Do-it-yourself Starter Repair of a Chainsaw: How to Put a Spring, Assemble, Tighten

Chainsaw starter: device, breakdowns and DIY repair

Do-it-yourself Starter Repair of a Chainsaw: How to Put a Spring, Assemble, Tighten

In the design of the chainsaw, the starter is responsible for the proper starting of the tool engine. Over time, owners of chainsaws are faced with the need to repair this important component. And, the earlier it is possible to eliminate the malfunction, the less other important details and mechanisms of the tool will succumb to wear.

The device and principle of operation of the chainsaw starter

Most well-known manufacturers of chainsaws equip their products with starters that work on almost the same principle. Its essence is as follows: in the groove of the saw body there is a handle through which a cord is passed.

With a sharp lifting of the handle, the cord is also pulled, which engages the drum, which is in the ratchet mechanism. By means of this, a drum with spokes is mounted, which is located on the shaft.

During this, the crankshaft makes a couple of revolutions, which leads to compression of the fuel mixture, which at this moment is between the cylinder head and the piston. When lowering the handle, on the contrary, the ratchet and spitz lose their contact, which leads to a shaft stop.

With an increase in the power of the chainsaw, the amount of the fuel mixture increases, which must be ignited when the chainsaw is started. In this case, to start the engine, it is necessary to increase the number of jerks of the starter cord.

To accelerate the return of the drum mechanism, manufacturers use a special steel recoil starter spring with excellent elasticity.

To facilitate the launch of chainsaws, leading brands use other methods:

  • Pre-enrichment of the fuel mixture with a separate shutter;
  • Installation of an automatic decompression valve, which provides a decrease in pressure inside the cylinder of the chainsaw;
  • Installation of a primer designed for pumping fuel before starting the engine.

The use of one of these technologies greatly facilitates the launch and extends the life of the starter, which is especially noticeable at low temperatures.

Typical breaks and repair of a chainsaw starter

The appearance of various malfunctions of the starter leads to the inability to start a chainsaw. The most common starter breakdowns include:

  • The starter pulley has completely burst, or cracks have appeared on it;
  • The spring burst;
  • The starter cable broke.

Do-it-yourself tools will be required to fix each of these malfunctions. You must have a set of screwdrivers and a spare cable with you. Remove and inspect the starter for the chainsaw in the following order:

  1. To find the cause of the breakdown, the starter from the chainsaw will need to be removed. To do this, unscrew the screws with which the protective cover with the starter attached to it is held;
  2. After removing the cover, you must carefully unscrew the screw through which the starter is attached to the protective cover;
  3. Then you need to try to smoothly start the starter. for this, remove the spring and clamps from it;
  4. Further, a coil with a cable is removed from the starter for inspection.

As a result of inspection you can find out a number of typical malfunctions. These include:

  • Various pulley damage in the form of tears or cracks mainly in the rear of the part. they interfere with the normal operation of the entire starter;
  • Damage to the starter spring of a light start. in such cases, not only the spring itself can be faulty, but also the place of its fixation. this is the most vulnerable part of the spring;
  • The starter flywheel dog is damaged.

In any case, any defective part must be completely replaced with a new spare part.

How to replace the chainsaw starter spring?

In order to replace the old spring in a disassembled starter, proceed in the following order:

  1. Before installing the chainsaw starter spring, you will need to remove the clip of the mechanism. this should be done very carefully so as not to break the part;
  2. Then you need to look inside the cage. in it you will see a spring wrapped around a C-shaped element. To pull out the spring, fix the upper part with your finger and slightly pull the starter handle to the side;
  3. After removing the old spring, wrap a new part. At the same time, try to avoid kinks and twisting of the new spring element;
  4. To assemble the spring of the starter of the chainsaw, you will need to act as carefully as possible, otherwise one incorrect movement can lead to unwinding of the spare part;
  5. After you have managed to fully insert the spring into the starter, you must carefully lock the clip.

At the last stage, it remains only to assemble the chainsaw starter and try to start the tool. It is possible that you will have to make 10 to 20 jerks. this is necessary in order for the spring to finally fall into place.

How to Tighten a Chainsaw Starter Spring


Starter for chainsaw. Learning to repair yourself

To quickly start any chainsaw, a starter is required. With accelerated scrolling of the crankshaft of the tool, the fuel-air mixture supplied to the engine is compressed, not its subsequent ignition. How to replace a spring. Details of replacing the chainsaw starter dogs, how to tighten. Therefore, the normal operation of the starter for a chainsaw determines the operability of the entire mechanism.

Chainsaw starter device

Only starter chainsaw domestically produced have some features (Forester, Ural, not a number of others).

The principle of operation of the starter for a chainsaw is as follows. A handle is installed in the groove of the body through which a cable is passed. The principle of operation of the starter for a chainsaw is how to put a spring on the starter.

If the handle is sharply raised, the cable is pulled out and engages the drum of the ratchet mechanism which transmits movement to the drum with splines provided on the shaft. With all this, the crankshaft makes several revolutions, and the working mixture in the space between the piston is not compressed by the cylinder head.

Accordingly, when lowering the handle, the contact between the ratchet is not lost by the splines, the shaft does not stop.

