How to cut decorative gypsum stone

Decorative stone in the interior (100 photos)

decorative, gypsum, stone

As the strongest and most reliable material, stone has been used for construction, probably since the time of the first people on Earth. Egyptian pyramids, the Great Wall of China, megalithic structures of the Mayan civilization, ancient temples and medieval fortresses are laid out from it.

Even a hundred years ago, only wealthy owners could afford stone houses. the rest were content with clay and wooden huts. Even now, despite the huge variety of building materials, the use of natural sandstone, granite, marble in the interior is a sign of elitism.

However, imitations of natural stone look no worse, while they are more affordable, easier to process, and sometimes have better resistance to changes in humidity, temperature, mechanical stress. details about this type of finish and how to use it will be described in this article.

Application features

In one form or another, decorative stone can be seen anywhere: it is used to decorate houses, apartments, offices, cafes, train stations and administrative buildings. In dry rooms, there is more often embossed artificial sandstone, shell rock, cobblestone, slate, and in humid and crowded rooms. smooth “polished” granite, marble, glazed brick-like tiles.

In the first case, the stone gives the interior a cozy and warm look, in the second, it resembles the seashore with its rounded pebbles and turned boulders. From a practical point of view, this also makes sense, because a glossy surface is much easier to wash, and a matte roughness under the influence of water and steam becomes unsightly.

What is decorative stone?

Artificial stone has an external resemblance to natural, but it is not mined from the bowels, but is made manually or industrially. The methods are similar to each other. the solution is poured into a mold (silicone, plastic, metal), dried, sometimes heat treatment (firing) is carried out, coating with various impregnations or glaze.

Depending on the composition of raw materials, the product can be concrete, ceramic, gypsum, acrylic, polyester. There is also the so-called liquid stone in the form of an uncured mixture, as well as flexible. a kind of stone veneer in rolls or sheets.

For outdoor work, frost-resistant slabs are used, with minimal porosity and more coarse in appearance. In the interior, lightweight, thin elements are used. Their environmental friendliness largely depends on the binder and fillers.

So, cement, sand, gypsum and clay are not inferior to natural stone, freely passing air and moisture, but acrylic resins are safe only at low temperatures. it is not recommended to place them near a fireplace, oven and other heating appliances. If, already at 30 ° C, a synthetic countertop, bath or sink exudes an unpleasant odor, it is better to refuse to purchase them, since this is often a sign of low-quality ingredients that are toxic to health.

Decorative stone in the interior of the living room

The energy of a stone, even a decorative one, brings to the house a feeling of a certain stability, serenity and peace. Perhaps, on a subconscious level, he is associated with reliable walls of a fortress protecting from enemies or the constancy of his home.

This material is indispensable for facing an operating fireplace, since it best transfers the heat of the flame to the surrounding space. In apartments where it is not possible to arrange such a romantic heating, electrical imitations or simply niches with candles are often installed. In this case, both the portal itself and the wall can be laid out with a stone. in whole or in part.

Sometimes, with the help of stone, they simply place interior accents, for example, they frame corners, arches, ledges, columns with it. Along with such a noble addition, it is worth using soft, natural shades, wood and leather textures, natural fabrics and furs, soft yellowish-white light. Green plants look incredibly beautiful against the background of a stone, especially climbing ones.

These imitation sandstone and rough granite sections are perfect for a country-style living room or chalet. Gypsum and light marble will help to reproduce the classic atmosphere, but in a loft and minimalism, brick-like stone tiles will be most appropriate.


Facing a hallway with a decorative stone can be both an excellent design solution and a waste of money. it all depends on the thoughtfulness of the future project.

The color range of the products plays an important role here. The typical layout of modern apartments does not imply the presence of windows in the hallways; they have to be content with artificial lighting. The optimal solution would be to choose decorative stones of light shades, which are specially targeted by artificial light sources.

The color of the stone cladding should not be too different from the rest of the finish, otherwise it will cause dissonance in the interior. It is enough if it is slightly darker than the general tone of the walls.

The hallway and the corridor are rooms where functionality comes first. They should not be too bright, pastel-colored walls and a neutral textured stone are appropriate.

Materials (edit)

The production of decorative stone finishing uses a variety of raw materials.

Beige and brown tones

The beige and brown palette in the hallway is one of the most popular. Warm tones help create a favorable atmosphere, tune in a positive mood. In such an environment, it is cozy and comfortable for both the owners of the house and the guests.

