How to correctly cut acacia yellow. Shortening.

Acacia trimming in the fall

With the advent of spring, the time trimming the green inhabitants of our gardens comes: you need to sake their crons and shorten the branches. However, gardeners often fall into extremes and even those plants, with pruning, which are better to wait until summer or autumn, for example, early fluent shrubs, for example. Therefore, you need to approach the pruning with knowledge of the matter.

You can find out the basic rules of pruning from the article trimming of trees and shrubs. but decorative trees and shrubs have a certain specificity of care.

Cutting the decorative trees, we, first of all, strive to give their crowns the appropriate shape and preserve it longer. Switch plants in hedges so that the foliage is thick and holes do not gap in the crowns. Thanks to the regular use of the secaterator, we achieve from fruit trees and berry shrubs of a particularly rich crop. Decorative shrubs. As well as curly and container plants, we cut out primarily for lush flowering. If the plant has a decorative bark, then with the help of pruning, you can once again emphasize the beauty of young shoots, because over time the coloring of the bark of old branches becomes faded.

In addition, pruning is designed to maintain the natural shape of the crown of green inhabitants of the garden and adjust their size. But in any case, it is necessary to clearly understand that too large a shrub or an already adult tree, even after a very strong pruning, does not turn into an attractive dwarf plant! And, of course, do not forget that regular. especially spring pruning of plants contributes to a more intensive appearance of new shoots.

The use of a saw and a secateur promotes the rejuvenation of plants, thanks to pruning, they can be returned to the lost forces. In rare cases, cut trees and shrubs radically, cutting out all the stems at the very base. This method is applicable, but with a good shoot formation of the bushes of hazel or a force. In most plants, anti.aging pruning is carried out in stages.

It should be clarified! Annual growth is an increase in last year with numerous vegetative and generative buds. The bark can be lighter than other shoots or radically differ in color (for example, in white wood).

The cut must be made at an angle so that water does not stagnate on its plane, causing rotting of wood. In addition, the distance is important between the cut and the kidney located below, there is a danger that it will dry out or freeze. If, on the contrary, a stump is formed from it very much, where the infection can quickly penetrate.

Pruning of decorative trees.

Some representatives of the Green Kingdom have become more picturesque for years, so they do not need Crohn’s correction (for example, magnolia and hydro.shaped maple). But many decorative trees and shrubs, so that they bloom or their crowns do not lose their shape, periodic pruning is needed.

Decorative apple tree, for example, every 2-3 years needs only a regulatory pruning. At the same time, the old branches are removed, damaged and thickening the crown. Regular strong pruning is necessary only to those trees and shrubs that should maintain a certain shape of the crowns. The same applies to plants, the flowers in which appear on young, just formed shoots, for example, to the almond of three.lobed. Very strong pruning after flowering contributes to the fact that this year they have numerous shoots with flower buds. Many deciduous trees can withstand such a radical haircut: white acacia Umbraculifera and I willy goat Pendula, after pruning, they quickly become overgrown with new shoots appearing from the kidneys on the remaining part of the trimmed branch.

For small gardens, trees with a spherical crown, for example Katalpa, Bignony.Vyshevid Nana, are suitable for strong pruning. Regular pruning helps to restrain the growth of wood. Such trees tolerate even strong pruning, almost to the base of skeletal branches.

Sherrovite crown trees.

Due to the dense crown of a harmonious spherical shape and bright green foliage of robinia pseudo-acation or white acacia (Robinia pseudoaciacia) umbraculifere is ideal for planting in a small garden: this tree can be unusually well withstanding a very strong pruning, its crown can be reduced to any size, while it will not lose its presentability.

acacia, yellow

Without trimming, the diameter of the spherical crown of the pseudo-acuctions Umbraculifra can reach 4-5 m over time. This can be warned if every 2-3 years completely cut all the branches to the base, leaving only short stumps. The best time for such pruning is a frosty day in early March. Slowly growing species, such as ginkgo biloba mariken pruning is necessary only many years after planting, while you can limit yourself only to a weak corna correction. Liquidamous resin.eated Gum Ball is also distinguished by a beautiful spherical crown, which does not need pruning as the rules.

