How to open a coil with a fishing line with a motorcycle. How to wind a fishing line for a trimmer for grass?

Repair of a trimmer coil for the grass with your own hands: how to remove, disassemble, change a fishing line for a trimmer, assemble and install back

If the fishing line for the trimmer is not lengthened by a light blow of the trimmer button for grass on the ground, the prerequisites for this usually the following.

Option 1. snack, t.E. Clamping cord between turns. This problem usually occurs if the user wraps a fishing line for a trimmer to a coil unevenly, crossing the windings or wrapping it without tension. In the latter case, when the mower rotates at high speeds under the influence of centrifugal force, the cord begins to drag on, under the influence of which the interspersonal clamp of the braid fishing line may occur. To eliminate obstacles, you need to disassemble the coil on the trimmer and correctly rewind the cord, in other words, even rotates with good tension.

How Ignition Coils Work

Option 2.4. very short ends stick out of the head. When hitting the ground, the rod may not fall out if its ends protruding from the head are not long (short). Then centrifugal force is not enough to stretch the fishing line for the trimmer. Therefore, it is necessary to hang the unit (turn off the engine in another way, disconnect the electric trimmer for grass from the network) and pull the fishing line for a trimmer manually, after pressing the button.

Option 3. Fishing line for a trimmer to be sealed inside a mower. This makes the coil stop and do not even rotate when you press the button. This is mainly happening for several reasons: low quality of the cord, overheating of the coil during prolonged operation of the machine and the effect of a mowing fishing line on hard objects.

  • First, the cord of manufacturers that you like is made of low.quality and fusible materials that do not withstand mechanical and thermal loads. Therefore, it is necessary to give preference to “branded” fishing.
  • If you have a fishing line for a trimmer of an unknown owner, and it is often soldered during operation, then, of course, follow the example of some users who, after filling the cord in the coil, moisten it or silicone lubricant (from a spray can) or mineral oil). This procedure significantly reduces the possibility of soldering turns of the mowing fishing line.
  • A fishing line for a trimmer can also be soldered if during a mowing it falls into a solid object (stone, fence, dry branch, etc. D.). During this time, it stretches a little and stretches to the head at high speed. The cord heats up from friction, and its coils stick together. The only thing that will be done to eliminate this problem is to open a trimmer coil for grass and rewind a fishing line for a trimmer.

There are situations when a user of a trimmer for grass notices very quick fishing line consumption. Here he never clicked the button button to lengthen the fishing line for the trimmer. A prerequisite for spontaneous lengthening of the fishing line by cutting a special knife on the machine body is a lack of spring in a mowing head. Often beginner users of mowers, trying to load a fishing line for a trimmer into a coil, forget to install a compressed spring in the head, in other words, they completely lose it when opening the lid, and then they do not even suspect its existence.

The trimmer fishing line also expands without using the button if the spring is weakened. If the spring check confirmed this fact, then you need to insert several goals under it to increase the characteristics of the pressing.

The owners of the trimmers, mostly beginners, in confusion, next to the panic, when the coil has to change the cutting tool or fishing line for the trimmer. Often, when trying to unscrew the lawn mowing head, users simply make it unsuitable for use, not suspecting that it is unscrewed in the opposite direction to prevent this if you need to change the tool, we recommend that you join the annotation below.