With an increase in engine volume, an unnecessary amount of the fuel-air mixture, necessary for its subsequent ignition, increases, so the number of jerks for the starter cable for saws with high power increases. Therefore, with the intention of accelerating the return of the drum, involuntary return springs made of steels with high elastic properties are used.

Facilitation of starting a chainsaw is implemented in the following ways:

  1. By preliminary enrichment of the working mixture, for what purpose there is a special damper in the design of the carburetor.
  2. By installing an automatic decompression valve, which reduces the working pressure in the cylinder of the chainsaw.
  3. The installation of an additional spring, which during the movement of the cable facilitates the unwinding of the crankshaft.
  4. The presence of some chainsaws (nettle, Partner S series, Maxcut, etc.) in the design of a primer is a pump that provides preliminary pumping of fuel.

Repairs chainsaw starter. Do it yourself.

How to do it yourself starter on the chainsaw? How to bend spring on starter chainsaws? How to reel spring.

Chainsaw starter repair

With frequent starts of the chainsaw, some parts of the starter are constantly subjected to dynamic loads. As a result, the cable may burst, several teeth of the ratchet may crumble, and the shaft will turn at a much lower speed. Therefore, the audit and even repair of the starter are operations that are sometimes carried out several times during the season.

Cord replacement

When it is pulled, the cable is constantly rubbed against the starter housing. For replacement, the assembly of the assembly is disassembled and the ratchet drum is carefully lifted so as to prevent the return spring from jumping off its sockets.

It is better to do this work together: the assistant fixes the spring, while the cable is being replaced. How to pull a kick starter spring on a scooter repairing a chainsaw starter.

After fixing the cable in the handle and in the grooves of the drum, the cable is wound on the roller, and the body is assembled.

Spring repair

If the starter spring material is poor, the spring bursts (usually at the point of attachment to the drum, where it forms a loop). Replace the spring in this case is not worth it.

It is enough to thoroughly clean its surface from dirt and traces of lubrication, carefully grind the place of destruction, and then release the spring at 600. 650 ° C (the spring steel should acquire a crimson color).

It is necessary to cool the spring slowly, but at 100. 150 ° C it is already possible to gently wrap its end in the form of a limiting protrusion on the inner surface of the drum (the steel will acquire the necessary ductility) and put it back. A simple repair of a chainsaw starter repair starter chainsaw how to properly pull a flail over. The elastic properties of the spring will not change.

How to put a spring on a chainsaw starter?

Putting the starter spring in the desired groove is not easy, even for an experienced user. First, the spring should be twisted to the previous diameter and installed in the cavity of the drum hub.

The outer end of the spring is fixed by the limiting protrusion, and the outer one should be positioned opposite the hole in the lock with a screwdriver. The loop at the inner end of the spring with a screwdriver is combined with the hole, after which the disc is lowered.

Rotate the disk to check if the dog has replaced ratchet gear. Next, the ratchet itself is assembled.

After installing the spring, you must adjust its tension. How to wind the starter spring, tension the spring. Starter handle like. To do this, a cable is inserted into the groove on the circumference, and a return spring is twisted around it. After removing the slack, it is better to wind the spring an additional few turns to ensure the required tightness of the part.

How to Insert a Chainsaw Starter Spring

High-quality DIY chainsaw starter repair

  • Common faults
  • Starter repair work
  • Practical advice

A chainsaw is the main tool with which you can stock up firewood for a bathhouse or fireplace, you can also use it when working on a summer cottage or in a personal home.

Subject to all operation criteria and the implementation of preventive measures that are provided by the manufacturer, the chainsaw can last a long time. Repair chainsaw partner 350 how to insert a spring into the starter.

But after the lapse of time, small malfunctions may appear, which can be controlled without the help of others. How to wind a starter spring repair of a chainsaw starter (spring is broken) 2 g. Back.

Chainsaw starter repair how to repair 4-5 times to pull the starter cord. For example, repairing the starter of a chainsaw with one’s own hands is completely capable of observing the sequence of operations.

Chainsaw starter device: 1. starter screw, 2. bushing, 3. easy-start spring, 4. screw, 5, 6. starter coil, 7. baffle, 8. starter cover, 9. handle and cord, 10. screw.

Typical malfunctions

The following are more common tool failures:

  • obstacles in the ignition system;
  • stopping the chainsaw in the process of cutting;
  • loss of power during operation;
  • wear of some structural parts of the chainsaw (brake band, drive sprockets, anti-vibration parts);
  • obstacles in the fuel supply system;
  • malfunctions associated with the starter.

In addition, you need to create a visual inspection of the chainsaw before work and preventive measures. A simple repair of a chainsaw starter is how to insert a spring in if the starter breaks. These include chain lubrication, control of the amount of fuel mixture, as well as the presence of the required amount of oil.

The spark plug is turned out to check its condition.

Any of the defects is eliminated by its own technology. So, for example, repair of the fuel system of a chainsaw should begin with an inspection of the corresponding filter. Then inspect the correct carburetor regulation, which is carried out using screws.

Clearances should be set in serious agreement with the manufacturer’s annotation, which should be included with the chainsaw. The repair of the ignition system includes inspections of candles.

