What Oil To Dilute Gasoline For Chainsaw

What Oil To Dilute Gasoline For Chainsaw

For those who don’t know, I’ll explain what a two-stroke engine is, I won’t go into details much, in short, there are no valves in a two-stroke engine, oil is added to gasoline for the piston and crankshaft.

Such engines are on motorcycles (although they have recently put four-stroke ones), two-stroke chainsaws, lawn mowers, some voltage generators, etc. Owners of motorcycles, chainsaws, lawn mowers, often wonder why the piston is stuck, or why the compression quickly disappears, that the engine starts poorly, starts to work intermittently, remove the cylinder, piston with big scuffs and crazy production.

I also once asked such a question, it turned out the whole thing in the oil which dilute gasoline.

A lot of special two-stroke oil is on sale, I don’t even approach it now, this oil is not suitable for two-stroke engines developing high engine speeds.

Of course, if you have an IZH-Planet, it’s a low-speed motorcycle, then you can pour two-stroke oil into it, or spare your bike very much, do not give it gas to the stop, then two-stroke oil will go, but if you like to give gas, this oil will quickly ruin the piston two-stroke group.

It seems that the developers of a two-stroke oil simply invented it but did not even test it, and oils such as M8, MC20 should not be allowed close to the two-stroke engine, if you like to drive, and if you do not give a lot of gas, then these oils can be used.

But they will still very quickly wear out the piston group of the motorcycle, chainsaws, lawn mowers, briefly, kill the two-stroke.

How I found a good motorcycle oil

During my life I traveled on different motorcycles, while traveling in Minsk, Voskhod, IZH-Planet didn’t even think about oil, the engines worked fine. But how IZH-PS acquired so after the first good race I got a piston jammed, I thought, so IZh-PS had some problems until I let the gas go to failure, but it was worth giving the gas like a wedge piston or crankshaft. Disappointed in IZH-PS.

In my youth, I was engaged in motocross for two years, we had cross-country ChZ, I remember very much no problems with the piston, although they gave them oh so good in the ass, I also remember that the smell of smoke from the exhaust was very different from ordinary motorcycle smoke. But the fool was not interested in the coach what kind of oil he poured into gasoline, but I know for sure that he added castor oil in addition to the oil, but since I don’t know the exact composition of gasoline and oil for a cross-country motorcycle, I won’t say anything and invent anything.

Video: What Oil To Dilute Gasoline For Chainsaw

I bought a crossover ChZ-250, at first I poured two-stroke oil into gasoline, but as soon as I gave in to it, I felt that the engine was starting to tighten (it could jam), I had to throw gas and switch to moderate engine speeds.

The case helped, I decided to go fishing CHZ-250 cross-country, you can ride it off-road, shortening the path, but the two-stroke oil ran out, the question arose of how to dilute gasoline with oil. There was only a four-stroke LUKOIL semi-synthetic oil, I decided to dilute gasoline with this oil, I think I will not drive the drive slowly and the engine will not cause harm. But what a surprise I had when the motorcycle engine worked much softer, pulled faster, although I diluted the gasoline with four-stroke oil in semi-synthetics, gave gas, beauty, the engine smacked and there were no signs of a piston seizing.

While I reached the pond, I squeezed the maximum out of this CRZ-250, I enjoyed driving very much, since then I have been diluting gasoline into a motorcycle and a chainsaw with only four-stroke oil semi-synthetics, very pleased.

It turns out that four-stroke semi-synthetic oil is the best oil for a two-stroke engine and is cheaper than a special two-stroke oil.

If you do not believe it, see for yourself what is the best oil.

How to determine what a two-stroke engine catches?

The very first sign, abnormal noise appears sharply in the engine, the engine begins to lose speed, this is a sign of picking up the piston. At this moment, immediately release the gas, if the motorcycle and squeeze the clutch, if it is in time on time, the piston will exit this situation without damage.

How to dilute oil in what proportion for a motorcycle, chainsaw, lawn mower, gas generator, etc.?

The instructions give such ratios for a non-run-in engine 1/20 for a run-in 1/25. But here it is impossible to stupidly fulfill these proportions, it all depends on how you press on the gas.

If you don’t drive much, ride quietly on a motorcycle or do not squeeze out full throttle with a chainsaw, then pour in diluted 1/25 oil to the run-in two-stroke engine for the engine. But if you like to open the gas to the full while giving the engine maximum speed, then dilute gasoline and oil in a proportion as for 1/20 run-in, since the engine working at maximum speed will need increased lubrication.

If this is not taken into account, then 1/20 diluted gasoline with a quiet ride will often add candles, but if you drive and like full throttle, diluting 1/25 gasoline will grab the engine at maximum speed, and this can lead to piston breakage.

The two-stroke engine is designed so that part of the oil is delayed in the piston and crankshaft, but when you give out gas to the entire coil, it blows very little from the piston without stopping, you need to laugh 1/20 here.

An example of how to dilute oil in gasoline, take 1/20, it turns out, for 20 liters of gasoline 1 liter of oil, 10 liters of gasoline 0.5 liters of oil.

Why does a saw or motorcycle spit oil through a silencer?

Everything is fine here, I saw it and a motorcycle with a two-stroke engine spits out excess oil from the muffler. So slightly pour oil into gasoline, if at the same time the engine is working fine it is not worth worrying. And if the engine fills candles, the engine starts to work intermittently, then reduce the amount of oil in gasoline by adding pure gasoline to the tank.