Cutting curved glass at home

Cutting mirrors with their own hands

Cutting mirrors, if we are talking about a small and not thick cloth, it is not difficult to cut a mirror at home. It is not necessary to go to a workshop or call “the husband for an hour”, it is enough to have a man in the house and a small set of tools.

Cutting mirrors differs from cutting glass in that it is carried out from the front. The other conditions are the same, so it is necessary to have

  • A table with a surface area larger than the size of the mirror;
  • a long ruler or a strip of hard material about 8 mm thick;
  • glass cutter;
  • a small hammer and pliers.

It is advisable to have a soft and non-slip natural cloth and some small thin pieces of rubber or leather. By the way, pieces of leather are much easier to find.

All this is true if we are talking about a simple mirror cutting.

The shaped one will require additional conditions:

Tools and materials

Table. In principle, for cutting a mirror there are no restrictions, as for cutting glass. As a rule, the size of the mirrors is quite comparable with the area of a standard tabletop, and the thickness does not exceed 5 mm (a roller glass cutter will also do).

Ruler. Cutting a mirror with a hand tool is necessary so that the side has a good stop. The usual metal ruler does not provide this condition, and the availability of special rulers or angles for cutting glass from an ordinary set of tools is not to be expected.

Rarely there is a meter wooden ruler, with the right thickness, although they are quite common. Have to use pieces of rubber or leather for a metal ruler. They prevent the metal from sliding on the mirror (this pair has one of the lowest coefficients of friction) and raise the ruler to a sufficient level above the mirror for the glass cutter to rest.

Glass cutter. In everyday life, the most common tool is the roller glass cutter, which has a carbide cutting part. Where the stop on the side edge of the ruler is so important.

It “rolls” rather than cuts, hence there is a risk that it can be pulled sideways. Having a choice, it is better to use a diamond tool.

A hammer and pliers. A small hammer is needed to lightly tap the bottom of a thick mirror, this will make it easier to break along the cutting line. Pliers are used to break small strips when the thickness of the “unnecessary” edge is small for breaking.

Cloth. It is a thick tablecloth or a thin bedspread, preferably made of natural fabrics, you can use a linen sheet. Cut on the table, and table tops have a polished, slippery surface. Besides, there is a risk that the mirror may crack on a hard base if it is not moved properly.

What tool to choose?

Glass is a melt of quartz sand with the addition of elements such as calcium and alkali metal oxides.

Glass is essentially a high-temperature fluid substance that lacks a distinct crystalline lattice. It is because of this that the glass is transparent.

To cut a glass sheet on it is enough to make a groove with a cutter that exceeds the hardness of the cut material itself. A network of deep cracks is then formed, which makes it possible to separate the two pieces along the cut line. The following types of hand-held mechanical glass cutters are used for this operation:

the first tool uses diamond as a cutter, soldered into the metal head with special solder. The handle is made of wood or plastic. There are cutters with natural diamonds. They were made in the former USSR and cost a lot even back then. Glass cutters are now equipped exclusively with artificial diamonds. On simpler devices there are minerals with a curved cutting edge. expensive glass cutters are equipped with four-sided diamonds inclined by 20 degrees to the cutting axis. Cutting is more precise and deeper, but requires good skills.

Roller glass cutters are the most simple and widespread. Their trump card is their low price, which allows you to buy them for one-time work. Working cutter is a roller made of hard metal alloy. Most of these devices for cutting sheet glass are equipped with several rollers, three or six. When one roller blunts, the circle on which it is mounted rotates around its axis, and the next cutter at the end of the device advances. Material of rollers is tungsten carbide, bobedite, carborundum and other alloys harder than quartz on Mohs scale.

The oil glass cutter is structurally similar to the roller glass cutter. The difference is that the end roller is lubricated with a special kind of oil during operation. This makes the cut easier, greatly reduces wear on the cutter, and improves the breakout of the glass along the planned line. modern oil devices consist of a roller and a special reservoir filled with oil. It lubricates the roller as it rotates in a capillary manner, and does not flow out when not in use. Oiled glass cutters are quite advanced and can be used for cutting curves in the presence of a rotating head.

Everyone chooses for himself which tool is better for him. roller, diamond or oil.

cutting, curved, glass, home

Safety precautions

Glass is a very fragile material, and therefore especially dangerous.

When cracking glass, the splinters have several sharp edges.

Large pieces shatter easily through skin and muscle.

