How to Store a Trimmer in Winter

Garden tools are in use until late autumn: they plant trees with might and main, cut fruit and berry trees and shrubs, remove fallen leaves and garbage, lay compost, and clean rainfall. Garden tools find peace only with the onset of the first cold weather. And if the choppers, secateurs, shovels are enough to clean the earth and plant debris with a dry dense rag and grindstone and put away in the barn until spring, then with the technique a little more trouble. We tell you how to tidy up mechanical assistants.

How to Store a Trimmer in Winter


The correct storage of these powerful, but at the same time compact devices designed for mowing grass is one of the components of their long and uninterrupted operation. Before sending the trimmer for a well-deserved rest, it is necessary to perform several important actions:

drain the entire fuel mixture (gasoline and oil) and let the device idle until it dies;

remove grass residues between the knives and the fixed parts of the trimmer and from the blades;

unscrew the spark plug and inspect it. If the electrodes are reddish, everything is in order; if covered with soot, they must be cleaned or replaced;

remove the metal cutting knife, clean it of dirt and check its integrity. If cracks or chips appear, the knife will have to be replaced. A blade that is dry and free from dirt should be stored separately;

if the trimmer cord is installed on the trimmer, it must be removed and put in fresh water for the whole winter period. this way the fishing line will retain its original flexibility, withstand the tension and last longer.

The best place to store lawn mowers is a dry room with normal humidity, isolated from sources of bright light and open fire. To prevent the trimmer from freezing, you should wrap it with an old blanket. Experts advise storing the lawn in limbo. If the steering wheel is in the way, turn it the other way or simply unscrew it.

Lawn mower

This device is sent for wintering earlier than others, and is removed closer to the end of spring. Due to such a long downtime, the requirements for mower conservation are very high. Attention is required to the main elements of the lawn mower: engine and cutting parts. So here is what you need to do:

remove grass residues from the body, exhaust pipe, engine cooling radiators, etc.;

wash, clean and dry the knives and other details in the reach zone. particles of grass, and with them dirt and moisture, could get on them when working;

as for fuel, experts advise to drain gasoline and wipe the gas tank dry so that condensation does not form during the winter. However, some, on the contrary, recommend filling the tank to the brim and leave it in the form for the winter.

Only in this case, poor-quality gasoline can produce sediment, which will make it difficult to start the engine in the spring. Still, removing the remaining fluid from the carburetor is easier than cleaning it of plaque and sediment, so the first option is preferable;

remove and sharpen the cutting knife;

check the oil level. it must comply with the recommendations in the operating instructions.

It is necessary to store the mower in a room with a humidity of not more than 70% and the absence of sudden temperature changes that increase humidity, so that its wheels do not touch the floor. either in a suspended position or on supports.

With an electric lawnmower, there are less worries: before cleaning, you only need to check the integrity of all contacts and inspect them for oxidation and rust. The rest of the electric motor does not require special conservation measures. Recharge the battery for the winter, clean the case, deck and knives from grass and sharpen them if necessary.


Tiller is a serious agricultural machine that needs proper care. The abundance of parts and a complex device do not always allow you to completely clean the device from dirt, but it’s still worth trying to do it. So, before wintering you need:

to clear a plow and knives of a cultivator of dirt, wash, dry and process with oil or a solid oil. It is better to store them separately. in a dry ventilated area;

clean the engine with a brush, remove combustion products in the muffler area. Drain gasoline and work out its leftovers. While the engine has not cooled, remove the oil and add a new one;

renew the paper air filter or rinse the foam filter with warm water and detergent. Allow the filter to dry and soak it with engine oil;

unscrew the spark plug, clean it, moisten in gasoline and dry. Pour 15 ml of oil into the cylinder and slowly turn the shaft so that it is distributed over all parts, then return the spark plug to its place.

When inspecting the tiller and removing contaminants from the gearbox, cutter and other parts, you should not use iron scrapers. this can easily damage the protective layer and provoke rust. It is better to use a wooden stick or spatula and wash the parts under running water. After the "water procedures", you must definitely wipe everything with a napkin and dry it.

