DIY polishing disk for electric screwdriver. Planting nozzle

Simple drum grinding nozzle for an electric screwdriver with your own hands

Когда шлифовальные работы носят разовый характер и нет особых требований к качеству и точности обработки поверхностей, для шлифовки используют насадки на дрели или угловые шлифмашинки. In the first case, it is a tool with an ordinary cylindrical shank, and in the second with a threaded hole. Drinking nozzles are more common, t. to. They are universal and can be used with three.cubic, fast.packed and zangi cartridges, including in screwdrivers. Having several such nozzles, you can consistently remove the old paint, removal of burrs and tidils, rough grinding of putty and finish polishing after painting. With the help of end nozzles for a drill, which have a variety of shape and are made of solid abrasive, samples are made in specialized surfaces of metal products in the lateral and end directions. In addition, they are used to sharpen chisels, knives, drills and other locksmith tools.

Areas of use of grinding nozzles for drill

Local nozzles for drones in many cases are quite successfully replaced by specialized grinders, which allows the home master to solve his problems by a minimum of a drive tool. For example, with the help of a wire brush, you can remove a rust or an old paintwork, then polish the surface with abrasive paper to and after a primer, and then polish the paint with felt or felt. If you need to install a similar nozzle on an electric screwdriver, use special cartridges with a hexagonal shank or adapters. The only restriction of such a tool is low electrical screwdriver revolutions.

The presence of a variety of balls from an abrasive allows you to melt the hole in the metal to the desired size or give it the necessary shape. These nozzles for drones have many shapes and sizes, so you can always choose the corresponding size and shape of the vested profile. Grinding plates and drums are often used with a drill fixed using special devices in a horizontal or vertical position.

In this embodiment, the drill acts as an impromptu mini-dodium, which can be used both for grinding parts, and for sharpening the tool.

Advantages and disadvantages

Consider the pros and cons of discs from foam and sheepskin.

The disadvantages of foam circles for polishing the car include rapid heating and high consumption of pasta. The advantage is a variety of choice and a small price.

The pluses of sheepskin nozzles include:

Foamen.policeman circle for car

As a result, each nozzle needs to be selected for a specific case.

What nozzles are suitable for polishing a car?

Usually, in order to polish the car using a drill, the following types of nozzles are used:

  • Fleet nozzles, which are soft circles from a cylindrical or flat.shaped felt. Such nozzles serve both for cleansing the surface before polishing, and for final polishing the surface.
  • Nozzle in the form of a sheepskin cap, which is ideal for the final polishing stage. Using such a nozzle gives a truly brilliant result.
  • Speech circles consisting of a fabric cord, or covered with skin. With the help of such nozzles, you can clean the products before polishing, and they are suitable for both flat and relief surfaces. The leather circles are softer, therefore suitable for delicate processing of varnish or acrylic products, but nozzles from a fabric cord can be used to process metal.
  • Foam nozzles. When buying such nozzles, it should be borne in mind that the smaller the cells on the foam circle, the softer the effect of polishing will be.

In addition, polishing nozzles for a drill are divided into two categories, depending on the form:

To process the car body using a drill, you will need an adapter. a device for which a nozzle or polishing circle is attached.

Before you start polishing, it is necessary to apply a thin layer of a special tool to the surface. In the process, the nozzle will distribute the product over the surface, making it brilliant.

Auto polishing with an electric screwdriver

When using the vehicle, no matter how carefully you go to it, nevertheless, different damage (scratches from branches, chips from stones, cracks and dents) are formed. Polishing the car in workshops and services is not cheap, so you can do it yourself at home. After the polishing process, the machine has a beautiful updated look and has water and dirt-repellent properties. And also, polishing is positively reflected in the paintwork of the body. Any paintwork after a certain time fades or defects appear on it. Polishing helps to eliminate them by returning your car initial shine and rich color. But in order for the result to exceed expectations, you should correctly decide on the choice of a polishing and pasta tool. There are polishing funds:

  • Abrasive. When polishing with such compositions, scuffs and cracks from the body surface are eliminated. But such funds remove the upper layer of the paintwork, so after abrasive polishing it is necessary to restore the surface. Such polishing should not be performed too often, since it removes the paintwork layer.
  • Non.abrasive. They are intended for protective polishing. To make the car look respectable, this process must be periodically repeated, at least once every 12 months.
  • Silicone. Serve to fill the smallest defects and add a glossy shine to the machine. Most often they are used together with abrasive to consolidate the process of processing.

