How to change a fishing line for a knife in a trimmer. Rules for the operation of homemade moped

How to change a fishing line for a trimmer for a knife in a trimmer

First, it must be said that knives or a fishing line for a trimmer can be used as a cutting element in trimers. Both types have their advantages and disadvantages.

So, knives are much better to cope with shrubs and dry wheatfly, but the polymer thread is much cheaper and more affordable. In addition, a fishing line for a trimmer for a trimmer for grass of 4 mm also allows you to mow fairly hard herbs. Of course, you can’t compare with the knife, but the efficiency is also not bad.

Note that even in the latter case you need to know exactly what diameter is used in your trimmer. Manufacturers do not take all the values ​​from the ceiling: if you take a fishing line for a trimmer larger, then overload the engine strongly, which is why the latter may well fail.

change, fishing, line, knife, trimmer

How to install a mowing head and knife on a trimmer for grass

How to install a mowing head and knife on a trimmer for grass ? Buy a trimmer head: ? Buy.


From point of view. hacksaw canvases should not be completely

Everything that is needed for the manufacture of the nozzle

First you need to make the base of the nozzle. For this, from a metal plate

Cut the square with a side of 100 mm. You need to mark it in such a way that there is a hole exactly in the center (at the intersection of the diagonals). To do this, from the center of the selected opening perpendicular to the short side of the plate, we measure a distance of 50 mm and plan the trimming lines.

Cut the excess and get a square of 100 mm x 100 mm. Now it is necessary to twist the corners a little and drill the central hole for the shaft of a trimmer for the grass.

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Twist the corners and drill the central hole for the shaft of a trimmer for grass

Cut the canvases for metal, measuring from each end 8 cm. We get 4 blanks with finished holes.

The end of the screw must be blown up so that the nut does not fly.

When working with a trimmer, it is important not to forget about safety precautions using any nozzles, and especially homemade. We offer to familiarize yourself with dry flowers: names and photos, descriptions of species and varieties

We offer to familiarize yourself with dry flowers: names and photos, descriptions of species and varieties

Change of coil to a knife, on a gas station Izhmash Industrial Line GT 4350

The main material for the production of trimmer knives will like plastic as it is also called metal. The introduction of such expenditures in almost everything is depending on 2 characteristics:

From judgments of safety precautions, domestic manufacturers do not advise putting iron knives on electronic trimmers for grass for grass. All motokos operating from the electronic network and battery batteries are equipped with plastic blades. Depending on the manufacturer, they happen to a whole disk.shaped design, with several blades or the type of special mowing head, which provides for the installation of removable plastic blades.

A flat rod in a gasoline trimmer for grass and curved in electronic

Putting an iron knife on an electronic trimmer for grass does not allow its design features.

  • The curved rod of the unit reduces the distance from its working part to the legs of the Kosar. For which the design of a collision of blades with a stone is intended, as it is also called another hard object of a braid for grass is discarded to the legs.
  • The highest torque, which we mentioned above, if the passage of a clash of an iron knife with a hard object transfers a huge load to a flexible shaft of a trimmer for grass and its engine. What causes their early breakdown.
  • In most cases, the electrocos pen does not have a restrictive bar playing the role of the stop. Which does not exclude leg injury.

These features use only plastic knives on trimmers with electronic engines. In a collision with an obstacle, the blades are destroyed, those, protecting the legs of a mower from obtaining likely injuries.

Plastic knives are perfectly controlled with outgrown and dry grass. They are available to mow nettle and burdock trunks.

How to change a knife on a motorcycle

The use of iron knives only on gasoline trimmers is also justified by constructive features.


  • The even structure of the rod increases the distance to the legs, which provides the Cossacks with complete safety.
  • Comfortable U-shaped and J-shaped handles allow you to keep the tool firmly. D-shaped hands Motokos are equipped with a limiter resting in the leg of the Costsa, which does not allow you to let the head to the legs met a cutting disk with a hard obstacle.
  • The clutch of the internal combustion engine allows you to smoothly gain speed to a rational level. And when the blade collides against a hard surface, it can extinguish part of the blow.

Such a macar, gasoline trimmers for grass with an installed iron knife is most perfect to use on huge areas. They will successfully manage not only with the highest coarse grass, weeds, burdocks and nettles, and shrubs, and young trees.

