Broken lawn mower handle. How To Fix A Lawnmower That Will Not Start

How To Fix A Lawnmower That Will Not Start

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The two basic requirements that allow a lawnmower’s engine to startup are fuel and a spark. If you are experiencing fuel starvations (when fuel is not getting to your engine), or if you are not getting a spark at the plug, your engine will not be able to startup.

Bad compression can also be a reason for experiencing difficulty while trying to start the lawnmower’s engine. If you pack the lawnmower away for the winter with fuel still in the tank, the seals, valves, and pumps in the lawnmower’s carburetor can become blocked up with varnish deposits. Along with this, dirt and dust can get collected and end up blocking the fuel system or clog filters.

Before You Start Troubleshooting On Your Mower You Should:

Proceed with caution when working with your mower. You should first start by removing any sources of ignition. This includes cigarettes, naked flames, sparks, stoves, or other hot objects that are in the same area that you intend on working on the tank or fuel lines.

Be sure to do this if you need to remove any clumps of grass that may be jammed under the deck.

This is to avoid the oils in the mower from spilling, as this is likely to happen if left on its side.

This can be avoided if there is a small amount of gas in the tank, or if you do not think that it will reach the tank cap. However, if you are unsure of this then it would be best to just drain the tank. Another trick is to open the cap and then place a plastic bag over the opening and then put the cap back on.

You are likely to cause premature engine wear if the oil level is low. Added to this, an engine can seize quickly if there is no oil present in the lawnmower.

Checking On The Oil Level Of Your Lawnmower:

Before starting the process of troubleshooting, you should make sure that the oil level in the lawnmower is deemed acceptable. You can do this by:

  • Move the lawnmower to a surface that is level.
  • Remove the dipstick and wipe it clean.
  • Place it back in the lawnmower and then remove it again.
  • Check to see where the marking is. If it is relatively low, top it up to the necessary level.

You should make a mental note that the oil in the tank should be changed after every 25 to 50 hours of run time or as advised in your engine manual.

Tips To How To Get Your Lawnmower Started:

How Do You Start A Lawnmower With Old Gas?

Although, it is recommended to drain the lawnmower’s gas tank before it sits for a long period of time without any use. However, most people do not do this. The result of not draining the gas tank causes residue build-up. If this occurs, you should refer to your lawnmower’s manual for information on how to remove this build-up from the fuel tank effectively, as well as for service procedures. Or see our guide on this problem.

As soon as the build-up has been cleaned out, gather all the old gasoline and put it in a container to dispose of it properly. This can be done by running a siphon hose from the gas tank to the container and then pumping the bulb a few times. In doing this, you are moving the gas from the fuel tank and draining it into the container, which thereby cleans out the lawnmower’s fuel tank.

If your lawnmower still is not working after you have cleaned out the fuel tank and adding new gasoline to the mower, you should make sure that your spark plug is working. There is a large possibility that the spark plug wire will become loose after being stored for long periods at a time.

A common problem found when trying to restart a lawnmower that has been stored in that the carburetor gets flooded. Be sure to note the smells and sounds of the lawnmower while you are trying to start it. A strong gasoline smell could mean that the carburetor has been flooded, and as a result, the lawnmower will not start. In this case, you should wait a few minutes before you try to start the mower again.

How Do You Dispose Of Your Lawnmower’s Oil?

When cleaning out the oil in your mower, be sure to collect in a bottle-like container that screws shut. This is to prevent any spilling. Your local mechanic or oil change shop should usually take your used motor oil to dispose of properly. However, if this is not possible, there may be disposal programs for motor oil at your local dump.

If smoke is coming out of your mower, this could be a sign that the oil needs to be checked and changed. However, a lawnmower that will not start obviously will not smoke. Nonetheless, this is a good sign to look out for as it will allow you to stay on top of your lawnmower maintenance. Added to this, smoke coming from a mower could show that there is a leak somewhere. The leak causes the oil to burn when it lands on hot surfaces such as hot metal. Along with this, smoke can also indicate that there is not enough oil in the lawnmower. Not enough oil has the potential to cause permanent damage to the engine of the mower.

What Are The Options For No-Hassle Gas?

