How to Properly Saw a Chain Saw

Features of the saw device

The first feature of the saw is the position of the electric motor, it can be placed both along the device and across. The difference between the saws will be very noticeable: if the engine is located across. they are wider, if along. narrower. Choose a tool with a transverse engine, because with this design, there is no need for a gearbox (in addition to being heavy, repairing it is not an expensive procedure).

how to saw with a chainsaw

Lateral arrangement of the engine in an electric saw

The longitudinal arrangement of the engine in the electric saw

The second feature of the saw is the difference in the cutting parts of the tool, it can be either disk or chain. Circular saws are used for woodworking enterprises and are relatives of stationary saws. As for chain saws, they are just suitable for giving, because used for short working hours.

The third feature is that the price and weight of the tool are almost independent of engine power. In order to answer the question that immediately appeared: “Why produce saws of small power, if the price is the same as that of powerful units?”, One must take into account the fact that country electrical wiring often does not cope with electrical appliances with high power consumption, as a result of which knock out the "plugs" on the counter and even the entire wiring fails. That is why manufacturers of saws create tools of low power, which also do a good job and are popular among summer residents.

Advantages and disadvantages of the saw

The advantages of the saw are as follows:

  • The tool does not pollute the environment with harmful gas emissions
  • The “gas relative” of the saw is very noisy, which cannot be said about the unit with an electric motor.
  • If the work will take place indoors, the chainsaw will again interfere due to harmful exhausts, especially if this room is cramped and unventilated. There are no problems with the saw.
  • The relatively light weight of the device

Video: How to Properly Saw a Chain Saw

But still, the saw has a lot of disadvantages, among which:

  • Attachment to an energy source, which means working at a remote distance from the outlet
  • The need to purchase an expensive professional saw if you need to work with the tool for a long time in a continuous mode
  • Use of a saw only for gardening. In case of daily work, it is recommended to use a chainsaw
  • Not so high performance compared to a chainsaw

Saw Operation Tips

How to use a saw?

Since the saw is not a cheap tool, and with careless work it can easily fail, you need to follow a few simple tips from experienced gardeners, namely:

  1. Do not use the saw in heavy duty. It is more suitable for "cosmetic work" in the garden. It is recommended that firewood be harvested using chainsaws. If there is an urgent need for intensive work, use the saw in a gentle mode with breaks.
  2. Due to the fact that the saw is capable of carrying out up to 5000 revolutions per minute (despite the fact that the chainsaw is capable of approximately 9000 revolutions), consider the fact that you will need more time to work with it.
  3. Bring the saw in a warm room for at least a day with the onset of spring. This should be done due to the fact that in winter, condensate accumulates in the motor winding and, when turned on, a short circuit may occur. Even specialists who repair electric tools confirm that most of the breakdowns of saws occurred in the spring.
  4. Constantly monitor current stability. In no case do not operate the saw on holidays, because just at this time there is a lack of voltage in the network and the saw cannot develop a mark of rated power, as a result of which it overheats and fails.
  5. After each saw operation, grind the chain. It is necessary to do this, because when the tool is used with a blunt chain, the harmful effect on the electric motor increases, as a result of which its service life is reduced. over, why work with a blunt chain saw? After all, a sharpened chain contributes to the cutting of wood without the application of great effort, which makes work quick and comfortable.

The advantage of universal saw models

A universal saw is a very effective acquisition for giving, because using it you can quickly cut materials such as:

  • Tree
  • Drywall
  • Slate
  • Laminate
  • Ceramic tiles
  • Boards
  • Brick
  • Steel, up to 12 mm thick

Such a saw will not only save on the purchase of some tools (band saw, angle grinder, hacksaw for carpentry), but will also allow you to carry out the work even with one hand. over, with such an aggregate, it is possible to cut the material along a curved line, which is sometimes very required.

Summing up, we can say that buying a saw will be useful for your summer cottage, you only need to be careful about the tool and follow the recommendations mentioned above. We also recommend reading the article on creating a mini-wash for a car with your own hands, as well as how to sharpen a saw chain correctly.