Electric chain saw which is better


Using an electric saw, the craftsman is “tied” with a wire to an electrical outlet. When working indoors, this is completely easy..

Gas Chainsaw V.S. Electric – SHOCKING OUTCOME ! ! !

Another extreme situation is a forest, for example. To start the saw, you need an off-line generator. This is often quite convenient, but a gasoline saw will still provide the advantage of moving..

Even in a garden area, a long electric cable will create significant inconvenience. The wire must be moved from place to place, make sure that it does not damage the garden plantings and does not fall into the reservoir.

The light weight and compactness of the saw can outweigh the disadvantages of a power cord. Still, it is much easier for women to wield an electric saw. A man is more likely to give preference to a chainsaw – albeit heavy, but providing greater freedom of movement..

Which saw is better: electric or gasoline?

  • Design features
  • Compare chainsaws and saws
  • Scope of application
  • Mobility
  • Reliability
  • Performance
  • Economy
  • Ease of service
  • Which saw is best for giving?

Recently, electric chain saws are becoming more common. They are compact and low in price – a saw can cost ten times less than a gas one. However, in specific conditions, both one tool and the other have an advantage..


Most electric chain saws are designed for “home” use. They are compact, lightweight, but less powerful than chainsaws. If you need to cut several boards, trim openings in a wooden wall or cut some firewood, the saw performance is sufficient..

Gasoline saws were originally designed for bulky workpieces and have more power than electric ones.

If you need to cut thick logs, harvest a lot of firewood, cut strong beams during the construction of a house – a chainsaw will allow you to do this work much faster.

The unit is easy to carry from place to place, changing the area of ​​work. In order to start working in a new place, the saw will need to install a socket nearby and spend time re-arranging the electrical cable. In addition, during work, you have to make sure that the wire itself does not accidentally fall under the saw teeth..

Any engine heats up during operation. When working with an electric saw, you have to take breaks for ten to fifteen minutes every half hour to cool the motor. But chainsaws are able to work for hours without a break. This also leads to the fact that the chainsaw turns out to be a more productive tool..

Ease of service

the saw is very simple and therefore easier to maintain. The electric motor is practically maintenance-free. To move the bar or replace the saw chain, on most electric saws, simply unscrew the large, handy nut with a handle by hand. Almost all maintenance is reduced to timely lubrication of the tire and the main gearbox..

It is very easy to start using the saw: just plug it into a power outlet. In the case of a chainsaw, you will need to prepare a fuel mixture, pour it into the gas tank, check for lubrication in the engine and gearbox. The petrol engine is started manually by pulling the starter cord firmly on the handle. It is not always possible to start the engine the first time. Sometimes you have to conjure up with the additional fuel supply valve and the position of the “gas” button at the time of start.

Gasoline chain saws require much more care and attention. In addition to lubricating the tire and gearbox, you have to carefully monitor the level of engine lubrication and the quality of the fuel mixture..

The mixture of gasoline and engine oil itself also needs to be prepared and the saw’s fuel tank refilled in time. After mixing, the fuel mixture is poorly stored, so it has to be prepared every time immediately before work..

Even changing the tire on a chainsaw is more difficult than on an electric one, since it requires a special tool.

But an experienced user can repair a chainsaw in his workshop, and even in the forest. Electric saws – if they break down, you have to take them to a specialized service center.


Due to the simplicity of the design, an electric chain saw may, other things being equal, be more reliable than a chainsaw. It does not have a complex internal combustion engine. The electric motor starts instantly and can be turned off at any second. It does not depend on the quality of the fuel and the availability of engine oil.

Modern chainsaws are also quite reliable. Long gone are the days when a lumberjack had to suffer for half an hour trying to launch the old “Friendship”. And now there is no need to carry a box of spare parts. The new chainsaw starts literally with one pull of the cord and serves faithfully for at least two to three years.

In addition, gasoline saws have historically been a tool for professionals. There are almost no cheap chainsaws, and the available ones are designed for difficult working conditions and heavy loads. Unfortunately, most saws are designed for infrequent use in “greenhouse” conditions and cannot boast of workmanship..

In any case, when buying a tool, you should not save. Whether the saw is even electric or gasoline – this is a complex technical device. The cheapest devices are unlikely to last long. And given that the saw is already a source of increased risk, it is quite possible to get injured, saving money when buying..


