Cordless Trimmer: How To Choose And Is It Worth It To Choose

Grass on a suburban area is an eternal and immense theme. And this same grass needs to be mowed every summer, but not once and not occasionally, but preferably regularly. What to mow. everyone decides for himself, the choice is large enough. But most options are still designed for physically strong, healthy people. for those whose capabilities are limited by age or illness, the choice is much less.

Where can I find a lightweight, reliable and convenient trimmer?

Let us leave aside lawn mowers, carts and robots. not every area is suitable for their use. Let’s take a closer look at the universal tool. the trimmer. At first glance, battery models are just what you need: light weight, easy operation, no wires that need to be dragged along the site. But the discussion (Grass, grass at home. How to fight?) Showed that everything is not so simple: objections to such a choice are perhaps no less than arguments in his favor.

Well, since I still need a trimmer, I decided to go into detail and figure out how to choose a successful. convenient, reliable, practical. battery model. And yes, is it worth making a choice in favor of such a technique?

Selection options

To choose, you first need to decide on what parameters to compare, what is important. and what can be done. I got such a list.

And what to look at when choosing?

1. Price

Conventional wisdom: battery technology is expensive. I myself thought so, until I started searching. In fact, it turned out that:

  • everything is relative

Yes, in general, cordless trimmers are more expensive than close-in-line electric trimmers. On the other hand, if you do not yet have a coil with a suitable extension cord in your household (like mine, for example), and its cost (3000-5000 rubles per 50 meter, up to 2000 rubles per 30 meter) must be added to the price of electric trimmer, the difference in the total amount from the cost of the battery analog will not be so noticeable.

  • price range is wide enough

Among the battery models (as well as among others) there are not only expensive equipment (from 30,000 rubles and above), but also quite budget options (from 5,000 rubles in a complete set and from 3,500 without a battery and charger). Just choose them carefully. However, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

In a word, the price of cordless trimmers personally stopped scaring me upon closer examination.

2. Manufacturer

However, the above does not negate the fact that a well-known manufacturer is likely to have better and more reliable equipment. In addition, it is easier to pick up consumables and spare parts (if necessary), it is easier to repair in case of malfunctions (products of unknown Chinese craftsmen sometimes are not taken for repair at all).

Finally, since we are talking about battery equipment, it is reasonable to think about the future: for most serious manufacturers, batteries of different devices are interchangeable, so in the future, if you want to expand your arsenal, you can save.

3. Options

To begin with (as already mentioned) we look at the presence of the actual battery and charger. If this is the first battery device in your arsenal, it is advisable to choose a model with a complete set (when buying a battery and charger separately, the purchase will cost much more). If you already have the battery technology of the selected manufacturer, it is reasonable to first make sure whether the available batteries and memory are suitable for the new device, and then make a decision.

Sometimes very nice offers come across. for example, the Bosch EasyGrassCut 18-260 trimmer is included in the package of delivery 2 batteries (at a price of 8792 rubles this is really a very good option). And it’s quite unexpected to see such a complete set with the model for 4991 rubles. that’s how much the battery Patriot TR240 21V rimmer costs. However, bearing in mind where exactly free cheese is usually found, you need to carefully study all the parameters of such offers so as not to miss out on something really important in the pursuit of profit.

Two batteries in the kit. not often, but found. Screenshot, site

Pay attention to the equipment of the selected trimmer. Photo from

Video: Cordless Trimmer: How To Choose And Is It Worth It To Choose

4. Weight

In general, cordless trimmers are good in that they are lightweight (2.5-3.5 kg). But even quite weighty models come across among them. for example, the Makita DUR181RF cordless trimmer weighs 5.4 kg. Tangible. And for someone (for example, for me) is already critical. But it’s a pity. in general, the model is not bad, it seems.

5. Warranty period

Taking into account the real quality of the instruments presented on the market today, the warranty period that the manufacturer gives is an important argument. For cordless trimmers, it varies from 1 to 3 years. Most often. 2 years. My opinion: if the warranty is less, it is better to refrain from buying: since even the manufacturer himself is not sure about his product, is it worth it to experiment.

