Pipe Cleaning Nozzle

An electric drill is a very convenient tool in the hands of a skilled craftsman. But, unfortunately, not everything can be done with an ordinary tool. On the Internet you can find many interesting ideas on how to use this universal thing. In this case, various devices developed by modern engineers can be used. Many of them are already on sale, some can be easily made independently.

Using these devices you can:

  • sharpen drills;
  • sharpen knives;
  • cut plastic sheet;
  • cut corrugated board;
  • sand plastic;
  • grind wood;
  • Polish;
  • to milling;
  • remove paint;
  • remove rust;
  • plucking a bird;
  • clean the fish;
  • pump liquids;
  • edit various tools.

The use of additional devices allows you to use the power and speed of an electric drill to solve all kinds of problems, while saving considerable money. A special tool to perform these operations is not cheap.

In addition, it is very convenient. Reliable screwdriver and several devices that fit in a small box, easy to carry, transport, store. Consider some of them.

Drill sharpening holder will help you do this without rushing, observing the correct angle of the cutting edge of the drill. Without emery, sparks, garbage. Special holes were made in large numbers in the device’s body, indicating the diameter of the sharpened drill. Depending on the model, the diameters can be very diverse. from the smallest to the very largest.

Pipe Cleaning Nozzle

The process itself takes place inside the device body. Even safety glasses are not needed. Drills the tool after sharpening as good as new. In a few minutes you can update all your drills. Devices come in different sharpening angles, so it is still advisable to have some knowledge in this area.

Knife sharpening adapter allows you to easily and easily get a knife tip not worse than the factory. The design consists of two spring-loaded abrasive discs mounted on a rotating shaft. This ensures the correct angle of the cutting part of the knife along the entire length. The sharpening time of the knife takes a few seconds.

allows you to perform operations to trim corrugated board, while, unlike an angle grinder, it has obvious advantages:

  1. Does not create dangerous glowing sparks.
  2. Does not break the polymer coating on the edge of the cut.
  3. Does not damage the galvanized surface.
  4. Can cut any shape.
  5. Significantly safer angle grinder.
  6. It can be applied without preparation and training.

The process itself, of course, is quite noisy and chips are formed, but with a certain practice, skills are acquired relatively quickly.

Grinding and polishing

You can grind and polish using ordinary plates for an angle grinder, but you can also use special ones with a flexible connection. They will allow you to use the tool more comfortably and easily. Selecting the grit of sandpaper or the composition of a special polishing paste can achieve quite satisfactory results on grinding and polishing of various surfaces. A nozzle for a mini drill is also commercially available and is very convenient for performing small but very precise work.

Video: Pipe Cleaning Nozzle

Milling and drilling

Drilling and milling adapter will allow, using special tools, to perform milling work with very high accuracy. To do this, the power tool must be well fixed in the adapter. Install the desired cutter in it. Using guiding devices, perform milling. Of course, not everyone has all the elements necessary for performing this operation and, nevertheless, it is possible with this adapter. The cost of additional devices will pay off handsomely.

Universal sharpening and editing

A universal sharpening adapter allows you to securely fix the power tool and the workpiece at any given angle and make corrections with high accuracy. This can be saw blades, cutters, drills, hand saws, axes, chisels, scissors, chisels, garden shears and other household tools that require periodic editing and sharpening.

Paint removal

The brush for removal of paint will provide accelerated removal of unnecessary paintwork. When using it, be sure to use safety glasses. Removing old paint by hand is very difficult, whoever tried it knows. The use of chemicals or sandblasting is not always possible. A screwdriver with a special device will help to do this quite qualitatively.

Hard to reach places

Corner nozzle for a screwdriver, facilitates access to places where you can’t do anything with an ordinary screwdriver. For example, inside a cabinet, bedside tables, between shelves or in an uncomfortable corner. The operation can be performed without dismantling the furniture and without accepting uncomfortable poses.


Mixer nozzle for drill in skilled hands, will provide accelerated and high-quality preparation of mortar or putty. Mix paint or mortar. Mixers come in different lengths and diameters, so before buying, measure the depth of the container in which you will use it. For the mixer to serve for a long time, after use, it must be thoroughly cleaned and washed.

Removal of oxides and rust

Various tools and substances can be used to remove rust and oxides from the surface, all of them have both advantages and disadvantages. A brush to remove rust, and the process itself is similar to removing paint, but has its own characteristics. Harder steel in the brush and harder work. For large surfaces it is better to use a large diameter of the working part, to remove corrosion from deep sinks it is better to choose a small diameter. Using an electric drill for this purpose allows you to clean the inner surfaces of pipes and channels.

Household and agricultural use

A device for plucking birds allows you to put this process on stream, thereby greatly facilitating work in a small farm or in a rural yard. It happens with fingers of five and nine centimeters. Short fingers are used mainly for small birds, and long fingers for a larger one. Using it, remove fluff, and feathers from a bird can be any unprepared townsman who has never done this before:

  • 1 minute with chicken, chicken, broiler;
  • 2 minutes with wild duck, goose, pheasant;
  • 3 minutes from domestic duck, goose, turkey.

Even without the skills in this particular case, the operation will take no more than five to ten minutes.

Fish Cleaner significantly facilitate and speed up the preparation of fish dishes. Allows you to clean fish with very durable scales, such as perch or pike perch.

Screwdriver pump It will allow pumping liquid from a depth of up to four meters with a pressure of up to twenty meters, a productivity of one to three cubic meters per hour. Quickly pump fluid from one container to another.

Scissors, weighing only three kilograms, will allow you to cut a thick cable, chain or cable.

Riveter allows you to set a quality rivet in two seconds.

Wire twist, twists copper, aluminum or steel wires. It does it instantly, reliably and beautifully.

Cutting drill head sheet metal very convenient for cutting various materials.

For fishermen and hunters

The propeller for an inflatable boat and an advanced ice drill are suitable for fishermen with a cordless screwdriver.

For children

From an unnecessary cordless electric drill or screwdriver, you can make a drive to a children’s bike or ATV.