How to cut linoleum on a roll


Fixings are used for laying household and semi-commercial linoleum. If we talk about the price per liter, then fixation is much more expensive. But her consumption is much lower (100-180 g / square), so gluing one square meter will be cheaper. From all points of view, this is the best option. Here are a few normal clamps to work with:

  • Homakoll 186Prof (Homakol) – a universal fixing compound for multiple re-gluing of flexible floor coverings.
  • Fobo 541 Eurofix Anti Slip – fixation for materials with vinyl or bitumen backing on absorbent or non-absorbent substrates.

linoleum, roll

Fixation for linoleum allows you to change the coating several times without replacing the “sticky” layer

There are other manufacturers, new products appear every day. But, before buying, please read the instructions carefully. See to it that can be used on your substrate, with your type of coverage.

On what basis

Even when choosing a floor covering, the question arises on what to lay linoleum on. Is it necessary to prepare the base and if so, how seriously. The answer is simple: linoleum can be laid on any base. The main thing is that it is even, durable and clean. Preparation takes place and can be easy and quick if the ground is level. In this case, the floor is simply cleaned and dried. If the floor has potholes, large irregularities, preparation takes longer. For correction, a screed or self-leveling mixtures can be used, a dry screed with sheet building material (plywood, OSB, MDF boards) is also used. It all depends on the type of base.

You can lay linoleum yourself

To glue or not

Before laying linoleum, you need to decide whether you will glue it or not. There is an opinion that it is not necessary to glue it in houses and apartments. It is pressed against skirting boards, furniture, large-sized appliances, etc. All this “keeps” him in place. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Usually works on hard semi-commercial and commercial types of coatings, and does not work on softer – household.

It’s about thermal expansion. In summer, when it’s hot, linoleum expands “crawling” out from under furniture and appliances. In the fall, it shrinks to its previous size, but does not return under the furniture. Waves and bumps are formed. Therefore, the majority agree that it is necessary to fix it..

If not glued, maybe this is the view

Just keep in mind that linoleum either does not need to be glued at all, or glued completely. Glue in some places – almost guaranteed to get humps and bulges after a while.

How to glue

Before laying linoleum, you need to figure out how to glue it. If the room is small, household linoleum is laid in one piece on a smooth base (sheet material, old linoleum, etc.), you can fix it on double-sided tape. It is fixed securely, but due to thermal expansion, humps can form between the adhesive tape. Therefore, if you glue linoleum, then on glue.

There are two types of adhesives:

  • Glue, which, after drying, creates a rigid bond between the floor and the coating (the most famous and often used for linoleum flooring is PVA);
  • wet adhesion, applied with a roller or brush (for absorbent substrates);
  • dry adhesion applied with a spatula (universal, including for non-absorbent substrates);
  • Fixation – the composition, which is first applied to the base, dries up, forming a sticky layer (like on scotch tape). Linoleum is rolled onto this layer, which sticks and, during operation, does not move..
  • Linoleum adhesive is applied with a roller or spatula

    The first option is more familiar to us, but when changing the coating, we have to suffer for a long time, tearing off the coating and the remnants of glue from the base. The fixation holds “in shift” no less reliably, but allows you to calmly rewire it several times (from 5 to 8, depending on the composition).

    How to glue the joints of linoleum

    There is a special glue to connect the joints of linoleum. It is called “cold welding for linoleum”. These are small tubes with a sharp nose, with which the composition is filled directly into the joint. It does not so much glue as it dissolves the adjacent areas of the coating, creating a sealed seam..

    There are two types of cold welding for linoleum:

    • type A – for joining freshly laid canvases (for example, SINTEX H44, Werner Muller, Tytan (Titanium);
    • type C – for repairs (if it is necessary to fill a gaping seam, a cracked canvas, etc.).

    How to connect linoleum at the joints – cold welding glue

    When laying linoleum, naturally, type A is used. Pay attention to the instructions for use. They are of different types and require different drying times..

