What disk to cut a steel bath. Is it possible to cut tiles with a corner grinder

How to cut tiles with a corner grinder: which disk to choose

To work with finishing materials with “corner grinding”, replaceable nozzles in the form of a disk are widely used. Cutting and cutting off the tile with such a disk is an indispensable part of the work of the master-tread.

The tool provides an even and clear section of the necessary shape and length. The processing of all types of ceramic and porcelain products is performed promptly and with a slight physical effort. And what are the disks in general?

How to cut tiles with a corner grinder

“Corner grinder” (or corner grinding machine, corner grinding) for cutting tiles is used everywhere. Parallel to the tile. The power tool saws tiles (ceramic) materials, paving slabs. Porcelain tile.

The main plus: the ability to cut the tiles of a corner grinder will allow you to get curly cuts and complex configurations of the product. The main danger in this case is cutting tiles very likely to have chips.

A typical option for both a home master and a professional-final worker-the work of a corner grinder with a capacity of 1-1.5 kW. With regard to the speed of rotation. this is up to 3,500 revolutions per minute. Qualitatively corresponds to a diameter of 125 mm. such a disk for cutting a tile will be sufficient. For tiles, increased diameter is contraindicated. but with high professionalism everything is possible.

For improvement and an effective appearance of the result, finishing work is carried out not only with direct lines. So, it is technically possible to cut it as follows:

  • Directly: on a flat line, which is advisable to mark in advance;
  • According to the curve or in the form of the required figure: you will have to try with a multi.stage sawing of the edge and subsequent cleaning into a flat fishing line for a trimmer;
  • the hole is rectangular;
  • the hole is round;
  • cutting the edge under 45 °.

These techniques are processed by all known and presented materials on the market, including porcelain tiles. With proper skill and dexterity, workpieces are made for home, office, workshops and public place.

To understand how to behave correctly with the material how to cut any tiles of the existing corner grinder. but no matter what technology you choose, the most important is the observance of safety precautions. The use of personal protective equipment, tracking dry workplace and ventilation can save the life of the master.

Preparation for work with the bathroom

In order to cut the bathtub with a corner grinder, you should stock up:

  • Corner grinding machine. corner grinder.
  • A few discs for her.
  • Respirator.
  • Protective glasses.
  • Dirty clothes, which can then be thrown away.

Everything should be taken out of the bathroom, because any surface after sawing will be covered with black dust. When dressed for this procedure, it should be noted that clothes are likely to be thrown away after.

Protective glasses and respirator will not allow cast.iron dust to get into the respiratory system and eyes. But this will still not protect completely, and it will have to wash black metal dust for a long time. Before starting work, make sure that the doors are tightly closed, and if they are removed, then the opening must be thoroughly closed with a film.

Corner grinder may come in handy during the dismantling process. If the bath has been used for many years, then the drain siphon could be shed quite strong. It will have to be cut off, since he could already “grow together” with the pipe. First, near the sewer, and then, pulling out the liberated bath and turning it upside down, finally remove it, cutting down to the wall.

Sawing a cast.iron bath

Before starting work, you should make sure that there are enough materials. To work with a cast.iron bathroom, metal disks are taken. over, 230 mm is much better than 125 mm. It is possible and smaller, of course, but then the work on sawing will be delayed. If the face, eyes and respiratory organs are closed, you can proceed.

It is worth starting with the sides and then go to the walls and bottom. Several discs may come in handy for sawing. It is worth preparing for the fact that if the bath is old, then you will need more time for work.

You should not rush with a harsh, you need to give a corner grinder to cool, because it can overheat and fail.

When the work will come to an end, it should be installed under the halves of the cut bathtub, so that the separated parts do not close and do not crush the disk. If after sawing the pieces of the bath will be free into the doorway, then the goal is achieved and cutting work can be stopped. If the resulting parts are impossible, due to their size or large weight, it is worth repeating the procedure, sawing the resulting pieces.

After that, they are guaranteed to go into the doorway, they can be carried through narrow corridors, while door jambs and furniture will not be harmed. Yes, and transporting a cast.iron bath in parts to a landfill or on a metal reception point will be much easier.

Preparatory work

Work begins with design measurements. Measure from the bowl is removed in height (without legs) and upper side edges. If it can be taken out of the room, hire the movers. In other cases, you have to break the bowl.

