How to tension the chain on a Chinese chainsaw

How to tension chain on chainsaw. Tips for tensioning. Chains on a chainsaw

Owners of chain saws are occasionally faced with a common problem. the chain starts to come off the chainsaw or electric saw. We’ll tell you why this is the case later in this review. There are only three main reasons why the chain comes off:

Consider why this or that problem occurs:

If the chain is stretched, it begins to sag, slips off the bar

The reason, most likely, in the wear and tear of the component itself. The chain has a finite lifespan and is the most rapidly wearing working part of a chainsaw or electric saw. The metal is deformed due to the loads, so it is not only blunted, but also becomes about 1 cm. longer than on a new tool. The easiest way is to change the component, that is, to buy and install a new chain.

For an overview of how the chain is tightened and if it is even possible to tighten the chain at home, see.

If there are problems with the tire, then they lie in the place of its attachment.

This cause is quite common: in the groove located between the outer plate mounted on the chainsaw headset and the inner plate located on the body of the chainsaw or electric saw. Usually the guide bar is bolted. This attachment is called the motor unit. The bar mount and the drive sprocket are covered with protective covers. When the bolts of the fasteners loosen, the degree of vibration of the bar increases, it begins to move.

If there is nothing wrong with the bar, the tensioning is fine, as is the operation of the tool itself. If it is the bar that is causing the chain to stretch, reattach the bar and check the chain saw.

Sprocket problem.

If the drive sprocket is not properly secured, the chainsaw chain will also need tightening, because sagging is unavoidable. Secure the sprocket bar by removing the engine guard, spark plugs and pull out the air filter. In place of the spark plug, a stopper is installed, whose main task is to fix the piston. Next, you can use a special wrench or a universal wrench for the angle grinder to spin the clutch disc in a clockwise direction.

make sure that the piston is in its end position. if you look in the spark plug hole, the piston has to be at the bottom.

After fixing the piston, you can now clamp the drive sprocket. Then all the elements are assembled in the reverse order.

How to tension: setting the chain saw’s cutting element

The main causes of a sagging chain we’ve broken down are. On how to install the chain on a chainsaw, described in the paragraph above. Now you need to tighten the chain properly and make sure it’s not too tight.

tighten the chain

There are two ways to tension the chain: fast and frontal. The best method of tensioning is tensioning from the front.

If you want to tension the bar from the front, you have to unscrew the nuts that hold it in place and lift it over the edge. use the special bolt on the right side to tension the chain until you get an acceptable tension, and then raise the bar even higher and tighten it.

If you use the quick tensioning method, first lift the wingnut knob and loosen it. Then turn the chain tightening screw clockwise as far as it will go. Then retighten the wing nut and lower the knob.

Checking tensioning

To check if the chain is tight, you have to disengage the braking system of the saw. Then manually run the chain over the bar, if it runs smoothly and does not sag, then everything is normal. If it is too tight, you have to loosen it a little, because there is a risk that it could break while working.

Diagnosis and proper care of chain saw chain

A chainsaw’s productivity depends on a number of factors:

If the degree of tensioning influences the performance of the chainsaw, the sharpening of its teeth influences the cutting speed

That is why it is important to pay special attention to this aspect. If the teeth are well sharpened, the cut is much more efficient, precise, and safe

There are no specific guidelines on how often a sharpening should be performed, but professional sawyers recommend it several times a day. This is because the teeth dull quite quickly as they are being sawed intensively.

Most chain sharpening is measured relative to chainsaw performance. A tool also needs sharpening when the guide bar starts to run to the side. Another measure of bluntness is the condition of the cuttings. As a rule, properly sharpened teeth produce uniform chips. The sawdust is square or rectangular in shape. In the case of a blunted chain, dust will prevail in the shavings and the sawdust will become similar in shape to the needles of a simple hacksaw.

If you regularly check the tensioning of the chain and have it sharpened in time, your chainsaw will last a long time. You can cut through even the hardest of wood without giving you any trouble.

If you are not experienced enough, it is advisable to call in a specialist. Professional woodcutters determine the condition of your chainsaw and its components at the first inspection. They will determine how worn it is, if the chain is too tight or if the teeth are too sharp.