An electric chain saw is generally much cheaper. The simplicity of the design allows you to sell for a lower price saws comparable in power and performance with more expensive gasoline “brothers”.

Besides, electricity is relatively cheap. Using a saw, you can practically not worry about the price of its “fuel”.

A chainsaw is considerably more onerous in terms of operating costs. For starters, the petrol chain saws themselves are significantly more expensive than electric trains. They are more complex. In addition, chainsaws are traditionally designed to be known to be reliable – and therefore expensive..

The cost of chainsaw consumables (gasoline and engine oil) is also thought provoking. Fuel is constantly getting more expensive, and the chainsaw is a very “gluttonous” consumer of fuel.

However, sometimes the need to work “in the field” allows you to put up with the high cost of using gasoline saws. In addition, the inherently longer service life of the chainsaw makes the investment in the tool more rational than buying a “disposable” electric chain saw..

Compare chainsaws and saws

There are many factors to consider when choosing a tool. This includes the required amount of work, and the conditions at the workplace, and possible restrictions on noise and environmental pollution..

Power parameters and performance indicators of electric and chainsaws

In terms of power, devices are characterized by the following values:

  • electric – no more than 2.5 kW;
  • petrol – up to 6 kW.

But it should be borne in mind that even devices of the same power can have significant differences. In particular, at an average load level, the electric version of the saw can work for no more than half an hour, after which it is necessary to cool the motor without working. The gasoline saw does not have this feature, therefore it can function for a longer period without interruption..

In terms of revolutions, chainsaws are characterized by a value that is 30% higher than that of electric samples. Actually, the performance of an electric device also differs from a gasoline one..

Design features of devices

Modern chainsaws are equipped with high-speed engines. They block with him:

  • centrifugal clutch;
  • a leading sprocket;
  • tire;
  • chain lubrication pump;
  • brake.

Electric options are similar in design to gasoline ones. However, they usually do not have a clutch. A soft start button is used instead..

Disadvantages of a chainsaw over electric saws

Among the main negative features of using gasoline-type devices are as follows:

  • the need for mixing fuel and oil in strict proportions;
  • large, in comparison with the electric version, weight and dimensions;
  • excessive noise load;
  • traffic fumes.

That is why the chainsaw is not chosen in cases where there is a small amount of work to be done near sources of electrical energy or indoor activities..

Benefits of an electric saw

Such a saw works quite quietly, unlike its gasoline counterpart, which is a rather important criterion..

The electric saw does not pollute the atmosphere and the surrounding space, therefore it is a more environmentally friendly option.

To use an electric saw, consumables such as gasoline and oil are not required, since for full operation it only needs power from the mains.

The cost of electric saws is lower than gasoline saws, which is a decisive factor for many users.

Features of operation and required maintenance

In this case, the electric saw wins 100%. Getting started with your electric saw is pretty straightforward. This requires:

  • install a headset;
  • pour oil;
  • connect the unit to the network.

It should be noted that the vast majority of electrical devices are equipped with devices for quick tightening or replacement of the chain..

With gasoline options, however, difficulties may arise. The first of these will be the need to use a wrench to disassemble traditional clamps, chain tightening is only available with a screwdriver or hex wrench. In addition, it is important to properly prepare the fuel mixture for work. It should also be borne in mind that the preparation for future use of the mixture is unacceptable, since over time this composition can change its properties..

Chainsaw benefits

Such saws are unpretentious to weather conditions, so they can work without problems in rain and snow.

Chainsaws are usually more powerful than their electric counterparts, so they can easily work even with a thick layer of wood..

The chainsaw can be operated away from power sources, and there is no need to lug around a heavy cable and carry around to connect to the power supply.

A gasoline saw is a versatile tool, which makes its scope much wider than an electric one..

When choosing a saw, it is necessary to take into account a number of important parameters, such as the required power and other indicators that are required directly for specific types of work. It is best to purchase a saw from trusted and reliable suppliers that have earned a good reputation, such as http://benzoman.com.ua.

Disadvantages of an electric saw

Since such a tool requires a power supply, it becomes extremely difficult to work on a large area or in the forest..