If a strong deposit is detected, a change in the gap or other visible damage, this element must be replaced.

Starter repair work

Difficulties in the operation of the starter may not ensure the start of the tool. In other words, after the cord is pulled, the chainsaw does not start to work.

The causes of the malfunction are:

  • broken or cracked pulley;
  • bursting spring;
  • rush trigger cable.

Before repairing the starter, you need to prepare the tools with which to create work:

Chainsaw starter repair. Do it yourself.

How to do it yourself starter on the chainsaw? How to bend spring on starter chainsaws? How to reel spring.

Chainsaw Repair: Replacing Starter Spring

Repairs chainsaws do it yourself. replacement springs manual starter.

  • a set of screwdrivers or a special tool that is supplied with the tool by the manufacturer;
  • rope, which will be used as a replacement for a torn cord if necessary.

A large amount of black soot on the spark plug indicates a malfunction in the engine.

Before proceeding directly with the repair of the starter and finding out the causes of malfunctions, it is necessary to remove it from the tool body. Chainsaw repair partner 350 videos how to insert a spring in a chainsaw starter how. To do this, unscrew several screws that hold the side cover to which the starter is attached. This is done with a screwdriver or a specialized tool.

After the cover is unscrewed, it is turned over and inspected. High-quality repair of the chainsaw starter how to bend the spring set on. Next, unscrew the screw with which the starter is fixed. After that, the clamp and spring are dismantled for a smooth start. Now the pulley on which the cord is wound is available for removal.

After the knot on the rope is untied, it can be pulled out from the pulley and replaced with a new one. Repair chainsaw partner 350 starter repair lawn mowers, how to insert a spring into the starter. Provided that the starter’s loss of functionality is connected with a break, this may be sufficient to eliminate the breakdown.

However, the remaining parts that make up this element of the chainsaw should be carefully inspected.

When examining the components of the starter, the following malfunctions can be identified:

Most often, damage to the soft-start spring occurs from the end where it is visible when the housing is disassembled.

  1. The pulley may be damaged. Cracks or tears are possible, as well as damage to the rear. How to insert the starter spring correctly; how to install the chainsaw starter spring. Chainsaw starter cord not but as soon as hiding freeing spring for. As a result of these problems, the tool cannot do the work.
  2. Damage to the soft start spring. In this case, the spring itself may be mechanically faulty, and there may be defects in the place of its attachment. The weakest point of this element is precisely the mounting location and the tip of the spring, which is inserted into it.

If defective or partially damaged starter parts are found, they must be replaced with new ones. At the same time, new elements must correspond to the model of the saw being repaired.

After the repair is completed, the starter must be assembled correctly.

The pulley is mounted on top of the spring. How to insert a spring into the starter of a chainsaw. At the same time, it is necessary to check how much they are interlinked. To continue the repair, the pulley must be wrapped.

To replace the starter, it is enough to install its starter for a chainsaw a new spring. Chainsaw repair partner 350 videos how to insert a spring in a chainsaw starter to repair. Chainsaw repair installing a spring in a manual starter how to insert a spring c.

This must be done so that during rotation, he pulls the cord into the starter. It is enough to make 3-4 turns to give the required voltage. Starter how to insert a spring into the starter of the plm chainsaw as a spring.

Starter how to insert a spring into the starter of the plm chainsaw how to correctly put the spring. How. Previously, the rope is passed through the hole in the lid of the chainsaw.

Practical recommendations

In order to match the holes for fixing the cord in the pulley and housing, you may need to make a few more turns.

A new rope is threaded into the technological hole and a loop or knot is made: this will allow it to slip out of the pulley. how to insert a spring into a chainsaw repair installing a spring in a manual starter.

The rope is set aside so that it does not interfere with further work. Next, fix the pulley.

First you need to replace the soft start spring. It can be used the same if no damage is found in it. or new if replacement is necessary. On top of the spring set the starter clamp, which is fixed with a special screw.

It reliably fixes the clamp for a long time, preventing it from skewing and swaying. Installing a spring in a manual starter; how to insert a spring into the starter of a chainsaw; After this, you need to make several turns of the rope and run it inward. The cover with the assembled starter is installed in place.

Using screws, it is secured.

After the repair and assembly, you can begin to work. Self-repair of the starter does not take much time and does not require complex skills, but it saves time and money if you perform such work in the service center.

Chainsaw repair should be approached responsibly and promptly to carry out preventive examinations, monitor the quality of the fuel and oil used. how to insert a spring into a chainsaw starter repair how to do it yourself. These simple manipulations will increase the duration of the tool in working condition.

Chainsaw starter: DIY repair

An indispensable tool when cutting wood and felling trees is a chainsaw. Following the manufacturer’s recommendations and carrying out the necessary preventive measures will ensure a long “life” of the unit.

But even the most reliable mechanism has problems over time, most of which can be fixed with your own hands without the help of specialized centers.

One of such malfunctions can be a chainsaw starter, the repair of which can be done independently, subject to a certain sequence of operations.

Chainsaw starter diagnostics

Due to the long-term operation of the chainsaw, the start-up mechanism becomes unusable. After one or several jerks, the crankshaft does not rotate when pulling the starter rope. This problem can be caused by the following reasons:

  • cracked or broken drive pulley;
  • the chainsaw starter spring burst;
  • a gust of rope launch.

