How To Cut The Corners Of The Ceiling Plinth At Home


Polyurethane skirting boards. These are the most expensive items. The high cost is due to a large number of advantages, among which. Excellent moisture resistance, high mechanical strength, reliability and elasticity. For most situations, this option will be optimal.

However, there are exceptions. Polyurethane does not withstand temperature extremes. If you place such skirting boards in the kitchen in the area of ​​the stove, then over time, the polyurethane will deform and crack. The cutting of such fillets is performed with a special knife, and no complications arise during the work.

How to properly cut the ceiling plinth in the corners. Variants and methods for skirting boards made of different materials

Ceiling skirting boards. These are special parts designed to visually separate the walls from the ceiling, as well as to mask the joint between them. Such skirting boards are used almost everywhere and complement the interior of the room well. Installation of skirting boards is quite simple, but has a number of nuances. For example, to connect SEPARATE parts, you need to cut them off correctly. How to properly cut the ceiling plinth will be discussed in this article.


Wooden ceiling skirting boards differ from analogues. Wood has a fairly large weight, which affects the mass of products from it. As a result, the skirting boards are quite dense, very resistant to mechanical damage and hard, which allows you not to be afraid of accidental deformation during installation or cutting.


Foam fillets. This is one of the cheapest options. However, the advantage in the form of low cost is offset by a large number of disadvantages. In particular, the foam itself is a rather brittle and soft material that is very easy to break. Even if you just squeeze such a product in your hand, it can deform.

The need to trim skirting boards

Installation of ceiling skirting boards (another name. Galteli) must be carried out using the correct technology. However, there are no difficulties in it. The vast majority of fillets are mounted with glue. It is enough just to properly coat the product and hold it in the right place for a while.

But with how to properly cut the ceiling plinth in the corners, questions arise. When arranging the ceiling, there is always a need to process corners. But their value can have both a standard value (for example, a right angle), and a certain deviation. The latter case is possible if the room has a complex shape, or if during the repair it was not possible to align it.

Cutting skirting boards for ceilings without miter box

You also need to figure out how to glue the ceiling plinth without a miter box. This tool is not always available. One of these methods involves marking the skirting boards on the ceiling. Perhaps the only drawback of this method is the fact that it is not very convenient to keep the bar motionless while applying the markings. The rest of the method is quite reliable. The measurement accuracy is higher, since when the plinth is applied to the place, all errors become noticeable.

Another method is associated with corner trimming of the baseboard. The edges of the two joining workpieces are cut at right angles. One of the planks is applied directly to the corner, after which a fishing line is applied to the ceiling along the contour of the plinth. The same operation is repeated with the opposite skirting board.

The point at which two SEPARATE mowing lines intersect. This is the mark, in accordance with which the skirting board will need to be cut. The workpieces are in turn applied again to their places, on which the cut mowing line is marked. Here are the marks to the opposite edge of the part, a straight line is drawn. The skirting boards are cut in accordance with the markings applied to them and are joined in place. This method. This is an excellent answer to the question of how to connect the corners of the ceiling plinth without a miter box, especially when it comes to internal corners.

With decorative corners

There is one more, simpler way. For skirting boards made of polyurethane or polystyrene, use ready-made, factory decorative corners. They are installed in a corner, strips are glued to them closely. Cutting them if necessary is very simple: a few millimeters with an ordinary clerical knife.

Examples of finished corners for fillets

How to make a corner of a ceiling plinth without a miter box

Few people in apartments or houses have angles of exactly 90 °. Small deviations are easily corrected after fitting. But not always. Then you have to mark everything “in place”. Under the ceiling.

You will need a finely contoured pencil (hard. It is not so visible on the ceiling, but leaves quite clear marks near it), a small piece of plinth, a ruler and a good stationery knife if you work with polyurethane (polystyrene) baguettes or dust on metal to work with other materials.

Apply the plinth to the corner, draw along the outer edge with a pencil. Apply to the other side of the corner, also mark. You have a cross on the ceiling, the center of which marks the place where the plinths of the ceiling plinth should converge (look at the photo). I installed a piece of plinth in the corner, which will stick there and resting it with its end on the wall, transfer the mark to it.