One form of no-hassle gas is a product called TruFuel and it is available in most hardware stores. Known to be “old school” gasoline that has no added ethanol. What is so great about this product is that you do not have to add any fuel stabilizers. It runs clean and can sit in storage all winter and will still start up very easily.

However, it is more expensive than regular gas. Nonetheless, when you weigh in that while using no-hassle gas you will not need to pay to replace your lawnmower or carburetor every few years.

So after reading my post on how to start a lawnmower that won’t start and you decide that it’s easier just to buy a new one, then be sure to check out my post on the best mowers that are under 300.

broken, lawn, mower, handle

Hi, Alex Kuritz here. Growing up I remember that my family had one of the best lawns in the neighborhood. Richly green and lush. I did a lot as I grew up in terms of caring and tending for not only my family’s lawn but also my neighbors. I can say I have years of experience, and I am here to share it with you.

How to Fix a Lawnmower Throttle Cable. Here is how to diagnose and fix it

The lawnmower Throttle cable is responsible for controlling the speed of the engine. If the mower doesn’t respond or the engine dies down when using the throttle, the cable needs to be checked. In most modern push mowers, a throttle cable is connected to the carburetor’s intake valve. When the throttle cable breaks, the intake valve will stay put, and it is hard to start. Over time the cable gets stretched, worn out, and eventually can break. When broken, you can not really use the lawnmower anymore. In all cases, the cable needs to be fixed or replaced.

How to fix a lawnmower throttle cable. Here is how to diagnose and fix it:

The first step is to check the condition of the cable. Is the cable snapped? In that case, it needs to be replaced with a new one. If it is just hard to move, you can use some WD-40 to lubricate the cable. If the Z-tip is broken, replace it with a Z-end created from 7-inch #16 wire.

My throttle cable does not work. What is wrong?

Your lawn mower’s throttle cable controls the throttle of the engine. It’s the part that kickstarts the engine and also commands the speed of your mower’s blades. If the mower doesn’t respond or the engine dies down to the throttle handle’s adjustments, it is a clear sign that something’s wrong with the throttle cable, and you may want to find out what’s wrong. A throttle cable may be very tiny, but it coordinates your mower’s engine parts’ functioning the moment you pull it. Modern lawn mowers have automatic throttle cables.

Before starting with the more detailed procedure to replace or fix the cable, you first need to diagnose the problem. First, check if the cable is broken. In that case, you can pull the cable out of the outer tube. If the cable is broken somewhere in the middle, it is simple. There is no other option than to replace the cable. If the Z-tip is broken, it may seem that the whole cable is broken. But that is not the case. If you pull the cable out of the outer tube, you can see that the whole cable length is still in one piece. If that is the case, probably the Z-tip is broken. That is something we can fix with a new Z-tip.

In case the throttle cable does not work well but is not broken, it can mean that it is just stuck. This is possible if the inner cable starts rusting or dirt has entered the outer tube. The best fix you can try is to use some WD-40 to lubricate the inner cable. Spray it and then try to move the cable a couple of times. If you notice that it works better, you can repeat the same process a couple of times. If it does not work, you should replace the throttle cable.

How does a Lawnmower Throttle Cable Break?

As you use your lawnmower over time, the cable gets stretched or worn out, resulting in breakage. A broken throttle cable is difficult to push, giving you an idea that it’s time to change the throttle cable. When the cable breaks, there won’t be enough power supplied to the mower’s engine, so a broken cable has to be replaced at the earliest.

When the throttle cable gets worn out, you may order a new cable for your lawnmower model. A throttle cable is quite easy to get. You can order it online or find one at a nearby hardware store.

Guide for Fixing the Z-tip from a Lawnmower Throttle Cable

Locating the throttle cable on your lawnmower

The throttle cable of a modern lawnmower can be found running from the throttle lever to the carburetor’s intake valve. You may consult your mower’s manual for the most accurate info in this regard for your model.

Collect the tools you need:

You will need some measuring tools, a z-bending tool, a new throttle cable, wire cutters, and a needle nose plier to complete this task for the Z-tip replacement.

