DIY glass cutting for aquarium. Refrigerator for the aquarium

DIY glass cutting for aquarium

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With the text of this section, with the resolution of the authors, an article from the site Mikluha’s Aquasite (C) Michael Dubinovsky a.K.A mikluha. All drawings and photos in this section (C) Michael Dubinovsky a.K.A mikluha.

Aquarium with your own hands

This article is divided into three sections according to the principle. from simple to complex. The first section describes the manufacture of not large in size of a frameless aquarium, for those who have no experience working with glass and silicone adhesives. The second section describes in detail the manufacture of a large frameless aquarium. The third tells about the manufacture of multifaceted aquariums.

Your first frameless aquarium


Finding glass is not problems. It is best to order glass in any workshop, although the glass chopped in workshops in the housing and housing facilities often does not correspond to the set sizes. If you decide to cut the glass yourself, then wash it first. Dirt makes cutting, making an incision uneven. If the mud does not particularly interfere with an experienced person, then she is a beginner. Serious interference. Before cutting, check the dimensions again. Do not forget 3-4 mm on the seams. For starters, the easiest way is to make an aquarium in which the front and rear walls are glued to the bottom, and between them are lateral. Making a large aquarium for the first time inappropriate. Enough Aquarium for 15. 30 liters. For such an aquarium, a 3mm glass is quite enough, but the difference in price between three and four millimeter glasses is not such as to choose the first for economic reasons. It is not necessary to purchase a sheet of glass, you can do with small pieces that many have at home.

Before cutting glass for the aquarium, practice unnecessary pieces of glass. Put the glass on a flat clean surface. Attach a flat thick ruler to the glass, press tightly and draw a glass cutter along the ruler. Press the glass cutter quite strongly, but not trembling in your hands. Glass cutter should be carried out evenly, in one motion. Now put the glass so that the resulting incision falls on the rib, the freely hanging end should be broken off with a sharp pressure. Happened? If not, then you should slightly conduct a glass cutter with a large pressure. Glass of 3mm is almost always cut without problems. There should be no big problems even with a glass thickness of 4mm. If there are problems, then you should also practice. You can knock with glass cutter on the back of the glass along the cut until a crack appears. First of all, the crack should be at the edges of the glass by the cut. You can tapping the glass cutter along the incision from the opposite side to break the glass, you can get several small cracks along the cut and break off the glass. Try all the ways and select the most suitable for you. Cut off? Now take a fine.grained sandpaper and draw without severe pressure along the cuts of cut off glass. This will warn the cuts, and it will take a little time. For the first time I advise you to choose the bottom and side walls of the same width, that is, we cut off three glasses of the same size.


Cut? Let’s start “fitting”. To begin with, from three long glasses we choose the closest pair of glasses, which will be the front and back walls. We put the remaining glass on the table, then put long glasses as they will stand in the aquarium and propagate them with books. We take the side glasses and insert it into place properly by their books. We look at the resulting result. Most likely he will not suit you. And what is surprising, they cut it for the first time. The difference in the height and width of the glasses is inevitable. Now we change the glasses, turn over so as to achieve the most acceptable fit. You may need to cut one or two new glasses, which is not scary for the first time. Satisfied? We remove the books, put the glass on the table in the order in which they will stand. Let’s start marking. We cut out the numbers (the easiest way is the Roman) from the island and glue them from the inside of the glass so that the joints of the glass are marked on both sides of the joint with the same numbers. Should retreat from the edge of the glass by 40-50 mm. Marking will allow you to collect the jar exactly as you tried.

Steaches processing

Now we process chopped glass. We pick up a solid medium.grained sandpaper. Prepare a container with water and rags (you can grind it on dry, but then the process is slower, and small chips are formed on the glass). We take the first glass, put it on the table so that the edge is 15-20mm. We lower the bar into the water and let it get wet. Then grind the end of the glass to the reciprocating movements, without pressing. Practice on an unnecessary piece of stele, so work out the pressure. Wash off the dirt in water from the bar more often. Usually 20. 30 movements are enough for a mosquito of one end. My glass, look at the result. If necessary, we repeat everything. And so on each side of the glass. Do not forget to wash the glass and wipe the table each time, this will avoid the appearance of the scorch on the glass. We will begin to “matting” the contacting surfaces (for aquarima of the selected container it is not necessary, but so you will get a skill for large containers). First take the bottom. We lay it on the table, apply and tightly press the rail so that the edge of the glass remains 6-7 mm. Now we are driving along the Reiki with low.sided water with a barn with water. My glass and repeat matting on all sides. For lateral glass, we matting the edges of three sides by 2-3mm. For the front and rear walls 2-3mm for the lower side and 7-8 mm for lateral. My glass and try to see what happened. If as a result, one of the glasses is more necessary, then do not part. The grinding process is familiar to you, be patient slowly, “remove” the extra glass slowly. In this case, you were imbued with the importance of neat marking and cutting glass. Yes, I forgot. When you practice in cutting glass, try to cut small pieces so as to get a can of liters for 5-10 (let it come out a curve, it will still not be superfluous).


