The trimmer broke for the grass does not spin the drum. How easy it is to wind a fishing line for a trimmer on a spool

trimmer, broke, grass, does, spin, drum electrimmer repair: detailed instructions for a novice master with pictures, schemes and photos

For some reason, often the need to carry out the repair of an electrimmer with your own hands arises at the most inopportune moment when it is necessary to urgently mow grass, and the breakdown does not allow this to do this.

Most of the defects that occur is not difficult and can be eliminated literally on the spot with a simple improvised tool. But for this you need to have basic knowledge of the design of your mowing.

I share my own experience acquired for five seasons of exploitation of my ECO GT-800L, as well as help friends and neighbors in this matter in this matter. I myself try to pay attention to preventive maintenance, timely conduct technical inspections and verification.

What you need to know about the device of the electrimmer before the start of its repair: 2 types of structures

Trammers for herbs for mowing herbs with power supply from electricity are made with a capacity of 300 watts to 2 kW with two modifications. They are distinguished by the location of the engine:

Such products are created for different tasks, differ in weight, power, working characteristics. The first types of models are light and used to process the complex relief of garden paths under the bushes, near the flower beds.

Products with the upper engine arrangement allow you to process large areas, they are noted with high performance.

Both types of mowers can work from a household network 220 volts. However, elite products are created with food from the portable battery. Most often they are used on light models, as shown in the photo above.

An example of a product with an upper engine and its layout show it in the photo of my Eco GT-800L below. The fastening of the belt allows you to hang a mower on the shoulder, and the handle provides convenient control of the cutting head during kosbe.

The working body is a spitter head with a fishing line. It can be supplemented with a cutting knife made of metal or plastic on powerful models. The torque of high revolutions for it is created by an electric motor, and it is transmitted by a kinematic scheme located inside an integral bar.

In more detail, the insides device show a photograph of the engine with the upper lid of the case on its trimmer. It is not equipped with a gearbox. This, by the way, is such a simple execution completely suits me.

The engine is turned on by a small final switch with a convenient plastic lid placed in the lower handle.

Features of the device of the electrical circuit: Briefly

The basic part is a typical collector engine in which the rotor of the stator windings gives the rotor to the bearing of the bearing.

The electric current that performs the main work flows through the closed circuit of all windings through the brush-collection mechanism.

The vast majority of engines as a protection against overheating of the insulation of windings use thermorelene. During the repair, we consider it as ordinary power contact in a closed state.

With a critical heating of the varnish of wires, it will simply open and interrupt the action of electric current.

All elements of the electric circuit are connected by wires and terminals to each other into the sequential site. A short cable with a fork is displayed out to connect to an extension cord.

How the torque from the engine is transmitted to the mowing head: 3 components of the kinematic scheme

It is used to lower the revolutions and, accordingly, increase the power on the output shaft.

On some designs, it is located immediately after the engine, built into its design.

In other models, it can be located from below the national bar: immediately under a mowing head and a protective cover.

Any of these gearboxes consists of two gears conveying rotation. In the upper photo, they have a cylindrical shape with a slanting tooth, and on the lower. conical, because they change rotation at an oblique angle.

The transmission of the torque from the engine is performed by a docking knot consisting of a cylindrical sleeve with a rectangular hole. The tip of the spring shaft of the corresponding form located inside the aluminum tube is inserted into it.

The rod of a trimmer for grass consists of two halves connected in series. Each part is made up of three details inserted into each other:

The joint of the bar is made in the middle of its length using an adapter with a screw connection, allowing to add the entire structure for convenient transportation on transport.

Below is a spiked head with a protective casing. To trim the excess fishing line, a knife is stationarily installed on it, reducing its length to the optimal value.

How to remove and disassemble a coil

Before starting the process of replacing the cord, users of a trimmer for grass must remove and disassemble the coil. Think about how to do it.

The head of a trimmer mower for grass consists of several parts: a casing, springs (not for all models), coils with a cord and cover.

In trimmers, 2 mowing options are most often used.


You will need to remove the head of the trimmer for the grass complete disassembly.

