How to properly cut the baguettes on the ceiling

Why do you have to cut the ceiling plinth?

The answer to this question lies on the surface: it is necessary to cut the ceiling mouldings in order to join them correctly.

And when installing the skirting board, the docking is done in two cases:

The first of these cases is the easiest.

The second case is a whole science, about the basics of which we will talk below.

However, in both cases, the baguette must be cut so that its end was as even as possible.

This is the only way to ensure the appearance of docked elements as a whole.

How to make a chair for the ceiling plinth with their own hands

If such a useful device as a plough is missing, it can be replaced or made by hand.

In simple cases, for example, for cutting foam plastic, the role of the jig is an ordinary cardboard or a sheet of heavy paper. On it, 2 parallel segments are laid off and, using a protractor, the planned cut points are marked. Then simply put a piece of the product and cut it off, using cardboard as a template.

If the material is wide, hollow inside, or made of a strong material such as wood, it is impossible to do without a wire cutter or its equivalent. Then proceed as follows.

  • Make a template on cardboard or heavy paper.
    properly, baguettes, ceiling
  • Then from any suitable material make corners for ceiling plinth. from two slats, for example. The material is inserted into the element as in a jig.
  • Then the device is placed over the stencil so that the end of the plinth is over the drawing. Put the profile in a substitute for the jig and cut with a knife or saw at the mark.

In this case the blade of the knife rests only in the homemade item, so when working you need to be careful.


Ceiling plinth performs not only a decorative function, visually separating the walls from the ceiling, but can also hide joints between different finishing materials of the ceiling and walls. Not every interior design involves the use of ceiling plinth, but most often the overall appearance of the room seems incomplete without it. In the attachment of this element of the fillet there is nothing difficult, almost all types of skirting boards are attached to the glue. But the question of how to properly cut the ceiling plinth in the corners of the premises, can puzzle many. After all, even in the simplest room, there are interior corners where ceiling plinth strips must be accurately and beautifully docked. And in a more complex configuration of the room, you will also have to dock the baseboards, performing the outer corner. In this article, we will consider different options on how to cut the ceiling plinth with the help of hand tools and without them.

First, we should deal with the question of what to cut the ceiling plinth, the answer depends on the material from which the fillet is made. At the moment we sell ceiling skirting boards made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polystyrene foam (foam plastic), polyurethane and wood.

PVC ceiling skirting boards are the cheapest. They easily get dents and creases that cannot be repaired, so the product has to be thrown away. Also their disadvantage is electrostatic they can attract dust. They can be cut with a sharp construction knife or a hacksaw.

Skirting boards made of polystyrene foam are also among the cheapest. This material is very fragile, during processing easily crumbles, so cut the polystyrene foam must be a sharp knife or hacksaw for metal, not making too much pressure.

Skirting boards made of expanded polystyrene are a bit more expensive than polystyrene boards, denser and harder to cut. Nevertheless, they crumble less, so they are easier and more convenient to work with. They can be cut with a construction knife and a metal saw.

Polyurethane skirting boards are the most expensive at the moment. They are strong, flexible and moisture-resistant, easily cut with a construction knife and do not crumble. A disadvantage of polyurethane skirting boards is their dependence on temperature differences. For example, over a gas stove, a polyurethane skirting board will become warped and slightly cracked. If you try to trim or trim such a baseboard, it may warp or otherwise deform.

Wooden ceiling skirting boards are thick, heavy articles, which can only be trimmed with a hacksaw, preferably with fine, frequent cogs. You can also use a metal blade.

Before proceeding to the list of ways how to properly cut a ceiling plinth, I would like to note that there is a possibility not to cut the plinth with special precision. Special corner elements are available on the market, into which the edges of the skirting board are inserted. In this case, the plinth plank is enough to undercut at an angle of 90. And the corner piece will hide all the imperfections. But this method is not always used, because the size of the corner elements are somewhat larger than the baseboards themselves, so the corners in the room will stand out against the general background. This can sometimes look clumsy. However, if the design of the room allows the use of angular elements for ceiling plinths, it makes sense to use them. The following instructions will be useful to those who still decided to accurately cut the baseboards to a given angle.

How to cut a ceiling skirting board corner with the woodworking jigsaw

The chisel is a simple carpentry tool that allows you to cut a piece of wood at the desired angle. Most often is a tray of plastic, wood or metal with vertical slots for cutting at angles of 90 and 45. There are also more complex designs of the cutter for cutting at angles of 90, 60 and 45 degrees. For more professional work, use a power plier with a pivoting mechanism, where the hacksaw can be fixed at any angle to the workpiece.

