How to Cook a Trimmer For Winter

Why prepare the lawn for the cold

A well-groomed lawn is considered to be a decoration of a garden plot and the pride of a gardener. Despite the unpretentiousness of lawn forbs, he still needs care. both in the warm season and in the fall. The main motives for autumn care are preparing the lawn for winter and protecting against freezing.

How to Cook a Trimmer For Winter

Video “Preparing the lawn for winter”

From this video you will learn how to prepare a lawn for the winter in autumn.

Work plan

So that the gardening element of the site does not lose color saturation, does not limit and survives wintering steadily, a number of manipulations must be carried out. The main emphasis in the care is on the root system, since the ground part of the grass gradually withers with the onset of autumn.

The main procedures to prepare the lawn for winter include:

  • cleaning;
  • watering;
  • top dressing;
  • aeration
  • a haircut;
  • warming.


Often gardeners are interested in whether it is necessary to clean the lawn from fallen leaves and other organic debris. The answer is unequivocal: yes. On the one hand, dry leaves can be a good insulation, on the other. insect pests and small rodents hide there from the cold. In addition, dry blades of grass complicate the access of oxygen to the root system of the lawn. Therefore, the first preparatory procedure for gardeners is to clean the site. Spend it as the leaves fall.

To do this, use the following devices:

  1. Lawn mower with grass catcher. The method allows you to simultaneously do two procedures: garbage collection and lawn mowing. However, it is important to consider that such manipulation can be carried out a couple of weeks before the first frosts. Otherwise, the trimmed grass will not have time to switch to the “sleep mode”.
  2. Garden vacuum cleaner. The method allows for a short period of time to clear the area of ​​foliage and dry grass.
  3. Fan rake. The best option for garbage collection. The teeth of the tool are plastic and metal. In order not to damage the roots of garden grass, you need to use inventory with flat cloves. Adjustable working width allows the gardener to control the size of the cultivated area.

Watering and fertilizer

If the autumn was rainy, watering is completely excluded. In the absence of rainfall, the soil is moistened twice a week. Sprinkling is considered one of the best ways of watering, since the liquid is distributed evenly throughout the entire area of ​​the lawn. The formation of puddles can adversely affect the root system of the landscaping element. Before watering, you need to inspect the site for grooves, pits and irregularities. If there are any, you must level the lawn. For this, sand and humus from the leaves are used. The mixture is distributed over all recesses and carefully packed.

In early autumn, garden grass is fed with nitrogen fertilizers. Their concentration should be scanty, otherwise the lawn will grow and not “hibernate” on time. Superphosphate is another remedy that strengthens greenery, in particular its root system, and stimulates the growth of new shoots. Potash compounds improve the “stress resistance” of the plant and contribute to better absorption of nutrients.

An alternative is the use of complex mixtures for lawn, they contain all the necessary components. Supporters of organic dressing use wood ash, dolomite flour or slaked lime. These substances nourish the soil, thereby improving the condition of the grass.


Aeration is a kind of ventilation of the lawn, during which oxygen access to the soil improves. The procedure prevents stagnation of water with subsequent rotting of the root system and bald spots on the lawn. Carry out the manipulation in dry weather. Garden pitchfork slightly pierce the soil, lifting it. As a result, the soil is loose. After aeration, they don’t walk on the lawn. they need to give it a “rest”.

Grass mowing

In the warm season, the grass is cut very often, almost weekly. With the onset of autumn, the interval between the procedure increases, up to the complete exclusion of haircuts. The last cutting of the lawn should be carried out no later than two weeks before the expected frosts. It takes so much time for greens to recover and gain strength. The height of the trimmed grass should not exceed 5 cm.

The main advantages of lawn mowing are:

  1. Improving the state of the root system. Due to the shortening of the blades of grass, the roots receive more nutrients.
  2. Prevention of the death of blades of grass. Too long grass will not be able to overwinter in its original form; under the influence of low temperatures, the green gradually dies. This leads to the formation of felt, which makes it difficult for oxygen to reach the ground.
  3. Protection against small rodents. Lush grass attracts small pests that injure not only its ground part, but also its roots.

Video: How to Cook a Trimmer For Winter


Gardeners in central Russia, as a rule, do not harbor grass for the winter. The main insulation here is snow. In Siberia and the Urals, grass is mulched with a mixture of sand, peat and soil. A mandatory procedure for winter care is breaking the ice crust, as carbon dioxide accumulates under it, which negatively affects the state of greenery.

Work with inventory

To garden equipment has always been serviceable, it is also prepared for the winter. Shovels, rakes and other tools must be cleaned of vegetation residues and treated with machine oil. The life of the trimmer depends on how to prepare the trimmer for winter. First you need to make sure that there is no fuel left in the carburetor. Then the trimmer elements are cleaned: knife, driver cartridge, motor. The engine is removed and stored separately.