Fine splinters are invisible to the eye by virtue of their transparency, but can get stuck in soft tissues and form festering. Here are the basic rules that must be followed when cutting glass with a glass cutter:

  • Work with glass only when wearing safety glasses. At work, small particles can get into the cornea of the eye, cause pain and even lead to vision loss. If a piece of glass does get into your eyes, do not try to remove it yourself.
  • Wear gloves when cutting glass. Many craftsmen neglect these requirements, and in vain. After all, the sharp edge of the glass easily cuts through soft materials. It is better if it cuts through the glove than the leather. If you feel your cloth gloves are slipping on the glass or are less sensitive, use products with rubber coated fingers.

After the workpiece is cut, carefully clean up the place of work. It is best to combine vacuuming with wet cleaning. Rags and rags used to wash the floor and table or workbench should be discarded.

Cutting with scissors in water

This method is used when a small piece of glass needs to be shaped other than rectangular. It is not suitable for working with sheets thicker than 4 mm and calender.

put the glass in a container and fill it with water. The liquid will act as a lubricant and create external pressure, preventing cracking. Scissors should be strong, tailor’s scissors are good. Hold the glass by hand and immerse it in water, the deeper the better. Then use scissors to cut off a small piece from the edge of the sheet, then another, and so on. д., until they get the shape you want. When cutting out complex shapes, a pre-prepared template made of thick cardboard is glued on either side of the glass.

Victory drill bit

Having a pobedite bit with a tip that has not worn out can be a real help when you need to cut glass without a glass cutter. The advantage of this method is that no other tools are needed for the job. A flat large table is cleaned of crumbs and other debris. A blanket of soft fabric, such as a woolen cloth, is placed on top. Then lay down the glass, attach a guide ruler, and with one motion of the drill toward you, cut off the desired portion. It is worth making sure that the cutting tool touches the material with the sharpest side of the tip. Compared to the glass cutter, the pressure on the drill bit must be stronger. Finally, the edge of the sheet is hanging down so that the groove created on the surface runs parallel to the table top at a distance of 3-5 mm. The master, holding the glass with one hand, the second sharp downward movement breaks off the cut off part. If he is not strong enough, then from below he taps with a hammer along the cutting line, and then tries again.

When cutting fluted glass, the roughened side is turned to the table and the craftsman works with the smooth. The same goes for mirrors and patterned glass.

How to properly cut with a glass cutter?

This work has no details, so all steps require the utmost attention.

What you will need for work?

Glass and glass cutter is not the only thing you need to prepare. Therefore, first it is better to “announce the whole list”. It includes:

  • A work table with a perfectly flat surface;
  • Ruler (flat rail), tape measure, angle;
  • Sandpaper (file, stone);
  • Threads, cloth, solvent;
  • rubber mallet.

A metal ruler is ideal. It is better to look for a fairly thick tool that is suitable for the glass cutter’s foot: its minimum thickness is 8 mm. Specialists use rulers with suction cups. Since such a tool is usually not available in the household, an alternative has long been invented. This is a metal ruler with a strip of thin rubber glued on it.

Do not do without a marker, and a pencil can perform the role of the stand required to break a small sheet of glass on the line of the cut.

Preparing the workpiece

Because of the fragility of the material to the work surface have strict requirements.

  • It must be absolutely flat, because the glass during the cut is a serious pressure. If the base is uneven, there is a good chance that the glass will crack in the wrong place. The consequence will be the inability to use the glass blank, which promises additional costs and a new job.
  • Absolutely clean glass surface is a must. Therefore at first it is washed with a soapy solution (glass cleaner), then wiped with newspapers or paper towels. The last step is degreasing with a solvent. It can be acetone, kerosene, or White spirit.

The best surface is a piece of plywood or fiberboard. To prevent the formation of scratches, it is recommended to put under the glass some cloth, a large piece of rubber, oilcloth or thick film. Such a solid “gasket” will protect the surface and provide a better bond.

Cutting Glass

Any opening requires slowness, care, and accuracy. This is absolutely true for hazardous glass as well.

