How to properly cut a mirror with a glass cutter

How to properly cut a mirror with a glass cutter

Wonderful mirrored surfaces, in all shapes and sizes, are firmly rooted in the design of modern homes. This stunning material that magically expands the space has become a real source of inspiration for creative people. Unfortunately, due to the fragility and peculiar way of cutting, creative work with mirrors is not available for many. In this article, we will try to help novice designers and show that everyone can cut a mirror with an ordinary glass cutter.

Work protection

Safety is considered one of the most important factors in any type of work, and glass cutting is no exception. This material, in its raw form, has sharp edges and its fragile structure can contribute to the formation of small fragments. When working with glass or mirrors, it is strongly recommended to protect your hands and eyes to avoid injury. To do this, you can use the following things:

Construction gloves (preferably rubberized). You can use any others, as long as they do not slide too much on the glass surface. For added safety, fingers can be wrapped with adhesive tape over gloves.

Protective glasses. It is not necessary to use special construction. You can wear regular reading glasses or sunglasses. If only they do not obstruct visibility.

Required materials

Glass cutting of a mirror

The fragile structure of glass can become a serious obstacle when working with this material. If you do not know how to cut a mirror with a glass cutter and are faced with such a task for the first time, we strongly recommend that you strictly follow the following instructions. This will increase your success.

The first thing to do is to prepare the base on which the cutting will be done. This can be done on a table, floor, stool and other places that are suitable for the size of the mirror. The working surface must be flat, otherwise the mirror may crack during the cut. In order to avoid small cuts, as well as for a tighter fit of the mirror, it is better to cover the base with a soft cloth.

The next step will be the preparation of the processed material. The mirror must be dry and clean, free from heavy streaks. You can wash the mirror with ordinary soapy water and then degrease it with an alcohol-containing liquid. You can use special solutions for cleaning glasses, which contain alcohol or a similar component. Wipe the washed mirror dry with a rag or paper (newspaper) and leave it for 10 minutes to evaporate the remaining moisture.

When the workplace and the material to be processed are ready, we proceed to the marking. We take a marker, ruler or pattern and draw a line along which it is necessary to cut. If you do not know from which side to cut the mirror with a glass cutter, then this should be done on the front, reflective surface. Next, we take a glass cutter and, with a confident movement, draw the cutter along the markings.

It is best to hold the cutter perpendicular to the glass, but you can also tilt it slightly (like a ballpoint pen). The cutting pressure depends on the type of tool. The diamond one requires minimal pressure, and the roller is slightly above average. If the cutter is sharp and the pressure is optimal, you will hear a slight crunch. A squeaky sound indicates too much pressure or a worn cutter.

properly, mirror, glass, cutter

The line formed after the glass cut should be uniform and transparent. If the line is white and periodically disappears, breaking the mirror along it will not work exactly. In this case, it is better to draw a new one, stepping back a couple of millimeters from the original mark. To avoid such incidents, it is recommended to check the sharpness of the glass cutter in advance and practice the force of pressing on unnecessary fragments.

Having received the correct cutting line, you can proceed to the culmination stage of the work. controlled chipping. You can break the mirror against the flat edge of the table by placing a glass cutter under the cutting line and pressing from 2 sides or slightly knock with the head of the same glass cutter from the back side. This does not require much effort. The crack will run from the beginning to the end of the cut, like a path. When the necessary piece is separated, all that remains is to smooth out its edges with a fine-grained sanding sheet.

If you want to see the main stages of the process more clearly, we recommend watching the video on how to cut a mirror with a glass cutter. Hopefully the above guide will guide you through this jewelry creation process.

How to cut a large mirror without breaking it

How to properly cut a mirror with a glass cutter

The gorgeous mirrored elements are firmly embedded in the design of modern living spaces. They are able to effectively expand the space of the room, but in the process of giving them the necessary shape, difficulties may arise due to the fragility of the material. Professionals are often hired to cut mirror surfaces, but subject to certain rules and due care, anyone can do it on their own.