Tiller nozzles and removable metal parts should be covered with a protective oil film, wrapped in wrapping paper and stored separately, placed in a wooden or plastic box. Like a lawn mower, the tiller must be kept in a dry, ventilated area in winter.


Hoses, watering guns, droppers and other irrigation equipment must be freed from water residues. Ordinary hoses should not be left on the street: at minus temperatures the water will turn into ice. so the hose may become unusable. To preserve the sprayers for the winter you need:

inspect all mechanisms and check for tightening of the hoses, breaks and damage to the spray gun housings;

check the quality of the oil: it should not contain foreign liquids and impurities;

clean or replace with new all filters. in sprayer housings, pressure and suction.

For the winter, sprayers should be placed in a dry, warm room.


A garden vacuum cleaner that allows you to quickly collect plant debris in a heap should be stored in a dry, preferably heated room. this will greatly simplify equipment startup after downtime. To prepare the blower for wintering you need:

clean all elements from contamination: it is enough to wipe the plastic parts and handles with a damp cloth or sponge; apply a special composition or oils to the surface of metal parts to protect against corrosion;

if the tool is running on battery power, recharge it.

Some also use a vacuum cleaner in the winter. blowing snow off the porch or car. Nevertheless, experts do not advise doing this: 80-90% of blowers consist of plastic, which hardens in the cold, becomes too fragile and can easily crack and break. Although, of course, the weather weather is different: if at 7 ° C you can still use a blower, then at 20 ° C you should definitely not take risks.

Grinders (shredders, crushers)

Garden shredders, both petrol and electric, require minimal maintenance. Before sending the crusher for the winter holidays, you need to do the following:

check wire and extension cords for damage;

replace worn and damaged parts;

clean the unit using a warm, damp cloth and a soft brush;

gently remove the blade, clean, replace or sharpen if dull;

shake the bag to collect the mulch.

The chopper should be stored in a dry room. a garage or a warm barn (air temperature should not fall below 10 ° C). To protect the equipment from scratches, you can close it with a corrugated cardboard or air bubble film.

General rules for the conservation of equipment

Any tool, regardless of type and purpose, must be washed, dried, and inspected for wear and replacement before being stored. There is nothing worse than moisture trapped in moving or vulnerable parts and mechanisms. Freezing in an unheated room, it turns into ice and damages the elements of the system. For fire safety reasons, it is also advisable to drain gasoline from the gas tank. But other recommendations on the clock. the technique should not be left "dry"Therefore, for the winter, oil is not removed, but changed.

The cutting parts (such as the knives of a lawn mower) should be sharpened, and the joints must be cleaned of dust and dirt and greased. Check the condition of the fasteners and power cord of the power tool, if necessary, replace them without leaving until spring. Next, we consider each type of equipment and the requirements for its conservation in more detail.

How to store a chainsaw in winter

This is perhaps one of the few tools for which work can be found in the cold season. True, the operating temperature range of a chainsaw is usually small due to the fact that it contains non-frost-resistant parts, gasoline and oil. If the manufacturer guarantees the operation of the tool at a temperature of –10 ° C. this is a very good indicator, and such a saw can be used almost all year round. If you leave the cottage for a long time, then take care of proper conservation.

"Heart" any chainsaw is a single-cylinder two-stroke carburetor type engine. Another important element is the chain. It is the care of these two elements that most of the recommendations for conservation are devoted to:

About once a month, crank the crankshaft to renew the lubrication on the connecting rods and in the cylinders with pistons.

If you have saw, all you need for conservation is lubricating the saw bar and chain with protective grease.

How to store a lawn mower in winter

This unit is shipped to "well-deserved rest" still in the fall, and is extracted closer to the end of spring. Because of so long "just me" The mower conservation requirements are very high.

Gas mower

At a gas mower, the main elements are the engine and the cutting parts. They should be given maximum attention:

Electric lawn mower

Before cleaning the unit for the winter, check the integrity of all contacts and inspect them for oxidation and rust. The rest of the electric motor does not require any special conservation measures. Recharge the battery for the winter, clean the case, deck and knives from grass and sharpen them if necessary.