  • All equipment, furniture, mirrors are taken out of the premises so that the fragments do not damage valuable household items.
  • The screen is completely disassembled. If it is made of brick, you have to break up the masonry to the base. To get started, a tile is beaten off with a hammer, and then using an electric drill, the masonry is broken.
  • Dismantle faucets if they are mounted in the case or are too low above the bowl.
  • The siphon is disconnected from the output. On old structures, cast.iron parts are most often installed. They are unsuitable for further use. If you unscrew the siphon, it will have to cut it off with a corner grinder. In order not to damage the drain, it is completely dismantled to the input tee on a common riser.
  • If the tile is laid under the bathroom, the floor should be closed with a rag and then put the boards on top of it.
  • The input hole of the sewer pipe is plugged with a rag so that unpleasant odors do not penetrate living rooms.
  • A corner grinder welded to the base. For this, the bath is turned upside down. Break it with a sledgehammer is also more convenient in this position. If the legs are smiled into the floor, first they cut down those that are closer to the wall. After that, you can cut the front supports. The correct sequence of actions cannot be violated, otherwise the heavy font will collapse on the feet of the master performing dismantling.

Before splitting a cast.iron bath, you need to purchase the necessary devices and tools:

Cut Tile with Montolit’s TutorCut for Angle Grinders (Quick Tips)

  • shock electric drill or peorator, corner grinder, electrolobian;
  • set of drills, several disks;
  • sledgehammer, crowbar;
  • chisel, chisel;
  • hacksaw, saw, hammer;
  • Divorce key, gas key.

The employee must be dressed in the appropriate equipment:

disk, steel, bath, possible, tiles, corner

Rusted, oxidized nuts, bolts are treated with special corroding mixtures (WD-40). The composition is applied to the place of fastening for an hour.


The bath is put to the center of the room. It is necessary to ensure a free approach from all sides. The optimal distance to the walls should be from 1 to 1.5 m. Then the work is carried out according to the instructions:

  • The grinding machine makes cuts around the entire perimeter. violation of the integrity of the structure leads to the loss of strength. Cutting plumbing products is carried out on rounded sides. They perform the function of stiffener ribs.
  • The master inflicts several strong blows in the drain area. The hand with the tool is very filed back and then sharply drops down from all urine down. The task is to break the bottom in this place. The action takes place until the moment when the desired result is achieved.
  • The bowl is turned upside down, covered with a dense fabric. This precaution is necessary to protect a person from small sharp fragments that will fly in different directions.
  • A series of new blows is inflicted near the hole. As a result, the gap should increase. Cracks will go in different directions throughout the bowl.
  • If, after all the actions carried out, the bath does not fall apart into two parts, it is turned on the side. The employee beats her several times with a sledgehammer.

If the operation is carried out correctly, the cast.iron product should fly into separate pieces after the first series of shocks on the bottom.

If the owner does not have a grinding machine, the work is carried out according to a simplified scheme. Font is covered with a wet veil. With a sledgehammer, a series of blows on the side of the product is applied.

Instead of a sledgehammer at the initial stage, you can use scrap. The sharp end of the tool is hit on the bottom and side sides of the bath.

You can’t say exactly how much time it will take to saw the structure. Dates depend on the physical data of the performer, the thickness of the walls of the bath.

It is impossible to break a cast.iron bath without noise. You can use methods that can reduce the level of decibel. Some masters cut metal equipment with a corner grinder. The bowl needs to be cut from the sides down to the bottom. Lack of the method in a large amount of dust. It will be very difficult to remove it after the manipulation of the manipulation. It takes a lot of time on the cut. The noise level that the power tool produces is slightly lower than the sounds of strokes from the sledgehammer.

Another way that allows you to split the bath without unnecessary roar:

  • Several holes are drank throughout the corner grinder.
  • The sharp end of the scrap is inserted into the gap, then they beat it with a sledgehammer. The tool works as a lever, it enhances the power of the blow.With the help of scrap it is more convenient to break the side sides. Gradually, the bowl is destroyed.
  • Scrap is collected and disposed of.

Before cutting a cast.iron bath, supports are installed under it. If this is not done, the edges of the product will converge and clamp the disk.

An unusual type of disks. the roots can be used for the rough peeling of various surfaces. Instead of the usual composite circle, many wires depart from the center of the disk that form a metal brush. Such a disk is able to remove any pollution from the metal as soon as possible, but after itself it leaves a very rough surface that requires additional grinding.


Such discs are designed to sharpen various metal tools. In their appearance and purpose, inpatient sharpening is completely duplicated. As a rule, such discs have a large thickness. from 6 mm and more. Due to the high speed of the spindle, the cutting tool is sharpened very quickly. It is unusual to work with such a disk, but, with proper dexterity, the result will be identical to sharpening on a stationary sharpener. Disks differ from each other with the diameter, thickness and granularity of abrasive material.

The grinding circle is suitable for the grinder with a speed regulator, as it has severe restrictions on the maximum rotation speed of MMC-RSPP source.ru

Grinding and polishing

For high.quality processing of the metal surface, grinding and polishing circles for angular grinders are used. The most common type of grinder is a lot of pieces (petals) of sandpaper glued to the disk over the entire circle from a certain angle. Applying circles of various grainness, the necessary quality of the surface of the metal is achieved.

