How to make a noise instrument with your own hands

“Noise musical instruments with their own hands

A master class is a form of interaction between a teacher and parents and

is aimed at transferring the experience of the music director in making

of homemade musical instruments from different throw-away material

that promotes the development of musical abilities in preschool children

Sharing the music director’s experience in making homemade

of musical instruments out of the throw-away material by parents to children.

Familiarize parents and children with the technology of making musical instruments

Help in the selection of tools and material for manual labor in work with children.

In a practical way, to master the technology of working with thrown material.

To teach parents to use homemade musical instruments in

children’s independent activities at home.

Parents and children will master the technology of working with throw-away materials,

Parents will organize games with children using

Through music, we foster an aesthetic sense in children

beautiful, love of nature, kindness. Visiting kindergarten, most of the

time a child spends in the group. So there must be something there for sure

A place for a music corner, since children’s music-making is active

develop the ability to show initiative, independence. And the most

Most importantly, it enriches their emotional sphere. a kind of immunity from

life’s mishaps. After all, emotions make it possible to assess what is happening

events in terms of their significance for each of us.

In the process of playing the instruments, the individual traits of the child are revealed vividly

of each: having willpower, emotionality, focus,

make, noise, instrument, your, hands

For many, this activity helps to open up the spiritual world.

To overcome their shyness and stiffness.

The world of sounds that surround us is an amazing one. And every sound can become

with music, you just have to try to hear it. Fantasy and imagination can

to breathe colorful life into ordinary everyday sounds: “The March of the Wooden

dice”, “Polka colored felt-tip pens”, “Magic Brush Waltz”.

These musical instruments do not require large financial

And today we invite you and your children to make.

A musical instrument of your choice. We have everything we need for creativity.

All that’s left is your effort and imagination!

A demonstration of making techniques, verbal instructions.

-material for decorations (sequins, beads)

-and buckets, boxes, yogurt pots brought by parents,

Containers, felt-tip pens, wooden sticks, cases from “kinders” and shoe covers, and

As noisemakers can be used any small boxes and

Plastic jars (Kinder Surprise Bags, Creams, and Shampoos),

one-third filled with rice, beans, peas, etc.п. materials,

activities connected with rhythm and rhythmic patterns. Made from

To make this tool we will need: a metal round

candy box. Inside lay out the various materials (cereals,

Beads, peas, beans, small buttons, etc.д.) Close the lid tightly and

You can make a maraca from a can of chips, children’s tea: put small grits inside

or peas, with coloring or glued with colored self-adhesive paper on top.

Can be made from colored rubber bands and bells.

A real maracas is an empty pumpkin with peas poured inside.

We make a maracas from a tube-shaped chip bag. Inside you can

put peas, rice, beads, coins, etc.д. The convenience of this packaging is

The thing is that the lid on the tube allows you to change the fillings very quickly.

You can experiment and put a variety of “sounding”

small objects in iron candy and lollipop boxes. Then the sound

There are many musical games with maracas.

Tasks that are solved while playing with the maracas.

to teach children how to play the maracas;

form the skill of cooperative action;

Form emotional and joyful feelings from the game;

To make the drum, we will need:

Filling for the sticks (beads, small buttons, beads or any

Here is how to make a drum step by step:

Take a mayonnaise jar. it will be the body of the drum.

Inside the jar, pour a 1 cm layer of semolina or sand (to slightly

Take two used felt-tip pens.

Open the case from a Kinder Surprise, in one part make a hole

We fill the case with beads or grits, close it.

Give children an idea of drumming techniques and the timbre of the drum;

develop rhythmic hearing, coordination of movements;

To train the performance of the sound on a musical instrument “loudly-

to encourage the skill of playing music together, to evoke positive

You can also make a metal drum. Guess why it’s called that?

Of course, because it’s made out of a metal can, like a coffee can.

Place a dry, clean coffee can with the plastic lid facing down.

