How to saw slate without an angle grinder

How to saw slate: How and what to cut wave slate, flat slate at home

Often slate sheets are too big for transportation or it is necessary to cut a slate sheet to size during installation. About how to do it correctly we will talk.

The preferable variant of sawing slate is with the help of a diamond angle grinder or a stone wheel. It is necessary to protect yourself with special glasses and a respirator, i.e.к. The dust from slate is very unhealthy. This must be taken very responsibly! According to data of the World Health Organization, about 107 000 people die annually from illnesses caused by exposure to dust from slate in case of non-observance of safety measures.

In addition to protective equipment, it is necessary to direct a continuous stream of water to the place where the slate comes into contact with the tool. The easiest option would be to make a hole in the lid of a plastic bottle and ask an assistant to pour water in a thin stream.

You can also saw slate with a cutting machine with a stone disk cutter. The process will be a little more complicated, but possible. You will probably need to make the cut in two passes.

Even less preferable is the use of an electric jigsaw. It is suitable for small amounts of sawing, t.к. The process will be long and laborious.

If you need to saw slate without power tools, you can get by with an ordinary fine-toothed hacksaw. But you’re going to have to keep sharpening them.к. they will blunt very quickly. Not to mention the considerable time and physical expense.

Sawing a flat slate

So we’ve talked about the tool. Now let’s describe the cutting technique. Place the sheet of flat slate horizontally on the bars. Mark out the line for the trimmer cut. It is better to pre-wet the sheet with water or even put wet rags for a while on the future line for the trimmer cut.

With an angle grinder, take your time, in order to prevent chipping, saw the slate in one pass, not forgetting to moisten with a jet of water to prevent dust in the air. Remove any intruders. Take care of the fact that the dust, which may still appear was then removed.

If you use a cut-off machine with a stone cutter it is better to make a pre-cut along the cut line and cut off the slate during the second pass. It does not hurt to fill the cut with water and leave it for a few minutes before the second pass.

When using an electric jigsaw or a hand saw, the requirements for sawing are even greater. Soak the slate before starting work. Make the cut extremely slowly and without pressing. Otherwise the slate may burst or there will be a lot of small chips on the face.

Cutting of rippled slate

When sawing the wave slate must take into account all the recommendations given above for flat slate, and a few more, which we will now give. It is best to saw the wave slate in two passes. First make cuts in the convex waves, and then turn the sheet over and do the same procedure on the other side. Be careful not to break the sheet during flipping.

Let us summarize. We highly recommend to saw the slate with a slate angle grinder with a stone disk, pre-wet it and direct a continuous stream of water onto it when sawing. Wet slate is slightly more elastic, which significantly reduces the chance of chipping. Always use personal protective equipment. Choose a place that will be easy to clean up after work. Clean working tools immediately after finishing work. Later, the adhered dust will be very difficult to remove.

The task of sawing slate with the proper approach is quite feasible. You should not be afraid of it.

Cutting with different power tools

In principle, all power tools that are used to cut construction materials can also be used to cut slate panels. But most often use an angle grinder or electric jigsaw.

angle grinder

To do this, you can use an angle grinder simple (straight) or angle grinder. Here the choice depends only on the cutting tool, namely the disk. Cutting can be done with a diamond disc, abrasive disc and stone cutting disc. In this case, the technology using different materials will be different from each other.

If a diamond disc is used, there are no restrictions on the process. Diamond spraying can also cope with harder materials, so that it is not too difficult to cut curly or flat slate, both lengthwise and crosswise. The only thing is to remember to moisten the place where you cut. This can be done in several ways:

  • Watering the line for the trimmer cut with water from a hose or plastic bottle right in the process of working with an angle grinder. You will have to use the services of an assistant, who will hold a hose or bottle and direct the flow of water to the desired location.
  • Pre-wet the slate plane thoroughly by laying wet rags on the place of the cut.
  • If the process is carried out in winter, the best option is to lay the slate directly on the snow. In the process of cutting it will begin to melt, because the disk rotates at high speed, and between it and the roofing material is a high temperature.

Using a stone cutting disc requires a different approach to this operation. Before cutting, the slate is laid on a level surface so that it rests with all of its lower waves on the supporting plane. This achieves the stability of the panel.