In wet weather or during rain, it is impossible to work with an electric saw according to safety precautions, in addition, there is a time limit for budget saws, otherwise if they are not given a “rest”, they may fail due to overheating.

Which chain saw is better: electric or gasoline

In the event that you often have to work with wood, the following question naturally arises: “What is the most preferable way to cut it?” A chain saw is actually an irreplaceable and useful thing in the household, but it is not so easy to choose the most suitable copy from a huge number of proposals. There are a great many varieties of such tools, and it is not always possible to independently decide on this issue..

electric, chain, which, better

Which chain saw is better, gasoline or electric

Electric and gasoline saws have almost the same cutting attachment and operating principle. The saw chain slides along the ellipse of the bar, the wood is cut by sharpened teeth made of special alloys. The difference is in the drive. The former are driven by electric motors and consume electricity. Secondly, as a power plant – a two-stroke internal combustion engine running on gasoline. But this difference leads to the fact that these two units differ markedly in their properties in practical work..

  • The main difference between a chainsaw and a saw
  • Operating cost
  • Chainsaw advantages and disadvantages
  • Pros and cons of the saw
  • What tasks are best suited for a chainsaw
  • When to give preference to a saw
  • Conclusion: after all, which is better to choose

When to give preference to a saw

The place of its application, where the chainsaw cannot replace it, is closed rooms. For example, a carpentry workshop.

In addition to chain saws, there are many models of circular saws (circular) hand-held electric saws. It is a great tool for carpentry and joinery. It has the ability to adjust for depth and angle sawing. But the cutting depth of the most popular models is no more than 50-60 mm.

For workpieces with a larger cross-section, use chain saws.

the saw is better suited for work at off-hours or even during working hours, when the roar of the chainsaw is highly undesirable.

Also, an electric chain saw can help when you need to do small (or even one-time) work in the most economical way. The most inexpensive chain saw on the market today costs only 1800 rubles. (The most expensive is about 20 thousand).

electric, chain, which, better

Chainsaw advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the chainsaw is not only higher power and performance. Still:

  • Independence from the presence of power grids and autonomy. It is a self-contained tool that can work in the taiga, forest plantations, gardens and anywhere. Of course, if you have a can of fuel.
  • In rainy weather, in damp places, you do not need to think about electrical safety.

The disadvantages include:

  • Noise power during operation up to 110 decibels.
  • Emission of toxic exhaust gases, making it impossible to work indoors.

A relative disadvantage can be considered a higher price in comparison with a saw of a similar power. The difference can be up to 40%.

What tasks are best suited for a chainsaw

A chainsaw is more convenient than a saw for working at a distance of more than 10-20 m from an electrical outlet (one 10 or 20 meter extension cord). It is not always convenient to unwind and rewind extension cords over long distances, even if they are available. Especially if there is little work.

Also, the chainsaw is appropriate for serious volumes of work, especially with large section wood. In everyday life, this is most often the preparation of firewood..

To work in the wild or at a distance from power grids, a chainsaw without choice is the only option (electric in this case is not a competitor).

Best Battery Powered Chainsaw Brand? Let’s find out! Milwaukee vs DeWalt, Makita, Ryobi & WORX

Pros and cons of the saw

The undoubted advantages include the following points:

  • Always ready to work. There is no need to mix gasoline with oil, store and fill the fuel tank, start by pulling the starter. Work starts at the push of a button.
  • The electric motor runs more stably than the internal combustion engine, which sometimes stalls at idle.
  • Low noise during operation.
  • Environmental friendliness, no exhaust gases, the ability to work in enclosed spaces.

The disadvantages of saws are as follows:

  • Working with large hardwoods can be limited by lack of power and RPM.
  • The radius of use is limited by the length of the portable cable.
  • The motor overheats quickly. Allow it to cool down for about 20 minutes every 40 minutes at medium load. In hot weather – even more often.
  • The need to monitor electrical safety. For example, on construction sites where active work is underway, the cable may be accidentally damaged..

Some users note that the saw headset breaks down faster than gasoline saws. In fact, this happens through an oversight of the users themselves. Often they simply forget to add oil to the saw headset lubricant reservoir..

With the inevitable refueling of the chainsaw with fuel, oil is added along the way, almost automatically. On saws, it is enough to miss this moment once, and after half an hour of work on the dry groove of the tire, the sprockets and the chain may fail.