How to make corners on skirting boards without using special tools

Now take a ruler and connect the edge of the skirting board with the marked mark. If you just put the plinth on the table and cut along the mowing line, the two parts in the corner will still NOT fold: the inner part will interfere. You can trim it later, try it on the ceiling. Second way. Set the piece, which you want to cut on the table, then the piece that will be on the ceiling. And cut along the mowing line, but keeping the knife at an angle of about 45 °. It will still be necessary to correct, but much less (and less chance of error).

Repeat the same operation with the second bar. Attached to the desired wall, abuts the butt against the adjoining wall, mark the place where the cross is drawn, draw the line and then Cut it off. Correction Carried out “dry” without applying glue.

You repeat exactly the same steps for the outer (protruding) corner. Now you know one more way of how to make a corner of a ceiling plinth, and without a scissor or other special devices.

How To Cut The Corners Of The Ceiling Plinth At Home

What is it made of and what is it called

The very first skirting boards on the ceiling were made of plaster. They were cast in special molds, then installed in a solution on the ceiling. Such figured decorations were called fillets. Today, you can see them rarely, they are expensive, and outwardly they do not differ in anything from the cheaper options. And the name is almost lost.

The most popular ceiling skirting boards today are made of polyurethane or polystyrene. They are inexpensive, look great, are easy to install, have a wide range of profiles and patterns. The width can be from 5 mm to 250 mm. They are used in almost any room, decorated in any style. An exception. Wooden houses with a matching interior. Wooden products are most often used here. Style dictates its terms.

There is also a similar plastic finish. It is mainly installed in bathrooms. But even in damp rooms, you can safely install polyurethane strips. They are NOT afraid of damp.

You need to cut the ceiling plinth in the corners of any material in one of the ways described below. The only exception is plastic skirting boards: such a corner can be issued only with the introduction of ready-made corners.

What and how to cut

Working with skirting boards made from different materials means using different cutting tools. When working with a wooden skirting board, it is more convenient to work with a saw on wood. All others, including plastic, made of foam and other polymers, are better cut with a metal sheet. The result is a smoother cut, less burr. Saws are usually used when working with a miter box.

Corner design looks attractive

When working with a polystyrene skirting board without special tools, cut them with a good stationery knife. Its blade is quite thin and even, the cut is smooth, wrinkled. If you use a saw with hydro- or polystyrene, do not press hard: you can wrinkle.

In general, in order to get used to the tool and material a little, take a piece and practice on it: cut, saw, trim. So there will be fewer problems when working.

How to get the correct angle

Most of the problems when working with skirting boards arise when making corners. Since the surface in the products is complex, it will NOT work simply to cut off at the desired angle: it is also necessary to cut it so that they dock and is desirable. No large gaps. In reality, there are several ways to make the corner of the skirting board Perfect (or almost).

With the introduction of miter box

If the corners and walls in the room are even, you can use a special carpentry tool. Miter box. This is an inverted U-shaped chute in which the mowing line is marked for cutting at 90 ° and 45 °. The part in which you need to make a gash is laid inside, a saw is inserted into the guides. The part is held in place, cut to the desired angle.

This is what the miter box looks like. Can be plastic, wood or metal

In the case of a skirting board, not everything is so simple: they must simultaneously lie on two surfaces, therefore they need to be pressed against one or the other wall of the miter box. When working from the ceiling, they are pressed against the side closest to you.

The sequence of actions when finishing the outer corner, you need to make a gash at an angle of 45 degrees. Place the miter box in front of you. I try on how the plinth will be located, determining which part of it will be attached to the ceiling. In order not to get confused and cut off the ceiling plinth correctly, the bar that will be located on the right, We put the case on the left. Left.

How to cut a corner on ceiling skirting boards: correctly Install it in a miter box

The part that turns out to be on the ceiling presses against the lower part with a miter box. The other side is closer to you and raised. She is supported on the wall of the device so that she does not stagger when cutting. That is, the front of the skirting board turns out to be turned away from you. Do the cutting direction as shown in the photo below. By putting the two cut pieces together, you get the Speaker. Outside or outside corner.

How to Make the Outside Corner of a Skirting Board Using a Chair

First put the cut-off parts in place “dry”, without applying glue. If the geometry of the corner turned out to be not ideal for centuries, you can touch up a little with a knife. It is easier to cover small errors with a special putty.