The shape of the blades of the disk set to the trimmer for the grass does not affect the quality of the work performed. They do not depend and speed. Triangular, trapezoid, rectangular forms are that it remains to make our client the preparation of manufacturers.

If you intend to prepare hay, then it is much more reliable to put knives on a motorcycle with a huge number of blades. Look at the wheels with eight teeth in other words, discs with 4 large blades and 4 additional. 2-uh and 3 lobe knives will very much crush grass.

Putting a knife on a trimmer for grass is not so difficult. The manufacturer equips his tools with a special pin that allows you to block the gearbox and the key to unscrew the spool with the fishing line. The main thing to observe when changing the cutting parts safety measures and the sequence of assembly of disassembling.

What knives to put on an electric and a lawn mower

Before buying and putting a knife on a motorcycle, find out what they are and in what cases are used. Today, manufacturers offer the consumer a large number of types of these supplies. In general, the entire cutting tool designed for mowing grass can be classified:

The main material for the manufacture of trimmer knives can be plastic or metal. The use of such consumables largely depends on two parameters:

change, fishing, line, knife, trimmer

For safety reasons, manufacturers do not recommend putting steel knives on electric trimmers for grass. Almost all motokos operating from the electric network and battery are equipped with plastic blades. Depending on the manufacturer, they can be a solid disk design, with several blades or in the form of a special mowing head, which provides for the installation of removable plastic blades.

Direct rod in a gasoline trimmer for grass and curved in electric

Putting a metal knife on an electric trimmer for grass does not allow its design features.

  • The curved rod of the unit reduces the distance from its working part to the legs of the Kosar. In the case of a collision of blades with a stone or other hard object of a braid for grass, it is discarded to the legs.
  • The high torque, which we mentioned above, in the event of a collision of a metal knife with a solid object, transfers a large load to the flexible shaft of a trimmer for grass and its engine. What causes their premature failure.
  • Handle Electric Knules most often does not have a restrictive bar playing the role of the stop. Which does not exclude leg injury.

It is these features that allow the use of exclusively plastic knives on trimmers with electric engines. In a collision with an obstacle, the blades are destroyed, thereby protecting the legs of the mower from obtaining possible injuries.

The use of metal knives only on gasoline trimmers is also due to constructive features.

  • The direct design of the rod increases the distance to the legs, which provides the Cossacks with complete safety.
  • Comfortable U-shaped and J-shaped handles allow you to keep the tool firmly. D-shaped handles Motokos are equipped with a limiter resting in the leg of the Costsa, which does not allow to let the head to the legs when meeting a cutting disk with a solid obstacle.
  • The clutch of the gasoline engine allows you to smoothly gain speed to the optimal level. And when the blade collides against a hard surface, it can extinguish part of the blow.

Thus, gasoline trimmers for grass with an installed metal knife are best used in large areas. They will successfully cope not only with high coarse grass, weeds, burdocks and nettles, but also with shrubs, as well as young trees.

The shape of the blades of the disk set to the trimmer for the grass does not affect the quality of the work performed. The speed does not depend on them. Triangular, trapezoid, rectangular forms are all marketing course of manufacturers.

Rules for replacing knives on a trimmer for grass

If the disk on the trimmer is used regularly, it needs to be removed from time to time to remove and sharpen or change it to a new. This part can be made of metal or plastic, have a different number of blades, but the replacement process remains the same. over, this procedure is similar to the equipment of different manufacturers, whether Carver or Huter, but minor differences are possible. Changing the knife on the trimmer is quite simple if you observe safety precautions and know the correct procedure for which you can find a description of which you can in the user’s instructions. The whole process of replacing step by step, as well as the way of independent sharpening of knives, will be described in this material.

Many users of mowers, both electric and gasoline engines, some time after using the purchased fishing line are asked: and how to replace it? If you exclude dangerous options (chain from a chainsaw, canvas from a hacksaw, wire, cable, string, etc.D.), which can cause severe injuries to the user and others, then a home.made fishing line for a trimmer from a plastic bottle is considered the best way out of the situation.

How to cut a bottle into a tape

Before proceeding with the manufacture of a home.made cord, you will need to prepare the material itself, namely the plastic tape of the required width and length. To dissolve the PET bottle on the tape, use various devices, the manufacturing algorithm of which can be found on the Internet. If you are going to mow large areas overgrown with grass, and you will need a lot of home-made cord, then, of course, it makes sense to make a more complex bottlecore from the corner or U-shaped aluminum profile. The process of manufacturing a bottle.cutter is shown in this video.