To remove the lid covering the inside of the head, you must press on the latches (latches) located on both sides of it. Removing the lid, you will see a coil that needs to be removed from the body

In some coils, a spring is installed under the coil, which must be carefully pulled out so as not to lose it in the grass. After removing the coil, in the center of the case you will see a screw with a slot for a cruciate slice or a screwdriver with a flat head

It is possible that under the hexagon or nozzle of the “star” there may be a bolt. Using the screwdriver, choosing the desired nozzle (nozzle), you need to unscrew the bolt (counterclockwise). After removing the fasteners, take the part of the part and, turning it in different directions, remove it from the gear shaft.


In this embodiment, the head is screwed to the gear shaft. You need to delete it block the shaft. To do this, in such trimmers, for example, in the Huter and Champion devices there is a hole through which you can insert either a thin screwdriver or a metal core.

So, to remove the coil, take 2 simple steps.

  • Insert the screwdriver into the hole and fix the shaft.
  • Get the body of the head and start twist it clockwise. Turn in this direction, since the thread on the shaft remains.

How to remove the coil and replace the fishing line for the trimmer

The owners of the trimmers, mainly beginners, confuse, bordering on panic, when it becomes necessary to change the cutting tool or fishing line for a trimmer in a reel. Very often, when trying to unscrew the mowing head, users simply make it unusable, not suspecting that it is unscrewed in the opposite direction. So that this does not happen, if you need to replace the tool, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the instructions given below.

  • Before refueling the fishing line for the trimmer to the coil, drown out the engine of motorcycles or de.energize the ethletric trimmer for the grass to avoid injuries that may occur in case of accidental rotation of the cutting tool.
  • Unscrew the nozzle mounted on the gearbox shaft. To do this, the shaft must be fixed by combining holes on the puck and on the axis, and inserting a metal rod or screwdriver into them.
  • Unscrew the nozzle. You should know that the thread on the shaft is left. Therefore, to twist the coil of the trimmer for the grass should be right, that is, clockwise.
  • Disassemble the mowing head. Most often, the head cover is attached to the fixers. To remove it, you need to drown these latches into the body, pressing the edges of the lid. If your trimmer has a semi.automatic mowing head, which has a button from below, then disassembling the nozzle should be done carefully, since you can lose a spring that sometimes flies away when removing the cover.
  • Cut the required amount of fishing line. Usually its length is 5 meters. Use the cord of the diameter that is indicated in the instructions for the tool. It is not recommended to exceed the maximum diameter of the fishing line, since this will lead to increased load on the engine and greater consumption of gasoline.
  • Find the middle of the segment of the cord, folding it in half. You will get a loop.
  • Special grooves are cut out inside the coil (there may be holes). Insert the loop from the fishing line into this groove.
  • Wind a fishing line for a trimmer to a coil, turning it counterclockwise. You need to refuel the cord as evenly as possible, the turns should be laid without ceiling and with good tension. When the winding is finished, leave the free ends of the fishing line about 20 cm long and fix them in the grooves located on the sides of the coil.
  • Collect the braid head. Before you finally collect the nozzle, do not forget to insert a spring and washer (if it is available). Install the coil in the case, and prone the ends of the cord through the holes or eye.
  • Dress the lid and fix it with latches.
  • Screw the nozzle back to the gear shaft, also fixing it with a screwdriver. Tighten the coil of the trimmer for the grass will need to go to the left (against h. Arrows).

Repair of the lawn mower (ringing and rattle when starting) disassembly to the crankshaft and diagnostics.Repair Brushcutters

If the passage, when the lubricant did not help, and the vibration continues to appear, you will need to change the flexible shaft.

The trimmer for grass is overheated for many reasons:

  • Gasoline has not the same octane number indicated in the annotation to the aggregate;
  • The proportions of gasoline and oil are not observed at the time of the manufacture of fuel consistency;
  • A mixture of fuel with butter has long been prepared (the mixture cannot be stored for more than 2 weeks);
  • The trimmer for the grass works above the time due to the annotation;
  • A low.power trimmer is used for grass on a thick and hard grass, the device works with overload and heats up rapidly;
  • shifted towards the bar or the cassette lid clutched.

The latter occurs if you install a mowing head inappropriate for this unit, or when the axis moves inside the bar. These configurations make it difficult to rotate, the load on the engine increases, and its overheating occurs.