  • First it is marked out. Use a long metal or wooden ruler, a tape measure or a completely straight piece of wood to draw the line. The second tool you need is a glass marker (felt tip pen), which leaves the thinnest possible line for the trimmer.
  • Then on both ends of the drawn line make small notches-marks. Using a ruler against the glass, take the glass cutter and guide the trimmer’s line with a bit of force. The pressure to the edge of the glass should be a little weaker to prevent the material from chipping and ruining the tool.
  • Hold the diamond glass cutter in the same way as a pencil or fountain pen, with a slight tilt. Roller and oil. perpendicular to the surface. In the first case, it should leave a barely visible mark on the glass. a colorless thin trimmer line, in the second it should turn white, and the work must be accompanied by a characteristic crackling. The trimmer line is only used once. It is forbidden to make a second cut at the same place.
  • Place a straight rail or small bar under a piece of cut glass to break the material along the cut line. Preliminarily on it tap the handle of glass cutter from the back side to deepen a little crack, thereby facilitating the upcoming operation. Carefully break the prepared glass. As a rule, this does not require excessive effort.

When it is necessary to break off a thin strip, either use pliers or a glass cutter that has special grooves designed for this purpose.

Particulars of breaking

We must stop at this point, because there is a different technology for each type of workpiece.

  • Figures of thin glass. up to 5 mm. In this case, the material is broken up by hand. Gloves are mandatory.
  • Thicker pieces. more than 5 mm. For “extraction” detail is recommended to use pliers or pliers, the jaws of which are worn tubes of rubber or plastic.
  • Thick material and narrow strips. To simplify the work as much as possible, a thin and long non-metallic object (for example, a pencil, matches) is put under the cutting trimmer line, then the material is pressed on with the palms of the hands on opposite sides.

Large and thick pieces require a different method. The sheet is placed on the table so that the cutting line for the trimmer was located 30-50 mm from its edge. The half lying on the furniture is held with one hand, and the other hand sharply pressed on the one that is “hanging in the air. It is better to work with an assistant to prevent the piece from accidentally falling off.

Very thick material (over 10 mm) is a reason for a different approach. The operation is also performed on the table, but the risk is made on both sides of the glass. Before starting to break, the cutting trimmer line (from beginning to end) is tapped with a rubber mallet (or the handle of the glass cutter) until a crack is formed.

The last step of any operation is the careful processing of the cut line. For it is suitable an abrasive paper, file (nadfil) with a velvet notch or a sharpening stone.

How you can make a glass circle?

What is the correct way to cut with the glass cutter if such a workpiece is required? There are several ways to achieve the goal. However, the choice depends on several factors. the diameter of the piece, the thickness of the glass.

The most logical choice is to use a circular glass cutter. But such a tool is very seldom in the household. Therefore, it is often necessary to look for a replacement for the device. There is an alternative: a circular tool made of an ordinary glass cutter. The work consists of several stages.

  • First, the center of the future figure is marked on the glass. Fix a suction cup on it.
  • Tie a strong string (fishing line for the trimmer) to it, and to its other end. a glass cutter, but so that the length of the string is equal to the radius of the future circle.
cutting, curved, glass, home

The thread is stretched, then the tool draws a fishing line for the trimmer. Additionally make cuts-perpendicular to the four sides of the glass, they will allow you to “get” the circle from the material without too many problems. If the sheet is large, then draw many rays. The glass is taken in the hands, gently pressed on its edges on all sides. After that, the “superfluous” elements are easily enough broken off from the circle.

Technology of work

The technology of cutting mirrors is simple enough. First of all, you need to take care of the workplace: a clean work table, covered with a cloth, tools, standing next to the boxes for trimming. Before starting to cut the main piece of the mirror, it is worth practicing on some unnecessary glass so that your hands will get used to the tool.

Lay the material on the work table with the mirror side up. After that, the marking is done using a glassblower or a marker. Complex curved contours are outlined with a prefabricated template. detail that requires the cutter’s attention. the line for the glass cutter trimmer does not coincide with the position of the guide ruler by 1-4 mm depending on its type. With roller glass cutters, t. ч. For oil glass cutters, the distance is 1-2 mm, but for diamond cutters it is 3-4 mm.

Cut a piece of mirror in one motion, starting from the farthest edge and moving the cutter to your side. The direction is set with a ruler for glass or a template. The master holds the cutter at an angle close to 90 ° to the surface, while the process of changing it is impossible. the only exception is the edge of the mirror, the pressure is slightly reduced about 5 mm before the edge of the product, this is done in order to avoid chipping. You should not hear any squeaks during the work, the correct sound is the glass crackle.

