How to Properly Saw Almond Form

Each person has their own form of nails. And the longer the length of the nail plates, the easier it is to make what you want from nature. There are several basic forms under which natural nails are cut: a square, "almond"oval "pipe", "stylet". Each in its own way is good, but should be appropriate.

How to Properly Saw Almond Form

The shape of natural nails

Before you file nails under some form, you need to figure out whether it suits you. Since filing can both decorate and disfigure hands. The shape of natural nails, those given by nature, can be of several types:

  • trapezoidal;
  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • round.

Sometimes nails on different fingers grow out of a different shape, but this is more an individual feature than a pathology.

How to choose a suitable form

Each natural form of nails requires its sawdust. One that will suit her perfectly. So, for example, trapezoidal nails look perfect if they are filed under an oval. This visually makes them more elegant, neater and more beautiful. Nail shape is perfect for square nails "square"but only with rounded corners. Sharp will give too clumsy look to hands. Preferred length: medium, i.e. no more than 1/4 of the size of the nail bed. The round shape of the nails can be filed to a soft and symmetrical oval, which will give the hands accuracy, softness and beauty. The length should also not be too long. Rectangular natural nails are versatile. That is, they can be filed to any shape, any length.

Finger shape

When choosing a sawdust for nails, it is worth considering the shape of the fingers. So, for example, the shape of nails “almonds” and round are suitable for long and thin fingers. This will visually make them even more elegant and sophisticated. But the short and full fingers are strictly contraindicated in the square shape of the nails. It visually shortens them even more, makes the fullness noticeable. Given the shape of the fingers, you need to determine the length of the nails. Short nails are not very suitable for long fingers, but neat, short, but correctly cut, will look perfect.

Colors of manicure and pedicure

Regardless of the shape of the toenails, color decorative pedicure can visually change it. For example, too wide nail plates will visually become smaller if a dark dense color is applied. This also applies to manicure. Too wide nails become visually more elegant and narrower if dark varnishes are used. At the same time, they are not applied to the entire width, but only to the middle, without touching the edges from the side of the side rollers. In pedicure, you should adhere to the same rule. In this case, regardless of shape, the nails will become visually narrower and more accurate.

Short nails

The ideal form of short nails, the length of which is only 1-2 mm, is a square with rounded corners. At the same time, varnishes of light shades will make the nails visually longer. This is definitely worth considering when choosing a color scheme for manicure. The soft square is ideal for short nails also because it allows the nails to grow evenly, even if before that the nails were poorly grown and were of different lengths.



The easiest form to execute, since it does not require special skills and does not cause difficulties when cutting the edge. The file is placed strictly vertically from one side, the nail is cut off strictly from itself. Then the tool is applied from the other side, the actions are repeated, up to the number of movements. The sides should be perfectly flat and parallel. After this, the file is placed from the end. The movements are strictly horizontal in one direction.

To obtain the shape of an oval, you must first give them an almond shape. How to do this is described above. After the “almond” shape is ready, you just need to cut off the upper midpoint, rounding it. It turns out a full, symmetrical and correct oval. This form, by the way, suits nails not too long. And if you perform a decorative manicure in bright colors with a vertical pattern-painting, it will make the nails visually narrower and more refined.

Round nails

This is the simplest form of all. It is necessary to carefully cut the corners on the nails, making them round and soft. Ends after this usually do not have to be cut. It is noteworthy that round nails are suitable only for a small length, since even a small (3 mm) requires an already more elongated and thoughtful shape. Round nails are ideal for children, because it is impossible to scratch them or cause themselves even the slightest harm.

Video: How to Properly Saw Almond Form

This is a relatively new form that suits exclusively extended nails. Why? The shape of the pipe nails cannot exist without a steep arch. That is, if you turn your nails to yourself, the ends to the eyes, you should see a steep, symmetrical arc. Natural plates during regrowth cannot boast so. But you can build up such a form with both gel and acrylic. Sawdust is a cross between a soft square and almonds, at the most basic. substitution of the form for building. It is usually slightly tucked up so that the tip of the free edge is flush with the apex. What it is? The highest point of the extended nail. That is, the nail is obtained from above by a straight, neatly rounded to the side rollers and cuticle. And so that such nails do not break during wear, and that same C-arch is required that maintains symmetry. For its formation during building, the form is tightly clamped with special crab clamps. You can check the symmetry using a round tube. It is substituted under the mold, then the mold is clamped. After building, before washing the nails, the tube is re-inserted to check the arch. The free edge is first sawn under a square. After that, the corners are cut very much, the sharp almond-shaped point at the end is leveled. Nail shape "pipe" ready.