Before starting work on the diagnosis and repair of the launch mechanism, it is necessary to prepare the necessary tools and accessories that will significantly reduce the time for surgery. These include:

  1. A set of metalworking screwdrivers and a specialized set of proprietary tools included in the scope of supply of the chainsaw.
  2. Strong cord to replace a worn starter rope.

Chainsaw starter spring

At the first stage of repair of the chainsaw starter, it is necessary to identify the nature of the problem. To do this, remove the side cover from the side of the start mechanism, while unscrewing only a few screws. Depending on the manufacturer, this operation will require a specialized or conventional locksmith screwdriver.

Next, we inspect the inside of the protective casing. In the absence of cracks and chips of plastic, we proceed directly to the diagnosis of the launch site.

We unscrew the central bolt of the starter and dismantle the spring. No cracks or gusts should be observed on its surface.

It is problematic to choose a spring similar in strength and number of turns on your own, therefore the help of specialized centers will be required.

After removing the clamp and the starter spring of the chainsaw, a pulley with a wound cord is accessible for dismantling. The integrity of the rope indicates that it is necessary to carefully review each of the details of the trigger mechanism.

Repair start mechanism

When inspecting a disassembled starter, it is necessary to inspect the following parts (nodes) for damage:

Chainsaw Start Cord Replacements

  1. Drive pulley. A pulley subjected to high axial and radial loads should not have cracks or damage on the back side. If any, it is required to replace it with a new part.
  2. Starter Spring The main load when starting a chainsaw is tested by a spring. Made of high-quality carbon steel and specially heat-treated, it loses its properties over time. If cracks or gusts are detected, a new spring will be required.
  3. Rope launch. Made from synthetic, wear-resistant materials, the starter cord wears out over time. With his gusts, it is necessary to install a new rope on the pulley.

Video: Do-it-yourself Starter Repair of a Chainsaw: How to Put a Spring, Assemble, Tighten

After the repair work is carried out, it is necessary to assemble the start mechanism in the reverse order. A ratchet pulley is mounted on top of the spring. Before the final fixation of the chainsaw starter cover, it is necessary to wrap the rope and make several trial jerks.

Tips from professionals

For the exact orientation of the holes in the body and the rope fixing channel, you may need to make 2-3 turns.

Chainsaw starter repair tips

In order to prevent the cord from slipping out of the pulley, it is necessary to tie a knot larger in diameter than the hole in the housing. In the absence of wear (damage) of the spring, it is installed first when assembling the starter of the chainsaw. A pulley and a starter clamp are mounted on top of it, preventing the skew of the mechanism during rotation.

As it turns out, do-it-yourself starter repair does not require special skills and tools. However, it is necessary to approach the restoration of the start-up mechanism responsibly and from time to time to carry out preventive examinations.

Chainsaw starter: DIY repair was last modified: September 16th, 2017 by admin

How to insert a spring into the trimmer starter

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How to repair a starter on a trimmer

Repairing the petrol trimmer starter may be necessary at the most inopportune moment. In this case, there are two ways to solve the problem: replace the broken part or change the entire assembly. The latter option will cost more.

To repair the device with your own hands, in most cases you will need from the tools only a screwdriver with the appropriate tip. Repair work does not take much time and does not require special knowledge.

It is enough to know the device, the principle of operation, the nuances of the assembly-disassembly of the starter on the trimmer to achieve the desired positive result.

The device and principle of operation of the starter on the trimmer

A gasoline engine is, in principle, the main part of the lawn mowers. Its power lies in the range of 0.5-2.5 hp. The movement from it is transmitted to the shaft located inside the hollow rod, and then through the gearbox consisting of gears, already a fishing line or knife (working body).

Also, the lawn mowers have the following elements:

  • protective cover;
  • lever;
  • a belt designed for ease of use of the device;
  • a starter used to start a gasoline internal combustion engine.

All details of the lawn mowers are presented in the photo below.

The starter on the trimmer is an integral part that starts the engine into operation. It is depicted separately in the two photos below.

The starter mechanisms of different models of lawn mowers work on the same principle: during the start of the ICE, the protrusions marked in the photo above with the number 1 enter the engagement with the dogs 3. When the engine starts to work, they return to their previous position due to centrifugal force. A similar role is also played by wires 2.

The process of returning to the initial position of the mechanism elements occurs due to the presence of a spring wound around an axis. It unfolds when the rope is pulled. After releasing the cord, it is retracted and wound due to the folding of the spring. During the start of the ICE lawn mowers, the trigger mechanism rotates its shaft until it starts to work (starts).

To date, gasoline lawn mowers are equipped with two types of starter mechanisms:

The first option is much more common.

The starter on the trimmer can function without breakdowns for a long time. Unambiguously indicate the period of uptime is impossible. Everything is determined by the initial quality of the device and compliance with the rules for handling it.

The main malfunctions of the trimmer starter

It is not difficult to determine the cause of the breakdown of the starting device. There are several main options:

  • breakage of a cord (rope);
  • when the spring breaks or disengages.

