, you need to make a test cut on the machine and make sure of the work carried out

It is important that all the teeth are placed on one plane, otherwise the movement of the bar will be uneven, and the work of the machine will be accompanied by a characteristic noise. This is also possible if some teeth require adjustment

Useful tips for private workshops

  • During work, it became more difficult to cut a sawtropol or a specific workpiece;
  • Sawed becomes brown, as he burned all the same;
  • The appearance of a specific smell and dark traces of saw teeth;
  • The protective casing of the engine is heated when overheating. Which in turn indicates a large load on the engine.
  • Timely and correct sharpening will protect you from premature wear of the cutting element, will bring a decrease in the cost of electricity t. to. With a blunt disk, we can only aggravate the position, thereby increasing the load on the electric motor, which will further lead to its breakdown. This is especially noticeable on a circular with a low power engine.

Often, home craftsmen sharpen a disc saw with winning attacks by using manual corner grinder. The method is not very safe, and the disk is not enough for a long time. In this way it is easy to damage the teeth of a saw disk, it is also necessary to work with a corner grinder. But this is one of the ways to sharpen with my own hands. although as I said not very safe.

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Sharpening with a machine

If there is an opportunity to purchase a special machine, then the process in question can be carried out with the maximum performance indicator. Such a device has compact dimensions, it can be used at home.

Particular attention is paid to the choice of an abrasive circle. In this case, we note the nuances below:

  • Cooled disk is difficult to sharpen.
  • When choosing, you should pay attention to circles from an elbor, with diamond chips or with green silicon carbide.

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The sharpening process when using professional equipment is very simple. The disk is mounted using a special latch. It was created with the calculation of the design features of the circle. We will pay special attention to the fact that when using special machines, it is very easy to sharpen disk saws with withstanding the necessary indicators. In this case, the error is minimal. This is due to the fact that the design has a special angle meter. In order not to make a mistake at the time of work with which teeth were already processed, you should use the starting point using the marker.

Sharpening angles of the chain of the chainsaw table

The tooth of the chain stricts the wood breed like a roof, and the thickness of the shavings is regulated by the height of the limiter.

Saturated work of a saw leads to a renewal of the chain. During the 1st day, several sharpening may be required. Worsens the case that the tooth is rapidly stupid when meeting with the soil. Enough once or twice to hook the soil with a bus, and the work can be stopped-the chips become small, and the saw stops deepening into the tree.

The previously dull teeth are sharpened, the less material must be removed when sharpening, as a result. the service life of the saw chain is longer. Find the moment when sharpening is already required is quite easy. A fundamental feature is the effort effort.

The sharpened chain is drawn into a cut already with a small press. If, on the contrary, the chainsaw is forced to saw an enlarged supply effort, then the teeth are dull.

A blurry chain can also be recognized if only a small chip flies in a large thick chip from the cut.

In this situation, the chainsaw should urgently hide. Do not saw a blunt or defective saw chain. the consequence is a strong tension in the body, a large repeating load, bad cutting results. Apart from that, this means a decrease in performance, a large fuel consumption and the overestimated wear of all the nodes of the chainsaw.

The parameters of the teeth of the chain

For the merits of good cutting parameters, certain angles are given to the tooth blades. The falling back of the tooth at an angle forms the rear angle of the upper blade. This angle is needed to cut the upper blade into a wood rock.

The narrowing back of the tooth blades forms the rear angle of the end blade. This angle is needed for side cutting chips.

The edge of the end blade forms the front angle with the surface of the cutting link. Frontal angles in various types of chains vary from 60 to 85 °.

The rear corner of the upper blade characterizes the tilt of the upper blade back.

This angle is measured relative to the sliding plane of the cutting link and, depending on the type of saw chain, has a value from 50 ° to 60 °. You can change the angle of sharpening of the chain of the chainships on the video sharpening of the chain of the chainships.

The upper blade is the main blade, and the rear angle of the upper blade is a more fundamental angle.

The rear angle of the upper blade is difficult to measure, its correct value is formed subject to other prescribed values.

The angle of sharpening or angle in the plan is released from the upper cutting edge at right angles to the guide tire.

The sharpening angle can be changed, depending on the implementation option. Basic rule: the larger the angle of sharpening, the higher the performance of cutting during the cut of a non.drama soft woods.

Reducing the angle of sharpening during the cut of frozen and/or hard woods contributes to the smooth course of the saw and a decrease in vibration.

But, the sharpening angle of more than 35 ° and the least 25 ° should be avoided (the exception is the circuits for the longitudinal sawing, in which this angle is 10 °).

The front angle, the angle of sharpening and the angle of the upper blade change when sharpening. These angles have a decisive effect on the cutting ability of the chain. Be sure to follow the prescribed values.

At each cutting link, a depth limiter is placed in front of the spatula of the tooth. The difference in height between the upper edge of the limiter of the depth and the front edge of the tooth back is defined as the distance of the depth limiter.

The depth of cutting the upper blade into the wood breed (thickness of the chips) and, the performance of the productivity depends on the distance of the depth limiter. The distance of the depth limiter is set depending on the chain step and the type of execution. Normally it should be 0.5-0.8 mm, more often 0.6 mm.

