Как сделать сани к мотоблоку

Pregled priključkov za motobloke Ugra

Začenši s pregledom priključkov za hodne traktorje Ugra, želim opozoriti, da je na ta pohodni traktor mogoče združiti tako domača orodja Cadvi kot lope drugih proizvajalcev. Serijo motoblokov “Ugra”, kot tudi priključke zanjo v asortimanu, proizvaja domači motorni obrat “Kaluga Engine” (“KaDvi”).

Zahvaljujoč prizadevanjem proizvajalca se je funkcionalnost hodnega traktorja večkrat povečala, zdaj pa lahko kmet (stanovalec koče itd.) s to enoto in pripadajočo opremo v celoti mehanizira vsa agrotehnična dela na svojem mestu.


Ponujamo pregled priključkov, kompatibilnih s pomičnimi traktorji Ugra različnih modifikacij:

  • Kosilnice.
  • Vozički za prikolice.
  • Sadilniki za krompir;
  • Kopači gomoljev.
  • Rezalniki za kultivatorje.
  • Ozemljitvene kljuke.
  • Uteži obremenitve.
  • Plugi.
  • Hillers (odpirači).
  • Brane.
  • Snežnik.
  • Adapterji za motoblok.
  • Zemeljski vrtalnik.
  • Rezalnik vej.
  • Rezalnik podajanja motoblokov.
  • Sklopni mehanizem.
  • Črpalka za vodo.

Podrobneje analizirajmo vsako šobo za motoblok.

Kosilnice za motoblok “Ugra”

Kosilnice, ki se držijo motoblokov Ugra, so treh vrst:

Rotacijska kosilnica Dawn Rotacijska kosilnica Zarya-1

Najbolj priljubljene so rotacijske in segmentne vgrajene enote.

Rotacijska kosilnica “Zarya” za motoblok “Ugra” je zasnovana za:

To tehniko lahko uporabljamo tudi na pobočjih do 20 stopinj strmih in 8 stopinj bočno.

Kosilnica Zarya-1 je naprednejša različica priljubljene Zarya. Popolnoma je agregiran tako z motornimi bloki KaDvi (Ugra, Oka) kot s težko opremo drugih proizvajalcev. Posebna zasnova in smer gibanja rezil polaga pokošeno travo v neprekinjeni vrsti.

Značilnosti rotacijskih kosilnic “Zarya”:

Parameter Vrednost
Skupne dimenzije, mm 810 930 780
Teža, kg, ne več 33
Širina zajema, m, ne manj kot 0,8
Delovna hitrost kosilnice, km/h 2,0. 4,0
Višina pokošene trave, m da 1
Zmogljivost košnje trave, ha/h, ne manj kot 0,15. 0,2
Hitrost rezalne plošče, min 1800. 2400
Višina košnje vegetacije, cm, ne več 7

Značilnosti rotacijskih kosilnic “Zarya-1”:

Parameter Vrednost
Skupne dimenzije, mm 492842432…497
Teža, kg, ne več 35
Širina zajema, m, ne manj kot 0,8
Delovna hitrost kosilnice, km/h 2,87
Višina pokošene trave, m da 1
Zmogljivost košnje trave, ha/h, ne manj kot 0,2
Hitrost rezalne plošče, min 2370. 2635
Nastavljiva višina košnje, višina strnišča, cm 3. 10

Prikolica za motoblok “Ugra”

Prikolica s pogonom na vsa kolesa za hodni traktor Ugra je zasnovana za prevoz kosovnega in razsutega tovora na kratke in srednje razdalje. Nosilnost priključka je 350 kg. “KaDvi” proizvaja univerzalni voziček PMG300-1, ki je agregiran s pomočjo priklopa s pomičnimi traktorji “Ugra” in “Oka”.

Dimenzije in značilnosti prikolice za motorni blok “Ugra” PMG300-1 so navedene v tabeli:

Glavni Dodatne funkcije
Производитель CADVI
Narejen Rusijo
Nosilna zmogljivost 350.0 (kg)
Delovna hitrost gibanja 5.0 (km/h)
Največja dovoljena teža 450 kg
Življenjska doba 60 mesec
Kot nagiba Stopnje 30
Tlak v pnevmatikah 0.2 MPa
Teža prazne prikolice 100 kg
Velikost koles 4,00-10
Kolesna gosenica – mm
Število mest 1
Metoda prekucnika Obstaja
Zavore Trak z mehanskim nožnim pogonom
Prtljažna vrata Zadaj
Mere telesa 1200x920x290 mm

Motoblock sadilnik krompirja

Sejalnica za krompir. oprema za mehansko sajenje krompirja. Gomolje krompirja vlijemo v sprejemni zalogovnik s prostornino 33 litrov. Gomolje krompirja zajamemo s posebnimi žlicami (nastavljivimi) in jih enega za drugim položimo v jarek, ki je vnaprej izkopan z brazdom.