A grinding petal circle is suitable for processing a metal surface after a pender disk Terra-Tools source.ru

disk, steel, bath, possible, tiles, corner

For further polishing, a Velcro nozzle is used, winding up directly onto the corner grinder spindle. The market presents a rich assortment of sandpaper for this nozzle with granularity from 40 to 12,000 units.

Metal polishing to mirror shine is carried out using fabric and felt disks. To do this, a solid polishing pasta is applied to the surface of the fabric, for example, the goy pasta.

Disk selection tips

The market presents a wide range of disks for corner grinders. A large number of manufacturers and technical parameters make it difficult to choose. You should adhere to universal rules:

  • Do not buy the cheapest discs. According to a well.known saying. the stingy pays twice. In the case of disks for corner grinder. three times. Cheap discs have an extremely low resource, easily break, they can have poor geometry, and the disk material is uneven density, so they “fly apart”, leaving a sharp tooth on the disk that can cause serious injury if the operator cannot maintain an angular grinding in his hands.
  • You should buy the hardest discs. This will reduce the convenience of work, it will have to be more strongly crushed to the disk, but they serve much longer and break much less often.
  • Reviews are the best source of reliable information about a specific disk model. If they are not in one store, you should look for them in another.
  • Many types of discs are positioned as universal, but are actually specialized. For example, metal disks are used mainly for welding work. The peel is made at an angle. this is a long and painstaking process. If the disk is necessary for simple stripping from rust, it is faster and cheaper to do it with a grinding circle with petals. Information about the atypical method of applying a particular circle can always be gleaned in the reviews.

What are the cutting disks for corner grinders

The main tool for corner grinders are cutting circles. It is no secret that the quality and speed of the work performed directly depends on the correctness of the selection of consumables. Therefore, before going to buy a disk for a corner grinder, it is recommended to get acquainted with the main types and characteristics of consumables.

In order for the owners of the Bulgarians to be able to correctly choose consumables in accordance with the upcoming work of this tool, manufacturers of cutting discs apply a special marking on them.

Abrasive discs

From the marking, you can draw the following information.

  • The material from which the nozzle is made is indicated by the first letter: a. corundure, used for metal cutting; AS. electrocorundum (white), cuts stainless steel; C. silicon carbide, cuts stone and concrete well. Metal using this abrasive nozzle cannot be cut.
  • Further, after the letter denoting the material, the figure is going on. It means how many abrasive grains are in a unit area. Respectively, the smaller the grain, the greater the figure. If you need to cut steel, then choose a disk with smaller grain. 40 or 60. Coarse.grained discs are used mainly for cutting non.ferrous metals.
  • The next parameter is the hardness of the ligament. Denoted by the letters of the Latin alphabet (H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T). The closer the letter is to the beginning of the alphabet, the softer the ligament, and vice versa. To process soft materials, the ligament should be solid, and for strong and solid materials. soft.
  • The latest letters mean the type of ligament. Ceramic is marked by the letter V. Such discs are distinguished by good water resistance, refractory and resistance before chemicals. Bakelite ligament is designated by letter b. Such circles have good strength for bending and compressing, but are destroyed when using a coolant with an alkaline environment. Also, bakelite.based ligaments have low heat resistance. At a temperature of 200 degrees, it becomes fragile, and at high temperatures. begins to burn out. The third type of ligament. bakelite with increased strength. is marked as BF or BU.
  • The maximum speed that cannot be exceeded for this consumable. The linear velocity of the edge in m/s or in the number of revolutions per minute may be indicated.
  • Circle dimensions in mm: external diameter, thickness and diameter of the seat.
  • The date of manufacture. It is usually indicated on a metal insert located around the landing hole. It is not allowed to install an expired circle on a corner grinder, since it may lose strength over time and fly apart during operation.
  • The purpose of the nozzle. It is indicated for cutting what materials is the tool intended.
  • Color labeling: Blue color is used for cutting steel, for stone cutting. green.

Color marking of diamond discs

Diamond circles are marked with the following colors:

  • orange. for cutting bricks;
  • blue cuts concrete and marble well;
  • Green is used to cut granite;
  • Gray cuts tiles, granite and ceramics;
  • yellow. alabaster and tile.

Varieties of cutting disks

Cutting circles for an angle grinding machine can be both from abrasive material and all.metal. Depending on the type of processed material, the type of cutting disk is also selected.

For metal

If you need to cut the metal, then always use consumables on bakelite bunch with the presence of strengthening elements. In this case, there should be at least 2 reinforcing nets.

For ferrous metals, ordinary corundum is used, which, in addition to aluminum oxide, impurities of chlorine, iron and sulfur.

For cutting stainless steel, the presence of the above impurities in the cutting circle is unacceptable, since they cause burned steel (overheating). As a result, stainless steel can fade from stainless steel, and it turns into ordinary steel, as a result of which the cut place begins to be covered with rust. Therefore, it is important before buying a disk to carefully familiarize yourself with the information applied to it. The cut.out disc for stainless steel is always marked with the letters “as” and the word “inox”.

