How to use the makita jigsaw correctly. How to saw off at an angle of 45 degrees

Find out what the lobby of the jigsaw is and why it is needed

The regimen of the pendulum passage is often called a swarming. This function began to be used on manual eleans relatively recently, but today there are almost all produced models. In normal mode, the saw performs reciprocating movements up and down. When the pendulum passage is turned on, plus to these moves forward-forth are added.

The pendulum course allows the file to “bite” faster into the material due to its tilt forward with pressure. Sawing is not strictly perpendicular to the plane of the workpiece, but at an angle. With the reverse course, the cut is completely released from sawdust. The saw does not overheat, since less friction, saws much faster.

With the speed of work, productivity is growing and. That is, due to the pumping at the same time and with the same electricity consumption, you can cut significantly more. Also, in this mode, you can saw thicker blanks, which are difficult or simply impossible to saw in the usual. the file can get stuck, overheat, and the engine power may not be enough.

In general, it is easier to saw with pumping, because the file, leaving forward, as if ahead of the vertical position of the file, and the master moves it further, already in an empty drink.

How to use the swing mode correctly

Using the swing mode is very simple. To do this, you need to turn on the mode by choosing the desired length of the saw forward (amplitude) and saw it, as usual. The swing amplitude is the distance that the saw protrudes forward when sawing. The inclusion and adjustment of the amplitude of the course is performed by one lever located on the lobe case. The image of the pendulum course is included in the lowest amplitude. When the lever is on 0, the swing is disabled.

As a rule, on modern electrician 4 modes of operation:

The selected amplitude regime (1.2 or 3) is in no way connected with the speed of the saw, and is responsible only for the distance to which the saw extends forward. The speed of the files of the file is regulated by another device. the speed regulator.

Not all materials can be sawed with a pendulum course on.

Rather, on the contrary, in this mode it is better to cut only wooden blanks with a thickness of more than 20 mm. (40-60 mm or more, depending on the characteristics of the electrician. Why is that:

  • It is easy to cut thin wood without a pendulum move. At the same time drank more precisely and cleaner;
  • laminate, wood-brown slab, plywood when sawing with pumping strongly torn on the sides of the drink;
  • fragile plastic may crack;
  • When sawing metal with this mode, the saw will break or it cuts off the teeth of the canvas;
  • Ceramics and other durable materials with diamond saws can also be sawed with swinging. The saw will fight about the cut and may break.

How to use it correctly. tips for beginners

The use of an electrician does not require special professional skills that are being developed over the years. At the first sawdrops, the master studies the possibilities of this instrument in speed of sawing, the behavior of the file, weight, power, etc.D. Further, everything you need to work is to hold the tool and accurately direct the file along the cut line.

You can not rush and put pressure on the file before she did it drank on the current section. The saw should have time to drink the site, completely throw the sawdust from the cut and only then move on. Therefore, the electrician should be moved smoothly and calmly, without reducing the speed of the electric motor.

To facilitate the cut in a straight line, on most models there is a “pendulum course” mode or swing. When it is turned on, the saw walks not only up and down, but also back and forth, which facilitates and accelerates the cut.

The regime of the pendulum passage is included only at straight sawdust, when speed is required and the gusts and chips of the material at the edges of the cut are not important.

We also recommend reading a useful article-breeding about how to cut an electrician correctly, it describes all possible and necessary situations when working with this tool, and also analyzed safety precautions.

What work can be done

This tool does not need to do what it does worse than other tools: stationary and hand disk saws, endings, chain and strip saws. Although no one prohibits this. In the absence of another tool, you can, for example, cut a small meter of the review and a jigsaw. But it is more rational to use it in their special capabilities, which are not given by other sawing tools.

  • clipping ornaments on panels, platbands;
  • cutting holes, ovals in size of more than 50 mm;
  • washed out spikes, grooves, samples, etc.D;
  • rounding of straight angles on the ends of the blanks;
  • Cream of thin sheets of plywood, wood.fiber slab, etc.P.

Electrolobzik, as a rule, is much easier than a disc saw and work with large areas of a large area can be more convenient for them.