Na vrhu krompirja se takoj oblikuje zemeljski greben s ploščatimi hribovci. Za udobje lastnika opreme je mogoče prilagoditi progo in pogostost polaganja gomoljev.

Ponujamo vam, da si ogledate videoposnetek, kako se krompir sadi s pomičnim traktorjem Ugra:

Kopač krompirja za motoblok “Ugra”

Proizvajalec proizvaja več sort kopačev krompirja za motobloke Ugra:

  • Šoba. kopač krompirja. Pritrdi se na motorno napravo s pomočjo vijakov in posebnega držala.
  • Kopač krompirja za hodni traktor Ugra tipa zaslona (imenujejo se tudi vibracije). Produktivnost te opreme je 97%. Tla skupaj s korenovkami zajame šoba in jo dovaja na vibrirno mizo (globina zajema 20 cm, širina zajema 38 cm). Grude zemlje presejemo skozi rešetko, gomolje pa hranimo v posebno posodo ali jih položimo na zemljo.

Kopač krompirja za motoblok tipa zaslona “Ugra”. Kopač motoblokov VM-1

Сани для мотоблока!!!

Drugi proizvajalci ponujajo ekscentrične kopače krompirja, ki so po zasnovi podobni sijalnikom, z dodatkom ekscentričnega mehanizma.

Tako funkcionalno šobo lahko kupite v ustrezni trgovini ali pa jo izdelate sami. Naš videoposnetek vam bo povedal, kako narediti kopač krompirja za pohodni traktor Ugra:

Ponujamo vam, da si ogledate, kako se krompir pobira s presejalnim kopačem za krompir:

Rezkalniki za motoblok “Ugra”

Rezalni stroji so zasnovani za obdelavo tal, enakomerno porazdelitev gnojil v njej in nasičenje s kisikom. Ta oprema je vključena v paket za pohodni traktor. Za mletje tal se lahko uporabljata dve vrsti rezalnikov:

Sleds and sleds for a snowmobile: how to make your own hands

A sledge for a snowmobile is an indispensable attribute of comfortable winter travel over long distances. Load them with all your essential luggage and you are ready to go hunting, fishing or any other trip.

The sled is a great addition to the sled, which can put everything you need, but you can not pack bulky heavy loads. Thanks to their use, the possibilities of the owner of the snowmobile are greatly expanded.

If you also want to become the happy owner of such a design, you do not need to buy them. it is quite easy to make your own hands.

How to make an attachment for a power tiller with your own hands?

In order to increase the capabilities of the power tiller, it is enough to equip it with various attachments. To all models, manufacturers have developed numerous add-ons, the use of which facilitates work on the ground.

On sale you can find plows and planters, ridgers, furrow binders, sleds. The choice, of course, is great, but the cost of such equipment is not affordable to many. But it is quite realistic to make it with your own hands from cheaper or used materials.

Сани для мотобуксировщика или снегохода своими руками

Sled for snowmobile

If there is a snowmobile, you also need a sledge. Many fishermen are convinced that the sledge is a useful thing. The main thing. it is to determine which design is more suitable for the specific conditions of fishing. It can be a skid sledge or a classical sledge on two skids.

As mentioned above, similar sleds can be made at home. By the way, if you try hard, you can make and snowmobile. On the Internet there are many interesting and unpretentious designs, which are easy to repeat at home.

Purchased sleds, as a rule, require some modifications, though not significant:

  • To prevent ice from collecting on the inner surface of the sledge, they should be treated with silicone-based grease, or with special wax for skis.
  • For driving at night, on the sides of the sled should be fixed reflective elements.
  • To such a sled would not hurt to fasten the folding chair, so it was more convenient to fish.

Snowmobile and swamp buggy from a power tiller

There is no fundamental difference between these self-made models, because the snowmobile from the power tiller, as well as the marshmobile on its base, e fundamental requirement: minimum pressure on the ground. Remaking a single-axle tractor for the new 4-wheel chassis, special attention should be paid to the quality of making wide snow and swamp wheels.

It is best to make trailing arms in such a way that it is possible to place standard wheels of a power tiller in them.