The wand will be a simple pencil with a rubber band on the end. First

hit the bottom of the can with one end of the pencil and then with the other. And you get

two completely different sounds. One is resonant and sharp, the other is muffled

Making musical instruments with your own hands. an activity that is useful and

fascinating. There are no clear rules and laws, so any idea is easy

Noise bottles for the development of babies (bottles-noisemakers).

Good afternoon, dear baby girls! I want to share my idea of how to make useful and so I love to develop from household waste. I’m sure this idea has been used by many moms in one form or another for a long time now. Something similar I showed here.

I’m always happy if I can give a second life to something that we usually throw away. In music lessons, I faced the problem of availability (or rather. absence) of beautiful, but at the same time durable noise instruments for their children. All that was available, the kids have had enough of. So my brain was actively looking for ideas to get out of this situation. One day my daughter and I were in a store, and we bought a drinkable yogurt, and we drank it And then I took the empty bottle in my hands and realized that it was very strong, and it was comfortable in my hand. And, trying to get rid of the label with the logo, the idea of decorating these jars with thermal labels came to me. well, we can’t just leave these jars white! over, I found the necessary labels with children’s themes on sale, even in the fall. I chose specifically children’s images, avoiding thematic.

So, after a certain number of jars have accumulated, labels have been purchased, it’s time to put them together. Unfortunately, I do not have the process of making it, but I will explain in words. It was easy to do. The main thing is to carefully stretch the foil over the middle of the bottle. And then I put the bottle on a long stick (you can replace it with a fork, a spoon, etc.).д.), placed it over a bowl and poured boiling water on top. The label hugs the bottle itself. It remained to fill our bottles and decorate the neck. For this, I cut a circle out of cardboard, taped it to the top, bending the edges to the neck. And to hide the tape, I taped it up with decorative multi-colored scotch tape.

Voila! Our jar-noisette is ready! It remains to repeat the procedure with the necessary number of bottles. I had to do it 48 times) As a result, we got this little guardsman of noisemakers!

As a filler for the jars I used materials that will not spoil, different insects will not get in them. beads, beads, small stones, shells from pistachios.

Of course, everyone is wondering what I did it for and how to play with it? First of all, the children listened to the sounds made by their pairs of bottles. For this they shook them quietly near the ear and tried to guess and tell me what was poured in their bottles. And the most interesting activity was playing music to their favorite songs and melodies. The children shook their bottles rhythmically to the music, repeating the rhythms and movements after me.There was no limit to their imagination! After all, there are lots of things they can do with a bottle! For example, we banged them on our knees, on the floor, against each other, did the “whirligig” At the same time we made the tasks more difficult. our feet were tapping, stepping, springing In general, I should repeat that we did not limit ourselves in anything! This is just a sample of what you can come up with.!

As always, I will be sincerely happy if my idea will help you, dear moms, to have fun with your kids! After all, they can participate in the process of creating such “tool toys”. In addition to the development of musical and rhythmic dancing skills, timbral hearing, with such bottles you can think of a huge number of games: count, find a couple of the picture or by sound, by color.

I hope that your imagination will tell you how else you can apply these bottles for the development of your baby.

Balls. noisemakers for children with their hands

All children love chocolate eggs with surprises. And in today’s life, parents do not deny themselves the pleasure of indulging their child with this treat. As the advertising says it is not just a candy, but also a pleasant surprise in the form of a toy or souvenir. The sweet is eaten, the toy is collected, the collection is replenished, but there remains one more very useful item. this rounded plastic container (we will call them balls).

Do not hurry to throw it away, because it can make a lot of interesting things, toys, and even teaching aids for classes with your child. One of my favorite games is the game with balloons-noisettes.

How to make balls

To make the balls, you need an even number of plastic containers from the eggs with a surprise (balls), but they must be the same color / shade, so that when you search for color is not one of the search parameters. You also need to have tape, duct tape, or adhesive tape to glue the balloons together after they are filled, otherwise a curious toddler will be focused on opening the balloons instead of listening. Well, and, of course, you need to dial in the fillings. The fillers can be different groats (peas, rice, buckwheat, beans, millet), pasta, coins, and even salt and sugar. Next, in pairs, we fill the same amount of cereal or other material into our balloons, close the balloon and fix the balloon around the perimeter with scotch tape or other material. Our balloons are ready, we can play!