  • Required tools
  • Work safety
  • Small nuances at work
  • How to cut correctly: step by step instructions

Required tools

Before starting work, make sure that all the necessary items for work are in stock.

Among them there should be tools, parts, tools for cleaning the workplace:

  • The mirror itself;
  • Smooth and clean surface for work (a flat table or a piece of chipboard will do);
  • Glass cutter;
  • Long ruler (approx. 8 mm thick);
  • A piece of cloth (an old sheet or tablecloth);
  • Rubberized pliers;
  • Roulette;
  • Small hammer;
  • Fine sandpaper;
  • Rag;
  • A bowl of water or a bowl;
  • Alcohol and soda;
  • Marker for drawing on glass, chalk or pencil;
  • Patterns, plywood or plastic molds (needed if curved lines are needed).

Important! Also, be sure to prepare eye and hand protection from splinters. Take heavy fabric gloves, a patch (to protect the skin on individual fingers), and construction or cycling goggles.

Work safety

It is important not only to properly cut the desired piece of the mirror, but at the same time to protect yourself when working at home.

Before cutting the mirror, you should carefully read the safety precautions.

This will help to avoid injury and material damage during work:

  • The workplace must be tidy. There is no place for unnecessary items on the table. Scrap boxes, work tools and a mirror are conveniently positioned;
  • It is necessary to check the serviceability of all devices before starting work (glass cutter, pliers);
  • Rubber tips are put on the lips of the pliers;
  • In the process of working with a mirror, you should not worry and make sudden movements;
  • Do not touch the cut line of the mirror with bare fingers;
  • It is forbidden to cut the mirror on surfaces that are not suitable for this;
  • If the work is carried out at a height, do not throw the cuttings down. All garbage must be taken with you;
  • If a lot of scraps have accumulated during cutting, you should transfer them from the boxes to the trash can;
  • Carefully remove pieces of mirrors. If they are cracked, you can take only one piece at a time;
  • Do not cut on your knees;
  • If an electric glass cutter is used during work, they should be handled very carefully;
  • If the mirror was brought from a cold room, you should give it time to warm up;
  • Glass dust must not be blown off. If you need to sweep the floor and clean the workbenches, use a special brush;
  • If a special suit was used during work, you need to shake it thoroughly before removing it.

Safety precautions must not be neglected during work. If you cannot create the necessary conditions for cutting glass, it is better to postpone this activity until a more suitable moment.

Small nuances at work

Before starting work, you must first study the general recommendations, and then the technology itself in stages. This will prevent damage to the mirror, especially if there is no experience with a glass cutter.

What you need to know before picking up the mirror:

  • During operation, the tool is held only at an angle of 90 degrees. A slight deviation of a few degrees is allowed. The support for the location of the mirror must also be level.
  • The angle of inclination should never be changed during the process. Otherwise, later it will not be possible to separate the cut parts evenly and accurately, they may break.
  • The incision is made in one precise, fast and continuous motion.
  • It is forbidden to change the pressing force. An exception is the processing of edges, 5 mm before the end of the glass, the pressure should be loosened, otherwise the glass cutter may slip. Because of this, chips are formed.
  • You need to cut from the far side towards you.
  • It is allowed to work only from the front side (where there is no amalgam. an alloy covering the back side).
  • A good cut leaves a dark mark on the glass. If, when working with a roller tool, it came out whitish, then the notch may remain only on the surface.
  • When working with a diamond glass cutter, there is always a white line.
  • If you need to get an even cut, use a thick ruler. To avoid slipping, you can put pieces of rubber under it on both sides (use pieces from bicycle tires).

Reference. Do not try to deepen an incision that is bad. Ideally, getting into the same line is difficult, repeated manipulations will damage the mirror (or you will have to cut out a smaller part from it).