Here comes the responsible and rather traumatic stage, the separation of the cut piece. The mirror sheet is suspended from the table top so that the cutting line for the trimmer is in the air at a distance of 3-5 mm from it. The worker presses the mirror to the table with one hand and presses down sharply with the other. Sometimes to separate pieces at once it is not possible, then from below on a line of the cut a small hammer is tapped. When it is necessary to use pliers with rubber pads. After cutting off all the scraps from our mirror. Its edges are carefully processed with sandpaper.

The breaking procedure for complex shape cutting has several peculiarities. The unwanted part of the sheet is divided with a glass cutter into small sections, each of which is broken off with pliers.

Other methods of breaking a mirror surface

The correct and most effective way to carry out the cut with a regular glass cutter. It can be indispensable if you decide to make a dressing table yourself. or restore old mirrors to decorate the interior of your home. The advantages of special tools is that with their help you can easily cut out even quite complex elements, process a thick mirror and set the desired shape of the canvas.

When buying a glass cutter be sure to pay attention to its type. The tool can be either a roller or a diamond. The first is more budgetary, but has less accuracy, quality and speed of cutting. Diamond glass cutters are expensive, but with frequent use the investment will pay off.

To learn how to properly handle such a device, you do not need a lot of time. By following certain rules, you will be able to achieve the desired result:

  • Glass cutters must be held at a right angle, but a slight deviation is allowed;
  • By pressing down with the index finger, the tool is firmly fixed with the middle and thumb;
  • leading on the blade, you can not change the position of the cutter;
  • it is extremely important to make the cut quickly and confidently;
  • it is not recommended to make a second cut along the same line;
  • a strictly uniform force is applied, but except for the edges;
  • when approaching the edge about 5 mm before the edge you need to reduce the load on the glass cutter;
  • the cut is made from the farthest point towards yourself;
  • a quality cut is obtained with a darker color in the case of a roller tool;
  • diamond cutters always leave behind a light, thin stripe;
  • It is not recommended to deepen unsuccessfully made cuts, and it is better to step back a little and make a new one.

As you can see, there are a lot of nuances. But they may cause some difficulties only when you first try to cut a mirror strip yourself. With a little practice, everything will start to turn out quickly and well.

Some people cut the old, previously glued mirror, while others use new blades. But regardless of this, cutting requires mandatory preliminary preparation, as well as the correct execution of the procedure. It is then you will choose the method of fixing mirrors. Or choose a suitable adhesive for the mirror to fix it.

If we consider the process step by step, it involves the following steps:

  • First you need to prepare a flat surface of appropriate size. This is often done simply on the floor, but better on a table. The canvas is laid up with the front side;
  • Be sure to place a soft pad under the mirror so as not to damage it when pressing it;
  • The surface is cleaned with a solution of soda, and then with alcohol;
  • All irregularities on the back side should also be removed and smoothed out;
  • The next step is to draw a marking. The trimmer line should run 2 mm further than the future cut, because finishing is still to be done;
  • Using a ruler to control the straight course of the cut, the glass cutter is used;
  • After making the cut, the mirror is moved to the edge of the table and hung out a little. The cut part is carefully separated;
  • Remove the excess after the cut with gloved hands, a rubber mallet or pliers with plastic (rubber) pads;
  • Using a fine-grit emery cloth, work the cuts.

That’s it, now you have managed to cut the necessary element. What to do next with it depends on the specific goals and objectives.

As you can see it is not so easy to use the cutter, but it is the most effective and useful tool in such cases.

There are several ways to break the mirror surface. The method of breaking the mirror with the help of scissors and water. The mirror is immersed in warm water, and the curved scissors are passed along the outlined contour. This method is suitable for thin mirrors. Some people break mirrors with a soldering iron.

Everyone can choose a suitable option for themselves, having those or other tools. Observe safety precautions and decorate your home!

Cutting by a “professional”. glass cutter

For such a “surgical” operation another tool is needed. a ruler, it is better to find a thick plate, with which the glass cutter will be more difficult to jump off. Mark out the material with a felt-tip pen or a special pencil. glassblower, it is used for painting glass surfaces.

After making the marks, the points are connected by a line of the future cut, the ruler is left on it. The cut is made only once, repeated manipulation is prohibited, otherwise the glass may crack. First, at the top from the edge of the glass cutter draw a short line for the trimmer, its length. up to 5 mm. Then continue up to the end of the piece.

