How to Saw a Hand Circular Saw Video

How to saw a tree angle grinder video

If you are trying to understand whether it is possible to cut a tree with an angle grinder, then the answer to this question is unequivocal: it is possible. But many will not do this, because people get too many injuries precisely from using an angle grinder as a saw on a tree, which is correctly called an angle grinder.

First of all, this is caused by a sufficiently high speed of its rotation, which most saw blades are simply not designed for. But who pays attention to this when it is necessary to do the work, and there is a seemingly suitable tool at hand, and a compensating ring of the right size is also attached to the saw blade on the tree. Yes, and the protective cover is removed for ease of operation, which is absolutely impossible.

How to Saw a Hand Circular Saw Video

But we won’t talk about injuries, but we’ll talk about how and how to process (including saw) a tree using an angle grinder, but first, the complexity of working an angle grinder with wood.

Difficulties working with angle grinder

We mentioned the discrepancy between the rotations of the angle grinder and the circular saw, but users who have the angle grinder with speed control can say that this factor has been taken into account, and any saw blade on the tree is suitable for their tool.

Of course, by setting the number of revolutions of the output shaft, an angle grinder corresponding to that indicated on the marking of the saw blade, they significantly reduce the risk of injury during operation, but do not completely eliminate it. The fault is, first of all, the material itself, or rather its structure and heterogeneity.

Even in different places of one trunk, a tree has a different hardness, not to mention inclusions of viscous resin, the possible presence of metal trapped in the thickness of the wood: from pellets and bullets that fell into the tree during the hunt, to the ingrown wire into which the branches were tied. Do not forget about the knots present in almost all types of wood.

When meeting these obstacles, the saw blade is suddenly braked and the angle grinder simply pulls out of the hands by inertia, and when it passes through a solid section, it rushes forward with a vengeance.

When meeting with metal, there is a high probability of chipping of a carbide tooth, which can be captured next and thrown out with the speed of a bullet. Well, if in the area of ​​the protective cover.

A person who decides to cut a tree is exposed to even greater danger, because at the same time, the angle grinder must be put on its side, which changes the usual and convenient grip, which means that the grip weakens.

We categorically do not recommend sawing a wood angle grinder, which does not have a speed control, with circular saw blades for circular saws. But there are special discs for angle grinders designed for working with wood.

Disks for angle grinders designed for cutting wood

1. Chain disks and mills based on them.

To enlarge the image. click on it.

Almost every house has an angle grinder; without it, it is difficult to imagine carrying out many types of repair work. This multifunctional tool can cut various materials: brick, concrete, metal, porcelain stoneware, etc. The question of whether an angle grinder can cut wood is a matter of debate.

Device and features angle grinder

Arranged angle grinder (angle grinder) is quite simple. The electric motor through the angular gear transmits the rotation to the shaft on which the interchangeable nozzles are fixed. The scope of use of an angle grinder is extremely wide. It is used for cutting, grinding, grinding, grinding and grinding. The type of work performed is determined by the functionality of the removable drives. Each nozzle for an angle grinder has its own purpose.

Such a tool is used during construction work, in mechanical and repair shops, during rescue operations and in other areas of activity. Angle grinder is indispensable both in everyday life and in production. We also recommend this video:

Wood discs on angle grinder

The angle grinder is used for working with solid materials and is not a specialized tool for wood processing. But you can use it for these purposes, although some conditions will have to be observed. It is strongly recommended not to use standard equipment, as it’s not safe.

The industry produces a number of specialized wood discs recommended for angle grinders:

  1. Cutting discs have teeth of a special shape and expanders located on the cutting part, which can prevent jamming of the tool.
  2. Chain disks are intended for modeling, milling and wood trimming. They are a high alloy steel disk, on the outer edge of which a chain from a chainsaw is installed.
  3. Petal grinding special nozzles are designed for leveling irregularities and stripping. Such a nozzle consists of several layers of sandpaper, radially stacked on top of one another so that they overlap each other.
  4. A planer disk is used for roughing wood blanks, for example, in the construction of a log house. This nozzle replaces the carpentry ax.
  5. Wood milling machines allow rough milling work.
  6. End disks are used to level the end surface.
  7. Grinding disc for wood with interchangeable emery wheels of various grain sizes.