With the right tools gathered, you may start the Z-tip replacement procedure, which is as follows:

  • Step 1: Get a 7-inch #16 wire size cable.
  • Step 2: Twist the new cable on one end. Twist it enough but make sure not to break it. Make a Z-bend of your cable. It should be the same as the original already installed throttle cable.
  • Step 3: Snip off Z-bend ends of the wire
  • Step 4: Combine the new Z-bend with the old throttle cable. Before combining, make sure to make new and old Z-bends are of the same size. So, if you have a long Z-bend, trim it from one of the ends to make it similar in size to the Z-bend of the old cable.
  • Step 5: Replace the broken Z-tip of your original throttle cable with the Z-tip of the wire using a wire union device or a hammer if you don’t have a union device.

We will now look at the various steps in more detail:

Step 1: Get a 7-inch #16 wire size cable:

Get a 7-inch #16 wire size cable and bend it in half. We recommend getting an aluminum cable since it will be easier to twist and turn. Flatten the aluminum wire using a pair of needle-nose pliers. If you have any other wire flattener device, use it to press the two bent halves together even more.

Step 2: Twist one end of the new cable:

In this step, you’ll create two Z-bends, one on each end of the wire. To do this, hold the bottom two inches of the wire to a wire flattener device, or you can use any device that can hold a #16 wire upright so that you can twist the free length of the wire a few times. You may hold the wire using a couple of sturdy needle nose pliers if you don’t have a wire flattener. Twist the wire enough but make sure not to break it. Create a Z-bend on the wire by bending the top of the wire at a 90-degree angle using a pliers pair. Then, take a couple of needle-nose pliers to hold the first 90-degree bend with one as you try to make a second 90-degree angle on the other end using the other pair of pliers. You may copy the Z-bend on the original throttle cable for this step.

Step 3: Snip off the Z-bend ends of the wire:

Snip of the Z-bends of the aluminum wire.

Step 4: Combining new and old throttle cables:

The next step is to combine the old throttle cable with the Z-bend of the aluminum wire. Put the original wire above the Z-bend on a table so that both of their Z-tips are parallel. Use a marker to mark the part that you need to cut.

Cut the original cable just right at the tag. For the Z-bend of the aluminum wire, snip 1-2 centimeters extra from the marked point.

Step 5: Replace the Z-tip of your original throttle cable:

Carefully insert your original throttle cable into one of the holes of a wire union device, then insert your Z-bend aluminum wire into the other hole. Tighten up the device to secure the merger of the two cables.

If you don’t have a wire union device, you can use a hammer or a wire flattener for this step.

With this done, you have successfully replaced the broken Z-bend tip of your original throttle cable.

Lawnmower Throttle Cable Replacement and Adjustment

If you have observed a faulty throttle cable’s signs, the best solution will replace it with a new one. You may need to adjust the new throttle cable based on your mower’s behavior.

Replacing and adjusting the cable involves the following steps:

  • Step 1: Remove the faulty throttle cable.
  • Step 2: Place the new cable on the handle.
  • Step 3: Connect the new cable.
  • Step 4: Adjust the new cable. Check if your mower is always idle or running at high speed with the new cable. Based on that, you will have to stretch or relax the newly installed throttle cable.
  • Step 5: A test drive
broken, lawn, mower, handle

Step 1: Remove the old throttle cable:

Turn off your lawnmower and take off the old throttle cable by removing the cable casing with a pair of needle-nose pliers. Free the throttle cable from the throttle arm by opening the unit and pull and removing the lock screws on the handle. Pull out the freed throttle cable.

Step 2: Place new cable on the handle:

Place the new throttle cable on your mower’s handle. Look at the engine’s back for the wire base. Insert the cable through the base and the throttle arm. When installing the new cable on your lawnmower’s handle, you may need to drill new holes if there aren’t any holes already and a bolt to fasten the new cable.

Step 3: Connect the new cable:

Calculate the size of the cable and give it an extra inch for allowances. The allowance will also make the cable a little loose, allowing the handles to be folded down.

Slip the new cable through the housing and fasten it to the throttle handle. The cable should be tight enough for you to have the throttle down. Tighten the lock screw and reinstall the housing.

Step 4: Adjust the new cable:

Once the old cable has been replaced, you need to adjust the new throttle cable based on your mower’s behavior. For this purpose, restore the throttle to check if the tension is right. Now turn on the mower. If the mower is running too high in idle status, it means that the cable’s tension is too much, and the cable needs to be loosened.

