DIY mower blade sharpening. How Do You Sharpen A Lawnmower Blade

How Do You Sharpen A Lawnmower Blade?

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Do you have a dull lawnmower blade? Have you been cutting grass with your lawnmower and feel like it is longer than it should? Do you see raggedly cut grass? Well, you might need to check your lawnmower blades for their sharpness.

Ask any homeowner what the one most important tool that helps them in keeping their lawns well maintained is? He or She would say it is their lawnmowers. Yet, frequently, it is these machines that are neglected when it comes to their maintenance. It’s easy to overlook blade maintenance as I tend to forget from time to time as well.

The blade is an essential part of the mower. If it is in bad condition, it will affect your grass cutting session. And the adverse effects are not just related to the look of your lawn. A ragged top cut on a leaf of grass opens up the grass plant and creates a perfect situation for grass diseases.

Lawnmower blades often need sharpening. It is recommended to sharpen these blades at least two times every season using a good sharpener. This maintenance action would make it easy for you to maintain a green and healthy lawn. Keeping your lawn mower blade sharp is your first line of defense against lawn diseases.

In this article, we show you the techniques of sharpening your lawnmower blade.

Learn How to Sharpen Your Lawnmower Blade

There are various methods used to sharpen a lawnmower, including the use of a hand file, bench grinder, angle grinder, or rotary tool. A lawnmower blade sharpener helps you make your lawn-cutting job faster and less stressful. Here, we provide a detailed guide for a lawnmower blade sharpener that works for almost all lawnmowers.

Tools Materials

  • Closed-end wrench
  • Dull Mower blade
  • Torque wrench
  • 10” file
  • Vise
  • Hammer
  • Nail
  • Gloves

For Professionals

Those who cut grass like a professional service provider should invest in one of the high-end power tools designed and manufactured specifically to serve that purpose. These are called grinders and usually the best choice for blade sharpener tools. One that I have had good results with and what I typically use today is the

For Homeowners

Homeowners generally do less mowing compared to professionals and can select from various options available for lower-end power and manual tools. If you intend to save money, you can rely on the manual, traditional file. Most homeowners would find a file would a great choice because they are typically under 20. The Nicholson file shown below is what I use.

What You Should Know Before Sharpening the Blade

Regardless of which tool you use, before you start, you should know some essential things such as:

  • How sharp the blade should be
  • How frequently you should sharpen
  • When sharpening does not work

As you feel eager to fix your lawnmower by sharpening the blades to get better grass cutting, you might think that you should aim for the sharpest possible result. However, that is not the case. You should try to achieve a delicate balance. The cutting edge of the mower blade has to be sharp but not razor-sharp. If you sharp it too much, the edge will not hold up for longer, and you will have to sharpen it again soon.

If you find large bends or nicks in your blade, the sharpening is not going to correct the issue. You should consider replacing your lawnmower blade instead.

Removing the Blade

Before you start anything, take note of the precautions you need to take. Remember, safety comes first. Ensure your work area is free of any clutter, and you are using the proper socket size for the nut on your mower. I have on occasion used a size bigger than recommended and have slipped while loosening the bolt, knocking my knuckles on the blade. Not a fun time.

Tips for removing lawnmower blades:

  • Read your lawn mower’s instruction manual
  • Wear protective goggles, hearing protection. Gloves and long pants are also a must. Another safety recommendation is to wear sturdy close-toed shoes
  • Ensure that you disconnect the machine from its power source. If it is cordless mower, remove the battery pack. This precaution will ensure that the engine won’t start unexpectedly.
  • Remove the spark plug especially if you sharpen the blade without detaching it from the mower

We recommend removing the blade before sharpening. However, it depends on the design of your mowing equipment, whether you can sharpen the blades without removing them. Removing blades can save you a lot of time. But removal provides better access to the blade’s edges. It also facilitates better visual inspection of any existing damage that occurred on the blade, such as excessive wear or stress fractures. over, consider emptying the gas tank so that no fuel spills when you remove the blade.

Next, turn the mower on the side that exposes the bolt or nut securing the blade to the mower. Use a short wooden block between the inside surface and the end of the mower blade to keep the blade from turning. Now, with the help of a long-handle wrench with a socket, loosen the bolt or nut. If you find that the bolt is rusted or stuck, use some penetrating oil and try again after a few minutes. Use a metal pipe over the handle of the wrench to get more leverage when loosening a stubborn bolt.