Basic safety precautions

Before cutting an angle grinder, you must familiarize yourself with safety regulations. The main of these rules are as follows:

  1. It is imperative to use personal protective equipment (protective plastic glasses, fabric gloves), work in overalls.
  2. Never use discs that have defects.
  3. It is recommended that you hold the angle grinder firmly with 2 hands.
  4. Always ensure that the power cord is not near a rotating disc.
  5. Put the angle grinder only after the cutting element stops completely.
  6. Do not remove the protective cover.
  7. Do not work while intoxicated.

You can not use equipment that is not intended for work with an angle grinder. Do not use cutting tools for circular saws for the following objective reasons:

  1. An angle grinder has a higher rotational speed than a circular saw. The disk is designed for lower revolutions, therefore, at high speed, it, cracking, can fly apart. Flying fragments can cause harm to health.
  2. The tree has a more viscous texture and inclusions in the form of knots, because of this the teeth enter the material unevenly. If the disc is jammed, the tool may be pulled out of the hands, which could result in dangerous injuries.
  3. Due to uneven loads, overheating of the equipment occurs and failure can occur.

Wood Cutting Angle Grinder

In the absence of special equipment for working with wood, it is allowed to cut wood with an angle grinder. But the thickness of the material being cut by an angle grinder should not be more than 4 cm. It is necessary to use special cutting discs and wood mills recommended for working with an angle grinder.

Hold the cutting tool perpendicular to the work surface. If it is possible to adjust the speed of the angle grinder, then the minimum value should be set. The recommended maximum values ​​must not be exceeded (corresponding marking is printed on the disc). When cutting at high speeds, the wood begins to burn, a large amount of smoke is emitted.

It is not recommended to use a button lock during operation in order to be able to turn off the device and minimize possible damage. In order for the tool not to jerk at the end of the cut, experts advise to first file the workpiece around the edges, and only then cut it.

Sawing firewood angle grinder

Sawing a tree with an angle grinder can be done in a relatively safe way. It provides for rigid mounting of cutting equipment on a bed with guiding elements. This will be stationary sawing equipment in which the angle grinder is securely fixed. A self-made machine operates on the principle of circular saws, where the processed material is fed along guides.

You can cut firewood with an angle grinder, but at the same time you need to use the devices necessary to ensure safety. suitable for working with wood are a jigsaw, a circular saw, a hand tool.

Grinding and polishing

To perform grinding and polishing of wooden products, it is better not to find an angle grinder, because it has good performance and is able to provide high quality work performed. Using an angle grinder, you can perform the entire cycle of operations on the processing of wooden surfaces: from roughing to finishing polishing.

To perform these works, special grinding nozzles are used. The quality of the product depends on how correctly selected the circle for the angle grinder. These nozzles vary in shape, material and purpose.

For roughing (peeling), these types of nozzles are used:

  • peeling circle. a steel disk on which pieces of metal wire are soldered;
  • cord brush. a disk with wire pile (there are various stiffnesses);
  • end disk.

For polishing and final grinding of the nozzle, other nozzles are used:

  • petal;
  • grinding;
  • cup. brushes made of special abrasive nylon.

Angle grinder is not designed for sawing and cutting wood. The use of an angle grinder for these works is not recommended, but under certain conditions a small amount of work is allowed.

An ordinary electric tool when working with metal, an angle grinder. is perfectly used for processing other materials. They probably put a disc on a tree on an angle grinder automatically about safety.

Is there a possibility with such a disk to saw wood and what types of auxiliary tools for angle grinders are, let’s understand.

There are special cutting discs for wood, created for such work, alas, this is faster exception. Also, not every angle grinder such a disk is suitable.
Let’s look at a few options.

Such cutting discs are used for cutting boards already 40 mm wide, with the last caution. Rules, non-observance of which lead to injuries:

Saw disk has an iron base and a chain saw chain fixed along the perimeter

  1. It is strictly forbidden to remove the protective cover if the diameter of the disc exceeds the dimensions of the casing. your Angle Grinder not able to be used.
  2. The angle grinder must run at the speed indicated on the disc. Otherwise, the chain may jump off and its components will scatter.
  3. Safety goggles and tight gauntlets are compelling. It also does not hurt to put on tight canvas clothing.

The same applies to diamond cutting discs for concrete. For work on sawing wood products, they are not applicable and unsafe. Firstly, the operating efficiency is very low, especially considering the prices of the disk. If. of course, just burn the blank.