There are two gluing options, or rather the formation of seams. Let’s start with the simplest, with an inaccurate seam. My glass is finally, we degrease all the edges of the glass and lay the glass on clean sheets of paper, film, etc.D. We put the bottom on paper in the center free from extraneous table items. Gently apply glue to the edge of the bottom along the long side, then press the vertical long glass. It is useful to glue it to the bottom of the bottom even before gluing from each long side of 2. 3 segments of tape with small free ends. After installing the glass and aligning it along the length, we fix the seabs from the movement. It is necessary to ensure that the vertical glass does not shift inside or out. It is more convenient to work together. We resting the glass on books with a slight slope outward, also glue the second long side and rest it on books. Now apply glue to the edges of vertical glasses on one side and corresponding to the short side of the bottom. We insert the side side, not forgetting to monitor the marking of the glasses. Sprightly squeeze the front and rear glass from the sides, click on the side glass from above. Your assistant tape will fasten all three glasses among themselves in 2-3 places. Make sure that the short side does not go inside or out. The second side wall is also inserted. Now wash your hands thoroughly, wash the stained glass with a cloth with a detergent. Pour a liquid detergent for washing dishes into a small container, moisten your finger in it and continue the joints from the inside. Try not to smear glue widely, excess constantly wipe the cloth. Repeat the operation from the outside, leading a finger slightly obliquely in the direction of the end of the front of the front, rear window or bottom. At the same time, you will not spread the glue on the glasses. The next day, a razor blade, with a sharp knife or scalpel, cut off excess glue and smudges. For a small aquarium, which we made for the first time, stiffener ribs are not required, but we still glue them. If the upper edges of the glass have a difference in height up to 3 mm, then we can disguise it by gluing stiffener ribs along the long sides on top. We cut long glasses with a width of 20 to 50 mm (which you succeed), adjust them along the length from the inside. We put up and process them with an emery stone. When cutting these glass, you are unlikely to cut off the glass of small width without problems. We will apply risk and light tapping glass cutter from the opposite side will make a crack along it. With this option, the edge is usually slightly wavy, but we already know how to grind the glass :-). Take the ruler and apply on the outside along the long sides of the aquarium 12-20 mm from the upper edge by the line with a marker. We put stiffener ribs alternately in place and marker apply the lines of the ends of the stiffener on the side walls. We lay the aquarium on one of the long sides, check the fitting of stiffeners and degrease the glass. We apply glue along the drawn line by entering the side walls to the width of stiffeners and put the stiffeners in place. After a few hours, you can glue the second rib of stiffness. A day later, the aquarium is ready, but it is better to wait a few days until most of the acetic acid evaporates, and the polymerized silicone is compacted. My aquarium and soak it for a day. All. The aquarium is ready, and you received the initial skills of glides of a large aquarium, felt the material and glue. Such an aquarium can always be quickly made and used on the second day (in this case, it is soaked for several hours in a day, filling and pouring hot water several times). You can make a second, neat aquarium.

Cutting “professional”. glass cutter

For such a “surgical” operation, another tool is needed. a ruler, it is better to find a thick plate with which the glass cutter will be more difficult to jump. Material is marked with a felt.tip pen or special pencil. a glassographer, it is used to painted glass surfaces.

Having applied the tags, the points are connected by the line of the future cut, the ruler is left on it. The incision is made only once, repeated manipulation is prohibited, otherwise cracks may appear on the glass. First, in the upper part from the edge, a short fishing line for a trimmer is carried out, its length is up to 5 mm. Then they continue it until the end of the product.

The same efforts made over the entire length are a mandatory requirement. The correctly drawn fishing line for the trimmer should be translucent, uniform. The sheet is broken. If the operation has not been successful on the first attempt, then the fishing line for the trimmer is tapped by the glass cutter with the handle, after which the breakdown process is repeated.

After the most crucial stage ended with success, the edges of the chip are cleaned with fine.grained sandpaper, replacing it. a bar.

Diamond tool

It’s more convenient to work with it because of the usual shape: the handle of diamond glass cutter is very similar to a pencil, so they hold it in the same way. However, there are some features even in working with such a comfortable tool:

  • It is placed at an angle to the processed surface: the position of the glass cutter is similar to the “pose” of the pencil when writing or drawing;
  • Excessive efforts in this case are contraindicated, they will lead to unevenness or chips of a cut line;
  • re.conducting on “drawn” areas. taboos, a retreat is needed at least several millimeters;
  • The work requires accuracy and speed: the operation to scratch the line on the meter sheet of glass takes about 2 seconds.

The cutting line for the trimmer of the cut is combined with the edge of the working surface so that the unnecessary part of it is on weight. The cut is tapped on the underside until a small crack is formed. During this operation, “extra” glass fragments are usually separated from the sheet independently, without requiring the efforts of the master. Sometimes a hanging piece is carefully broken off.

Roller, oil windshield

In this case, a strictly vertical arrangement of the tool, pressing efforts during cutting, are also necessary. Separation of glass always begins in the most delicate method. with a slight tapping on the back. If the glass is not amenable, they turn to more serious actions.

Throughout the cut line (or with intervals or only from one edge), matches and/or toothpicks are placed under the sheet. Then, carefully pressed on the canvas on both sides. If these manipulations do not help, then, again combining the fishing line for a trimmer with the edge of the working surface, try to put pressure on the glass with their hand, but without fanaticism. Unreasonable material is a good reason to try to make another fishing line for a cutting trimmer.

Actions with an oil tool do not differ from working with a conventional video, the difference is one-this process is more easy due to lubrication of the surface.

