Cutting protective glass for a tablet. So is it possible to cut glass after hardening?

Is it possible to cut glass on the phone?

After buying a new smartphone, the user seeks to protect and protect the device from damage as much as possible. In this case, additional accessories and protective elements come to revenue.

Previously, at the peak of popularity, there were protective films that allow to protect the screen from small mechanical damage.

Today, the question is increasingly asking how to stick protective glass on the phone, because today it is precisely it leads in the issue of ensuring the integrity of the display.

What is a protective glass

Uninitiated users do not see much difference between the usual film and protective glass. It is as flexible and elastic. But still it is glass, and an additional hardened and especially durable one, capable of protecting the screen from most possible damage.

The accessory is great for people who often drop smartphones or are afraid to scratch the screen. The coating perfectly strengthens the screen and allows you to maintain the integrity of the display, even if the gadget falls downward.

If, nevertheless, the blow turned out to be very strong, the protective glass will not allow fragments that can be very dangerous.

In connection with more significant characteristics, the cost of such an accessory is much higher than, for example, film.

In this case, the glass cannot be cut under the gadget, so you have to buy finished products adapted for a specific model.

The question of how to stick protective glass on the phone is interested in users due to the fact that it costs extra money in the cabin, but you can cope with the process yourself.

The coating thickness ranges from 0.18-0.33 mm. It can add weight to the device and make it somewhat more voluminous, you need to be prepared for this.

Protective glass consists of several layers:

  • Silicone substrate necessary for the most strong fixation of the accessory on the screen;
  • The next layer, restraining, fixes glass fragments and does not allow them to crumble in case of a serious blow;
  • The protective layer responsible for the strength of the glass itself;
  • Anti.focal layer. provides a comfortable use of the gadget even in sunny weather;
  • Oleophobic layer is a coating, thanks to which prints do not remain on the display.

Glass does not affect the sensitivity of the sensor, does not spoil the image, that is, allows you to use a gadget with no less comfort. Thanks to all the advantages of such protection, it has become in demand and quite justifies the expectations of the consumer.

How to stick a protective glass on the phone

As mentioned above, you can stick a protective glass on a smartphone yourself. To do this, follow some recommendations.

Materials and tools

Despite the fact that the process is available, you should first prepare the necessary tool so as not to be distracted. In order to independently stick protection on the screen will be needed:

  • alcohol napkin, they can be bought at a pharmacy;
  • dry soft rag;
  • liquid for cleaning displays and TV screens, it can be bought or mixed yourself, for this you will need water, alcohol and a dishwasher;
  • vacuumber or tape (to attract dust dust);
  • Protective glass itself.

In addition, a plastic bank card may come in handy if there is no special spatula with protection with protection.

Preparation of the workplace

In addition to preparing the tool, it is necessary to prepare a workplace. It is important that it is not dusty.

It is best to carry out the procedure in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

The smaller around the tissue material, the less dust, which will definitely settle on the screen much faster, the more you expect.

The table on which the work will be done should be thoroughly wiped with napkins. Before the start of the process, hands also need to be washed with soap in order to get rid of accumulated fat. After everything is ready, you can start directly to the process.

Sticking algorithm

Not everyone knows how to stick protective glass on the phone, but subject to the recommendations that we describe further, difficulties should not arise.

So, all the inventory is assembled, the workplace and hands of the master are prepared, we move on to the main stage.

  • Prepare the gadget display. Remove the old coating, for this, carefully pick up the edges and pull. Regardless of whether the factory film on the device or purchased, it exfoliates very easily.
  • Clean the surface of the sensor with an alcohol cloth or a cloth with a screenwriter. It is important to carefully process the entire surface, so as not to leave pollution. The display must be grate to the maximum shine.
  • If dust flows remain on the surface, then the line came to use a vacuum cleaner or tape. The whole process is aimed at attracting particles of dust with static electricity (and in no case do not glue the tape on the screen).
  • We take out the screen from the package and remove all the protective films from it. Combine all the elements of the screen with holes on the glass (central button and speaker). Make sure that the defense comes down smoothly with the edges of the device and lay down exactly. At the same time, you need to hold the glass by the edges so as not to slap it. If you doubt that you can handle it, it is better to wear medical gloves.
  • Fasten the protection by running your fingers from top to bottom the center of the display. Then, using a spatula or credit card, remove the remaining air, characteristic movements from the center to the edge. If small droplets of air are left, this is not a problem. He will come out in a few days himself. Therefore, do not crush excessively on the display.

If all measures are met and recommendations are made, then the user will receive a perfectly even coating without divorces and cloudings. If the latter appeared, then the screen was poorly cleaned. To get rid of jambs, you can peel off the glass and repeat the process.

Is it possible to overlap the protective coating

This question follows from the previous problem. Is it possible to remove the glasses and clean the screen or from one gadget to another. If the surface of the protection is not worn out, then this approach is quite appropriate.

In this case, additional processing of the adhesive silicone layer is required. Use ant alcohol for processing.

You need to carefully remove the glass, and wipe the adhesive side with a rag with a plentifully moistened liquid. glass sticker instructions

First, the phone is removed from the cover and disabled. Then the old protective coating or glass is removed from the surface.