  • Before pouring the rod into the coil, turn off the engine bureau, as it is also called, de.energize the electric trimmer for the grass to avoid injuries that occur when a cutting tool is accidentally rotated.
  • Unscrew the attached nozzle of the transfer shaft. To do this, it is necessary to fix the shaft by leaving the opening on the puck and inserting an iron bar there or a screwdriver there.
  • Unscrew the nozzle. You should know that the thread on the shaft remains. Therefore, turn the coil of the trimmer for the grass to the right, in other words, clockwise.
  • Disassemble the mowing head. In most cases, the main cover is attached on the clips. To remove it, you will need to lower these clamps onto the case, squeezing the edges of the lid. If you have a pass, if your trimmer for grass has an automatic mower with a button below, then the nozzle should be disassembled carefully, since there is a chance of a spring loss, which sometimes flies away when removing the lid. ,
  • Cut the required amount of fishing. Usually its length is 5 meters. Use the cord of the same diameter that is indicated in the note to the tool. It is not recommended to exceed the largest diameter of the mowing fishing line, as this will increase the load on the engine and increase gas mileage.
  • Find the middle of a piece of cord, folding it in half. You will get a loop.
  • The coils are cut special grooves inside (there are holes). Insert the loop of the fishing line into this groove.
  • Wind a fishing line for a trimmer to a coil, turning it counterclockwise. The cord must be filled very evenly, the turns you need to put it in a non.overlap and with good tension. After the winding is completed, leave the free ends of the fishing line about 20 cm long and fix them in grooves on the sides of the coil.
  • Collect the mowing head. Do not forget to completely assemble the nozzle spring and washer (if available). Insert the coil into the housing and pass the ends of the cord through the holes or eyes.
  • Put on the lid and fix it with latches.
  • Screw the nozzle back to the gear shaft, also fixing it with a screwdriver. Turn the coil of the trimmer for the grass to the left (counterclockwise).

Problems with fishing line

The users of trimmers, both gasoline and electronic, from time to time there are difficulties with the cord. The “advanced” owners of the braids without effort are controlled in the difficulties that have appeared, understanding why this is happening, and for beginners it is an inconsistent that does not have the best clarification. But in fact, everything is solved quite easily. The most frequent obstacles that happen to the fishing line, subsequent.

The cord is not served, the coil does not spin

Automatic or automatic head should serve a fishing line for a trimmer without stopping the unit. But if it does not come out, then the prerequisites can be subsequent:

  • The fishing line for a trimmer in a coil is incorrectly wound, which is why the latter does not revolve;
  • The cord is wound unevenly, and the thread can get stuck between the turns (the thread should be neat carefully, a turn to the turns, without distortions);
  • Very short.term ends of the thread come out of the holes, as a result of which there is not enough centrifugal force to extract them, and the fishing line is not served for the trimmer (it is recommended to always adjust the length of the cord before starting the unit, pulling it down a little);
  • The fishing line for the trimmer is sticking together (it will be considered further).

a fishing line for a trimmer flies out

The prerequisite that the cord after starting the unit is unwound, can also be a weakening of the spring of the head of the head. In addition, there are times when a mowing head

open, coil, fishing, line

, and the spring installed in it disappears. Inexperienced users do not notice the absence of a spring and collect this knot without it. Therefore, the cord does not hold, and under the influence of centrifugal force flies out.


To remove the head of the trimmer for the grass, it will need to have a complete disassembly.

  • To remove the lid covering the inside of the head, you need to press on the latches (latches) located on 2 of its sides.
  • Removing the lid, you will see the rogue that needs to be removed from the body. In some coils under the bobbin, a spring is installed, which must be carefully removed so as not to lose it in the grass.
  • Removing the bobbin, in the center of the case you will see a screw with a slot under a cross.shaped or flat screwdriver. It is possible that there may be a bolt under the hexagon or nozzle “Asterisk”.
  • Using a screwdriver, choosing the desired bat (nozzle), you need to unscrew the bolt (counterclockwise).
  • After extracting the fasteners, take up the part of the part and, shaking it in different directions, remove it from the gear shaft.

Large cord consumption

In the main thing, the cord is rapidly ending, if you often knock on the ground with an automatic head or press it very down very much. The coil unlock occurs, and the fishing line for the trimmer, lengthening, is cut off by a knife. Another reason that the cord is rapidly ending is the incorrect operation of the device with an automatic head: the user with kosbe often drops the engine speed. But as we recall, the automatic head is arranged so that exactly with each reduction in the revolution the new portion of the fishing line is supplied, therefore it is rapidly consumed.

