How to Choose the Right Gasoline Garden Trimmer

How to Choose the Right Gasoline Garden Trimmer

Gas mowers and trimmers are very convenient, compact and maneuverable, suitable for work in any country house. They cope with grass in areas with different terrain and different sizes. Especially advantageous is their use in narrow, inaccessible places for a lawn mower. In addition, they are cheaper and easier to maintain than a lawn mower.

  • Gas trimmer: purpose of the tool in the country
  • Types of trimmers on a gasoline engine
  • Household
  • Professional
  • Universal
  • lawn mowers
  • How to choose a gas trimmer for a summer residence, selection criteria
    • Type and engine power
    • Knife and fishing line for trimmer
    • Weight and type of petrol trimmer handle
    • Additional devices
    • Advantages and disadvantages of a gas trimmer in the garden
    • Gas trimmer: purpose of the tool in the country

      The lawn trimmer is, in fact, a scythe for grass on gasoline. It is used for mowing decorative grass (leveling, cutting), for mowing weeds, for mowing grass on hay.

      The trimmer does this quickly and accurately, in addition, it is lightweight and easy to maintain and does not require large storage space. the main thing that distinguishes the trimmer from a lawn mower.

      With a trimmer you can not only cut grass and herbaceous plants, it perfectly cuts not thick (2.5-3 cm in diameter) branches of trees and shrubs. so it replaces the secateurs in the garden.

      Types of trimmers on a gasoline engine

      Consider the different types of gasoline trimmers and find out what kind of work is best suited for each of them.


      Used for mowing weeds and grass in adjacent areas. This is a lightweight tool with a curved handle with a power of 1 horsepower or a little more. Such trimmers are suitable for small volumes of work or infrequent mowing, haircuts.

      When purchasing a household tool, you need to know how to use a grass trimmer. it needs to rest every 20-25 minutes of work, otherwise it may fail. But at the same time, the household trimmer has a moderate gas mileage and excellent maneuverability.


      Their power is higher. 2-3 liters. s., respectively, and gasoline for a professional trimmer is consumed more. Such a trimmer performs a much larger amount of work and has a knife in the configuration, that is, shears both grass, and thin branches, shrubs.

      It is also equipped with a shoulder strap and anti-vibration system. But also at work it requires rest every 30 minutes and cleaning the cutting part of the grass.


      They are similar to professional ones, but they can also trim the lawns, that is, their trimmed canvas will be homogeneous, even and beautiful.

      lawn mowers

      Not only grasses, branches and shrubs mow, but even young trees can cut. They have a capacity of over 3 liters. with. They can work without interruption for several hours in large areas.

      How to choose a gas trimmer for a summer residence, selection criteria

      Before choosing a gas trimmer, you need to at least briefly know the main parameters of the tool. The key to choosing a gas trimmer will be how often you plan to use it and what area it is intended for.

      Based on this, the best gas trimmer for your particular site is selected according to the power and performance of each individual model.

      Type and engine power

      The best gas trimmers do not have to have the greatest power. If you have a small lawn. the most powerful trimmer is not required for her. A good medium power gas trimmer is fine. But if the cultivated area is large and there is a need to work on it for 6-7 hours a day, then you need a more powerful trimmer.

      By the type of suspension, trimmers are straps. the best option for infrequent use, and trimmers with a knapsack suspension. these are best taken with a constant, almost daily load on the tool.

      By type of drive, gas trimmers come with a straight shaft or with a metal cable. It is better to take a tool driven by a direct shaft. they are more wear resistant. By type of engine, gas trimmers are divided into two and four-cycle ones.

      The former are filled with oil already mixed with gasoline, the latter have separate compartments for oil and gasoline. Push-pulls are considered more noisy, and their lifespan is often shorter. And four-stroke ones are more durable, more expensive to maintain and repair, but at the same time they work a little quieter.

      The engine can be located in the upper or lower position. The ones located at the top are preferable. they are more convenient in operation, better cooled, more protected from clogging with grass and debris, and they, as a rule, have more power.

      Knife and fishing line for trimmer

      The line in the trimmer is used only for mowing grass. According to the type of pattern, several types of fishing line are distinguished:

      • in the shape of an asterisk. for green decorative lawn or young grass;
      • in the shape of a square. for tall grass with thick stems;
      • in the shape of a circle. universal view suitable for both lawn and woody and dry grass stems, leaves.

      Video: How to Choose the Right Gasoline Garden Trimmer

      For cutting branches, cutting shrubs will need a knife. There are models equipped only with fishing line, and there are models with fishing line and with knives.

      Weight and type of petrol trimmer handle

      By the type of rod (handle), the trimmers come with a curved handle for small loads or with a straight one. for larger loads. The weight of the trimmer, as a rule, does not affect the operation of the instrument in any way, it matters to the person who works with it. if it’s a man, then you can take a heavier model, if a woman, then it’s easier.

      When choosing an instrument by weight, you need to take into account the size of the trimmer’s gas tank. the larger it is, the heavier the trimmed trimmer will be (on average 0.6-1.5 kg).

      Additional devices

      Before choosing a trimmer for a lawn, study all the possibilities of each model. some of them are endowed with additional useful functions. It can be a snow nozzle, anti-vibration system. for the convenience of hands, quick start of the trimmer with a decompression device, which increases the tool life.

