Replacing Brushes With An Angle Grinder

Main malfunctions, their causes and diagnostics

Main breakdowns and reasons:

  • Burns, sparks and twitches. Reasons: violation of the insulation of the armature winding, wear of the brushes, collector, clogging of the brush holders. Even after changing brushes, the angle grinder still sparks and twitches if the brush holders are clogged.
  • Popping sound. Brushes or turn-to-turn closure of any of the windings.
  • Crunchy sound. The reason is the bearings.
  • Mechanical hum and strong tapping. Gearbox malfunction.
  • Angle grinder stopped working, will not turn on. If the disc is spinning by hand or not spinning, the cause is in the gearbox. If it turns easily, check the electrical circuits. If chains work, check motor and brushes.
  • The spindle lock button is broken. The reason is pressing it while the disc is spinning or the disc is jammed.

Power cord and power button

The damaged cord and button must be replaced. On the button, unscrew the bolts securing the incoming and outgoing wires. Disconnect it from the chain and install a new one.

How to remove a tightly tightened nut. Brushes

The brushes should be checked periodically. When one is worn by 40%, change both. And also cleans the brush holders.

  • To remove the brushes, you must either remove the back case, or remove the plugs in the case.
  • Clean brush holders from dust and carbon deposits. Wrap a cloth around a screwdriver and moisten with alcohol. The carbon deposits are cleaned off with a file. The brush should easily walk in the brush holder, then it will be well pressed by the spring.
  • Insert new brushes.
Replacing Brushes With An Angle Grinder

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