Easy pruning of white acacia can be done at any time of the year. But better in early spring. Then young shoots will quickly hide the ugly places in the crown that arose after trimming.

Stamber shrubs are cut according to the same principle. The almonds are three.lobed with delicate pink, as if it looks incredibly elegant by air flowers. For this plant, annual strong pruning is desirable. If immediately after flowering the branch of the three-lobed almond, shorten up to 10 cm, then next year long puffy flowering branches will be guaranteed to appear on it.

In early spring, the Syrian gibiscus is cut: depending on the crown of what size you want to see, the stems can be shortened, leaving only 2-3 kidneys. The upper bud should be directed out.

Eleperable Iva Hakuro Nishiki is cropped for the first time at the end of March. Additionally, branches can also be shortened in May and at the end of June. After each pruning, the tree gives new shoots with beautiful foliage.

acacia, yellow

Iva with a bushy crown is usually cut in early spring. If you want to admire the flowers, with pruning can be postponed until the plant blooms.

Sherrovid maple is not cut off as much as white acacia umbraculifera or not cut at all at all. Important: branches are shortened only from August to December, not later, otherwise the tree will cry.

In vaccinated standard plants, wild shoots may appear on the stock. It is just like the root shoots are cut off at the base, without leaving hemps.

Plants with a drooping crown.

Staming plants with romantically hanging branches invariably attracted eyes to themselves. A similar weeping shape of the crown is found in many trees and shrubs, for example, in willow Caprea (Salix Caprea) Pendula.

This tree grows rapidly, so the branches are shortened every year, leaving stumps about 10 cm long. Trees that have not been cut for a long time can also be rejuvenated with a strong pruning.

If we are talking about vaccinated trees and shrubs, it is necessary to completely remove the wilds formed on the supply below the vaccination site.

  • Books Forest (Fagus Sylvatica) Rurpurea Pendula,
  • Chergey elm (úlmus glábra) CAMPERDOWNII,
  • Birch warty (Betula Pendula) Youngii,
  • White mulberry (mórus álba) Penaula.

These plants with a drooping crown are growing more slowly than their straight.growing relatives. The crowns of the listed trees are formed on their own and do not need to be adjusted. Is it that damaged branches can be cut off at the very base or shorten the branches that seem too large or long. The last procedure must be carried out in stages so that the plant does not lose its beautiful view.

Decorative apple trees.

While fruit trees should delight primarily with a plentiful harvest, decorative species are valued, first of all, for a beautiful appearance. Decorative apple tree (Malus) is particularly popular due to the crown of compact, bright color of autumn foliage and even in the winter of the fruits remaining on the branches. This tree is cut only if necessary and always in order to preserve the harmonious type of plant. To do this, in early spring, the crown growing inside and intersecting, as well as dry and damaged branches are removed inside.

In order to transform the bushy tree into a standard, in addition to the above branches, it is necessary to remove the lower side branches every year, leaving one, the longest, as a central conductor, until the desired height is reached. If it is necessary to slow down the growth of the apple tree on a high.rise vice, the summer pruning is carried out, although then the structure of the plant is worse.

Features of yellow acacia

Yellow Acacia, or Caragana Arborescens, is a representative. Cultivated this plant since 1752. The crown includes trunks, the diameter of which is about 15 centimeters. A special pruning allows you to get a small spectacular tree. Smooth greenish bark has a pale gray tint. Such acacia, as a rule, does not grow above 4 meters, while its crown in diapract reaches about 2.5 meters. At the same place, the bush can be grown for about 50 years.