But if you are not interested in the mass production of a plastic tape, then from time to time to dissolve the bottle on the strips in a simple way.

Take a regular plug plug plug. Cut it in half (but not to the end). Remove all the sides located inside the cork

Folding the cut cork in half, pierce it with a knife through the figure below, while observing caution, since the plastic is very hard. To facilitate the process, the tip of the knife can be pumped up

Cut the bottom of a plastic bottle with scissors (if possible exactly, without zazubin). Insert the bottle into the device from the side where the knife blade is sharpened, and begin to crash a little. When a small strip appears. just start pulling it.

Thus, the entire plastic container will blossom into the tape of the same width.

A version of a bottle.cutter, which you will always have at hand, can be made from a conventional sharpener for pencils, preferably made of aluminum. In detail how to make it, shown in this video.

How to make a fishing line for a trimmer for a trimmer for grass

A chopped tape from PET bottles, if you wind it on a trimmer for grass, will mow, but not for long, because it is fragile and quickly breaks. It needs to be improved a little, and for this you need to do the following.

  • Insert one end of the plastic tape in a vice and click it.
  • The second end of the tape can be squeezed into a drill or electric screwdriver. Insert her into the cartridge of an electric screwdriver so that she holds well in it and does not jump out when tensioning.
  • Turn on the smallest revolutions on an electric screwdriver and begin to twist the tape, be sure to hold it stretched, otherwise it will begin to confuse.
  • After the tape stops twisting, without releasing the tension, begin to warm it up with a building hairdryer. Since this plastic has thermal properties (reduced when heated), the turns will be aligned and sleep.
  • During the warming of the twisted tape, from time to time, turn on the electric screwdriver and turn the rope to align the turns on it.
  • When you warm the entire tape, you will get a home.made plastic rope, which is quite plastic and durable.
  • In the case when you don’t have a drill at hand, you can use to twist a plastic tape with a regular stick, as shown in the next figure.
  • The construction hair dryer can be replaced with a regular lighter if you make a short length cord.

As practice shows, a fishing line for a trimmer for a trimmer for grass, made by yourself from one twisted tape, mows the grass well, but if stones or branches come across it, then quickly wears out. To eliminate this drawback, it is recommended to weave a plastic rope of several tapes, for example, from two or three. The following figure shows a homemade cord woven from three plastic strips. Although it differs in thickness from a single cord, it is much stronger than the first, and it serves as a longer time.

Further, as usual, the fishing line for a trimmer for a trimmer for grass is inserted into a mowing head or wound into a reel, and then inserted into the head, after which the sticking ends are cut so that they do not touch the protective casing.

Thus, literally from improvised materials, a free fishing line is obtained for a trimmer for a trimmer for grass, which can be made in unlimited quantities.

change, fishing, line, knife, trimmer

How to refuel a fishing line for a trimmer trimmer for grass?

So that the plot near the house always looks well.groomed and neat, it must be regularly cut. Fortunately, modern technology allows you to solve this problem without excessive physical efforts. Electric trimmers for the grass are so easy to manage and care that even a teenager can spit grass with their help. The main thing is to understand first how to tie a fishing line for a trimmer to a trimmer for grass.

How to charge a fishing line for a trimmer trimmer for grass?

So, we are faced with the task. correctly charge a fishing line for a trimmer to a trimmer for grass. Let’s figure out in more detail where to start its implementation and what pitfalls can expect us in the process.

To perform this operation, the trimmer for the grass must be disconnected from the network and turn upside down upwards. The further course of action depends on the model of the trimmer for the grass and the design of the coil itself:

  • In small trimmers with the lower location of the engine, click on the key coil located on the sides and remove its upper part from the head;
  • On trimmers with a bent rod, clamp the coil body with one hand, while turning counterclockwise the lamb located on the housing;
  • In trimmers with a straight bar and a gearbox, insert the screwdriver into the hole located under the coil, and then turn the body of the coil counterclockwise.

After the coil is removed from the head, it must be carefully disassembled. It is better to do this on a already dedicated area, since there can be a spring inside the coil, which will be quite difficult to find in the high grass. After disassembly, we will have three parts in our hands: the case (upper cover), the protective casing and the coil itself.