The thread does not hold

It happens that the thread is unwound if the spring weakened in an automatic head. The fishing line for the trimmer is put forward and cut off by the knife installed on the casing all the time, which increases its consumption. To check this, remove the casing and turn on the unit. If the fishing line for the trimmer “climbed”, then you will need to replace the spring.


In this version, the head is twisted onto the gear shaft. To remove it, It will be needed

Fix this shaft. To do this, in similar trimmers, for example, in Huter and Champion devices, a hole is foreseen, through which you can stick either a narrow screwdriver or an iron rug.

So, to remove the bobbin, take 2 ordinary steps.

  • Shine the screwdriver in the hole and stall the shaft.
  • Take the head of the head and start twist it clockwise. It should be twisted in this direction for the reason that the thread cut on the shaft is left.

https: // https: // obinstrumente.RU/Sadovyj-Instrument/Kak-Pomenyat-Slesku-V-Trimmera.html https: // tehnika.Expert/Dlya-Sada/Trimmer/Kak-Pravilno-Namotat-Slesku.HTML

How to choose a fishing line for a trimmer. length, diameter, restrictions

For any electric or gasoline trimmer for grass, you can use fishing lines of different manufacturers. However, the best option is the consumable of the same brand as the tool. It is believed that in this case it will benefit the durability of work and even reduce the consumption.

ВАЖНО ЗАПОМНИТЬ! Нельзя использовать для триммера для травы рыболовную леску для триммера или металлические тросики. Такая замена не эффективна и опасна. Трос может травмировать не только самого косильщика, но и окружающих.

As for the length, it is worth counting on the estimated frequency of using a trimmer for grass. The more often, the more it is worth stocking up. Information about the possible diameter of the fishing line is found on the body of the coil for a trimmer for grass. Most likely, the range will be indicated there. The thickness varies from 1.2 to 4 mm. Choose a suitable option, taking into account the features of the processed territory. The larger the diameter, the easier it is to mow hard grass.

How to remove a coil from a trimmer for grass and extract a fishing line for a trimmer

Initially, before filling the fishing line for the trimmer to the coil of the trimmer for the grass, it is necessary to extract it from there. Coil or tip is a device that is located inside the braid, bobbin or drum. The heads are of different types (depending on the manufacturers), however, the principle of replacing the fishing line on the coil has the same. First of all, we will figure out how to remove the head from the tool, as well as how to get a drum with a fishing line from it.

open, coil, fishing, line

It is interesting!The replacement of equipment can be done directly on the tool, but if you do it for the first time, it is still recommended to remove the head, and study the detailed process of winding. After the technology is mastered, you can perform work on replacement on a trimmer of a motorcycle or a gas station. Instructions on how to promote a hand head on a trimmer, has the following look:

    Turn the instrument with the head to the top, and if necessary, cleanse it from pollution. Take two fingers of one hand by the cover of the cover (on the mowing head), which are located symmetrically to each other. After a light pressed inward, dismantle the protective cover from the drum

This process is not difficult, and as you know, it is not necessary to dismantle the entire head if you know how replacement is performed. When dismantling, consider the following nuances:

  • It is recommended to remove the head periodically to prevent the corrosion of the threaded connection. If you never unscrew the screw, then if necessary to do it will be difficult and even sometimes impossible
  • If the screw has a tetrahedral boring of the head, then for twisting you should select a screwdriver or bit of a suitable size to eliminate the licking of the faces on the head
  • When assembling the installation, a threaded seat should be treated with lubricants, for example, solidol or machine oil
  • If the edges on the screw are licked, then for its unscruptions you can use special clamping forceps
  • There are drums that do not require preliminary disassembly. To dismantle them, you should take up it, and rotate in the opposite direction of the direction of the clockwise

Knowing how to disassemble the drum, you should continue to clarify the process of replacing a trimmer fishing line for grass. Below the video shows a detailed process how to open a trimmer coil for grass and disassemble it.