For cutting non.ferrous metals, discs with large particles of abrasive are used. For example, a cut.out circle of aluminum, in addition to a large abrasive, has special fillers that prevent the cutting edge.

Often users of corner grinding machines are wondering: which cutting disks for metal are best used? An ideal disk for corner grinder should have:

  • Bakelite reinforced bunch (BU);
  • Correctly selected type of abrasive: for stainless steel, white electrocorundum (AS), for ferrous metal. ordinary corundum;
  • disc thick from 1.6 to 2 mm;
  • external diameter 125 mm;
  • Small.fractional abrasive particles if cutting steel structures is required.

It is not recommended to use corrugated circles for cutting corrugated circles for cutting corrosive circles, since the cut place is overheating, and zinc is burning out of it. the main element that prevents corrosion. To reduce the overheating of the material, some craftsmen use a circular metal disk for angular grinders with small teeth. But in both cases, the cut place should be treated with a special anti.corrosion composition, which can be purchased in a store where profiled metal sheets are sold.

For cutting stone

For cutting stone in domestic conditions, an abrasive disk made of silicon carbide is suitable (marked with the letter C).

This cutting disk is used for small stone work, since it quickly wears out. But, thanks to a low cost, this consumable is quite popular among Bulgarian owners.

For professional operation, the abrasive disk is not suitable for stone. For these purposes, it is recommended to choose an all.metal detachment circle with diamond spraying.

By concrete

Classes for cutting concrete and reinforced concrete are made of high.strength hardened steel, with application to the cutting part of diamond crumbs. Also, these cut.off circles can be segmented and solid.

Before cutting concrete, it is necessary to determine its type. It can be ordinary or reinforced (containing a metal mesh). It is also worth considering the age of concrete.

  • Young concrete has abrasive properties, so quickly wears out the tool. To cut it, it is necessary to use diamond segmented discs by concrete of increased thickness.
  • Old concrete is very solid material. For processing it, it is better to use a circle to an angular grinder of moderate thickness.

A universal diamond circle is installed for cutting reinforced concrete.

For cutting tiles and porcelain tiles

It is best to use solid cut circles with diamond spraying for cutting ceramic tiles. On such disks, “wet cut” is usually written. As practice shows, this tool makes remarkably even, with a minimum of chips, cutting in tiles even without the use of water, although at the same time a lot of fine dust forms.

A continuous diamond disk can also be used according to porcelain tiles.

By the way, this circle can be used not only by ceramics, but also for cutting thick glass.

According to the tile, of course, you can use segmented (dry) and turbo disks, but the cut quality will be very low, since chips will inevitably form along its edges.

For cutting plastic

Plastic is well cut by the usual abrasive metal tool. But there is a special saw circle (three.tooth), designed for cutting wood, plywood and plastic. It can be used not only for cutting, but also for longitudinal drinking material, especially fat.

When installing this tool, it is important to correctly determine the direction of rotation of the spindle of the corner grinder.

Use of circular saws with many teeth on plastic and wood is not recommended, due to the high probability of the back of the tool, which can lead to injury.

What disk to cut metal with a corner grinder

There is an opinion that the concept of “angular grinding” came into our use because the myth was brought from Bulgaria for the first time from Bulgaria for the first time. Partly this is true. However, they developed and began to produce it in Germany. For our Web Sit, he first hit Bulgaria, where they began to be released in the seventies. Angle Grinder. The correct title of the tool.

While working with corner grinding, it is certainly necessary to observe safety precautions, and specifically: wear glasses, gloves, helmets and a protective apron.

It is unrealistic to now imagine the work of builders, repairmen, mechanics, locksmiths without corner grinder. With its help, you can cut various materials, in private and metal: reinforcement, rod, water pipes, corner, profile.

The acquired cuts are certainly polished, polished, sharpened. A large selection of interchangeable nozzles makes such a tool invaluable and universal.

However, this is the most traumatic tool.

For cutting metal, a corner grinder will come in handy:

How to correctly choose a corner grinder

Corner grinder should comfortably lie in the hand.

The right choice and quality of the angular grinder itself determines the quality of work and the safety of the working.

In the process of choosing a machine, you should focus on its main characteristics: the power and diameter of the cutting abrasive circle. Its weight is also of considerable importance, because often you have to work “by weight”, and dimensions, so that it can be done in awkward and inaccessible places.

Most of the buyers at the sight of massive Bulgarians are somewhat frightened that it is more difficult to cope with it than with a low.power. This is a wrong worldview. In small.power Bulgarians, the discs are more often jamming, t.e. They are on the physical level to “pull out” the disk with huge loads.