How to cut a ceiling skirting board with a wire cutter inner corner:

  • We put the skirting board on the ceiling, and measure the required length.
  • Then put the skirting board into the jig so that its position coincides with the position of the skirting board on the ceiling.
  • The skirting board must be pressed against the far wall of the joiner.
  • Hold the skirting board with your left hand.
  • We choose a saw position with the angle of 45 degrees, with the handle of the hacksaw close to your left hand.
  • Cut the workpiece without exerting excessive pressure on the saw.
  • The next step is trimming the skirting board. Hold it against the far wall of the jigsaw.
  • Press it down and hold it with your right hand.
  • We choose the position for the hacksaw when the angle is 45 degrees and the handle of the hacksaw is close to the right hand.
  • Cut the skirting board.

Then we dock the cut skirting boards and check the accuracy of the cut. For more precise orientation it is also said that in order to make an inner corner, you should start cutting from the front part of the skirting board. Wood baseboards, after trimming, may need to be fitted with a file.

How to cut the ceiling plinth with a jigsaw outer corner:

  • In order not to make a mistake with the size, it is better to start with the marking of the inner corner, and then already cut the outer corner. Otherwise, it is possible that the plank may not be long enough.
  • It is necessary to put a plank to a ceiling and to mark the sizes.
  • Position the ceiling plinth trim and press it against the nearest wall.
  • Hold with the left hand and choose a position for the hacksaw at a 45 degree angle, when the handle is close to the left hand.
  • Cut the skirting board off.
  • Position the counterblade against the nearest wall, hold it with the right hand.
  • Set the hacksaw at a 45 degree angle, with the handle close to the right hand.
  • We cut the workpiece and dock the corner.

Trimming the workpiece with the jigsaw is only suitable if the angle between the walls is exactly 90 degrees. If, however, accuracy leaves much to be desired, we have to use other methods.

How to cut the ceiling skirting boards corners by marking on the ceiling

Marking the skirting board on the ceiling also allows you to evenly and accurately cut the corner. The only disadvantage of this method is that it is difficult and inconvenient to hold the skirting board by weight when cutting. Otherwise, it is possible to mark the angle for cutting in this way even more accurately than other methods. When fitting the skirting board to the place where it will be installed, you should notice any wall imperfections and corner variations.

Trimming the corner of the ceiling plinth:

As quality pokleit baguette ceiling moldings

  • The intersection point of the marked lines will be the point at which the skirting boards must be cut.
  • Again we put down each slat in turn and mark the cut point on it.
  • Lead the fishing line from this point to the other edge of the skirting board.

We cut the skirting boards along the marked lines, join them, and attach them to the place of installation. Note that it is more convenient to cut inside corners with this method.

How to cut a ceiling skirting board using a jig saw

Something that resembles a notch can be made by drawing the required corners of the cut on paper, cardboard or wood. It is necessary to draw two parallel mowing lines, determine the center, and then set off the necessary angles using a protractor. The advantage of this method is that you can defer any angle, including greater than 90 degrees. Of course, before you cut the corners of the ceiling plinth, you must first check the angle between the walls with a corner and measure with a protractor.

The method of cutting a ceiling plinth with a drawn out jig is exactly the same as with the jig itself. We press the baseboard plank to one of the parallel lines, then set the hacksaw at the desired angle, which is already marked, and cut off.

Improvised tray-stool with their own hands

It is also not very difficult to make a jig with your own hands.

You will need three wooden slats or boards, which should be chipped into a U-shaped box. Then the necessary corners are marked on the walls of the box, and a hacksaw is cut. The end result should be a wooden chair, in which the grooves are cut out.

Combination of an improvised jigsaw and a template with marked lines. For ease of cutting it is necessary to construct something in which it will be convenient to hold the ceiling plinth plank, because it is difficult to hold it by weight. It is enough to hammer out of two wooden slats or boards a corner. On paper, you need to draw a scythe line with angles for cutting at 45 degrees or any other. Then we put a piece of baseboard to the corner, press it by hand, as described in the technique of using a chair, move the paper with a template under the edge where we are going to make the cut, and cut. While cutting, use the lines we have drawn on the paper.

As an improvised jigsaw, you can use anything you like, anything. that we form a corner. For example, a table pushed up against the wall.

Important! Note the rule of thumb for trimming ceiling plinths. To work out the inner corner, you must measure the length directly from the corner. To outline the outer corner, you must be guided that the skirting will protrude into the depths of the room at a distance equal to its width.

It is not necessary to fix ceiling skirting boards before you cut the counter batten and tried on their location. Only when the two skirting boards are perfectly flush in the corner can they be attached to the ceiling. Small imperfections can be finished with a file or file in the case of wooden and polyurethane skirting boards. To fit the foam products, you have to wield a sharp knife.