      Advantages and disadvantages of a gas trimmer in the garden

      Advantages include mobility, versatility, and tool performance. Disadvantages. not always a reasonable price, especially for multifunction mowers, and the noise of a working trimmer, even for models with reduced noise.

      But, on the other hand, the tool has good power, performance, and besides, a gas trimmer can work in any weather (after rain, for example).

      That’s all, how to choose a trimmer for a summer house or home. We want to decide and choose the trimmer that is suitable for your site, lawn or garden!

      Since time immemorial, the lawn has been considered an elite element of the site, a privilege of the highest class. However, he will look like a king only with proper care: regular watering, fertilizing and, of course, a weekly haircut. If you do not comply with the last condition on this list, then a beautiful clearing will quickly turn into dense wild growth. Fortunately, mowing grass has long ceased to be a dull duty, forcing the owner of the lawn to get the scythe out of the back room. It was replaced by another tool. a trimmer that works on the principle of the same braid, but mechanized and equipped with a motor. This compact and maneuverable machine can easily cut a small lawn, remove weeds near the wall of the house, cut grass between trees in the garden.

      Grass trimmer gives the lawn a well-groomed appearance

      Gas or electric trimmer: which is better?

      The design of any trimmer provides for the presence of an engine. gasoline or electric. The gasoline-powered internal combustion engine provides complete freedom of movement for the trimmer. It does not connect to an electrical outlet, so you can mow grass anywhere on the site. lawn mowers, for the most part, have significant power, so they are able to cut stems of hard weed grass, overgrown vines and shrubs. The best trimmer for harvesting hay for pet food is also a scythe with a gasoline engine.

      The disadvantages of a gas trimmer include the high cost, the need for regular refueling with gasoline and oil, considerable noise during operation, and the emission of exhaust gases.

      Gas trimmer. a standalone tool for large volumes of work

      The electric trimmer is devoid of all the disadvantages of lawn mowing. This is a small, compact tool that practically does not make noise during work and does not need to be refueled. However, in some respects it is still inferior to the gas trimmer. First of all, this is low power, which does not allow to cut thick branches of trees.

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      This parameter of electric trimmers is in the range of 200-1400 watts. Naturally, a 200-watt tool is only suitable for mowing the delicate grass of the lawn. For weed, you need to choose something more powerful. If you are not faced with the task of trimming thick stems, then the best choice is a trimmer with a power of 1000 watts, which can cope with grass and dense thickets of weeds.

      Scope of application of a braid limits a cable

      Do not forget that the electric trimmer is equipped with a cable that connects to the mains. If it happens that the grass mowing site will be at a great distance from the outlet, then the cable will have to be extended with various electric carriers, which is not very convenient. So it is rational to use a conventional electric trimmer with cable only in the courtyard of the house.

      Thinking over the question of how to choose a trimmer with an electric motor, you should know that there is a tool with a lower and upper arrangement of the motor. Despite the fact that the lower position of the engine reduces the cost of the trimmer and increases its maneuverability, with this design there is a risk of water entering the engine, for example, when working on a wet lawn. optimal is the choice of a tool with an overhead motor that is not afraid of working under any conditions.

      Lightweight top engine trimmer

      Mowing grass in the area without access to outlets is also possible with an electric trimmer. However, for this, a tool battery must be provided in the tool design, which will allow the low-power engine to work for 20-30 minutes. These trimmers are not used as a regular means of mowing grass on lawns or lawns. They may be needed in extreme cases, for example, in order to trim the edges of the lawn after the lawn mower.

      How to choose a cutting tool?

      The main function of the trimmer is to mow the grass, so special attention should be paid to the structural part that performs this function. In most electric trimmers, this duty is assigned to a sharp fishing line wound on a reel. During operation, the plastic fishing line rotates at high speed and easily cuts grass and plant stems. As the line is thinning, it needs to be replaced.

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      In most modern models, this happens in semi-automatic or automatic mode. In the first case, it is enough to press the trimmer head to the ground and the reel unwinds the required amount of fishing line. In automatic mode, everything is even simpler. a new “portion” of fishing line is added each time the engine is turned on.

      Reel with fishing line in electric trimmer design. the optimal cutting tool for grass

      In powerful gasoline tools, the cutting part is often installed in the form of circular knives that can work for a long time without replacement. At the same time, plastic knives can cut only grass and dry stems, while metal knives can easily cope even with tree branches and shrubs.

      Gasoline trimmer with a metal knife will cut any branches

      Ergonomics. Bet on convenience

      Work with any tool should not turn into hard work, all the details must be carefully thought out for your convenience. To begin with, you should pay attention to the trimmer handle. it can be made in the form of letters D or T. Holding on to the D-shaped handle, it is convenient to mow grass in small areas where good maneuverability is required.

      Electric trimmer with a D-shaped handle. a manoeuvrable tool for a small lawn

      For large volumes of work, a T-shaped handle is more suitable, in which the movements of the trimmer will be similar to those that are performed when working with an ordinary scythe.

      T-handle trimmer easily mow large areas

      Vibration absorption is another design feature that is designed to minimize the degree of vibration of those parts of the trimmer that the user is in contact with.

      To increase ergonomics, many manufacturers equip a grass trimmer with a telescopic bar, the length of which can be changed, depending on the height of the operator.

      Useful tips from a knowledgeable person. VIDEO

      Now that you know the basic rules for choosing a trimmer, it’s time to see it in action! Below is a video in which the operator consultant will give some more important tips on choosing this useful garden tool.