If you have not purchased a special watering machine, then instead you can use a screwdriver with nozzles. Polishing the car with an electric screwdriver requires the presence of the following materials and tools: nozzles for electrical screwdriver, circles for polishing from foam rubber, abrasive products (polish or pasta) and the final polishing composition. Typically, polishing the car with an electric screwdriver is performed using the following types of nozzles:

  • Felt. They are designed to clean the surface before polishing and for the final polishing of the body. Such circles from felt in the shape of a cylinder or flat. Sheepskin nozzles are used for final polishing of the body, as they give a dazzling gloss of the surface.
  • Foam rubber. Keep in mind that the smaller the cell on foam nozzles, the softer the result of processing will be.
  • Leather nozzles or circles from a fabric cord. Designed to cleanse the surface before polishing. They are suitable for any surfaces.

Polishing the machine with an electric screwdriver is performed only after preparatory work. They start with washing and cleaning transport. It is best to purchase a specialized automobile shampoo, as it will help to quickly eliminate any pollution (bitumen deposits, bird droppings, fat and oil spots and others) and wash small sandstones and dirt, which can damage the paintwork layer. And also, such shampoos cover the body surface with a protective layer and create the brilliance and cleanliness of the body. Therefore, every car enthusiast should have a car shampoo. With an electric screwdriver polishing with your own hands should be carried out carefully. It is necessary to track the condition of the paintwork and prevent overheating of the body surface all the time. Do not forget to rinse the foam circles from a dried.up polishing agent, since the dried polish has a strong grainness that can damage the enamel. If you suddenly ruin the paintwork, it can be restored after the service Local painting of cars.

Polishing the body with an electric screwdriver is not complicated. At first, an abrasive is applied to a circle for polishing and on a small surface of the body and smoothly distribute the paste evenly. Polishing with an electric screwdriver differs from professional polishing, but in this way you will much reduce the visibility of large defects and completely remove minor damage. Then, you need to sand the smallest cracks and scratches and eliminate the transitions between the sites using a special pasta. A big disadvantage of using an electric screwdriver is the rapid battery discharge. The solution to this problem will be the use of two batteries and a charging device. But, electric screwdriver can be used for polishing in poorly accessible places, as it is small and compact.

If you doubt that you can independently polish the surface yourself, then feel free to contact our company. We will do all the work for you quickly and efficiently. Our experts have extensive experience and specialized skills, so we guarantee an effective result. Our services, information about the company and reviews of grateful customers can be found on our website.

Return back to evaluate the on-line car or just call us: 7 (495) 96-916-96

Materials and equipment

To perform work, you will need to purchase a policeman mixture. Based on the composition, these materials are classified into several types, which differ from each other in terms of durability and other operational properties, which determines the difference in value.

Wax polishing mixtures are considered the least stable. They withstand only 2-3 sinks. This explains the low cost of these materials. Teflon polishes are more reliable and preserved up to 6-8 sinks. They have protective properties in relation to ultraviolet rays, water and oxidation. These substances provide special aesthetic properties in the form of wet shine and color depth. Epoxy polishing mixtures created on the basis of epoxy resins and other polymers consider it very reliable. They persist from six months to 9 months. They have dirt and water-repellent properties and prevent the penetration of aggressive substances under the paintwork.

The most reliable among this kind of lacquer-conservations. They withstand 1-2 years depending on operating conditions. This is due to the fact that these materials are designed for particularly difficult operating conditions of the car. Therefore, they have increased resistance to all negative factors, both chemical and mechanical, due to the fact that they form an elastic protective film.

There is another classification of polishes based on aggregate state. On this basis, 3 types of polishing materials are distinguished. Paste.shaped polishes have a thick consistency, which ensures the possibility of holding them on vertical surfaces. Thanks to this, these substances are convenient for processing any car body elements. In addition, such mixtures give the depth of color. Liquid polishes are characterized in that they flow down on vertical surfaces. In this regard, they are used for applying body elements such as hood, roof, trunk.

The advantage of liquid mixtures over pasty is the possibility of polishing them for a long time without the risk of damage to the paintwork.

Aerosol polishes are especially convenient in work due to the simplicity of application. However, the spray cans contain a small amount of material due to the presence of components for spraying, such as solvent and propellate.