If you need a round hole

In this case, beginners in this case to get a glass cutter-zirkul, since an independent assembly of a tool that may no longer be required, or anything. In this case, the end is fixed in the center of the future circle, then the required radius is set. The circle is outlined carefully, smoothly, but quickly. Further work on its extraction is similar to the previous work.

glass, cutting, aquarium

Non.standard curly cutting

The process of this cutting is somewhat more complicated, but it is also not very demanding even to novice masters of glass. To guarantee accuracy, first make a workpiece-flue. The pattern is cut out of wood-bearing plate, recommended thickness-5 mm. The video will not be able to fit tightly, so the indentation of 2-3 mm is necessary. Stripes of islands are glued to the lower part of the cut template, they will not let it “fidget” on the glass. The finished pattern is laid on the canvas, draw a continuous fishing line for a trimmer. Then they tap on the bottom.

Folk alternatives to glass cutters

Folk experience is the only option when there is an urgent need, and there is no tool. Several methods are used to cut glass, but not all of them are relatively safe.

  • Scissors and warm water. This method is applicable if you need to cut a sheet whose thickness does not exceed 3 mm. So they work when small pieces of glass of a certain shape are required. Scissors take strong ones, as the work is similar to cutting very dense cardboard. The deeper the glass in water, the easier the process itself. In this case, it is better to put on thick gloves and glasses, as they suggest that glass elements can jump out of the water.
  • Burning device, soldering iron, hot nail. The last option is able to kill a lot of time, since he will have to heat the metiz constantly, and act will not be too convenient. First of all on the glass, draw a fishing line for a trimmer. At its beginning, which coincides with the edge, a small hole is made on it (a file, a file, a hacksaw). A soldering iron is placed in this place, move it without pressure. The glass is broken with their hands, putting on gloves.
  • Natural thin twine and gasoline. Such “jokes with fire” require a master of caution. the use of a non.combustible work surface. A cord cut off exactly in length of the product and moistened with gasoline (kerosene, white spirit), put on a fishing line for a trimmer of the future split, then set fire to. Waiting for almost complete completion of burning, the place is watered with water. If some areas are unprocessed, cut off the twine of a similar length, then the operation is repeated. The cut place is tapped until a crack appears.

The answer to the question of how to cut the glass is right is obvious: the only option is best for this purpose. glass cutter. If the home master is strong for experiments, then he can try folk methods. How is the traditional “glass.cutting” work, this video will show:

How to cut glass correctly

Glass cutting at home will need everyone who lives in a private house so as not to run into a glass workshop every time.

DIY assembly aquarium or replacement of glass in an interior door. as well as in the usual window. All this work where you will need to know how to cut the glass correctly and have some skills in this.

Fortunately, the question of how to cut glass is correctly solved, not difficult, and if there is a high.quality diamond glass cutter, even thick glass will not be difficult.

DIY glass cutting

Initially, it is necessary to make measurements of the new glass. As a rule, if a new glass is cut out, for example, for inserting in interior doors or a window frame, then it is made a couple of millimeters less on each side than the size of the technological opening for it. After the dimensions of the new glass are removed, you can start preparing and cutting glass with your own hands.

For cutting glass you need a strong and even base of the countertop, better wooden. There should not be dirt or garbage on its basis, because of which glass during cutting can be damaged and burst. It is best if the glass does not also fade along the table while cutting it. Otherwise, you need to do everything to prevent this, put on the table, for example, a piece of thin plywood or dense cardboard.

With your own hands before cutting the glass, its surface should be “crystal” clean. It is not allowed to have even the slightest accumulation of dirt or dust. Otherwise, by drawing glass cutter along the glass, you can “run” to such a section, which is why the fishing line for the trimmer of the glass cutter will change, and the glass will be spoiled. Therefore, if there is a need, then the glass in front of the sharp is washed out with a soap solution and wiped with a soft cloth dry.

For cutting glass with your own hands at home, you will also need a flat wooden rail of suitable length along the size of the cut glass. The process of cutting glass at home is not too complicated. At first, the glass is prepared, as mentioned above, then fits on an even and strong base.

After that, tags are placed on the edges of the glass where the incision should be made, and a wooden bar is accurately settled on them, which serves as a guide to work with glass cutter. Then from one edge to the other, pressing tightly, the glass cutter to the wooden rail is an incision. It is better if he is alone, clear and even, just along the bar.

Break the glass after the cut with glass cutting, you can push it to the edge of the table, combining with a cut. Holding the part of the glass located on the base of the table, the other part must be easily pressed down with your hand. If the glass cutter is sharp and the incision is made correctly, then the glass should burst strictly along the cut.

If this does not happen, it is necessary starting from the middle of the glass, neat tapping along the cut line to achieve a crack in it.

glass, cutting, aquarium

The question of how to cut the glass is better to solve correctly, carefully preparing for it. It is best to take and work several times in cutting glass of different thicknesses on unnecessary pieces, and only after that go to cutting glass with your own hands for installation and replacement.

How to make an aquarium at home: materials and instructions

Probably the real underwater world, but in miniature, would like to have the vast majority of people, since the aquarium not only positively affects the psychological health of the hosts, but also improves the microclimate in the house, playing the role of an additional moisture source. Many owners begin with small containers, but over time they understand that this volume is not enough. Buying a new aquarium is not cheap pleasure, and it doesn’t always work out to choose an option that would be perfect in size. Therefore, some aquarium-idealists are seriously thinking about how to make an aquarium at home. Before deciding on such a step, they need to find out what subtleties this “adventure” has “.