Step 5: Test Drive:

Once the replacement and adjustment are made, try your mower and see if all works fine. If everything works fine, it means that the replacement has been done successfully.

Final Remarks:

Fixing a throttle cable is not difficult. First, diagnose the problem, and then fix or replace the cable. This blog post will take you through the process. Take precautionary measures and always work in a well-lit environment. Please consult the user manual if you are confused about the location of any of the parts mentioned, or consult a professional.

How To Fix Self Propelled Cable? – In 6 steps with pics

Pushing a mower isn’t fun, especially a self-propelled one. They’re heavy. Fitting a self-drive cable is a lot less effort than pushing.

The best fix for a self-propelled mower cable is to replace the complete cable. Replace a mower drive cable in six steps:

In this post, we’ll cover the process of replacing the self-propelled control cable and adjusting the drive system. If your mower is a Honda, check out “Honda mower self propelled slow”. If you need video help, check out “Self propelled troubleshooting video”.

Mower Repair Safety

Before working on your mower, go ahead and remove the spark plug wire, preventing accidental starting. In addition, turn your gas tap off (if fitted) and palace a plastic sheet over the gas tank filler. This helps to prevent gas spills when turning your mower over. If you’re not sure if you have a gas tap, check out this post “Honda shut off valve”.

Plug Wire Off – Twist and pull

Critical Cable Info

Self-propelled cables consist of a plastic outer casing and a metal braided inner cable. The braided cable is the part that breaks and does so, usually at the handlebar connector or at the transmission end. The ends are essential, and there are many different types. While it is possible to replace just the inner braided cable, most repair shops will only supply the complete cable (inner and outer).

It is critical to get the length of the cable correct, but also, the end types must match your old cable.

Cable Length – Mission critical

Getting this wrong will have you pulling your hair out trying to fit and adjust. I advise removing the old cable and either finding an identical part online that matches your model or visiting your local dealer, cable in hand. While, at first glance, a cable might look like yours, the number of possible cable lengths and connector end combos is endless.

How To Fix a Stuck or Frozen Lawnmower Pull Cord (EASY)

Check before you purchase. See the Amazon link below.

Removing Cable Handlebar End

It doesn’t make any difference which ends you remove first. Since the mower is upright, we’ll begin by removing the handlebar cable end. The most common type of self-drive control is the bail lever, like Honda may use a thumb style control. Whatever you have, the repair is very similar.

Identify Cable – First, locate the drive cable. It leaves the handlebar and travels to the mower body. As most mowers are rear-wheel drive, it passes through the body at the rear just above the axle.

With the correct cable identified, locate the outer cables anchor point on the handlebar. The winged tab is the most common type anchor, however, some may be fastened with a bolt. To release the winged type, use pliers to press on the wings and pull the outer cable free.

Cable Fasteners – Some mowers like Honda may fasten the drive cable to the handlebar by means of a threaded cable end. Using two wrenches, hold one nut and loosen the other, now back off the nuts to release the cable outer end, and unhook the braided cable end from the bail lever, if not already disconnected.

(This fastener also doubles as the cable adjuster)

Unhook Bail Lever – For bail lever-type drive control, squeeze either side of the drive bail lever to unhook (most types).

Turn Mower Over

Now we’ll need to tilt the mower on its side. But there’s an incorrect way to turn your mower over, getting this wrong will cause hard or no starting and lots of white smoke. The correct way to turn your mower over is always with the air filter side facing skyward. I wrote a complete post about turning your mower over, “Which way to tilt your mower” or check out the video here.

Tilt Mower Over – Air filter up

Remove Cable Transmission End

The transmission cable end fitting is the most challenging part of this repair, you’ll need patience and tenacity, but you can do it. Real estate is tight, and if you have Shrek hands, you’ll need to dig deep. The outer transmission cable is anchored at the transmission, usually with a plastic winged connector, and the inner braided cable hooks into the transmission lever arm.

To release the cable, first, release the outer by pressing the plastic winged tabs and pulling free. Now you’ll need to unhook the braided cable from the transmission arm.