In addition, the use of special files allows you to use an electrolobian for work on the following materials:

Cutting wood and wood.containing materials

Listen wood.containers include materials based on chips, sawdust, wood fibers, compressed and glued with various adhesives and tar according to different technologies. This is a wood-fiber plate (wood-fiber plate), wood-bruise (wood-bearing plate), laminated woody plate (laminated woody plate), etc.P.

For their cutting, special files with appropriate marking are used. For example:

Many pieces are universal, they can be sawed by both wood and leaf materials based on wood.

  • for a quick rough cut (large tooth);
  • for pure cut (smaller tooth);
  • for cutting without gusts of laminate, plywood (small tooth with specially oriented inclination and sharpening).

Artistic thread on wood and faner

In such processing, an electrician is indispensable. Some work can be done with a manual jigsaw, and then not all. At a hand.lobby, the saw is attached on both sides. It cannot be introduced, for example, into a hole with a diameter of 8 or 12 mm to continue sawing along long lines. With a file of an electrician you can start sawing with a hole anywhere in the workpiece.

Electrolobsik saws fast enough. You can saw several layers of thin blanks at the same time, for example, from plywood, so that several blanks are made at once in one pass.

We also recommend reading an interesting article about cutting a jigsaw.

Crinoline cuts

To cut out curved profiles, use files with a small tooth and the highest possible canvas. A wide canvas maneuvers worse with steep turns to drink, sometimes they just can’t do it in a narrow radius.

With such a thread, it is important to quickly and accurately mark the markings. Unique products are marked according to their own drawings and sketches. For non.monitor, you can use ready.made patterns. Also, one pattern can be marked with repeated elements.

With a curved thread, files break more often due to turns. Therefore, crooked lines saw more slowly and more accurately. Better to have several spare pieces.

Riding a circle

In the kit of most models, there is a compass for cutting along the radius (in a circle). This is a bar (rod or plate), one end of which is fixed on the electric electrolobian case. And the second due to the acute tip is installed in the center of the circle. Separately, you can buy both the same simple and more complex device with linear marking.

By the same principle, you can cut a semicircle. Ovals, ellipses and other figures cut out by preliminary marking with a pencil, marker, sharp tip, etc.D.

The holes of a small diameter are sometimes easier to drill, in the presence of a drill or crown of the desired diameter.

Work with metals

For cutting metal, special files are used on non.ferrous or ferrous metals. But an electrician for cutting metal is ineffective. Other tools are better handled by other tools. “monkey” (corner grinder) with metal disk, gas cutter, rapid saws, metal scissors, etc.D.

There are cases when the use of an electrician for cutting metal is justified. For example, when cutting thin metal, when there is no other tool. Also, an electrician can be indispensable when you need to cut a round or curved hole in the middle of the workpiece. You can also cut a small corner, channel or pipe with a good file with a good file.

When sawing thick metal, it is advisable to lubricate the file with any machine oil. On machines for these purposes, a water.oil emulsion is used. It not only lubricates, but also cools the file.

We also recommend reading an interesting article about the work of an electrician with metals.

How to saw plastic

Plastics are very different from each other in their properties. These are polypropylene, polyethylene of high and low pressure, polystyrene foam, etc.D. All of them saw in different ways.

Solid but fragile materials can crack under the influence of a file. Too soft. to knit in the teeth and clog them, which makes sawing it impossible. However, many plastics are well sawed in the jigsaw. You can saw specific plastic with an electrician or not, is determined by trial saws. At the same time, the correct selection of saws is important.

The rest of the plastics is drunk with the same techniques as other materials.

Cutting laminated coatings

When cutting an electrician of any materials with a laminated coating, the main problem is chips and decorative ruptures. Sometimes this is permissible if the cut is hidden when assembling the product is hidden. But in many cases, such damage spoil the workpiece.

The laminate is sawn with a jigsaw with a file on the laminate “pure cut” or metal. The pendulum move is not used.

Makita HS7601 Hand saw. Circular saw. Review TEST 4K

Makita 4329 K (X1) Operation Instruction Institution online. Page 28

Instruction Makita 4329 K (X1) for the device Lobzik contains pages in Russian.

File size: 707.48 KB. Consists of 32 pages.

You can download PDF file of this instruction: download pdf

checking the functioning of the tool.