Video: How to Store a Trimmer in Winter

How to store a trimmer in winter

With a trimmer you need to be able to not only handle it correctly, but also properly store it. Often, petrol or electric scythes are simply thrown into the barn, where they lie until spring. Such negligence can be expensive.

Petrol trimmer

Petrol trimmers are powerful and compact devices designed for mowing grass. Proper storage is one of the components of their long and uninterrupted operation.

  • Find the appropriate storage location. It should be a dry room, with normal humidity, isolated from sources of bright light and open flame. You can not let the trimmer freeze, it is better to cover it with moisture absorbers (for example, an old blanket);
  • drain the entire fuel mixture (gasoline and oil) and let the device idle until it dies;
  • remove any remaining grass between the knives and the fixed parts of the trimmer and from the blades. Do not be lazy and carefully inspect the case for organic matter;
  • unscrew and inspect the spark plug. The normal color of the electrodes is reddish, if they are covered with soot, they should be cleaned or replaced;
  • remove the metal cutting knife and clean it of dirt. Check the integrity of the knife. if cracks or chips appear on it, replace this part. Store the blade dry and free from dirt separately;
  • if a trimmer cord (fishing line) is installed on the trimmer, remove it and put it in fresh water for the whole winter. So it will retain its original flexibility, withstand tension and last longer;
  • keep the lawn mowing suspended. If the steering wheel is in the way, turn it the other way or unscrew it.

At trimmer Before winter conservation, check the integrity of the wires, insulation and contacts. Avoid sudden temperature fluctuations and do not keep the trimmer in the cold. Condensation may damage the contacts and other elements of the device.

How to store a cultivator and a tiller in the winter

Such "serious" agricultural machines, like cultivators and tilleries, need proper care. The abundance of parts and a complex device does not always allow you to completely clean the cultivator, and especially the tiller, from dirt, but it’s still worth trying to do it.

  • the first stage is the conservation of the engine. Drain gasoline and work out its remnants until the engine stops. Remove the oil and replace it with a new one until the engine has cooled down;
  • renew the paper air filter or rinse the foam filter with warm water and detergent. When it dries, soak it with engine oil. Clean the fuel filter;
  • turn out the spark plug, clean it, soak it in gasoline and dry it. Pour 15 ml of oil into the cylinder and slowly rotate the shaft so that it is distributed over all parts. Put the spark plug back in place;
  • during inspection, clean all components, parts, components, fins of the engine and muffler from dirt, earth and oil stains. When removing contaminants from the gearbox, cutter and other parts, do not use iron scrapers, otherwise damage the protective layer and provoke rust. It is better to take a wooden stick or spatula and wash the parts under running water. After "water procedures" wipe everything with a cloth and dry;
  • with a cloth dampened in engine oil, treat the cutters and the outer surface of the gearbox. Also cover additional nozzles and other metal parts with a protective oil film, wrap in wrapping paper and place them in a wooden or plastic box.

If you take advantage of our advice, in the spring you will take out a completely ready-to-work technique from the hoblock that will greatly simplify summer cottage labor and help achieve high yields with minimal effort.

With a trimmer you need to be able to not only handle it correctly, but also store it properly. Often the owners of garden tools, without thinking about the properties of a gas or electric braid, simply throw the tool into the pantry and lock it. Under such conditions, it is likely that the trimmer will break. Let’s figure out how to store the trimmer correctly.

Preparing the trimmer for storage.

If you put the trimmer in a closet at the cottage for a week. this is one thing, but preparing a tool for a “winter” in a garden house is another. Before long-term storage, all wires are checked at the trimmer, and all gasoline and oil are drained from the gas trimmer. However, some, on the contrary, do not advise doing this, in order to avoid drying out the gaskets in the mechanism. In our opinion, gasoline should still be drained. both from the engine and from the carburetor, because after 2-3 weeks a precipitate may form in the liquid, and this will lead to damage to the lawn mowing mechanism.