    If you have not previously worked with cold welding for linoleum joints, practice first on scraps. When you have worked out the technology, and you understand what and how to do, you can start gluing the joints in the room.

    Another point: the glue for connecting the joints of linoleum until it polymerizes and releases harmful substances. Therefore, windows and doors are opened in the room, providing ventilation. It is better to work with gloves, and a respirator will not hurt.

    How to put linoleum correctly

    Linoleum is a practical and attractive floor covering that can be found in houses, apartments, summer cottages, offices, shopping centers, public institutions … Almost everywhere. How to lay linoleum, how to do it right – read on.

    How to trim

    Let’s start with how to cut linoleum. There are two options – knife and scissors. Both, you can work normally, only they must be sharp.

    It is more convenient for someone to use a clerical knife, but a boot or sharpened kitchen knife is also suitable, although there are special ones. They have a retractable blade, like stationery knives, but their handle is curved and the blade almost does not bend.

    Linoleum knives

    On a clerical knife, the protrusions that hold the blade in place must be iron. In this case, the blade is more elastic and there is less chance of the cut going to the side. This is precisely because the blade can “lead” some craftsmen prefer powerful scissors. To make it easier to cut, they make an incision, and then, without making cutting movements, they simply rip the cover along the intended mowing line.

    Now about where to trim. Roll out linoleum so that it goes a little on the walls. If there are several canvases, an overlap of at least 5 cm is made at the junction. If there is a pattern, lay out the canvases so as to achieve a match. Then the junction will not be noticeable.

    How to cut linoleum

    Linoleum is cut in the corner, the joint remains with an overlap and is cut off after gluing the main part. The canvas is pressed to the floor, cut with a knife or scissors. Please note that if the work is done in a cool room, the high temperature cover will increase in size during the summer. If you cut the canvas close to the wall, a roller forms near the baseboards in summer. Then, at lower temperatures, it can stretch, but in summer it spoils the view. Therefore, when cutting off, retreat from the wall about 1 cm.

    How to lay linoleum with your own hands

    To make self-laid linoleum pleasing to the eye, not bulging or frowning, it is necessary to fulfill several mandatory points. The first is related to the preparation of the foundation. That it should be; but to be even, you already know. In addition, it must be dry and clean. No dust, no grease or other stains. We collect everything with a vacuum cleaner, remove the stains with a suitable means, dry everything thoroughly. We do all this carefully: dust impairs adhesion to the base, debris particles will eventually show through the coating.

    Before laying linoleum, prepare the base

    The second prerequisite: before laying the linoleum, it must “mature” for some time in a straightened state. Preferably at the place of installation. It is rolled out, left for at least 2 days, but better – for 5-7 days. So he straightens, takes on “working” dimensions. After that, you can start cutting.

    How to level linoleum after laying

    There are several ways to straighten linoleum flooring. Most often, the decision depends on why the material went in waves or bubbles, the number and degree of defects.

    So, in order to remove defects, you can use:

    • Metal balls. If the linoleum is swollen in some places, then it will be possible to roll metal balls over them. The balls will, as it were, press the material, thereby leveling its surface. At the same time, you need to move from the edges to the center and back..
    • With an awl or a needle. The place with the wave is carefully pierced in order to release excess air. After that, the area is pressed by the load for a while. At the same time, it is better if the load is covered with a soft cloth: this way you can reduce the likelihood that after removing the load traces will remain from it..
    • Iron. Smoothing linoleum is possible only through a rag, smoothly moving the iron. In this case, after heating, you should put a plywood or chipboard covering. This method is only suitable for high quality, thick coatings. Thin linoleum can be easily overheated and stretched.
    • An ordinary heating pad filled with hot water. This option is suitable if the defect is minor. The heating pad will simultaneously heat the material and perform the function of a press.

    If the linoleum was not glued, then a good option would be to dismantle the baseboard and level the wave with a construction roller towards the free edge. At the same time, linoleum may need to be trimmed..