Once you remove the retaining bolt or nut, remove the mower blade and remember which side of the mower blade faced downward. This identification is essential to make sure the blade gets installed back in the same position. Use a permanent marker to mark the side that you need to remember.

Cleaning and Positioning

After you remove the blade, spend some time inspecting and cleaning the underside of the deck with the help of a knife with a narrow blade. Make sure all mud, grass, leaves, and debris are removed from it. Use penetrating oil and a stiff-bristle tool, such as a brush, and clean the two sides of the blade.

Mower blades generally have a cutting edge on both ends located on opposite sides of the blade. These cutting edges are only 3-4 inches long and don’t extend the blade’s length. So, you can clamp the mower blade in a vise in an angular position with any one of the cutting edges facing upwards.

Blade Sharpening

Get a blade sharpener that works with a drill to sharpen your lawnmower blade. This tool has an abrasive stone, a steel shank, and a flat sharpening guide. The surface of the stone is beveled and grinds the right cutting angle for the blade. Watch this video demonstration to see how to sharpen your blade properly.

Though this nail technique works and is a simple method, you can use a mower blade balancer for more accurate results. It is a cone-shaped, multi-tiered metal fixture that can be placed on a flat surface with a blade set on the top. This tool works with a blade with a varying diameter of center holes. When you use a balanced blade, it remains level; otherwise, it tilts towards either side, indicating the heavier side of the blade that needs more sharpening.

mower, blade, sharpening, sharpen, lawnmower

Once you sharpen and balance the blade, reinstall it into the original position on the mower and tighten the bolt. Use a wrench to ensure to tighten the bolt snugly. Attach the wire again, fill the gas tank, and put your freshly sharpened mower blade to test.

Hi, Alex Kuritz here. Growing up I remember that my family had one of the best lawns in the neighborhood. Richly green and lush. I did a lot as I grew up in terms of caring and tending for not only my family’s lawn but also my neighbors. I can say I have years of experience, and I am here to share it with you.

mower, blade, sharpening, sharpen, lawnmower

How to Sharpen Lawn Mower Blades with a File

As you get your lawn equipment ready for another season, it’s a great time to sharpen your mower blades. We all like to fertilize, water, and edge our lawns, but your lawn mower is the most essential tool in our garage, and whether you use a gas-powered mower, or you’ve gone electric, your mower still uses blades to mow your lawn. That means a regular part of mower maintenance for all of us includes sharpening the blades. In today’s article, I’ll explain how to sharpen lawn mower blades with a file.

Why Sharpen Your Lawn Mower Blades?

It’s important not to overlook your lawn mower’s blades. With time and use, blades get dull and need to be sharpened. Sharp mower blades lead to a clean cut of your grass. This keeps your lawn healthy, and can help it resist disease (which likes to enter through damaged leaves).

Beyond the wear and tear of general mowing, damage can also dull your blades. This can happen when you run over rocks, stones, sticks, pinecones, and other yard debris.

If you’ve heard more than a few clinks along the way, make sure you check and see what kind of damage your blade has been taking.

Damaged blades can also get out of balance. This means that the weight of one side of the blade is higher – making the blade wobble as it spins.

Unbalanced mower blades will cause your mower to run rough, and perform poorly.

How to Sharpen Your Lawn Mower Blades with a File

The steps I go over here will help you safely and successfully sharpen your mower blades with a file.

If you do tilt your mower on the side, it is important to turn the mower over onto the side with the carburetor and the air filter face up.

These are often on the side of the engine in plastic casing, and noticeably protruding. It’s typically the opposite side from where your mower’s exhaust pipe is located.

Remove the Blades

Make sure you have your sturdy garden or leather gloves on for this step. Once the mower is on its side, away from the carburetor and air filter, use a wrench to undo the blades.

With the gloved hand, grab ahold of the blade and with the other hand remove the nuts that keep the blade connected to the mower.

TIP: Keep a mark on the blades to remember which side is up and which faces down. This will help to keep from replacing the blades the wrong way when you’re all finished.

Clean the Blades

Clean the blades off with a wet rag, wiping off any excess debris. Then repeat this process with a dry rag.

While cleaning, be careful not to scrub off the mark you just made to remember which side faces up.

Fasten the Blades In

To keep each blade stable for sharpening, clamp it on your workstation. A vise or a sturdy clamp will secure the blade.