The next.handed petiole leaf plates have a complex shape. In the summer, they have a greenish color, which in the fall is replaced by yellow. On a petiole about 15 centimeters long, five to eight pairs of brilliant opposite leaflets of oval shape. There are thorny stiplings that can be loud over time. Bownstale moth type flowers consist of a yellow corolla and a dozen stamens. Flowers are collected in bundles of 2-5 pieces, while they are formed in the sinuses of leaves. The plant blooms at the end of the spring or at the beginning of the summer period. Fruits are cylindrical beans that ripen in July or August.


Yellow acacia is very widespread in Siberian forests, including Sayan and Altai. And this plant is found in the southern part of the Urals, as well as in the eastern and central regions of Kazakhstan. It can also quite often be met in the mountains of the Caucasus. Most often, the germination of acacia seeds is observed on the edges, in rare undergrowths or on not very large slopes. This plant is often used in the city for landscaping parks.

Acacia cuttings for hedges

Acacia is a too common plant to submit to buy seedlings when you can cross your own. Good, solid seedlings can be obtained in several ways.

Trimming Round Ball Bushes

  • The ripened fruits of acacia give good viable seeds. It is better to collect them after the decline process, a little dry. The pod is rifted, taking out the wrinkled seeds. It is necessary to soak the seeds with water, the duration of soaking is about five hours. Next, wet seeds plant. The ideal soil temperature should be about twenty.five degrees above zero.
  • Conducting is carried out in the fall, after almost complete falling of the leaves. It is necessary to divide the cuttings, you can first place the rhizome in the solution so that the root system is better to undertake. Discharging by cuttings almost one hundred percent guarantees the growth of the bush.
  • Nurseries offer various varieties of acacia. However, it is worth remembering that the bush grows with quite rare branches, so the hedge will require a large number of seedlings. Buying the required number of seedlings will be enough. If the gardener decided to buy a finished plant, you need to pay great attention to the integrity of the barrel, smoothness, homogeneity of the bark, the integrity of the root system.

Each plus often corresponds to the minus. Karagan (the second name of the shrub) also has its drawbacks, which must be taken into account before landing.

  • The fence will be formed for a long time due to the slow growth of the trees. Seedlings have been formed for years before reaching an ordinary look that is found everywhere.
  • It is necessary to ensure constant regular care. Adult plants can sometimes dry out, so you need to closely ensure that the hedge remains green spring, in the summer. Dried branches, shrubs immediately remove.
  • New shoots grow very chaotic. It is important to tonsure, constantly form a bush. The most slowly growing varieties germinate quite unevenly, the constant molding should come in a refined if the Karagana is planted on the site.
  • The flowers make up most of the fluffy of the crown, so the plant experiences the greatest flowering in the spring. After the focusing, a significant part of the volume leaves, so in winter the bush looks almost naked.

It is possible to plant trees with one side, a little more dense than other types. Branches are closely intertwined, creating a single coating.

Landing hedges from acacia

Timely rooting, the restrained adaptation period must be observed by growing a healthy, high.quality landing. Technologically, the features of the planting process exist, similar to other species that make up living fences. Acacia landing is quite simple, any, even the most inexperienced gardener, observing instructions, can get a healthy, good landing.

    Karagana loves the sunny side. Even direct sunlight act more favorably. Therefore, it is worth choosing warm, bright places so that the processes of photosynthesis proceed as actively as possible.

  • The territory is marked in advance. First, you can draw a fishing line for the trimmer of the future “fence”, then it is recommended to drive small pegs to the most inexperienced gardeners, pulling the thread between them. This design will help most evenly indicate the location of the future trench.
  • Further, the process is slightly bifurcated. Some gardeners prefer to dig up one single trench, reminiscent of more strip foundation than a landing hole, some like to plant with holes. Both methods are acceptable, however, a single trench will allow the seedlings to put more evenly. Although this method will require two people at once: one will hold the seedling exactly at an angle of ninety degrees, the second bury. Strictly vertically the location will help in the process of growth to avoid uneven growth, too strong interweaving with crowns. One person can plant holes, the difficulty is to dig the holes exactly, close, avoiding the “moved” pits. The depth is about fifty centimeters.
  • The bottom is covered with very small gravel, enhancing the drainage properties of the soil. High.quality drainage is necessary, stagnation of water gradually destroys the root system. Small.fractional crushed stone perfectly drains the soil, removing water after watering. A layer of crushed stone is better to make a few centimeters.
  • A little soil is poured on top of crushed stone, about five centimeters. Thus, a small “pillow” is created, allowing the roots to catch on, “root” naturally.
  • You can hardly stick a seedling. The root system should be freely located, avoiding bends, bends, breakdown. This factor is an additional argument “for” digging an initially single trench. Gently placed the seedling, fall asleep roots, ground trunk, trampling a little on top.