Perhaps the most popular form of nails in 2013-2014 among masters. French on it turns out to be very unusual, if you add Chinese painting. "Stylet" got its name for its resemblance to women’s weapons in Spain (a thin cone-shaped knife). This form is suitable only for long nails, because it simply does not look at a small length, it seems too strange and unfinished. Classical "stylet" can only be obtained by building. The main feature: equal and perfectly even sides of the free edge, which at the end converge to one point, located strictly in the middle. The stylet is a rather sharp form. Some believe that it is not intended for daily wear, but is suitable exclusively for nail art exhibitions. But there are those who do a great job of household chores, possessing such long and sharp nails. If performed "stylet"-french, then it must be decorated with paintings or decorative elements, otherwise it is simply lost, becomes unfinished.

Performing file cutting

During the build-up, about 40% of the work is done by cutting the material and shaping the nails as well. Regardless of the material used to build, this procedure cannot be avoided. How to shape the nails in this case? Firstly, first prepare the nails for extension. Secondly, a special cardboard form is substituted, which will then be removed. Thirdly, a gel or acrylic substrate is laid out. And from this, the shaping of the nails begins. The backing extends to a specific selected length. The future form of nails, which will be followed by manicure, is already important here. If it is a square, then the substrate stretches in this shape. If "stylet"oval or "almond"then a foundation is created under "almond". Fourth, the future nail is created on the substrate, in compliance with all the rules and canons of extension: the apex is in place, the indent from the cuticle is 0.5-1 mm, the minimum amount of carefully laid material near the side rollers. Fifthly, the cardboard form is removed and the filing begins. Nail files are used special for artificial material. All forms are filed according to the rules described above in the article. All excess is removed with a nail file, the surface of the nail plates is carefully sanded with a special buff for extended nails. Only after that the perfect artificial nails are obtained. both in length and in shape. The last step in building up. polishing nails with oil or applying a special protective coating. The most difficult part in the whole procedure. this is a file cut, because if the instrument is carelessly moved, there is a risk of causing permanent damage to the future shape. All this relates to how to build up nails on the forms.

Opil on natural nails

Before you make a beautiful shape of the nails, you need to figure out how well it suits you. For instance, "stylet" insanely beautiful and original, but in household chores it will still be difficult, and even communicating with a small child is also dangerous. There is an easy way to find the perfect shape for your nails. Need to look at lunula. This is a small strip on the nails near the cuticle. It differs in color from the entire nail plate. How to make a beautiful shape of nails? File them in the shape of a lunula. This will be the most ideal, most correct and most suitable form for your nails. After you have made your choice, proceed to filing. How to do it for a square, oval, "almonds"described above.

How to grow nails of the desired shape

Many people dream of a beautiful manicure, but the length of the nails allows you to only file them in a circle and cover with light varnish. How to grow the free edge of the desired shape? First, monitor the condition of the hands and nails. The cuticle should be cleaned in a timely manner, and the free edge. filed. Secondly, it is worth abandoning nail scissors. If you want to remove the length or unevenness, then you need to use a nail file. It is very easy to damage the structure of the nail and disrupt the growth with scissors. Thirdly, you need to learn how to properly file nails.

Rules of filing

The nail file should always move in one direction. If you make movements back and forth, that is, there is a risk of greatly stratifying the edge of the nail, which means contributing to the violation of its integrity.

The file is always placed at a slight angle to the end, so that the cutting is performed as if from under the nail. This allows you to make the most correct and symmetrical shape. And most importantly. Do not spoil the condition of the nails. If you only saw the butt, then it quickly becomes worthless: breaks, delamination, cracks begin.

How to protect your nails from injuries

In order for the manicure to last longer, and the form remains flawless even with minor strokes, you need to remember a few tips. First of all, choose the right length of the nails. The free edge cannot be longer than the nail bed. Otherwise, due to the heavy load, the nails will be weakened and vulnerable to even the slightest blow. Exception: extended nail forms "stylet". If all the rules for building such a form are followed, then it will last a long time.

A lot depends on the form itself. So, for example, the classic sharp square is vulnerable to blows, since the corners quickly break off. And even protective equipment for manicure does not always help. But a square with rounded corners practically does not break off. Oval or almond-shaped nails. most resistant to shock. In rare exceptional cases, the form still bursts or cracks. For example, with a strong impact with the butt of the nail.

Shape Conclusion

The shape of the nails should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable. In daily affairs, she should not cause discomfort. In addition, the shape and length of the fingers are not the last criteria in choosing the shape of the nails. All together should look natural and organic. When filing, you must follow simple rules so that the shape of the nails is perfect and beautiful, and the nails remain strong and healthy. The use of metal files is strictly prohibited, as they harm the nails.