6. Specifications

I understand that to put this parameter last among the selection criteria is a big oddity and a huge mistake from the point of view of those who are confidently oriented in these very technical characteristics. But I am not one of them. I am generally a humanist. And to argue from other people’s words about what I don’t understand, I don’t see the point.

Of course, life made me learn to distinguish between watts and volts, but it’s already difficult for me to figure out, for example, the differences between a brushless motor and a carbon brush motor. In other words, I will not be able to objectively evaluate most of the technical parameters of a particular model. And many will not be able, in fact. Yes and whether it is necessary? For example, the author of the following video is sure that you need to choose a trimmer for your suburban area, paying attention to only a few characteristics. Whether he is right or wrong. I’m not going to judge, but I think it’s worth looking at his review:

  • trimmer power

Measured in watts; the larger this value, the more productive model you hold in your hands. Just let’s immediately understand: if physical capabilities are small, you need to forget about powerful battery trimmers. they are heavy. Everything that we can handle from such equipment will not differ in special power. it is worth understanding, accepting and not bothering. Or immediately abandon the battery model in favor of the electric.

  • battery capacity

The unit of measure is Ampere-hour (Ah). The larger the battery capacity, the longer the trimmer will work on a single battery. It is believed that 2 Ah is enough for 20-30 minutes of work; less is simply not serious. And yes, it must be borne in mind that over time, the battery capacity decreases. the operating time, accordingly, will begin to decrease.

  • battery charging time

It can reach up to 24 hours, and therefore it makes sense to take an interest in this parameter and compare it with the battery capacity. The arithmetic here is quite simple and straightforward.

A number of useful technical nuances can be found in the following video. He talks about the choice of electric trimmers (about battery speech starts at 7 minutes), but all that has been said can be attributed to other types of this equipment:

Pros and Cons of Battery Trimmer

In fact, everything is simple: there is no and there can be no consensus and the right decision for all. And there are pros and cons; and this technique is suitable not for everyone, not for any conditions and tasks; and the models are far from identical in their parameters. In a word, as in any other business, you need to listen to everyone, but choose yourself.

By the way, I got an interesting video. a test of a low-power battery trimmer in various conditions, on different types of our real vegetation. Interestingly, I recommend:

Well, we will return to the problem of choice. I tried to summarize the advantages and disadvantages of cordless trimmers in the hope that this will help find the answer to the question of whether to purchase such a technique.

Battery Trimmer Benefits

  • light weight (depending on model!);
  • lack of wires (and therefore higher security);
  • lack of gasoline exhausts (as a result. environmental friendliness, and it’s just more pleasant to work);
  • rather low noise level (in comparison with gasoline models);
  • ease of operation (in comparison with gasoline models);
  • the ability to handle hard-to-reach places (around trees, under benches, etc.).

Disadvantages of the battery trimmer

  • low power (there are quite powerful models, but they are heavy and expensive);
  • relatively high price (everything is relative, see above);
  • short run time on one battery.

From a lightweight battery trimmer, one should not expect special feats. So, after all, we are no longer ready for them.

In this way, lightweight cordless trimmer (which is the goal of my searches):

  • has a relatively low power,
  • not suitable for mowing large areas and combating tall, rough grass,

but at the same time:

  • does not require significant physical effort when working,
  • quite safe. it can be trusted even to a teenager.

For better or worse, everyone decides for himself.

Weigh and choose

To avoid disappointment, you must immediately understand that there is no ideal option. When making a decision, you should first set the priorities correctly and clearly define for yourself what is really important and what you are willing to give up.

There are always pros and cons, and it’s up to you to decide which way the scales will swing

So, I realized that I can put up with the low power of the battery trimmers. simply because I still can’t physically cope with powerful models. And the lack of wires is more important to me than the ability to work for a long time without a break: I’d rather mow 20 minutes every day than once a week "until I lose consciousness."

For my part, I undertake, having made the final choice, will certainly tell about it and share my impressions of the selected model.

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