If the slate is cut with an angle grinder along the panel, you must cut along the top wave. If you want to cut laterally, first the top (convex) waves are cut, then the slate is turned over and the bottom waves are cut.

The main feature of the two cutting discs is that after the diamond tool, the cut edges practically do not need any machining. Cut with an abrasive disc edge of the slate sheet will have to work on, because you do not always get a smooth cut. Although for roofs it is not critical, because the sheets are stacked with an overlap relative to each other with an offset of up to 20 cm in both the transverse and longitudinal position.

This is also important to know: The nuances and rules of the calculation of slate on the roof

The jigsaw

The jigsaw is not the best tool when it comes to the question of how to cut slate. But if you approach this process correctly, it can easily cope with the task. The only thing you need to follow two strict rules:

As in the case of the angle grinder, the panel must be well wet along the cutting line. Electric jigsaw is strictly guided by the saw along the linear segment without pressure on the power tool. In addition to the requirements. you can use an electric jigsaw to trim slate sheets if the amount of work is small. This tool is not suitable for mass use. The saw simply will not withstand the constant pressure. And the power tool itself is not designed for such work (it is low-powered), its motor can simply burn out.


Call this method “cutting” can be called with a stretch, because no cutting operations need to be performed here. With a drill, in the chuck of which a drill bit is inserted, it is necessary to make many through holes along the drawn line. And the more the latter, the more even the edges of the cut pieces will be. At the same time, the smaller the diameter of the drill bit, the better.

After completing the drilling under the slate sheet along the holes and next to them is laid a level bar. It is necessary to press on the edge of a smaller piece, and the material will break along the line.

How to saw slate. cutting technology and the necessary tools

In cottage construction, slate is the most indispensable material for any homeowner. With its help, you can quickly and inexpensively make a roof for a garage, shed, gazebo or even garden cottage. The unremitting demand for it speaks to the ease of installation and affordability. However, we should not forget that it contains asbestos, a mineral dangerous for the respiratory tract and mucous membranes of humans. In sheets that are not exposed to external influences, it is in a bound state, held in place by a binder. Danger lurks workers when cutting the material. This article will tell you how and what to cut slate, so as not to break the integrity of the sheet and to protect themselves.

Physical properties of the material

To make slate, manufacturers mix asbestos with cement and water, pour it into molds and leave it to dry. To prevent dusting, both sides and cuts are coated with a special paint that gives the desired shade of material and makes it smoother. Slate has the following physical characteristics:

  • High weight. The weight of one standard sized sheet exceeds 30 kg. Among roofing materials, it has a great weight, which exceeds the only ceramic tile.
  • Fragility. To break the integrity of the sheet slate is easy enough. On the one hand, it is bad, because you need to be more attentive to the transportation and storage. On the other hand, it is a definite advantage, since the cut sheet is not particularly difficult.
  • Color. Unpainted slate is easily recognized by its light gray shade, which can not be confused with something else. If it seems ugly or does not harmonize with the decoration of the house, just buy paint and apply it to the surface of the roof.
  • Variety of texture. Manufacturers of building materials produce corrugated and flat slate. Not differing in composition, they have different surfaces and different applications. Wave type is more often used to cover the roof, and flat to protect the walls.

Pay attention! Slate is made with the use of asbestos. This insidious mineral of silicate class penetrates with dust into the lungs, irritating and causing micro-injuries. That is why you should use the personal protection equipment that protects breathing passages and eyes when sawing a slate sheet. It is best to saw not indoors, but outdoors.

Sawing with an angle grinder

Since the times of the USSR an angle grinder is usually called an angle grinder, which were produced in the friendly republic of the same name. It is better to saw slate with this universal tool with a helper, following this technology:

  • Carefully take the slate out into the open area and place it on two supports that will raise it above the ground to work more conveniently.
  • Determine the place of the cut and draw a line for the trimmer along which you will cut. Wet the place of the future cut with water. Firstly, the plasticity of slate when wet increases, and secondly, less dangerous asbestos dust is formed. How to cut wavy slate with an angle grinder Cutting with an angle grinder with a diamond wheel
  • Wear a water-moistened respirator, a face mask over your eyes, and determine where the wind blows so that it blows the dust in the opposite direction from you.
  • Proceed to the sawing of the slate, using an angle grinder on low speed. While you continue sawing, your helper should pour water on the job site. If you constantly wet the cut, most of the dust will run off with the water to the ground. Cutting slate with an angle grinder

Important! To cut the slate, an angle grinder with a stone disk or a diamond wheel is used. The first option is cheaper than the second. Nevertheless, the diamond nozzle allows you to fill cuts in any direction or even grind the edges of the sheet.