How to remove a coil from a trimmer for grass and extract a fishing line for a trimmer

Initially, before filling the fishing line for the trimmer to the coil of the trimmer for the grass, it is necessary to extract it from there. Coil or tip is a device that is located inside the braid, bobbin or drum. The heads are of different types (depending on the manufacturers), however, the principle of replacing the fishing line on the coil has the same. First of all, we will figure out how to remove the head from the tool, as well as how to get a drum with a fishing line from it.

It is interesting!The replacement of equipment can be done directly on the tool, but if you do it for the first time, it is still recommended to remove the head, and study the detailed process of winding. After the technology is mastered, you can perform work on replacement on a trimmer of a motorcycle or a gas station. Instructions on how to promote a hand head on a trimmer, has the following look:

    Turn the instrument with the head to the top, and if necessary, cleanse it from pollution. Take two fingers of one hand by the cover of the cover (on the mowing head), which are located symmetrically to each other. After a light pressed inward, dismantle the protective cover from the drum

This process is not difficult, and as you know, it is not necessary to dismantle the entire head if you know how replacement is performed. When dismantling, consider the following nuances:

  • It is recommended to remove the head periodically to prevent the corrosion of the threaded connection. If you never unscrew the screw, then if necessary to do it will be difficult and even sometimes impossible
  • If the screw has a tetrahedral boring of the head, then for twisting you should select a screwdriver or bit of a suitable size to eliminate the licking of the faces on the head
  • When assembling the installation, a threaded seat should be treated with lubricants, for example, solidol or machine oil
  • If the edges on the screw are licked, then for its unscruptions you can use special clamping forceps
  • There are drums that do not require preliminary disassembly. To dismantle them, you should take up it, and rotate in the opposite direction of the direction of the clockwise

Knowing how to disassemble the drum, you should continue to clarify the process of replacing a trimmer fishing line for grass. Below the video shows a detailed process how to open a trimmer coil for grass and disassemble it.


In order to change the fishing line for the trimmer, it is necessary to extract the old one (if it was).

The coil is part of the design of the trimmer for the grass, which is located inside the head of the motorcosa, drum or bobbin. Depending on the manufacturers of the head can be different. But this article discusses only Patriot, although their mechanism is used by many other companies.

Now you need to understand how to properly remove the head from a trimmer for grass and how to get a drum out of it.

Instructions on how to promote a hand head on a trimmer is described below.

  • First of all, you need to clean the head of dirt and adhering grass if it is contaminated. To do this, you need to raise a motorcycle head up and, holding the casing, remove a special protective cover dressed on the drum.
  • The next step needs to remove the reel from the drum. The coil is easily removed even with one hand, because it is not fixed inside the drum.
  • The drum itself is fixed in the trimmer with a bolt. This bolt must be unscrewed, after which you can easily pull out the drum. To do this carefully, you should support the drum with a coil, while twist the screw counterclockwise.
  • Now you can pull the coil out. As mentioned above, it is not fixed in anything except a hook with a metal shaft, so it does not need to be torn off with force. Neatly, in a circular movement you should pull the coil from the drum.
  • Now it remains to extract an old fishing line for a trimmer and follow the following instructions.

Installation of the coil and drum in its former place is performed according to the opposite algorithm.

Before the process of refueling the fishing line, it is worth making sure that the thread suitable for a trimmer was bought. In the case when the thread is not suitable, the fuel or energy consumption increases, as well as the load on the motor motor.

In order to replace the thread itself directly, you need to prepare a piece of thread of the required size. Most often, this requires about 4 m fishing line. A specific figure will depend on the parameters of the thread, for example, its thickness, as well as on the parameters of the coil itself. If it is not possible to accurately determine the length, it can be done as follows: insert and wind the thread to such a state that the coil is completely charged (the level of the fishing line will be compared with protrusions in the sides of the coil). It is necessary to ensure that the fishing line for the trimmer sits in the coil exactly.