The owners of heavy power tillers with a trailer trailer can make a self-made snowmobile without changing the design at all. All you need to do is put your hand-held tractor in new off-road “boots”. Before this the tires should be deflated, then the frame should be jacked up, the wheels inserted into the skids and inflated again. After this simple work you can easily travel on wetlands or deep mossy snow.

Practice confirms that such a self-made marsh tractor even with a not very powerful 6-horsepower gasoline motor is quite frisky rides on flat land and confidently overcomes small slopes.

Preparing to create a self-made machine

To make a homemade agricultural machinery. skilled tradesmen use improvised materials and used units of mini machines. So, the basis for a motor-block is often a chainsaw, scooter or moped, and when you need to get a powerful and more functional unit. an outdated motorcycle model (“Voskhod”, “Yava”, “Minsk”).

Before starting to assemble a motor-block or motocultivator they watch thematic videos on the Internet, look for the necessary information in magazines and other publications. Then they prepare the tools and material, develop drawings and sketches, which visually depict all the functioning bodies of self-made, including power and running gear, control systems and aggregation. The drawing below shows what a one-wheeled motocultivator looks like.

1- power unit of cultivator; 2- metal protective cover; 3- fuel tank; 4- ignition spool; 5- commutator; 6- bolt that fixes the tilt of attachment; 7- bolt M-16; 8- axle for attachment mounting; 9- plow attachment; 10- bracket; 11- frame; 12- arms; wheel with grubby arms.

It is useful to make a kinematic diagram of the self-made machine, reflecting in it the order of interaction of working mechanisms and showing how the transmission is organized.

To make a lightweight motocultivator or a heavier single-axle tractor. use the following tool:

The material for the homemade machine is high-strength channel bars, steel plates and pipes.

Mini-tractor and all-terrain vehicle from a power tiller

Almost all homemade power tillers are made to increase comfort at work. Indeed, why waste effort, driving “by the horns” a heavy machine, when it can be saddled, turning it into a maneuverable minitractor?

However, there is one important note to be made here. Riding a single-axle tractor will raise its center of gravity. This will increase the risk of tipping on tight turns. To increase stability, you need to make a sufficiently wide second drive axle (1-1,2 m).

It is very desirable to expand the narrow wheel base of the motoblock. Today, for such a redesign, you do not need to look for an experienced turner. ready-made bushes (extensions) are available for sale, which are put on the drive shaft to increase the distance between the wheels of a power tiller.

If a light or medium-sized power tiller has no differential, you can increase its maneuverability and at the same time increase the wheelbase by installing locking rotary extensions that perform these functions.

Those who are not confident in working with iron and do not have much experience in constructing machines can make a mini-tractor from a power tiller, having bought a ready-made set.

  • Frame with mounts for the engine;
  • footrests with pedals;
  • seat;
  • Levers to disengage the locking of the half axles;
  • steering with tie rods;
  • front beam with brake discs and wheel hubs;
  • rear linkage with a manual lifting mechanism;
  • fenders.

There are no special problems in the redesign of the motor block into a mini-tractor in the presence of the listed assembly units.

As a result, you will get a homemade tractor, on which you can comfortably work the area and carry goods, hooking a cart. An important advantage of the ready-made technical kit is its design. precisely calculated and tested in work. With an independent adaptation of the motor-block under the self-made tractor base, most of the nodes will have to make and dock independently. This process often requires rework and tweaking.

The one who made a minitractor with his own hands will assemble a cross-country vehicle from a power tiller without any problems. To do this it is sufficient to change the standard disks on a wider size and install the extra rubber on them.

It is best if the base for such a mini-vehicle will be a single-axle tractor with a water rather than air-cooled motor. It is more resistant to prolonged stress and overheats less.

Homemade machinery for a power tiller. Hinged equipment for power tillers: types, manufacturers and self-made

Motor roll potatoes with their own hands

Potatoes from Ildar Sunagatullin

How to make motorized potatoes for a motorblock (beginning)

How to make potato moths for MotoBlock 3

How to make a potato for motoblock 5 (dimensions)

Homemade potatoes.Pasha and smoked potatoes.

Homemade Cultivators On a Single Axle Tractor

Homemade hedgehog cultivators for power tiller

Homemade stubble cultivator for power tillers

Homemade connection of cultivator for power tiller

Cordless cultivator with smell sensor

Potato freezer for a motor-block with his hands. Flooring for power tiller

Cultivator speaker 2 row to power tiller

Homemade scrapper for power tiller

Disc risk for the motor-block with his hands

Risk disc for power tiller with your own hands. Dimensions

Oaks for planting potatoes. Super option!