How to cut correctly: step by step instructions

For an unprepared person, cutting a mirror correctly seems to be a very difficult task, especially when doing it not in a specialized workshop, but in simple home conditions. But if you know a clear sequence of actions, be careful, take precautions, and take your time, the result will not disappoint.

How to Cut Glass & Mirrors

The step-by-step instruction looks like this:

  • A cloth is spread on the table, which is able to protect the mirror when pressed on it during cutting.
  • The mirror is cleaned first with a soda solution, and then with alcohol. When working on a dirty surface, dust and grease particles from your hands can dislodge the cutter and make the pieces uneven. This is especially true for a roller device.
  • A cut line is drawn. It is necessary to make sure that it is located next to the cut point of the glass cutter (located at an interval of 2 mm from the desired point).
  • You need to make sure that the tool is perfectly sharpened, otherwise the glass will crack unevenly.
  • An incision is made according to the recommendations described above.
  • This stage is one of the most important. Special care must be taken when performing it. The mirror is placed on the edge of the table so that the cutting line protrudes slightly. It is pressed against the surface with the left hand, and a breaking downward movement is made with the right. The fracture should be made in the opposite direction from the cut. If the breaking motion is unsuccessful, a hammer can be used. They should tap on the marked line on the underside of the mirror, working from the far edge.
  • If the thickness of the area that you want to break off is too thin to grip, you can clamp it using the grooves of the glass cutter. It is also allowed to use pliers with rubber tips (or tape winding).
  • The resulting sections must be securely sanded with fine emery paper (160 to 1400 abrasive particles per square inch).

Important! Beginners shouldn’t get started right away without proper preparation. First, you should practice cutting small mirror elements, and then proceed to the main part.

It is not at all necessary to involve professionals in the process of cutting mirrors for decorating a room; you can easily learn how to use a glass cutter yourself. This activity seems difficult only at the very beginning. You can cut the mirror if it does not differ in an unusual shape with complex bends. Don’t be afraid to pick up a glass cutter! After a couple of workouts, you will definitely get a straight cut line.

What tools will be needed?

Before you start cutting the mirror with a glass cutter, you need to prepare all the tools, materials and fixtures.

  • First of all, the mirror itself.
  • The table on which the work will take place. It should be flat and smooth. And necessarily larger in area than the mirror itself.
  • Cutting agent. The highest quality cuts can be made with a diamond glass cutter, roller requires a lot of effort and skill.
  • Long and straight ruler, at least 8 mm thick.
  • Fine sanding paper. for finishing edges at the notch.
  • Rubber pliers.
  • Fabric, any fabric can be used, but linen works best.
  • Measuring tape or meter.
  • Small hammer.
  • Rags.
  • Water tank.
  • Alcohol and soda.
  • In order to make the markup, you must have writing accessories (marker, chalk or pencil).
  • If you need to cut out curly parts, you will need patterns. They can be made from chipboard, plywood or plastic.

It is imperative to worry about the safety of eyes and hands, it is required to protect them from fragments that may appear during work.

In this case, you will need glasses, thick cloth gloves and a medical plaster.

How to cut a mirror with a glass cutter at home?

  • What tools will be needed?
  • Precautions
  • Things to consider when working?
  • Step-by-step instruction

Probably not a single room is complete without mirrors. They are needed not only to look, they can be used in various design solutions for interior decoration.

If there is a need to cut a mirror, then you need to keep in mind: the material is fragile, which can cause certain difficulties. To avoid this, you can use the services of professionals. But if you are a neat person and will use the recommendations of this article, then it will be quite possible to cope on your own.

Things to consider when working?

As in every case, when cutting a mirror at home, there are some nuances that must be taken into account. Before starting work, you will need to read the advice of professionals and study the cutting technology. All this will help you better understand the process and prevent or reduce damage to the mirror.