And in the end. such a disk can always jam in the cut, and you get hit by the body of an angle grinder. Here’s a good example of a disc for an angle grinder, which you can use with extreme caution to saw tree.

The design of the wheel provides protection against jamming with the help of lateral teeth, expanding the width of the cut. The disk has a diameter of 115 mm, and its dimensions allow you to work without removing the protective casing.

Cut wood and gas blocks angle grinder. Personal experience

A wood drive is placed one hundred percent under the protective cover

Some homegrown "masters" customize standard circular saw blades for an angle grinder, work is done with the protective cover removed. In most cases, such experiments end disastrously. Woe-master receives languid injuries, and a fatal ending is likely.

In this case, there are many offers on the construction market for saws for an angle grinder on wood. Traders will convince you that in the palm of a specialist the introduction of such an instrument is completely harmless. This statement is true so far, for these very hands are safe and sound.

Prerequisites for not using the circular saw while working with the angle grinder:

  • The disc is designed for low revs, the metal of the circle is hard but brittle. During operation, it can scatter into pieces different from the disk; there are variations that fall off the soldered teeth, which fly apart with the movement of the bullet;
  • The tree has a viscous structure, because the teeth bite unevenly. Beyond the set of such a factor, the instrument bounces and vibrates. There is an option to simply lose control of the inventory, and inflict languid injury;
  • When a disk is jammed (and when working with wood, this situation will certainly arise), the angle grinder will simply vomit from your hands. The upcoming behavior of a powered tool with a rotating gear disc is unpredictable;
  • At one time, woodwork due to uneven loads, the angle grinder overheats, and may fail.

The only way out is to make a stationary sawing machine, with an angle grinder firmly fixed, as the master did in the video tutorial.

It is not advisable to consider the option of cutting wooden workpieces with abrasive wheels, since it is excellent to use it disk in any case, impossible. This is tantamount to trying to cut a log using rattle. True security with all this will be with high quality.

Is it possible to cut a tree with an angle grinder?

Of course, there are more original methods of suicide, but in principle this one is also not bad. Ask why? Let’s figure it out!

Well, now let’s get started! =)

Starting this publication, I would like to recall an old, but suitable joke. Can I eat all the mushrooms? YES! But some once. That’s the same with the angle grinder, on which the disc for the tree is worn, in principle, everything is possible, your life, your limbs. But not everything is so categorical, if you really need it, that is, options, but about them at the end of the article, and at first I would like to explain why you can not use a saw blade for wood on an angle grinder. First, I would like to explain the difference between an angle grinder and a circular saw (it does not matter, manual or machine).

Different rotation speed

Here one could say about the speed of rotation, but this would not be entirely correct. I will explain why. Even the angle grinder, large and small, has different speeds of rotation of the disc. And all because it is necessary to ensure the same linear speed of rotation. That is, the larger the disk, the slower the tool should spin, so that there would be the same linear speed of rotation. So, for an angle grinder, on average, the linear speed of rotation is 80 meters per second, and for a circular saw this value is on average 60 meters per second. And if there is no rotation speed regulator on the angle grinder, then at least it will burn the tree, as a maximum we read further.


If you cut a tree with a hand circular saw, then we rest the tool on the workpiece and simply push it forward along the intended line. The tool disc does not lead to the right or left, since the support does not allow the disc to mow. In the case of a stationary circular machine, for example, it’s still simpler, the disk moves across the table and again, resting it on the table, we do not allow the workpiece to lean to the right or left. In the case of an angle grinder, the disk has no support except our hand is not hard.

Draw conclusions

Now let’s draw conclusions from the above and suppose the consequences. the angle grinder spins much faster than the circular, and even if the disk for the angle grinder is designed for these speeds and temperatures, we will at least burn the tree. Who sawed the angle grinder, I am sure, faced with this side effect.

But this is not so bad. Most drives come to us from the Middle Kingdom. Yes, it is indicated on the disc packaging that it is designed for an angle grinder. Well, what will happen if they just take a regular disk from a circular, fit it under an angle grinder and without any tests (is this interesting in China?) Put up for sale. The first thing that happens is that victorious soldering will not withstand the temperature and simply begin to crack. I heard similar stories. Now imagine a hot piece of metal that broke off the disk with a linear speed of 80 m / s. Agree that he will fly in your direction, there will be very little pleasant. Such a fragment can easily be compared with a fragment of a shell thread.