    Building recommendations: how to smooth linoleum after bending

    If you bought linoleum, and it lay rolled up for a long time, then kinks could form on the roll. Subsequently, permanent deformation will interfere with the installation and affect the appearance of the coating. The same can happen if the roll is accidentally stepped on or something heavy is placed on. If the material lay uncut for a long time, then folds could form both along the edges of linoleum, which is closer to the center.

    You can get rid of kink at home using the following methods:

    • You can spread the rolled roll in the room for which it was intended and leave it. Usually, if the linoleum was not broken and just lay stale, it takes 2-3 days to correct the situation and smooth the material. At the same time, you can walk on linoleum. The main thing is not to put heavy objects and cut the edges of the material so that it does not rest against the walls.
    • Linoleum can be placed face-down on the floor, and plywood can be laid on top. At the same time, you need to ensure that the linoleum is cut around the perimeter of the room and does not bend under the plywood..
    • The old old-fashioned way involves using hot sand as a press. At the same time, the sand is poured into bags, which are then stacked on the material.
    • Linoleum that has been broken can only be fixed by gluing it to the base. In this case, you need to smooth the material well with a roller and expel air from under it..

    Often, in order to even out the waves, it is advised to warm up the linoleum with a hairdryer in the place of the bend. Doing this is highly discouraged: the material may stretch, and the waves will become even more noticeable. If you use heat for these purposes, then only dry and not aggressive.

    How to straighten linoleum at home

    If, after all the manipulations, the waves still remain on the material, you can try to stretch it. This procedure can be done with both thick and thin linoleum. You need to act carefully so as not to damage the surface of the coating.

    In order to stretch linoleum, you must:

    How to lay sheet vinyl flooring

    • Put it in the room and cut around the perimeter so that there is a gap between the coating and the wall up to 10 mm.
    • Let the linoleum rest for a couple of days.
    • Fasten one side of the covering with a plinth (for example, if the bend goes perpendicular to long walls, then the covering should be fixed against a short wall).
    • Place a wide board on the surface of the coating. It is important that the board is free of nails or other protruding objects that could damage the finish. It is better to wrap the board with a cloth: this way it will glide better on the linoleum.
    • Load the board (such as a bag of cement).
    • Move the board over the surface to the opposite wall.

    This procedure is enough to straighten even a very wavy coating. At the same time, the room should be warm: this will make the linoleum softer, which will help to achieve the desired result..

    How to smooth linoleum on the floor: 8 ways, useful tips

    Bubbles on the floor, waves: how to level linoleum

    The most common defect that can appear after improperly laying linoleum is waves. Often, linoleum swells even after rearranging furniture, turns red and goes in waves after prolonged use of the coating.

    New linoleum is smoothed out quickly: in order to straighten it, you just need to let it rest for a few days or use a press.

    If the new linoleum does not straighten out after several days, it is worth resorting to more radical methods: heating the material, the simultaneous application of load and heat. As a last resort, builders recommend that you measure the material well and cut it into strips. After such manipulations, the strips should be folded into a pile and pressed down with a heavy press. In this case, the press must be laid on a flat surface (for example, plywood).

    Removing a bubble on linoleum that has been incorrectly glued to the floor is a little more difficult: to do this, you will have to damage the visible part of the coating.

    If the bubble is high, then it will need to be cut crosswise, release excess air from under the material and cut off the excess material, glue the coating. If you do the work carefully, then minor repairs will not be noticeable from the height of human growth. A large and flat bubble can be removed using a syringe with special glue. The bubble is injected with a substance, and placed under the press.

    How to quickly remove waves on linoleum

    Linoleum is one of the most popular floor coverings that are affordable and attractive. Do not worry if, after long-term use, rearrangement of furniture or improper installation, defects (waves, bubbles) appear on the linoleum. In most cases, they can be easily eliminated on your own. The main thing is to follow the recommendations outlined above and not damage the coating during operation.!

    How to quickly remove waves on linoleum

    Linoleum is one of the most popular floor coverings that are affordable and attractive. Do not worry if, after long-term use, rearrangement of furniture or improper installation, defects (waves, bubbles) appear on the linoleum. In most cases, they can be easily eliminated on your own. The main thing is to follow the recommendations outlined above and not damage the coating during operation.!