Step 4. measure the required amount of fishing line

Kosil workers are usually interested in how many meters of fishing line are wrapped on a coil of a trimmer for grass? You can solve this issue in two ways:

In any case, after the winding ends, the fishing line of the fishing line should be on the body of the coil without slipping from it. No need to try to wind as much as possible, since the fishing line for the trimmer will be poorly unwound and more often break.

How to install a fishing line for a trimmer on a trimmer for grass depends on the design of the coil. Consider the option when the coil housing has one exit for a fishing line for a trimmer. In this case, the end of the fishing line is clamped in the crevice of the coil, and then wrap the fishing line for the trimmer, trying to lay the turns of the most tightly as possible. The direction of laying turns should be opposite to the direction of rotation of the coil and is usually indicated on its inner part. After the winding is completed, a protective casing must be put on the coil and remove the end of the fishing line into it

If the coil is designed to work with two tails, then the fishing line for the trimmer must be folded in half and lay in the groove in the central part of the coil. Further winding will be carried out one or two grooves, depending on the design of the coil. The direction of winding should also be the opposite direction of rotation of the coil. At the end of the tail of the fishing line, it will also be necessary to bring into the holes on the upper part of the coil.

How to refuel a fishing line for a trimmer to a trimmer coil for STIHL grass

How to refuel a fishing line for a trimmer to a trimmer coil for grass? Video instruction

Warranty production of the factory refueling of a trimmer for the grass will be in demand for fishing line substitutions. Having a very approximate idea of ​​how to tuck a fishing line for a trimmer to the coil of a trimmer for grass without the help of others, the new ones without hunting take up this matter. How to wrap a fishing line for a trimmer to a trimmer coil for the grass, how to season a fishing line for a trimmer to a trimmer coil for grass. Autocut for a trimmer for STIHL FS 55 grass refueling the fishing line in a trimmer coil for grass 2 part winding of the fishing line on. But with some abilities, the development of this simple science does not represent any difficulties, and the similar annotation presented below will greatly facilitate this process.

The final moment of the instruction

Typically, the process of replacing fishing line on a trimmer of a particular model is popularly described by accompanying documentation. Another question is that this documentation is often supplied in a foreign language, since the notorious lawn mowers for the most part are imported products.

Meanwhile, there is a much simpler, more economical and healthy way for human health and nature. putting the lawns of an ordinary peasant oblique in order. Blory of braids for grass:

which is subsequently accompanied by abundantly growing greens, and not by the formation of dryness as a result of the work of a trimmer for grass.

How to wind a fishing line for a trimmer?

The winding method depends on the type of coil, however, in any case, you first need to choose the right cutting material correctly. On the packaging or in the instructions for each model, the diameter and shape of the fishing line is indicated, it is very important to use just such material, otherwise there will be problems with winding.

The spider is collapsible

Here is the procedure that needs to be performed in order to change the fishing line for the trimmer:

  • fix the gearbox of the trimmer for the grass to exclude the rotation of the head;
  • Weaken the bolt that holds the fishing line for the trimmer, rotating it with the help of the mesture key counterclockwise;
  • pull the remains of the string;
  • Cut 2 pieces of a new fishing line of the required diameter, the length of each segment is 20–40 cm;
  • Insert both segments into the holes of the coil so that they are separated in half;
  • Twist the fixing bolt.

Spider Negrivable and Wind

Here’s how it is necessary to act in order to correctly wind the fishing line for the trimmer to the coil of the lawn mower:

  • With your fingers, grab a fishing line for a trimmer passing along the inside of the coil and pull it out of the head;
  • Cut a new string into pieces of the desired length;
  • Insert the segment into the hole a little more than half the length, then wrap and remove it through the next hole;
  • If the fishing line for the trimmer is thick, then you can make pieces of smaller length and, after inserting into the coil, wrap the edge of the string so that it enters the next hole by 0.5–1 cm.

Semi.automatic (collapsible)

Here is the procedure that needs to be performed in order to change the fishing line for the trimmer:

  • Squeeze the latches to separate the upper part from the base;
  • Remove the upper part and pull out the spool without losing the spring;
  • Remove the remains of the old fishing line;
  • Cut a piece of string 2-3 m long;
  • Fold the segment by half;
  • Insert the curved middle of the segment into the sloping of the spool;
  • wind the string in accordance with the direction indicators on the rogue or upper cover;
  • fix the fishing line for the trimmer on both sides in the slopes of the spray;
  • Insert the rogue and the spring, passing both ends of the string through the corresponding holes;
  • Install in place and fix the top cover;
  • Pull alternately for each of the edges of the fishing line to remove the string from the latch.