Now fans of the angle grinder will say that there are tools with speed control. I wonder how often you set the “wood” mode to an angle grinder, and whether it is there at all. Okay, suppose you set the correct linear speed. Let’s move on.

Wood is a heterogeneous material. Soft fibers are replaced by hard ones, and knots fall between them. Now let’s just remember the mechanics of a hand saw. We put it on the workpiece, we rest it with our hand, and in such a way as to control it with the shoulder. Typically, manual circulars are not very powerful, and even if the disk sticks on a knot, a solid male shoulder is enough to hold the instrument. I say their personal experience, for one reason or another, I myself had a disk jam during cutting. It can be too hard a little bit, too dry a tree, a dull disk, or even a nail that can easily end up in a tree. I had this more than once, and my 75 kg was enough to hold the tool. I won’t even talk about the circular machine, there is most often a belt drive, and it just takes off or scrolls the belt.

In the case of an angle grinder, we do not have the opportunity to press it to the workpiece, since the angle grinder has no support. We do all the manipulations “on weight” and hold the instrument simply with our fingers. Catch bitches, carnations, or something else, and there simply will be no way to hold this marvelous instrument in your hands. And now just imagine an angle grinder that has lost control and flies through a workshop without a navigator at 11.000 m / s. The same result will be if you tilt the disk to the right or left, it will interlock, and then according to a familiar scenario.

Video: How to Saw a Hand Circular Saw Video

To summarize, if you use a saw blade on an angle grinder, then sooner or later, dismembering from the most bloody horror films, risks becoming a reality.

Well, as promised, I will give a little advice on how you can still cut a tree with an angle grinder. In nature, there is a chain disk for an angle grinder, a sort of mini chainsaw.

These discs are rare, expensive. But if such a disk goes into the hitch, then it will simply spin and the instrument will not vomit from your hands. As you can see from the markings, the disc is designed for 12,000 revolutions, this is the maximum that gives 115 or 125 angle grinder. I can’t say that this drive is 100% safe, but it at least minimizes the risks. And the best advice is to cut the wood with a circular or jigsaw.

Can an angle grinder safely cut wood?

Almost every house has an angle grinder; without it, it is difficult to imagine carrying out many types of repair work. This multifunctional tool can cut various materials: brick, concrete, metal, porcelain stoneware, etc. The question of whether an angle grinder can cut wood is a matter of debate.

Device and features angle grinder

Arranged angle grinder (angle grinder) is quite simple. The electric motor through the angular gear transmits the rotation to the shaft on which the interchangeable nozzles are fixed. The scope of use of an angle grinder is extremely wide. It is used for cutting, grinding, grinding, grinding and grinding. The type of work performed is determined by the functionality of the removable drives. Each nozzle for an angle grinder has its own purpose.

Such a tool is used during construction work, in mechanical and repair shops, during rescue operations and in other areas of activity. Angle grinder is indispensable both in everyday life and in production. We also recommend this video:

Wood discs on angle grinder

The angle grinder is used for working with solid materials and is not a specialized tool for wood processing. But you can use it for these purposes, although some conditions will have to be observed. It is strongly recommended not to use standard equipment, as it’s not safe.

The industry produces a number of specialized wood discs recommended for angle grinders:

  1. Cutting discs have teeth of a special shape and expanders located on the cutting part, which can prevent jamming of the tool.
  2. Chain disks are intended for modeling, milling and wood trimming. They are a high alloy steel disk, on the outer edge of which a chain from a chainsaw is installed.
  3. Petal grinding special nozzles are designed for leveling irregularities and stripping. Such a nozzle consists of several layers of sandpaper, radially stacked on top of one another so that they overlap each other.
  4. A planer disk is used for roughing wood blanks, for example, in the construction of a log house. This nozzle replaces the carpentry ax.
  5. Wood milling machines allow rough milling work.
  6. End disks are used to level the end surface.
  7. Grinding disc for wood with interchangeable emery wheels of various grain sizes.

Basic safety precautions

Before cutting an angle grinder, you must familiarize yourself with safety regulations. The main of these rules are as follows:

  1. It is imperative to use personal protective equipment (protective plastic glasses, fabric gloves), work in overalls.
  2. Never use discs that have defects.
  3. It is recommended that you hold the angle grinder firmly with 2 hands.
  4. Always ensure that the power cord is not near a rotating disc.
  5. Put the angle grinder only after the cutting element stops completely.
  6. Do not remove the protective cover.
  7. Do not work while intoxicated.