    Attention, only for TODAY!

    Popular types of linoleum

    Linoleum household collection Classic, Triumph 112, width 1.5 m. Komiteks Lin

    Household linoleum of the Classic collection is a floor covering that will give
    your interior has a unique appearance. Natural wood texture,
    marble tiles and cork will make your living space comfortable and
    cozy. The collection includes popular design solutions,
    able to bring any of your ideas to life. The classic is made of high-quality materials and has not only
    attractive appearance, but also a practical solution for
    your gender.

    How to measure, cut and install Linoleum floors Part 1 of 3

    Linoleum household collection Classic, Tver 631, width 1.5 m. Komiteks Lin

    Household linoleum of the Classic collection is a floor covering that will give
    your interior has a unique appearance. Natural wood texture,
    marble tiles and cork will make your living space comfortable and
    cozy. The collection includes popular design solutions,
    able to bring any of your ideas to life. The classic is made of high-quality materials and has not only
    attractive appearance, but also a practical solution for
    your gender.

    Linoleum household Venus Taco 3214 collection, width 2 m. Juteks (Utex)

    A distinctive feature of linoleum is that it is very easy to install. Linoleum is used in living and working areas. In domestic conditions, it is used in living rooms, corridors, bedrooms, kitchens
    etc. Depending on the scope of application, linoleum may have different
    protective layer (chemical composition and thickness). Household linoleum
    the protective layer is smaller than that of a semi-commercial, etc. Also, the presence
    different linden substrates determines the scope of the most optimal
    the use of linoleum. Widespread use of linoleum is due to the combination
    low price with high consumer characteristics, simplicity
    styling and a rich variety of different patterns. Special
    the coating protects it from abrasion and severe damage, scratches,
    repels moisture, increases its wear resistance and durability.
    Linoleum has good sound and heat absorption, and its original
    the drawing does not fade in sunlight.

    Linoleum household collection Voyage, Tiana 2157, width 2.5 m. Ideal (Ideal)

    Linoleum collection
    Voyage by Ideal – household linoleum 3mm thick with a protective layer
    0.25 mm. There are patterns for wood, parquet, stone and tiles. These linoleums
    attractive not only in design, but also in price.
    is the best PVC flooring solutions. Average between commercial
    and household linoleum, he took the best qualities of these types of flooring.
    Strong resistance to damage, long service life and ease of use
    and styling make it necessary not only for various small firms and
    public enterprises, but also for private use. Coating
    has a combination of decorative properties and durability.

    Semi-commercial linoleum collection Start, River 6387, width 2.5 m. Ideal

    from the manufacturer Ideal is a collection of semi-commercial
    linoleums that reliably serve in public spaces, as well as
    in various parts of the apartment with high traffic. Availability of a certificate
    allows you to recommend the Start collection for use
    in household premises.

    Linoleum household collection Glory, Rustic Blok 7008, width 3.5 m. Ideal (Ideal)

    Glory collection linoleums
    have interesting designs, and a reasonable price will allow you to give the interior
    rooms extraordinary style.

    Semi-commercial linoleum is the best flooring from
    PVC solutions. Medium between commercial and residential linoleum, it took the best
    qualities of these types of flooring. Strong resistance to damage,
    long service life and ease of use and styling make it unnecessary
    only for various small firms and state-owned enterprises, but also for
    private use. The coating has a combination of decorative properties and

    Linoleum commercial homogeneous collection IQ Optima 42864, width 2 m. Tarkett (Tarkett)

    Commercial homogeneous linoleum is suitable mainly for public spaces. It is indispensable in healthcare and educational institutions, as its advantage is hygiene and safety. Tarkett linoleum consists of a uniform layer and the design structure is identical from surface to base. The surface of linoleum requires regular maintenance: cleaning and applying special mastics. If you adhere to proper care, then the service life can reach more than 25 years. IQ Optima linoleum is a durable and low-maintenance floor covering for public spaces. The uniqueness of the collection is given by special 3D design effects. It is a combination of filler and transparent particles that affect the original surface pattern of linoleum. A wide range of colors from bright shades to cold. Which makes it possible to create interesting contrasting combinations on the floor or give the room a cozy atmosphere.