Equal force applied along the entire length is a must. Correctly carried out the line for the trimmer should be translucent, uniform. The sheet is broken. If the operation is not successful at the first attempt, the trimmer fishing line is knocked out with the handle of the glass cutter, and then the process of breaking is repeated.

After the most important stage has been completed successfully, the edges of the chip are mended with a fine-grained emery paper.

Diamond tool

It is more convenient to work with because of its habitual shape: the handle of a diamond glass cutter looks very much like a pencil, and therefore it is held in exactly the same way. However, there are some peculiarities even in working with such a comfortable tool:

  • it is placed at an angle to the surface to be processed: the position of the glass cutter is similar to the “pose” of a pencil when writing or drawing;
  • Excessive force in this case is contraindicated, they will lead to irregularities or chips or line sawing;
  • The repeated drawing over the “drawn” areas is taboo, an indentation of at least a few millimeters is necessary;
  • the work requires accuracy and speed: it takes about 2 seconds to scratch a line on a meter glass sheet.

The line for the cut trimmer is aligned with the edge of the work surface so that the unnecessary part of it is on the weight. The cut is pounded on the underside until a small crack is formed. During this operation the “superfluous” glass fragments are usually separated from the sheet by themselves, without requiring any effort from the craftsman. Sometimes a hanging piece is gently broken off.

Roller, oil glass cutter

In this case it is imperative that the tool is held rigidly vertically, and pressing forces are also necessary when cutting. Glass separation is always begun with the most delicate method. by lightly knocking on the back side. If the glass does not yield, you can go on to more serious operations.

Place matches and/or toothpicks under the sheet along the cut line, at gaps or along one end only. Then the blade is gently pressed on both sides. If even these manipulations do not help, then, again aligning the line for the trimmer with the edge of the working surface, try to press on the glass by hand, but without fanaticism. Unsuitable material is a good reason to try to make a different cutting trimmer line.

Actions with an oil tool do not differ one bit from work with an ordinary roller, the only difference is that this process is easier because of lubrication of the surface.

If a round hole is required

For beginners in this case it is better to get somewhere glass-circular saw, as an independent assembly of the tool, which may no longer be needed, to anything. In this case, the suction cup end is fastened in the center of the future circle, then the desired radius is set. The circle is outlined accurately, smoothly, but quickly. Further work on its removal is similar to the previous work.

Unconventional shape cutting

The process of this cutting is somewhat more complicated, but is also not very demanding even for beginners in glassmaking. To ensure accuracy, first make a workpiece-template. The template is cut out of chipboard, the recommended thickness is 5 mm. The roller to it will not be able to adjoin tightly, so an indentation of 2-3 mm is necessary. To the bottom of the cut out template glue strips of duct tape, they will not let it “wiggle” on the glass. The finished template is placed on the cloth, drawing a continuous line for the trimmer. Then the glass is pounded on the underside.

Folk alternatives to glass cutters

Folk experience is the only option, when there is an urgent need and there is no tool. Several methods are used to cut glass, but not all of them are relatively safe.

  • Scissors and warm water. This method is applicable if you need to cut a sheet that is not more than 3 mm thick. This is how it works when you need small pieces of glass of a certain shape. Take strong scissors, because the work is similar to cutting a very thick cardboard. The deeper the glass is in the water, the easier the process is. In this case, it is better to wear thick gloves and goggles, as it is assumed that the glass elements are able to jump out of the water.
  • An incinerator, a soldering iron, a hot nail. The latter option can kill a lot of time, because you have to heat the hardware constantly, and it is not very convenient to act. The first thing to do on the glass is to draw a line for the trimmer. At its beginning, which coincides with the rib, make a small hole on it (with a file, file, hacksaw). The soldering iron is placed on this place, moving it without pressure. Glass is broken by hand, wearing gloves.
  • Natural fine twine and gasoline. Such “jokes with fire” require caution from the master. the use of a non-combustible work surface. A cord, cut exactly to the length of the product and moistened with gasoline (kerosene, White spirit), is placed on the fishing line to trim the future split, then set on fire. After waiting for almost complete combustion, the place is poured with water. If some areas are left untreated, a twine of similar length is cut, then the operation is repeated. The place of the cut is pounded until a crack appears.

The answer to the question of how to cut glass properly is obvious: the best option for this purpose is the only one. the glass cutter. If a household craftsman has a strong passion for experimentation, he can also try folk methods. How traditional “glass-cutting” work is done, this video will show you:

What tools to use?