Automatic (indiscriminate)

Here is the procedure that must be performed:

  • Press the shock button and pull the remaining fishing line from the head;
  • Transfer the button to the position of replacing the string, for which combine the tags on it and the upper cover;
  • Cut a piece of string 2-3 m long, insert this segment into the reel;
  • wind the string, rotating the button, the direction of rotation is indicated on the body.

How to change a fishing line for a trimmer on a lawn mower: detailed instructions

In 1971, American entrepreneur George Bollas invented a mower for grass, where a fishing line for a trimmer played the role of a cutting knife. A lot of time has passed since then, the drive has become more powerful, a modern trimmer can easily damage the bark, so that the idea itself was transformed into mowing around obstacles without damage to the very cutting apparatus of a mowing room. For a neat mowing around obstacles, you can have a head with a smaller fishing line, it is easy to change it when moving from mowing large areas to delicate blocking. However, periodically and the cutting tool itself requires replacement. We tell you how to disassemble the head of the lawn mower (trimmer for grass) and wind a new fishing line for a trimmer.

All about the replacement of fishing line with a trimmer head

There are many types of heads that are designed for different types of fishing line. The latter is also available in several diameters: from 1.0 mm to 3.2 mm. At the same time, its section is round (including with a special groove to reduce noise), square, twisted and in the shape of a star.

There are no clear preferences, and this explains the wide variety of forms and diameters in the market. The round shape is usually stronger, but has a worst cutting ability, in addition, when rotation, it makes a characteristic sound. Therefore, sometimes they make an acoustic groove, however, the use of this fishing line makes sense only on battery trimmers, in machines with gasoline and network drive, the sound level of the drive itself practically drowses the sound from the fishing line. The square has a good cutting ability, and despite the fact that such a fishing line for a trimmer is less durable than round, on average it is consumed less. A square fishing line for a trimmer quite easily cuts the shoots of the same Ivnyak up to 1 cm in diameter. The star has the maximum number of cutting faces, mows best and is the fastest consumed.

The next nuance when choosing is stiffness. The fact is that in the production of nylon, a modifier (often maleine anhydride) is added to it, which improves its strength and prevents gaps. However, modifiers are not the cheapest component, they are trying to save on it. Therefore, it seems to be a good fishing line for a trimmer that remained for the winter, in the spring suddenly behaves completely differently. it breaks, stops doing normally from the reel. There is a recommendation to soak a fishing line for a trimmer in the water before work, but I do not see much sense in this, malein anhydride interacts with water, but if it is not enough in the nylon, then there will be nothing to interact. Therefore, it makes no sense to stock up on fishing line for a long period of time, a breakdown or constantly torn fishing line for a trimmer, which also does not want to leave the reel itself, can significantly complicate the work.


In order to change the fishing line for the trimmer, it is necessary to extract the old one (if it was).

The coil is part of the design of the trimmer for the grass, which is located inside the head of the motorcosa, drum or bobbin. Depending on the manufacturers of the head can be different. But this article discusses only Patriot, although their mechanism is used by many other companies.

Instructions on how to promote a hand head on a trimmer is described below.

  • First of all, you need to clean the head of dirt and adhering grass if it is contaminated. To do this, you need to raise a motorcycle head up and, holding the casing, remove a special protective cover dressed on the drum.
  • The next step needs to remove the reel from the drum. The coil is easily removed even with one hand, because it is not fixed inside the drum.
  • The drum itself is fixed in the trimmer with a bolt. This bolt must be unscrewed, after which you can easily pull out the drum. To do this carefully, you should support the drum with a coil, while twist the screw counterclockwise.
  • Now you can pull the coil out. As mentioned above, it is not fixed in anything except a hook with a metal shaft, so it does not need to be torn off with force. Neatly, in a circular movement you should pull the coil from the drum.
  • Now it remains to extract an old fishing line for a trimmer and follow the following instructions.

Installation of the coil and drum in its former place is performed according to the opposite algorithm.

Before the process of refueling the fishing line, it is worth making sure that the thread suitable for a trimmer was bought. In the case when the thread is not suitable, the fuel or energy consumption increases, as well as the load on the motor motor.