    Building recommendations: how to smooth linoleum after bending

    If you bought linoleum, and it lay rolled up for a long time, then kinks could form on the roll. Subsequently, permanent deformation will interfere with the installation and affect the appearance of the coating. The same can happen if the roll is accidentally stepped on or something heavy is placed on. If the material lay uncut for a long time, then folds could form both along the edges of linoleum, which is closer to the center.

    If linoleum has been rolled up for a long time, then after laying it will smooth out itself in a few days

    You can get rid of kink at home using the following methods:

    • You can spread the rolled roll in the room for which it was intended and leave it. Usually, if the linoleum was not broken and just lay stale, it takes 2-3 days to correct the situation and smooth the material. At the same time, you can walk on linoleum. The main thing is not to put heavy objects and cut the edges of the material so that it does not rest against the walls.
    • Linoleum can be placed face-down on the floor, and plywood can be laid on top. At the same time, you need to ensure that the linoleum is cut around the perimeter of the room and does not bend under the plywood..
    • The old old-fashioned way involves using hot sand as a press. At the same time, the sand is poured into bags, which are then stacked on the material.
    • Linoleum that has been broken can only be fixed by gluing it to the base. In this case, you need to smooth the material well with a roller and expel air from under it..

    Often, in order to even out the waves, it is advised to warm up the linoleum with a hairdryer in the place of the bend. Doing this is highly discouraged: the material may stretch, and the waves will become even more noticeable. If you use heat for these purposes, then only dry and not aggressive.

    How to smooth out creases on linoleum

    Most likely, with the question of how to level the linoleum, smooth it yourself, there will be no big difficulties. If the canvas completely covers the entire area of ​​the room, it is enough just to cut it along the crease along all the walls and start fixing it. If the room has an area larger than the linoleum canvas, you should take care of the joints.

    Bonding linoleum

    After the floor surface has been properly processed, and the coating is smoothed and adjusted to the size of the room, you can start fixing. In small living spaces up to 20 square meters, the covering can be fixed around the perimeter with double-sided tape and skirting boards. For rooms with a larger area, full adhesion of the entire canvas is used. To do this, you will need: mastic or special glue for linoleum, a spatula and a roller (heavy roller). It is advisable to choose an adhesive composition in accordance with the recommendations of the linoleum manufacturer. The adhesive is applied with a spatula either in a continuous layer or in frequent wide stripes over the entire floor area. In some cases, the back side of the linoleum sheet is also pre-treated with a primer.

    • Then the canvas is pressed tightly to the floor and smoothed with a roller (roller). This is done in order to drive out the formed air bubbles and for a better fight..

    After the canvas has been glued and all air bubbles from under it have been removed, it is undesirable to walk on the coating at least for a day. Also, during this time, the room should not be ventilated. It is necessary to check that there are no sudden changes in temperature.

    How to smooth linoleum on the floor: 8 ways, useful tips

    To make linoleum look attractive, after laying it, it should be smoothed. Linoleum is an attractive material that is suitable for finishing floors, both in residential and non-residential rooms. Due to its affordable cost and relatively simple installation technology, linoleum today is one of the most popular flooring, finishing coatings. But, like any material, linoleum has its drawbacks: soft material often bends during long-term storage or goes in waves after intensive use. In most cases, problems can be resolved. How to do it at home, read below..

    Docking linoleum

    The most optimal way of joining is overlapping. To do this, you need to align all the pieces of canvas around the perimeter of the room and put the abutting edges on top of each other. Then you need to cut both layers at the same time. Next, you should take care of securing the joints. The most popular method is gluing linoleum at the joints with double-sided tape..

    • To make the joint less noticeable or invisible at all, a lot of methods are used. The most common ones are:
    • cold welding of seams;
    • hot seam welding.