The situation, how the disk itself will behave and the machine itself after reducing the load is unpredictable. Mainly the corner grinder will be torn from the hands. The consequence of this will be the break of the disk, damage to the machine and injuries of the cutter. Therefore, it is better for novice craftsmen to purchase an angular grinder under a 125 mm disk with a capacity of 800-1000 watts and the number of spindle revolutions 10,000 about.

/min. Such power is enough for the cut of iron.

For cutting metal, there are machines for a disc 115 mm with batteries from batteries, alas, based on practice, with their high price in solving household troubles, they do not justify themselves.

The handle of the corner grinder is rubber, as it is also called from the material that will extinguish vibrations from the machine.

Alas, discs or cassettes technical properties do not reflect convenience and safety during operation. The corner grinder should comfortably and firmly lying in his hand, so that while working with metal, focus on him, and not on how to hold the tool in the palm of his hand. It is better so that the handles are rubber or made of material that extinguishing vibration, with hollows for fingers.

Low.power Bulgarians, you do not have an additional pen.

If you choose any inconvenience, you should find a corner grinder of another model.

How to choose the wheels correctly

In the circle there are designations that help to correctly choose a circle.

When choosing discs, you need to know why they will be used, study their diameter and thickness. These are the main characteristics of the disks.

Smaller diameter. 125 mm, and the largest, of publicly available. 250 mm. In the professional grinder, the discs will be more diameter.

The thickness of the cut part and the largest cut depth depends on the diameter of the disk.

If it is planned to cut only metal, it is necessary to get a cutting disk. He has the best small thickness for 1.3.2 mm, for industrial Bulgarians. up to 4.5.5 mm. This will facilitate physical activity on an angular grinder on a working. The cut is cautious.

If a curly thread on a narrow metal is planned, then it is made by the disk of the smallest diameter or an old, practically worked out disk.

For many, that for cutting metal it is necessary to use a diamond disk. This is a very incorrect worldview. The diamond disk in the metal will simply get bogged down for the upcoming work will be unusable.

Specialists say that with special problems when cutting the metal with a corner grinder, not even formed even in beginners.

This disk can be cut everything! 1 disk = 60 abrasive circles. Innovation in the field of metal processing

Universal disks for corner grinders: Free video course with drywall:.

An endless disk on a corner grinder

Cut the friction to save on purchases, EPN will help to monetize traffic:.

The main rules of non.hazardous operation when cutting metal with a corner grinder

The location of more unsafe sectors during the operation of the corner grinding, taking into account the rebound and destruction of the disk.

The most necessary condition for cutting. Mandatory implementation of the rules of non.hazardous work.

Domestic manufacturers of Bulgarians are trying to get the minimum danger of injuries and wounds, inventing and improving different complexes of accounting programs of protection. However, no one will take care of the employee, as he himself.

The main threats that appear during metal cutting. departure of fragments of a broken disk, a stream of sparks and small abrasive particles, the inability to keep the tool in the palm.

If the disk breaks as it is also called jamming it, the corner grinder can break out of the hands unexpectedly and with great force, because even before the start of work, the direction of its probable movement should be predicted.

Safety rules cannot be required even when performing small work.

  • Protect your face, eyes, hands, by ability all parts of the body.
  • Remove that it remains to make our client the combustible materials and objects that are in the direction of the departure of sparks.
  • To fix the processed corner grinder. It is forbidden to delay the processed product with a free hand, as it is also called to press it with your feet.
  • If a new disk is installed, it is necessary to “scroll” it with a corner grinder at the highest speeds, placing it away: the disk may be defective and fly apart into pieces.
  • Install, adjust and fix the protective casing.

How to understand the disks for corner grinding grounds for metal

For high.quality metal cutting, it is not enough to choose a corner grinder, you must still competently choose a disk.

With the help of various nozzles for angular grinder, you can cut, clean and polish the metal, as well as many other materials. Among the variety of metal disks for a corner grinder, to make the right choice is sometimes difficult even to a professional.

This article will help to understand the types of consumables and the features of working with them.

Classification of interchangeable nozzles angular grinder

For their functional purpose, nozzles for corner grinders are divided into:

  • Cut.off. The most common type of discs used in grinder. They are used to cut materials of various density and origin. Circles for working with different materials, differ in design and cutting method.
  • Grinding and polishing. With their help, the surface of the part gives mirror smoothness or remove irregularities.
  • Sharpes and peeling. Purpose. sharpening of the tool and cleaning parts from paint, rust and other layers.

Cut.off circles

Depending on the type of sawed material, several types of cutting consumables are distinguished:

For cutting metal. Designed for cutting metal products. They differ in thickness and external diameter.

The smallest is a cutting disk for an angular grinder of 125 mm, and the largest is 230 mm. The thickness varies from 1 to 3.2 mm. The larger the diameter of the disk, the thicker it is. However, small nozzles can have any thickness. This dependence between the diameter and the thickness is due to the speed of rotation.