Do not forget that the thick thread will be shorter than thin.

The instructions for refueling the fishing line in the coil is described below.

  • The prepared thread must be taken and turned in half. It should be ensured that one edge is longer than the other by 0.1-0.15 m.
  • Now you need to take the ends in different hands. The one that is smaller must be pulled to more, so that it becomes 2 times shorter. When bending, the indentation should be maintained at 0.15m.
  • Find the slot inside the coil partition. Carefully prick the loop that turned out earlier in this slot.
  • To continue work, it is necessary to determine the direction of winding the thread in the coil. To do this, just examine the coil. there should be an arrow on it.
  • If the gunner could not be found, it is quite possible that there is a written designation. An example is given in the photo below. It is necessary to inspect the head of the coil. It has a direction indicator. However, this is the direction of the coil movement. To get the direction of winding, you need to wind in the opposite direction.
  • Now you need to season the reel with a fishing line. It is worth noting that there are special guide grooves inside the coil. When wrapping a thread, you need to follow these grooves, otherwise you can damage a trimmer for grass. At this stage, you need to charge the coil very carefully.
  • When the user winds up almost the entire thread, you should take the short end (do not forget about the protrusion of 0.15m) and stretch it into the hole located in the coil wall. Now you need to repeat this action similarly with another end (on the other hand).
  • Put the coil itself in the coil head, before that, extinguishing a fishing line for a trimmer through the holes inside the drum.
  • Now is the time to return the drum to your place. After that, you need to take with both hands by the ends of the fishing line and pull them to the sides. Then you need to put the lid in place (here you can safely make efforts until a characteristic click is heard).
  • Remained to perform “cosmetic work”. You need to see if the thread has come out too long. You can start a trimmer for the grass and check in practice whether everything is comfortable. If the thread came out a little long, you can cut it with scissors.

What types of forests I am

A common type of lines that are suitable for almost all types of round cords coils. How to remove the coil from the cleaning head for mowing. Before fastening a trimmer for grass. This is a regular fishing line for a trimmer, suitable for mowing juicy grass, but mowing dead wood with it will be much more difficult, and even more so it will not cope with thickets.

Typically, the diameter that can be used to mow young grass does not exceed 1.6 mm. The thicker the thread, the more rough grass it is able to overcome.

open, coil, fishing, line

There are fishing lines with pointed edges in the form of an asterisk or square, this option is more adapted to mowing dry grass precisely thanks to the existing sharp edges, but its lack. Greater wear and inferior in strength to the round cord.

Removing and disassembling the coil

The braid trimmer head consists of a casing, a spring (not in every model), bobbins with a cord, cover. Before proceeding to disassemble the coil of the electric unit, be sure to turn off the trimmer for the grass from the network. The disassembly method depends on the mounting of the mowing head. First option:

  • To remove the lid covering the inside of the head, click on the latches (latches), which are located on its two sides.
  • Remove the lid under which you will see the spool. remove it from the body. Some trimmers have a spring under the bobbin coils, which should also be carefully pulled out.
  • Removing the bobbin, you will see the screw in the center of the case. Unscrew it with a screwdriver.
  • After extracting the fasteners, take the case body and, shaking it in different directions, remove the gearbox from the shaft.

In the second version, the head of the trimmer for the grass is twisted onto the shaft of the gearbox. To remove it, you need to fix the shaft. To do this, in such devices there is a hole through which a thin screwdriver or metal rod is inserted. Brief Instruction:

  • Insert a screwdriver into a special hole, then stall the shaft.
  • Get the body of the head and start twist it. This should be done clockwise, t. to. Larva shaft thread.