    For cold welding of seams, special glue is used. Cold welding products are available in various consistencies. So, if you need to glue a new linoleum, they use a more liquid product, and if you need to smooth or renew an already used coating, a thicker one. For gluing, you need a small set of tools, namely: masking (paper) tape, a stationery knife, gloves (preferably) and, in fact, a welding agent. Before starting work, the seam should be degreased and cleaned of dust – this is done simply: wipe the seam with alcohol. Then, along the entire length of the seam to be glued, adhesive tape is glued, in which a narrow slot is made with a knife directly above the seam. This slot is filled with glue (cold welding). After half an hour, the tape can be carefully removed. The drops of glue remaining on the surface after complete drying are removed with a knife.

    • For domestic hot welding, you can use an ordinary electric soldering iron, but this soldering method is only suitable for thin types of coatings. The tip of the soldering iron must be finely sharpened and ground so that you can guide it through the joint.

    The soldering iron itself must be well heated so that the edges of the web quickly soften and stick together quickly enough. Recently, this method of welding seams has been used less and less because of the possibility of damaging the canvas during work. Seams of commercial types of linoleum are soldered using hot air, cords or high-temperature soldering irons. Generally, these methods are not suitable for residential flooring..

    Lard peel

    This method will help you effortlessly move the most bulky piece of furniture. Take only fresh product for this, otherwise easy sliding will not work. Cut the skin off the bacon, cut it into squares about 5 x 5 cm or larger, and place the fat side down under the legs of the headset. After moving the furniture, greasy stripes will remain on the linoleum, but they can be easily removed using a detergent and a sponge..

    How to lay linoleum in a room with furniture

    If you need to lay linoleum, and there is nowhere to remove the furniture, then put the piece of floor cloth, rolled into a roll, on the floor in the room being repaired. Place the linoleum underneath a heavy piece of furniture first. To do this, using one of the methods described below, remove the wardrobe, sofa or piano from its place and spread part of the flooring there..

    After letting him lie down for a couple of days, fix the linoleum with baseboards and place a piece of furniture on it, carefully moving it across the finished floor. Then spread the rest of the material on the freed surface, leave in the same way for a while to level and strengthen.

    Folk remedies

    Over the centuries, people have invented many home methods of moving heavy objects to help “save” linoleum. Among them are the following.

    Things to think about in advance

    Even the highest quality flooring will not be able to withstand the movement of heavy loads on it without the use of protective equipment. If you move furniture on the linoleum inadvertently, then defects will remain on it: scratches, dents, and even tears.

    It is very difficult to eliminate such “injuries”. Sometimes the only way to return the aesthetic appearance to the room is to completely replace the floor covering. What a pity it will be for the new linoleum! Therefore, it is worth thinking about the “prevention” of its damage even during the arrangement of furniture. So that at the end of the repair there are no questions about how to remove dents from furniture and scratches from linoleum, pre-attach felt pads, pieces of plywood or special plates to the legs of the cabinet or bed.

    In addition to holes and scratches on new flooring, careless handling of a bulky headset can result in injury to the spine, muscles or joints. Therefore, do not hesitate to ask loved ones or friends for help. It is much easier for two or four to distribute the load and move the weight than it is alone. The load should be lifted by squatting with a flat back, and not leaning forward.

    How to lay linoleum in a furnished room?

    Sometimes it becomes necessary to update the floor in the room, but there is no way to do a major overhaul with the complete release of the premises from objects at the moment. We have to lift and rearrange from place to place cabinets, tables and sofas, and lay the flooring in parts, and then return the furnishings back. Let’s take a look at several ways how to lay linoleum in a room with furniture without removing it. To do this, you can use both technical devices and improvised means invented by the people..