If suddenly, even after fitting the skirting boards, there is a small gap between them, do not despair, it can be filled with putty. It is not difficult to cut a skirting board yourself. But in order not to spoil a lot of products, it is better to practice on small blanks beforehand.

How to glue a ceiling plinth on different surfaces

Gluing ceiling plinth is quite simple, it all depends on the material of the ceiling and walls.

Stretch ceiling

Today, many people choose stretch ceilings for finishing, so they are interested in how to cut the corner and glue the ceiling skirting so as not to damage the material. For stretch ceilings, it is worth choosing lightweight and narrow baguettes. These skirting boards made of foam or polystyrene foam. You can also consider plastic or polyurethane options.

To avoid glue getting on the stretched material, it is necessary to apply it to the part of the molding which is fixed to the wall, not to the ceiling.

It is necessary to buy the glue with the most reliable fixation which quickly dries. But it is necessary to work carefully with any composition, so as not to spoil the canvas. If the baguette is large or made of wood, it must be additionally secured with anchors or dowels.

Before you decorate the wall with a ceiling plinth, you need to check how securely the wallpaper is glued. In areas where they peeled off, be sure to fix them with PVA glue or wallpaper, and then leave them to dry for 1-2 days. Do not stick baseboards on the peeled wallpaper, otherwise they will fall off with the wallpaper.

Ceiling skirting boards sit on the glue with a good fixation, and in order not to get dirty with adhesive wallpaper, make a preliminary marking for the entire width of the strip. And below the mowing line is glued a masking tape, which is then easy to remove.


Gluing ceiling plinth on gypsum board is very easy, because this material has an even surface. The only difficulties may arise at the joints, where the putty under the influence of glue can give runs. Such a problem is easy to solve, just sandpaper the joints.

Gypsum board reduces space, but if you stick the skirting boards to the ceiling of the wide side, the room will visually seem larger.


Before gluing the skirting board to the wall with this finish, it is important to check their evenness. If there are defects, they must be sanded down or sealed with a filler. You can also hide irregularities with the help of a special soft baseboard.

If the defects are significant, then the walls must necessarily level, apply primer and grind.


Once the skirting board is glued, it can be painted in any color with water based paint. If it is necessary to protect the walls or ceiling, they are to be covered with painter’s tape in advance.

A video will show you how to paint a skirting board made of foam plastic.

To paint the foam skirting board, most often purchase these types of paints:

  • acrylic;
  • latex;
  • polyvinyl acetate.

WARNING! When buying carefully study the label with the composition. No paint containing solvents should be used on foam plastic. Warning

Using tacks

You can not make the tacks yourself, and immediately buy those that are originally prepared for the joint. This is how polystyrene foam skirting boards, which do not need to fit together.

The baguette that will be fastened on the left should have a right cut, the right baguette left. When creating an inner corner, make the bottom section rise above the top, for the outer corner it should be the other way around.

Apply the skirting boards to each other, if necessary make undercuts in the joints of the base. If everything is in order, the skirting boards can be fixed with glue or screwed to the walls with further sealing of the joints.

Peculiarities of the formation of the catch of the floor trim

Skirting for framing the floor not only the coating completed look, but also hides the joint on the perimeter of the wall, improves soundproofing in the room. On how well and accurately you can join strips in the corners, will depend on the perception of the room as a whole.

How to trim a baseboard in a corner? Tools needed:

Step by step instruction on how to form corners and joints of floor slats

First do the marking and calculation of the necessary trimming material. In order to get a neat corner, it is necessary to cut parts of the jointed elements at an angle of 45 degrees. To do this the piece is placed in the jigsaw, fixed, and trimmed on one side with a jigsaw or saw.

Similarly, saw the opposite end of the second slat

[su_label type=info]Tip:[/su_label] [su_highlight background=#D9F0F9]first it is better to practice on small pieces, making joints on their ends.[/su_highlight]

To connect the skirting boards on the perimeter of the wall, they are trimmed at an angle of 90 degrees. The trimmed edges of polyurethane products are processed with sandpaper, for their complete alignment and better adhesion.

Joining two slats cut at right angles

Before installing the skirting boards, first check the accuracy of their joining. Then glue the first piece, dock with it the second, cut at an angle of 90 degrees.

[su_highlight background=#E0FEC7]The joints of polyurethane and plastic trims are recommended to strengthen the special adhesive, and if your floor is framed by a wooden skirting boards, the joints are fixed with glue and further strengthen the nails.[/su_highlight]

A special PVC joint is used to mask the joints

During installation, you can saw out a part of the trim in order to lay the communications in it. These can be sockets for outlets, switches.

Subcorner, cut into the PVC plinth

The corners, internal and external, are formed in the same way as when installing the ceiling baguettes. Baguettes are cut in the same way.

In order to cover the joints of undercut PVC products, there are special decorative corners