Winding of fishing line on a reel

Fishing winding

Tramoring the fishing line in a trimmer coil for grass is a relatively simple procedure, provided that you adhere to a certain algorithm of action. When you need to determine how many meters of consumables are enough, wind it on the bobbin so that the skein does not exceed the diameter of the sides. Having decided on the length of the cord, follow the following instructions:

  • Fold the consumable material so that one end of the fishing line is 10-15 cm longer than the other.
  • You need to start charging with the central side, which divides the backpack of the trimmer for the grass into 2 parts. Find a groove where the cord should be inserted. The latter is bent twice.
  • Determine in which direction you need to wind the fishing line for the trimmer. To do this, take a look at the bobbin on which there can be an arrow or inscription. She indicates the side of winding. If there are no designations on the coil, then look at the arrow on the mowing head. carry out windings in the opposite direction.
  • Wash the consumable material carefully, a round to the round. Try to adhere to maximum thread tension.
  • After completing the cord laying, fasten first the short end of the material. To do this, insert it into the groove on the side of the coil, which is suitable in diameter. The second end (more authentic), attach to the groove on the other side of the backpack of the trimmer for the grass.
  • By fixing the fishing line for the trimmer, cut its ends. Do not forget to leave allowances about 10 cm.
  • Install the refitted coil to the mowing head of the device. To do this, you need to insert and pull the thread alternately into the weekend of the head, then place the keyboard of the device in the skin.
  • By applying the required force, pull the cord from the fixing grooves and tighten the material. At the end of this action, put on the lid and fix it using the latches.

The winding of the fishing line on the coil to wind the cord per trimmer for the grass can be also in another way, in which two segments of the material are charged instead of one. The replacement is carried out like this:

  • Bend one end of the cord thread in the form of a hook.
  • At the bottom of the bobbin there should be a hole that is designed to fix the fishing line. Insert the bent over the end of the thread there.
  • Wind the cord material in the direction of the arrow to the desired level, which does not exceed the diameter of the coil of the trimmer for the grass.
  • The same actions need to be done for the second cell of the bobbin.
  • Assembly of the device head is similar to the first way.

How to reload a RYOBI 40V Trimmer Line

How to wind a fishing line for a trimmer to a trimmer coil for grass: Key points

A gasoline or electric trimmer for grass is an indispensable assistant in the arsenal of a modern summer resident or owner of their own house.

Thanks to these garden devices, you can easily bake even a large personal plot. After acquiring this tool and performing several mowing, many people think about how to correct the fishing line for a trimmer to a trimmer coil for grass. For an inexperienced user, the first operation to replace it will seem problematic and laborious, since the developers often do not fully reflect the instructions for replacing the fishing line in the operating manual.

A gasoline or electric trimmer for grass is an indispensable assistant in the arsenal of a modern summer resident or owner of their own house.

Thanks to these garden devices, you can easily bake even a large personal plot. After acquiring this tool and performing several mowing, many people think about how to correct the fishing line for a trimmer to a trimmer coil for grass. For an inexperienced user, the first operation to replace it will seem problematic and laborious, since the developers often do not fully reflect the instructions for replacing the fishing line in the operating manual.

Preparation for the winding of the fishing line

Previously, before the winding process, it is necessary to remove the coil with a fishing line from the body. Depending on the manufacturer, power and type (electric or gasoline), there are three structural types of trimmers:

Such a model provides for the possibility of installing a knife. Removing the coil in such models is carried out by means of two keys drowned in the case. To install a trimmer knife, it is necessary to combine the hole of the bobin and rod, and then insert the device in the form of a steel pin (screwdriver, iron bar). After fixing the coil, the case is easy to unscrew with your hands clockwise.

How to change a fishing line for a trimmer on a lawn mower: detailed instructions

In 1971, American entrepreneur George Bollas invented a mower for grass, where a fishing line for a trimmer played the role of a cutting knife. A lot of time has passed since then, the drive has become more powerful, a modern trimmer can easily damage the bark, so that the idea itself was transformed into mowing around obstacles without damage to the very cutting apparatus of a mowing room. For a neat mowing around obstacles, you can have a head with a smaller fishing line, it is easy to change it when moving from mowing large areas to delicate blocking. However, periodically and the cutting tool itself requires replacement. We tell you how to disassemble the head of the lawn mower (trimmer for grass) and wind a new fishing line for a trimmer.