The question of how to make an aquarium at home is better to consider later, since first other tasks are faced with aquarists. These include the purchase of everything necessary for the operation, the choice of the best materials for creating a house for fish, as well as determining its optimal shape and size.

What you need to know about glass?

In order for the design to be reliable and high.quality, first of all you need to choose the “correct” glass. The main requirements for it are absolute transparency, the ability to resist the onslaught of water.

The best glass

An incorrect choice can lead to the fact that the design will soon collapse, which means that the fish will inevitably die.Therefore, future owners need to find out which material will be the most suitable for the aquarium.

  • Silicate glass is considered an ideal for creating a container, its organic variety cannot be considered even for very small aquariums. Orgagdlo is easy to scratch, besides, it will quickly become clouded. Its composition also cannot be considered absolutely unsafe for living creatures.
  • Types of silicate glass. window and window. The first option is not suitable. Such material is fragility, in addition, it will distort everything that happens in the “Underwater Kingdom”. Window glass, on the contrary, is the maximum durable, smooth. Yes, it will cost more, not saving here is inappropriate.
  • Varieties of material. There are eight. from M1 to M8. Best aquarium candidate. M1. If there is no way to purchase it, then the next product is chosen. m2. The last of the possible varieties is m3. The acquisition of glass with large numbers in the marking is prohibited, since there is no guarantee that it can withstand water weight.
  • Glass quality. In this case, a thorough inspection of the material is required. Sheets should not have scratches, cracks, chips. Even a small defect on the surface can lead to the destruction of a glass house for underwater inhabitants. Bubbles, strange interspersed inside the glass. reasons to refuse to buy such a product.

Do not recommend using used glasses. This material, which has worked out its term, cannot be considered completely. Any material has a certain service life. Glass is no exception. Taking a used product to the work, the master acts at his own peril and risk.

What else is important?

Glass cutting is considered the main stage responsible for the quality of work. If there is no experience of such work, or it is not called “rich”, then it is better to entrust this operation to the Professional master.

Glass thickness is the most important parameter that will ensure the safe life of future residents. The hosts will be able to choose the height, length and width of the design on their own, but they choose the thickness of the glass, focusing on the table, where H is the height of the glass, and L is its length.

The aquarium of large capacity will certainly require additional structural elements. stiffeners’ ribs. They will make it possible to prevent the walls of the container when installing a glass cover, help withstand the strong pressure of the liquid.

The choice of adhesive composition

This is the second important point related to the answer to the question of how to make an aquarium at home. There is a fairly wide range of adhesive mixtures that connect glass blanks, however, many qualities of glue are important to create an aquarium.


The properties of high.quality sealant include:

  • safety;
  • appearance;
  • durability;
  • elasticity, strength;
  • ease of use of glue;
  • as fast as possible;
  • good clutch (adhesion) with glass.

One composition meets all these characteristics. silicone sealant. But that’s not all. The one.component composition (100% silicone vinegar) is ideal, intended specifically for aquariums, since there should not be harmful impurities in the glue. For example, universal products or silicone antiseptics to protect wood is prohibited.

The color of the adhesive mixture is chosen depending on the design, on its size.

  • White. In this case, it must be expected that the sealant can be very striking, and the aquarium for this reason will look a little strange.
  • Colorless. This transparent version is considered traditional for small aquariums. capacities up to 100 liters.
  • Black. Such a sealant is chosen for large structures to which it gives an elegant, strict look.

What color to choose, future owners decide for themselves. If we talk about the sympathies of masters-aquamers, then a transparent mixture leads here. The reason is to quickly eliminate the bubbles that appeared between the glasses. Neither white nor black composition quickly, “painlessly” can be removed. The remains will have to scrape off the glass with a blade.

How to make an aquarium at home?

Before proceeding to the process, you need to learn about what rules are to assemble a glass aquarium. If the sharp master decided to do it independently, then the main thing for him is to comply with proportionality, compatibility of parts.

Assembly of the aquarium from blanks

In this case, you need to know several features to create a tank.

  • There are 2 assembly options. The first method. future walls are installed on the bottom of the aquarium, the second. they are glued to the side. The “wall at the bottom” option is more convenient to manufacture, as the workpieces will stand on the lower sheet. Therefore, it is precisely about him that will be discussed later.
  • The tank has 4 walls: front, rear and two side. The length of the front and rear wall coincides with the length of the glass intended for the role of the bottom. “Side” for the first method must be shorter by the thickness of the glass, which is multiplied by 2.

For example, if the width of the aquarium is 400 mm, and the glass thickness is 5 mm, then the width of the side glass must be 390 mm (400. 5×2). 1 mm is recommended to be left for a margin, for a seam.

The best option to avoid errors in independent work is to appeal to an experienced glass. In this case, in the workshop, most likely there will be a special machine, and not the simplest glass cutter. Such equipment will make not only the blanks of the exact dimensions, but also the qualitatively process all the slices. Optimally, if there is additionally offered the processing of glass edges. Otherwise, this operation will have to be done on your own.

Creating a house for fish

The work itself consists of several stages that seem quite simple, but require maximum attention. There are no little things here.