Decorative stone in the interior of the hallway

If you dream of getting an elegant designer interior as a result of repairing the hallway, which looks solid and expensive at the same time, it is worth using decorative stone in the interior decoration of the hallway. Humanity has been familiar with this finishing material since antiquity, and the modern decorative stone in the hallway is associated with monumentality, security and tranquility.

The nobility of the room will be added by its massive character, and the variety of embossed surfaces and a rich palette of color shades will add respectability and luxury to the interior.

In the hallway, the decoration of which includes decorative stone, the atmosphere of personal safe comfort will always reign, although at first glance this material is endowed with heaviness and natural coldness.

What can be replaced?

It is not always possible to use decorative stone trim, modern development technologies allow us to solve this problem with the help of available analogs.

  • Decorate with panels indoors. This is the best option when you need to quickly and efficiently transform the hallway with minimal costs for installation work and materials. Panels made from natural or artificial raw materials are easily installed on the surface of walls and ceilings, successfully harmonize with other finishing materials and have an aesthetic appearance.
  • Laying with tiles. Such interchangeability is often found in modern interiors due to the practicality and rather low cost of the material. Decorative tiles will cost several times cheaper, and they look no less attractive even in comparison with natural stone. A good professional does not immediately determine whether the tile in front of him or a natural sample.

Decorative stone from egg trays

A decorative stone made of egg trays in the decoration of the hallway is an unexpected design solution. This is the most budgetary and simple version of wall cladding that even a child can cope with, but the final appearance does not lose at all from this. decorative masonry looks spectacular and does not differ much from industrial material.

For the manufacture of “bricks” must be available cardboard, egg cells and PVA glue. The cells are torn at the folds, leaving more relief, and glued onto prepared sheets of cardboard. To give the desired texture, an additional layer of paper napkins is applied on top. The finished products are dried and covered with a layer of paint, at the end they are varnished. Such brickwork from egg trays will be an excellent decoration for the hallway.

Such brickwork from egg trays will be an excellent decoration for the hallway.

Fake diamond

Artificial stone is specially made industrially, less often by hand. In production, a special solution is poured into molds and dried, heat treated, coated with impregnations or glaze. Concrete, quartz, acrylic, gypsum, and porcelain stoneware are used as raw materials for the artificial material. The composition includes dyes, plasticizers, reinforcing elements. All components are safe for human health.

Masonry made of artificial material is easy to put in order, if any element is damaged. it is easy to replace.

Design options

Do not make completely stone walls in the hallway, this will turn a small room without windows into a cave or dungeon.

Fragmented cladding will look more laconic, with its help you can emphasize the necessary accents.

  • Wall decor in the corners of the hallway. Masonry in the inner or outer corners of the room is one of the favorite techniques of decorators, it creates the effect of ancient ruins and allows you to zone the room.
  • An extravagant solution is to lay the floor in stone. Financially wealthy citizens can easily afford such a floor covering. The problem lies in the fragility of the artificial material, which is subjected to mechanical stress during operation. It is better to use natural preparations for decoration.
  • Hollows or niches in the hallway can be effectively beaten with the help of a stone, and in order for the texture of the material to “unfold”, artificial light sources must be directed into the openings.
  • Decorative stone allows not only to decorate the walls, but also to emphasize the doorway. The most popular option is a stone arch, it will always be in the spotlight. For some it is an element of the Middle Ages, for some it will remind the entrance to a mysterious cave or grotto, while others will have associations with the Arc de Triomphe.

How to glue a decorative stone with your own hands?

When choosing a method for interior decoration, take into account the need to leave a gap between the elements. Distinguish:

  • Installation without jointing. They are used for finishing under a torn or chipped stone, trying to make a uniform surface without joints. Masonry elements are installed close to each other.
  • Brickwork with jointing. It is used to imitate a brick wall, paving with flagstone or cobblestones, pebble mosaics, etc. Between the individual stones there is a gap of 0.5-1 cm, which, after gluing the coating, must be filled with grouting mixtures.