The highest values ​​will lead to an excessive tendency of the chainsaw to the return, very large capture and vibration of the chain. Low values ​​lead to a drop in performance.

Because the distance of the depth limiter with each saw sharpening is miniaturized due to a decrease in the upper face of the tooth, the depth limiter also needs repeating file-after 5-10 sharpening the chain.

Saw chain. Sharpening. Chain parameters. How to make a device for perfect sharpening yourself

We have collected the best experience sharpening chains and summarized everything in one video. Show the device for completely.

Sharpening of circular saws with his own hands. the price of the issue and reliability of execution

Circular saw (modern name. disk saw) is a much more effective tool in comparison with saber, longitudinal and chain. The quality of the saw and the convenience of work is not in doubt. With the help of a disc saw, you can perfectly smoothly cut the workpiece of a large area, produce cuts at different angles and work with a variety of materials.

yourself, sawing, angles, equipment, processing, saws

The disk saw allows you to cut the material with the same accuracy and quality both along and across the fibers. Of course, you can get a clean cut, only with properly sharpened teeth. Circular saws are divided into three categories:

  • All.metal
  • All.metal with spraying solid materials in the working area
  • Saws with attacks of hard alloys

The presence of technological grooves on saw disks is very important

Any disk should be sharpened qualitatively, and the teeth are correctly divorced. The blunt teeth worsen the quality of the sawing, increase the load on the drive and do the work unsafe. In addition, on the disks designed to work with solid materials, technological grooves should be present. Otherwise, when heated, the canvas may be deformed from the expansion of the metal. This will lead to dangerous vibrations and a deterioration in the quality of the saw.

Classification of disk saws

To obtain a clean saw, it is necessary that the sharpening of the discs for the circular saw is performed correctly. The tools are divided into several groups:

If the disk works with solid wood, it must have special technological grooves. Their absence leads to overheating of the canvas, the metal will begin to expand, the cutting tool will be deformed. Dangerous vibration will appear, the quality of the saw.

Varieties of cutting surfaces

To increase the efficiency of work, engineers have developed several types of teeth that differ in their shape and sharpening angle:

  • Straight. It is used to carry out a quick saw with low quality. It cannot be used to expand solid wood and especially thin operations.
  • Small form. These teeth are easy to cut composite materials. The cut of the bilateral laminated wood-brown plate is performed without chips. Hard blanks are easily cut by teeth, in which the rear surface has a beveled look. However, they will dull too fast. So that this does not happen, the tilt of the teeth alternates.
  • Trapezoidal. The main advantage of this method is a slow blower. It works in combination with straight teeth. The trapezoid is located above the main element. She performs “black” work, facilitating the processing of a straight edge.
  • Conical. Canvases with this shape of the tooth are considered auxiliary. They are designed to obtain preliminary incisions, prevent chips. Such discs are not an independent tool.

The correct angle of sharpening

Circular saws have teeth with two angles:

The size of the angle depends on the type of material processed, the purpose of working equipment and the direction of sawing. For example, to obtain longitudinal cut, the front angles are made within 15-25 degrees. For the transverse saw, the front angle will be in the range of 5-10 degrees. An angle of 15 degrees is suitable for processing any material in the right direction. The size of the angle depends on the hardness of the workpiece. The harder the material, the more you need to sharpen the teeth more acutely.

The need for sharpening

Sharpening of discs for a circular saw is required when the work becomes impossible. This can be understood by three signals:

  • Heating the protective casing. Smoke appears from under it, leaves the cutting zone.
  • The need for additional efforts when serving at the time of cutting.
  • When a tree with a cutting metal comes in contact, a burn appears and smell.

Geometry of carbide tooths

The carbide tooth has four working planes. the front (a), the rear (b), and two auxiliary side (c). Crossing each other, these planes form the cutting edges. the main (1) and two auxiliary (2 and 3). The above determination of the faces and edges of the tooth is given in accordance with GOST 9769-79.

The following types of teeth are distinguished by form.

It is usually used in saws for longitudinal fast sawing, in which quality does not matter much.

with the left and right angle of inclination of the posterior plane. Teeth with different angles of inclination alternate with each other, which is why they are called alternately, scrape. This is the most common tooth form. Depending on the size of the angles of sharpening, saws with alternately, a slotted tooth are used for sawing a variety of materials (wood, wood-piece plate, plastics)-both in the longitudinal and transverse direction. Saws with a large angle of inclination of the posterior plane are used as subcutaneous when cutting plates with bilateral lamination. Their use avoids coating chips on the edges of the cut. An increase in the angle of bevel reduces the cutting force and reduces the danger of chips, but at the same time reduces the resistance and strength of the tooth.

Oblique tooth with a beveled rear plane

Teeth can be tilt not only the rear, but also the front plane.

Oblique tooth with a beveled front plane

A feature of these teeth is a relatively slow speed of the cutting edges in comparison with alternately slipped teeth. Usually they are used in combination with a straight tooth.