The nuances of application

You can buy a drill for a drill for polishing a car in any store where cars are sold for cars. However, you should choose this device carefully.

Elements of the body of new cars are made using modern technologies. The anti.corrosion composition and paint are applied to the metal, which are distinguished by wear resistance. They will serve about 15 years. However, such a coating is better preserved if it is carried out proper care. The polishing device provides the restoration of the initial shine and removes the defect from the surface. Together with a special tool, such a product will be cheaper than the services provided in the workshop.

Preparatory stage of independent polishing

To polish the body, you will need a number of chemicals and compositions, as well as some devices, a special tool and consumables for it. Depending on the degree of effect on the paintwork, polishing compounds are abrasive, medium.ababral and non.pectoral

In addition to them, you should arm yourself with a solvent, a degreaser and, possibly, a special tool for removing bitumen. This is where chemistry ends and physics begins, t. e. tool, devices and some supplies, and more specifically:

  • polishing machine;
  • polishing circles (plus, possibly mandrel for their fastening);
  • napkins or microfiber towels;
  • paper (painting) adhesive tape.

Before starting work, it is necessary to wash with all possible thoroughness (preferably with a high pressure with the use of special shampoos) and dry out.


The preparation can be considered complete: time to move to polishing.

Body polishing

The polishing process can only be corrected by some defects. If there is corrosion, chips or damage through which the steel frame is visible on the back, then you will need major repairs. Before the beginning of the polishing process, a careful examination of the car should be carried out and make sure that the disadvantages can be eliminated.

The body processing with a special device will give a positive result when:

  • a slight difference in shades, which turned out after partial staining;
  • the presence of roughness, scratches and muddy divorces;
  • faded layer of paint;
  • the appearance of granularity and fluxes enamel.

You need to know that you cannot abuse polishing, because when it is performed, the paint layer becomes less by 5 micrometers. From the day the vehicle is manufactured, no more than 20 polishing procedures can be performed. At this time, you need to use a thickness, especially if the car is supported.

The use of a policeman circle

Using a polishing circle to the drill, you can update the appearance of the car. This procedure is most effective if you need to align small chips or eliminate the surface attachment.

The work is performed in 2 stages:

Protective processing is also performed to reduce the negative impact of different types of precipitation and ultraviolet radiation. It is mainly done when preparing a car for sale. The protective layer (it includes wax or silicone) is distributed over the surface of the body to form an invisible to the eye a film that repels moisture and make the body brilliant. With a soft nozzle, you can polish the supported car if there is no damage to it on it. And it can also be used in case of care of a protective tool.

Preparatory stage

Before starting work, you need to prepare the necessary tools and wash, dry the car. Next, it is necessary to clean traces of insects and bitumen spots with a special tool.

The body is not carried out on the street on the street so as not to get defects. The room for work is one to be equipped with ventilation and good light so as not to miss small scratches and roughnesses.

Foaming for a drill for polishing a car

Nozzle for polishing

The use of nozzles will help to mechanize the car polishing that allow you to use your improvised tool (drill, electric screwdriver, grinder) as a polishing machine. The correct selection of pastes and polishes will give excellent quality and a longer effect from polishing. When working with polishes, do not forget to carefully clean the circles of the remains of the polishes, the polish should also not freeze. Choose for yourself the optimal pasta application that allows you to most effectively and consistently polish.

If you need a nozzle for polishing the body, polishes, pastes and other means necessary for effective polishing, contact us.

For all questions, you can contact our managers by phone!

Nozzles for grinding drill: existing species and home.made forms

It is convenient to use modern power tools, but few people know all its functions.

For example, a suitable nozzle for grinding drill can be used, thanks to which it will not be difficult to cope with the tedious work, without spending a lot of effort on its implementation.

Since there are all kinds of nozzles for a drill, we offer to get to know them better.

Advantages and weaknesses

Many manufacturers produce grinding nozzles, but not everyone takes care that the product is reliable. In the competition, preference is given to the cost of production, so the quality suffers.

The third.rate tool will not last a long time, so do not focus on the minimum cost. Although the price of high.quality nozzles may vary significantly, yet such an acquisition will be less costly than buying a special tool. We pay attention to some criteria.