Usually, after completing the final stage, the soil is mulched by bark, sawdust, rice husk.

What care does yellow acacia need

Despite the adaptability of acacia yellow to adverse conditions, resistance to disease, young plants still need elementary care.

In the first year of life, the bushes need a wet and warm climate. Careful gardeners will not experience the plant for strength, exhausting with extreme conditions. For the full development of Karagan, like all plants, we need:

  • Lighting. the culture of the Sun, with a plentiful ultraviolet, does not receive burns.
  • Soil moisture. Yellow acacia needs watering no more than three times a week. A hardy shrub will not forgive you for a sour swamp substrate. It is easier for him to survive the drought than the fused roots. The soil should be well loosened, without weeds and moderately wet. Each mature bush needs about 12 liters of water. Focus on the degree of evaporation of moisture and weather conditions.
  • Top dressing. relevant only for young plants at the first stages of development. The optimal period is March. August, the manipulation is done twice a week. As fertilizers for acacia, a solution of chicken or mullein is used in a ratio of 1: 50.
  • Forming pruning. begins in the second year of life. Otherwise, your shrub will turn into a huge tree like white acacia.

Care for mature shrubs consists in timely pruning and watering. Culture is rarely subjected to diseases and attacks of pests, so it does not need preventive disinfection. In cases of infection of aphids, leaf blocks, shields, the branches are treated with “Rogor”. Subecks, glasses and goldeners sometimes settled on the barrel under the bark. They are destroyed by “fltalophos”. When the leaves are striking rust, Bordeaux mixture comes to the rescue.

Acacia trimming

Perhaps this is the only serious requirement of a grateful shrub. And to carry it out in your own interests, since the tree is very strongly growing. It is better to cut branches in the spring, after flowering acacia. So that the crown does not be delayed, it is generally removed on the second.eater bush, leaving three kidneys on the trunk. This procedure contributes to the development of the root system. In the future, the plant acquires the shape of a bush.

Although if desired it can be cultivated as a small tree. Culture is very good at the skillful hands of the gardeners and soon under the blades of the second.handing are transformed into various figures. In subsequent years, when the time comes to cut acacia yellow, the main Accent is made to remove dry and damaged branches.

Features of acacia

Acacia is an evergreen tree, the height of which is about 25 m. In the diameter, its trunk can reach about 120 cm. In this case, part of the types of acacia are represented by shrubs. Branches are decorated with lush foliage, with a peristure form. The leaves are located mutet or alternately. In some plants, instead of foliage on the branches, there are lanceolate petioles, needle.shaped or widely overgrown.

During flowering, inflorescences that have the shape of clusters or panicles are formed on the branches. They include white, yellow or cream flowers. The bell.shaped cup of flowers consists of five petals. White or yellow flower mutations with 4 or 5 wings have the shape of a tube.

Acacia is part. This is what is due to the fact that in the place of the pollinated flowers, pods of an oblong shape are formed, which are fruits. In various species of such a plant, fruits differ from each other, for example, they can be straight, flat, curved, large, revealing, cylindrical or closed.

Often on the branches of acacia you can see thorns. over, they are most often found on trees and shrubs growing in the south. Such a tree of the roots of such a tree is very powerful. At the same time, the central root goes deep into the ground, and the side ones are located at a small depth. In a young tree, the bark has a silver color, but over the years it becomes brown.