The coil does not rotate on the trimmer. Solution of problems

All prerequisites in order not to perform a cut can be organized in accordance with the specifics of the work of individual nodes. The service center has systematic malfunctions:

  • engine breakdown (piston wear, bearing malfunction, crankcase crack);
  • malfunction. clogging of an air filter or a malfunction of a carburetor;
  • the ignition system does not work;
  • Mechanical malfunction. hose leak, damage to wires under the canvas, pipe rupture.
trimmer, broke, grass, does, spin, drum

First, the user must check if there is fuel in the tank. The launch is carried out according to the annotation, placing pollen on the side. Install the air damper in a closed position, enter the fuel, turn on the ignition and make 3-4 sharp jerks using the starter. If the engine works, open the air damper. The brush does not start. Repeat the operation with a slightly open throttle.

Motokos cannot work for a long time. Gearbox and engine will overheat. You can mow less than 15 = 20 minutes with a five.minute break. On a hot day, working hours are halved. During the mowing of weeds, working time should be reduced.

If the launch failed, we begin to look for the reason for the failure:

  • check the quality of fuel;
  • Make sure the candle works and the candle channel is clean;
  • Check the cleanliness of the air filter;
  • Make sure that the fuel filter is not clogged;
  • check the purity of breathing;
  • Clean the exhaust duct.

Dismantling a trimmer for grass. Make yourself a repair of a trimmer for the grass of the coils

The ignition coil of the trimmer for the grass of the malfunction and correction

Motocosa is a popular seasonal tool for removing unwanted vegetation at home. Like any other equipment, these devices periodically fail. Repair of the ignition coil of a trimmer for grass is one of the most common problems that gasoline braids faces grass. The ignition system itself is designed similarly to a two- and four-stroke ICE, so the breakdown is almost identical for tools of different manufacturers, whether it is Lux, Huter, Husqvarna or other brand. Methods for restoring or replacing the ignition coil with a new one in the material below.

Types of trimmer heads

The head of the grass is a cylindrical body, into which a coil (coil) is inserted with a fishing line (cord). This design can be installed on both gasoline and electric trimmers for grass. The heads differ in the method of filling and feeding the cord and there are 3 types.

  • Automatic. The cord is supplied after the user has slowed the engine operation. Although the automatic supply of a mowing fishing line is convenient if large volumes of work are performed, such rods have one drawback. High thread consumption.
  • Semi.automatic. Using this type of head does not require complex manipulations from the user. The principle of their operation is arranged so that the cord is automatically lengthened at the moment when the device works at full speed. It is enough to slightly hit the head of the trimmer for grass on the ground (this removes the cord clamp), and the centrifugal force removes the fishing line for the trimmer from the coil, and then cut off to the desired length with a knife located on the protective cover.
  • Management. To lengthen the cord, the car must be stopped, after which the fishing line for the trimmer is removed manually.

Based on the above, semi.automatic coils are the best option. It should also be noted that the coils of a trimmer for grass are single.spaced (used only for haircuts of grass) and two.row, which are used to mow high grass and small, with thin stems of shrubs.


In order to change the fishing line for the trimmer, it is necessary to extract the old one (if it was).

The coil is part of the design of the trimmer for the grass, which is located inside the head of the motorcosa, drum or bobbin. Depending on the manufacturers of the head can be different. But this article discusses only Patriot, although their mechanism is used by many other companies.

Now you need to understand how to properly remove the head from a trimmer for grass and how to get a drum out of it.

Instructions on how to promote a hand head on a trimmer is described below.

  • First of all, you need to clean the head of dirt and adhering grass if it is contaminated. To do this, you need to raise a motorcycle head up and, holding the casing, remove a special protective cover dressed on the drum.
  • The next step needs to remove the reel from the drum. The coil is easily removed even with one hand, because it is not fixed inside the drum.
  • The drum itself is fixed in the trimmer with a bolt. This bolt must be unscrewed, after which you can easily pull out the drum. To do this carefully, you should support the drum with a coil, while twist the screw counterclockwise.
  • Now you can pull the coil out. As mentioned above, it is not fixed in anything except a hook with a metal shaft, so it does not need to be torn off with force. Neatly, in a circular movement you should pull the coil from the drum.
  • Now it remains to extract an old fishing line for a trimmer and follow the following instructions.