A long handle needle nose pliers, a soft kneeling pad, and light make this process a little easier. With the tab released and the inner unhooked, remove the old cable by pulling it from (upper deck side) the hole.

Fit Transmission Cable End

Before attempting to fit the new cable, be sure it’s correct. Check it using the old cable. Fit the transmission cable end through the mower body hole and push the winged outer connector into its anchor. Use your long nose pliers. Now connect the braided cable end into the transmission arm.

Use Pliers and Patience

Fit Handlebar Cable End

Fit Cable End – Go ahead now and stand your mower upright. Fit inner braided end to the bail lever and stretch the outer connector to seat in its anchor. Now you are ready to adjust.

Adjust Mower Drive Cable

Most mower drive cables will incorporate an adjuster. The adjuster simply shortens or lengthens the cable as required. Two types are common, the cable connector adjuster and the cable end adjuster. Although slightly different, the same principle applies.

In Cable Adjuster

Cable End Adjuster

Checking Cable Slack – With the cable in place and at rest, the braided cable at the bail lever should deflect by no more than a ¼ inch.

Open Lock Nuts – If your cable deflects more than ¼ inch, go ahead and open the lock nuts and unscrew the outer to remove the inner cable slack.

Test 1 – With the self-propelled lever applied (Bail lever) and engine off, pull the mower backways. The wheels should lock.

If not, continue to adjust until they do.

Test 2 – With the self-propelled lever released, pull the mower backways. If it’s stiff to reverse, you’ve over-adjusted, back it off, and test again.

If you need more help, check out the adjusting video here.

Don’t forget to refit the plug and turn the gas tap on after the repair.

Hey, I’m John, and I’m a Red Seal Qualified Service Technician with over twenty-five years experience.

I’ve worked on all types of mechanical equipment, from cars to grass machinery, and this site is where I share fluff-free hacks, tips, and insider know-how.

And the best part. it’s free!

How to Replace Pull Cord on Lawn Mower – Easy Guide

Do you have a lawn mower that won’t start because the pull cord is broken or missing? Don’t worry; it’s a common problem, and we can show you how to fix it! In this easy guide, we will walk you through the steps of how to replace the pull cord on your lawn mower’s small engine. It’s a job that can be done in just a few minutes and doesn’t require special tools or skills. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Remove Starter from Mower

Before you can repair the pull cord, you’ll need to remove the starter from the lawn mower. Begin by locating the mounting bolts that hold the starter in place. Then remove the mounting bolts and carefully lift the recoil assembly up and away from the lawn mower.

Step 2: Remove Broken Pull Cord from Starter

Once you have the starter removed, locate the broken pull cord. Carefully remove it from the starter housing.

Step 3: Measure Broken Cord (both Pieces) – Cut New Rope and Burn Ends

Measure the length of both pieces of the broken cord. Cut a new piece of rope the same length as both pieces combined to ensure you get the correct length, and burn the ends of the rope.

Burning the rope ends will prevent fraying and ensure your new pull cord is secure when you replace it.

Step 4: Wind Spring Counter Clockwise to Put Load on Spring. Hold in Place

When rewinding the starter, it’s important to wind the coil spring counterclockwise. This will load the spring and help keep the pull cord tight once you change it. Hold the spring in place with one hand while winding with the other.

Step 5: Line up Hole on Starter Housing and Rope Rotor

Line up the hole in the starter cord housing with the rope rotor hole. This is where you will insert the rope.

Step 6: Insert New Cord Into Hole on Starter Housing and Rope Rotor. Tie Knot

Once the holes are aligned, insert the new cord into the starter housing and rope rotor, also called the starter pulley. Tie a knot at the rope’s end to secure it in place. Keep a tight hold on the rope rotor to keep it from sucking the rope back in completely.

Step 7: Holding Rope – Release Spring to Pull Rope In

Once the rope has been inserted and secured, you can release the spring. This will pull the rope in and wrap it around the rotor. Keep a tight hold on the rope to prevent it from being sucked in completely.

broken, lawn, mower, handle

Step 8: Insert Rope Into Starter Handle and Tie Knot

Once the rope has been rewound, insert the outside end into the pull handle. Tie a double knot at the end to secure it in place. The knotted end will keep the rope from pulling out of the handle.