Developmental game “Nadi is the same”

The point of the game is to find two balls with the same sound from the mass of balls.

For the first acquaintance, you can give your baby all the marbles and let him examine them, listen to them and test their strength. After acquaintance, you can choose one balloon or offer the child to do it, “make noise” with the balloon, and then offer to find the same one! If the baby baby starts to move the balls (at least for a while), it means the goal is achieved. the child is involved in the game, if not, that’s okay, suggest that the baby play the balls-jumble after some time (day, week, month).

This game mainly develops a child’s hearing, attention, the ability to focus on a particular sense of perception, which to a large extent is the early development of children under one year old.

Song “Balloons”

With the same balloons you can have fun, dance, sing a song and have a good time.

Each participant chooses a pair of any balloons. In this case, the color does not matter, as long as they make noise. The following is a song from the collection “Balloons” by Ekaterina Zheleznova.

The shake, shake, shake Our balloons won’t be ordinary, filled with peas, rice and groats.

♪ High above your head, you can put it on your nose, but make sure that you don’t drop it ♪.

Balloon in front of us, We’ll go around it, We might even skip, But we won’t touch the balloon.

Jump, jump high, Jump with the balloon is easy, So jump, jump with the ball, Jump with the ball, Jump with the ball, Jump with the ball, Jump with the ball, Jump with the ball, Jump with the ball, Jump with the ball, Jump with the ball, Jump with the ball!

We’ll carry the ball on our palm, and with the other palm we’ll hit it, and say the words “One and two and one and two”.

You can listen to the song itself on the Internet, or purchase a CD.

Toys with their own hands

And if the balloons are already made, and the material from the eggs with a surprise is still there, then you can dream up and make a variety of toys. Not only the result will be fun, but also the process, because doing something with a child is always a pleasure.

Here are a few examples-ideas you can find on the World Wide Web.


What kid doesn’t love to bang on something?! We certainly don’t want battered glass lids or broken appliances. So, metal spice jars are ideal. If you hit all the lids at once, you get an “awesome” sound, but luckily not too deafening.

Rattles and noisemakers

Again about the metal jars. Fill one side with nuts/beans, cover with the other jar, tie with a rubber band. You can also use plastic Easter eggs.

You can also make a children’s musical instrument rattle using a large oatmeal container. Just secure the lid with rubber bands so it doesn’t ruin the sound and the contents won’t fall out. If you decorate the box beautifully, it can even be used in some school parade.

For the little ones

Not all children will be able to do crafts out of the containers, for example, very young children are not capable of it. But many crafts are designed for them, in order to save the budget. You can create sling beads, rattles, garlic pendants.

Garlic rattle

During infectious viruses in kindergartens, you can protect your child by making such a wonderful pendant. And before it goes to the garden, hang it around your baby’s neck. For a pendant you need to have a kinder egg, colored cord, jewelry accessories, scissors, needle and thread and awl.

The box is pierced with an awl in a variety of places, and the top is threaded with colored cord. Do not forget to put garlic inside, and for decoration you can add beads or other details. The prong must be changed at least once a day.

Sling beads

Safe and versatile beads are handmade from kinder and yarn. To make it you will need:

Put cereal, beads, and pebbles in each Kinder box. The number of boxes depends on where you are going to hang the beads: for the carriage. a lot, for play. less. The string is threaded through the two sides of the boxes, it’s important to secure each one so it doesn’t get ripped off.

Steam locomotive

One of the varieties of sling beads is the steamroller, the creation is identical. The distinction is a whistle, sewn into the locomotive, and all parts are lined with colored threads, sew buttons instead of wheels. A child will love a steam locomotive that can be a color teacher.


Castanets, Carmen’s noisy musical instrument, make a clicking sound. The sound somewhat resembles the sound of a rider clacking his horse forward.