Many of us are accustomed to thinking that only a glass cutter is a good quality way to cut glass. But what to do if you need to cut a piece of glass urgently, and you do not have this tool handy? There is another unusual, but no less effective way, which helped our ancestors to get out of this situation. Such a tool is an ordinary scissors, available at any owner. Let’s look at each method in detail.

Glass cutter

The technology of glass cutting with a glass cutter is quite simple. To do this, you need to observe certain conditions and choose the right glass cutter. Today, the choice of this tool is wide enough to turn the work into a pleasure.

  • Diamond glass cutter, time-tested and still the leader in its field. Glass cutters with beveled cutting edge are suitable for home use. Such a tool is designed to cut glass up to ten kilometers and is suitable for any thickness of material used. From time to time such a glass cutter needs to be sharpened on a special block.
  • Roller. As its name suggests, the cutting part of this glass cutter is made of a roller made of a strong cobalt-tungsten alloy. Number of rollers can vary from one to six.
  • Oil. Such a tool works on the principle of a roller glass cutter, with the difference that its handle has a built-in reservoir of oil, which is fed automatically to the roller. Suitable for cutting thick glass.

On how to choose a good glass cutter, see

So, after using the cutter you need to put the glass on a flat surface. Mark the glass and get to work. You can use a ruler to make it easier. Keep in mind that a trimmer line should be used the first time, otherwise re-trying will cause the surface to crack. Use the glass cutter with the same amount of force along the whole length of the line you are cutting.

ordinary scissors

Cutting glass with scissors like paper is not a fairy tale, but a very common reality. For this purpose you will need the glass cutter itself (sewing scissors will work best) and a reservoir of water (hot is better). It is necessary to make a marking on the glass beforehand, and then elementary physics is involved: the cutters create a micro-crack, and the process is completed by a capillary effect. Certainly, the received result will differ from the achieved with a glass cutter, but if necessary the given way can considerably rescue.

Types of glass and peculiarities of work

Cutting ordinary glass is practically effortless. Not only glass cutters but also usual tailor scissors can do it perfectly well. But what to do for those who have set themselves the task of obtaining a product from glass, which has a more complex configuration. For this purpose it is worth to get acquainted with properties of some glasses.

  • Products made of tempered glass. In fact, cutting tempered glass at home is impossible. it loses its properties. If you want to buy an object with elements of this material, it is worth thinking about cutting it at an early stage. Besides, work with it should be carried out by professionals, because the process of hardening, the received product, can be carried out only under certain conditions.
  • Fluted glass. This patterned glass is especially popular for glazing doors or creating decorative interior elements. Unlike tempered glass, this glass is quite capable of cutting it yourself. Working with it is not much different from working with normal glass, the only difference is that the cut is made on the smooth side. For this purpose the roller glass cutter is the best choice.
  • Acrylic or organic glass is a transparent plastic based on synthetic resins. No special tools are required to cut it. At home, a metal saw, a cutter and other tools used for edging cope perfectly with this task. In addition, with glass, the thickness of which does not exceed 2 mm., can be perfectly coped with a usual office knife.

In any case, it is worth remembering that working with any glass must be accompanied by certain precautions. The presence of thick gloves and safety glasses. the main conditions for the implementation of their own safety. It is not superfluous to take care about the arrangement of the workplace. Since working with glass involves the presence of fragments, cover the work surface with any material that will not be sorry to get rid of. The feeling of your own safety will allow you to achieve the best results.

Shaped cutting

Cutting technology is similar. The only difference is that it is necessary to make a template.

The main difference in the withdrawal procedure. Breaking off unnecessary parts by parts, dividing them into parts with more or less equal shares of the degree of curvature or angles of inclination to the straight line. To make breaking easier, manually draw additional lines with the glass cutter from the highs and lows of the curve to the outer edge. Circles or ovals are simply divided into a number of segments.

Peculiarities of work with non-standard glass

Tempered glass cannot be processed at home, and when a mechanical impact is exerted on it, it crumbles or breaks into pieces. Fluted.can be cut with a glass cutter in the same way as ordinary glass, but with a smooth side.

Ribbed glass is cut on the flat side

Acrylic is not actually glass. Thin material can be cut with scissors or a regular knife. A thick sheet of glass can be scribed on a ruler with a sliver of a hacksaw blade several times, and then bent and broken along the groove line.