In addition to these differences, the laying of decorative gypsum stone is carried out according to the general principles:

  • Open several packs of stone from the purchased batch. The material may differ slightly in shade, and mixing different elements will allow you to get a coating with a soft color transition, like a natural stone. It is advisable at this stage to lay out the outline that will be on the wall. This will help fit the tiles together so that they best resemble staggered brickwork or uneven geological texture. You can cut off part of the plate with a hacksaw for metal (with small teeth).
  • Wipe the back of each tile with a wire brush and cover with the primer used for the wall. Prepare the glue in advance, if the manufacturer of the mixture recommends insisting it before use.
  • Adhesives are applied depending on their type. Putty or gypsum-based tile adhesive is smeared on the seamy surface of the part with a notched trowel. Sealants and liquid nails are used according to the manufacturer’s instructions: applied in dots or in stripes, waves, etc. Cement-based mixtures are applied to the wall with a layer of up to 6 mm (in separate sections of 1 sq. M).
  • The tiles are glued with a pressing and rotary motion. If any compound other than cement is used, it is better to glue from the upper corner, gradually lowering to the floor. It is more convenient to fix the tiles on the cement-sand mortar applied to the wall, starting from the bottom. If a seamless technique is used, the elements are rubbed close to each other. To simulate brickwork, you can use thin, even sticks, placing them in the joints. They will allow you to make the seam even.
  • After finishing the finish, the wall must be dried according to the instructions for the glue (most often about 24 hours). Then, grouting compounds are applied to the masonry with jointing, filling the gaps between the tiles with them. A wooden spatula 6-8 mm wide will help to rub the composition into a narrow seam. For seamless masonry, grout is not used, since the space between the tiles is often filled with excess glue during installation. If they are squeezed out, you need to remove the composition immediately, before it hardens.

After drying, the walls in a room with high humidity (kitchen, bathroom) must be treated with moisture-proof varnish. A glossy or matte finish is sometimes used to decorate a wall in a room with normal humidity.

Gluing instructions

It is necessary to glue the artificial stone on the wall in compliance with the requirements for the installation of coatings of this type. There should be no voids or irregularities under the tiles, since a thin layer of gypsum above them will be especially vulnerable to impacts. The gluing technology is simple and does not require special skills and abilities.

Surface and material preparation

For work, you need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools to speed up the process of installing stone elements. Would need:

  • artificial gypsum stone (you should buy the entire amount of material that is needed for finishing at once);
  • tile glue or special gypsum composition;
  • primer materials;
  • measuring instruments, building level;
  • putty knife;
  • hacksaw;
  • metal brush;
  • brush or roller;
  • narrow scapula for filling the joint (6-8 mm).

Work begins with the preparation of the base: it must be leveled and rubbed, eliminating strong differences in surface height. Small irregularities can be filled with glue during the installation of each element, so the alignment is done on its own, without calling professionals:

  • remove the old coating from concrete, plastered surfaces and eliminate potholes, after drying, treat the wall with a metal brush;
  • glue a fiberglass reinforcing mesh on a wooden wall;
  • apply a primer solution according to the manufacturer’s instructions, observing the drying time of the composition.

What glue is used when working with decorative stone?

Different types of glue can be used depending on the material of the surface to be finished:

  • putty, tile or cement-sand mixtures. for brick, concrete, plastered walls;
  • PVA, acrylic, Bustilat. For installation on drywall under putty;
  • liquid nails, thickened paint, sealants and mastics. for fastening on metal, plastic and similar partitions and architectural elements.

When choosing an adhesive, you need to pay attention to its suitability for use on existing surfaces. The manufacturer indicates this information on the packaging. Adhesive for brick-like gypsum tiles can also be used for filling joints.

How to paste on the wallpaper?

A fashionable way of decorating walls, combining the use of wallpaper and fragments paved with plaster stone tiles, requires special rules. It is not recommended to glue the tiles directly on the wallpaper: a lot of parts can tear the panel off the wall.

To properly finish, glue a decorative stone on the wall in combination with wallpaper as follows:

  • align the wall and mark its parts where different materials will be mounted;
  • stick wallpaper in the traditional way, leaving exposed areas intended for stone;
  • if the wallpaper is already glued on and does not need to be changed, remove part of this coating in the right places;
  • when gluing or removing part of the wallpaper, the line of combining the textures should go 2-3 cm onto the pasted surface, then the joint of different parts will be invisible;
  • it is necessary to prime the wall and glue the decorative gypsum stone according to the principles described for the installation of such a tile, slightly winding the edges of the parts onto the wallpaper.