The indicated details are shown in the photo below.

It may happen that the starter mechanism is accidentally broken. The consequences will be deplorable if a tattered rope is wound around the flywheel of an operating ICE: then the spring will burst, the pulley will rip off.

But such cases when a complete replacement of the starter assembly is required are extremely rare. In most cases, to fix the mechanism, it is enough to put a new spring or replace the cord.

Removing and disassembling the starter, replacing broken parts

To repair the trimmer starter, you will need to disassemble it first, and then assemble it. This process is not particularly difficult. For work, you need a screwdriver with a tip of the desired shape.

Everything should be done carefully, observing safety precautions, mainly so that the spring in case of an accidental departure does not injure the master.

Starter assembly analysis

Disassemble the start-up mechanism in order to install new parts instead of broken ones in the following sequence:

  • unscrew the screw fixing the pulley with a starter cover with a screwdriver;
  • take out the spring and antennae;
  • carefully remove the pulley (you need to turn your head away or work, having previously worn glasses and gloves);
  • determine why the trigger mechanism has broken;
  • if the spring has collapsed almost completely, then it is replaced;
  • when the spring exits the hook, it is installed in its original place by bending the antennae before it (the photos show the installation process);
  • after the spring plate is installed inside the groove, carefully twist it.

To change the spring, work should be carefully and accurately: it can accidentally burst under the influence of the force caused by putting it in place. Even if you carefully remove the roller, the spring band flies off the reel very quickly and can injure your hand with its sharp edges.

Immediately put back the spring plate does not always work. It often slips, so attempts must be repeated until the desired result is achieved.

Starter assembly

The assembly of the starter assembly is carried out in a number of stages:

  • the coil is turned over, installing it so that the spring bend exactly fits into the groove of the case, as in the photo below;
  • stack two washers, between which a spring is placed;
  • put in place a cup with antennae;
  • tighten the screw (photos below).

When doing the above manipulations, it is imperative to attach two washers. If this is not done, then the spring will eventually damage the plastic cup, and when it is pulled, wedging will begin. Because of this, a feeling appears, as if the spring has flown. To eliminate this drawback, you need to install this part of greater length or an additional washer.

When such parts are not available, you can just slightly unscrew the screw, and the starter assembly will begin to work without jamming. But this option is temporary. it is better to repair it qualitatively as quickly as possible.

Spring tension

After installing the spring, tighten it. To do this, perform the following steps:

  • remove the handle from the starter cord;
  • then the rope is inserted into the reel groove;
  • spring is tightened by rotating the coil in the opposite direction to the clockwise direction (winding);
  • make the required number of revolutions indicated in the operating instructions for the used trimmer model and corresponding to the length of the cord used;
  • at the very end, the rope is threaded into the hole provided for this, located in the starter cover;
  • put the handle in place, fixing it with a knot.

If after repair the spring continues to fly off, then you can get rid of this in the following ways:

  • cram a suitable piece of plate into the groove at the location of the spring hook;
  • drill holes on both sides of the groove in the coil, into which to insert the spring hook and fix it with a wire.

Replacing a torn cord

A torn rope is replaced in the following sequence:

  • the old cord is removed;
  • choose a rope of suitable size (thickness and length);
  • threading it through a special hole located in the coil, tie a knot;
  • cock the spring, producing the required number of revolutions;
  • fasten the handle.

It is better to tighten the spring plate together with the partner so that the edge of the cord does not wound inside the starter mechanism.

It is not difficult to assemble the starter on the trimmer and wind the spring, only this should be done carefully and with caution. For different models of lawn mowing, the failures of the starting mechanisms are the same, therefore they are repaired in a similar way. There are some nuances associated with their design features.

How to Wind a Trimmer Starter Spring

The starter cable does not roll up: how to find out the cause and repair the starter with your own hands? How to disassemble the starter, stick and pull the spring yourself again

Do-it-yourself starter repair for gas drills, lawn mowers, trimmers

Whatever high-quality gasoline equipment you use, in the process of construction, anything can happen to it, at the same time at the most inopportune moment for this. Often difficulties arise due to a breakdown of the starter. Starter change benzotrimmer zigzag.

But now we will examine the more widespread case when the breakdown is not so serious and show how to repair the starter with your own hands, if the cord breaks without any destructive consequences or does not unwind due to the fact that the spring inside has simply fallen off and is out of gear. At the very least, at first the desire is to believe in it. But in order to find out whether it is so or not, it will be necessary to disassemble the starter.

How to repair starter do-it-yourself petrol tool?

In the case of a break in the starter cord, everything is clear: we take out the old rope, take a suitable length and thickness (linen possible), thread it through the hole in the coil, tie a knot. Next, we cock the spring to the required number of revolutions, only after that we fix the handle and voila! details on how all this is done are shown below.

Installation or replacement of a starter spring of a lawn-mowing, motor-drill, trimmer

But what if we have everything in order with the rope, and the starter coil (pulley) does not reel? Let’s take a look at this step by step example of an ADA GroundDrill gasoline motor drill starter with a pulley with 2 metal antennae on 2 hooks.