Castanets made of coconut halves are as good as the original ones. They are also very cute and easy to use for the littlest ones. A great way to learn new sounds and feel like a Spaniard for a minute.

View the contents of “The Master. class “Making of a percussion. noisy instruments, their practical application in the joint activities of adults and children”

Master class: “Making percussion and noise instruments and their practical use in the joint activities of preschool age children with adults.

The purpose of the master class: to involve parents and teachers in the joint musical activities with preschool age children through the use of children’s noise instruments.

Creation of the sound-making instruments according to the age peculiarities with the use of different materials.

Gaining experience in practical activities through joint play in an orchestra.

Acquaintance with the methods and forms of using noise instruments in joint with adults and independent activity of children in the group and at home.

The mysterious and alluring world of sounds surrounds a child from an early age. How to help a little one learn to understand music and distinguish its sounds? Acquaintance with musical creativity for preschoolers should not only be easy and enjoyable, but also interesting.

Playing musical instruments is a kind of children’s performance art. The use of children’s musical instruments (both in the classroom and in everyday life) enriches the musical experience of preschool children, develops their musical and creative abilities.

Musical instruments for children are always wonderful, unusual, attractive objects, which is very desirable to play. After all, the instrument for children is a symbol of music, and the one who plays it is almost a magician.

Which instruments do you think can be referred to as noise orchestral instruments??

Noisy orchestral instruments include percussion instruments with indefinite pitch: drums, cymbals, tambourine, triangle, castanets, etc.д. (demonstrating instruments), they have no chorus, you can’t play a melody, you can only beat out a meter and a rhythmic pattern.

But there are instruments that are built in a chorus, they can be played and the melody, and just beat the rhythm.(metallophone, xylophone). You can use them to play with some action, to depict the image of a fairy tale character.What is very convenient to use in the voicing of fairy tales. noisemakers.

Such a joint playtime for a child can be organized by an adult, even without any special methodological or musical training.

The joint play of the child with an adult or other children gives the skills of interaction and development of a sense of teamwork. Music perception is formed: distinguishing between loud and soft sounds, jerky and long, high and low develops the child’s hearing, and copying noises (find an instrument with the same sound as mine) promotes the development of auditory memory and fine motor skills.

Thanks to the sound design of the fairy tales, a child develops the ability to listen attentively and to react well (to play in time).

In a fairy tale, the text is composed in such a way that after one. of two phrases, the child depicts an action or image of a fairy tale character.Therefore, when choosing a fairy tale, one should take into account its complexity and volume.(If the child’s attention is steady and he is not distracted during the reading, then it is possible to take a longer fairy tale, to improvise, to invent a different ending). If the attention span is short, it is better to take a short one and fill it with different sounds and effects.).

It is important to determine in advance the background noise for the chosen story or fairy tale, semantic accents and pauses, to make appropriate notes or notations in the text.

The tale or story must be learned so that it can be told by heart. Thanks to the use of tools the story or fairy tale will become more interesting and bright for the child.

Now I will demonstrate a fairy tale. a jingle for preschoolers “The Hen Little Riaba”.

Allow your child to choose their own instruments or suggest an instrument that they can easily handle and enjoy playing.

Choose a musical instrument for yourself. Let’s try to make our own voice.

These instruments are factory-made, and you can buy them in a store.

And here are some noisy musical instruments you can make with your own hands. It is they who arouse in children a particular interest in music and a desire to play music. (I show homemade instruments)

And for the younger preschool children the most favorite kind of children’s orchestra is the orchestra of homemade musical instruments, these instruments can be made by the number of children, so in the classroom, it is possible to include all children in playing music.

Homemade musical instruments develop imagination, associativity and variability of thinking, contribute to the enrichment of musical creativity, develop a metronomic and rhythmic ear, in other words, the sense of rhythm.

In my practical work, I note that children who are inactive in the classroom, withdrawn, thanks to the game on homemade musical instruments are liberated and disclosed, from different sides, become more sociable. A young child may not show a desire to participate in other musical games, not to sing along to the song, but the “jolly man” or “stick. noisemaker” will certainly take in his hands, consider and try to extract the sound. And this gives the children a great joy.