Cutting with a hacksaw

If you do not have an angle grinder or other power tool at your disposal, you can make the cut on slate with a simple metal hacksaw or a sharp carpenter’s knife. Interestingly, in order to saw a sheet of slate with a hand tool, it takes no more than 2-3 minutes. To avoid damaging the sheet, perform the steps in the following order:

  • Take the sheet and place it on two planks on the ground. Do not take too high of a support, as the sheet will fall and break when the sawing is finished.
  • Before you cut a flat slate, mark the line on it for the trimmer cut with a construction pencil. Wet clean cotton rags in water and place them along the dashed line. After three hours, when the water is absorbed and the slate is more pliable, start the work.
  • Pick up the hacksaw and bring it over the sawing area, placing it at a 45 degree angle to the surface. Holding the edge of the sheet with one hand, start moving the tool back and forth, cutting the slate along the line. Do not apply too much force, act without pressure to avoid breaking the sheet.

Important! Professional builders with experience in handling slate, claim that the use of hand tools during sawing, reduces the amount of asbestos dust, if compared with the work of an angle grinder or jigsaw.

Alternative methods

Sometimes it happens that it is necessary to saw a sheet of slate urgently, and there is no angle grinder, no jigsaw, no hacksaw at hand. The only way out in such a case is to break the sheet with your hands. Experienced craftsmen have two tricks for making the cut even:

  • Using a sharp knife. A trimmer line is applied to the slate surface where the cut is needed. Then, taking a sharp utility or office knife, repeatedly spend it along the line, time after time deepening the risk. When the cut is deep enough, the sheet is carefully broken open.
  • Using a drill. A trimmer line is drawn on the sheet, marking the place of the future cut. Using a drill along this line every 5 cm make holes. Then the slate is carefully broken apart along the resulting peorized strip. The smaller the pitch between the holes, the easier it is to break the sheet.

The fault of the errors in the process of sawing slate is formed by a large proportion of defective sheets, which are not always used. If you do not have experience in cutting, buying the material, take care of 10% reserve, which compensates for losses due to careless actions when cutting.

Basic rules of cutting and working without dust

Slate should be cut outdoors, using personal protective equipment, as the material releases asbestos dust

slate, angle, grinder

Regardless of the method you choose to cut the panels, you need to follow the recommendations on the use of tools. This is especially true for the electric types, because. к. A lot of dust is released as a result. Slate based on asbestos fibers is harmful to health, because. к. The tiny particles have a bad effect on the respiratory system.

In most cases, such fibers are bound with cement grains, which securely hold the threads and do not allow the spread of harmful emissions. There is little detrimental effect from the coating on the roof, t. к. the material is in a restrained state of rest. To strengthen the harmlessness of the slate profile is recommended to paint. But when the integrity of the web (cutting) particles of fibers are released into the air and have a harmful effect on health if inhaled.

The conditions that need to be created to cut the slate:

  • the work is carried out in the open air, because. к. Dusting in a closed hangar, barn is not allowed;
  • it is desirable to position the workplace so that the wind carries the dust stream away from the master and the adjacent rooms;
  • wet material emits much less dust, so the place of cutting is sure to wet with water, using for this rags, brushes, watering cans.

Raw profile is less dusty when processed, it is much easier to cut water-wetted slate. Wet sheets get extra elasticity, soften.

Place the panels in such a way that the two parts that will be obtained after cutting have a firm support. Otherwise, when separating one half with a sharp edge can hurt the operator.

Cutting slate. how to cut a flat slate?

Cutting flat slate is fastest with an angle grinder and a stone disk. If you need to cut on the hard surface that is very undesirable to damage, put a wooden batten under the slate, not far from the place where you will cut. But this variant will help you when you need to cut close to the edge. If you need to cut the sheet in the middle, it is best to put the slate on a flat surface that is not afraid to damage, such as the ground.