Selecting cutting mode (for models 4328/4329)

This tool can function with a circular or direct (up and down) cutting mode. The work of cutting the blade is supplied forward with a cutting blow, and speed cutting increases greatly. To change the cutting mode, just turn the lever to change the cutting mode into the desired position of the cutting. Contact the table to select a suitable cutting method.

Check to see that the starting mechanism is correct and returns to the “off” position (off.) after release.

To start the tool, just press the start.up mechanism. For a stop, release start.making mockery. For continuous operation, press the trigger mockery, and then click the fixation button. To stop the tool from fixed laying, completely press the starting mechanism, then release it.

Speed ​​switching controller (for models 4327/4328/4329)

The speed of the instrument can be adjusted between 500 and 3100 beats per minute by governing the switching regulator. Highest ski is achieved when the regulator is turned to be controlled by digits 6; The lower speed is used when the regulator is turned to enforce the number 1. Contact the table below to select the correct speed for the working product to be cut. However, the right speed will vary depending on the type of or weaving of the working product. In general, higher.chickest will allow you to cut the workers faster, but the service life of the blade will be used.

WARNING; If the tool is continuously functioning on

low speed for long time, the engine will overload and heat up.

Rotation of the speed controller

possible only to the number 6 and vice versa up to 1. Nesting it to it for the transition for the number 6Ili 1, or the speed of speed switching will not work more.

makita, jigsaw, correctly, angle

turned off and disconnected from the network with the front of any work with the tool.

Installation or removal of the saw blade (rice. 4 and 5)

items adhering to the blade and/or holder. Failure to fulfill this condition may not be compared to the blade, which can cause serious injury.

Do not touch the blade or work product

Makita Guide Rail Tips: Trimming Splinter-guard & Bonus Tip

immediately after operation; They can be very hungry and burn your skin.

Insufficient fixing of the blade can be caused by a breakdown of the blade or serious injury.

Use only blades like in. Usage

blades that differ from type B are caused by the blade, which can be serious injured.

What devices to use in the work for straight cuts

Long straight cuts can be made along the marking line or with the help of guides. For example, with self.tapping or clamps, a bar or corner is attached to the material. Electricity is moved by pressing it with the side of the platform to the guide. With this method, the marking is made, given the position of the file (where there is really a cut) and a parallel stop.

Can be sawed with a parallel stop, which is included in the kit. It is inserted into the front of the platform. The support bar is set on the flat side of the workpiece. It is not always applied, only with the flat side of the workpiece and suitable width, because the emphasis may not reach the edge of the workpiece.

Sometimes a guide tire is used, which holds an electrician not on one, but two sides.

Cut on a home.made guide tire

As a result, an electrician is a universal tool with wide possibilities. They cannot be overestimated, it is necessary to really take into account the power and performance of this tool, especially in the thickness of the workpieces, the length of the sawdust, the strength of the materials. But all the possibilities of an electrician as an auxiliary and sometimes the main tool are useful to know and use.

Pilament replacement instructions

How to replace a file in an electrician? There is no universal method. the instruction will vary depending on the type of fastening. Consider the instructions for each type.

Electrolobsics with a fast.packed system:

  • Such a tool is equipped with a special lever that releases the file, so it is not necessary to remove the protective casing.
  • Pull the lever, this will open the lock by handing the stem forward.
  • Insert the saw tail in the jigsaw and release the lever.
  • Using the adjusting screw, fix it in the correct position.
  • Remove the protection (casing).
  • Using a special hexagonal key, weaken the screw.
  • Insert the canvas into a special opening teeth forward.
  • Tighten the mount.
  • Set protection.

Understand in detail how to install a file correctly. You should not pinch it too much, otherwise the cut will turn out to be uneven.


In order for the electrician to serve you for a long time, you must follow several recommendations:

  • Do not forget to check the tool settings before work.
  • In order to avoid breaking the material during operation, use special liners.
  • When replacing the saw canvas, show attentiveness and caution. Do not pull the mounts, but do not leave them too free.

There are a great many. They can vary in length, thickness and shape of the teeth. It is not difficult to replace the file yourself, the main thing is to know how to do it right.

Cutting plastic

Quite fragile and at the same time elastic (depending on purpose) material, which has a fairly low melting point. In order to understand once and for all how to properly saw plastic with a jigsaw, you should know only 2 simple rules.