Step 9: Pull Rope Handle to Check the For Proper Recoil

Pull on the rope handle to check for proper recoil. If it doesn’t recoil properly, try rewinding the spring and adjusting how much rope is pulled in.

Step 10: Reinstall Starter on Mower.

Once the pull cord works properly, you can re-install the starter onto the mower. Make sure all mounting bolts are tight and double-check how the pull cord works again for good measure.

And there you have it! Now you know how to fix a broken or missing pull cord on your lawn mower.

If you follow these steps correctly, you can get back to smooth-running and healthy lawn maintenance in no time!

How To Fix a Broken Lawn Mower Handle for Under 5

Frequently Asked Questions

What Size Is Mower Pull Rope?

When you need to replace lawn mower pull cord make sure you use the correct size. Most lawn mower pull cord ranges from #4.5 to #6.5 rope diameters.

broken, lawn, mower, handle

Is It Hard to Replace Pull Cord on Lawn Mower?

Starter rope on a lawn mower is not difficult to do. Anyone can easily replace the starter rope of a pull cord assembly if they know how. Refer to the ten steps above to replace the pull cord on a lawn mower.

How Do You Fix a Limp Pull Cord?

A lawnmower pull cord can sometimes not recoil all the way back into a starter and appear limp. If this happens, it means that the recoil spring is not strong enough to pull the cord back into the starter. Try rewinding the recoil spring and adjusting how much rope is pulled in. Either that or cut off excessive rope if the lawnmower pull cord is too long.

What Kind of Rope Is Lawn Mower Pull Cord?

Most rope used in a lawn mower starter assembly is made of nylon. Nylon is a durable and flexible material that can withstand extreme temperatures and heavy loads without breaking or fraying. It’s also relatively easy to find and replace.

Are all lawn mower pull cords the same?

No, all pull cords are not the same. Depending on the size of the engine and the way the rope is mounted, the rope can be different. A larger engine like a Honda GX390 will require a larger diameter rope than a Honda GC160. Check your manual and replace the pull cord with the size specified.

How do you fix a pull cord that won’t retract?

If the pull cord does not retract and recoil properly, there are a few things that you can do. First, check if the rope is frayed and replace it if necessary.

Second, ensure the spring is wound properly to pull the rope back in and that the assembly does not have worn pawls. If the pawls are plastic and worn, they will need to be replaced with new pawls before the repair can be completed. Some engines use metal components for the pawls and are less likely to get damaged or worn.

Third, check how taut the rope is and adjust how much it recoils into the assembly. Finally, check how tight the starter housing screws are. If they are loose, re-tighten them for proper recoil repair.

How do I fix my lawn mower pull cord not retracting?

If your lawn mower pull cord does not retract properly, the first step is to check how tight the starter housing screws are. If they are loose, re-tighten them. Next, check how taut the rope is and how much it is drawn into the assembly.

Adjust as necessary if needed, and then rewind the spring. Finally, check for frayed rope or worn parts, and replace any damaged ones. Following these steps should help to get your pull cord retracting properly.

Wrapping Up

Replacing the pull cord in a lawn mower is an easy task that can make all the difference in keeping your lawn healthy and looking great. Just make sure to follow the steps and use the right size rope for your mower.

The proper diameter and length of the starter cord can be determined by measuring the old cord. The starter cord replacement process should take 20 minutes or less, and you are back to cutting your grass.

You can return to mowing with a working pull cord in no time.

As a shop owner, I can say this with 100% confidence. A new lawn mower can have a broken recoil rope, just like an old lawn mower. A new mower is no immune to a broken rope. It is important to know how to fix this issue to save you money by not having to take your mower to a repair shop.

Also, the same principles apply to repairing a recoil rope on all equipment, like a leaf blower or chainsaw.

Most homeowners never think about the starting rope until it breaks. Replacing the recoil cord on an engine can be pretty easy and should be done during your annual equipment tune-up to avoid any equipment downtime.

Good luck and happy mowing!

I have been part of the chainsaw and outdoor power equipment business in one way or the other for over 35 years. There are not many things that I have not seen in the business. From repairs, sales, equipment operation, and safety I can help you with your questions.

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