It is best to work with a helper. while one person is cutting, the other will be constantly wetting the place of the cut with a thin stream of water from a hose or bottle. If there is no helper, try to bring a hose to the place where you cut, so that water would spread on the plane of the slate in the place where you will cut. You can then avoid asbestos dust being sprayed on to the ground in the form of dirt. Its residue must be washed off the tools and surface, because the dirt will harden when drying. With the same angle grinder and a diamond wheel can be carried out not only cutting, but also grinding the edges of slate. Cutting slate with the angle grinder is a very noisy activity, so you do not interfere with protective headphones.

With what else can one cut a slate from electric tools? Indeed, the angle grinder. not the only solution to the problem, fit electric jigsaw or even a hacksaw with a fine tooth. But in that case, get ready for a long marathon. these tools are suitable only for small amounts of work. To facilitate the cutting with an electric jigsaw, and even more so with a hacksaw, put a wet rag on the place of cutting and let it stand at least a couple of hours. Just do not get carried away. remember that the sheets from moisture will not only become elastic, but also more fragile, so do not press hard. Set the spindle speed down when working with an electric jigsaw.

Hacksaw for wood and metal

These tools have their individual differences that affect cutting technology. What cutting parameters to consider?

    Blade material. Wood is not considered to be a hard material, ordinary carbon low-alloy steel is used for making hacksaws. The hardness of the metal makes it possible to withstand the stresses encountered when cutting wood. Special high-alloyed steels with increased physical strength parameters are used for metal hacksaw blades.

Wood and metal hacksaws can be used for cutting slate

That’s why for cutting soft euro slate only a wood saw is used, but for asbestos-cement slate it is allowed to use both tools.

slate, angle, grinder

It is advisable to use a wood hacksaw to cut the Euro slate

Important. You should know that working with hand tools is very difficult physically. When cutting a euro slate blade must be wetted with water, the teeth need to be cleaned from the adhering material.

What to cut slate with. a review of tools and cutting methods

Flat and corrugated slate sheets are widely used as a roofing coating. During their installation there is a need for cutting, which is quite a specific operation.

How to organize the cutting of slate

Slate is quite fragile, so that when the sheets are broken or sawed, very small asbestos fibers and particles are formed. Asbestos is known to be one of the harmful substances that provoke cancer. To cut the material is not accompanied by its destruction, with the appearance of asbestos dust, it is necessary to know what slate is cut with, and use protective equipment.

Requirement when cutting slate sheets:

  • Personal protective equipment must be worn. For the respiratory system.A respirator, special goggles for the eyes, gloves and tight clothing for the skin. In addition, the work of an electric cutting tool generates a lot of noise: anti-noise headphones will help against it.
  • To significantly reduce the amount of dust produced and to make slate less fragile, before cutting the area of the cut is moistened with water. Wet rags or direct watering of the cutting line during the work can be used.
  • When working outdoors it is important to find a place so that asbestos dust is blown by the wind away from the operator.
  • If the procedure is carried out indoors, no one must be in the room except the operators. All doors should be closed tightly, taking steps to further seal them.

How to cut slate with an angle grinder. What kind of disc is used for cutting?

This procedure can be done using two types of discs on the slate:

Stone disc. In this case, no great effort is needed. It is important to organize a constant supply of water in a thin stream at the place where the angle grinder and the slate touch. This way the disk is cooled and the dust is prevented. The easiest way to do this is to place a helper with a garden hose or a cut plastic bottle nearby. When working alone, the water hose is secured in a convenient position for watering. Using an angle grinder and a disc for stone, it is better to perform the cut along the slate wave. For convenience, the sheet is marked out and placed on a level surface before starting work. If the cut is made near the edge of the plate, place a wide board underneath.

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If it is necessary to cut transversely to the waves, the procedure is divided into two steps. First the convex ridges are cut. Then, turning the slate upside down the procedure is repeated so that the ridges that are below are above. If everything is done correctly, the sheet falls apart neatly into two parts. At the end of the work the tool should be thoroughly wiped of dust, especially its working part. The fact is that if the asbestos-cement layers harden, it will be very difficult to remove them from the surface of the disk for angle grinder on slate. Use a soft dry cloth for cleaning.