Alternating with the latter and slightly towering over it, a trapezoidal tooth performs a black saw, and a straight line, the following is a final. Saws with alternating straight and trapezoid teeth are used for cutting plates with bilateral lamination (wood-piece plate, wood-fiber plate, etc.), as well as for sawing plastics.

Saws with a conical tooth are auxiliary and are used to cut the lower layer of laminate, protecting it from chips when the main saw passes through.

In the vast majority of cases, the front faces of the teeth have a flat shape, but there are saws with a concave front line. They are used for finishing transverse sawing.

Sharpening angles of teeth

There are four main angles of sharpening of the disc saw, which along with the shape of the tooth determine its characteristics. This is the front angle (γ), the rear (α) and the angles of the bead of the front and rear planes (ε1 and ε2). The angle of pointing (β) has an auxiliary value, since it is set by the front and rear angles (β = 90 °.-γ-α).

The values ​​of the sharpening angles are determined by the purpose of the saw. t.e. those for cutting what material and in which direction it is intended. Pilas for longitudinal sawing have a relatively large front angle (15 °.25 °). In the saw of transverse saw, the angle γ usually ranges from 5-10 °. Universal saws designed for transverse and longitudinal sawing have an average value of the front angle. usually 15 °.

The sizes of sharpening angles are determined not only by the direction of the saw, but also by the hardness of the sawed material. The higher the hardness, the less the front and the rear angles (less to the tooth is less).

The front angle can be not only positive, but also negative. Saws with this angle are used for cutting non.ferrous metals and plastics.

How to determine the moment, that it’s time to sharpen a hacksaw?

How to determine what has come for the time to focus the teeth of the instrument.

The experienced owner knows when and how to sharpen a hacksaw, but it is not difficult for a simple layman to determine this moment on your own. As a rule, the sound made during operation and the uniformity of the color of the cutting edge changes.

Sharp incisors are distinguished by uniform wear of the cutting edge.

The following signs indicate the need to “correct” the saw:

sawing is difficult and uneven; the cut is uneven; The canvas often stuck; It becomes difficult to maintain a given trajectory.

In addition, a blunt hacksaw often gets stuck and has to make a lot of effort to complete the process.

Disk canvases processing methods

To form a cutting edge, any sharpening machine is suitable, where the design of the equipment does not matter much. Of course, the angles of sharpening disk plates with carbide attacks are more accurately obtained on specialized equipment. However, its cost is very high, so they use a conventional sharpener, which has the opportunity to change the tilt of the crime disk.

In order to independently sharpen the circular disk, it is necessary to strictly fulfill several basic conditions:

  • Usually the upper edge is subjected to deformation. Sometimes the rounding of the faces reaches 0.3 mm. Therefore, sharpening begins from the upper part.
  • Processing is carried out taking into account the front edge and its back.
  • The operation is repeated at least 25 times. The thickness of the removed metal should not be more than 0.05-0.15 mm.
  • The quality of processing should be exactly the same on the entire processed surface.
  • After sharpening it is finished, it can be done by hand with sandpaper with small grain.

Sharpening of tools with carbide attacks

Sharpening of circular saw with winning attacks often causes problems. Processing with standard abrasives takes place for a very long time, and if the material is overheated, its “vacation” is possible. Of course, the processing with a diamond tool will be much faster, but its cost is very high. The purchase of a winning disk will be much more economical.

Each master approaches the solution of this problem purely individual. To get the right angles of sharpening disk saws with carbide attacks, you will definitely need a machine.

Professional equipment from 150 thousand. up to 1.5 million

Professional sharpening machines are designed for use in repair shops of large sawmills or service companies specializing in working with such a tool. All of them are equipped with industrial controllers with the possibility of choosing a processing program for a certain sawing disk model.

No Model Max. diameter (mm) Drive power (W) Weight, kg) Type of control Price (.)
one MF1263 630 300 260 machine 165,000
2 Unimac 600a 288 000 630 300 250 P/automatic 288 000
3 Griggio Ga U5 400 560 115 P/automatic 451 000
four OS-2M 1500 1 100 270 P/automatic 525 000
5 Otomat-96 750 1,000 850 machine 1 500 000

Necessary tools

With your own hands, discs for a circular plate can be sharpened only with special tools. There is also a machine that allows you to automate the process, make it more efficient.

You can use the tools below to work on the sharpening of the disk with your own hands:

You can also use a sharpening machine for disk saws, for which the above tools do not need.

When it is necessary to carry out work to restore disk saws?

A rather important issue can be called the definition of when to sharpen disk saws to be sharpened. Strong wear can lead to the lack of the possibility of such a work. Three clear signals can be distinguished, which determine the need to sharpen the disc of the circular saw:

  • The appearance of smoke, heating the protective casing. The device, as a rule, has a special protective casing, which can heat up if the disk is swept away. It should also be noted that in special cases, the appearance of smoke occurs due to severe heating of the cutting zone.
  • Also with mechanical feed, when the pressure is adjusted with your own hands, you should give a great effort to obtain the necessary result.
  • When processing wood or other material in the cutting zone, traces of soot and the corresponding smell appear.

In the above situations, it is recommended to sharpen the disc of the circular saw.