  • Cutting speed is better to keep below the average value. Of course, the plastic does not have the hardness of the metal to deform the teeth of the saw canvas, but the high speed can melt it elementary.
  • There are special files for working with this material, but in their absence, you can use standard wood or metal. For the cut, the T101A files are suitable (where a is a small tooth), T101B (B is larger) and T101X (x. universal wood, plastic and metal).

Cutting plastic

There are different options for saws for various materials. The dicks should be directed in one direction for plastic files, namely, a jigsaw. The tool serves the workpiece from the bottom up.

File for wood is not suitable for such work, because it has too much tooth. You need a file with a small diluted. This is the best option to cut plastic without the use of water, oil, emulsion and other compositions.

With the help of such a file, a wide cut is carried out, and an plexiglass or plastic at the time of sawing does not have time to heat up.

If you use very large teeth, then you need to pay attention to the speed of feeding the cutting tool, that is, the speed of longitudinal movement during the cut, which should be minimal. Otherwise, chips will form.

“To make a part of the plastic, cut a template from paper, draw the required circuit with a marker or apply a certain marking”.

The metal saw has small teeth. But its main feature is that her teeth are not divorced, but have the shape of waves. They allow you to make a wider groove compared to the thickness of the most saw canvas.

However, the width of this groove is not very large and, accordingly, a small tooth at a high speed of cut it heats the plexiglass, and the edge is melted.

The minimum speed of the peel of the saw prevents the vibration of plastic and the possibility of its chip.

Safety precautions

Safety precautions when working with an electrician is very important to prevent an accident. Regardless of the manufacturer, the cutting electric tool hides several dangerous moments, which you always need to know and remember.

  • Before starting work, the workpiece must be well fixed on the surface of the countertop.
  • Fixation is done with a hand or with a clamp.
  • If you decide to fix the workpiece with your hand, then hold it as far as possible from the workpiece or at a distance of 10-15 cm from the jigsaw so as not to get injured.
  • The replacement of the saw should only be carried out when the electrical appliance is turned off from the network.
  • When the jigsaw was operating, the saw throws up the chips, which is very shallow.
  • The master, watching the striped strip and trying to saw along a given path, is facing the saw and inhales this dust into itself.

Working with an electrician involves a cut of not only conifers of wood and metal-it can be adhesive building materials, for example, a wood-fiber slab, a wood-cutting plate or a deck plywood. These hazardous substances penetrate the human body and cause irreparable harm to health. Long work with such materials require special protection, so experts recommend using a respirator.

Another danger is that the files can break in the video zone or just below. At the time of the fabric of the canvas, the jigsaw begins to make galloping movements. It is necessary to ensure that there is no hand on the trajectory of the jigsaw.

When working with a jigsaw, you need to follow the rules, which can be done with a certain file, but for what it is not recommended for it. Thus, when obtaining a skill and knowledge, how to use an electrician, you can avoid annoying failures in work and become a real master. And the instructions on how to use the tool, and the video on this topic is presented below.

Choosing saws for a jigsaw

Saws are bought separately and selected depending on the material of the cutting canvas and on which cut you need: direct or figured. The packaging indicates the purpose of the saw, from which material they are made, as well as the direction and size of the teeth.

  • wood, plywood;
  • drywall;
  • metal;
  • aluminum;
  • Styrofoam;
  • glass;
  • ceramics;
  • rubber;
  • skin;
  • Carpet coatings.

A particular type of saw is selected depending on the fact that you need to saw off.

Consider the varieties of saws for an electrician and determine what you can do to each of them.

The quality of the jigsaw depends on the method of fastening the file. When processing thick sheets with high material density, it is necessary to use equipment with a hard mount.

Working with blunt saws can lead to a tool breakdown, due to increasing the load on the electrician motor. And also the quality of the cut will decrease.

Additional devices

Litzing with an electric drive refers to manual tools, however, if necessary, it can be fixed with a stubborn beam and parallel stops.

Sometimes you need to saw off a part covered with a layer of paint or varnish, and I really would not want to scratch it. In this case, there is a shoe made of plastic or self.adhesive felt.