That’s why today I suggest you make your own noise instruments and master the techniques of playing on them. This will help parents to organize leisure time with the child at home, to develop the basics of creativity, an adult, helping the child to play a musical instrument, consolidates the emerging sense of rhythm music.

Kindergarten teachers can use homemade noise instruments to sound out literary works, poems, games, selecting the appropriate voice of a particular character. To draw the pupils’ attention to the expressiveness of the timbre of each instrument.Teach children to use figurative comparisons, characteristics: gentle (bell), ringing (rattle), clear (drum), etc. д. Discuss with children which instrument is better to imitate walking, running, dancing.

Analysis of pedagogical practice shows that there is a direct correlation between the simplicity of an instrument and the age of the children: the younger a child, the easier he or she needs an instrument. To develop the basics of intonation, rhythmic hearing and figurative-associative thinking simple rattles, drums, brightly decorated with a clear sound are suitable. With their help, children can express their emotions and apply their limited life experience.

View the contents of the document “Master.class. tools with their own hands.”

Master class on making non-traditional musical instruments

Are you familiar with the moments when your children follow you “on your heels”, do not let you do your homework, distract you from an interesting book or from watching a movie?? I think every adult has such moments from time to time.

Distract! Dedicate your precious time to the most precious thing you have. for your kids! I promise, if you manage to pick up an interesting activity. fun is guaranteed not only kids, but also you!

I suggest you a very interesting activity. making simple musical instruments (or sounding toys) from improvised (or even discarded) material.

What kind of material can be used for crafts?? Anything that can be used to make sound is musical. And this is almost everything that surrounds us!

I bring to your attention the most interesting occupation. manufacture of the simplest musical instruments (or sounding toys) from improvised (or even a throw-away material).

Materials needed These can be boxes, yogurt and cream jars, cardboard tubes from paper rolls, juice tubes and juice boxes, hair sticks and combs, bottle tops, and more. Show your ingenuity and imagination!

Remember: do not try to do everything yourself! Let your child participate in the making of the toy. pour grains. millet, peas, buckwheat, large beads or beans into it.

When making tools we will need glue, scissors, pliers, awl, aracal veneer

The easiest musical (noise) instrument, it can be made from cream or coffee cans. of all sorts of boxes. The filling can be any groats, firmly close and glue at the base

Find a suitable box (you can shoe box).

Stretch the rubber bands over the lid and compose your work!

A Chinese drum (a tin, both bottoms are missing, but instead plastic lids are put on them). Still need a stick-handle, but, unfortunately, have not figured out how to fix it, so knocking just holding it in his hand).

Music of the wind (bells) (gutted ready Chinese pendant). I took off all the excess and hung the tubes in a row of. Now this instrument can also be used as orchestral bells, if you bang on them with a stick.

Harmonica (a paper strip is attached to the back of the comb, and then you can press your lips to the comb and make the sound “ooh-ooh” or sing songs

In a long tube (I have 46 cm of food foil, but it should be even longer) the full length is inserted spiral, twisted from the same food foil. You need it for the filler (I poured a handful of rice, you can try something else. The sound will change) slowly. After pouring the filler, both ends of the pipe are taped.

A “fun clothespin” ratchet even a baby can make such a ratchet independently. Easy, fun, useful!

Named this instrument in honor of the ancient Greek god Pan, the patron saint of shepherds and wildlife. This is a god with a cheerful disposition, horns on his head, and goat feet. It is in Honor that the constellation Capricorn is named. According to ancient Greek myths, Pan fell in love with the beautiful nymph Sirinx. Fleeing from Pan, the nymph begged the river god to save her, and he turned Sirinx into a reed. Pan made a whistle out of the reeds and named it after the nymph Sirinx (this is the name of Pan’s flute among the Greeks).

The height of the sound that occurs in the tube depends on the height of the air column in it. In a regular flute, the height of the pole is adjusted by opening and closing the holes. And the Pana flute simply selects a number of pipes (not less than three, usually six or seven) of such a height that they can all play a melodic scale together.