Severe saw blade wear

A guide bar lasts a lot longer than a chain. But that does not mean you can use it forever and not think about changing it. It is usual to change the guide bar after 2-3 worn chains. Before replacing a chainsaw guide bar, you need to look at its technical condition. if your chainsaw has a chinese-made bar, it’s likely to wear out faster than the chain. That’s why if you see a chain saw making a bad cut in wood, you need to diagnose the guide bar.

To see if the rail is worn, you must remove it and inspect it. Wear is usually revealed by shortening one of the beads. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to detect visually, so a caliper is necessary. A difference of a few tenths of a mm indicates that the guide bar needs to be replaced. Another easy way to check if a guide has worn down is to use an angle. To do this, the guide bar is placed on a flat surface and an angle must be placed on the side of the guide bar. If the top and bottom walls of the guide are in contact with the angle, then the part is serviceable.

This is interesting! The only way to extend the life of a chainsaw guide bar is to periodically turn it upside down. To do so, always make sure that this option is included in the tool, as indicated by markings on the headset.

Tire wear and tear can be accelerated by a malfunctioning oil pump. If the lubricant is applied with long interruptions, friction increases accordingly, and thus the parts wear out faster. If the lubricating mechanism is working properly, it greatly extends the service life of not only the grease fitting but the tool as a whole.

Why does the chain come off the chain on a chainsaw or electric saw??

Owners of chain saws are occasionally faced with a common problem. the chain starts to come off the chainsaw or electric saw. Why this happens, we’ll explain later in this overview.

There are only three main reasons that the chain comes off:

Let’s look at why this or that problem occurs:

If the chain stretches, starts to sag, slips off the bar

The cause is most likely wear and tear on the component itself. The chain has a finite life and is the most rapidly wearing working element of a chainsaw or electric saw. The metal is deformed due to the loads, so it not only becomes blunt, but also becomes about 1 cm. longer than on a new tool. The easiest way is to change the component, that is, to buy and install a new chain.

If there are problems with the tire, they lie in the place where it is attached

This reason is quite common: in the groove located between the outer plate mounted on the chain headset and the inner plate located on the body of the chainsaw or electric saw. Usually the cover is bolted. This attachment is called a motor unit. The bar mount, like the drive sprocket, is covered with protective covers. When the bolts of the fasteners loosen, the degree of vibration of the bar increases, it begins to move.

If there is a problem with the tire, the tensioning is normal and so is the performance of the tool itself. If it is loose chain that is causing the chain to stretch, reattach the bar and check the chain saw.

Sprocket problem

If the drive sprocket is not properly fastened, the chainsaw chain will also need tensioning because slack is unavoidable. Secure the bar sprocket by removing the engine guard, the spark plugs and the air filter. A stopper is installed in place of the spark plug, the main purpose of which is to secure the piston. Then you can use a special wrench or a universal wrench for angle grinder to rotate the clutch disc in the clockwise direction.

Make sure the piston is in its end position. if you look through the spark plug hole, the piston should be underneath.

Once the piston is secured, you can proceed to clamp the drive sprocket. Then all the elements are assembled in reverse order.

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Causes of chain malfunction

Like any part, a saw chain needs attention and good maintenance. These words primarily refer to the running-in period of the chainsaw and the saw headset. You should, however, keep an eye on them throughout the entire operating period.

The main causes of chain malfunctions:

  • Poor metal quality on budget models;
  • Operator’s operating style;
  • Improper tensioning;
  • Faulty or excessive wear on the drive sprocket;
  • Malfunctions in the automatic lubrication system;
  • Bent, clogged, or otherwise broken saw bar;
  • Use of substandard materials;
  • Untimely sharpening of working edges;
  • Level of operating stresses on the chainsaw;

All of this can lead to rather unfortunate circumstances, and significant expenditure on the purchase of new parts and the repair of the chainsaw:

  • Deterioration of operational capability and productivity;
  • Operator safety during sawing operations;
  • Premature wear of individual assemblies and parts and the entire chainsaw;

Why the chain is flying, find the causes

If you’ve wondered why the chain bounces off your chainsaw, then there are some problems in the mechanism. There are three main causes of this malfunction: a malfunctioning bar, an elongated chain, and a loose sprocket. We will discuss each of the possible causes of failure in detail.