The design and method of applying such nozzles are completely identical to the consumables for metal, the difference consists in the abrasive materials used for their manufacture.

Wolf. Work with the use of sawing changing elements in wood, very dangerous and fraught with a person to obtain injuries. This design is a thin metal disk with sharp teeth.

When rotating, it easily cuts wood. However, when it jamming it, an angular grinder can be pulled out of the employee’s hands, as a result of which he can be injured.

In order to avoid such incidents, when cutting a tree, it is recommended to follow the following instructions:

  • It is strictly forbidden to remove a protective casing from an angular grinder.
  • You need to use a replaced element with a small tooth.
  • You can not use a powerful feed, since when jamming, the tool will inevitably fly out of hand.
  • If necessary, cut the wood of large sizes with a powerful corner grinder, special mounts (equipment) should be used for it.

Diamond disk. Is essentially universal, which can cut materials of any hardness from the softest, to the hardest. Most often, consumables of this type are used in cutting reinforced concrete, porcelain tile, stone and tiles.

For various types of sawed material, diamond disks of various designs are used.

By the design of the cutting edge, there are nozzles:

As an example, you can cite diamond replaceable elements for cutting concrete, which have a cutting edge divided into sectors and spraying from small diamonds. In contrast, which, discs for stone work, are a continuous circle.

In appearance, it is almost impossible to determine the purpose of the diamond consumable, so when buying, you should carefully study the packaging. It displays all information about this tool.

Grinding and polishing models

A huge number of consumables are produced for corner grinder, allowing to grind and polish various surfaces.

By type of coating, discs are divided into:

In addition to its own grinding coating, together with many replaceable materials, it is necessary to use finely amplous pastes.

Gross surface grinding, is carried out using finely grazed grinding circles. The final polishing is carried out with a cloth or felt nozzle.

Sharp and roller nozzles

For peeling of various surfaces, interchangeable elements of various configurations are available.

Twisted balls. Metal circles for angular grinder are indispensable if necessary to clean the surface of the old paint or cement mortar. A twisted ball consists of steel cups, with brushes made of steel wire installed on their edges.

The diameter of the wire depends on the required rigidity of the brush. The tougher the balls, the thicker the wire.

Sharpits. Serve for rough processing of metal products, such elements can be cleaned by welds or tighten the tool. Small circles of small diameters are widely used. Since it is more convenient to make such types of work with a small corner grinder.

It is easy to distinguish the sharpening nozzle from the detachment, due to the large width (at least 5 mm.) and deepening on the inside, due to which, you can tighten the tool with a flat side of the circle.

Diamond rollerine elements. A distinctive feature of this type of disc is that work is carried out only by the peripheral part of the nozzle, which is applied to diamond spraying. By other properties, such a replaceable element is similar to abrasive.

Diamond consumable is used for peeping stone, concrete and similar materials with them. This design is ideal for removing small areas of concrete screed.


On the front side of the disk for the corner grinder, all the information necessary for the master is indicated.

When choosing, you should immediately pay attention to its specialization. Also, the external diameter, expiration date and maximum turns are indicated, at which it can work without destroying.

Shelf life is a very important parameter, after its expiration. the element is better not to use.

The dimensions of the cutting circles for metal for corner grinders are applied to the outside of the nozzle and consist of three parameters separated by the “X” symbol. The dimensions of the disks are characterized by the external diameter, thickness and landing diameter. The standard size of which is 22.2 mm.

Ways to solve the problem without cutting

The mismatch of sizes is usually small. The dimensions of the bath are smalled 10 cm in length and 5 cm in width. Usually the difference is 2-3 cm, which is difficult to somehow compensate. It seems seductive to cut off the bent side and install the bath in place. However, it is undesirable to do this.

Since the edge of the side is a rib of stiffness, the cup without it loses its strength and begins to bend in one direction under the weight of water and a person. The result is even worse when pruning corner models or curvilinear with complex relief. Here the design is rigidly designed and balanced. Removing any rib leads to deformation of the bath.

It is recommended to refer to other methods of solving the problem and do without cutting.

If the bath has been acquired recently, within 14 days the consumer has the right to return or replace it without explanation. If in the same store he buys another, with more suitable dimensions, such a return does not cause difficulties.

The option is not the most profitable and convenient. If the bath does not fit by 2 cm, it is necessary to purchase a model with a length of 10 cm less or 5 cm less than a length of. There are too large cracks between the wall of the bowl and rooms when installing, which will have to be sealed with sealant, fill and insulate.

If the rest of the plumbing is not yet installed, you can try to find another place for the bath. If you simply expand it along the other wall, it is better to use this method. When this is not possible, reinstalling significantly increases expenses.

