What Oil To Pour Into A Chainsaw For A Chain

Chainsaw headset works in difficult conditions that adversely affect its durability. The oil for the chainsaw chain supplied to the working area prevents overheating of the working parts and contributes to efficient sawing of hardwood. The smooth running of the chain removes part of the load from the power unit.

The designers of the chainsaw equipment recognize the need for a complete lubrication of the headset, so in the compact designs of modern chainsaws there is a place for a consumable oil tank and an oil pump, with a fixed or adjustable capacity.

What Oil To Pour Into A Chainsaw For A Chain

Benefits of Higher Price Oils

Branded chain oils include useful antioxidant, anticorrosive, stabilizing components and additives that help preserve the working properties of the oil and increase the wear resistance of working equipment in difficult operating conditions.

The quality of branded supplies is a reference. Most of these are products from leading manufacturers of Stihl, Husqvarna, Echo, Daewoo and several others. Over the past few years, the quality of Chinese chain oils produced at state-owned enterprises has improved markedly.

Owners of chainsaw equipment independently decide which oil to use to lubricate the chainsaw chains. In the best case, this is a consumable material adapted to the climate of the region recommended by the instruction manual for this model.

Versatility Issues

Evaluation of the operational advantages of the so-called universal oils should be treated critically. In reality, this is not a very successful advertising move. To date, no manufacturer has respected any information regarding the start of production of 100% universal oil.

Practice has shown that the wrong choice of chain lubrication increases the load on the engine by 7-10% and also reduces the working life of the saw set.

Operational properties

Branded or standard oil for lubricating the chainsaw chains in terms of density, viscosity, degree of purification from impurities and other performance characteristics meets the requirements of special standards.

  • Organic and mineral compositions in terms of working properties are not significantly different.
  • Experienced users recommend working on organic consumables if the intervals between the use of a chainsaw do not exceed a few days.
  • Anticorrosive and other protective properties of more expensive mineral oils are used if the tool is used for infrequent one-time work.

Checking the oil for compliance with the external temperature, and at the same time the lubrication system for operability, is not difficult. To do this, hold the headset for a medium-speed saw over a blank sheet of paper for several seconds.

By the breadth and saturation of the oil strip, one can judge the suitability of the composition for continuous operation at a given air temperature and the performance of the built-in oil pump.

Self-selection criteria

The problem is how to replace branded chain oil, which is not on sale, is relevant for many peripheral regions. According to experts, a full-fledged analogue is identical in basic characteristics to products of well-known brands Stihl and Husqvarna. The engine and chain oils of these manufacturers have proven themselves in every respect from the best side.

Video: What Oil To Pour Into A Chainsaw For A Chain

Given the capabilities of the proposed range, the consumer can opt for a more expensive chain oil or its budget equivalent. In addition to branded products, Enkor, Nanotek Standard and Nanotek Premium oils are listed, preserving operating properties at temperatures up to 30 ° C.

Mineral-based versions of oils are represented by the brands Makita and Makita Oregon, the identical lubricating characteristics of organic chain oils Makita Biotop, Stihl Bio Plus, which are sold in packaging volumes from 1 to 25 liters.

Professional sawmills mostly prefer branded lubricants of the same brand. The constant use of the same brand of oil allows you to study its capabilities and use them with maximum efficiency.

Adjustment of oil density to external temperature factors

The use of chain oil at a low temperature of up to 20 ° C negatively affects the performance of the oil pump and the durability of its drive.

In the absence of the required material, the problem is solved by diluting the oil thickened in the cold. As a solvent, dehydrated kerosene is best suited.

Such an additive will provide complete lubrication of the headset, but it is recommended to significantly limit heavy loads when working with a diluted oil.

Price features of the offered assortments

High-price European chain oils are recommended for the operation of professional chainsaw equipment operating in difficult, if not extreme conditions.

The cost of consumables is fully compensated by the performance of large-scale sawing operations, reliability, almost complete production of the designated service life by the saw equipment.

Domestic chain oils are mostly produced from their own raw materials of imported additives and using modern technologies.

In terms of quality and operational characteristics, the Russian range is not inferior to similar products of European brands, but costs significantly less.

Chinese middle-class saw sets for wear resistance and durability are inferior to European counterparts. This imbalance is partially eliminated by the use of manufacturer-recommended chain oils developed by Chinese experts.

According to suppliers of consumable components, the presence of special additives in Chinese chain oils has a positive effect on the performance of standard tires and saw chains, as well as chainsaw equipment in general.

All of the above applies only to the products of large companies. The benefits of using chain oils from small private enterprises have not been proven in practice.

The danger of using oil counterfeit

The performance properties of cheaper fake oils are inferior to proprietary developments in basic parameters. The problem is that, relying on the expected quality of the product, users operate their full-load chainsaw equipment.

The use of surrogate oils initiates accelerated wear of the material part, in some cases it is the basis for the cancellation of factory warranty obligations by service departments.

The consequences of unjustified savings

Many owners of budget chainsaws equipped with simple lubrication systems with constant performance are concerned about increased oil consumption. The average price of a quality product is three times less than the cost of its motor analogue, however, cases of the use of various oil substitutes are not rare.

Used in different proportions, spindle, diesel and motor oil for automobiles are not suitable for the full lubrication of the headset in their working properties.

It is not difficult to really calculate how much you can save on the use of a surrogate. Unfortunately, the profit cannot compensate for the accelerated depreciation of the old and the costs of acquiring a new headset.

The constant use of substitutes reduces the life of an expensive saw set by 30-40%. Depreciation is significantly accelerated if you fill in a chainsaw lubrication system that has worked out its working out resource.

For complete lubrication and cooling of the chain or pouring into the gearbox, none of the compositions proposed by users are suitable. Not the best replacement option is M8 winter engine oil, which, under conditions of a general shortage, was refueled by Druzhba chainsaws and their prototypes.

Advantages of automatic systems

Chainsaws less expensive in oil consumption, equipped with automatic lubrication systems. Depending on the engine speed, the oil supply is dosed by a variable displacement pump.

At idle speed, oil is practically not consumed. In models with automatic lubrication, the consumption of working material is reduced by almost half.

Pro recommendations on the selection and use of chain oils

The operation of the lubrication system must be periodically monitored. Lack of oil supply is easily determined by the increase in engine load and the smell of overheated wood. The crown and bearing of the drive and driven sprockets need additional lubrication.

Storage Features

It is recommended to put new and already used saw chains for long-term storage in unheated rooms in oil baths. This method compares favorably with the application of grease, since it eliminates the formation of condensate moisture and local corrosion.