The best place to store would be a dry above-ground pantry or a plastic-glazed loggia. But any place away from open flames, isolated from large changes in temperature, with normal humidity, is also suitable. If there are no options, and the humidity in the room is increased, it is worthwhile to trim the trimmer with moisture absorbers. This will save the device from freezing and icing. If you notice that the trimmer is frozen, you should move it to another place, for example, in a closet in a heated room. However, not every benzotrimer fits in a wardrobe, but rather refers to small portable and folding electric scythes. Therefore, a gas trimmer can be moved with ease to the garage.

What will happen if the storage conditions are violated?

Usually, all storage conditions of the device are indicated in its instructions. Therefore, you need to carefully read it, and not immediately throw it in the bin. If, for example, the trimmer is stored in the cold, it can become icy and short-circuit the contacts when defrosting due to accumulated moisture. Such a breakdown is difficult to fix even in a service center. The metal parts of any trimmer may rust due to moisture, they will have to be replaced, or even buy a new trimmer.

If the benzotrimmer is stored close to the stove, which is often heated, an explosion of residual gasoline vapors due to a spark or ignition is possible. Here, not only the trimmer, but also the entire garden house or cottage may suffer. After all options for storage locations are considered, and the most suitable is selected, a logical question arises.

Which packaging should the trimmer be stored in?

Better, of course, in the factory. If there is polystyrene inside, then you are very lucky, it absorbs water. It is not necessary to store the trimmer in a plastic film, it causes the accumulation of condensate. In the event that the factory packaging is irretrievably lost, you can store the trimmer in an appropriate-sized box of cardboard, plywood or boards. You can wrap the instrument with a "breathing" fabric. for example, from natural fibers. The trimmer must also be transported in the package.

How to transport the trimmer?

We have already mentioned packaging. If the trimmer is folding, fold it. Before transporting in the trunk, gasoline and oil must be drained from the carburetor and the gas trimmer motor. check the trimmer for static electricity, if you feel a slight electric shock when touched, do not put the electric braid on the first seat of the car.

And finally, useful advice: if you already purchased an expensive device and don’t want to waste money buying a new trimmer every year, please follow all storage rules and safety precautions.

It’s no secret that before winter storage equipment, it needs to be cleaned as much as possible and to check whether there are problems with operation and start-up. And the more advanced the device, the longer it will take. Especially to save your time and energy, we have prepared an excellent list of works on the proper conservation of garden equipment for the winter.

Basic standards for the preparation of equipment

Whether it is a tiller or an ordinary shovel for digging potatoes, you must wash the garden tool, let it dry and check all the details and connections for signs of wear before putting it in the dark corner of your garage or storage shed for a long period of cold weather.

Probably, nothing can be worse than moisture, which randomly remained in the dynamic components of the power tool. Freezing, she begins to deform vulnerable parts, rendering any equipment unusable. For personal reasons, it is also worth draining gasoline, but as for oil, then it is absolutely not worth touching it. The technique must not be allowed to become “dry”.

Next, we describe the main types of garden equipment and the rules for their conservation.

What you need to know about storing a chainsaw in winter

Chainsaw. This is probably one of only a few garden tools that can be used as effectively in winter as in summer. True, here is the working temperature of the chainsaw, then things are worse, because gasoline and oil inside it is far from the best frost-resistant substances. But if the manufacturer claims that the chainsaw can be used at a temperature (-10 ° C). this gives the right to safely use the tool. Otherwise, it is better to prepare the chainsaw for proper conservation.

We can say that "The heart of any chainsaw is a single-cylinder two-stroke engine carburetor type, along with the importance of which the chain goes. It is proper care for these mechanisms that will ensure your chainsaw a durable and trouble-free operation.