Diamond wheel. Using an angle grinder with a diamond wheel you can cut slate in any direction. To make it work more effectively, it should be wetted first, making it more elastic and pliable. This will also significantly reduce the amount of dust that is produced. If cutting is carried out in the winter, the slate sheets can simply be laid on top of the snow: in this case, most of the asbestos dust will simply be absorbed into the snow cover.

In addition to cutting in any direction, angle grinder with a diamond wheel can make grinding the edges of slate sheet. This improves the material’s resistance to climatic influences. It is also convenient to cut the corners of the sheets with a diamond wheel, if they are not shifted halfway during installation.

What can I cut slate with a power tool

In addition to the angle grinder, a cutting machine equipped with a stone cutting disc can also be used to cut slate. The preparatory procedure is the same as with the angle grinder: first mark the plate and then moisten it. Working with a cutting machine, it is important not to allow any shifts, holding the disc precisely along the markings. It is usually impossible to cut slate in one go, that’s why after wetting the cut with water the procedure is repeated one more time so that the cut gets deeper. As a rule, to comfortably break a slate, 3-4 such approaches are needed.

For sawing wet slate can be applied to a regular electric jigsaw, equipping it with blades with a fine tooth. The spindle should be set to the lower gear mode. When using this tool it is important to be very careful, avoiding any pressure on the slate, otherwise it will crumble. The use of an electric jigsaw is justified only in the case of small amounts of such work.

Mechanical tools

If the slate is cut indoors, or a suitable power tool for the work is not available, the classic techniques of how to cut slate come to help.

Wetted sheet in this case can be cut in these ways:

  • A manual hacksaw. Tools with replaceable blades and fine teeth are suitable for this. It is necessary to stock up on several such blades in advance, because in the course of the work they quite quickly blunted and clogged with asbestos dust. When cutting, it is advisable to avoid exerting pressure, otherwise the fragile material could break.
  • Handheld torch. In this case, it is necessary to deepen the cut several times according to the markings. Between approaches it is necessary to moisten the line to trim the notch. When the cutter deepens to 2/3 of the thickness of the sheet, it can be broken. To do this, a wooden bar is placed under the slate, just along the line of the cut: after pressing on the edges of the sheet, it will easily split into two parts.
  • Hammer and roofing nail. To do this, the fishing line for trimmer marking in many places is carefully pierced with a nail. It is desirable to make as many of these holes as possible. this will only contribute to the quality of the break. When making holes in the longitudinal direction to the wave, the slate is turned so that this wave passes at the bottom. After making a series of holes under them put a wooden bar or slat: by pressing the edges of the sheet, it is carried out breaking. To facilitate this procedure, it is allowed to knock the line for a trimmer break with a hammer.

How to saw slate. cutting technology and necessary tools

In cottage construction for any homeowner slate is the most indispensable material. With its help, you can quickly and inexpensively make a roof for a garage, shed, gazebo or even a garden cottage. The unremitting demand for it speaks to the fact that it is easy to install and affordable. However, we should not forget that it contains asbestos, a mineral dangerous for the respiratory tract and mucous membranes of humans. In sheets that are not exposed to external influences, it is in a bound state, held together by a binder. Danger to workers when cutting the material. This article tells how and what to cut slate, so as not to break the integrity of the sheet and to protect themselves.

Physical properties of the material

To make slate, manufacturers mix asbestos with cement and water, pour it into molds and leave it to dry. To prevent dusting, both sides and cuts are covered with a special paint, which gives the right shade of material and makes it smoother. Slate has the following physical characteristics:

  • Great weight. Weight of a single standard-sized sheet exceeds 30 kg. Among roofing materials, it has a great weight, which exceeds only a ceramic tile.
  • Fragility. Break the integrity of the sheet slate is easy enough. On the one hand, it is bad, as need to be more attentive to transportation and storage. On the other hand, it is a definite advantage, as it is not particularly difficult to cut the sheet.
  • Color. unpainted slate is easy to recognize by the light gray shade, which can not be confused with something else. If it seems ugly or does not harmonize with the finish of the house, just buy paint and apply it to the roof surface.
  • Variety of texture. Manufacturers of building materials produce corrugated and flat slate. Without differing in composition, they have different surfaces and different applications. The wave type is more often used for roofing, and the flat type for wall protection.