In order to replace the thread itself directly, you need to prepare a piece of thread of the required size. Most often, this requires about 4 m fishing line. A specific figure will depend on the parameters of the thread, for example, its thickness, as well as on the parameters of the coil itself. If it is not possible to accurately determine the length, it can be done as follows: insert and wind the thread to such a state that the coil is completely charged (the level of the fishing line will be compared with protrusions in the sides of the coil). It is necessary to ensure that the fishing line for the trimmer sits in the coil exactly.

Why Ticks Are So Hard To Kill

The instructions for refueling the fishing line in the coil is described below.

The prepared thread must be taken and turned in half. It should be ensured that one edge is longer than the other by 0.1-0.15 m. Now you need to take the ends in different hands. The one that is smaller must be pulled to more, so that it becomes 2 times shorter. When bending, the indentation should be maintained at 0.15m. Find the slot inside the coil partition. Carefully prick the loop that turned out earlier in this slot. To continue work, it is necessary to determine the direction of winding the thread in the coil. To do this, just examine the coil. there should be an arrow on it. If the gunner could not be found, it is quite possible that there is a written designation. An example is given in the photo below. It is necessary to inspect the head of the coil. It has a direction indicator. However, this is the direction of the coil movement. To get the direction of winding, you need to wind in the opposite direction. Now you need to season the reel with a fishing line

It is worth noting that there are special guide grooves inside the coil. When wrapping a thread, you need to follow these grooves, otherwise you can damage a trimmer for grass

At this stage, you need to charge the coil very carefully. When the user winds up almost the entire thread, you should take the short end (do not forget about the protrusion of 0.15m) and stretch it into the hole located in the coil wall. Now you need to repeat this action similarly with another end (on the other hand). Put the coil itself in the coil head, before that, extinguishing a fishing line for a trimmer through the holes inside the drum. Now is the time to return the drum to your place. After that, you need to take with both hands by the ends of the fishing line and pull them to the sides. Then you need to put the lid in place (here you can safely make efforts until a characteristic click is heard). Remained to perform “cosmetic work”. You need to see if the thread has come out too long. You can start a trimmer for the grass and check in practice whether everything is comfortable. If the thread came out a little long, you can cut it with scissors.

  • First of all, you should turn off the electric trimmer for grass from the network, gasoline. Just a muffler. Remove and remove the protective cover on one side
  • Then it is necessary to connect the holes in the gearbox and shaft to insert the pin and block the drive.
  • If a hair coil was used, it should be rotated clockwise.
  • Then you need to find a nut to tighten the knife.
  • The next step is the installation of knives. Trammers for grass are often asked about which direction to put the disk. This should be done so that the numbers and letters are at the top.
  • Then you need to put on a cover on top, and above it. fastener, which must be tightly tightened with a wrench.
  • Last step. Install the protective cover.

As you can see, the procedure is very simple and the same for many brands, whether it is Stihl or Husqvarna.

The note! If the owner of the device wants to replace the disk back with a cable, you can install the coil in the same way.

Disk selection criteria

You need to choose a plastic or metal knife, taking into account the processed area and type of trimmer for grass. electric or gasoline. The number of blades will depend on which growth to remove using the tool. You can choose the desired disk shape, the number of blades and manufacturing material using the instructions for the operation of the device. Usually it determines which mills are recommended to use to solve certain problems.


It is not recommended to attach metal blades to electric braids, since design features make them dangerous for the user. This is due to the curved shape of the rod, the absence of locks on the handles and a high rotation speed.

Important! The straight arrow provides the safe use of a trimmer for grass in moments when the disk rotates against the obstacle. In this situation, he bounces back to a person, so a curved design can lead to injury

On flexible bar trimmers, plastic knives should be used for security reasons. Their goal is to mow soft grass, dry. While metal discs are great for tall, dense, hard shoots, shrubs and shoots of trees.


The number of blades is important when solving various problems. Thus, two or three pieces are enough to grind grass

For mowing, it is necessary that there are four to eight blades on the disk. To destroy small shoots of trees and shrubs, instead of disks there should be a large number of small teeth.

Sharpening of the disk

Regardless of the quality of the disk, over time it becomes dull and begins to mow poorly. If the blades are still relatively new and not practical, you can sharpen them with your own hands.

Important! Sharpening is suitable only for disks that do not have a soldering of solid material. Such details are thrown out and replaced by new

  • disassemble a trimmer for grass, remove knives;
  • Carefully inspect the disk. If cracks are found, it is better to replace the part of the new one, since further work is dangerous;
  • Curled blades can be carefully bend with a hammer;
  • Given the size of the disk, you need to choose the right file for the metal, this will provide more convenient work;
  • At an angle of 30 ° equally sharpen all the upper cutting edges of the disks;
  • Collect a trimmer for the grass in the reverse order.