An experienced user can determine the presence of grease without even checking the oil level. The lubricated chain has a matte oily sheen. Scrolling it by hand with the engine off, you can feel a soft ride and muffled sounds. Unlubricated dry chain shines with a light metallic sheen, and during operation emits specific light ringing and knocking.

The main difference between a chainsaw and a saw

In addition to the difference in energy sources, gasoline and saws have big differences in power characteristics..

The maximum power of chain saws is up to 2.5 kW. It is almost impossible to install a more powerful engine on such saws for the following reasons:

  • the saw becomes heavy and unwieldy.
  • An electric motor with a power of about 5 kW requires a separate powerful cable and connection outlets. When starting, the electric motor, unlike electric stoves and heating elements, takes 3 times more than the rated power. That is, a 5 kW – 15 kW motor. All wiring and circuit breakers should be designed for this power..

Two-stroke internal combustion engines of powerful models of chainsaws can develop power up to 6 kW.

There is a big difference in the speed indicators:

  • An electric motor of 3000 rpm is already considered a high-speed.
  • The number of maximum (for all gas) rpm of the internal combustion engine on different models – from 12,000 to 15,000.

Such a difference in rpm does not mean that the chain on the saw rotates 4-5 times slower than at the maximum of the chainsaw. Low revs are partially cut off by a higher gear ratio than with chainsaws.

As a result, the saw turns the chain only 20-40% slower than the saw with the internal combustion engine. But, according to the laws of physics, gaining in speed due to a higher gear, the saw loses its strength.

Therefore, a consumer who has replaced a 1.8 kW chainsaw with a saw of the same power will be disappointed with the weak performance precisely because of the low number of revolutions..

Chainsaw device

There are fundamental differences in the drive design. Chainsaws have clutches. Therefore, the chain does not rotate when the chainsaw is idling. There are no clutches on the saws. The movement of the chain starts immediately after the soft start button is turned on..

The systems for fastening the bar and chain tension are different. They are keyless on saws. On most models of chainsaws, the tire is tightened in a more proven way, with nuts and a wrench. The tightening force is visually controlled and more reliable..

The oil pumps for supplying lubricant to the saw head work on the same principle in both versions. Sometimes there are pumps on the saws that are exactly the same as on chainsaws.

Chain saw device

There is a difference in the arrangement of mechanisms and the location of the center of gravity. All chainsaw models are thoughtfully balanced for a comfortable grip. As a result, when lifting by the handle, all chainsaws are effortlessly in the working position, the tire or rear part does not hang down.

Holding the saw in your hands requires some effort, just because the location of the cable at the back can be different. It either lies on the ground or hangs down and pulls the back of the saw down.

The layout of chain saws is of two types: with a transverse and longitudinal arrangement of an electric motor. In the first version, the left side is slightly heavier due to the engine part hanging to the left. Holding such a saw requires little effort that can get tiring over long periods of time. The longitudinal version is centered on the axis, but the cable is more noticeably inconvenient for it.

Operating cost

This concept includes the cost of energy (consumed electricity and gasoline), consumable parts and repairs.

In practice, the cost of electricity and gasoline for sawing is 10 cubic meters. firewood with approximately the same cutting area is the same.

Cutting headset – bars and chains for electric and chainsaws cost about the same.

The saws also use oil to lubricate the chain and saw unit. Its consumption and cost in these two types of saws are approximately equal.

An internal combustion engine is a much more complex mechanism than an electric motor. Therefore, it has a higher probability of breakdowns and repair costs..

But breakages are also possible on saws, and high-quality chainsaws rarely break. Therefore, the comparative cost of repairs is almost impossible to calculate and take into account in the cost of operation..

More options for choosing an electric chain saw

Tire. this is the name of the “blade” of the saw on which the chain is wound. The longer the length, the more practical the device. Each electric chain saw has its own recommended bar length range: you can only choose within this range. What are the varieties?

