How to cut a carpet with a long pile

Close the edge with a baseboard

If the carpet in your room will be lying adjacent to the walls, the best way to cover its edges. hide them under the baseboard. You do this by cutting the rug with a sharp knife or scissors, straight to the edge of the room, and secure it with a baseboard. There are two types of skirting boards for this purpose: simple and special skirting boards for carpeting.

When using a simple skirting board, the covering is brought directly underneath it. And when using a special plinth from the main piece of carpet cut a narrow strip that is glued to this special plinth, above the strip of carpet closed decorative plank.


carpet, long, pile

Cut Pile Carpet vs. Loop Carpet

To make carpet overlock can be made on high- and low-speed special machines To make carpet overlock can be made on high- and low-speed special machines (overlockers). On such equipment, you can not only perform a neat stitch around the perimeter of the product, but also make a fringe.

On sale are compact models for use at home or to provide appropriate services on the road. The price of such equipment is more acceptable in comparison with manufacturing models. However, compact portable units cannot be used to process industrial rubber-based carpet products. They are only suitable for domestic carpet made of artificial or natural materials.

How to make a rough floor for a loggia or balcony with their own hands?

Large machines are usually used in various industries. Most overlock machines are heavy and large devices that are not designed for transportation from place to place, so the processing is usually carried out in a special workshop.


You can make overlock carpeting on high-speed and low-speed special machines

Carpet overlock can be made on high- and low-speed special machines (overlocks). On such equipment you can not only make a neat seam around the perimeter of the product, but also make a fringe.

There are compact models on sale for use at home or to provide appropriate services on the go. The price of such equipment is more reasonable in comparison with production models. However, compact portable units cannot be used for industrial carpeting on a rubber base. They are only suitable for domestic carpet made of artificial or natural materials.

How to make a rough floor for a loggia or balcony with your own hands?

Large machines are usually used in various industries. Most overlockers are heavy and large devices that are not designed for transportation from place to place, so the processing is usually carried out in a special workshop.

Edge treatment by yourself at home

You have a need to treat the carpeting yourself? What’s the best way to do it at home?

To carry out processing of the floor covering is simple, having elementary skills of tailoring and sewing. Can be treated with a simple loop stitch. In this case it is necessary to:

  • Trim an uneven and shiny edge;
  • Prepare a few skeins of strong and quality threads (preferably synthetic), which should be selected to match the color of the carpet or, conversely, in contrast;
  • Take a large, sharp, thin needle and use it to sweep over the edges of the cover with a simple buttonhole stitch. At the same time, without tucking or bending anything.

Also, instead of thread you can use a thin cord, which gives special strength and durability of the edges of natural carpeting, you only need to pick up the color in combination with the palace.

Loop stitch, when finishing with cord, should be done at regular intervals, or more often, laying stitches at a certain distance. Such a cord not only makes the edges of coverage solid, but also gives them a finished decorative look.

When processing the edges of the carpet you can also use special tape. For this, choose a narrow, preferably synthetic (t.к. it is more durable) tape, which will match the color of the flooring. Or you can use a skirting board fastener to hide the edge again.

Our grandmothers’ way

Our grandmothers knew a lot about cleaning in the house. And the best way to clean the carpet was the following: in winter to knock out the carpet on the snow, and in summer to knock out the carpet on the crossbar. The carpet should hang it facing you, knock out the dust and dirt from the carpet, and then go through the nap with a fork. With the help of a fork it is possible to comb the carpet well and give it a soft and fluffy look.

Methods with a purely Russian approach

To raise the long pile on the carpet, some hostesses use an ordinary table fork! We have not used this method, but the reviews are quite good.

The algorithm of action is simple: immediately after vacuuming take the fork and pass it through the fabric, raising, and, as though whipping fluffy threads. The procedure resembles brushing, the nap becomes fluffy and high. We have no doubt that the method was born in the Russian expanses. Advanced foreign citizens would not have thought of such a thing.

  • The flooring must be cut along the base of the threads, on the reverse side.
  • Mark the perimeter of the room in advance on the carpet.
  • For an accurate fit, leave a margin of about 10 centimeters.
  • Work out mat.
  • Insulation for different household areas.
  • Cover for paths between beds or compost pile.
  • Padding under furniture legs.
  • Boxing bag.
  • Hammock at the cottage.
  • Sound Silencer.
  • Home slippers or bag
  • Choose and purchase a backing for the mat.
  • Mark out the backing (if necessary).
  • Trim the backing.
  • Apply carpet tape or double-sided tape.
  • Remove the protective film.
  • Secure the carpet pad on the mat.
  • Check the result.
  • Allow the material to dry
  • Thickness 5-10 mm. If the substrate is thinner than 5 mm, it is likely of below average quality
  • Elasticity. Easiest way to check performance is to squeeze the backing
  • Moderate density. The layer must be air permeable so that there is no musty, damp smell in the room.

What to cut the carpet at home: selecting the right device

Before you cut the carpet, you need to find the right device. In order not to damage the nap during cutting, it is recommended to use special devices when laying. The following tools are suitable for carpeted flooring:

Important! If for some reason it is not possible to use one of these tools, you can try to cut the carpet with a shoemaker, a regular office knife, a scalpel or even simple scissors. But the result is unlikely to be satisfactory.