Sharpening of the edges of glasses, processing

If this operation was not done in the workshop, then it must be carried out independently, since in the course of work with such sharp faces it is easy to injure. To do this, 100-150 mm of water is typed in the bath, and a terry towel is placed on the bottom. Its task is to prevent defects on glass corners.

glass, cutting, aquarium

But the towel is placed glass, moisten the sharpener with water, and then begin to grind the ribs. Surfaces that will be glued do not touch. The reason is an interesting property of silicone sealant. It provides better adhesion with smooth surfaces. Rudely, on the contrary, the composition does not like, so they can peel off from them.

After processing, glass elements are wiped, dried, then processed by one of the degreas. In order to prevent the adhesive composition on the surface of the walls, before the operation, they are sealed with stripes of painting tape. Distance from the ends. from 3 to 6 mm.

The smooth hard surface is covered with paper. Wooden bars are laid on it: 4 pieces are enough for small aquariums, 6-8 is necessary for massive containers. They have a detail.

Glueing blanks

A nose is stolen on a tube with a sealant, the tip is cut under the corner so that the diameter of the hole is approximately 2/3 of the glass thickness. First take the front wall. On its lower end, which will stand at the bottom, apply a sausage of sealant. Make sure that the seam is the same thickness, without voids and too thin layer.

After applying the sealant, the glass is placed to the bottom of the aquarium, but they do not press much, because the sealant can leak out of the seam. The thicker the seam, the stronger the connection will be. The speaker has not yet been touched, but left until hardening. Temporarily the wall is based on suitable items (for example, on cans of water), or they call to help the assistant.

The next workpiece is the side wall. In this case, the sealant is neatly applied to two ends. to the lower and side, which will be attached to the first, glued wall. The prepared part is attached to the front element, carefully monitoring the layer of silicone and so that there are no bevels. At this stage, there is no longer necessary to support the walls: instead, they are fixed with corners and clamps in the upper part of the structure. The screws are not too tight.

Similarly come with the remaining two walls, and the latter glue the back wall. The most important thing during work is pressure control. The master should not allow the composition to be squeezed out of the seams. It is necessary to monitor that all the blanks remain in their “legal” places, there are not even the slightest shift shifts, so the constant check of the bottom and walls is necessary.

It is not necessary to wait for the sealant of sealant, therefore, in a low form, excess sealants are removed from all the faces of the aquarium with a damp cloth. However, this operation can be carried out after the structure dries: in this case, the excess is removed with a sharp knife (spatula). The capacity is left to dry for a day, or more, if the sealant requires a greater time for grasping. You can’t touch the drying aquarium, rearrange. all the more so.

Stiffener ribs for large aquariums

Which capacity should be considered large, and which small? Large. one that has a length of over 500 mm. In such vessels, stiffness ribs are required, but they are also acceptable for “cans” of small sizes.

Stiffeners. strips of glass of the same thickness as the walls of the aquarium. Their length is equal to the internal length of the container, and the width is 20-50 mm. Their main task is to prevent the structure of the structure. They are glued at a distance of 20-30 mm from the upper edge of the front and rear walls. In addition to the direct duty of the ribs, other functions are performed. They serve as support for the aquarium cover, and also facilitate the carrying of containers that weighs a lot.

If the aquarium has an impressive length (more than 1500 mm), then in addition to the ribs of stiffness, the structure is equipped with screeds. These are similar stripes, they are glued to the ribs located on top, in the lower part of the structure, or to the bottom. The width of each strip of the process should be 30-50 mm.

glass, cutting, aquarium

Now a little about cutting glass

Having decided to do it yourself, do not buy cheap glass cutters. you only spoil your nerves and glass. Good glass cutter costs at least 150 at the same time buying professional glass cutter for 45 also is also not worth. It is advisable to choose a middle ground. By the way, the thing is not disposable, it may come in handy on the farm. Good glass cutter (necessarily roller!) must smoothly and softly, without jumps and vibration, without jamming, go on glass. Glass, by the way, should be clean, dry and not have any defects on the alleged cut line (bubbles, foreign blotches). And, of course, nothing of this can be allowed somewhere in the middle of the front wall or bottom! When marking the glass, consider the thickness of the glass cutter from the edge to the middle of the video (usually 2.5-3 mm). No need to put the instrument on the handle with all the force, it will only be worse. With too strong pressing on the glass, a very deep fishing line for a trimmer of the cut remains, along the edges of which “chips” bounces up. Glass can be badly broken off. However, conduct glass cutter as in pi. De’s palm is also not suitable; In a word, before starting the shredding of glass along and across you need a little (and someone, maybe a lot) to practice. It would be nice to moisten the glass cutter in liquid oil or turpentine before cutting. After cutting, it is necessary to start breaking without delay. Do not go to a smoke break to calm the swayed nerves, glass has the property of “cool” after cutting and may break worse. So, “Kui iron, without leaving the cash register”. Do not “tap” a fishing line for a trimmer of a cut, as many are highly recommended. The end of the glass turns out to be uneven, and indeed the glass can crack at all where you need. Just put the glass on the table so that the line for the trimmer of the cut falls along the edge of the table, and with one confident pressure, break off the cut off the cut. When cutting the narrow strips, you can use the following technique: put the tip of the pencil or any small non.metallic object at the end of the cut where it ends and press on both edges of the glass next to this place. The crack will crawl forward along the cutting line.