Before you get to sharpening, lay out some newspaper or an old rag to catch any metal filings. This will make your cleanup much quicker when you’re all finished.

mower, blade, sharpening, sharpen, lawnmower

Sharpen the Blades

Again, make sure you have on your gloves and eye protection. They’re especially crucial for your safety during this step.

Sharpen your lawn mower blades with the file. I recommend you keep your angle pretty much the same as the factory edge and angle the blade has. You want to run the file the full length of the blade with even pressure on each pass.

When you finish with the first side, flip the blade and sharpen the other side.

Check for Balance

When you’ve finished sharpening, and achieved the edge you want on each side of your blade you’ll want to check the balance.

Any time you remove some of the metal with a file, there’s a chance you’ve removed more on one side than the other, which can make your blade wobble and perform poorly when you re-attach it.

You can place the blade onto a balancer to check whether the blade is level. Most people invest in a blade balancer like this one on Amazon, but a balancer could be any object narrow enough to balance the blade on at its midpoint like a teeter-totter.

I use a nail I pounded into a post in my garage. After I sharpen my mower blade with my file I just pop the blade on there with the nail through the center hole and the two sides of the blade levelled horizontally. When I let go of the blade it’s obvious if the blade is balanced (it stays in its horizontal position), or if one side is heavier (that side begins to tilt down).

Sharpen Your Mower Blades To The Correct Angle.for only 1

If your sharpened blade is out of balance, don’t sweat it. Just grind down the heavier side a little further and reassess until the blade doesn’t teeter on the balancer.

Reattach the Blade

Before reattaching your mower blade, spray the blade with WD-40 (available on Amazon, at Ace Hardware and other local stores) to reduce the chance of rust.

I also suggest cleaning the underside of your mower deck at this time since your blade is already out of the way.

Next, attach the blade back on your mower. Pay attention to which side of the blade faces up based on the mark you put on it when you removed it earlier.

Bolt the blade in securely.

TIP: In case your mark wore off, or you forgot to mark your blade when you removed it, the sharp edge should face the direction in which the blade spins.

Test Run

Replace the spark plugs and power sources in order to start up the mower for a test run. Make sure everything looks and sounds good.

If you aren’t feeling too comfortable with things, check your blades over and make sure there isn’t an issue with the balance.

Now You Know How to Sharpen Lawn Mower Blades With a File

Remember, if you don’t feel comfortable or safe sharpening your mower blade yourself, bring it to a professional.

Want to learn more about mower blades? Before you go, check out my article revealing whether brand new lawn mower blades need to be sharpened to perform well.

How to Sharpen Lawn Mower Blades

Certainly one of the most repetitive lawn mower maintenance tasks there is no matter what type of lawn mower you have. In this article, we will look at 3 different options you have when it comes to grinding your mower blades and lawn mower blade sharpeners to consider.

Lawn Mower Blade Sharpeners

1st we will go over the ‘traditional’ angle grinder method. This is very effective and requires the smallest investment in equipment. It is going to be the most time consuming and leave the most room for user error.

Next, we will take a look at the professional blade grinder made by RBG. RBG has several models available but the RBG 712 Blade Grinder is the most popular by a long shot and for good reason. It is incredibly efficient and leaves little to no room for user error.

Finally, we will check out the EMBSX by Noracore which is the world’s first blade sharpener that does not, I repeat, does not require the removal of the blades from your lawn mower!

And if you thinking the EMBSX will never last, you are correct, they are already out of business and the EMBSX is no longer available! We still wanted to leave it in this article for historical sake!

How to Use an Angle Grinder to Sharpen Lawn Mower Blades

Using an angle grinder and vice grip is probably the most common way people sharpen their lawn mower blades. This goes for homeowners and small businesses alike.

Many homeowners, and even some businesses, will actually take their blades into the local mower shop to have their mower blades sharpened. Although this is an option, we feel the cost (over time) and time involved in this makes it less than ideal, to say the least.

Here is a great video on blade sharpening with an angle grinder:

If you watched the video or were already familiar with this method of sharpening mower blades, it simply involves removing the blades from your mower, inserting them into a vice grip 1 at a time, and grinding the cutting edge with an angle grinder. After grinding one side of the blade, you need to rotate the blade 180 degrees in the vice to grind the other side of the blade.

Although this is a relatively quick process, the other options are much quicker and more accurate. Lawn mower blades come from the factory with a specific angle on the angled edge. This angle should be kept as you grind your blades over time.

The most common lawn mower blade angle is 30-35 degrees. When sharpening your mower blades it is important to keep this 30-35 degree angle over time.