  • In some cases, only with the help of this device can the area of ​​the surface can be polished.
  • It is convenient to clean up small details.
  • Electrodele devices are cheaper than a specialized tool and devices.
  • Many nozzles for grinding can be made independently.
  • It is less convenient to use the device than a specialized tool.
  • With some nozzles, it will not be possible to work without dexterity.
  • Low performance.
  • Sometimes you can not do without a drill with adjusting the speed of rotation of the cartridge.

Since the advantages are more significant, nozzles are popular, and are used by many people.

Where you can use

Depending on the type of purchased grinding nozzle, it will turn out with its help:

  • clean the metal from rust;
  • remove paint from iron;
  • polish metal;
  • polish painted surfaces;
  • Polish the details of the wood, opened with varnish;
  • polish glass;
  • grind the edge of the glass;
  • grind small details;
  • Remove the scale from the metal, burrs and correct other defects in those places where there is no way to do this with another tool;
  • grind products in places where it will not be possible to grind with another tool.

This is an incomplete list that can be expanded.

What are the devices

Unlike nozzles on a corner grinder, any device for a drill is equipped with an axis fixed in the cartridge.


When polishing the workpiece, round foam, felt or leather nozzles recorded on the axis can be used. Such a device wear out quickly, it can be polished to a mirror glitter metal or with varnish/paint coating. The device is selected directly to the polished material.

Homemade devices

Not only the desire to save money drives a person when creating a home.made nozzle. sometimes the right device simply cannot be purchased, and then you have to design and invent. In this section, we will show several options for nozzles that can be made at home from improvised means.

Based on a car valve

For the manufacture of such a nozzle, one or more valves of a car with a flat lower part will be required. It is better to make a large nozzle from the exhaust valve of a truck.

The surface needs to be degreased and the head of the desired shape must be glued, which can be made of wood, dense foam, rubber and other suitable material, and then glue with epoxy or polyurethane glue to the valve.

Now you need to cut circles from sandpaper. The nozzle turned out to be 5.5 cm wide. we cut out the same circle under it. Not reaching the center, cuts are made on the sides, and are coordinated so that each petal enters another (in the course of rotation of this device).

To glue the sandpaper was used by thermic mushrooms.

After gluing the sandpaper, the edges of the petals were fixed with brackets.

The nozzle did a great job, only quickly clogged, as a fine.grained skin was used.

Hence the conclusion. it is necessary to make several nozzles so that various types of work can be performed.

Simple screw

For the manufacture of this nozzle, you will need a long screw, 2 washers, a nut, and several pieces of sandpaper.

Popular: machine sharpening machines. manual and electric

A puck is put on a screw. Having cut the sandpaper with squares, a hole is made in the middle, and all the blanks are put on the screw. Then there is a turn of the second washer, and this whole set is clamped by a nut.

By inserting the device into the drill, it can be grinded of the cavities of wooden parts.

The disadvantage of such a device is the turtle of the thread by the cartridge of the drill, as a result of which there is a problem with a repeated set of sandpaper. The unnecessary part of the thread can be removed or made on the screw 3 slots. for them it will be clamped by the cartridge of the drill our home.made device.

Polishing device

As in the previous case, we will need a screw, washers and a nut, only instead of an emery skin will be used felt. Having placed a piece of felt, we cut out the mugs of the same radius from it.

Holes are made in the center of the blanks, they are strung on a screw, and then clamped by a nut. The finished device is inserted into the drill cartridge. One felt will not be able to polish the part, therefore, turning on the drill, the nozzle is rubbed with Goya’s paste. After that, you can start work.

For the purity of the experiment, an old and rusty wrench was used. As can be seen in the photo, after short polishing, the processed place was effectively cleaned in a short period of time.

Such a nozzle for polishing can work with both flat and figured details, but even with small recesses it can not cope.

Leather circle

As in the device described above, instead of felt, you can fix the skin, as a result of which you get a device for editing wood cutters.

Electric screwdriver nozzle for stripping

What are the nozzles for electric screwdriver and their directions of use

There is an opinion to the purchase of professional construction equipment with worthless embezzlement of funds. But screwdrivers and nails have long outlived their professionalism. The introduction of modern technology greatly simplifies life. This also applies to electrical screwdriver.

The hardness of fastening parts with a battery electric screwdriver is now even better than using screwdrivers. It is no longer required to find in the middle of hundreds of other tools with the desired notch. After all, a scorch is a huge number of nozzles.