Installation of the coil and drum in its former place is performed according to the opposite algorithm.

Before the process of refueling the fishing line, it is worth making sure that the thread suitable for a trimmer was bought. In the case when the thread is not suitable, the fuel or energy consumption increases, as well as the load on the motor motor.

In order to replace the thread itself directly, you need to prepare a piece of thread of the required size. Most often, this requires about 4 m fishing line. A specific figure will depend on the parameters of the thread, for example, its thickness, as well as on the parameters of the coil itself. If it is not possible to accurately determine the length, it can be done as follows: insert and wind the thread to such a state that the coil is completely charged (the level of the fishing line will be compared with protrusions in the sides of the coil). It is necessary to ensure that the fishing line for the trimmer sits in the coil exactly.

Do not forget that the thick thread will be shorter than thin.

The instructions for refueling the fishing line in the coil is described below.

The prepared thread must be taken and turned in half. It should be ensured that one edge is longer than the other by 0.1-0.15 m. Now you need to take the ends in different hands. The one that is smaller must be pulled to more, so that it becomes 2 times shorter. When bending, the indentation should be maintained at 0.15m. Find the slot inside the coil partition. Carefully prick the loop that turned out earlier in this slot. To continue work, it is necessary to determine the direction of winding the thread in the coil. To do this, just examine the coil. there should be an arrow on it. If the gunner could not be found, it is quite possible that there is a written designation. An example is given in the photo below. It is necessary to inspect the head of the coil. It has a direction indicator. However, this is the direction of the coil movement. To get the direction of winding, you need to wind in the opposite direction. Now you need to season the reel with a fishing line

It is worth noting that there are special guide grooves inside the coil. When wrapping a thread, you need to follow these grooves, otherwise you can damage a trimmer for grass

At this stage, you need to charge the coil very carefully. When the user winds up almost the entire thread, you should take the short end (do not forget about the protrusion of 0.15m) and stretch it into the hole located in the coil wall. Now you need to repeat this action similarly with another end (on the other hand). Put the coil itself in the coil head, before that, extinguishing a fishing line for a trimmer through the holes inside the drum. Now is the time to return the drum to your place. After that, you need to take with both hands by the ends of the fishing line and pull them to the sides. Then you need to put the lid in place (here you can safely make efforts until a characteristic click is heard). Remained to perform “cosmetic work”. You need to see if the thread has come out too long. You can start a trimmer for the grass and check in practice whether everything is comfortable. If the thread came out a little long, you can cut it with scissors.


In order to change the fishing line for the trimmer, it is necessary to extract the old one (if it was).

The coil is part of the design of the trimmer for the grass, which is located inside the head of the motorcosa, drum or bobbin. Depending on the manufacturers of the head can be different. But this article discusses only Patriot, although their mechanism is used by many other companies.

Now you need to understand how to properly remove the head from a trimmer for grass and how to get a drum out of it.

Eliminate the malfunctions of the automatic coil with a fishing rod for a lawn mower

Instructions on how to promote a hand head on a trimmer is described below.

  • First of all, you need to clean the head of dirt and adhering grass if it is contaminated. To do this, you need to raise a motorcycle head up and, holding the casing, remove a special protective cover dressed on the drum.
  • The next step needs to remove the reel from the drum. The coil is easily removed even with one hand, because it is not fixed inside the drum.
  • The drum itself is fixed in the trimmer with a bolt. This bolt must be unscrewed, after which you can easily pull out the drum. To do this carefully, you should support the drum with a coil, while twist the screw counterclockwise.
  • Now you can pull the coil out. As mentioned above, it is not fixed in anything except a hook with a metal shaft, so it does not need to be torn off with force. Neatly, in a circular movement you should pull the coil from the drum.
  • Now it remains to extract an old fishing line for a trimmer and follow the following instructions.

Installation of the coil and drum in its former place is performed according to the opposite algorithm.