The bath installation is performed after the sewage and water supply system according to the planned layout. And if it needs to be put near the opposite wall, it is necessary to bring it to a new place of communication. If the pipes are not hidden in the screed, it is possible to grow them. But if the sewage system is laid under the floor, such a decision is unjustified. Cheaper to buy a new bath.

If the bath does not fit 2-3 cm, this “surplus” can be hidden in the strobe. To do this, in the walls adjacent to the bath, cut the groove the size equal to the thickness of the side. When installing, the font led to the resulting groove. Such work is better to conduct the walls of the wall. In the latter case, stroke is also possible, but it requires high qualifications: the finishing tile is solid, but fragile.

Horizontal strobes in the wall reduce the load.bearing load. Such work on the bearing walls is prohibited.

Possible consequences of acrylic cutting

Sprinking an acrylic bath at home is easy. The material is quite soft, so you can handle using a conventional angular grinder or electrician. However, cutting without taking into account the design leads to a complete violation of it.

The acrylic case itself is soft and is deformed under the weight. To hold a large volume of water allows a power frame made of fiberglass impregnated with epoxy resin. It involves a certain structure. If you just cut a piece of bath, such a structure is broken. The ribs cease to counteract the whole structure, like a tent without one support, shifts and loses balance.

So that this does not happen, experts recommend the following.

  • On the side of the cut, the bath loses stiffness. When filling it with water, it is noticeable that the geometry is disturbed. the bowl “leads”. To compensate for the excess water pressure, the model is put not on standard legs, but on a power frame. It is better if the typical option complements another 1-2 stiffener ribs fixed from the section.
  • You can compensate for the loss of ribs in another way. The product is equipped with a fiberglass bumper and an epoxy composition for urgent repair. It can be used to create a lost rib. The bumper is laid not for the cut, but on the inside of the edge for 1-2 cm. Thus, an additional edge appears, which replaces the lost support.
  • If the bathtub is frozen, stiffness provides support on the wall. A wooden block or an aluminum profile is attached to the wall from the cut to the wall and the side is based on it.
disk, steel, bath, possible, tiles, corner

Bath shortening. unacceptable intervention in the design of the product. After such actions, the warranty on the product does not apply.

Tools and consumables

Nevertheless, there is a way out, for example, a corner grinder with a diamond disk on stone and concrete. But do not rush to get for work, because there is a certain specificity both in the processing technique and in choosing the appropriate equipment.

Let’s start with an understanding of which angular grinder is better to use. Set the options for a 230 mm disk immediately: the tool is too heavy and bulky, poorly controlled during operation. 180 mm angular grinder can be used, but only if you cut a sufficiently thick porcelain tile, where a significant discharge of disc is required. The optimal option is a 125 mm disk with a drop of a disk, which in the process can be held with one hand. If even the effective depth of the cut of 40 mm does not overlap the thickness of the porcelain tile, nothing is wrong. Practice shows that they ate to make a cut more than half the thickness, the material is perfectly abandoned along the cutting line, later it is enough to only process the edge a little.

Now about diamond disks. For cutting porcelain tiles, you should not choose segment circles designed for dry mode of operation. Continuous disks with step cuts on the edge are perfect, but you need to make sure that the permissible speed of rotation of the diamond circle corresponds to the parameters of the tool.

In addition to a corner grinder with a diamond circle, some more devices will be required. First of all, a plastic bottle with a pierced lid and a thin silicone tube inserted into it. Cutting porcelain tiles must be performed with a constant supply of a small amount of water, otherwise spraying on the disk will not last long. You will also need a pair of fast.and.packed clamps and a segment of a steel corner with a shelf of 25 mm, the length of which is 15–20 cm larger than the cut line.

Performing the cut

If everything is ready, you can start work. The fishing line for the cutting of the cut should be marked with a marker, after which the tile is laid on the table or stool with the calculation so that the marking is entirely above the supporting surface. Exactly along the cut line on top, a corner is applied, the vertical regiment of which should be turned towards pruning. On both sides, the corner is pressed by clamps to the edge of the table, thus, the porcelain tile will be reliably fixed, and the outside of the regiment will play the role of the guide to carry out direct cut.

Do not forget about safety precautions: use protective glasses, gloves and berushi strictly necessarily. The corner grinder turned on so that the disk is located almost parallel to the corner shelf. deviating from its edge by 1-2 mm and adjusting close to the lower part. A thin groove is applied on the surface of porcelain tiles. It is not necessary to provide strong pressure, you should only scratch the surface a little. After that, the fishing line for the cutting of the cut should be slightly sprinkled with water and again draw a shallow cut to yourself.

So you need to repeat time after time, carefully making sure that water is constantly in the context. When the tile is sawn at 2/3 of the thickness, it is necessary to remove the clamps and remove the corner. The tile should be placed on the edge of the table, cut the edges until the lumen is formed, and then slightly hit with the palm on the cut part. If the cuts are narrow, it can be broken off by pliers.