You can not use equipment that is not intended for work with an angle grinder. Do not use cutting tools for circular saws for the following objective reasons:

  1. An angle grinder has a higher rotational speed than a circular saw. The disk is designed for lower revolutions, therefore, at high speed, it, cracking, can fly apart. Flying fragments can cause harm to health.
  2. The tree has a more viscous texture and inclusions in the form of knots, because of this the teeth enter the material unevenly. If the disc is jammed, the tool may be pulled out of the hands, which could result in dangerous injuries.
  3. Due to uneven loads, overheating of the equipment occurs and failure can occur.

Wood Cutting Angle Grinder

In the absence of special equipment for working with wood, it is allowed to cut wood with an angle grinder. But the thickness of the material being cut by an angle grinder should not be more than 4 cm. It is necessary to use special cutting discs and wood mills recommended for working with an angle grinder.

Hold the cutting tool perpendicular to the work surface. If it is possible to adjust the speed of the angle grinder, then the minimum value should be set. The recommended maximum values ​​must not be exceeded (corresponding marking is printed on the disc). When cutting at high speeds, the wood begins to burn, a large amount of smoke is emitted.

It is not recommended to use a button lock during operation in order to be able to turn off the device and minimize possible damage. In order for the tool not to jerk at the end of the cut, experts advise to first file the workpiece around the edges, and only then cut it.

Sawing firewood angle grinder

Sawing a tree with an angle grinder can be done in a relatively safe way. It provides for rigid mounting of cutting equipment on a bed with guiding elements. This will be stationary sawing equipment in which the angle grinder is securely fixed. A self-made machine operates on the principle of circular saws, where the processed material is fed along guides.

You can cut firewood with an angle grinder, but at the same time you need to use the devices necessary to ensure safety. suitable for working with wood are a jigsaw, a circular saw, a hand tool.

Grinding and polishing

To perform grinding and polishing of wooden products, it is better not to find an angle grinder, because it has good performance and is able to provide high quality work performed. Using an angle grinder, you can perform the entire cycle of operations on the processing of wooden surfaces: from roughing to finishing polishing.

To perform these works, special grinding nozzles are used. The quality of the product depends on how correctly selected the circle for the angle grinder. These nozzles vary in shape, material and purpose.

For roughing (peeling), these types of nozzles are used:

  • peeling circle. a steel disk on which pieces of metal wire are soldered;
  • cord brush. a disk with wire pile (there are various stiffnesses);
  • end disk.

For polishing and final grinding of the nozzle, other nozzles are used:

  • petal;
  • grinding;
  • cup. brushes made of special abrasive nylon.

Angle grinder is not designed for sawing and cutting wood. The use of an angle grinder for these works is not recommended, but under certain conditions a small amount of work is allowed.

Can I cut a wood angle grinder? Secrets of specialists how to do it right

Wood is one of the oldest natural materials used in construction, manufacturing and household. To this day, it remains in demand due to environmental cleanliness and affordability. And one more significant plus of the wood is caused by mechanical compliance, which is important from the point of view of processing. For lumber, there is a wide range of cutting tools from the simplest hacksaw to jigsaw. But is it possible to cut a tree with an angle grinder? This is a universal tool for processing solid-state materials, but thanks to a combination of wide functionality, ergonomics and productivity, many craftsmen also use it in working with soft-body blanks like wood. How justified is the use of an angle grinder?

The benefits of using a wood angle grinder

The tool has a powerful engine, which allows it to easily cope with all the rocks used in domestic housing construction and production. As a rule, we are talking about working with timber, board and particle boards. Even a minimum power of 500-700 watts will be enough to handle standard lumber. But here another question arises: “Can an angle grinder cut wood as such or logs?” This will depend on the size of the nozzle, but it is in solving such problems that a chain saw is more suitable. The angle grinder, in addition to performance, also pays off in terms of functionality. Modern compact models weigh a little, but at the same time they have a wide range of adjustment, safety and control systems. The operator can individually adjust the machine according to the depth of cut, the number of revolutions, use soft start and other features.