If you have to change the wallpaper after the stone has been laid, it is recommended to join the edges, making an overlap of the panel over the tile (3-5 cm). In this case, it is important to glue the junction well. After gluing with a sharp knife, cut off the excess right along the edge of the stone. If necessary, the edges are glued, and a decorative molding (plinth) can be attached to the straight joint.

Advantages and disadvantages of decorative stone

Despite its low cost, gypsum stone differs little in strength from other types of wall coverings and has the following advantages:

  • ease;
  • easy installation;
  • the ability to absorb and release moisture, while maintaining an optimal indoor climate;
  • incombustibility;
  • absence of volatile and harmful substances in the composition;
  • color fastness and long service life.

During operation, gypsum materials can be damaged by strong mechanical impact (impact with a hard object). The advantages of using tiles can also be attributed to the ease of repairing the coating: it is enough to remove the damaged element and glue in its place a whole.

There are practically no drawbacks to plaster imitation of stone surfaces. Tiles are not recommended for facades, but during interior work they compete with facing bricks and clinker, tiles or ceramic tiles.

How to glue decorative gypsum stone

Decorative gypsum stone is a modern finishing material, a kind of wall tiles. Manufacturers offer a wide selection of textures and shades of products that allow you to create a coating that imitates chipped and torn stone of different breeds, flagstones, as well as brickwork from facing or antique material.

Film for pasting furniture. material that helps to easily and quickly change the appearance of an interior item.

When decorating the interior of their house or apartment, many owners decide to glue wallpaper with a pattern. AND…

The walls are finished not only with traditional materials, including lining, plastic sheets and MDF, but also.

When and how to cover a decorative stone to protect it?

The choice of material for wall cladding is a very difficult task, with the help of one type it is necessary to solve a large number of problems: it must match the color, interesting texture, durable, wear-resistant and invest in the budget, etc. Choosing a decorative brick or stone for wall cladding, you solve most of the problems: an environmentally friendly material, durable, a wide range of colors and a variety of textures, and most importantly, you get a unique solution for the interior of your apartment or the facade of a house.

In general, decorative stone or brick is already a finished product. But you need to consider where it will fit.

Let’s look at two main applications:

When using decorative stone or brick for cladding the facade, it is imperative that it be covered with a water repellent compound. This tool protects against external influences and primarily from moisture, which will allow you to preserve the decorative properties of the stone for a long time. Also, under the influence of moisture, efflorescence may appear on the surface of an unprotected stone (to put it simply, this is the washing out of salts from the micropores of the stone under the influence of the environment).

It is necessary to cover the surface of the stone with a water-repellent composition, strictly following the instructions, which will allow you to maintain the durability of the effect for 15-20 years or more.

In the interior, decorative stone does not require protection if it will not be in a humid environment (sauna, bathroom, kitchen apron, etc.).

To protect the stone in the interior, varnish is used (matte, glossy).

The question is often asked: Is it necessary to protect the stone around sockets and switches??

In the photo, the decorative brick is not covered with anything.

But it must be taken into account that if the switch or socket is near the bathroom, contact with water is possible, then it is necessary to cover the decorative stone around the perimeter of the socket or switch (10-12 cm). You can do the same with a stone of light shades.

Thus, to choose a protective material, you need to know:

To protect the stone on the facade, a water repellent composition is used.

Important! The decorative stone should be treated with a water repellent agent no earlier than three weeks from the date of manufacture of the stone.

When protecting the interior, you can use varnish (matte or glossy).

Using liquid nails

This method is appropriate to use only if you plan to finish a small section of the wall, or to repair a finished surface in a spot. The instructions for work are as follows:

  • If necessary, mark in the form of horizontal lines along the wall surface.
  • If the rows do not fit on the wall, it is worth leaving a space for trimming at the bottom of the wall. this way it can be hidden behind the skirting board.
  • Apply glue to the decorative stone, and then withstand the composition for 10-15 minutes, so that it has time to dry out a little and does not seep between the seams.
  • Place stones on the wall surface. Installation should start from the corner of the building.

“Liquid nails” is a high-quality and ready-to-use material, but it is impractical to use it for facing large areas due to its high cost.

We recommend watching a video about the use of sealant for installation:

Gluing methods

Decorative gypsum stone can be glued in several different ways. The choice of the method of laying the stone depends on which surface it is planned to glue the plaster product.