All about the replacement of fishing line with a trimmer head

There are many types of heads that are designed for different types of fishing line. The latter is also available in several diameters: from 1.0 mm to 3.2 mm. At the same time, its section is round (including with a special groove to reduce noise), square, twisted and in the shape of a star.

There are no clear preferences, and this explains the wide variety of forms and diameters in the market. The round shape is usually stronger, but has a worst cutting ability, in addition, when rotation, it makes a characteristic sound. Therefore, sometimes they make an acoustic groove, however, the use of this fishing line makes sense only on battery trimmers, in machines with gasoline and network drive, the sound level of the drive itself practically drowses the sound from the fishing line. The square has a good cutting ability, and despite the fact that such a fishing line for a trimmer is less durable than round, on average it is consumed less. A square fishing line for a trimmer quite easily cuts the shoots of the same Ivnyak up to 1 cm in diameter. The star has the maximum number of cutting faces, mows best and is the fastest consumed.

The next nuance when choosing is stiffness. The fact is that in the production of nylon, a modifier (often maleine anhydride) is added to it, which improves its strength and prevents gaps. However, modifiers are not the cheapest component, they are trying to save on it. Therefore, it seems to be a good fishing line for a trimmer that remained for the winter, in the spring suddenly behaves completely differently. it breaks, stops doing normally from the reel. There is a recommendation to soak a fishing line for a trimmer in the water before work, but I do not see much sense in this, malein anhydride interacts with water, but if it is not enough in the nylon, then there will be nothing to interact. Therefore, it makes no sense to stock up on fishing line for a long period of time, a breakdown or constantly torn fishing line for a trimmer, which also does not want to leave the reel itself, can significantly complicate the work.

The main malfunctions of the coil

Users of the electrimmer and lawn mower often face a problem associated with a semi.automatic braid head. Coil malfunctions can be as follows:

The fishing line for the trimmer does not extend automatically

If, with a light blow, the trimmer coil button for grass on the ground is not lengthened for a trimmer, then the reasons for this may be the following.

Option 1. there was a snack, t.e. Squeezing the cord between turns. This problem usually appears if the user wound a fishing line for a trimmer to the coil unevenly, with the intersection of the turns, or wound it with insufficient tension. In the latter case, when the mowing head is rotated at large revolutions under the influence of centrifugal force, the cord begins to drag on, as a result of which the interitral clamping of the fishing line is possible. To eliminate the problem, you will have to disassemble the coil on the trimmer and rewind the cord correctly, that is, with even turns with good tension.

Option 2. too short ends protrude from the head. A fishing line for a trimmer may not exit when hitting the ground, if its ends sticking out of the head, insufficient length (short). In this case, the centrifugal force is not enough for the fishing line for the trimmer to stretch. Therefore, it is required to stop the unit (drown out the engine or turn off the ethletric trimmer for grass from the network) and pull the fishing line for the trimmer manually, after pressing the button.

Option 3. a fishing line for a trimmer was soldered inside a mowing head. This leads to the fact that the coil is stopped and does not spin when the button is pressed. Basically, this happens for several reasons: poor quality of the cord, overheating of the coil with prolonged operation of the unit, a fishing line on solid items.

  • In the first case, the cord of manufacturers can be made of low.quality and fusible materials that do not withstand the mechanical and temperature load. Therefore, preference should be given to “branded” fishing.
  • But, if you still purchased a fishing line for a trimmer of unknown quality, and it is often soldered during operation, then you can follow the example of some users who, after refueling the cord, moisten it either with silicone grease (from the spray can) or mineral oil). This procedure greatly reduces the likelihood of soldering a fishing line among themselves.
  • Also, a fishing line for a trimmer can sleep if during a mowing it hit a hard object (stone, fence, dry branch, etc.D.). As a result of this, it is slightly stretched and draws back into the head with high speed. The cord is heated from friction, and its turns are sticking together. The only thing that can be done to eliminate this malfunction is to open a trimmer coil for grass and rewind a fishing line for a trimmer.