The situation is very similar with the inner corner of the skirting board. First you try on which side will be on the ceiling, this part is pressed to the bottom with a miter box, the second part is supported on the wall closest to you and cuts as shown in the photo below.

How to make an inner corner of a ceiling plinth with the introduction of a miter box

And again, at first I try it on without applying glue, if necessary, I slightly correct it. Then apply a thin bead of glue to both surfaces that will stick to the wall or ceiling.

Your own version of how to use the miter box correctly is shown in.

How to calculate the line connecting parts on their sides

On the back upper side of the plinth, a distance equal to its width is laid. It is measured from the edge and a line is drawn parallel to the end. On the upper face, it forms a square with it, on the side, if its dimensions differ. An elongated figure.

When finishing a column or a free opening, the markings are applied as follows: from the corner of the bar facing the room, a hypotenuse is drawn from above, dividing the square in half. Its projection is transferred to the edge facing the wall. For this, the space measured on the edge is also divided in half diagonally, drawing a line from the hypotenuse. The extra piece is cut along the two resulting diagonals.

If the Joint is facing inward, the diagonals are drawn in the opposite direction.

How to cut a ceiling plinth in corners using a miter box

In the middle of the workpiece, draw a square and make grooves along it in the sidewalls to the very bottom. Placing the dust in the furrows farthest from each other, we get the 45 degrees we need. The sides should NOT bend or wobble when cutting, otherwise the blade will get stuck in them and the spray will be uneven. You can work only with products made of solid materials that keep their shape well. You need to make sure that the product is absolutely reliable, and its sides will NOT fall off at the most crucial moment. When a sharp object is in the hands, you can get hurt.

How to cut the corners of a ceiling plinth: tips and a detailed plan

During the repair, everyone faced a problem. How to cut a corner on ceiling skirting boards. Even with the correct marking, it is not possible to saw off the fillet strictly along the mowing line. It bends, crumples and crumbles. It is not possible to fix it exactly in the hand at the desired degree. Pressures and other adaptations leave noticeable dents. Even if you cut perfectly flat workpieces by hand or on a machine, there will be a large gap between them during installation. This is despite the fact that on the floor, when fitting, the parts form a perfect connection. The conclusion suggests itself that it is impossible to carry out the fitting at home and the help of professional builders is required. Fortunately, things are not so bad. You can handle the task yourself.

Choosing a tool for cutting different materials

  • Fillets from expanded polystyrene. Despite their softness and low strength, they are difficult to work with. They crumple, crumble, bend. To fix them, you need to make a certain effort, but dents remain on the foam plastic, even after light pressure. You can only get a straight line with a very sharp blade. It does NOT pressurize the cut edge and easily penetrates the soft porous structure. As a rule, they use a carpenter’s or kitchen knife, or a hacksaw with fine teeth.
  • Polyurethane and plastic products. They are much stronger and denser than foam. The surface is more difficult to crumple. A special tool is used for cutting. The saw will crumble the butt, and the regular blade will take too long. If you have such a device, a long sharp kitchen knife or a saw with fine teeth will do.
  • Wooden baguette. The butt can be cut with a wood saw. Hardwoods such as oak are easier to handle with a hacksaw for metal.

Inner Joint

Before gluing the ceiling plinth and cutting the corner, it is applied to the installation site. This is necessary Not only in order to check how even the base is. This makes it easier to understand in what position the part will be located, and to correctly lay it in the miter box. Let’s imagine that its bottom. This is the ceiling. Place the rail in it. Return the tool to you with the open side, from which the main part of the baguette, intended for installation, looks out. Now press the baguette with its perpendicular back faces to the bottom and left wall. Insert dust into the holes so that its handle is on the left and closer to us. When working, do not press on the handle, otherwise dents will remain on the edges. The blade should be moved smoothly, trying to avoid burrs and chips.

If the holes in the sidewalls are too wide, you have to watch out for the distortion of the saw. When making a miter box, it is desirable to take into account the thickness of the canvas. The product should be easy and free to cut. Clearance with walls is necessary, but it is best to keep it to a minimum. This will simplify the task and help avoid mistakes.