    Modern ways of rearranging furniture

    All modern methods of moving heavy loads, unfortunately, require considerable financial and labor investments. Mechanical means of rearranging furniture include:

    • Special devices, which are belt structures. With their help, you can move a heavy cabinet without damaging the flooring.
    • Furniture conveyors. The device consists of an iron lifting lever and four powerful platforms with wheels. Using the lever, lift each corner of the furniture item, roll the platform under it and lower the corner onto it. Further, a heavy load can be easily rolled over the linoleum. Having moved the object to the desired place, again, using the lifting lever, remove the platform from under its corners.
    • A team of movers. Specially hired people know well how to move furniture across the linoleum, and will cope with the task very quickly. But they will also take a lot of money for their work. And there is no guarantee that the floor will not be scratched.
    • Dismantling the furniture “wall”, sideboard or bed into its constituent elements and taking them to another room in parts. But even in the next room, there is not always a place for a pile of shelves and doors..


    This affordable and cheap tool can be found in any home. The method is suitable for rearranging pieces of furniture that have no legs. Cut 4 slices about 2–3 cm thick from the middle parts of raw roots. Place them under the corners of the piece of furniture and gently push it along the linoleum, without deviating from the horizontal plane. Potatoes do not leave any marks on the floor surface.

    Felt boots

    Perhaps our great-grandfathers knew how to move furniture across the floor using felt boots. This is the oldest and most proven method. It is suitable only for furniture with high legs. Tilting the piece of furniture alternately in different directions, put felt boots on its legs. The “grandfather’s” method will not fail even when moving a heavy object on linoleum covered with the thinnest layer of varnish.

    This “shoe” should only be made of natural felt or wool. Synthetic counterparts are not an option here. If you don’t have real felt felt boots in your house, then alternatively you can use 2-3 pairs of thick woolen socks. Or a natural rug placed under the legs of the cabinet.

    Linoleum roll width

    The average roll width is 1.8 to 2.1 meters. However, the average roll length varies greatly from manufacturer to manufacturer. Although most rolls of sheet metal are sold by the manufacturer at about 15 meters, some can be up to 3.6 meters and can be cut into pieces..

    • 0.5 x 0.5 m (19.685 in x 19.685 in).
    • 0.5 x 0.5 m (19.685 in x 9.48 in).
    • 1 x 0.25m (39.37 “x 9.48” in.).

    Linoleum area

    To determine the area in square meters, multiply the length by the width. When measuring, round off the reading. For irregularly shaped floors, divide them into separate sections, calculate the square meters in each, and then add them together..

    How many meters in a roll of linoleum

    Linoleum floors were invented in the mid-19th century using materials such as linseed oil, rosin, and cork dust. Given its low cost and the variety of styles and finishes that are available, linoleum is growing in popularity. Although this is a low maintenance product, it can be scratched. In addition, aligning the seams of multiple sheets of linoleum – over large surface areas – can be difficult. When properly installed, linoleum forms a seamless, water-repellent film that is easy to maintain. Linoleum is sold in rolls that can be cut to suit the desired surface or modular tiles.

    Dimensions of linoleum

    Linear meter – 1 m for the width of the pavement. In other words, when the roll width is three meters, it follows that 1 running meter is one by three meters of coverage. That is, in 1 running meter, you get three meters in the square of the coverage. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates how many linear meters per roll or square.

    Speaking about how many meters of linoleum are in one roll, it can be noted that standard rolls have a width of 1.8 to 2.1 m, and usually have a minimum length of 3 meters or a maximum length of 35.

    How to calculate the required amount of roll for a room

    • Vacuum.
    • Felt-tip pen.
    • Knife.
    • Straight edge.
    • Joint sealant.
    • Seam roller.
    • Floor roller or rolling pin.
    • Glue.
    • Patterned paper.
    • Notched trowel.
    • Damp rag.
    • Plywood APA.
    • Insulating tape.

    REFERENCE. When installing on top of concrete, be sure to install a moisture barrier under the base. Use plastic wrap 4 to 6 mm thick. Floor adhesive and linoleum must be the same brand to ensure proper adhesion.

    Do not lay linoleum on concrete if it is less than four months old. This period ensures that any moisture in the concrete has evaporated. Use floor adhesive in a well-ventilated area.