Before the process of refueling the fishing line, it is worth making sure that the thread suitable for a trimmer was bought. In the case when the thread is not suitable, the fuel or energy consumption increases, as well as the load on the motor motor.

trimmer, broke, grass, does, spin, drum

In order to replace the thread itself directly, you need to prepare a piece of thread of the required size. Most often, this requires about 4 m fishing line. A specific figure will depend on the parameters of the thread, for example, its thickness, as well as on the parameters of the coil itself. If it is not possible to accurately determine the length, it can be done as follows: insert and wind the thread to such a state that the coil is completely charged (the level of the fishing line will be compared with protrusions in the sides of the coil). It is necessary to ensure that the fishing line for the trimmer sits in the coil exactly.

Do not forget that the thick thread will be shorter than thin.

The instructions for refueling the fishing line in the coil is described below.

The prepared thread must be taken and turned in half. It should be ensured that one edge is longer than the other by 0.1-0.15 m. Now you need to take the ends in different hands. The one that is smaller must be pulled to more, so that it becomes 2 times shorter. When bending, the indentation should be maintained at 0.15m. Find the slot inside the coil partition. Carefully prick the loop that turned out earlier in this slot. To continue work, it is necessary to determine the direction of winding the thread in the coil. To do this, just examine the coil. there should be an arrow on it. If the gunner could not be found, it is quite possible that there is a written designation. An example is given in the photo below. It is necessary to inspect the head of the coil. It has a direction indicator. However, this is the direction of the coil movement. To get the direction of winding, you need to wind in the opposite direction. Now you need to season the reel with a fishing line

It is worth noting that there are special guide grooves inside the coil. When wrapping a thread, you need to follow these grooves, otherwise you can damage a trimmer for grass

At this stage, you need to charge the coil very carefully. When the user winds up almost the entire thread, you should take the short end (do not forget about the protrusion of 0.15m) and stretch it into the hole located in the coil wall. Now you need to repeat this action similarly with another end (on the other hand). Put the coil itself in the coil head, before that, extinguishing a fishing line for a trimmer through the holes inside the drum. Now is the time to return the drum to your place. After that, you need to take with both hands by the ends of the fishing line and pull them to the sides. Then you need to put the lid in place (here you can safely make efforts until a characteristic click is heard). Remained to perform “cosmetic work”. You need to see if the thread has come out too long. You can start a trimmer for the grass and check in practice whether everything is comfortable. If the thread came out a little long, you can cut it with scissors.

Universal heads for motorcycle and what is better to choose

The above options make it possible to understand what type of head on a motorcycle is preferred. In the presence of finances, it is better to choose automatic models, and if the products do not allow you to buy a good branded head for a trimmer for automatic grass, then you should choose from the semiautomatic segment.

When choosing coils for your tool, you can find out that manufacturers, in addition to branded devices, produce still universal ones, that is, those that can be used in conjunction with different models of trimmers. This is convenient only in one case, if there are two or more tools for driving grass of different manufacturers.

A number of advantages of universal coils include:

  • Suitable for most trimmers and benzos different manufacturers
  • Low cost, but at the same time they do not differ in particular reliability, so a special approach is needed for their choice
  • Prevalence. if you find a proprietary coil for a specific model of a trimmer for grass, it is quite difficult, then there are no such problems with universal models

It is interesting! Heads are metal and plastic. Metal ones are more expensive, but devices made of good high.strength plastic are not inferior to them, and sometimes they even cost more.

The coil does not rotate on the trimmer. Solution of problems

All prerequisites in order not to perform a cut can be organized in accordance with the specifics of the work of individual nodes. The service center has systematic malfunctions:

  • engine breakdown (piston wear, bearing malfunction, crankcase crack);
  • malfunction. clogging of an air filter or a malfunction of a carburetor;
  • the ignition system does not work;
  • Mechanical malfunction. hose leak, damage to wires under the canvas, pipe rupture.

First, the user must check if there is fuel in the tank. The launch is carried out according to the annotation, placing pollen on the side. Install the air damper in a closed position, enter the fuel, turn on the ignition and make 3-4 sharp jerks using the starter. If the engine works, open the air damper. The brush does not start. Repeat the operation with a slightly open throttle.

trimmer, broke, grass, does, spin, drum

Motokos cannot work for a long time. Gearbox and engine will overheat. You can mow less than 15 = 20 minutes with a five.minute break. On a hot day, working hours are halved. During the mowing of weeds, working time should be reduced.