Take note! Slate is made with asbestos. This insidious mineral of the silicate class penetrates with dust into the lungs, irritating and causing micro-injuries. Therefore, to saw a sheet of slate, you need to use personal protective equipment that protects the respiratory tract and eyes. It is best to saw not indoors, but outdoors.

Sawing with an angle grinder

Since the times of the USSR, the angle grinder is commonly called an angle grinder, which were produced in the friendly republic of the same name. Saw slate with this universal tool is better with an assistant, following this technology:

  • Carefully take the sheet of slate outdoors and place it on two supports, which will raise it above the ground to work more conveniently.
  • Determine where you will cut and draw a trimmer line along which you will cut. Liberally moisten the place of the future cut with water. First, the plasticity of slate increases when wet, and second, less dangerous asbestos dust is produced.

Important! To cut the slate use an angle grinder with a disc for stone or a diamond wheel. The first option is cheaper than the second. Nevertheless, the diamond nozzle allows you to make cuts in any direction or even grind the edges of the sheet.

Cutting with a hacksaw

If you do not have an angle grinder or other power tool at your disposal, you can make the cut on the slate with a simple metal hacksaw or a sharp carpenter’s knife. Interestingly, it takes no more than 2-3 minutes to saw a sheet of slate with a hand tool. To avoid damaging the sheet, perform the steps in the following order:

  • Take the sheet and place it on two bars on the ground. Do not take too high a support, as after sawing the sheet will fall and break.
  • Before you cut a flat slate, mark the cut trimmer line on it with a construction pencil. Soak clean cotton rags in water and place them along the dashed line. After three hours, when the water is absorbed and the slate is more pliable, start the work.
  • Take a hacksaw in your hands, put it over the place of the cut, making an angle of 45 degrees to the surface. Holding the edge of the sheet with one hand, start moving the tool back and forth, cutting the slate along the line. Do not exert too much force, but act without pressure to avoid breaking the sheet metal.

Important! Professional builders experienced with slate claim that using a hand tool during sawing, reduces the amount of asbestos dust when compared to working with an angle grinder or jigsaw.

Alternative methods

Sometimes it happens that it is necessary to saw a sheet of slate urgently, and there is no angle grinder, no jigsaw, no hacksaw at hand. The only way out in this case is to break the sheet with your hands. Experienced craftsmen have two tricks for making the break even:

  • Using a sharp knife. A trimmer line is put on the slate surface where the cut is needed. Next, taking a sharp utility or office knife, repeatedly spend along this line, time after time deepening the risk. When the cut is deep enough, the sheet is carefully broken apart.
  • Using a drill. A trimmer line is drawn on the sheet, marking the place of the future cut. Use a drill along this line every 5 cm to make holes. Then the slate is carefully broken apart along the resulting peorized stripe. The smaller the step between the holes, the easier it is to break the sheet.

Due to errors in the process of sawing slate, most of the rejected sheets are formed, which are not always used. If you do not have experience in cutting, buying the material, take care of 10% reserve, which will compensate for losses due to careless actions when cutting.

How to Use The Angle Grinder | Stone Carving Tutorial

How to saw a wave slate without an angle grinder

Home ” angle grinder ” How to saw a wave slate without an angle grinder

In the “home” construction or repair quite often such a material as slate is used. But sometimes you need not a whole sheet, but only a part of it. Also we have to do some kind of shaped “saws”. And this is where the difficulties and questions arise: HOW and WHAT to do it? Let’s try to figure it out.

It should be borne in mind that there are currently two types of slate used. The first is traditional, made of asbestos cement. The second is called “Euro slate”, which has no asbestos. Sawing slate can be done in different ways, using different tools.

Angle grinder

It is necessary to use a wheel with a diamond spraying. It should be taken into account that will be formed a lot of dust. The best way out is to work with a partner. One person cuts the slate, and the other waters this place. It is also good that water will prevent the diamond disc from getting dirty. This means the quality of the cut can be improved. In addition, the angle grinder can easily work all the irregularities on the edges of the obtained fragments. In the winter time it is better to carry out such work directly on the snow. Only an angle grinder will need to be pressed against the sheet from above.