Since the person operating the angle grinder is solely using their motor skills to keep that angle, it leaves the door wide open to alter the degree of the angle. Not that this is the end of the world, the blade will still cut the grass, but there will be some quality/performance loss.

Who Typically Grinds Blades With An Angle Grinder?

This is going to probably be the ‘best’ way for a homeowner to efficiently and cost-efficiently maintain their mower blades. We say that because they more than likely have a single lawn mower which has one or two, possibly three blades, to sharpen each time sharpening is due. This only this volume of blades to sharpen, this is a perfectly acceptable method.

It also very well may be the best option for smaller lawn care, lawn mowing, or landscaping companies since it does not take that much longer than the other methods, and the cost savings it pretty significant in comparison.

We honestly feel looking at the other methods is warranted when you have 5 mowers in your fleet. The time-savings could be cheaper than the cost of the blade grinders in the long run and provide better results.

Cost Of Grinding Mower Blades With An Angle Grinder

You may have everything you need to do this already effectively making it ‘free’ to start sharpening your blades in this manner.

Angle grinders run from 15 to 100 and a vice grip is going to be 30 and up.

You will probably want to consider grabbing some replacement grinding discs. 4.5 disc diameter is a great size for grinding blades with an angle grinder. Also, consider purchasing a ‘flap disk’ instead of the metal grinding wheel to keep your blades cooler during the sharpening process.

Blade Grinding With The RBG 712

The quality of the build and simple design of the RBG 712 attracts many eyeballs and makes it the choice of many lawn care professionals and serious DIY homeowners.

There is little room for error when using the RBG 712 grinder.

The guides are set to 30 degrees which is the most common angle of a cutting edge on a lawn mower blade. The blades do still need to be removed from your machine, but instead of grinding by hand with the angle grinder, the machine makes quick work of putting the 30-degree edge back on your blades.

Often, in as little as 2 passes your blades will be razor-sharp once again. When using an angle grinder it is not uncommon to make 10-20 passes back and forth across the cutting edge in comparison.

Who Typically Grinds Blades With A Professional Grinder Like The RBG 712?

The RBG 712 is ideal for DIY homeowners who are lawn care fanatics with some extra money to throw around and professional companies alike.

If you do have multiple mowers in your fleet, this can save a lot of time when compared to grinding several blades one after the other with an angle grinder.

Cost Of Grinding Mower Blades With A RBG 712 Grinder

iGoPro Lawn Supply has the RBG 712 grinder for sale. We do recommend to also purchase the ‘RBG 712 Grinder Grit Collect’ as this will greatly reduce the amount of dust entering the air.

The grit collector for the RBG 712 will last forever. The grinding disc last for hundreds of sharpenings. We do also carry replacement grinding wheels and they are specific to this unit. The grinding disc on the RBG 712 keeps the blades cooler than a typical metal grinding wheel.

The EMBSX. The Easy Mower Blade Sharpener

Update: The EMBSX is no longer available as the company has ceased production!

No doubt, the EMBSX is the coolest blade sharpener on the market today !

You do not even have to remove the blades from your lawn mower!

Developed by engineers, the EMBSX is properly nicknamed The Easy Mower Blade Sharpener, hence EMBSX.

We love the well thought out design which also includes all tools you may need to make adjustments to the height/cutting angle. And, since you will not be able to directly see your blades while grinding, it has a mirror and Wi-Fi camera with a free app to get you the visibility you need.

Honestly, after using the tool a couple of times, you very well no longer need the assistance of the mirror or camera.

Final Thoughts On Mower Blade Sharpening

The are several ways to skin this cat, or sharpen those lawn mower blades in this case!

The key takeaways on how to sharpen lawn mower blades are to determine if you’d like to spend a little more for speed and accuracy or save some money by doing it the ‘old fashioned way’ with an angle grinder and vice grip.

Honestly, the ‘old fashioned way’ was literally with a hand file! Any of the methods on how to sharpen lawn mower blades covered in this article are a better option than that!

If you are interested in the EMBSX or RBG 712 blade grinder, iGoPro Lawn Supply is an authorized dealer of each product.

It’s super important to keep your mower blades sharp, so please, no matter how you do it, please do it right and do it often.

Also, do it safely! Always be extra cautious when removing your mower blades, grinding your mower blades, and installing your mower blades. Be sure they are properly and securely reinstalled on your mower. The last thing you want is a freshly sharpened mower blade flying into the neighbor’s living room!