Disadvantages of wood processing angle grinder

The main argument against using an angle grinder in working with wood is safety. There are certain ergonomic nuances associated with the inconvenient direction of the cut, but specialists from such cutting tactics often stop precisely the risks of injury. Why is it dangerous to cut a wood angle grinder? Compared with the same jigsaw or circular saw, the angle grinder does not have a stopper. a device that physically stops the cut when passing a critical point. In other words, when the landing zone or the center of the cutting blade approaches the surface of the workpiece, the likelihood of a hook and the tool flying out of your hands increases. This can happen quite unexpectedly, like the direction of rejection of an angle grinder. The second nuance is associated with the nozzle itself. For example, disks with soldered segments are strictly forbidden to be used, as they may collapse during operation. But today, manufacturers also produce special equipment for servicing soft building materials.

Which disc for angle grinder to saw wood?

As already noted, on the construction equipment market there is a special tooling for angle grinders with which it is planned to process wood billets. Usually these are adaptive disks with expanders in the cut area and a special shape of the teeth. This design focuses on reducing the probability of a wedge. over, for wood, you can find both cutting and grinding wheels. Another option for an acceptable nozzle for such purposes is chain equipment. But in working with it, one must take into account the wide grip of the cut, of the order of 8-10 mm. It is possible to saw a tree with a chain disk with an angle grinder with a maximum depth of 125-230 mm. These are standard formats for the angle grinder, but the workflow will be characterized by a low level of vibration and no risk of the tool flying out of your hands.

Can I cut a wood angle grinder with a metal nozzle?

Most of these discs have a small tooth, without fail supplemented with victorious or diamond crumbs. This allows you to work with metal and with natural stone. It is dangerous to use such nozzles for wood, but there are disc models, the device of which is close to the optimal cutters for soft material. So, you can cut a wood angle grinder with a disc for metal in cases where two conditions are met:

  • The circle has a rare and medium tooth (large increases the risk of a wedge).
  • Segments or other inserts on the surface of the nozzle are made of tungsten or carbide.

This design will minimize unwanted effects during operation, but according to safety regulations, this is not enough to use an angle grinder in such operations.

Preparation of tools and blanks for sawing

The angle grinder must be carefully inspected and checked for functionality. The reliability of the connections, electrical connections, the operation of protective systems and structural mechanisms should be evaluated. Separately, the rigidity of the grip nozzle is checked. If you plan to saw a tree with an angle grinder in the room, then it will not be superfluous to prepare a construction vacuum cleaner. Modern models of angle grinders have a special branch pipe for dust removal. connecting a vacuum cleaner to it will help to avoid contamination of the workplace with small chips. The workpiece itself must be dried, cleaned of foreign inclusions and dirt.

The working process

Start cutting with a soft start, if there is such a function. It is important to ensure work at low speeds, if necessary, increasing the moment already along the way. Much in the tactics of changing the parameters of the cut will depend on the hardness of the workpiece itself and its size. How can an angle grinder cut a tree if an oblique cut is needed? Unfortunately, the cut curve is not allowed at all. The workpiece is cut only at right angles, and any inclinations are excluded, since skew as such can be dangerous. Complex operations of curly and generally non-standard cutting are performed as part of post-processing with another tool. After completing work, you should wait for the disk to stop, turn off the device, and unplug the plug. Then the tool is disassembled and cleaned of wood chips with dust.

Recommendations on the way

There are a number of small technical and operational subtleties that are important to consider when processing wood:

  • Many, in attempts to make work more comfortable, get rid of the protective casing. But it is absolutely impossible to do this, since the casing is the only barrier to the operator and the disc, the destruction of which can lead to injuries.
  • To increase the reliability of the physical holding of the tool will help a special device. the bearing base. She will make a machine out of a manual apparatus.
  • To ensure a more tenacious grip, it is recommended to saw the angle grinder a tree in construction gloves with rubberized overlays.
  • If the model of the angle grinder used has a locking function, it should not be used. Complicated situations may require a momentary shutdown of the device to minimize damage, and the included lock will not allow this.


General safety guidelines indicate that any tool and consumables should be used only for its intended purpose. Does this rule apply to an angle grinder in the context of its application to wood billets? Most likely not, because the developers of modern models of this tool make the designs universal, and in the assortment of nozzles you can find special discs for soft-body materials. Another question. is it possible to angle saw to saw wood as a target workpiece in regular mode? Again, theoretically this is possible and allowed, but practically this approach does not justify itself. Circular saws cut wood and beams more efficiently, and chain chainsaws do a good job with logs and trees. Therefore, an angle grinder can only be used as a one-time substitute for a profile tool for cutting wooden workpieces.