Types of acacia with photos and names

Among gardeners, as well as lovers of unusual landscape design, Acacia is particularly popular. over, such types and varieties as::

Acacia Farnesiana Acacia

This spectacular shrub in nature is found on the Black Sea coast. Its height can vary from 2 to 4 m. The plant has a brown bark that casts silver. Uneven branches seem to be broken, while on most of them on the surface you can see not a very large pubescence. Paired leaf plates consist of 2–8 branches.

Acacia is a serpentine (Acacia Podalyriifolia)

An adult tree in height can reach about 5 m. As for the busy forms, their height does not exceed 3 m. Small dense green leaf plates have a grayish-silver tint. The beginning of flowering falls on January, while it lasts until April. A large amount of golden yellow flowers that have a sharp and persistent aroma forms on the branches. Such a plant can suffer even due to a slight cooling, while the minimum acceptable air temperature is 10 degrees.

Acacia magnificent (Acacia Spectabilis)

The height of adult acacia can vary from 150 to 400 cm. The disclosure of saturated yellow flowers is observed in July, while the tree fades in November. The shape of silver-green sheet plates is periy. Large fruits are represented by pods, which reach about 18 centimeters. The southern variety of this species is extremely heat.loving, it can die when cooling up to 8 degrees and below. However, this plant has high drought tolerance, and it also tolerates heat perfectly (up to 35 degrees).

Acacia red (Acacia oxycedrus)

The name “red” means “beautiful”. The height of such a shrub, as a rule, does not exceed 200 cm. During the flowering period, many yellowish flowers decorate it, which are collected in small groups (up to three pieces). The bush blooms in July, while flowering lasts until November. Since the plant has a powerful and large system of roots, which goes into the deeper layers of the soil, it feels great even during a long drought.

Long.leaved acacia (Acacia Longifolia)

The tree can reach a height of about 10 m in just five years of growth. This southern plant is decorated with dark green, hard to touch leaf plates of an elongated shape. Yellowish inflorescences form earrings. Originally such a tree from the USA and Australia. In subtropics, it is most widespread in culture. This type is used to prevent soil erosion. Foliage and flowers are used for the production of green and yellow dyes.

Also, in nature, you can meet a large number of other types of acacia, which are quite interesting, for example: Acacia Acacia aneura, Ashby (Acacia Ashbyae), Baileyana, bordered (Acacia Anceps), Unlimited (Acacia Aphylla), multicolutic (multicolor (Acacia Aphylla). Acacia ataxacantha) and many others.

There are also plants called Acacias. However, in fact, these trees belong to a completely different genus. Such plants include false acaccoic (Robínia pseudoacácia), or white acacia-its fragrant flowers are painted in a white shade, as well as a tree-like caragana (Caragána arboréscens), or yellow acacia-it is decorated with saturated yellow flowers. Such plants are resistant to frost, and they are quite widespread in the territory and there are such “acacias” mainly in the southern and medium latitudes.

Meaning and application

False rhinum is used for landscaping both parks and private gardens. This plant is especially appreciated for intense flowering: during the season, flowers on its branches can appear several times. In addition, flowers are considered a wonderful honey plant. Light and transparent honey does not crystallize for a long time and has a pleasant subtle aroma. Acacious honey is one of the best beekeeping products. From one plant, bees can collect up to 15 kilograms of honey, and from 1 hectare. about 500 kilograms. This honey is distinguished by the fact that for a long time it does not thicken and does not crystallize.

At 12 percent, flowers and timber seeds consist of essential oils, which are widely used in the manufacture of Paimumeria. Grains are used for the production of surrogate coffee. Leaves are used to obtain blue paint. At the same time, the composition of the bark includes about 7 percent of the tannins used for tanning skin, and the product is stained in yellow.

Falls and bark of false acuctions are used in non.traditional medicine. They have anti.inflammatory, antipyretic, expectorant and astringent effects.