Self-replacement of the starter cord and chainsaw starter spring (trimmer)

To quickly start any chainsaw, a starter is required. With accelerated scrolling of the crankshaft of the tool, the fuel-air mixture supplied to the engine is compressed and its subsequent ignition. Therefore, the normal operation of the starter for a chainsaw determines the operability of the entire mechanism.

Chainsaw starter device

Almost all the leading manufacturers of chainsaws complete their products with starters of a similar principle of action.

The principle of operation of the starter for a chainsaw is as follows. A handle is installed in the groove of the body through which a cable is passed. If the handle is sharply raised, the cable is pulled out and engages the drum of the ratchet mechanism which transmits movement to the drum with splines provided on the shaft.

In this case, the crankshaft makes several revolutions, and the working mixture is compressed in the space between the piston and the cylinder head. Accordingly, when lowering the handle, the contact between the ratchet and the splines is lost, and the shaft stops.

With an increase in engine volume, the necessary amount of the fuel-air mixture necessary for its subsequent ignition also increases, so the number of jerks for the starter cable for saws with high power increases. Therefore, in order to accelerate the return of the drum, involuntary return springs made of steels with high elastic properties are used.

Facilitation of starting a chainsaw is implemented in the following ways:

  1. By preliminary enrichment of the working mixture, for which there is a special shutter in the carburetor design.
  2. By installing an automatic decompression valve, which reduces the working pressure in the cylinder of the chainsaw.
  3. The installation of an additional spring, which during the movement of the cable facilitates the unwinding of the crankshaft.
  4. The presence of some chainsaws (for example, Partner Series S, Maxcut, etc.) in the design of a primer is a pump that provides preliminary pumping of fuel.

Chainsaw starter repair

With frequent starts of the chainsaw, some parts of the starter are constantly subjected to dynamic loads. As a result, the cable may burst, several teeth of the ratchet may crumble, and the shaft will turn at a much lower speed. Therefore, the audit and even repair of the starter are operations that are sometimes carried out several times during the season.


When it is pulled, the cable is constantly rubbed against the starter housing.

For replacement, the assembly of the assembly is disassembled and the ratchet drum is carefully lifted so as to prevent the return spring from jumping off its sockets.

It is better to do this work together: the assistant fixes the spring, while the cable is being replaced. After fixing the cable in the handle and in the grooves of the drum, the cable is wound on the roller, and the body is assembled.


If the starter spring material is poor, the spring bursts (usually at the point of attachment to the drum, where it forms a loop). Replace the spring in this case is not worth it.

It is enough to thoroughly clean its surface from dirt and traces of lubrication, carefully grind the place of destruction, and then release the spring at 600. 650 ° C (the spring steel should acquire a crimson color).

It is necessary to cool the spring slowly, but at 100. 150 ° C it is already possible to gently wrap its end in the form of a limiting protrusion on the inner surface of the drum (the steel will acquire the necessary ductility) and put it back. The elastic properties of the spring will not change.


Putting the starter spring in the desired groove is not easy, even for an experienced user. First, the spring should be twisted to the previous diameter and installed in the cavity of the drum hub.

The outer end of the spring is fixed by the limiting protrusion, and the outer one should be positioned opposite the hole in the lock with a screwdriver. The loop at the inner end of the spring with a screwdriver is combined with the hole, after which the disc is lowered.

By rotating the disk, it is checked whether the ratchet mechanism dog is in place. Next, the ratchet itself is assembled.

After installing the spring, you must adjust its tension. To do this, a cable is inserted into the groove on the circumference, and a return spring is twisted around it. After removing the slack, it is better to wind the spring an additional few turns to ensure the required tightness of the part.

How to repair a chainsaw starter

Today we will consider problems with malfunctioning chainsaw starter and we will eliminate them. This type of breakdown is not uncommon during heavy use of a gasoline-powered saw. And in our case. at logging, this happens systematically.

I had a chance to repair starters from the Ural chainsaw, with which we felled, working in the leshoz. I was still very young and was the first to understand the design myself. The malfunction arose as a result of breaking the “tongue” of the spring, which is fixed in the drum (housing).

I remember how I was all in graphite grease (hands and face) trying to tame the “snake” (metal tape), which “fell apart” into rings and did not want to gather in the bay))). I think who collected (twisted) the spring, remember as cramps the palms from the constant resistance of the spring. Compounding repairs and a metal cable.

Nevertheless, I successfully coped with the task, although it took me a lot of time and nerves. On chainsaws of world brands, the design is not so complicated and capricious.

So, the chainsaw starter is designed to start the tool. On gearless saws, it is located in the side cover on the flywheel side (left side of the tool). This is a purely mechanical principle of action. But in order to competently and efficiently repair the starter, it is necessary to understand the principle of its functionality (work). I propose a thorough consideration of this issue.

On top of the starter cover (housing), the handle is located in a special seat on the cover. The handle is connected to a cord, which in turn is wound on a pulley and the end of the cord is secured with a pulley. When the operator (user of the chainsaw) jerks the handle up, the cord is unwound along the pulley (coil), bringing it into a “centrifugal” state.

The pulley has a ratchet in its construction (on the back). it is a gear with teeth rounded to one side. The gear teeth (ratchet) are coupled with the “dogs”, which are located on the drum (flywheel) of the crankshaft. The crankshaft rotates, the fuel is compressed under the pressure of the piston and the head of the “engine”.