If the launch failed, we begin to look for the reason for the failure:

  • check the quality of fuel;
  • Make sure the candle works and the candle channel is clean;
  • Check the cleanliness of the air filter;
  • Make sure that the fuel filter is not clogged;
  • check the purity of breathing;
  • Clean the exhaust duct.

Dismantling a trimmer for grass. Make yourself a repair of a trimmer for the grass of the coils

The ignition coil of the trimmer for the grass of the malfunction and correction

Motocosa is a popular seasonal tool for removing unwanted vegetation at home. Like any other equipment, these devices periodically fail. Repair of the ignition coil of a trimmer for grass is one of the most common problems that gasoline braids faces grass. The ignition system itself is designed similarly to a two- and four-stroke ICE, so the breakdown is almost identical for tools of different manufacturers, whether it is Lux, Huter, Husqvarna or other brand. Methods for restoring or replacing the ignition coil with a new one in the material below.

Repair of an electric trimmer for grass

The electric trimmer for the grass replaced the usual spit. Today, most urban residents do not even know how to use a “rare” tool correctly. A modern person does not need this, because he has an electric counterpart. But if an ordinary braid had to just sharpen from time to time, then things are more complicated with the power tool. Equipment requires a certain care, and if a malfunction occurs, the repair can lead to big expenses. However, it does not always make sense to carry the failed tool in the workshop: often you can cope with the breakdown on your own.

To understand what exactly can break in an electric cost, first you should figure out how it is arranged.

Ethletric trimmer for grass usually consists of the following elements:

The current is supplied to the power unit through the connector on the case, to which the cable is connected. Inside the rod is hollow. it plays the role of a protective shell for a flexible shaft, transmitting torque from the motor to the coil of the trimmer for the grass. The handle located on the case has a button, when pressed on which the device turns on.

The described design is considered a classic. However, there are options for executing the tool in which the motor is located in the lower part near the coil, as well as the battery versions.

Repair of an electric trimmer for grass with your own hands: Frequent causes of breakdowns

One of the scenarios in which the tool is out of order is the mowing of a very neglected area. In this case, the equipment is affected by increased loads and often fails of the power unit. A breakdown of bearings or coils is also possible.

And when work is carried out in rainy weather, electrical equipment can simply close. Also, do not forget about a certain resource of individual assemblies of the tool, which are not designed for constant use. The device requires timely inspection with the replacement of worn parts.

Repair in some cases can be carried out independently, without the involvement of specialists, the cost of which is often considerable.

Repair of the launch button

If the tool does not respond to attempts to turn it on, two options for a malfunction are possible. a cable break inside the handle or the failure of the inclusion button.

Important! Make sure that the device is disconnected from the network if it is a stationary type. In the case of the battery version of the instrument, the power terminals should be first disconnected, and only then proceed to repair.

In order to understand what exactly the breakdown is, you need to disassemble the handle.

Having gained access to the inside, you should, armed with a multimeter, measure the resistance of the button. If it is absent after pressing, the button must be replaced.

You also need to check the contacts of the connection of the power cable with the contact group. Often the need for such a measurement disappears, t. to. The cliff can be found with the naked eye. In this case, it must be eliminated by soldering.

In the absence of a multimeter, the same work can be done using an indicator screwdriver. To do this, after disassembling the body of the power cable handle, it is connected to the network and the phase is checked by a screwdriver before and after the button. If zero comes to the button, the fork in the outlet can be turned and measured again.

Attention! You should be very careful when checking the presence of a phase in this way. There is a possibility of gaining electric shock!

Checking the electric motor

If the button and cable that feeds the tool will be serviceable, you should go to the diagnosis of a power unit. To do this, disassemble the case in which it is located. It is usually necessary to simply unscrew several bolts or screws and remove the lid.

Top Reasons String Trimmer Head Not Spinning — String Trimmer Troubleshooting

First of all, you need to check the condition of the collector brushes. The wear of this node can lead to unstable operation or to a complete stop of the engine. If the brushes are in satisfactory condition, you should check the winding of the motor for a short circuit.

For this operation, it is necessary to completely remove the engine, and then check all the collector plates in the mode in the mode. The device should not show significant deviations in measurements.