The largest amount of vitamin C and A in young branches and leaves is contained in early summer (in June). They make infusions that are used for urolithiasis, neuralgia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and rheumatism. If you chew the bark, this will lead to the appearance of vomiting reflexes. And if you just hold it in the oral cavity, then this will help relieve toothache.

The infusion of the bark is taken with increased acidity or stomach disorders, while it should be hot. However, you need to use the bark inward with caution. In this case, tincture for alcohol is used for paralysis of the upper and lower extremities, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

The blank of flowers is carried out when they are half disclosed. On drying, they are laid out in a well.ventilated warm room.

Any of the parts of the pseudo.acuctions contains poison, except for flowers. However, under the influence of high temperatures, the destruction of toxic substances occurs. If an overdose occurs with drugs that are prepared on the basis of a false decline, as a rule, nausea, headache or vomiting appears.

In agriculture, this tree is used quite widely. Ground pagons can be used as animal hay. Such trees are planted around the fields, since in this case they protect them from the wind. And since the plant has a well.developed system of roots, they can strengthen sand or ravines.

The wood in such a false acation is denser even than that of oak, and it is also resistant to decay. Therefore, it is widely used in the production of furniture. If it is placed in water for a long time, then it will not lose its properties. Therefore, since the 19th century it has been used in the construction of ships. Also, wood is used as natural fuel. It happens that in old trees the core is rotten inside the barrel.

The Germans and the French cultivated such a plant for the garter of the vine. It has edible seeds that can be used instead of peas. Fresh seeds have high acidity, which they lose after cooking. The flowers are also edible.

Attention! When choosing a plot for planting robbery, it is important to take into account that its root system helps to develop a large amount of nitrogen.

Use in landscape design

To create modern or strict forms of landscape design, a false.acacytication on the stem is often used by robbery. When landing, it should be remembered that this plant is aggressive, so it cannot be planted next to other crops.

Creating a standard type is quite simple, only you need to regularly carry out a special pruning. Initially, a seedling is chosen for landing, the trunk of which is as even as possible, after which the crown is formed. Over the years, the strength of the branches decreases, due to which strong gusts of wind can lead to their injury.

Can be used both for group landing and solo. The tree is also used to form a green hedge. It looks great next to the hobby, lilac and cereals.

Light. thermal regime

At its core, acacia is considered a southern plant, so a large amount of light and solar heat will only benefit it. Nevertheless, during the drought, you should water young seedlings. This is required for a better rooting of future trees. In the first three years, you need to help the plant prepare for wintering. To do this, it is necessary to insulate its roots using a toyan layer or fallen foliage. The thickness of the shelter should be at least 10 centimeters.

Lightness and friability are the main characteristics that a soil mixture should have to plant acacia. If the country area is located on poor, sandy soil, the plant will itself enrich it with nitrogen. With dense clay soil, which is supposed to be planted by young acacia seedlings, a small piece of earth should be well loosened with a shovel. In this case, a drainage of a 15 centimeter layer of crushed stone should be arranged. For the soil mixture, sod soil and compost are taken in which the sand is mixed. This composition in a proportion of 6: 4: 4 is mixed with a pre.selected upper soil layer.

How to plant acacia with seeds. instructions

Acacia seeds can be purchased in a specialized store, or you can collect mature beans yourself in late autumn.

Before the start of Seva, which must be done in the third decade of March or early April, sowing material should be stored in the refrigerator. Thanks to the dense peel of the bean, the seeds in such a storage will not germinate. As soon as the spring warmly touches the twigs of adult plants, and sprouts will begin to appear from the kidneys, you can prepare acacia beans for sowing. Further actions are presented in stages:

Seeds are immersed in boiling water for a few seconds, and then move into the dishes filled with cold water. Here they will stay for 12 hours, after which they will be completely ready for landing in the ground. Loose nutrient soil, mixed with ash, falls asleep into seedlings or individual pots.