Saw log angle grinder

Greetings, my dear readers of the blog of Andrew Noack. Many people ask on the forums the question, is it possible to cut boards with an angle grinder? Therefore, I decided to fully understand this issue with you.

Angle grinder is a universal tool. The angle grinder is suitable for a whole range of work, replacing a number of metal tools, often doing work even better and more accurately. This can boast of all the processes produced by a metal disc. But what about wood and chipboard? Is it safe? Today I want to figure out how to do this correctly at your own peril and risk.

Grinding: nozzles and process

Grinding plates are discs that are made by layering several different covers. To improve the abrasion characteristics of the treated surface, the initial layer is made of rubber, sometimes replaced with hard plastic. The layer of the second level of the nozzle allows you to ensure the fit of the plane of the working part to the grinding surface, it is made of foam rubber. The main, working layer is a sheet of sandpaper.

The use of grinding plates allows you to work efficiently with already painted surfaces. It is possible to polish the rough surface in a rough way.

Flap type discs are suitable for the same purposes, only grinding in rough is faster. This type of disk is an emery cloth attached to the working surface of the disk.

To remove paint, it is best to take special devices with peeling functions. The steel cup, with fastening steel fibers made of hard wire, perfectly abrades, additionally grinding the wood.

Tools for peeling

When you will use the nozzles already described, remember that a circle angle grinder can leave bumps that are not visible after processing, but can appear after applying paint. To avoid this effect, use a vibrating machine to level the effect of unevenness due to the circle.

The grinding operation is the simplest and safest operation of those that can be produced with an angle grinder. In any case, follow the safety rules.

Cutting wood, is it worth it to start?

Young masters are always interested in whether it is possible to cut boards with an angle grinder? I will answer immediately. No! Although such an operation is permissible by many, it is necessary to carry out it very carefully, because any violation of caution, neglect of TB rules, can lead to rupture of the disk, with subsequent release of particles in an unpredictable direction.

Why can’t a beginner do this? Naturally, following the law of meanness, this direction can become directly your face, or other parts of the body. The speed developed by the torsion of the disk angle grinder, can give the flying fragment a great acceleration.

Let’s immediately look at the most common and fraught mistakes of beginners:

  • Using an angle grinder without a casing, removal allows you to better control the direction of the cut, but completely removes all insurance from breaking the disk, or flying chips;
  • Using a non-standard disk for an angle grinder, most often beginners try to use a heavy circular one, which is also dangerous and can lead to irreversible consequences;
  • Grasping the tool in the wrong place can cause the angle grinder to slip out of your hands.

Shocking photos on the Internet and no less creepy eyewitness accounts on the forums confirm the danger of using an angle grinder for sawing wood. These people whose non-compliance with TB led to amputations, severe trauma and even death.

The following information contains comprehensive tips to prevent an accident like those of inexperienced guys.

I also recommend reading my books on woodworking to know all the intricacies of the work. details about the book in the "Books" section of the top menu of the site.

It is for the angle grinder that there is a special wood drive designed for sawing wood at high speed. On sale, such a circle is not so common.

Do not remove the protective cover! He is the only obstacle between your skin and a circle spinning at great speed.

Large angle grinders will not perform high quality sawing. Due to the sawing of hard wood, they can be pulled out of the hands, since at speed an angle grinder, clutching a tooth of a circle behind tightly pressed wood fibers is unlikely.

Gloves at work are a must. It’s best to get a tool to firmly fix the saw. This will turn the angle grinder into a full-fledged machine, protecting you completely from tearing, in case of high-quality installation of the structure.

Do not use cutting wheels with large teeth, with them the likelihood of clinging to an angle grinder, especially for firewood, becomes even lower. The possibility of pulling out grows at times.

With an adjustable number of revolutions on the device, set the minimum value. Unfortunately, most grinders are simply not equipped with this feature.

You should put the tool at a right angle, you can cut the workpiece relative to the cut plane. Any skew can be dangerous. Tilting the device is also highly recommended.

If there is a button lock, do not use it. In a critical situation, you will not be able to turn off the device, trying to minimize damage.

Despite all the tips and rules, the process of sawing wood with an angle grinder can be so random that following all the cautions given cannot guarantee the master’s safety. This is because the angle grinder is not the target tool for such tasks.