The second check is the “ringing” of the rotor winding to the “mass”. To do this, you need to connect one of the multimeter contact to any collector plate, and the second to the “mass” of the rotor. In this case, the resistance measurement mode should be more than 1 MOM. If there is no short circuit, the device will show a very large meaning.

If, according to the results of these checks, all the parameters turned out to be normal, you need to measure the resistance of the stator winding. Indications should be similar, as in the case of the rotor. If not, then the malfunction lies in the stature.

If there is an interval circuit in the engine, it will not be diagnosed in this way. However, this problem can be identified by observing the trimmer for grass in action. An indirect sign of such a malfunction will be a decrease in the power of the work and overheating of the equipment.

When, as a result of diagnosis, it became clear that the engine was “burned out”, it would be easier to notice it on a new. In the vast majority of cases, repairs, consisting of rewinding, will cost as much as a new power unit.

If the engine is installed on the engine, then it will turn off the power when overheating. If the problem is the malfunction of the relay itself, this can be identified using the same multimeter or tester. With a cold engine in good condition, the relay should pass the current.

Mechanical malfunctions

Such problems include a breakthrough of the flexible shaft. It is easy to recognize it. the motor works, and the coil with a fishing line does not rotate.

The reason for the breakdown is the unfair care of the tool, which consists in the timely lubrication of the inside of the bar. In the absence of the desired amount of lubrication, the shaft will be subjected to excessive friction and the cliff will become a logical result.

This breakdown is corrected by replacing the shaft, which can be removed by disconnecting the upper part of the trimmer for the grass from the bar. If the second part of the shaft is not extracted, disconnection and lower.

When installing a new shaft, it should first be lubricated.

Such a malfunction can occur only with a classic layout of parts. In devices where the power unit is located in the lower part, there is no flexible shaft. However, with such a layout, the role of the gear ratio is played by a bearing located on the engine shaft closer to the place of transmission of the moment. In this situation, the bearing must simply be replaced with a new.

How to look for malfunctions in the mechanical part

The transmission of rotation from an electric trimmer for grass is performed in the same way as models with an internal combustion engine: an integral shaft works inside the rectangular section of the bar, and a curved cable works.

Their length, diameter and design are selected by the manufacturer for specific dimensions of the composite bar.

Features of the junction of the composite bar

It is made by an adapter with a screw clamp.

The large screw head is made to conveniently adjust the position of the mowing organ at the bottom of the bar. The rotation angle is selected individually.

It is convenient for me to expose it so that the longitudinal axis of the protective casing and the axis of the electric motor are located in the same plane.

In this place, a malfunction associated with the transfer of torque from a direct shaft to a cable may sometimes occur in this place. It is manifested by the fact that at idle engine the trimmer for grass works normally, and already under a small load, the mowing head stops rotating.

The method of its elimination was well shown by the owner of the video “Repair of the Electrimmer” Roman Shapkov. I recommend to see.

Method of attaching a mowing head and a casing

On my trimmer from below the rod, the adapter is fixed with rivets, into which the fastener bolt of the protective casing will be plunged.

The output shaft of a rotating cable has a hexagon at the end. A plastic mowing head is put on it.

From the inside, a return spring of the automatic discharge of fishing line during kosbe is inserted into it.

A spool was inserted into it. It is fastened with a fixing nut from above.

The device of a spitter head with a fishing line is quite simple.

However, all plastic parts do not have high strength, subject to wear. Their working surfaces are erased. After three seasons of work on my trimmer, the output holes of the fishing line from the mowing head expanded, the thickness of the fixing nut decreased.

It is difficult to apply protective measures to wear, and repair of these parts is easiest to fully replace the head. It is easy to buy it: you just need to know the exact dimensions of the hexagon and evaluate the new design according to the working characteristics.

The secrets of the selection of fishing line

Among the frequent malfunctions of the trimmer coil, there are cases when the fishing line for the trimmer ended or simply confused due to improper winding on the spool. It is not difficult to eliminate them.

But in practice, I met with another defect in the fishing line, which was sold on the state retail chain from Patriot LLC company. Her view in the factory packaging.

As I understand it, it is specially hidden in a sealed package: you can not touch when buying.

When I opened the packaging to install the fishing line in the spool, its plasticity immediately caught my eye, and not elasticity. It is easily bending, behaves like a soft wire: when in contact with the grass, it immediately breaks. It is impossible to mow: she managed to return to the seller.