You should know such important little things:

  • during cutting, the tool must be held perpendicular to the surface, a minimum deviation of several degrees is allowed;
  • the table for supporting the glass must be level and firm;
  • the incision is required to be made in one precise, fast and continuous movement;
  • it is highly not recommended to change the pressing force during the cutting process, only about half a centimeter before the edge of the mirror, you can weaken the force to avoid chipping;
  • glass is cut from the far edge towards you;
  • an incision is made only on the face of the mirror;
  • when using a roller glass cutter, if the cut is made with high quality, then there will be a dark trace on the mirror, if the lines are whitish, then most likely the glass is not completely cut;
  • when using a diamond glass cutter, the trace on the mirror will always be white;
  • when using a long ruler to prevent slipping on its edges, you can put on segments from bike tubes.

A very important addition. In no case should you deepen the poorly obtained incision, since it will not be possible to repeat it exactly, and the following actions will only lead to the fact that the mirror will be damaged and only a smaller element can be cut out of it.


Safety engineering is of great importance when cutting mirrors at home. Compliance with it will save you from possible injuries and help not to spoil the mirror during operation.

To ensure complete safety, you will need:

  • put in perfect order at the future workplace, remove all unnecessary, containers for waste and the tool required for work to arrange so that they are freely available;
  • before starting work, you need to make sure that the glass cutter and pliers are in good condition;
  • the cutting process should be started in a calm state, without excitement, all movements should be smooth, sharp should be avoided;
  • to avoid cuts, do not touch the edges of the glass with your hands without protective equipment;
  • you cannot cut the mirror on surfaces that are not suitable for this;
  • in the event that work is carried out high above the ground, it is strictly forbidden to dump the trimmings down, they must be taken with you;
  • when removing pieces of mirrors, you should be careful: if they are cracked, you need to take only one fragment at a time;
  • when moving the mirror from a room with a low temperature to a warm one, you need to give it time to warm up;
  • dust and crumbs remaining after cutting must be removed with a special brush, in no case must be blown off;
  • if you were wearing overalls, then before taking them off, you need to thoroughly shake off.

We must not forget about safety measures, they must be observed during work.

If suddenly it is not possible to provide the necessary conditions for the process of cutting mirrors, then it is better to postpone it for a more suitable time.

Step-by-step instruction

For those who have never done the work of cutting mirrors, this will seem a rather complicated and time-consuming process. But if you do everything according to the instructions and follow the precautions, take actions calmly and without haste, then everything will work out for you.

A step-by-step guide to help you get it right.

  • A previously prepared canvas is laid on the working surface.
  • The next step is to clean the mirror surface with a soda solution, and then wipe it with alcohol. If you ignore this step, grease or dust particles may prevent you from making an even cut. This is especially true for roller tools.
  • Next, you should apply the markup. It is necessary to check that it is in the immediate vicinity of the cut line (that is, it is located at a distance of 2 mm from the desired point).
  • Make an incision using the tips listed above.
  • Now is the most crucial step. It must be done very carefully and correctly. Place the mirror so that the incision is over the edge of the table. Then, with one hand, the glass is pressed against the table surface, and with the other you need to make a slight downward movement to break it off. If suddenly this did not happen, then you need to lightly tap with a hammer along the notch line from the back side, from the far edge to the near.
  • If the part to be cut is too small to break off by hand, you can use pliers or special grooves on the glass cutter.
  • At the final stage, you need to go along the edges of the cut with fine sandpaper.

Novice carvers first need to practice on small elements, and then proceed to the main task.

How to cut a mirror correctly, see the video.

What kind of glass cutter to work?

For a layman, there is no difference what kind of glass cutters are, therefore, most often “one time” those that are cheaper are bought. However, this is not always justified.

There are different types of glass cutters that can be used to cut the mirror. The most popular are roller and diamond. The second is much more expensive, but it is much easier to work with, less effort is needed, the quality of the cuts will be much higher, and the amount of scrap and waste will be less.