The lawn is considered one of the most popular elements of garden design. Greenery not only creates coziness, but also plays the role of a kind of “natural rug” on which the whole family can frolic. Proper maintenance of lawn grass is the key to a well-groomed and fresh lawn.

Modern gardening equipment is a reliable assistant to the gardener and summer clerk, allowing you to effectively care for the garden or summer cottage with the least stress and saving time. At the same time, it can let us down at the most inopportune moment, in the spring, when the “hot” days of preparation, planting of planting material, garden chores begin, and spring grass grows rapidly and wildly. This can be blamed as wrong lawn mowing In winter, the incomplete preservation of the benzotrimmer was also completed, for long-term storage. Consider general tips for the conservation of lawn mowers, lawn mowers, benzotrimmer for winter storage. These recommendations will be valid in preparation for the long-term storage of any gasoline garden equipment.

Is it necessary to prepare gasoline garden equipment for the winter period?

This question is controversial in many aspects. A considerable number of gardeners are of the opinion that branded garden equipment, when using high-quality fuels and lubricants, generally does not require preparation for winter storage. And in the spring, after topping up and pumping gasoline or fuel mixture, it will continue its work without any problems.

However, the storage conditions for gardening equipment are completely different for everyone. Someone can afford to store it in a warm room, but with someone she will lie all winter in a wet and frosty barn. And the concept of “high-quality fuels and lubricants” is rather vague with us.

My opinion is that if you can store moisture (dew) when storing a gasoline engine, then preservation of cylinders and garden equipment is not necessary for the winter. It will be enough just to drain and work out the remnants of gasoline or fuel mixture. Moisture can be avoided in several ways: to store the engine at room temperature, or to provide high-quality thermal insulation of the motor, for example, to store in a dense box, upholstered from the inside with mineral wool.

Storage of lawn mowers in winter. goals and objectives.

Proper storage of lawn mowers in winter consists of several preparatory steps. The main one: preparing the lawn mowing engine for long-term storage in the winter. It will prevent the rings from being pressed into the piston, eliminate the consequences of solidification of the oil, moisture condensation on the internal parts of the motor, followed by corrosion.

Drain gasoline or fuel mixture.

  1. We clean the gasoline braid from dirt.
  2. We merge gasoline or fuel mixture from garden equipment and tighten the gas tank cap. I do not recommend, in the future, using the fused mixture as fuel for equipment. How much can you store the fuel mixture for two-stroke engines read here.
  3. We start the lawn mowing and wait until the remaining gasoline is produced at idle in the carburetor, primer and fuel line. There are few leftovers and gardening equipment will not work for a long time. Before stopping, the engine will increase its speed somewhat, due to the depletion of the fuel mixture.

Lawn mowing conservation. engine cylinder treatment.

  1. Remove the candlestick.
  2. Unscrew the candle. Check the clearance and its general condition.
  3. Using a syringe, we spray 2-2.5 ml of oil through the candle hole in the cylinder cavity, which is intended for the manufacture of the fuel mixture of your garden equipment. You can use any anti-scale, anticorrosive agent, ideally, a specialized tool for the internal conservation of the engine of a motor vehicle.
  4. Using a manual starter with the ignition off, turn the piston several times.
  5. We twist the candle.
  6. We put on a candlestick.

Attention. If you accidentally pour oil, and in the spring your garden equipment will not want to start. First, unscrew and degrease the candle.

Lawn mowing conservation. carburetor treatment and air filter cleaning.

  1. Remove the air filter cover and the filter itself with a metal mesh, if such is provided for by the design of garden equipment.
  2. Open the throttle.
  3. Inject a corrosion inhibitor into the carburetor.
  4. We rinse and dry the air filter. Set it in place.

Preparing a cutting knife garden equipment for long-term storage.

  1. Remove the knife.
  2. We clean it from dirt.
  3. We process it and seats with an anticorrosive agent. To save money, you can use any inexpensive machine oil, including and working out.

Preparing a mowing reel with fishing line for winter storage.

  1. We remove the mowing head from garden equipment.
  2. We disassemble and clean from the remnants of grass and dirt.
  3. We reel the fishing line from the reel.
  4. We store the fishing line in a humid place to avoid its drying out and brittleness. For example, wrap in a bag with added water.

Tip. If the mowing line is still roughened and brittle in the spring, place it in water for several hours. It will partially restore its properties.

If there is time, then do not put off the gear lubricant for the “future”.

Proper storage of lawn mowers during prolonged downtime, and even more so in the winter, preservation of its engine and cutting tools will ensure its uninterrupted operation in the next season. In addition, they will save a lot of nerves and money, which, as you know, there are not many.