You can use a low.speed grinding machine for sharpening a disk by installing a grinding circle with medium granularity. With this tool, the process will move much faster. For safety reasons, you need to wear gloves and a face mask or goggles.

Thus, for mowing grass on gasoline and electric trimmers, plastic and metal disks of various shapes are used and with different kits of blades. They are selected depending on the type of work performed and the size of the processed area. If the mowing blades are dull, they can be easily sharpened or replaced by yourself

Despite the simplicity of the procedure, you must be careful and take precautions in order to avoid injuries due to negligence or damage to equipment. A more detailed description of a knife replacement for a particular model of a trimmer for grass can be found in the instructions for operation or on the official website of the manufacturer

For clarity, the general process of the process is shown on the video.

Why you need to put a knife on a trimmer for grass

A trimmer for grass with a knife installed on it is most conveniently used for a more comfortable mowing of high and loaded grass in the country. a fishing line for a trimmer on a motorcycle in such cases does not cope. Thin torn very quickly.

Using Tolstoy 2.3 mm cord or homemade rods with cables forces the vegetation to wind up on the rogue. This increases the load on the engine.

As a result, the piston group and other mobile units of the unit wear out very quickly.

If the mowing of a weeds is produced by an electric trimmer without a knife, only with a fishing line, even a thick with a figure section, the problem cannot be solved.

There is always a risk of overheating the electric motor and disable flexible shaft. And it’s all in a large torque of the electric motor. The grass wound on a spindle creates strong resistance to the shaft resembling a speedometer cable that does not withstand and twist.

In order to protect the equipment from premature wear, manufacturers have provided the ability to install special knives on the grass for grass for grass.

The design and shape of existing cutting elements allows you to easily cope not only with coarse and outgrown with grass, but also to successfully fight the young shrub.

What knives to put on an electric and a lawn mower

Before buying and putting a knife on a motorcycle, find out what they are and in what cases are used. Today, manufacturers offer the consumer a large number of types of these supplies.

In general, the entire cutting tool designed for mowing grass can be classified:

The main material for the manufacture of trimmer knives can be plastic or metal.

The use of such consumables largely depends on two parameters:

For safety reasons, manufacturers do not recommend putting steel knives on electric trimmers for grass.

Almost all motokos operating from the electric network and battery are equipped with plastic blades. Depending on the manufacturer, they can be a solid disk design, with several blades or in the form of a special mowing head, which provides for the installation of removable plastic blades.

Direct rod in a gasoline trimmer for grass and curved in electric

Putting a metal knife on an electric trimmer for grass does not allow its design features.

  • The curved rod of the unit reduces the distance from its working part to the legs of the Kosar. In the case of a collision of blades with a stone or other hard object of a braid for grass, it is discarded to the legs.
  • The high torque, which we mentioned above, in the event of a collision of a metal knife with a solid object, transfers a large load to the flexible shaft of a trimmer for grass and its engine. What causes their premature failure.
  • Handle Electric Knules most often does not have a restrictive bar playing the role of the stop. Which does not exclude leg injury.

It is these features that allow the use of exclusively plastic knives on trimmers with electric engines. In a collision with an obstacle, the blades are destroyed, thereby protecting the legs of the mower from obtaining possible injuries.

Plastic knives cope well with outgrown and dry grass. They can mow the nettles and stems of burdocks.

The use of metal knives only on gasoline trimmers is also due to constructive features.

  • The direct design of the rod increases the distance to the legs, which provides the Cossacks with complete safety.
  • Comfortable U-shaped and J-shaped handles allow you to keep the tool firmly. D-shaped handles Motokos are equipped with a limiter resting in the leg of the Costsa, which does not allow to let the head to the legs when meeting a cutting disk with a solid obstacle.
  • The clutch of the gasoline engine allows you to smoothly gain speed to the optimal level. And when the blade collides against a hard surface, it can extinguish part of the blow.

Thus, gasoline trimmers for grass with an installed metal knife are best used in large areas. They will successfully cope not only with high coarse grass, weeds, burdocks and nettles, but also with shrubs, as well as young trees.