  • to start, it is necessary to drain the remaining gasoline (fuel) from the tank / carburetor. In order to fully verify its absence inside the chainsaw, run the tool idle and wait for the gas to run out. The next step is to wipe the gas tank dry so that its metal components do not rust. This option is great for conservation for 3 months or more. But if you have plans to work a little in the winter. In this case, the tank must be filled with gasoline to the edge and most importantly, that the gasoline is of the highest quality. It will be necessary to cut the tree. excellent, you will already have a tool in your hands ready to work. But do not forget that gasoline inside can turn into “jelly” 2-3 weeks after consistency, which can also harm even the best, from a technical point of view, motor.
  • disassemble saw chain with the tire and begin to bring it into its original form, gradually freeing it from sawdust and other debris. After that, cover these components with protective grease and wrap them in a piece of paper or cloth soaked in oil.
  • Last step are the little things: cleaning the spark plug from burning and gasoline residues, lubricating the worm gear, and cleaning the filter tips;

How to mow a lawnmower for the winter

A similar technique every winter deservedly sent to "rest" even with the advent of autumn, but again it comes into operation only with the beginning of spring. Therefore, with regard to lawn mowers, their conservation must be treated with high scrupulousness.

The main components of a lawn mower is the engine and mowing parts. They deserve maximum attention:

  • the first and foremost thing to keep in mind is storage conditions. This tool should be stored in a room with a humidity not exceeding 70% and without sudden changes in temperature, which also increase humidity.
  • be sure to check the cutting components and all associated with them for the presence of "harmful" moisture, which undoubtedly accumulates in such nodes during prolonged work on mowing grass. Not allowed, so that moisture was in places of such compounds during conservation. Otherwise, the equipment will simply refuse to work in the spring.
  • regarding the gas tank, there are two opinions. The "Old School" of summer residents advises to completely drain the fuel and wipe the gas tank dry to save it from winter condensation problems. But there is an alternative way. to fill the tank with gasoline to the brim. True, in this case it is worth using the highest quality gasoline, but alas, it cannot guarantee success, because during the winter, a precipitate may form from this method, making it difficult to start the mower in the spring. Therefore, we find it easier to drain residues than take risks in the spring.
  • check all cutting elements for signs of wear and replace if necessary with new ones. Also, many manufacturers do not recommend storing equipment during conservation when the wheels come in contact with the ground. It is best stored in limbo.

Winter trimmer storage

Trimmer. this, perhaps, is not the most whimsical garden tool for storage, but it is also necessary to properly handle it, but also to care for it. Do not just throw the lawn mow into the barn and forget about it until spring. Such negligence can be expensive.

  • keep similar technique in a room with minimal humidity, without direct rays of light and foci of excessive heat. But you can not also give the lawnmow and freeze. To do this, you can cover it with moisture absorbers (for example, a bag of potatoes or an old blanket);
  • don’t forget completely drain the gas and remove its remains from the gas tank, as well as inspect the spark plug and replace if necessary.
  • Next, pay attention to the dynamic part of the trimmer. inspect the fishing line / knife and clean it of dirt and other debris. The knife is best replaced if cracks or chips are visible, and the fishing line is put in fresh water for the whole winter. This will allow her not to lose her cutting properties.

We prepare a cultivator and a tiller for the cold

Now it’s time to talk about "heavyweights". tilleries and cultivators are serious units in the arsenal of any gardener. Therefore, they like no one else need first of all quality care. Many components, complex mechanisms and dynamic nodes do not always allow a comprehensive cleaning of such a technique, but attempt not torture and we will try.

  • the first stage in the preparation of such equipment is the conservation of the engine itself, "Hearts" of a mechanical beast. Dry the gas tank completely and let the engine run until all residues disappear and the machine stops. Replace the old oil with a new one while the engine is still warm.
  • replace the paper air filter and rinse off dirt, and then soak in machine oil and clean the fuel filter.
  • remove the spark plug, remove all dirt and soot from it, dry it. Fill in the cylinder approximately 15 ml of oil and slowly start to turn the shaft so that the oil spreads over all the details. Then install the spark plug in its original place.
  • the next step is to remove dirt from the gearbox, milling cutters and other parts. But do not use iron scrapers for cleaning, otherwise you will damage the protective layer of the paint and subsequently cause rust. This is best done with a wooden stick and under running water. After the “water procedures”, leave the equipment to dry for a couple of hours.

Interesting fact! Did you know that every third gardener does not know how to store equipment in the winter?

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