Next, we will see some models from you.

Nozzles for electric screwdriver

Bottom barrels are called bits. The part is inserted into the cartridge. Devices are an inconceivable amount: bits under a straight slalit, cross.shaped, hexagonal, square, in the form of asteriska, others. This allows you to find a bat for any of the available self.tapping screws.

For this purpose, you need to accurately choose the size of the bit for notches on the screw. Otherwise, of course, spoil the bats, tools and also crumble.

We will talk about unique nozzles and areas of their implementation.

Electric screwdriver nozzle for rivets

This is an additional nozzle that usually does not go in a standard set. Can be used for exhaust and threaded rivets. It is made of strong plastic. Burt is placed on the highest part of the part. A metal rod with thread is introduced into the hole. He must be on one size not just holes in a rivet.

Today, you need to make sure whether it is installed in the inner hexagon of the tool shaft.

Corner adapter for electric screwdriver

The device allows you to tighten and twist the screws at an angle of 30 degrees. The corner nozzle is very useful at work in inaccessible places.

The 1st is used more often in home use, the flexible case allows you to greatly bend the nozzle in a suitable direction.

Swift twisting wires using an electric screwdriver

Review of 3 methods of twisting wires using an electric screwdriver.

How to make sandpaper grinders?

Here the video I will show my own way to produce sandpit and several exciting additions. Schlifo.

The 2nd are used by specialists because they are stronger.

Iron case and gearbox guarantee hardness and reliability. It is better to choose a height of two or more than 5 cm, which will facilitate work in the most inaccessible places. The holder spinning a full revolution can work with both hands.

Electric screwdriver nozzle for metal cutting

Created for cutting narrow metal, tin, less than 5 mm wide, starting from the type of metal, works like a saw. Here are two cutting parts, one where it is covered with a handle. One of the knives is blurred, the handle is unscrewed and transferred to a dumb knife. Work can be continued with a sharp knife.

Cutting with such nozzle is very effective. The edges are smooth, without deformation. Speed ​​is even higher than that of an angular grinder. There are no sparks when cutting.

Scissors to the screwdriver

The device looks like mundane metal scissors. However, thanks to an eccentric and a freely rotating shaft, the device is converted into electronic scissors.

Unlike ordinary scissors, no forced knitting breeding, which allows you to create a wonderful, even incision. As a result, the attachment of efforts is even less, and the result with good return is better than mechanical scissors.

Making a Polishing Wheel/Buffing Mop

Polish nozzle for electric screwdriver

This nozzle has a huge number of types and ability to use. For example:

  • polishing of metal, wood, glass and objects covered with varnish;
  • stripping metal from corrosion and old coatings;
  • Grinding of metal products and wood.
  • flat and petal (petals from different materials);
  • hard and rubber;
  • abrasive (to remove huge roughnesses);
  • grinding (for creating impeccable smoothness);
  • polishing (for the creation of shine on the product);
  • metal brush (for removing rust and other traces of corrosion);
  • disk (for stripping duralumin parts);
  • cylindrical (for grinding glass, wood and metal);
  • end circle (for stripping smaller parts).

Electric screwdriver bits holder

Is essentially an adapter that allows you to put any bit on an electric screwdriver, regardless of its size and length.

There are a certain number of species:

  • Magnet.based holders. As it follows from the name, they have an integrated magnet, which attracts not so much a bat, but a self.tapping screw that does not allow it to fall during his work.
  • Holder for long screws. This is a pipe that does not allow the screw to shut up during the twisting.
  • For hexagonal heads.

This list is not exhaustive if you want to easily find many more nozzles and holders.

As you can see, a huge number of devices allow you to make an electric screwdriver in an inventory suitable for any case of life and truly invaluable things. After all, its functions are even more extensive than the obvious tightening of the screws.

Homemade nozzles / mills / consumables for engraver, drills and drill

The article will affect the topic of how to make consumables with your own hands. It is not a secret for anyone that Chinese nozzles are very low quality, and the price bites in branded ones. So in some cases it will be more profitable to do it yourself. Under the cut you will see my home.made nozzles and also interesting solutions from the Internet.