One of the most crucial moments. The final stage, when the spray almost reached the end. The hanging part of the workpiece must be fixed in your hand. Plastic and expanded polystyrene often buckle under their own weight, creating dents. Wood may crack along the grain. As a rule, the bottom of the front part suffers. Dents cannot be fixed. The array will be easy to glue, the piece that has come off has returned to its place. It will need to be cut and secured to where it came off. You can use PVA glue, “Moment”, any other composition. The chip is firmly pressed against the smeared surface. Excess glue is carefully removed with a cloth or napkin.

The second bar is a mirror image of the first, so we apply it to the right side with a miter box. The rest of the technology does NOT differ from the manufacture of the first bar. It is cut at the same angle, but from a different sidewall.

All About Cutting Ceiling Plinth Corners

In a workshop engaged in woodworking or repairing metal parts, this operation is NOT difficult. The bar is placed on the machine, fixed in the desired position, then the excess circular saw is removed. The machine has a device that allows you to return the baguette at a given degree and measure the required distance from each side. It is much more difficult to work without precision instruments. After marking, you need to hold the blade in the correct position. Diagonal spray is much more difficult than straight spray. Such operations should not be performed on the eye. Everything must be measured carefully. There are several ways to simplify the task and avoid mistakes. First you need to choose the right tool and concepts, according to which scheme to act.

How to make a template with a miter box with your own hands

If you don’t have a miter box, you don’t necessarily need to buy a one-time tool. You can create a template with similar functions yourself.

To do this, the required cut angles are applied to wood, paper or cardboard.

Then you need to draw a pair of parallel lines, find the center, and then use the protractor to measure the angles of any given value.

This method is especially convenient because, using it, you can postpone an angle of any magnitude, even more than a straight line.

The method of processing a skirting board using a homemade tool is practically the same as working with the original. The bar is pressed against one of the parallels, after which the hacksaw is set at the required angle and cut off.

Ceiling markings

In all other respects, using this method, you will be able to cut the tent angle even more accurately than other.

When the plinth is applied to the intended installation site, all dimensional deviations and inaccuracies are noticeable and immediately taken into account.

Fillet trimming

Cropping with miter box insertion

How to trim the corner of a ceiling plinth evenly with it?

A miter box is a simple tool that carpenters use. It can be used to cut any workpiece at the desired angle.

It is usually a wooden, metal or plastic tray, on which special vertical slots are made for cutting at an angle of 45 ° and 90 °.

There are complicated designs, on which, plus to the named corners, there is also a hole for making a 60-degree cut.

A special miter box is produced for professional work. Its swivel mechanism allows you to fix the cutting blade in relation to the workpiece at any given angle.

Inner corner

The prepared plinth is applied to the ceiling, the desired length is set aside.

Then this very strip is inserted into the miter box in the same way as it will be located on the ceiling. It must be pressed against the far wall of the device. In this position, the plinth is held with the left hand.

The blade of the hacksaw should be in such a position that its angle is 45 degrees, and the handle is as close as possible to the hand. Trying to avoid pressing the saw, carefully cut the workpiece.

Next, cut off the striker in the skirting boards. It is also placed in the far wall of the instrument, holding and pressing, this time with the right hand.

The position of the hacksaw is the same as in the previous procedure. Its handle approaches the hand at a 45 degree angle. The skirting board is trimmed.

Then the finished, already cut strips are docked. The accuracy of the fit is checked. It is believed that for better orientation, when making an inner corner, it is better to start cutting from the front of the product. Places of cuts usually have to be adjusted with a file.

Ceiling plinth. Fillet

To do this correctly, it is important to strictly follow the existing recommendations and rules for finishing work. And then the result will please you.

In order to hang the ceiling plinth, even inexperienced repairmen do not have any difficulties. They are worried about something completely different: how to cut the ceiling plinth correctly? In fact, almost every room, no matter how intricate shape it is, is equipped with corners.

And in THESE inner corners, the individual elements of the skirting board should be nicely and evenly joined. And in rooms of a particularly complex configuration, you will have to be wise and over the outer corners. Let’s try to figure out how to be in each of THESE situations, and how to cut the desired part using the available tools.