In addition to files, you can install rashpil and grinding nozzles on the tool. Thanks to the first, the corners are rounded, and with the help of the second, the finished product is cleaned.

Some models provide for the use of a pendulum mechanism, thanks to which the process of sawing is accelerated. This function is good to perform gross cuts, since the quality and accuracy of the cut line is reduced. When working with plastic and metal, the use of the pendulum mechanism is unacceptable.

During operation, the jigsaw forms a lot of fine dust, which harms the respiratory system. You can get rid of it by connecting a construction vacuum cleaner to the device, which will draw all the dust formed during the operation of the electric jigsaw.

If the acquisition of two tools is not affordable, an electrician with the function of blowing the working area will be enough to work.

a way how to make an ideal cut with an electrician

Probably, many faced such a problem when, when sawing plywood or laminated wood-bearing plate using an electrician on the surface of the workpiece, chips and bullying remain.

Of course, such a quality of sawing is no good. But what to do to avoid this?

As an option, you can buy a high.quality wood saw with a small tooth. However, this does not guarantee the perfect cut.

However, there are four ways how to saw off plywood or laminated wood-brown stove without chips and bullying. Not perfect, but still as neat as possible.

The author of YouTube The Maker shared his personal experience with us. We recommend taking note!

with painting tape

On the surface of the workpiece (plywood or wood-piece plate), glue the strip of painting tape. After that, we make a cut with an electrician.

But it is advisable to use a file with a small tooth.

Such a simple way will allow you to reduce chips and lifts in the process of cutting many times. You can see the result at the photo below.

Using plastic

Cut a piece of plastic of a suitable size, and make it drank a jigsaw under a file in it. After that, we fasten a piece of plastic to the sole of the electrician.

Make markings on the workpiece, then saw. Chips and bullying on the surface of plywood or laminated woody stove will be much smaller.

And if you stick a strip of paint tape on the workpiece (that is, combine the first and second method), then the result will be even better.

with the help of a stationery knife

We apply a square to the workpiece, and with the help of a stationery knife we ​​cut out a fishing line for a trimmer along the site of the saw. Then we cut through the same fishing line for a trimmer on the other side.

The resulting groove should correspond to the thickness of the saw canvas.

Next, with the help of an electrician we make a cut. The result is much better than if you saw without prior preparation.

using a wood-cutting stove

This method is very simple, but also quite effective.

On top of the workpiece we lay a piece of wood-bearing plate with the laminated side down. We fix it with a clamp.

Then, using a jigsaw, we make a cut. The result can be seen in the photo below.

So we examined 4 methods of how an electrician can be cut a plywood billet or a wood-piece plate with a minimum number of chips and bullets. Choose the most suitable method for you and try!

You can also combine several different ways to achieve the most good and high.quality result.

How to make a flat drink by an electrician

A manual electric one is more intended for curly cuts: for cutting squares, triangles, circles, etc.D.

Therefore, when it is necessary to cut off the workpiece strictly in a straight line. this does not always succeed the first time.

However, there is a simple way to make a perfectly flat drinking electric. Even if you are not a professional master.

To do this, you will need to make a simple device (equipment). The idea was shared by the author of YouTube Channel Enredando No Garaxe.

Please note: a home.made device is designed for sawing blanks of a certain thickness.

The main stages of work

First of all, we cut off a piece of plexiglass of the required size.

Install an electrician on it and glue the cupsglass blocks (lateral limiters) along the edges.

After that, with the help of a jigsaw, we make a cut in the workpiece. Again, set the jigsaw in its place and glue another piece of plexiglass in front.

At the next stage, we saw off a piece of a wooden bar and a plywood blade. Cut the groove in the cube. We glue a strip of plywood into it.

Assembly of the device

In the supporting platform, we drill four holes from the plexiglass and insert the fasteners into them.

Then we install an electrician and fix it along the edges using metal washers and lamb nuts.

In the end, it remains only to fasten the part from the bar and plywood to the screws. We fasten the bearings to the bar, which will not allow the file to deviate to the side.

Homemade is ready! Now you can test the equipment for an electrician in work. We fix the board on the table and make a straightforward drain.

The first test showed that she coped with her task perfectly! The cut turned out to be perfectly flat.