Ryan Sciamanna

Ryan is the owner and founder of Lawn Crack, LLC the parent company of iGoPro Lawn Supply. He has worked in almost every capacity within the lawn and landscape industry for small local companies, nationwide companies, and of course, owning his own lawn landscape business which he sold in 2018 before starting selling lawn and garden products online. Learn more about Ryan by subscribing to the LawnCrack YouTube Channel.

How to Sharpen Lawn Mower Blades

When you mow your lawn with the dull blade of your lawnmower, your grass can turn brown due to the ragged cuts. For this reason, it is important to have sharp lawnmower blades. It can keep the grass healthy and green and the mow will also last longer.

All you have to do is to sharpen the blade to have clean cuts. In doing so, your lawn mowing time will be reduced and the grass can recover quickly. Here we shall explain to you how to sharpen the lawnmower blade safely.

Requirements –

The tools required for sharpening lawn mower blades are socket wrench or ratchet set, vise, bastard-cut mill file, and rags. The materials that you require will be work gloves and WD-40 lubricant.

When To Sharpen Your Mower Blade?

When you cut the grass, the nutrients will return to the lawn so that there will be strong and green-looking grass. For this, it is important to provide clean cuts. You can offer a clean cut with a sharp mower. However, with regular use, the lawnmower blade can become blunt and dull. It is important that you inspect the blades from time to time.

  • When there are worn-out blades, you will have to remove them and hone the edges.
  • It is advisable to sharpen the mower blade at least twice a season.
  • Some people often tend to sharpen the blades after 25 hours of use.
  • You will also have to sharpen them when the blades hit rocks which can cause dents.
  • At times you will find it difficult while mowing, where the lawn will give you hints that the blades are dull.
  • You have to look out for different signs like uneven grass height, dents or nicks, torn-looking blades, or frayed grass edges.

Removing and Cleaning Blade

To sharpen the blade, you will have to safely remove the blade from the lawnmower. It is always advisable that you disconnect the power source or battery. Always disconnect the spark plug wires. It helps to protect from any kind of shocks due to power. You can do it in the following way:

  • For better safety, you can wear protective eye gear and gloves.
  • Firstly, always drain the gas tank which will help to prevent fuel spills. You need to turn the mower on its side carefully. However, make sure that the carburetor and air filter are on the upward-facing side.
  • Use a permanent marker or a grease pencil to mark the bottom of the blade. In doing so, you will be able to install it right side up after sharpening the blade.
  • Now you will have to look out for the nuts. By using a wrench or a socket, you can easily loosen the nuts to release the mower blade. Apply more leverage if the grip is very tight. You need to clamp the blade and brace it with a piece of scrap wood.
  • If in any case the threaded shaft and nuts are stuck together, you will have to apply penetrating oil. Always allow it to sit in for a couple of hours.
  • Before sharpening, you will always have to clean the blade with a microfiber cloth or a dry rag. At times you may find the blade to be covered in grass clippings where you will have to use penetrating oil. Allow it to sit for some time and then scrub the debris with a stiff brush.

How To Sharpen Lawn Mower Blade?

To prepare for cleaning, you will have to gather the tools. You will first have to confirm if the blade is damaged or dull. Keep in mind the opposite sides of the blade have a cutting edge of up to 4 inches. To examine the blade, you will have to clamp the mower blade onto a worktable. Keep the cutting edge facing upwards. Look carefully for the signs if it requires sharpening or replacement. A replacement has to be done if the blade has cracks or if it is severely bent. If the blade is dull or chipped, you will have to sharpen it.

The lawnmower blade sharpening can be done in multiple ways. To sharpen it with the hand you will require abrasives or metal files. If you are looking to sharpen it with a machine, you will require a bench grinder, angle grinder, or blade sharpener.

While sharpening you will have to do it safely so that it will not cut your finger. If it is a razor-sharp blade, the likelihood of becoming dull is even more. It is advisable to go for replacement rather than have constant sharpening.

Sharpening by Hand

Always begin by wearing protective gloves and eye gear. You will have to protect yourself from metal shavings and sparks.

  • Use a grindstone or a file of 10 inches to sharpen the blade’s edge. You need to keep the file approximately about 45 degrees.
  • Begin by sharpening from the top side.
  • You will have to push the file in one direction without sawing back and forth.
  • While filling, you will be able to feel the file teeth. When there is no such feeling, you will have to apply a little pressure.
  • Try to reach rough spots and follow the blade edge’s angle. Do note that most blades require sharpening in less than 50 file strokes.
  • After finishing one edge, you will have to release it from the vise.
  • Repeat the process by turning it over to the other side.