Be that as it may, the walls will need preliminary preparation. You will need to level the walls by filling holes and cracks, removing too strong surface relief. If the gypsum stone and its texture are similar to natural stone, you do not need to deal with the elimination of small and minor defects. If the wall decoration is very old, it is worth removing the plaster, removing the old wallpaper. After the completion of the preparatory work, the wall is covered with a liquid primer, which will provide good adhesion. You can lay decorative stone immediately after the surface is completely dry.

What to glue a gypsum decorative stone on

Adhesive selection

Glue for decorative gypsum stone is different. This can be a special gypsum-based adhesive or a clinker tile adhesive that will also work well for decorative stone. You can purchase glue in the form of a dry mixture or a ready-made solution.

The dry mixture is diluted with water in the proportion indicated in the instructions. The dry mix contains alabaster and plasticizing additives. And although the composition of the mixtures is approximately the same, they have different properties. Initially, you should pay attention to the speed of its hardening.

When choosing an adhesive for working with gypsum finishing material, it is worth choosing one that has a minimum of quartz sand. it significantly impairs adhesion. Remember, the right glue will ensure a long service life of the stone. We recommend giving preference to such brands as Ferozit, Elite Construction, Knauf Perflix, Lacrisil.

The advantage of the material is that almost any glue can be chosen to work with it: PVA, acrylic, bustilate, polymer sealant. All of them will fulfill the task, but nevertheless, it is better to give preference to gypsum-based glue.

Using glue for ceramics

This method of adhesion is also considered acceptable. It can be used only for those premises where there are no difficult conditions for operation. This is done simply:

  • The wall is covered with a hydrophobic primer. If you plan to glue stones to a metal surface, you will also need reinforcement.
  • After that, a guide strip of stones is laid out.
  • The way the stone holds is checked. After the glue has hardened, you need to gently pull the stone towards you. If it does not fall off, you can continue gluing.
  • If glue seeps between the junction of the stones, it must be immediately removed with a sponge until it hardens.

It is worth remembering that this type of gluing is possible, but it is difficult to call it expedient, because the glue for ceramics is more expensive, it dries longer. Its advantage is durability, but gypsum stones are rarely planned to be used for long periods of time.

Using gypsum-based glue

If you decide to glue a gypsum stone, it is recommended to use a special gypsum-based glue. It is quite simple to do this: it is worth choosing a good glue, for example, “Volma” or “Knauf”. Next, you will need to do the following:

  • Dissolve dry glue with water in a proportion, which is determined by the instructions. As a rule, this is a kilogram of dry mixture for half a liter of water.
  • Stir the mixture thoroughly so that no lumps remain.
  • Treat walls with a hydrophobic primer to ensure a high level of adhesion.
  • You will need to carefully cut the coating along the contour. The design should be made a little less than the one that was originally conceived.
  • Lay a guide strip of stones on the wall, then lay the remaining stones.

Benefits of gypsum stone

Gypsum stone for interior decoration is very widely used. Stucco molding can imitate any material, but it often looks identical to natural stone. The material is widely used for decorative parts of the interior and creating unique designs.

Speaking about the advantages of decorative gypsum stone, it is worth noting the following:

  • wide range of colors and textures;
  • creating a pleasant microclimate inside the building;
  • resistance to deformation and changes in temperature conditions;
  • light weight, environmental friendliness and long service life.

There are few drawbacks to the material, but they are also worth mentioning about them. It is poorly resistant to the negative effects of moisture, as well as physical influences. It is worth considering these features when choosing a material for finishing a bathroom, kitchen and other rooms with high humidity.

Gypsum stone is a great material that is good for high volume jobs. Its cost is much lower than that of natural materials, especially for bulk purchases.

Finish coating

In order to ensure a long service life, it is worth finishing.

How to Apply Decorative to Plaster a Wall | DIY Projects

This can be done after a day after the end of the installation, so that the glue has time to set. If the room is damp, wait a little longer. After that, you will need to wash the stone with a wet sponge, clean the seams. Next, you need to dilute the grout of the required shade and rub the seams so that they do not stand out against the background of the overall picture. It is better to take the grout a little darker than the stone. this way, you can create an interesting and unusual design.

If something goes wrong during grouting, the coating can be washed off with a damp sponge. At the end of the work, the surface is wiped with a dry cloth. After that, you can enjoy the result.

Today you learned what to glue a gypsum decorative stone to and how the methods of gluing it differ depending on the surface. It is not too difficult to do this, so even if you are not a specialist in repair work, the result will not upset you, and the process will be exciting and interesting.