The operator, meanwhile, lowers the handle, the return spring, which is fastened to the coil (pulley), wraps the cord in its original state (on the coil). The ratchet teeth meanwhile slip along the “dogs” of the flywheel, excluding contact with them, since they are already rotating in the opposite direction.

I remind you that the ratchet teeth are rounded to one side. this principle allows engagement with the crankshaft splines. Rotating in the opposite direction engagement with the "dogs" is excluded.

But, as lumberjacks know, a pulley happens with a ratchet without characteristic teeth. gears. These are classic professional chainsaws, the ratchet of which is either a steel "cup" of small diameter with side cutouts (protrusions), or plastic analogues (grips).

For example, on Calm 361 the ratchet has captures in the form of “dogs”. It is with these “notches”, “grips” or “dogs” that the clutch with the “dogs” slots on the shaft occurs.

The principle of operation of the “doggies” splines, I think, is understandable. when the shaft accelerates in rotation, the “dogs” slip through the ratchet.

Let’s take a look at the general starter circuit.

In addition, the starter comes with a damper spring, the so-called "easy start" Smart start. On the “easy start” chainsaw model, the letter “e"(E.g. Husqvarna 340e)

However, there are models of professional chainsaws without the letter “e”, since they have no analogues without the Smart Start system. The starter cover, with the presence of a damper spring, looks more convex.

By the way, damper springs break quite often than the main spring.

Working on a shift, we encountered a similar problem. on the Husqvarna 340e the spring burst (there is no damper spring on the analog of the Husqvarna 340). And on a shift, every hour of work of the roads, they worked according to the 10 × 4 scheme.

Replace and eliminate the breakdown was not possible. I had to use a “horned” chainsaw and a chain saw to periodically file branches, so that the tractor operator would not have any downtime. Suchkorub had to take an ax.

The next day, we replaced the starter. put on a cover from a similar chainsaw (I don’t remember the model, but not the Husqvarna 340), which had a design without a damper spring. Of course, the lid did not fit completely, there was a gap on top, but the seat fit.


So, you have "covered" the chainsaw starter. If the cord simply breaks, then the malfunction is "obvious" and should be replaced. Other characteristic signs of a starter malfunction are as follows:

  • the shaft does not catch (the winding cord scrolls freely);
  • after a jerk of the winding, the cord does not unwind;
  • starter jams

Chainsaw starter repair

First of all, it is necessary to twist and remove the cover, make a visual inspection. A breakdown of a chainsaw starter can be different. a bursting spring, a defect in the pulley (“coil”), a worn-out cord.

Next, we prepare repair tools. these are screwdrivers and pliers. In the event of a break, you will need a new cord. I think that lumberjacks have a cord for the starter in stock. If there is no possibility of acquiring a factory cord, then you can replace the "forced" with a clothesline, choosing the appropriate diameter.

In the event of a break in the cord

We turn out the starter mounting screw, remove the clamp and the damper spring, if any, on your brand of chainsaw. Dismantle the pulley with the cord, untie or cut off the cord assembly, remove it. Since the cord is torn, the spring is discharged, and, in principle, you can not be afraid of falling out of the spring from the cover.

We turn out screws of fastening of a starter

Remove the starter cover

The cord is torn, the spring is discharged, you can not be afraid of the spring falling out of the cover during parsing.

Remove the torn cord from the pulley.

We extract a fragment of a torn cord from the handle

We take a new cord, select the appropriate length (focusing on the length of the old ragged cord), divide, melt the ends of the cord, so that they do not “shake”.

We insert a new cord into the coil, tie a fixing knot and “hide” it in a pulley for unhindered passage of the cord along the brook of the coil (on some chainsaw models the cord is tied around a ratchet. this is provided for in the design).

Pass the free end of the cord through the hole in the starter cover and push it into the handle. We fix the cord in the handle with the help of a knot. We wind the cord onto the reel (pulley) in the corresponding direction.

We place the pulley in the starter cover over the return spring (and over the damper if present) and make sure the spring is engaged with the coil. slightly turn the coil in the corresponding direction. We fix the pulley with the fixing screw.

Measuring a new cord along the length of a damaged cord

We melt the end of the cord before threading it into the pulley so that they do not “shake”.

Pushed the melted end of the cord into the technological hole through the pulley

Poke a new cord into the reel.

Tie a knot at the end of the starter cord with pliers

Tied the fixing unit “hide” in the pulley for unhindered movement of the cord along the stream of the coil

Pass the free end of the cord through the hole in the starter cover and push it into the handle.

Pull the free end of the cord into the handle.

Tie a knot at the end of the cord in the handle for fixing

Reflow the free starter cord assembly in the handle

Next, you need to charge (cock) the spring. To do this, pry the free part of the cord with a screwdriver and pull it out. We grab the cord with your hand, put it in the technological half-hole, which is located from the edge of the coil. We make several turns by turning the coil (pulley) by the cord in the direction of tension.

Pry the starter cord with your fingers or a screwdriver, pull it off and wrap it around the reel.

How many turns do?