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Tensioning Mechanisms

The chain must be tensioned properly so that it can run freely on the bar by hand. A classic type of tensioner is used for tension adjustment, which is used in budget-grade tools. Such a tensioner is a threaded bolt, as well as an adjustment component with a classic or side.

Good-quality chainsaw models have an adjustment mechanism that can be tensioned with a single pull of the lever or by turning the adjustment dial. If a tensioner is used to tension the chain, the tightening torque is locked in place with a locknut. Otherwise, the chain is tensioned by locking the bar in a defined position by fitting the cover. Both methods can hold the product securely in position.

Another option for the adjustment screw location

Important to know! Never adjust the chain tension on a chain saw when the chain is hot. The product must be cool, otherwise the procedure will not be performed correctly.

On how to properly tighten the chain of a chainsaw, it is necessary to learn in more detail, as this moment is very important, on it depends the performance of the tool and human safety.

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Chain tension

To check the tensioning, first disconnect the brake. Then pull the chain back in the middle of the headset, normally the shanks should not protrude more than 2/3 of the way. We recommend that you turn it by hand. it must not jam and it must not run too fast. If necessary, reinforce the tightening with a nut on the protective cap.

Figure 5. Checking chain tension

Checking and adjusting the tension on the bar is an important part of every chainsaw’s operation. The job is easy to do yourself. Regular tool maintenance prevents injuries and loss of productivity even when working with hardwood.

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  • Oregon. Produces saws, chains and accessories. Good quality and low price products. Chains are equipped with tungsten carbide tines and anti-vibration protection.
  • STIHL. Professional woodworking saws. Their products are highly resistant to cutter wear and elongation. Also features special grooves for high-performance lubrication.
  • Carlton. High lifetime of the links due to special production technology. shot blasting.
  • Vindsor. The chains are manufactured using innovative developments in the field of high strength and resistance special refractory alloys.
  • Husqvarna. Only the best proven designs are used in production.

Important! Chainrings often malfunction not only because of defective bars and other major components, but also because of badly sharpened cutters.

  • Tire malfunction. Wear on the threaded part of the mounting bolts causes vibration and slackening of the tension. Check condition of clamps regularly and replace if necessary.
  • Chain stretching. Sooner or later natural causes the metal in the links to become structurally deformed and stretched to its limits. As a result, the chain cannot be tensioned. Complete chain must be replaced with a new one.
  • Loose or uneven sprocket setting. Have the faults corrected by a professional workshop. Since exact alignment requires disassembly of the unit and removal of many parts.

Reference! The chain construction can stretch for 3 main reasons. originally low-quality metal alloy links, excessive tension of the chain and poor quality or wrong choice of lubricant.

What are the chains for chainsaws?

Depending on the intended use, that is, on the planned direction of sawing wood, chains for utility saws are divided directly into these types;

  • longitudinal. the peculiarity of this type of headset is that when it is mounted and used on a garden tool, the performance of the latter increases by almost 2 times;
  • transversal. by installing a transversal headset with pobedite tips, the chainsaw operator is able to noticeably reduce the “aggressiveness” of the garden tool and reduce the load on the built-in factory motor, thereby making the engine’s vibration less noticeable.

Another important parameter for stable operation, according to which chains are constantly divided. is their pitch. Chainsaw chain pitch is the length of the gap between the three links.

On the market there are headsets with these pitch characteristics:

  • 0.25 or 1/4″. these parts are included in one-hand utility saws, which do not have high power. Gardening tools of this type are most often used for precise cutting of wood and for short periods of work in very confined spaces;
  • 0,325 or 3/8″. most chain saws are equipped with this type of set;
  • 0.404 or 3/4″. this type of carbide-tipped saw blade is larger in size. They are mounted exclusively on high-powered professional garden tools that can be used for working on aerated concrete.

All available parts for sawing are made taking into account that the bigger their size, the higher their performance. Nevertheless, as the size of the saw elements increases, so does the given width of the wood cut. To make the resistance of the material being sawed less noticeable, only saws with an impressive power margin should be fitted with large headsets.

Quite often manufacturers divide saw elements according to the thickness of their shanks, which must necessarily coincide with the specified values of the grooves of standard bars of garden tools. Following this rule will improve the security of the part on the bar as well as prevent the headset from slipping.