The shape of the blades of the disk set to the trimmer for the grass does not affect the quality of the work performed. The speed does not depend on them. Triangular, trapezoid, rectangular forms are all marketing course of manufacturers.

If you plan to prepare hay, then it is best to put knives on a motorcycle with a large number of blades. Pay attention to the wheels with eight teeth or discs with four large blades and four additional. Two and three lobed knives will greatly grind the grass.

Replacing fishing line with disk

Depending on the type of vegetation covering the garden plot (lawn) and requiring removal, the fishing line for the trimmer changes to the disk. This is necessary, since the cord is used only for grass of low altitude, and if you need to mow high shoots, shoots of trees or shrubs, instead of a string it is better to use metal or plastic knives-disks. It is very simple to install them correctly, a detailed process is usually described in the user guide and similar to trimmers of different brands, whether Al-CO, Oleo-Mac, Patriot or the technique of another brand. To change fishing line to knives, you need:

  • block the shaft and remove the coil, turning it clockwise;
  • put a knife on a sleeve;
  • Install the fixing cover and, in the direction counterclockwise, tighten the nut, and then tighten it with a wrench.

You can read in detail how to change the coil with a fishing line to a disk, you can in the instructions for the operation of the device.

Solving possible problems with fishing line

Most of the problems associated with the fishing line are similar to different trimmers and are solved in a similar way.

Turning the string

  • the presence of solid objects in mowing grass: branches, stones, etc.D., contact with which the string breaks off;
  • Powder of grass is close to the fence, and if it is mesh, then the fishing line for the trimmer is torn even faster;
  • low.quality cord. it is necessary to replace with a new reliable consumable;
  • wear of the output holes in the mowing head, as a result of which the fishing line for a trimmer breaks off from friction on the sharp edges of the bushings. it is required to replace parts with a new.

Large fishing line

Typically, a fishing line for a trimmer ends very quickly if you constantly knock a semi.automatic coil on the ground or press it with an effort to the surface. In this case, the head is unlocked, the cord is lengthened, and the knife cuts it. The second version of the fast consumption of fishing line is a trimmer for grass with an automatic coil is incorrectly used. If the mower regularly lowers the engine speed, the string is constantly lengthened and cut and as a result is quickly consumed.

The string does not hold

If a spring weakens a semi.automatic type in a semi.automatic coil, a fishing line for a trimmer does not hold and unwinds when working. The cord is extended, cut off with a knife, as a result, the owner of the equipment notes that the thread quickly ends.

Advice! To check the tool, you need to remove the protective casing and start the engine. if the fishing line for the trimmer is advanced, this means that the spring must be changed to a new one.

a fishing line for a trimmer flies out

If the string flies out with kosbe, this is another evidence that the spring in the bobbin is weakened or completely lost with an inaccurate analysis of the head. As a result, the cord does not hold and pops up when rotating.

The string is not advanced

In the coils of automatic and semi-automatic cords, the cord is served without stopping the trimmer for grass. If this does not happen, then:

  • The fishing line for a trimmer in the head is wound wrong, so the coil does not spin;
  • The winding of the fishing line is made unevenly, so the cord stuck between the turns and does not go out. so that this does not happen, you need to wrap the thread carefully, preventing distortions, a turn to the turns;
  • The ends of the cord emerging from the holes are very short, centrifugal force is not enough to extract them, so the fishing line is not served-before turning on the trimmer for the grass, it is important to control the length of the thread and slightly lengthen it, if necessary;
  • The cord is stuck.

The coil does not spin

The reasons why the coil does not spin are similar to the lack of fishing line. This is the wrong or uneven winding of the string, its sticking, as well as the short ends of the cord, emerging from the holes.

Trimmer fishing line sticks together

If when working a fishing line for a trimmer sticks together, the main reason is the installation of a low.quality cord. In the course of work, the coil is heated, and a poor.quality string melts and glued. The second reason is the clash of the cord with solid objects. In this case, its sharp braking occurs, the thread is drawn into the head and picks up.

Advice! To avoid problems, you can apply mineral oil to the surface of the fishing line or, after winding on the head, spray it with silicone. A more competent solution will be the acquisition of a good high.quality head, which will forget about such problems.

change, fishing, line, knife, trimmer

So, replacing a fishing line for a trimmer on a trimmer will not be difficult if you know how to disassemble the coil and wind the cord winding. This process is similar for technology of different brands. A detailed description can be found in the instrument operation instructions or watch on the video.