  • Abrasive nozzles
  • Petal circle for engraver
  • Relative emery on a rubber drum do not live long, why you need to find an alternative solution. From plywood we cut out a circle of small diameter:

In the resulting slots on epoxy resin, we glue the emery:

Labular circle for a drill

The nozzle is more diameter. So that it does not work out “Partop” as in the previous version, when gluing, the emery must be pulled out with an elastic band. This is due to the fact that the base of the fabric absorbs the resin from the cut and rude.

  • Plus, the petal circle is that they serve as an order of magnitude more than the usual emery on the drum of the same diameter.
  • Fastener for a drill from rollers from a tape recorder
  • Old Bobin tape recorders have large rubber rollers with a metal sleeve. We plant a bolt on the sleeve, and glue the emery on the rubber:
  • Cutting circles for engraver
  • The theme is satisfied, but I will tell you for the completeness of the picture.
  • We take a thin detachment disk for angular grinder, compass with two needles, awl, and unnecessary scissors:

1) we draw circles with a circul (too large circles should not be done, it is inconvenient to work with them. The optimal size is slightly smaller than the standard circle) We follow the fact that the center of the circle is in the middle of one of the squares of the reinforcing mesh.

polishing, disk, electric, screwdriver, nozzle

2) cut the disk into the sector with scissors, and then cut the circles themselves in the sectors themselves. For this work, scissors are suitable for metal, but you can also do ordinary stationery, only they dull it stronger, so we take those scissors that are not a pity.

3) we start with light rotational movements of the awl, we begin to make a hole on both sides. The diameter of the hole should be equal to the diameter of the screw. If the hole is slightly larger, then it will break it.

The manufacture of such circles is much cheaper than their purchase. They also serve longer than purchased non.articulated circles.

Nozzle for decorative grinding

polishing, disk, electric, screwdriver, nozzle

A screw without a hat is screwed into the cork, and the washer is glued into the base. The fists of the cartridge will rest against the puck and not let the self.tapping screw screw it deeper.

  • It is most convenient to use such a nozzle on a drilling machine. You can screw a nozzle for felt in the cork instead of a screw:
  • Polish nozzle for a drill

Another fairly common topic. The felt of the felt boots is clamped with a bolt with wide washers. A polishing paste is applied to the felt, for example, the pasta of goi.

  • This is followed by several examples of abrasive nozzles taken from the Internet.
  • Grinding drum for a drill
  • Grinder

A metal drum with a slot is pulled out on a lathe, into which the edge of the Nadia is refuel, and it is wrapped around the drum. Fixation occurs with an elastic band. The same design can be made from plywood, as shown in the previous version.

  • Graveler grinding cylinders
  • Comrade Marshall offers to make cylinders in this way, I quote:
  • In order to make this type of consumption, we need: durable, but as thin as possible (preferably x/b), the skin of the desired grain, and most importantly, a tube of suitable diameter, on which the cylinders will be located during gluing.

So, take the fabric and cut it with long strips 12 mm wide. Then these strips cut off the diameter of the tube with an overlap about 1-1.5 cm., We pull tightly onto the tube (so that they are not chatter) and glue our pieces directly on the tube using a conventional PVA.

The use of a policeman circle

Using a polishing circle to the drill, you can update the appearance of the car. This procedure is most effective if you need to align small chips or eliminate the surface attachment.

The work is performed in 2 stages:

Protective processing is also performed to reduce the negative impact of different types of precipitation and ultraviolet radiation. It is mainly done when preparing a car for sale. The protective layer (it includes wax or silicone) is distributed over the surface of the body to form an invisible to the eye a film that repels moisture and make the body brilliant. With a soft nozzle, you can polish the supported car if there is no damage to it on it. And it can also be used in case of care of a protective tool. grinding circle for drill

Seven most necessary types of nozzles for a drill to perform grinding work

Ordinary electronic drill is a very universal inventory, which can be done not only by the obvious drilling of metal in another tree.

Thanks to the large selection of devices for this purpose, the tools, when using it, there is an option, for example, polish any surface from different materials.

For this purpose, a huge choice is presented nozzles for grinding drill, which will actually be able to replace at least what kind of equipment of this kind.

Areas of the introduction of grinding devices for a drill

With the help of various grinding and polishing devices, there is an option to do subsequent work:

  • Metal polishing;
  • polishing coating;
  • polishing of wood products covered with varnish;
  • grinding products made of metal with produced access;
  • grinding small parts made of metal and other materials;
  • stripping metal from traces of corrosion and old coating;
  • Glass polishing;
  • grinding of glass edges;
  • stripping inaccessible places from scale, burrs and other flaws.