Another important parameter is the number of links of the headset. The higher the number, the faster the chain saw will cut through hardwood or concrete.

tension, chain, chinese, chainsaw

How to avoid a chain sprain?

Before deciding what to do if the chain on the chainsaw breaks, it is better to get acquainted with the main causes of failure:

  • The main reason is the low quality of the product.
  • It can happen that a part overheats and becomes stretched because of the chainsaw itself. This is most often caused by a faulty oil supply to the chain sprocket. Misalignment or a clogged oil inlet is also possible.

Important! The chainsaw always needs adjustment and periodic maintenance. The drive sprocket can also cause the chain to stretch. In this case the guide lugs will slip, causing friction and heating of the parts

If this happens, the guide pins slip, there is friction and parts get hot

The drive sprocket can also cause the chain to be stretched. In this case, the guide lugs slip, friction and heating of the parts occur.

How to Check Chain Tension in a Chainsaw

To check if the chain is tensioned properly and does it need tightening, pay attention to the following indicators

  • If it is tensioned correctly, the cutting quality is good, the bar sinks quickly into the material, cuts easily and does not bind in the wood;
  • The tire does not get hot during operation;
  • During sawing both fine and coarse chips are produced.

The chain needs to be tightened if:

  • the bar gets hot;
  • Cutting quality is reduced and the cutting edge is uneven;
  • Fuel and oil consumption increases;
  • Only fine chips are formed.

Tips for further use of the saw after the chain has been tightened

To make the chain last longer and not sag, follow these recommendations of experienced owners:

  • Check that there is a constant supply of lubricant to the bar;
  • Mix the fuel and oil correctly to refill your chainsaw;
  • Hold the chain saw as straight as possible without tilting it too far to the left or right;
  • Use chains with the correct pitch, from reputable manufacturers;
  • Replace worn components in good time.

Ways to check tension

To check tension it is sufficient to pull the chain back in the middle of the bar, the chain shank may not protrude more than 2/3 of its length.

  • A properly adjusted chain should not jam when you move it over the bar by hand.
  • Also eliminate squeaking and other noises around the drive sprocket.
  • After running the chain, check the fasteners on the bar and bar guard for tightness.

the chain does not tighten after long hours of use because the chain tensioner does not have enough adjustment travel. The construction of the chain allows you to reduce its length by removing a few links. On the other hand, it is a shrinkage of the chain that results in a loss of quiet running and excessive wear of the bar and sprocket rim.

Why the chain on a chainsaw slackens. Classic Chain Tensioning Mistakes in a Chainsaw

The following problem can arise on chain saws. the chain starts to come off the saw. There are several reasons for this problem, the main ones being the following:

One of the most popular mistakes is using a low-quality accessory. Each chain has a specific service life, the chain is considered the most wearing part of all the parts. Metal tends to deform under different stresses, which causes the chain to be about 1 cm longer and becomes progressively duller. It is strictly forbidden to tension the old chain on the saw, it is necessary to buy a new accessory.

Problems can also arise in the place where the tire is fastened. In most cases, the cover is bolted in place, this attachment is otherwise known as the engine assembly. It is imperative that the bar and drive sprocket are covered with a protective cap. In cases where the bolt is loose, the degree of vibration in the tire increases, which contributes to excessive movement. If it is loose chain that is causing the slack in the guide bar, it is necessary to secure the guide bar and then check the function of the saw.

Also a classic tensioning error in the chain can be an existing problem with the sprocket that was not corrected in time. If the sprocket is not properly secured, the saw chain needs to be tightened because the process of sagging cannot be avoided. It is necessary to fasten the tire sprocket, first remove the protective cover and the spark plugs, and then it will be necessary to pull out the air filter. The next step is to install the stopper in place of the spark plug. The main purpose of the stopper is to fix the piston. Then rotate the clutch disk in the direction of the clock hand. For this you can use a special wrench or a universal wrench designed for angle grinder.

Ensure that the piston is in its outermost position. When looking at the spark plug hole, the piston should be positioned at the bottom. Once the piston is fixed, it is allowed to start clamping the drive sprocket. The final step is to assemble all the parts in reverse order.