If a week and a half of thin seedlings appear in a week, they should provide them with the due heat and lighting air at this stage of the air temperature should be 20-25 ̊ C. With the onset of the last month of spring, seedlings are transferred to a greenhouse, and after a while it is planted in open ground at a distance of 25 centimeters from each other.

After the year, when acacia seedlings grow to half a meter, they are moved to a permanent growth place.

Description of plants of the type of karagan tree

A deciduous tree, more often a shrub, reaching a height of 3-6.5 meters, with outline complex leaves on petioles and stems up to 15 cm in diameter has a rod root, from which many auxiliary roots depart.

The root system of yellow acacia, thanks to symbiosis with specialized bacteria, can absorb atmospheric nitrogen, translating it into the form accessible to plants and, thereby, enriching the soil.

In the sinuses of the leaves, bright yellow flowers of moth shape, characteristic of all legumes, are formed and revealed in May-June.

Small elongated fruits ripen in long narrow cylindrical pods.

    The following forms of these unpretentious useful plants are found in garden and park plantings:

Winter.hardy, deciduous, rapidly growing tree up to two meters high with hanging long shoots. Responds well to forming trimming.

acacia, yellow

The prickly low (up to one and a half meters) shrub with dark green shiny foliage and large yellow, later blushing, winter-hardy flowers and very decorative.

It grows to a two.meter height, has varieties of “Grandiflora” with large colors, “Latifolia” with wide leaves and “Globosis” with a rounded crown.

Okhuldhur since 1775, as an exceptionally winter.hardy and hardy shrub up to one and a half meters high, forming green hedges, additionally “fortified” six.centimeter spikes on stems.

Separately, it should be mentioned “red.blooded” Karagan Gryvastoy or “camel tail”, which has been used in Tibetan medicine since ancient times. This is a squat high.altitude shrub, shoots, leaves and fruits of which are protected by densely located long, up to 7 cm, spikes. Pink and orange, much less often white single flowers are revealed in June. Fruits ripen in September.

Caragana tree in open ground


For planting it is better to choose a well.lit place. Yellow acacia will not receive burns even under the scorching sun.


This plant is a real extreme that withstands frosts to minus 45 in the same way as severe heat.

Soil and its humidity yellow acacia is undemanding to the composition of the soil, any soil is suitable for it, with the exception of very sour soils from 3 to 4.

In addition, the soil should not be swampy. They are not suitable for planting places with high.standing groundwater or constant rain drainage.


Optimum landing time: Spring (before the leaves turned around) and autumn (after leaf fall). In the summer (not during flowering), the ledge of acacia bushes is planted only with an earthen lump.

A full mineral complex is introduced into the landing hole equipped with a drainage layer of crushed stone, as well as compost.


The plant is adapted to the long periods of drought and undemanding to the frequency of irrigation.

Top dressing

In order to additionally stimulate growth and accelerate the development of karagana, you can carry out spring mineral top dressing with a full complex, and pour organics with a solution of organics before flowering.

At the same time, the Karagan plant and itself provides itself with top dressing, assimilating, like all representatives of the bean family, air nitrogen due to symbiosis with nitrogenizing bacteria.

And pruning

In culture, these trees live up to 45 years old, grow quickly enough and respond well to anti-aging and formative pruning.

It is carried out in the spring, until the kidneys are opened.

In the summer, the plant improves the plant, cutting out damaged or dead shoots.

Places of growth

According to one version, the birthplace of Albration is Australia and tropical Africa. On another. this plant was discovered for the first time in the Azerbaijani city of Lenkoran. This tree is very common in Argentina, Mexico, India, China and Madagascar. Often you can find Lenkoransky acacia in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, Moldova, the southern regions of Ukraine and in some countries of Europe.

Silk acacia. the plant is very thermophilic and drought.resistant. Planting in open ground is carried out in early May, in a warm soil, warmed up by the sun, at a distance of 1.5-2 m from each other. You can use a seedling method of growing. For this, the seeds are sown in small cups, to a depth of about 2-4 mm. When the seedlings grow well, they are planted in a permanent place. Seeds on seedlings can be planted in February-March.