For all these works, a variety of nozzles are used. After considering the advantages and shortcomings of the implementation of such devices, their main types and areas of implementation of all of them will be considered. Several options of homemade grinding nozzles will also be described using a drill.

The attention of users should immediately be directed that the devices for grinding on the drill are produced by many manufacturers. Some make higher.quality products, others are chasing the quantity and low prices. Therefore, choosing the same nozzle from various manufacturers, the quality of this brand can differ significantly.

Advantages and defects of grinding nozzles for a drill

The advantages of devices for a drill used for polishing and grinding are listed below.

The low cost allows you to cope with many tasks for grinding for small funds without the acquisition of special machines and other devices. Typically, even the highest quality devices have a low price compared to the purchase of special grinding equipment in full.

It should be noted the versatility and abundance of grinding devices for the drill. Now there are so many of them that they will help even that work that are overwhelmed by standard grinding and polishing methods. But in this case, it is worth considering that the use of certain types of devices for a drill require some dexterity and significant experience.

Than two fundamentally and the convenience of implementing. Some drill nozzles allow you to clean, polish and store the surfaces in inaccessible places where you can’t get with standard means. Already today this method is easy to process small parts and products.

Together with these advantages, grinding devices for a drill have some shortcomings. Here are some models:

For the one, what else is called other work with nozzles, you need drills of various sizes, power and accurate adjustments to the number of revolutions. But the advantages are not easy, and they are even more significant than shortcomings. Therefore, devices for grinding on drills are of gigantic popularity in the middle of consumers.

Varieties of grinding devices

An extensive abundance of nozzles is represented by very 10 species. The most important ones are given there and are described in more detail below. It doesn’t matter what kind of nozzle is a rod with a grinding material fixed with it, which you like, sandpaper, an abrasive rigid element, and hard fabric such as felt, and special brushes. The subsequent types of grinding nozzles for the drill are more necessary:

  • plaque. have several options from plastic to rubber;
  • cup. type of brushes in another way with soft filling;
  • disk with iron as it is also called soft stuffing;
  • drum nozzles with an emery tape are divided into several subspecies, the presence of which is written in more detail below;
  • fan. with fixed elements from sandpaper;
  • soft nozzles of the type of polishing discs;
  • end type of drums, cones and washers made of hard and soft materials.

Then a more detailed description of each type of grinding and polishing devices, which are often used exclusively in pairs with a drill, is given.

How to make a grinding sandpaper on your own

In the last video about the grinding machine, I promised that I would write down the video, how to make.

How to make a grinding nozzle for a drill. How to Make a Grinding Attachment for Drills

In solving this issue of video, you can find out how to make a grinding nozzle for a drill. It will take you from the strength for half an hour. A piece.

Others are used in the role of such nozzles intended for corner grinder. For the opportunity to fix them on a drill, a special adapter is used in the appearance of a trim with a thread, which is mundached with a tool cartridge. But this is not a suitable option for a drill, because the rigid mount from time to time interferes and can spoil all the work.

successful shaft nozzles are those made of soft material. On the main thing on sale, they are represented by rubber. Such material allows you to work hard with the nozzle, without at risk to spoil the processed surface with excessive pressing.

Rubber plate nozzles have a motionless pin for fixing in the cartridge. Then the hard clutch will only benefit.

No matter what a plane nozzle for grinding is used, they all work paired with sandpaper, which is attached using Velcro.

To this end, there is abrasive paper in the appearance of the discs on the market, of course, a special coating is busy on the back. Ordinary paper is not applied to such purposes.


This type is performed like disks made of soft material, which are attached to the drill with a special pin with clamping washers at the base. The material for the production of such discs will be fed, felt, leather or other.

With your own hands grinding nozzle

A drill or electric screwdriver will be found in almost every home workshop. And every master is thinking sooner or later. and what else can be inserted into a cartridge except a drill or bit? Industrial or homemade nozzles significantly expand the working functionality of the drill. from grinding surfaces to cutting fine metal and even plucking bird feathers.

Types of nozzles

Grinding nozzles for a drill differ in shape and material, but everyone has a common detail. this is a cylindrical rod that is clamped in the cartridge. To the rod in one way or another, abrasive or grinding material is attached.