  • Tire 25-40 cm. Lopper: Ideal for cutting branches in the garden on overgrown trees. The garden will be neat and tidy, but thick trunks will be problematic to cut. Also suitable for minor construction work: fence repair, flooring, etc..
  • The 40-60 cm tire is the best option for most devices: does not require a powerful motor, but at the same time it is able to cope with thick tree trunks. You can fit this bar on most household, semi-professional or industrial saws..
  • Tire 60-90 cm. Tires that will cope with absolutely any task. Even a huge oak tree or a 10-meter poplar will be cut down with a powerful engine and a large chain. But only industrial products can work with such tires: a weak motor will not pull it out.
electric, chain, which, better

Chain step. the distance between the teeth and their size. You should not look for logic in the numbers of this parameter: you just need to remember. it determines how large the chain is. The chain is bought separately: the choice of a chain saw is practically independent of this parameter.

  • Step 0.325. Low profile chain with miniature teeth. Characterized by a very smooth, neat, precise cut: ideal for delimbing and cutting boards for renovation work.
  • Step 1 \ 4. almost identical to the previous parameter: the chain is convenient for carpentry repairs, but too weak for firewood.
  • Pitch 0.375 (3 \ 8). a chain with large teeth, which is installed on products of any class. It differs in not the most accurate cut (practically unsuitable for point cutting), but it takes large logs and tree branches without any problems. This chain is the best choice for most garden work..

So, the electric chain saw. this product is for strictly defined needs: it is not always appropriate to arrange a rating for them. Which chain saw is right for you. not suitable for a neighbor, and vice versa.

Electric chain saw which is better

How to choose the best chain saw for a summer residence

Modern saws have few characteristics: motor power, bar length and chain pitch. But it is they who determine the purpose of use and the class of the device. An electric chain saw may or may not be able to perform the desired functions, starting from them: it is the characteristics that you need to look at when choosing.

Engine power. fundamental parameter. It is he who determines the class of the product – household, semi-professional and professional (industrial) model..

  • From 1.5 to 2 kW. household. This motor is rather weak, it will not be able to take a strong wood, work more than an hour a day and even cope with a 50-90 cm long tire. It is not suitable for industrial purposes, but for a summer residence. just right. The saw is quite light, does not vibrate in the hands, easily starts up and is completely safe even for an inexperienced sawyer. Easily cut unnecessary knots and prepare firewood.
  • 2 to 3 kW. semi-professional. This motor allows you to use longer tires: 40-50 cm. Such products can also work with problematic tree species: large trunks of acacia, oak, ash. But, like household ones, for a short time: after an hour of work, it is worth releasing the device from operation on that day.
  • From 3 to 9 kW. industrial. They are powerful motors capable of handling the heaviest tires and thickest trunks. Working day and night: professional lumberjacks use them to fell trees.

Review: Which Electric Chainsaw Is Right For You?

There are many manufacturers of chainsaws and chainsaws: domestic and foreign, luxury and budget, with a large and small assortment of products. But when choosing, you need to pay attention not to this. There are no “good” and “bad” products: the best saw is designed to do the work you need.

Some devices are capable of recklessly felling forests for days (oaks and acacias along with pines), the lot of others. humble gardening and construction work. Of course, the price of these saws will differ dramatically: professional models are several times more expensive than household ones. Here it is important for the buyer to decide on the purpose of the purchase: why does he choose an electric chain saw? For homework, an expensive, heavy, powerful unit with large teeth is completely unnecessary. At the same time, household saws are also used for felling. only discarded funds. Now we will review tools such as electric chain saws: what to look for for the buyer?

esco.ua: saws and other tools for you

What makes chain saws different?

The main characteristic of chain saws is motor power. Other important parameters are the length of the bar, the speed of the chain and its characteristics, such as the shape of the cutting teeth and their number. All this has an impact on how quickly the operator can make a cut and how comfortable this process will be..

For household, firewood and gardening, saws with bar lengths of 30, 35 or 40 cm are usually used. The short bar gives you the convenience of working in tight spaces and also takes up less storage space. Long allows you to cut larger diameter trunks in one pass.

Most chain saw motors range from 1.8 to 2.4 kW. Even the weakest motor will be enough for normal operation, but a more powerful motor will make it faster and more comfortable..

As for the chains, in terms of the number of links for each length of the bar, everything is more or less standard here, but the shape and parameters of the cutting teeth may differ. Each manufacturer selects a chain for the characteristics of their saws. The manufacturers of the first echelon of the chain, as a rule, have their own, while the rest use mass products of various well-known brands, for example Oregon and a number of others..