Therefore, if you have any alternative opportunity to refuse to use this tool in favor of a stationary machine. immediately decide on using it, even if it takes a lot of time and effort to transport it. In any case, health, as well as your own life is more expensive.

The advice of many specialists is a categorical rejection of this tool for this purpose. If there is a large amount of work ahead, then the choice should fall on a jigsaw, which will never be superfluous in the economy.

Milling with an angle grinder

Another operation that many experienced masters successfully use with this tool is milling. Unlike a milling cutter, it is impossible to perform really high-quality processing. However, making a groove, as well as cutting a small part, will turn out quite tolerably.

Again, this operation is dangerous. I have already written recommendations for general action with the help of this tool, so just follow them. An angle grinder needs a thick and high-quality milling cutter. Immediately discard the possibility of using homemade nozzles, give your choice to the old brand, insured against chips and breaks.

Even when using all the tips, a novice alone should not start milling without the supervision of a more experienced master. As mentioned above, accidents constantly occur with the masters of their craft, given the instability of the tool.

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Why can’t an angle grinder cut wood? And what is this fraught with?

If you need disability or you are very tired of life, then you can not read the lines below, otherwise I will try to explain why it is still impossible to cut a tree with an angle grinder.

I am sure that many in the workshop or at home in the closet will have a disk for an angle grinder with which they saw wood, something like this:

My advice to you throw away this disk ! This disc was invented by the Chinese, for the Chinese. And the goal of creating this disk is very simple. to slightly reduce the population of the population whose number has exceeded 2 billion. And the government of the Celestial Empire no longer has enough finance to feed such a scum.

At least I can not offer any other logical explanation why it is not forbidden to produce this disk on an angle grinder. Or at least it should be marked with the following inscription: "the best way to commit suicide, works 100%."

And now I’ll try to explain to you why you should not use such disks.

An angle grinder can cut metal, but can’t wood?

This logical question arises among many in their heads. Some of my friends even voiced this question. I’ll try to explain the difference. And so, let’s take a look at the metal cutting disc:

In this photo on the left is a cutting disc for metal, the one that is thin. I put a thick disk for contrast, it is used only for grinding metal.

There are several reasons why metal is cut with a thin disc:

  • the thinner the cut, the easier the tool enters the material;
  • the thinner the cut, the lower the load on the tool and on the operator;
  • security.

As part of this publication, we are interested in the third point. When you cut metal, there is always a chance that the disc will clamp. If you use a thick disk, the tool will vomit from your hands. In the case of a thin disk, it most likely will fly apart, and if a protective cover is installed, and we have protective glasses, and even better a mask (and you also cut sparks from yourself), then the fragments are not afraid of you by 95%.

Now remember the photo of the disc for the tree from the beginning of the article. This is a steel, thick disk that will not fly apart when the disk is clamped. Therefore, the tool is likely to just rip from your hands.

And even if the disk does not clamp, the tree is a heterogeneous material. Soft fibers are replaced by hard ones, and between them there are nibs, and you can simply not hold the instrument when it enters suk.

And why then can you saw with a hand circular saw?

The key word here is support ! If you cut a tree with a hand-held circular saw, then we rest the tool on the workpiece and simply push it forward along the intended line. The tool disc does not lead to the right or left, since the support does not allow the disc to mow. In the case of a stationary circular machine, for example, it’s still simpler, the disk moves across the table and again, resting it on the table, we do not allow the workpiece to lean to the right or left. In the case of an angle grinder, the disc has no support except our non-solid hand.

That is, if we are sawing with a circular, then we push the tool with his shoulder resting on the material, if we work with an angle grinder, then we simply hold the tool “on weight” with the strength of our brushes (which, in an emergency, is most likely not enough).

On top of that, an angle grinder spins much faster than a circular saw, an angle grinder has an average linear speed of rotation of 80 meters per second, and a circular saw has an average value of 60 meters per second.


Unfortunately, Yandex.Zen doesn’t allow you to embed scary pictures, otherwise I would attach to this publication more than a dozen photos that my blog subscribers sent me. But take my word for it, the softest photograph is almost a half-sawn finger.

And so, once again, if your region does not have a fabulous disability pension, or if you did not save enough money for a funeral and did not make a will, forget, just forget that there are saw blades for wood on the angle grinder.