The most common grinding nozzles for a drill are:

  • End. in the form of cylinders, cones and other figures of rotation from a solid abrasive.
  • Cup brush or soft material in the shape of a bowl.
  • Plastic plastic or rubber with a fixed piece of sandpaper.
  • Disk. metal or soft.
  • Fannies with stripes of sandpaper fixed in the form of a fan.
  • Soft in the form of polishing disks.
  • Drums with sandpaper.

There are other designs of grinding devices for a drill, some are designed specifically for grinding the surface of parts of particularly complex shapes.

The corner nozzles for the drill are worth. They do not have a working body, but serve to change the plane of rotation of the shaft, 90 ° or to an arbitrary angle from 0 to 90 °.

At its end there is another cartridge in which the usual nozzle is clamped. Such a device allows you to work in places.

When installing an angular nozzle on a drill, it is important to carefully check its fastening in order to avoid injuries and damage to equipment and materials.

How to use nozzles

The main spheres of the use of grinders for the drill are as follows:

  • stripping surfaces from rust, remnants of old paint and other contaminants before painting;
  • polishing metal surfaces;
  • polishing painting coatings;
  • Polishing glass or plastic (for example, car headlights);
  • grinding of glass edges;
  • stripping metal parts after welding;
  • grinding surfaces in places.

Polishing the surface with the nozzle

In addition to grinding, special devices are also used for cutting thin sheets of metal and for plucking bird feathers.

Types of the material of the manufacture of nozzles

Materials for the working body are very different in terms of softness, elasticity and granularity of abrasive. The main ones are:

  • Sandpaper. Greatly differs among themselves in stiffness, granularity and water resistance.
  • Soft materials. Serve for polishing and thin refinement.
  • Grinding stones. For rough surfaces, correct defects.

The variety of materials and forms of devices allows for each specific operation to choose the most suitable. So, a drill nozzle with a spray of diamond powder will polish surfaces from the hardest materials, and miniature nozzles are suitable for decoration of jewelry.

Nozzles for cutting

Special nozzles for a drill for cutting fine metal, unlike a widespread angular grinder, make a more neat section and practically do not deform the sheet coating.

This is especially important when cutting a profile sheet for a fence or metal for a roof.

In addition, the device allows you to rotate the fishing line for the cutting of the cut at large angles and along the minimum radius, which is simply indispensable when the roof of a complex form is arranged.

The device is installed on the drill cartridge and is driven from the working shaft. The speed of rotation of the cartridge to confidently work with such a device should be from 2800 revolutions for a minute, power. from 400 watts.

Special nozzles for cutting metal have the following advantages:

  • flat fishing line for a cutting trimmer, without burrs and zazubin;
  • any configuration of the cutting piece of the sheet;
  • does not damage the anti.corrosion coating of the sheet;
  • Convenience in work.

Cutting devices cope with black metal up to 1.5 mm thick, non.ferrous metals and plastic. up to 2 mm.

Nozzles for grinding and polishing

The nozzles for grinding and polishing allow the drill to perform a wide range of work. The main ones are:

  • cleaning parts before painting or welding;
  • grinding and alignment of surfaces;
  • final decoration and polishing of surfaces made of metal, wood, plastic or glass, as well as paint coatings;
  • Cutting the edge of the glass after cutting.

They allow you to avoid buying expensive specialized equipment. At the same time, it is worth remembering that with a large amount of work, the drill will not be able to ensure the proper level of performance and will wear out quickly because it is not intended for constant loads, perpendicular axes of the working shaft.

Drill nozzles for grinding and polishing

Devices for grinding and polishing differ not only in the form of the working body, but also in the degree of rigidity of its material on:

One device cannot be performed by grinding and polishing from beginning to end. The home workshop should have a set of such devices.


In a cup nozzle, the working organ has the shape of a bowl on which a more or less stiff bristles of wire or plastic are fixed. It is used to clean the surfaces from rust, hard pollution, welding slags and the remains of the old paintwork.

There are also soft cup nozzles with a working body covered with felt or foam rubber. They are used to polish painted surfaces.

The use of it requires the development of a certain skill. with the deviation of the rotation axis from the vertical or with weak retention of the drill, the cup has a tendency to take away to the side, which can lead to damage to the polished surface or grinding of areas not intended for processing.