If you still successfully coped with the task, it’s time to start processing the glass. Here the scope for creativity is not limited, but there is one subtlety: do not try to process (sanding) in conjugate (glued) surfaces in any case. They will not stick together, Silicone sealant does not stick to porous and polished surfaces. The chamfers, of course, can be removed so as not to cut yourself. I can suggest that, in addition to the well.known diamond, the glass is also processed with grinding paper, which is popularly called the skin, and abrasive bar, for example, for sharpening shoe knives, etc. P. The main thing, do not forget to moisten the bar (or diamond) in water all the time. Firstly, the processing will go faster, secondly, the glass will not heat up (and this cannot be allowed), and thirdly, the bar will not be ragged and clogged with abrasive and glass dust.

Cut and processed glasses must be compared with each other and pick up in pairs, so that something is damn crooked and absolutely unlike the desired. Next, proceed to the choice of sealant. By the way, about them, birth. Many are tormented by the question: what is it to glue? Silicone sealant or the same glue? So, my dear, this is the same! Based on the many definitions that I have seen, characterizing this substance, I propose the most complete explanation of what it is. So, this is a “one-component 100%silicone glue-mixer-mixed acetate group, based on acetic acid”. If you do not understand anything, it’s not scary. The main thing is that when choosing a sealant in the total mass of such products, you are convinced that it contains 100%silicone. It is also important to check whether it is harmful to living organisms ( There are precisely those that are created specifically to combat the manifestation of life, or rather, to combat bacteria, t.e. antifungal, “sanitary” sealants). I will allow myself to recommend to you some brands of sealants to facilitate your painful selection process. The best of all known to me is the Dow Corning 788, but it is very expensive, and therefore the following sealants are also suitable: ChemLux 9011, Kleiberit Suprasil 590e, Teosil a Akvariolaatu, Dow Corning 911. All of them are suitable for gluing aquariums and differ in some parameters, which are important only with mass use, and, of course, the price. When applying, be guided by the instructions written on the cartridge. In most cases, everything is written there correctly. But do not scare the phrases: “. Avoid getting on the skin. “(In the English version, it may sound like”. May Cause Irritate Skin. “). I have not yet met a man who would suffer from this.

Now the most interesting

The surface on which the aquarium is to be assembled should be even, for example, a table. All glued surfaces must be degreased with acetone or gasoline (white spite is suitable) and wipe dry, Acetone, although it removes fat and t.P., but can leave behind a muddy trace from unbearable (solid) particles. So to speak, sediment, and gasoline and white-spit are not enough flying up enough and I leave behind a small fat film, which, however, is easily removed by a simple rag, while real fat is simply not removed. Put some unnecessary newspaper or just paper to the bottom so that the aquarium does not stick to the surface, and you do not have to cut a piece of the table later, and.

Wait, and you have a pistol for sealant? Ah, there is. For those who are such a phrase as a “sealant pistol” plunges into despondency, I give a picture:

Take it in your right hand (you are not left.handed?), and begin to spread the front wall. It is better to do this either in a ruler, putting something under it so that the glue does not touch the ruler, or you can train the nose of the pistol along the edge of the glass, resting on this very edge. In short, do it the way you are more convenient, if only it turned out smoother. The width of the adhesive “sausage”, which crawls out of the nose of the cartridge, should be approximately the same thickness as the glass. At the same time, try to apply glue evenly in order to save yourself and others from the awareness of your curvature. The glue is applied along the vertical faces and along the lower (and, below you can make a seam a little thicker, and it is also allowed to thump with beauty). Next, we put the seam along the lower edge of one of the end glasses (you can also not very beautifully).

We take with both hands the smeared front wall and attach it to the back of the bottom; We press along the entire length and make sure that along the edges the wall protrudes from the bottom at about the same distance. Then, holding this wall with one hand, we put the prepared end to the bottom with the other hand, slightly deflecting the back wall, so as not to smear the vertical seam on it. Only now, when you pressed the end to the bottom, can you aim and get the end of the “end” into the vertical seam on the back wall. After that, put the second end. Well, after all this, glue the last front wall for you, who have just gained remarkable experience, will not be difficult. After all this nightmare, press a little all adhesive compounds so that there is practically no glue between the mating glasses. Well, to be honest, not really, but do not leave thick seams. Their thickness should be within 0.5. 1.5mm. But you do not need to pull off the aquarium with a jack, clamps or something else like that.

Now a few words about why I was so dismissive to the lower seams. Firstly, the lower edge of the aquarium is desirable to decorate with something (so much more aesthetic). Secondly, in order to avoid water leaks, the lower seams should be smeared around the perimeter with a spatula or, at worst, with a finger. By this, you will protect yourself and others from possible troubles that arise as a result of the penetration of air bubbles into the seams.P. This picture will turn out:

It remains to glue the ribs of stiffness. This can be done when the aquarium dries. Then it can be put on the side and from the inside, t.e. to the inside of the front walls perpendicular (not flat!) glue these same ribs. It will look something like this:

Now a few words about how glue dries. In principle, the vast majority of sealants allow further work with the aquarium the next day after gluing. You can glue the ribs, cut the excess glue that performed out (I hope that inside you everything is perfectly even and you don’t need to cut anything), but you can’t fill the water in any case. This can be done (with a little reinsurance) in 5-7 days.