Since then, I have been buying only that fishing line for a trimmer that can be molested in my hands and evaluate its operational properties.

I try to refuse varieties of ordinary round fishing line. I prefer a ribbed shape to them with faces: asterisk, trapezoid, square or triangle. They are better cut off the grass.

How to eliminate increased vibration

Reliably collected trimmer mechanics for grass is well balanced. It provides convenient work. However, bearings can be worn out over time, lose lubrication.

A prefabricated shaft transmitting rotation from the engine of a spool is able to touch the internal walls of the bar, creating excessive friction with heating.

Such a defect can and must be eliminated. This technology is shown by TV repairman with his video “Vibration during the operation of Elektokosa”.

If you still have questions about how to carry out the repair of the electrimmer, then ask them in the Комментарии и мнения владельцев. I will answer.

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Комментарии и мнения владельцев

Elena :

The Eletric trimmer has broken for the Carver TR1200S grass. a plastic hexagonal planting nest on a semi.automatic burst melted and a square screw from a fixing nut flew out of overheating (although they didn’t mow 10 minutes). We cannot choose a similar rogue of another brand. On some site, the man was advised: since the landing size M10x1.25 is the left (although they did not find something in the instructions), the head from Husqvarna 5310060-93 may approach the instructions. But she stands like a new trimmer for grass.What do you advise?

Alexei :

Hello, Elena. Do I understand correctly that you have a new trimmer for the grass and broke down after the purchase? The fact is that in this case the manufacturer’s guarantees act in this case. On his website https: // specially looked at the instructions for your model. There is also a forum for users where they ask any question about products and share information. I advise you to discuss this issue with the manufacturer. He values ​​a reputation and should help you. Phone Central Service Center: 7 (342) 218-24-85. I believe that picking up a mowing head by size of mounting is not entirely right. The reason for overheating you did not find out. Twisting transmissions may not coincide. About information in the instructions: it is created for buyers in order to familiarize yourself with the device and operating rules. The drawings of all the details in it do not publish.

Elena :


Tell !pzhl.,How to strengthen the latch (in your text it is called: connecting adapter with a screw clamp) in the connection of the collapsible straight bar, spanks from vibration, does not fix it.

Alexei :

Hello, Pavel. On my trimmer, this knot was made by plates, which are riveted at the turn of the turn, and then the usual screw mount. Everything is simple there. How is your trimmer for grass, this node is difficult to judge. Maybe you will take a picture at least on the phone and send a picture to the mail? Address in the section “On the site”, “Privacy Policy”. See the very bottom.

Sergey :

If the lock is twisted, and there is a supply of a supply on the screw, then the countrogais will help.

Dmitry :

Huter Get-1500SL. The engine rotates slowly. Even if you remove the trimer bar, and pull the engine out of the case, then the rotation is slow, and some strange sound is noticeable. The bearings are good, the lubricant in the nodes is present, the brushes are normal (but by the way they are so tightly settled by the anchor that it is difficult to rotate it with your fingers) the winding is like a whole, everything is visually good. Separately, everything is spinning normally. But when everything is collected, it feels like a bearing died, or a skew. I sin on mechanics, but separately everything is working, and if you collect, it barely twists

Alexei :

Dmitry, hello. Try to rotate a completely assembled engine with your hands, and then pull out the brushes and repeat the operation. Without brushes, rotation should be easy, inertia is felt. If it is not, then there are two options: somewhere there is a place for rubbing the rotor on the stator or clinked some kind of bearing. You need to inspect all this very carefully, especially the lubricant. There may also be some kind of garbage in it. In a word, check the rotation for inertia and by ear. Evaluate all places, look at the lumen. Turn on the voltage only in extreme cases and measure idle currents preferably without nozzles. Compare them with a nominal load.


I can not unscrew the bolt of mounting mowing

Alexei :

Michael, they came to me on the mail of the site of your bolt. I’ll try to tell the solution. And it’s very difficult to give recommendations.

How To Spool A Fishing Reel. put line on your reel!

Paul :

The spit.head on email constantly flies.trimmer ET 1000 at the junction with a flexible shaft. I can’t understand how it is attached in a bent bar?

Alexei :