We wind the cord on the pulley in the direction of tension

We make several turns of the cord on the pulley for an acceptable tension

Too weak a tension will “break” the edge of the pulley housing, and too much tension will negatively affect the return spring. Pick up the tension yourself.

Check the tension of the cord in the starter, pulling it by the handle up

Set the starter cover in place and fasten with screws

When the spring is charged, the starter is put in place. the cover is screwed to the chainsaw. During tightening, the fixing screws are slightly tightened, and the starter must be rotated to fully fit and engage the pulley with the “flywheels” of the flywheel.

If the shaft does not catch

When trying to start a chainsaw, the jerk of the cord is "idle", i.e. no gearing with the shaft. The operator to no avail jerks the starter, the cord without resistance unwinds along the pulley and rewinds. What is the reason?

The malfunction is a bursting damper spring (“easy start”, “soft start mechanism”). If you remove the starter cover, then the breakdown is detected without difficulty, since most often the spring bursts closer to the cover. However, not the damper spring itself, but its mounting location may break.

If the spring burst, then only a replacement with a new one will help to eliminate the malfunction. That is why I am not a fan of chainsaws with a soft start system. Of course, I do not impose my tastes and opinions on any of my colleagues. everyone has the right to decide his own preferences in this choice of chainsaw model.

Another reason for the lack of traction on the shaft may be a ratchet defect. We are talking about a ratchet model with a plastic gear, when the teeth for gearing have cracks and chips. In this case, it is also necessary to replace this unit. that is, the ratchet mechanism. And it is better to have a chainsaw model with steel ratchet.

By the way, the “dogs” on the flywheel shaft can also cover themselves. burst the springs, which perform the return function and as a result, the clutch with the ratchet disappears.

A similar malfunction has also occurred in my personal practice. The springs of the “dogs” were made from fragments of a cable (from cores). But it was worth an incredible patience, time and concentration.

I am sure that you should not like to pervert and work out with another chainsaw.

Another reason when the shaft does not catch is the banal error of the reverse starter assembly. fixing it to the flywheel. This picture is observed in inexperienced lumberjacks. The reason is the lack of engagement of the coil with the “dogs”.

The fact is that during the final screwing of the cover, the user of the chainsaw does not check the engagement by turning the starter and the ratchet rests on top of the “dogs”, and in this case there is no engagement. An inexperienced operator is perplexed and does not understand the cause of the malfunction.

It disassembles and reassembles until it knows (or until a more experienced colleague tells you) about the competent collection of the starter.

If the starter sticks

The picture when the starter sticks looks as follows: the operator jerks the cord by the handle, and the cord either does not move at all (the pulley does not turn), or with great difficulty “passes a short distance” and finally stops. Of course, there is no return movement of the cord to its original position.

I am sure that most lumberjacks are familiar with this picture. The cause of the malfunction lies in the deterioration of the pulley, and more precisely in the support casing, which holds the cord in the "stream" of the pulley. The cord extends beyond the edges of the housing, creeps out, it is rubbed between the edge of the casing and the pulley, and the cord loses its ability to coagulate to its original position.

To continue working, it is necessary to rewind the cord to the pulley, “charge” the spring. To start a chainsaw, you need to "catch" the engagement, carefully pulling the cord by the handle up and only then pull it.

The cord must be in a tight position when jerking to prevent it from falling out of the coil body.

This method will help only for a short time using the tool, as the wear of the assembly is unavoidable. it is necessary to quickly replace the starter coil with a new one.

Attention should be paid to one important nuance: during dismantling of the pulley it is important that the return spring (if it is intact) does not fly out of the seat. Otherwise, you get tired of collecting the spring in the bay and put it in place.

In order to avoid the return spring falling out of the seat, it is necessary to discharge it first. This is done as follows: the cord (closer to the handle) is picked up with a screwdriver and placed in the technological half-hole of the pulley.

Next, you need to pull the cord and make a few turns in the opposite direction of winding, until the spring is weakened. Another option is to unload the spring. cutting the cord at the base of the handle, but by doing so you will sacrifice a small piece of the cord.

When removing the pulley, you need to make sure that there is no clutch between the spring and the pulley.

If the return spring burst

The return spring serves to wind the cord onto the pulley and is located under the pulley. If it burst, and this depends on the resource (as a rule) of the tool operation, then there is only one way out in this situation. replace the spring with a new one.

You can, of course, pervert and “mold” the fragments into a short analogue, but this is only when the “edge” is really necessary and the work on the cutting area needs to be completed. The end of the spring band will need to be annealed to take the form of a locking hook.

Such forced absurdities occur, as a rule, on a shift and the “Russian peasant” has to “surprise the world” (or amuse) with his ingenuity. But in fact, to eradicate the need to feed the family.

If the spring burst, then for replacement we remove and discard its remains. In its place we install a cove of a new spring. We cover the spring with a protective cover.

The coil (pulley) is mounted on the spring (over it). After that, it is necessary to turn the pulley, making sure that the coil engages with the return spring. Then we proceed in the sequence that is indicated in the chapter "In the event of a break in the cord."

Write comments, supplement if I missed something, didn’t finish it, or made a mistake somewhere. I will be glad to our discussion.