Well, as Forrest Gump said, “That’s all I can say about the war in Vietnam”. I seem to have said a little more, and not about Vietnam. If you get at least something after a thorough study of my instructions, I will be glad. Write to me about how many aquariums you managed to glue it a day, I will put you a passing score in the company “Zoo equipment collectors”. This is how it is recorded in my labor or, as the Yankees say. in my track record.

But at all, do not make yourself hemorrhoids and order aquariums in salons stores, support the domestic manufacturer (t.e. me)!

How to buy an inexpensive aquarium in the online store: market review

Note! When studying the market, you can find out that the price of the aquarium of 100 liters is not excessive. Comparing different models, pay attention to the composition of the set. If necessary, you need to purchase a compressor, other components of the system.

Making a aquarium with your own hands from glass is not too complicated even for beginners the task. Detailed written and video instructions will help create a strong, reliable and beautiful capacity. However, the correct equipment of the aquarium with additional accessories is much more difficult. Here you will have to take into account the features of the fish and the specific conditions of their content. It is necessary to pay attention to the methods of caring for plants, cleaning and maintaining the optimal composition of the liquid. The project should be considered in the complex in order to exclude erroneous solutions.

How to make an aquarium with your own hands?

The manufacture of the aquarium will not take you a lot of money and time, the only thing you need in order to make an aquarium is patience. A homemade aquarium will be no worse than the purchased, it will not yield in any way in its characteristics to those that you see in the store. A homemade aquarium has several advantages.

On a note! Having made the aquarium yourself, you can determine his place in advance, prepare the cabinet for it, make its right size, so as not to look for a place and not put it on stools.

In order to make the aquarium with our own hands, we will need:

Preparatory work

It is not so difficult to make the aquarium, if you immediately take into account all the nuances. The first thing to do is to choose glass. In this case, it is best to use the table and see what glass corresponds to your aquarium. Determine the volume of your aquarium.

Table. How to determine the volume of the aquarium (glass thickness is indicated in mm. Length (cm) in the line, height (cm) in the column).

For the aquarium, the M1 glass brand is ideal, but make sure that there are no bubbles in the glass. You can take M2, M3, M4. it all depends on the volume of your aquarium.

It is not recommended to cut glass independently, as a rule, cutting is included in the price of glass. The only thing you will have to do is to grind the glass a little with a file, but do it carefully enough.

Cutting glass

Important! It is forbidden to use hot glass, since in the case of a small crack you will see not just a small leak, but water along with your fish on your floor.

What glass to choose?

Any glass will not work here. You need to choose high.quality and thick material. As the aquarium fills on the walls, the pressure will increase. Thin glass simply cannot withstand the load. How to make an aquarium with your own hands?

These calculations are suitable for any type of glass. Even if it is organic, then the proportions are identical.

You should know that professionals do not recommend using organic glass, since the latter quickly begins to cloth.

What glass should be?

There are certain requirements for the quality and structure of glass. The future water score requires the highest variety. M1. The structure of the glass eliminates the air entering inward, and does not contain other impurities. M1 is mainly used to install windows in boutiques.

How to glue a glass aquarium? Using ordinary glue as a connecting material for the aquarium cannot. It is required to purchase a special sealant for aquariums. How to glue the aquarium? Before buying, you need to familiarize yourself with the instructions and recommendations. You also need to make sure that the substrate will not harm the underwater inhabitants and plants. In this case, the savings are inappropriate.

Glue the aquarium with your own hands. The length and width of the suture connection is selected individually for the size of the structure:

  • 50-100 liters: Silicone strip thin. In order to make such a seam, it is necessary to lean the nose of the adhesive gun to the finger, and the finger rests on the glass. In order to avoid injuries, it is better to use protective gloves. After the uniform distribution of adhesive substance. the glass are applied to each other. You do not need to crush much. Metal corners are used to align the corners. A cardboard layer is placed under the metal. Then. Everything is compressed. 1 corner. 1 profile. The clamp is done using clamps for gluing aquarium.
  • Tank 200 liters. Construction tape is attached at a distance of 3 millimeters from the edge. The remaining space is filled with silicone. After each pressure, the glue will go to adhesive tape. This can be done after the end of work with a spatula or blade. After all the actions, the party is put vertically, and another glass is already leaning against it. The angle is aligned according to the same scheme: profile, cardboard lining, clamp. The tape is removed until the silicone is dry.
  • 200 liters and more. Speaking from the edge to 6 mm. In this case, both sides are connected and aligned using angles from metal before the sealant is applied. A small gap is required between the walls (you can put a plank). After completion of the work, the bar is removed. Glue is distributed downward. The main thing is not to miss the gap and glue it well. Cut the excess glue and remove tape.

How to make a rectangular aquarium?

If something happened to you, and you wanted to fuck the aquarium, but either there is not enough funds for its acquisition, or from all the holes on the body, rushing an unsatisfied desire to surprise the world with your golden hands, you, of course, will begin to think about it, how to create this miracle-vascular. I hasten to reassure you: everything is not as difficult as it seems. The only request (this is in your own interests): Do not try to create something grandiose, trust this professionals (T.e. to me).

For a novice master for the manufacture of aquariums, the upper limit of volume. 200 l. Trying to create something incomparably more, you risk being left without pants, The same 200 liters can ruin 2-3 apartments, in addition to your. Now think about what a splash will be made liters, say, 500? You have money for the repair of half the entrance? If there is, then there is nothing to rack of the head; It is more necessary to run to the nearest Salon store for the sale of aquariums and order (or buy) the coveted bank there. If she falls apart, you still have a chance that they will help you with repairs.

Well, for those who are inexorably standing on their invincible desire to do everything themselves, are dedicated to the following:

First, imagine how you need. In the end, the plasticine layout is suitable. 🙂 I know from experience that the client, ordering the aquarium, is not quite true for that giant piece of glass that, panting and tearing, drags a team of pink-haired guys into his apartment in the apartment. As a rule, there is no limit to surprise: “How? That’s for me?! Yes, I seem to have not ordered such a huge. “”

HOW TO Build an Aquarium Glass With Extremely Strong BOTTOM (120g Reef Tank Setup E1)

In a word, if you thought well and measured 7 times, it’s time to start cutting glass. I warn you right away: there are 2 methods of assembling rectangular aquariums (I hope that you have the mind not to take up a more complex form immediately): the first implies a design in which all the walls are at the bottom. In the second case, the walls are glued around the bottom. For aquariums with a volume of more than 50 liters, I strongly recommend the second method. over, it is much easier. Next, you should decide on the thickness of the glass that you have already gathered to shred. The decisive role here is played by the length and height of the can (of course, we are talking about the length of that wall, which is greater, t.e. facial). It’s not all the matter, which scares, but in the height of the water column and the length of the glass on which this pillar exerts the greatest pressure, t.e. the longest of all available. For example, very common at one time, a Baltic aquarium for 200 l in size of 1000x400x500 is only to make 8 mm glass. Something smaller rolls and from 6 mm, if only at a height of 500 mm, the length did not exceed 900 mm, and with a length of 1000 mm, the height did not exceed 400 mm. Again, if you have seen something exceeding these recommendations, do not be embarrassed: this story is for you, t.e. for Dummies”. Do not be offended by this nickname: wonderful computer books from the series “. for dummies “reads the whole world, and no one is offended.

How to cut glass to make an Aquarium

In case of cutting glass, the front walls are cut along the overall dimensions of the aquarium, the bottom is reduced in length and width by 2 glass thickness, minus a couple more millimeters per glue. The ends cut out the same width as the bottom, and the height is equal to the front. T.e. The aquarium with dimensions, for example, 800x400x450 with glass thickness of 6 mm 6 mm sizes are as follows:

Front (2 glasses). 800×450 (1 glass). 786×386 ends (2 glass). 386×450

Next, it is also necessary to cut out the so.called stiffeners, which, attached to the upper edge of the front glasses, do not allow them to bend out and, as a result, burst. The ribs should be a little shorter than the bottom (how much. Not fundamentally, if only they occupy at least 3/4 from the length of the aquarium) and a width of 40-50 mm.

Now a little about cutting glass. Having decided to do it yourself, do not buy cheap glass cutters. you only spoil your nerves and glass. Good glass cutter costs at least 150 at the same time buying professional glass cutter for 45 also is also not worth. It is advisable to choose a middle ground. By the way, the thing is not disposable, it may come in handy on the farm. Good glass cutter (necessarily roller!) must smoothly and softly, without jumps and vibration, without jamming, go on glass. Glass, by the way, should be clean, dry and not have any defects on the alleged cut line (bubbles, foreign blotches). And, of course, nothing of this can be allowed somewhere in the middle of the front wall or bottom! When marking the glass, consider the thickness of the glass cutter from the edge to the middle of the video (usually 2.5-3 mm). No need to put the instrument on the handle with all the force, it will only be worse. With too strong pressing on the glass there is a very deep fishing line for the trimmer of the cut, along the edges of which “chips” bounces up. Glass can be badly broken off. However, conduct glass cutter as in pi. De’s palm is also not suitable; In a word, before starting the shredding of glass along and across, you need a little (and someone, maybe a lot) to practice.

It would be nice to moisten the glass cutter in liquid oil or turpentine before cutting the glass. After cutting, it is necessary to start breaking without delay. Do not go to a smoke break to calm the swayed nerves, glass has the ability to “cool” after cutting and may break worse. So, “Kui iron, without leaving the cash register”.

Do not “tap” a fishing line for the trimmer of the cut, as many are highly recommended. The end of the glass turns out to be uneven, and indeed the glass can crack at all where you need. Just put the glass on the table so that the line for the trimmer of the cut falls along the edge of the table, and with one confident pressure, break off the cut off the cut. When cutting the narrow strips, you can use the following technique: put the tip of the pencil or any small non.metallic object at the end of the cut where it ends and press on both edges of the glass next to this place. The crack will crawl forward along the cutting line.

If you still successfully coped with the task, it’s time to start processing the glasses. Here the scope for creativity is not limited, but there is one subtlety: do not try to process (sanding) in conjugate (glued) surfaces in any case. They will not stick together, Silicone sealant does not stick to porous and polished surfaces. The chamfers, of course, can be removed so as not to cut yourself. I can suggest that, in addition to the well.known diamond, the glass is also processed with grinding paper, which is popularly called the skin, and abrasive bar, for example, for sharpening shoe knives, etc. P. The main thing, do not forget to moisten the bar (or diamond) in water all the time. Firstly, the processing will go faster, secondly, the glass will not heat up (and this cannot be allowed), and, thirdly, the bar will not be ragged and clogged with abrasive and glass dust.