How to use the main table

We collected all the saw models in a large table and sorted them in ascending order of power cost per one centimeter of bar length. In other words, we took the price of the saw and divided it by the horsepower divided by the length of the bar. Those. the most profitable options for buying are closer to the beginning of the table.

So, if you, for example, choose between Bosch, Makita or Hitachi, it is easy to understand from the table whose offer is more profitable..


We have collected almost all models of electric chain saws available on the market and identified the best ones based on characteristics and prices..

Why We Didn’t Consider Chain Speed

What formed the basis of our chain saw ranking

So the length of the bus remains. We assume that people select it for the diameter of the logs or other materials they will work with. Therefore, at times they will load the saw as much as possible. Therefore, it would be logical to take into account the power of electric saws, taking into account the length of the bar, and for the calculations we introduced the criterion for the specific power – the power per centimeter of the length of the bar. It allows you to collect saws with different tires in one table. Then it remains for us to add the price factor to find out which of the offers is the most profitable..

The table of the most advantageous offers of saws based on power and price

model Power, W bus length, cm chain speed, m / s average price, rub power cost per cm of tire
Sturm! CC9916 1600 thirty 8 4240 79.5
Energomash PC-99160 1600 thirty 6 4240 79.5
Carver RSE-1500 1500 thirty 6 4225 84.5
DDE CSE1814 1820 35 14 4750 91.3
Skil 0780 RA 2000 35 13.5 5490 96.1
Champion 118-14 1800 35 12 4950 96.3
Bosch AKE 30 S 1800 thirty 9 6300 105.0
DDE CSE2216 2230 40 7.6 6090 109.2
Parma Parma-M6 1100 thirty 6 4090 111.5
PATRIOT ESP 1814 1800 35 13.5 5860 113.9
DDE CSE2418 2410 40 13.3 6890 114.4
Makita UC3020A 1800 thirty 13.3 7090 118.2
PATRIOT ES 2416 2400 40 13.5 7500 125.0
RedVerg RD-EC18 2400 45 n.d. 6799 127.5
Elitech CHAIN ​​2000 C40 2000 35 13.5 7300 127.8
Makita UC3041A 1800 thirty 14.5 7848 130.8
Sturm! CC99222 2200 40 13.5 7200 130.9
DeFort DEC-2046N 2000 45 13.5 5820 131.0
Champion 318 1800 40 13.5 5900 131.1
Huter ELS-2000P 2000 40 13.6 6620 132.4
Champion 420 2000 40 13.5 6700 134.0
Champion 324N-18 2400 45 13.5 7180 134.6
Champion 422-18 2200 45 thirteen 6650 136.0
PATRIOT ES 2016 2000 40 13.5 6841 136.8
Interskol PC-16 / 2000T 2000 40 14 6900 138.0
Bosch AKE 35 S 1800 35 9 7100 138.1
PRORAB ECT 8340 A 1800 40 12.1 6215 138.1
RYOBI RCS2340 2300 40 14 7990 139.0
RYOBI RCS1935 1900 35 14 7620 140.4
Interskol PC-16 / 2000TN 2000 40 14 7100 142.0
PRORAB EC 8345 P 2200 45 12 7056 144.3
PATRIOT ES 2216 2200 40 13.5 7946 144.5
PATRIOT ESP 1816 1800 40 13.5 6536 145.2
Hammer CPP 2200 С Premium 2200 40 13.6 7999 145.4
ALPINA EA 1800 1800 35 13.5 7533 146.5
PARTNER P818 1800 35 13.5 7590 147.6
Parma Parma-M5 1600 40 13.6 5934 148.4
Elitech CHAIN ​​2000 PS40 2000 40 13.5 7450 149.0