It won’t be hard to make a pan flute. For this we need: 7 cocktail straws, cardboard, plasticine and duct tape.

First cut the straws to length so that the difference between them was about 1-1.5 cm. We had the longest one was 15.5 cm, the shortest one. 5.5 cm.Then we put them on a strip of tape in a row according to the growth so that the upper ends were in one line. After that, once again wrap the entire row of straws with scotch tape.

On top of the tubes, on the front and back, for stiffness and beauty, scotch tape strips of cardboard.

And the bottom holes of the tubes are sealed with pieces of plasticine.

Playing musical instruments promotes the development of the child’s creative abilities, showing his emotionality. Children’s music making at an early age is active develops thinking, aural perception, develops the baby’s ability to take the initiative and independence. For many it helps to overcome shyness and stiffness.

Serious musical activities we have not yet “take into account”, let’s talk about simple toys that can be made with their own hands to entertain kids, teach them to beat the rhythm, and just to make noise and rattle all the plenty.

Bells make a melodious sound, you can buy them in stores for fishing. Even toddlers will enjoy instruments with bells and bells. You can accompany songs and dances with the sound of bells.

MAKING MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WITH THEIR OWN HANDS. a useful and fun activity. There are no hard-and-fast rules or laws,

Pull the balloon as tightly as possible on the open top of the can, fix the circumference with tape. This makes a great drum. If you pick up a few different sized jars, you can make a whole drum kit.

Take 7 juice straws, cardboard, plasticine and tape. Cut the straws to length so that the difference between them was about 1 cm. Lay them out on a strip of scotch tape in a row according to the growth so that the upper ends are on one line.

Wrap the entire row of tubes with scotch tape. On top of the tubes, on the front and back, for stiffness and beauty, we tape strips of cardboard, and seal the bottom hole of the tubes with pieces of plasticine.

We make maracasics out of colored plastic “Kinder Surprises” with beads or grits. You can fix them on plastic spoons.

SHUSHUNCHES We attach multi-colored ribbons made of cut-up cellophane bags to the bodies of old felt-tip pens. Or cut up plastic bottles.

On a plastic ring or wooden stick all around the perimeter by means of fishing line or strings hang a bunch of keys (different in shape and quantity).


As noisemakers can be used any small boxes and plastic jars (from juice, pepsi, cola (metal cans, “Kinder-surprise”, from creams and shampoos), filled to one-third with rice, beans, peas, etc.п. with materials that can make noise.

SHAKER You can make it out of old school chip jars, children’s tea jars: put small grains or peas inside, color or cover the top with colored self-adhesive paper.


Any small boxes and plastic jars (from juice, pepsi, cola (metal cans, “Kinder-surprise”, from creams and shampoos) filled to one third with rice, beans, peas, etc., can be used as noisemakers.п. materials that can make noise.

Shaker can be made out of chip jars, children’s tea cans: put small grains or peas inside, color or cover the top with colored self-adhesive paper.

View the contents of the document “Master Class for Parents and Children “Much Ado About Nothing. NOTHING”

Municipal budgetary pre-school educational institution Berezovsky Kindergarten “Semitsvetik

(making children’s noise musical instruments out of throw-away materials)

“If you want your children to take the first possible step toward the Nobel Prize, start not with chemistry, but with music. For the vast majority of Nobel laureates were surrounded by music in their childhood. For music. food for the brain, in the structures of music are hidden all subsequent scientific discoveries. Einstein with a violin and Planck at the piano. not an accident, not a whim, but a divine necessity.

Goal: to create conditions to involve children and parents in the joint creative activity of making musical instruments from throw-away material.

show techniques and methods of making noise musical instruments from throwaway material;

to promote the development of creative imagination;

to promote the joint creative work of the child and parents;

Involve children and parents in playing music together.

Parents and children will master the technology of working with the throwaway material;

Parents will organize games with children at home using homemade noise and percussion instruments at home.