With this technique of cutting porcelain, a clean and straight upper edge is formed, but chips can form in the lower part of the tearing end. To remove them, the tile needs to be turned upside down and lay on the table so that it hangs a little from the edge. After that, all the same diamond disk should be sharpened a little by little, to moisten the edge at the same time.

Cutting tools. Analysis of effectiveness when working with siding

Experts recommend cutting plastic with the same tools that are used for cutting metal products. Therefore, we will deal with them in relation to each type of panels.

This tool is mentioned in all siding installation instructions. They say that before cutting siding vinyl or metal, you need to lay a flat rail on it along the marked line and several times with pressure, draw a knife with a pressure along it. And then turn the panel over the resulting groove.

These conditions can only be fulfilled on a flat plane, pressing the panel to the solid base. The curved relief of siding will not allow you to make a neat cut across the panel, it will be especially difficult to cut the material in the castle part. Therefore, the knife can only be used for longitudinal cut and provided that the marking does not occur on the crest of the wave.

Kryazuvka for metal

A hacksaw or saw with a very small tooth is suitable only for transverse cutting due to the small length of the working sheet. This tool has too many disadvantages that do not allow it to use it with large volumes of work.

  • Low speed and high labor intensity of cutting.
  • The difficulty of cutting the panels along and at an angle.
  • The impossibility of making curly cutouts.
  • A flexible canvas goes away on bends and multi.layer areas.
  • You can cut plastic siding only at a plus temperature.

Choosing how to cut metal siding, a hacksaw for metal can be borne in mind, but all the cuts should be hidden by inputs, since they have not too even and neat view.

Scissors for metal

Like other manual tools, scissors cannot be used when working with plastic in the cold season, since when cutting them the material may crack. And this is not the only condition for achieving a good result. It is also recommended to choose scissors with a minimum thickness of the cutting parts and not allow them to complete close close.

The latter condition is easily feasible in even single-layer areas, but, cutting the S-shaped castle, you have to make a great effort, as a result of which the blades of inertia are closed, and a crack is formed in front of them.

Advice! Cut siding with scissors across the panel is better from below up, so that the most difficult and thick castle part is at the end.

The quality of the tool is also of great importance. its acuteness, the absence of a backlash between cutting canvases, comfortable handles.

But there is always a risk of cracking panels, their crushing in the places of bending of the relief, flattening of the castle profile. Especially if you cut thin metal or fragile plastic of poor quality.


An electric jigsaw is one of the most functional tools when it comes to how to cut siding. But for effective and accurate work, several conditions are required.

  • The saw should be small. for working on metal or special for plastic.
  • You must first choose the optimal speed of the file.
  • We need an assistant who will press the panel to a tough basis, preventing it from vibrating under a working tool.

How to cut tile with a wet sponge and an grinder

When sawing a metal siding with a hand hacksaw or an electrician on the edge, bulletin can form on the edge. They must be removed with sandpaper.

Circular Saw

Cocking the siding panel in a straight line along or across you can also with a disk saw with a cutting circle. It is more convenient to make transverse cuts in a stationary tool, longitudinal and diagonal. manual.

But a heavy disc saw requires work experience and dexterity: it strongly presses its weight on the panel, which at high speeds vibrates significantly vibrates. If you do not fix it, the tool will take aside from the marking. In addition, the setting itself partially closes the saw of the saw.

When you need to choose how to cut plastic sofits, additional elements and vinyl siding panels, it is best to stop on an angle grinding machine (corner grinding). The following recommendations will allow you to get a perfectly smooth and unexpected edge:

  • The part must be well fixed or held to avoid vibration and movements;
  • The tool is better to take small, light, with low power;
  • The diameter and thickness of the disk should also be minimal;
  • The corner grinder is used at small speeds, holding it exactly perpendicular to the cut plane.

As for the metal panels, manufacturers do not recommend the use of a corner grinder for cutting it, since hot sparks fly during its operation, and the metal is very heated with the destruction of the facial stained layer, which can further lead to corrosion.

However, experienced finishes argue that the risk of such damage is minimal, if you choose a disk for metal with a thickness of 1.2-1.5 mm, work at low speeds and slowly, preventing the metal overheating.

On a note! An excellent alternative to corner grinder, if it is necessary to make small curly cutouts and fit parts, will be a straight.grinding machine. a light compact unit equipped with a small thin disk.


This is a relatively new multifunctional power tool that can replace several highly specialized. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the rotational movements of the engine are converted into oscillatory, so the cutting nozzles do not spin, like that of the same corner grinder, but vibrate with a small amplitude.

When cutting a renovator, sparks are not formed, the edge does not heat up, therefore, if you choose how to cut metal.screen, you can’t find a better tool. He can easily cope with vinyl panels. Of course, his speed of work is lower than that of a corner grinder, but the quality is higher.