Acacia soil is suitable for fertile, sandy loam, with an admixture of lime. For planting room albration, you can make the soil yourself. This will require turf land, then sand. All this is taken in the proportion of 3: 2: 1.

The pot for the plant should be very deep and wide, with good drainage holes. A small amount of small river pebbles should be laid on the bottom of the container, for drainage.

Light mode for silk acacia is very important. She loves light, can withstand direct sunlight and does not tolerate shading at all.

Thermal mode. When growing albration on the street, the air temperature should be about 25-27s in the summer, and in winter-at least 8C. In some cases, it can withstand short.term frosts, but not lower than –10s. For an indoor type, the temperature indicators are different: in the summer-20-25C, in winter-5-7C.

Top dressing can only be done in the second year after planting the plant. Special complex fertilizers are well suited for this. Fertening is carried out no more than once a month, and only during the growth period (May-July). In winter, the plant is not fertilized.

Acacia watering in the summer needs infrequent, but plentiful. In winter, the plant is watered very rarely and little. Water for watering should be clean, standing and not cold.

Air humidity for room albration can be low or medium. She does not need spraying. When growing on the street, you can sometimes spray, but not often.

Albious flowering is long and plentiful, from the end of June to the end of September. Flowers are excellent honey plants. The leaves are stored on a tree until winter.

The smell of flowering acacia is very strong and pleasant, with bright notes of violets and raspberries.

The pruning of albia is carried out in early spring, before flowering. Cut all sick, old and dry branches. Remove excess, thickening shoots. This procedure can be carried out after the end of flowering.

Propagation of Lenkoran acacia. Can be used for planting seeds, root shoots or cuttings.

Not all trees multiply root. When the roots protruding from the ground appear, they can be cut off, rooted and planted separately.

You can propagate any type of acacia with both indoor and street cuttings. Stalk can be taken young or already lignified. It must be at least 2-3 kidneys on it. Can be planted without preliminary soaking. The soil should be fertile, but not heavy. A few months later, most shoots take root.

The easiest way to propagate is seed. Before planting, the seeds can be wrapped with wet moss and put in the refrigerator for 1-2 months. Some flower growers prefer a hot processing method. To do this, the seeds are poured with very warm water for several hours and planted in the ground without deepening. With this method of landing, during the first year, growth is very slow. No fertilizer during this period needs to be applied. But regular watering is necessary.

Silk acacia life expectancy is about 50-70 years. The indoor appearance lives a little less, but with proper care it can bloom for a long time.

Growth rate. Starting from the second year of life, albia begins to grow very quickly. When landing in open ground, after three years it can reach a height of 5 m. It grows for about 30 years, after which the aging period begins.

Acacia is a truly amazing plant. We advise you to study what its varieties are such as white, pink, sandy, tanny, silver, yellow and black.

STIHL MS 651. Cutting of Acacia Trees

Diseases and pests

The Lenkoranskaya garden acacia is almost not subject to disease and does not suffer from the attack of pests. Indoor acacia can be affected by spotting during hypothermia, and a spider mite, with low humidity.

The fight against pests

You can notice the appearance of the tick by the presence of reddish points on the bottom of the leaves. Later, the leaves are covered with a spider web with a dense sticky.

To get rid of this pest, it is necessary to increase the humidity of the air around the plant and rinse the stems and leaves with a warm soap solution. With severe defeat, treatment with acaricidal drugs can help, but only at T above 18-20C.

Treatment of diseases

The spotting of leaves is a bacterial disease. It is easy to deal with him. It is enough to cut off all the affected leaves and treat the plant with fungicide. You can also use copper sulfate or burgundy liquid. During this period, watering is sharply reduced.

Caring for this unusual plant is quite simple. In the southern regions, it can be planted in the garden. Lenkoranskaya acacia will decorate any site with its excellent flowering and unique aroma. And indoor albia will perfectly complement the interior.

Next, you will see a photo of a lancoranka acacia: