How To Cut Tiles At 45 Degrees

3 ways to cut tiles at home Ways and tools for cutting and adjusting tiles with your own hands to the required size. How to use a manual tile cutter and an angle grinder to cut tiles.

How to cut porcelain stoneware

It is believed that porcelain stoneware is the hardest material from which floor tiles are made. You can trim it in the same way as a regular tile.

Sometimes simple floor tiles are more difficult to cut than porcelain stoneware. There is a hardened tile, on which, after cutting with a tile cutter, an incision in the glaze is almost invisible. And even a diamond disc on an angle grinder does not take it, the cut turns out to be torn, like after a tractor. In such cases, use an angle grinder and file a 23 mm groove on the back to mark the fracture.

Electric tile cutter

If you have a large volume of work, then the fastest and highest quality cut comes from an electric tile cutter. They use a diamond wheel and supply water to the cutting area to cool and remove dust. The cheapest types of the amateur class can be found on sale for 34 thousand rubles.

How to cut a tile with the letter G

Since the tile cutter can only cut tiles straight, many have difficulty with L-shaped cutouts. The easiest option is to divide this tile into 2 rectangular elements, but then you get an extra ugly seam that will catch your eye.

But this can be avoided by trimming the short side with an angle grinder and then cutting the long side with a tile cutter.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make L-shaped cuts on tiles

The second method: by any method available to you, a cut is made on the glaze, and the excess is gradually broken off with pliers. Irregularities are sanded with sandpaper. This option will even allow you to get a rounded incision for abutting the risers.

Slicing without special tools

It is not necessary to grind the tile using special devices. At home, you can easily hand-wash the tiles at 45 degrees. To do this, proceed as follows:

  • On the outer part of the tile (glaze), a line is drawn with a glass cutter;
  • Using an angle grinder, a small V-shaped groove is formed on the back of the tile, which is positioned across the width of the entire tile;
  • Then you need to gently break the bend of the cut and sand it with sandpaper.
how to cut tiles at 45 degrees

Fundamental rules

When grouting tiles, it must be remembered that only clay can be cut, not reaching the glaze 0.5-1 mm. In this case, the corner of the tile will turn out to be nice and smooth, without damage or chipping.

Modern capabilities and the skill of specialists allow you to cut tiles at 45 degrees not only from the edge, but also in the middle of the product. To do this, the tiles must be measured and cut in accordance with the required size, and then cut at 45 degrees. To get a high-quality result, you should seal the cut edge with sandpaper.

What is it for?

Basically, the corner edge of the tile is washed down at 45 degrees in the following cases:

  • To match the inner and outer corners of a rectangular tile when they are joined during laying;
  • To form a beautiful beveled edge;
  • With a diagonal tile layout.

How to use an angle grinder?

Let’s take a closer look at how to use an angle grinder when working with tiles:

  • The tile should fit vertically in a vice. Put on the diamond blade and then select the operating mode 1000-2000 rpm.
  • Remove the corner with the notched portion of the disc.
  • The tool should be positioned at a 45 degree angle (relative to the frontal plane of the tile).
  • Remove the excess with smooth touches, so that each time it leaves the surface in the thinnest layer, not reaching the edge of the outer side of the corner.
  • The edging (approx. 2 mm) must remain intact. You can mark this distance with a pencil.

In the second step, a backing pad is installed on the angle grinder. The sandpaper circle is placed in the center of the support plate. Now you can finish the edge, and then create the sharpest corner possible.

Electric tile cutter for sawing

As the name suggests, the tile cutter is a more highly specialized tool, which means that you can do better cutting of tiles with it. Of course, not everyone will buy it for one-time use. If we are talking about a high-quality model with additional functions, then this tool will be quite expensive. In addition, you can achieve really good results with experience, so you have to spend some time acquiring the necessary skills.

If we are talking about professional finishers, then they should have an electric tile cutter in their arsenal. Cutting tiles with it takes less time, and such a machine leaves less dust.

The tile cutter works in two modes:

  • For a straight drink;
  • For washed down at the desired angle.

How to make the tiles washed down at 45 degrees?

  1. When is tile cutting needed?
  2. Angle grinder
    • How to use an angle grinder?
    • Electric tile cutter for sawing
      • Using a tile cutter
      • How to achieve a perfectly right angle at the joint?
      • Tips from experts

      Modern design projects require a variety of skills from craftsmen, including the processing of tiles. To work with tiles, very often you have to make them washed down at 45 degrees. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to revet various projections and niches, corners between the wall and the floor with such material. Also, an angle trim is needed when you want to create unusual masonry. Let’s take a closer look at how this is done correctly, as well as with which tools all the work is performed.