Disk grooves with cultivator tines for highlighting potatoes

Homemade linings for a single axle tractor

Homemade rotary mower for Parabe with an adapter The blades are 1 cm higher than the other.Rotors are made of 3 mm thick metal. Additional air filter mounted on the air intake, half of a passenger car.

Mower on wood fiberboard with their own hands (Mobile MB Nevva 3) In this video I will show you how to make a rotary mower on wood fiberboard from scrap metal. Mower’s working width is 45 cm, cutting height. 3,5 cm. Rotary mower made on the basis of the MB MB 3 power tiller, mows well grass of any height, both low and high.

How to make soils for a power tiller. Production process.

Quick video on making a homemade primer for the MotoBlock.

Home grown potatoes for the power tiller

Potatoes are designed for digging up root crops on a dacha or coming. You aggregate your single axle tractor vibro potatoes, you will greatly facilitate the process of digging potatoes, which used to take up a day of your time.In this model the potato producer took into account all the shortcomings of the previously released copies. In accordance with the requests previously bought this model, changes were made in the design kopler. To date, Poltava vibrating potato is the most popular model in its class, as evidenced by search queries in Yandex and Google. Price from the manufacturer, delivery to any region of Ukraine will be a pleasant addition to the clutch.

Characteristics of potatoes for power tillers:

Grasp width: up to 390 mm. Working depth: up to 180 mm. Drive: belt. Separator: adjustable engine speed. Dimensions, DXHW: 900x670x570 mm. Weight: 34 kg.

Home simple potatoes For the fan power tiller.In this video I show the potato mower I made, which has been digging potatoes for more than 3 years on my plot.

Potatoes from roasting materials under the single-axle tractor “Neva”, without the use of a screen. Easy, simple, reliable and at minimal cost.

9.Homemade snowblower for the tiller

Makeshift auger snowplow for power tiller with his own hands

Homemade seeder for the tiller

Trailer with the possibility of attachment to a car, minitractor and tiller

Dimensions of the trailer to the power tiller and minitractor with their own hands

After buying a power tiller you begin to think about extending its functionality with additional devices.Useful do-it-yourself products For the Moto-Block you can make with your own hands.


If you wish, you can make a special rake for your power tiller. If the hay crop is planned to be wide, it is possible to use a water pipe of various diameters. Make the simplest of round rods.

The joining of the individual parts is easier to weld, which will ensure the strength of the construction. There is a way to simplify the design even more: do not put bearings on the rotary parts.To make the rake easier to transport, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of folding. The photo of a self-made planter for a power tiller clearly shows how the construction is assembled.

The moldboard

A single-axle tractor is sometimes used for smoking soil and ground, as well as for clearing snow from the tracks. This is possible with the use of a special mouldboard, which can be made with your own hands from a single-two-millimeter steel sheet. The stiffening ribs are made of thickened steel.

Fasten them through the special holes.The direction of the row of holes must be strictly vertical. On the bottom of the moldboard it is desirable to fix a tin, so that it does not break.


Different seed drills can handle 1 to 5 rows in a single pass. Types of seed drills:

Use planters to sow root crops and onions. The movement of the feed mechanism is through the drive, and the rotation speed can be changed by changing the sprockets in the drive system.

The second type of planters differs in the presence of a brush in the sowing mechanism. The seeds in the tank will be grouped and poured out through the hole in the back. The size of the hole can be changed using the closing disc. The seeder is connected to the power tiller through a universal coupling. Such homemade equipment will save a lot of money.


You can use a homemade drop shovel to clear the snow from the tracks. It is not difficult to do with the usual angle grinder, welder and drill.A metal barrel can be used as a base.

It should be cut into 3 parts, and then prepare 2 of them. The result is a three millimeter thick drop shovel. This thickness is more than enough for the task at hand.

Disk rider

It is possible to equip your single-axle tractor with your own hands. You should start by choosing old pot lids, preferably stainless steel, forty to fifty centimeters in diameter. The edges of the caps are sharpened and the caps are tapered if necessary.

The next step is to frame the mat out of pipes, to which the wheels from the covers will be docked. The finished unit can be tested in the field. The angle of the discs can be adjusted as required.

Goosefoot Cutter

You can do it even without metalworking skills. It is faded and therefore turns out quite strong. You can use cutters on other types of farm equipment as long as they have a similar axle diameter.