Huter ELS-2400 2400 45 14 7950 149.1
AL-KO EKS 2000/35 2000 35 13.5 8540 149.5
Makita UC3520A 1800 35 13.3 7870 153.0
MTD ECS 18/35 1800 35 ten 7990 155.4
Huter ELS-2000 2000 40 13.6 7840 156.8
Bison ZTsP-2001-02 2000 40 13.5 7889 157.8
PATRIOT ESP 2016 2000 40 13.5 7920 158.4
Hammer CPP 1800 1800 40 13.6 7299 162.2
AL-KO EKS 2400/40 2400 40 13.5 9990 166.5
PATRIOT ES 1816 1800 40 13.5 7499 166.6
Sparky TV 2245 2200 45 13.5 8278 169.3
MTD ECS 20/40 2000 40 ten 8490 169.8
Makita UC3541A 1800 35 14.5 8790 170.9
PARTNER P820T 2000 40 13.5 8590 171.8
Makita UC3030A 2000 thirty 13.3 11460 171.9
McCULLOCH CSE 1835 1800 35 13.5 8850 172.1
ALPINA EA 2000 Q 2000 40 13.5 8648 173.0
Hitachi CS35Y 2000 35 14.5 9965 174.4
Bosch AKE 40 S 1800 40 9 8130 180.7
AL-KO EKI 2200/40 2200 40 13.5 9965 181.2
Bosch AKE 35-19 S 1900 35 12 9960 183.5
Makita UC4020A 1800 40 13.3 8350 185.6
Echo CS-2000-14 2000 35 12 10710 187.4
Solo 621-40 2500 40 13.5 11790 188.6
Hitachi CS40Y 2000 40 14.5 9710 194.2
Makita UC4041A 1800 40 14.5 9150 203.3
Makita UC3530A 2000 35 13.3 11690 204.6
Echo CS-2400-16 2400 40 12 12300 205.0
Worx WG302E 2000 35 12 12296 215.2
Hitachi CS45Y 2000 45 14.5 9914 223.1
Bosch AKE 40-19 S 1900 40 12 10657 224.4
McCULLOCH CSE 2040 S 2000 40 13.5 11350 227.0
Oleo-Mac OM 2000 E-16 1900 40 n.d. 10990 231.4
Makita UC4030A 2000 40 13.3 12200 244.0
Makita UC3551A 2000 35 14.5 13960 244.3
GARDENA CST 3519-X 1900 35 12 13265 244.4
Makita UC4530A 2000 45 13.3 12610 283.7
Bosch GKE 35 BCE 2100 35 12 17539 292.3
Oleo-Mac 15 Е-14 1400 35 8.6 11990 299.8
Makita UC4030AK 2000 40 13.3 15940 318.8
Stihl MSE 190 C-Q 1900 35 15 17590 324.0
Stihl MSE 170 C-Q 1700 35 14.4 16590 341.6
Stihl MSE 190 C-BQ 1900 35 15 18690 344.3
Bosch GKE 40 BCE 2100 40 12 19526 371.9
Stihl MSE 210 C-BQ 2100 40 18.7 21290 405.5
Stihl MSE 230 C-BQ 2300 40 18.9 24490 425.9
Husqvarna 321 EL 2000 40 15.2 21990 439.8
Festool SSU 200 EB-Plus 1600 20 10.6 91300 1141.3
Festool IS 330 EB-FS 1600 35 12 109560 2396.6

It is logical that the first lines were taken by the cheapest low-power saws, but starting from the fourth position there are equipment from well-known companies with characteristics that are quite typical for home saws..

We also made two more tables. One contains the electric chain saws with the highest chain speed, and the other contains the saws with the highest motor power. Suddenly someone is looking for the most uncompromising solutions.

Electric chain saws with the highest chain speed

model Power, W bus length, cm chain speed, m / s average price, rub.
Stihl MSE 230 C-BQ 2300 40 18.9 24490
Stihl MSE 210 C-BQ 2100 40 18.7 21290
Husqvarna 321 EL 2000 40 15.2 21990
Stihl MSE 190 C-Q 1900 35 15 17590
Stihl MSE 190 C-BQ 1900 35 15 18690
Makita UC3041A 1800 thirty 14.5 7848
Makita UC3541A 1800 35 14.5 8790
Hitachi CS35Y 2000 35 14.5 9965
Hitachi CS40Y 2000 40 14.5 9710
Makita UC4041A 1800 40 14.5 9150
Hitachi CS45Y 2000 45 14.5 9914
Makita UC3551A 2000 35 14.5 13960
Stihl MSE 170 C-Q 1700 35 14.4 16590
average value for all saws 12.8

The most powerful electric chain saws