Sharpening with Blade Sharpener

Here also you will have to put on gloves as well as hearing protection.

  • You will have to begin by clamping the blade into a vise.
  • Take a standard drill and insert the blade sharpener into it. The blade sharpener comes with a grinding stone that has a beveled edge. It also features a shank of 0.25-inch and a guide piece.
  • Begin by pulling the drill trigger to start it.
  • You can now place the grinder on the mower blade. To have the right sharpening angle, you must keep the flat guide against the blade rear. Also, the cutting edge must slot into the bevel.
  • By applying medium pressure, you will have to move the stone back and forth. Check the blade after every five strokes. It has to be free from any rough spots or nicks and must be very sharp.
  • Complete the edge and then turn the blade over. Begin the process and sharpen the other edge.

When you happen to use a power sharpener, never overheat the blade’s edge. If it is ho,t you can dunk it in a bucket of water.

Sharpening with Angle Grinder

To begin with, you will always have to wear safety gear like ear and eye protection and work gloves.

  • Clamp the blade by using a vise. For the angle grinder, you can use a flap disc.
  • It is advisable to align the mower blade cutting edge with the grinder’s blade.
  • You need to move the grinder slowly against the edge of the blade.
  • Try to do it on the existing edge and make sure there are no rough spots.
  • After completing one edge, you can repeat it by turning it over.

If you feel that the sharpening is complete, you can always check it. Get a piece of paper or a blade of grass and it must cut easily.

Check Blade Balance

Before you install the blade, it is important to confirm the blade balance. An unbalanced blade can lead to vibrations that can damage its components. A well-balanced blade will have smooth running. Any imbalance can even damage your mower and you will have to look for a replacement. There are even ways to check the blade balance by using a blade balancer. You can confirm it in the following way:

  • You can begin by supporting the blade like a scale and using a screwdriver. Now insert the tip of the screwdriver in the blade’s hole. You will find that the blade will balance or drop on the handle.
  • Holding the blade horizontally, you must let it go. In this process, keep in mind that it should remain level.
  • The primary sign of an unbalanced blade is that the blade drops at one side.
  • It can even happen that the depth side is heavier. You will have to remove some metal by taking off a few strokes.

Easiest Way to Sharpen Lawn Mower Blades without an angle grinder! Arnold Stone & Guide blade kit

Reinstall the Blade

Reinstalling the blade is a key factor in determining the overall performance. If it is under tightened, then it will make the mower hard to start. During this process, you can easily clean the bowl around the blade. Make sure that you like the area clean which is under the mower. Remove any grass clippings or mud by using a putty knife or scraper.

  • Begin by inserting the blade onto the bolt. Do note that the marked side must be upward.
  • By using a socket wrench, you can tighten the nut. It has to be secure and must be extremely tight so that the mower can start smoothly.
  • You can now connect the spark plug wire as well as the power source.
  • In the next step, you must refill the gas tank.
  • To prevent any fumes, you will have to roll the mower outside the shed or garage.
  • Finally, you can see if the mower starts smoothly.

How to Maintain Your Mower Blade?

Blade maintenance is an important thing for or perfect lawn. You will have to sharpen your blade at least twice during the mowing season. It can provide a healthy lawn and your mower will be in good shape. It does mean that you will have to keep good attention to the blades. You will have to sharpen the mower blade every time you have used it for up to 25 hours. For this, you can calculate the time you have mowed in a season. By keeping sharp blades, you don’t have to worry about getting a new one. In doing so, your blade can last longer.


We have discussed how often should you sharpen your blades. It is very important to sharpen the mower blade. Sharp blades offer clean mowing and can save you money. It can last very long when there is proper maintenance. You will have to look for any signs which can actually compromise the performance of the mower. However, you must maintain safety while sharpening the mower blade and do it carefully.

One Response

Hi, I really liked the articles on sharpening lawn mower blades. But I have come up with a question. I have a lean mower with two blades. So when I put them back on how do they need to go back on? I mean like should they be placed like this – – or || or — l. Not sure how to explain it. Do the blades both face like on a clock 9 to 3 or do I place on blade at 9to3 the other at 12to6? I hope you can understand what I’m trying to ask. Thanks Mark