Use an electric jigsaw

A little uncomfortable process, because it requires more time. It is necessary to use the low rpm mode and not to press down hard.

A hacksaw

You should use a tool with fine teeth. True, it requires extreme accuracy and slowness. The main thing is to walk strictly along the line, not to split the material and not to break the saw.


The technique is the same as when cutting thick glass. But it is possible to cut slate this way only if the line for the trimmer is made longitudinally, not across the “wave”. Along the marked line several times to pass the cutter, and then along the line sheet is broken. To begin with it is still necessary to train on any single piece.

Without special tools

Along the line it is necessary to make a few holes (drill a drill, punch a nail. only a special slate). It is desirable to make more holes along the line. After that, on the edge of the workbench the sheet is broken in the same way as the glass. You can put a rail under the slate and break it on it. It is better if the holes are small in diameter, but there will be a lot of them. then the edges of the break will be smoother.

The general recommendation when sawing

Regardless of what method you choose and what tool you will use for sawing, the line for the cut trimmer must be constantly moistened with water while working. And it is not necessary to hurry.

It is necessary to take into account that when cutting traditional slate, asbestos-containing dust is released in large quantities. That is why it is necessary to protect both the eyes and the respiratory tract from damage. When working with slate, you need to use protective goggles, a respirator. Hands should be protected with gloves, as dust penetrates into the skin pores. The work must be carried out either outdoors or in a good draught. If the room is of the closed type, it must be organized a good hood.

I recommend. a video on how to keep your slate roofing for years to come and significantly extend its life:

What to cut slate. an overview of tools and cutting methods

Flat and corrugated slate sheets are widely used as roofing. During their installation there is a need for cutting, which is quite a specific operation.

How to organize the cutting of slate

Slate is characterized by sufficient brittleness, due to which very small asbestos fibers and particles are formed when breaking or sawing the sheets. Asbestos is known to be one of the harmful substances that can cause cancer. To cut the material without destroying it, with the appearance of asbestos dust, you need to know what to cut slate with, and use protective equipment.

Requirement when cutting slate sheets:

  • Wearing personal protective equipment is a must. For the respiratory system, it is recommended to wear personal protective equipment.A respirator, special goggles for the eyes, gloves and tight clothing for the skin. Also, a lot of noise is produced during the operation of the electric cutting tool: an anti-snoise earphone can help against this noise.
  • To reduce the amount of dust produced and to make slate less fragile, moisten the cutting area with water before cutting. This can be done with wet rags or by directly watering the cutting line during work.
  • When working outdoors, it is important to find a place so that the resulting asbestos dust is blown by the wind away from the operator.
  • If the procedure is done indoors, no one must be in the room except the employees. All doors must be closed tightly, taking steps to further seal them.

How to cut slate with an angle grinder. What kind of disc is suitable for cutting

This procedure can be done using two types of slate discs:

Disc for stone. In this case it is not necessary to apply much force. It is important to arrange a constant thin stream of water where the angle grinder and the slate come into contact. This way the disc is cooled and dust is avoided. The easiest way to do this is to place a helper with a garden hose or a cut plastic bottle nearby. When working alone, the water hose is attached in a convenient position for watering. Using an angle grinder and a disc for a stone, it is better to perform the cut along the slate wave. For convenience, before starting the work, the sheet is marked out and laid on the even surface. If the cut is made near the edge of the sheet, under it establishes a wide board.

If you need to cut crosswise to the waves, the procedure is divided into two steps. At first the convex ridges are cut. Then, turning the slate upside down the procedure is repeated: it turns out that the ridges that were below are on top. If everything is done correctly, the sheet falls apart neatly into two parts. After the work is done, the tool must be thoroughly dusted, especially the working part. The fact is that if the asbestos-cement layers harden, to remove them from the surface disk for angle grinder on slate will be very difficult. Use a soft dry cloth for cleaning.

Diamond wheel. The angle grinder with a diamond wheel can cut the slate in any direction. For greater efficiency, it is pre-wetted, increasing the elasticity and malleability of the material. In addition, it will significantly reduce the amount of dust that appears. If cutting is carried out in the winter, the slate sheets can simply be laid on top of the snow: in this case, most of the asbestos dust will simply be absorbed into the snow cover.