The cord spontaneously lengthens

There are situations when a user of a trimmer for grass notices a very fast fishing line consumption. At the same time, he never hit the ground with a button to lengthen the fishing line. The reason that the fishing line for a trimmer spontaneously lengthens, cutting off a special knife on the casing of the device, may be the absence of a spring in a mowing head. Often beginner users of mowers, trying to charge a fishing line for a trimmer into a coil, forget to install a clamping spring in the head, or completely lose it when opening the lid, and in the future, they do not even suspect its existence.

Also, a fishing line for a trimmer can lengthen without using a button if the spring is weakened. If the spring check confirmed this fact, then it is necessary to put several goals under it to strengthen its clamping properties.

Knife nozzle for a trimmer for grass

Walking shopping in search of spare parts is an ungrateful thing, and I refused this thought right away. What is the point of wasting time and money if a new part lasts no longer the previous one, but only until the first meeting with some kind of piece of iron lurked in the grass. It is better to immediately replace a broken reel with a home-made nozzle with stainless steel knives (see. a photo).

The design of the nozzle is very simple. For its manufacture, it took only four details: the central sleeve, the washer and two knives-knives (see. rice.)

I made a central sleeve out of a pruning of a conventional tap pipe. To adjust its inner diameter to the diameter of the shaft, on one side of the blank made a through longitudinal section and slightly besieged with a hammer. The sleeve should sit on the shaft tightly, without backlash.

The puck of suitable sizes I managed to choose the finished. But, if there is no one, it is not difficult to cut it out with a sheet steel with a thickness of 34 mm and finalize with a file. I put on the puck on the sleeve and welded at four points. This is quite enough.

The knives-knives cut out of the sheet stainless steel 1 mm thick. The knives are attached to the puck on rivets. They must be steel. I used M4 screws as rivets. They must be blown up so that the knives are not firmly pressed to the puck, but they can turn freely. This is a very important point. If the knives are fixed hard, then they will surely bend or break at the first meeting with the stem, which will not be able to cut down the shaft of the trimmer for the grass.

The collected nozzle is put on the shaft of a trimmer for the grass and fixed with a copper copping cup of ∅3 mm. Shplint’s hole is best drilled in place.

The first tests of the trimmer for grass with a new knife nozzle confirmed its effectiveness. Knives easily “took” almost any grass. And with leisurely work, the electric motor was practically not overloaded. In a word, what is necessary!

However, we should not forget that metal knives are a more serious danger than a thin, almost weightless fishing line for a trimmer. Therefore, to mow grass around the house is desirable when there are no people or pets nearby. And, of course, it is necessary to constantly monitor the wear of the knives and the rivets attaching them.

Universal heads for motorcycle and what is better to choose

The above options make it possible to understand what type of head on a motorcycle is preferred. In the presence of finances, it is better to choose automatic models, and if the products do not allow you to buy a good branded head for a trimmer for automatic grass, then you should choose from the semiautomatic segment.

When choosing coils for your tool, you can find out that manufacturers, in addition to branded devices, produce still universal ones, that is, those that can be used in conjunction with different models of trimmers. This is convenient only in one case, if there are two or more tools for driving grass of different manufacturers.

A number of advantages of universal coils include:

  • Suitable for most trimmers and benzos different manufacturers
  • Low cost, but at the same time they do not differ in particular reliability, so a special approach is needed for their choice
  • Prevalence. if you find a proprietary coil for a specific model of a trimmer for grass, it is quite difficult, then there are no such problems with universal models

It is interesting!Heads are metal and plastic. Metal ones are more expensive, but devices made of good high.strength plastic are not inferior to them, and sometimes they even cost more.