It is optimal, of course, to cut the mirror with a diamond glass cutter. Especially if the work is planned to be quite delicate and accurate, or a large volume is to be done. In the frame of such a glass cutter is inserted a nose made of diamond (hence, in fact, the name), which has sharp and obtuse angles. In the process of cutting, it is important to move an acute angle forward, then the tool will move freely along the surface, without “tripping” over the smallest irregularities of the surface. If cut with an obtuse angle, the cutter grain will either jump out of its nest, or “go off course.” In order to maintain the same angle of inclination of the tool during operation, it is important to always point the mark on the glass cutter rim towards the ruler.

The roller glass cutter is more difficult to keep the line, and it takes much more effort to get a quality cut. In order to facilitate the sliding of such a tool on the surface, the line of the future cut can be lubricated with turpentine, using, for example, a student’s brush for drawing.

Before you start cutting critical, “clean” sections of the mirror, practice well doing it on unnecessary pieces of glass. Then the hand will be firmer, and the lines will be smoother.

What you need to know before starting cutting?

In order not to spoil the mirror, especially in the absence of experience with a glass cutter, you should study the general rules of such work, and then step by step the process itself.

So, what you need to know before picking up a mirror and glass cutter?

  • It is important to keep the tool at a right angle. Only slight deviation is allowed.
  • The angle of inclination must not be changed! Otherwise, then evenly and accurately separate the cut parts will not work.
  • The incision should be made in one precise, continuous, sharp motion.
  • The pressing force cannot be changed, with the exception of the edges: about 5 mm before the edge, the pressure is loosened so that the tool does not slip and chip formation.
  • They always cut from the far edge towards themselves.
  • Always cut on the front side (not where the amalgam is applied).
  • A thin whitish mark when working with a glass cutter means that the cut is not deep enough. Correct cut is dark in color.
  • A diamond tool always leaves a white mark.
  • You need to cut the mirror under a thick ruler. To prevent it from sliding on the surface, pieces of rubber are attached to its base (for example, from a bicycle tire).

Do not try to deepen the resulting cut. It will not be possible to hit the trail in the trail in the laid line along the entire length, and repeated movements will only damage the mirror, and it will have to be thrown away (or cut off a smaller part). That is why it is important beforehand to practice “on cats” in the form of old glasses.

What to cook for work?

Before you start cutting a mirror for your home decor, it is important to make sure that everything you need is at hand. These are tools, accessories, items for cleaning yourself, as well as for observing safety measures, because when working with glass, caution should come first.

For work you will need:

  • the mirror itself;
  • glass cutter;
  • flat smooth surface (wide table or large chipboard);
  • long thick ruler (about 8 mm thick);
  • a sheet of fabric (for example, a sheet or an old tablecloth);
  • pliers with rubber gaskets;
  • small hammer;
  • roulette;
  • fine emery;
  • a bowl or basin of water;
  • rag;
  • soda and alcohol;
  • pencil, crayon or marker for marking glass.

For the safety of hands and eyes, you need to prepare:

  • thick fabric gloves (so as not to cut your fingers);
  • plaster for additional protection of the fingers;
  • safety glasses (construction, cycling or any other).

How to cut a mirror yourself if you’re not a glazier?

Mirrors in the interior are needed not only to look in them. To create various optical illusions, reflective surfaces can be placed in blocks on walls, under the ceiling, near wall lamps, and even play the role of kitchen aprons. But here’s the bad luck: not everyone can afford to hire a team of professionals for design renovation these days. Therefore, a logical question arises for home craftsmen: what to do when you need to cut off the mirror yourself? The author of the site “Miss Clean” figured out this issue.

Work technology

At first glance, the job seems daunting. But if you perform it in the established sequence, observing accuracy and precautions, the result will please.

The mirror is cut as follows.

  • You need to lay a cloth on the work surface to protect the mirror when pressed.
  • Clean the surface of the mirror first with a solution of soda, then with alcohol. Failure to do so will cause grease (e.g. fingerprints) or dust particles to dislodge the cutter, especially if it is a roller cutter.
  • Draw a marking line. It should correspond to the line of motion of the glass cutter (that is, in fact, it should be at a distance of about 2 mm from the true position of the future notch).
  • An inexperienced carver must make sure that his tool is perfectly sharp, otherwise there is a high probability of failure.
  • Next, you need to make the incision itself. according to the rules set out above.
  • Now you need to put the mirror so that the incision protrudes slightly beyond the edges of the table, press it with one hand, and with the other one sharp downward movement break off the cut part (you need to break it in the opposite direction from the notch).
  • If the “trick” is not successful, a hammer will help, with which you need to carefully tap the cutting line from below, starting from the far edge, and then repeat breaking off.
  • If the width of the cut area is small and not enough to fully grab the piece with your hand and break off, you can use the grooves of the glass cutter itself and grab the desired area with it. Or pick up the pliers with rubber pads. If there are none on the farm, you can put rubber tubes on the lips of ordinary pliers, or wrap several layers of electrical tape or plaster.
  • The resulting sections must be carefully sanded with sandpaper.

Following the above tips, even an inexperienced beginner can cut off a mirror with a glass cutter. The main thing is to show accuracy and patience.

Detailed instructions: how to properly cut a mirror with a glass cutter

Types of glass cutters: roller and diamond.

Preparatory work for cutting the mirror

Before talking about how to cut a mirror according to all the rules, you need to make preliminary preparations for this work. It includes:
  • Preparation of materials and tools.
  • Mirror surface preparation.

Cutting the mirror with a glass cutter: a. diamond; b. roller.

The surface of the mirror should be well cleaned with a soda solution and a rag. It is necessary to carefully remove dust, dirt and all kinds of greasy stains from its surface. Before you start cutting the mirror, you need to leave it for several hours in the room where the work will be done for adaptation. Make sure that there are no extraneous scratches and cracks on its surface. Mirror. the material is very fragile, so you need to handle it carefully, using a quality tool.

To complete the work, you should prepare materials and tools:

  • Mirror.
  • Glass cutter.
  • Soda solution, rag, container.
  • Metal ruler.
  • Roulette.
  • Marking pencil.
  • Hammer.
  • Soft cloth.
  • Pliers with rubber gaskets.
  • Kerosene.
  • Flat table.
  • Sandpaper.

Glass cutter is a specialized tool designed for cutting mirrors and glass.

Breaking a mirror: a. with your hands; b. glass cutter; in. a cog; d. pliers.

It consists of a metal holder with a cutter and a handle with special grooves to facilitate breaking off the cut piece of the mirror. Depending on the type of cutter, this tool can be diamond or roller. The cutting part of a roller glass cutter consists of a wheel made of durable hard alloy, while for a diamond tool it is a piece of technical diamond. A glass cutter with a diamond cutter should be considered more expensive and durable.

It is important to observe safety precautions in this type of work. To avoid being damaged by shrapnel, the eyes should be protected with special goggles, and the hands with gloves. Work should be done carefully, without haste.

The main stages of work on cutting a mirror with a glass cutter

Now you should consider detailed instructions on how to properly cut a mirror with a glass cutter. First of all, the mirror is placed on a soft cloth that covers an even and stable table surface. The work is carried out from the front side. First, the cutting line is marked, using a ruler, tape measure, marking pencil.

Cutting a mirror with a moving ruler.

During the entire cutting process, a long ruler is applied to the applied marks, and it is imperative to indent from the line of 2 mm for a roller glass cutter and 4 mm for a diamond cutter. This is due to the displacement of the cutting line during operation by an amount equal to the distance between the side surface of the tool holder and its cutting edge.

During operation, the glass cutter is firmly pressed against the surface of the mirror and the ruler. The cutting edge of the tool must be located strictly perpendicular to the cutting line. Gently, without haste, with a uniform movement in the direction “towards you” and with equal effort draw the cut line.

\ The cutting movement can be carried out only once and without stopping. The force of pressure on the tool is slightly reduced approximately 5 mm to the edge of the mirror in order to avoid unwanted chipping and jumping off of the tool from its surface. The specialist is able to determine by ear the correctness of the cutting. by the characteristic slight crackle. It should be noted right away that when using a roller glass cutter, more force will be required than when using a diamond tool.

Double-plate vacuum suction cup is used for carrying mirrors and glasses.

The appearance of an unpleasant squeak or an uneven cutting line during operation means: either the glass cutter used is faulty, or the pressure is too strong. The cutting element of the tool can be immersed in kerosene for a short time if the notch mark is not visible during use. If you cut the mirror correctly, then a thin, even line of transparent color should remain on its surface.

Now comes the second crucial part of the work: the separation of the cut element. To do this, put the mirror on the edge of the table and, holding it with one hand, press sharply with the other on the cut fragment, which should separate from its main part. If this does not happen, usually with a large thickness of the mirror, then you can use a small hammer and gently knock it along the cutting line, then repeat the process of separating the fragment. In some cases, rubber-padded pliers are used to remove cut-off shards of a thin mirror. The trimmed sharp edge can be sanded or abraded with an emery wheel.

Thus, choosing a high-quality glass cutter and observing detailed cutting instructions, showing patience and accuracy, you can cut the mirror yourself, if necessary, without involving specialists in this work.

Mirror surface preparation

It is important to understand that before you start manipulating a mirror or glass, it must be wiped in order to remove all dirt and dust from the surface. But, it is better to do this with baking soda, as it helps better cleanse. If the soda turned out to be powerless against any stains, then you can apply alcohol.

Use modern mirror cutting techniques.

It is also allowed to use a special liquid for glass. It does not matter which cleaning liquid was used, after that, wipe the surface dry on both sides with a cloth that has a good level of hygroscopicity. Only she will allow you to collect all the remaining moisture.

Carefully start cutting the mirror.

Glass cutting technology principle

Here’s how to properly cut a mirror with a glass cutter at home:

  • First you need to prepare the mirror surface and tools.
  • After that, mark up with a ruler and marker. For the curly version. use special patterns.
  • Then carefully draw a line with a glass cutter, observing the constancy of pressing.
  • Then very gently tap with a hammer, through several layers of fabric, the edge of the mirror, which will need to be removed. Before this, it is previously slightly suspended from the edge of the table, without fail supporting it in such a way that the mirror or glass does not fall to the floor.
  • After that, the work is carried out on the break That is, they are trying, by applying minor efforts, to break off an unnecessary piece from the base. Then wipe the cut edge with a damp cloth, which was previously folded in several layers. This is done in order to remove small glass particles.

Get professional advice when cutting mirrors.

Necessary tools and materials for cutting glass at home

To know how to cut a mirror correctly, you need to understand not only technological actions, but also what tools it will be carried out.

There are special tools for cutting mirrors.

Here is a list of everything you need:

  • High quality diamond glass cutter. It is he who will allow not only to quickly and accurately cut ordinary glass, but also to cope with tempered.
  • If it is decided to use a grinder for manipulation, then it must be equipped with a diamond-coated disc. But, it is worth remembering that in this case there is a high probability of crumbling the material.
  • You also need a large and always flat surface. The main condition is full adherence of the glass over the entire area to the table. At the same time, cracking is easily avoided.
  • You will also need a hammer and pliers.
  • For marking, you need to take a long ruler and a square. You will also need a marker for marking.
  • If it is necessary to carry out curly cutting of the mirror, then you will also additionally need. already made patterns (they can be made of thick cardboard or plywood), as well as a knife for shoemaking or a jigsaw.

Important! If you need to cut tempered glass at home, then it is best to do the work on a machine that is equipped with a diamond-coated wheel. In this case, the crumbling process of the heavy-duty mirror or glass can be avoided.

Precautions and safety precautions

Before cutting off the mirror, you need to understand that this type of activity carries a potential threat to the performer.

Many design projects require custom mirrors in the interior.

Therefore, in order to protect yourself from unforeseen industrial injuries, it is important to adhere to the following safety measures:

  • Always wear protective goggles and gloves. Eye protection is required, since small fragments that can accidentally fall on the mucous membrane will subsequently cause irreparable damage to the organ of vision.
  • Prepare a special box into which the production scraps will be stored. It is imperative to do this to prevent small pieces of glass from getting on or cutting your clothes.
  • The surface on which all manipulations will be carried out must be extremely flat and large in area. All the tools and materials at hand should also be nearby.
  • After you have cut glass or a mirror at home, you need to wipe the work surface and the floor around it with a damp cloth. This manipulation must also be performed with all precautions. Otherwise, you can drive small fragments under the skin, which will be quite problematic to get rid of later.

Before cutting a mirror with a glass cutter, read the safety requirements.

How and how to cut a mirror at home

Reading time:

Sometimes, when it is not possible to take the mirror to the workshop in order to cut the desired size and shape, such a manipulation can be carried out at home.

Mirror is an integral part of any interior.

But, for its successful completion, it is necessary to know the basic technological steps of glass cutting, with what tools it can be done, and also not to forget about the precautions.

  • Precautions and safety precautions
  • Necessary tools and materials for cutting glass at home
  • Rules for using a glass cutter
  • Mirror surface preparation
  • Glass cutting technology principle
  • Is it possible to cut glass without a glass cutter at home
  • cutting mirrors with glass cutter

Rules for using a glass cutter

So, how to cut a mirror at home is not so easy, especially without skills, you need to know exactly how to use a glass cutter correctly.

  • First you need to check the tool. it should not be loose and the wheel should rotate smoothly. This is a prerequisite for round glass cutters.
  • If you need to cut a mirror with a diamond glass cutter, then you need to make sure that the stone is fixed securely enough and at the correct angle.
  • The pressure should be even and smooth. Even slight deviation from constant pressure force and the mirror surface will crack.
  • When carrying out manipulations, it is necessary to listen to the sounds that the instrument makes. There should be no squeaks. If, nevertheless, sounds appeared, this means that the glass cutter has already become dull.

Additional Information! If the incision is made with a deviation from the established line, you should not try to fix the marriage. You just need to step back a few millimeters in the desired direction and repeat the cut line. This is a prerequisite for both rectilinear and curly ways of cutting out mirrors and glass.

Is it possible to cut glass without a glass cutter at home

Not everyone knows that ordinary glass can be cut using the most familiar scissors. The main conditions in this case are sharp. sharpening of the cutting edge. In this case, it is necessary to place all the glass in a sufficiently large container so that it is covered with water.

Sometimes there is a desire to acquire a mirror of some intricate shape.

It is the liquid that prevents the appearance of chips and cracks. Then, carefully with scissors, begin to cut off small pieces, achieving the desired shape and size.

Cut a mirror of any shape.

Note! This type of mirror processing is suitable only if its thickness does not exceed the 4 mm mark and it is necessary to perform curly cutting. Most likely, you won’t be able to cut a straight line in this case.

You can use another way. For example, take a file with a rectangular or triangular cutting edge.

The cutting element must be located strictly on the marked line and perpendicular to the mirror surface.

The technology of actions in this case is as follows. cuts are made with the edge of the file on both sides. Then the main line is scratched and breaking off is carried out. But, to implement this option, you need the skill of working with materials such as glass and mirror.

If you have never worked with a mirror, then get help.

You can also try using a winder drill. Here, holes are made in several places. They all lie on the cut line. Then a thin line is scratched between them and tapping, and breaking off eliminates the unnecessary part.

If everything is done correctly, then the sound of glass being cut is heard, it is impossible to confuse it.

Important! If the work is carried out with a drill, then it must be turned in such a way that only an acute angle enters the glass. Otherwise the mirror will crack.

Given all these features, at home it is quite easy to trim or curly cut out a mirror.