Theoretical part: Speech of the music director: “The use of homemade percussion and noise instruments in work with children to develop musicality”

1.Participants of the master class will get acquainted with homemade instruments and the material they are made of.

Exhibition of the finished works and placement in the “Music Center” in the group

Children under music enter the room playing noise instruments. Sit on the chairs next to the parents. Parents play the instruments until the end of the music.

Muse.Hands.: Why is it so noisy in the hall? (Parents’ answers)

It was our children and parents who picked up the instruments!

Good afternoon dear parents, teachers, and of course children! I am glad to welcome you to the master class “A lot of noiseout of “nothing.”.

So what is noise? What sounds can be called noisy?? (Answers of children and parents)

Noise is the random non-periodic vibrations of a sounding body. Unlike musical sounds, noise does not have a precisely defined pitch. Noise sounds include crackling, rattling, creaking, rustling, etc. д., and noise orchestral instruments are devices for producing noises that create a certain rhythmic and timbral flavor.

It’s no secret that a child’s playful exploration of the world of sounds begins in early childhood: a dish orchestra in the kitchen, wooden cubes and furniture, squeakers, whistles, paper, a bunch of keys, a bag of nuts where you can put your hand and hear a wonderful rustle. Sounds that irritate adults delight children and they are ready to revel in them, especially if they can play them rhythmically. Children irresponsibly crave all objects from which they can extract sounds on their own. A concert grand piano and a comb can serve equally well as a musical instrument.

According to Carl Oa, creator of the unique concept of music education for children, the basis of music education is action. The child’s main instrument is himself: his hands and feet. The child claps, stomps, snaps, slaps, etc. п. If you play moving music and repeat the above steps to it, it can cheer up your child and you.

Game exercises: “Tushy-tushy”, “Fruit salad

Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap (the first time to play together with the teacher, the second time. independently, but necessarily with the pronunciation aloud, the third time. without words, t.е. “to yourself”)

Tushy-tushy. let’s do flip-flops: flip-flop-flop-flop-flop-flop-flop-flop-flop-flop, flip-flop-flop-flop-flop-flop-flop-flop-flop-flop-flop-flop-flop-flop-flop-flop-flop-flop.

Next, the same rhythmic pattern to do stomping saying the words: “Ho-o-good-lives-in-the-sun Winnie-the-Pooh!”

“Tush, tush, tush, tush, tush, tush, tush, tush, tush, tush, tush, tush, tush, tush, tush, tush, tush, tush, tush, tush, tush, tush, tush, tush, tush.

Bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp

Today we are going to make “Fruit Salad”. It requires the following ingredients:

LI-MON, A-PEL-SIN, BA-NAN, MAN-DA-RIN (claps, slaps, stomps, bombs music). repeat 2 times, but without saying it out loud.

(To the music parents and children repeat after the music director sound gestures)

Through these exercises we can develop our children’s auditory perception and sense of rhythm. Musical instruments can also help perfectly in this respect.

Not everyone is naturally gifted to sing, dance, and recite poetry with expression. Not everyone has an absolute ear for music. And noise instruments allow all children, regardless of ability, to participate in music-making.

Making musical instruments with their own hands. an activity that is useful and fun. There are no clear rules and laws here, so any idea is easy to turn into reality: paint, tie, glue, pour, pour, experiment.

The main thing is to make music together with your child, so it will bring both you and your child a great creative mood! Be sure that your child will be grateful to you for your time! How he will be glad that you two have made musical “things” that will produce sounds

Demonstration of elementary musical instruments

All children’s musical toys and musical instruments can be grouped by type.

Unvoiced musical toy instruments. (only imitating instruments). are designed to create a playful situation in which children imagine themselves playing musical instruments by imagining and chanting. (These are balalaikas with unplayable strings, pianos with a mute keyboard, accordions with stretching furs.)

Children also enjoy using them in songs, games, dances, and in the staging of fairy tales. It is in playing music that a child displays a rich imagination, a desire for self-expression, the ability to reincarnate and create a new image.