  • Degrease the surface of the screen with a tool for cleaning monitors, an antistatic agent or alcohol (a set from a set).
  • Dry, wipe the screen with microfiber fabric to the gloss (a set from a set).
  • If dust flows remain on the surface and after that, they are removed with tape.
  • The film is removed from the protective glass, pulling the tongue.
  • Holding a protective coating at a distance of 1 cm from the screen, make an fitting: speakers and buttons must coincide with the corresponding holes.
  • Lower the glass on the display. Since the surface is adhesive, the coating is quickly connected to the display.
  • If air bubbles appear under the glass, they are trying to remove them with a microfiber or plastic card. In both cases, they move from the center to the edges.
cutting, protective, glass, tablet, possible, hardening

Glasses are more often produced for specific models of smartphones, less often. universal, designed for a certain diagonally display. But in the first and second cases, you must first provide an fitting and determine how exactly the protective coating should be located on the smartphone.

If the phone on which the protective coating is glued is only bought, then it is not necessary to clean the surface of the display. It is enough to easily remove the factory protective film from the screen.

Smooth glass placement

Not everyone is able to glue the glass even the first time. Ordinary stationery adhesive tape will help to place it correctly. Then they do this:

  • A tape is glued along the edge of the smartphone to the rear panel.
  • Excess tape from above and below is cut off.
  • Glass is exposed exactly how it should be glued to the display, an adhesive surface down.
  • With one hand, the glass is fixed on the smartphone, the other glue the tape to the protective coating.
  • Glass leaning back like an cover in a book.

After the glass is fixed in the correct position, you can clean the display. After gluing, as described above, tape is removed.

Removing dust

If a snorka is between the surfaces, an air bubble forms around. Only smoothing the microfiber cannot remove it. But you can still fix the situation.

The process of removing dust dust under protective glass

  • With a plastic card or tape glued to the coating, the coating is raised to the place where the dust is located.
  • A piece of adhesive tape is glued to the monitor glass in the dust area. They abruptly tear off the tape.
  • Lower the protective coating in place.

Auxiliary remedy

In order for gluing protective glass to be more comfortable, you can find a gel to fill the air bubbles on sale. Often they are formed along the edge.

Such funds are produced in two forms. in a bag or in a pipette. The liquid is not afraid of temperature differences, so even in the frost is not immersed. One bag is enough for several applications.

Gel to fill the air bubbles that form after gluing protective glass on a smartphone

  • Open a pipette. They are smeared with liquid at the edges where glass retreats.
  • Let the device lie down so that the liquid spreads under the protective coating.
  • The remnants of the product are removed with a dry cloth.

The thinner the applied layer of fastening gel, the better the result.

How to cut glass without glass cutter

Before proceeding to a detailed description of the techniques of cutting glass, we want to remind you of the safety. During work, always put on working gloves and protective glasses, in order to avoid cuts and small fragments from getting into the eyes. Be careful and try not to exert excessive pressure on the glass.

Burning thread

We impregnate the thread in combustible liquid and fix it on the glass along the cutting line. We set fire to, wait for complete burning and immediately place it in cold water or pour it into the place of heating. The main thing is that the glass has cooled as quickly as possible and burst from the temperature difference. A characteristic click will signal the success of the work done. If the glass does not crack, you can try to repeat the operation.

A similar method is quite evenly shakes up, but does not always work with large glasses of glasses. It is also very fire.hazardous and requires the presence of a fire extinguisher at hand or a container with water, which is already required.

Soldering iron

Having outlined a fishing line for a trimmer for the future cut on glass, we take a file and make it a small groove from the very edge. Retreating from it 1-2 mm, we heat the place with a soldering iron until microcracks are formed between it and risk. Next, we are already retreating from the crack itself to this distance and gradually move to the finish point. Thus, the glass is cut for a long time, but you can get any shape. To slightly speed up the process, the glass can be periodically cooled, applying a wet rag to it.

Scissors in the water

A simple way of directing glass fork. Allows you to easily cut round figures, but not suitable for creating straight lines. For such cutting, ordinary scissors and a container with water will be required, which will serve as a kind of grease. The maximum glass thickness should not exceed 4 mm.

The process of cutting this technique is extremely simple. We take a piece of the processed glass, immerse in the water and chop off small pieces from the edges with scissors. Water will not let the glass crack, allowing you to make a controlled chip. In this way, you can get the figures of oval and round in shape.

Diamond disk

Not the safest way to cut glass, requiring increased accuracy and mandatory compliance with safety rules. Can easily put the glass and start the fragment in any direction. Otherwise, the method is quite effective and can cope with the task. For cutting, you need a special tool (corner grinder, drill or drill) with a diamond disk 0 thickness 0.1 mm.

The cutting process itself is quite simple, but requires a certain dexterity and a solid hand to lead the tool clearly along the line. We lay the processed piece of glass in an even place, then we take the cutter and draw a disk of fishing line for a trimmer on the glass surface. The main thing is not to plunge deep into it, but only touch slightly, so that a small hollow forms, similar to a wide fishing line for a trimmer from glass cutter. Next, just break the glass in the right place.

In order to reduce the likelihood of glass carbonization during operation and reduce the amount of glass dust, you can periodically water the place of cutting with water.


Another way to cut glass at home without glass cutter and expensive power tools. For work, you need a file and a little experience in handling glass. Please note that the file should have angles, so the round will not work.

To cut the glass, it is enough to make a few incisions on its surface on its surface. It is necessary to put pressure on the file a little more than the average, so that the effort is enough to form a clear groove similar to a cutter cutter. When the scene is planned, we just break the glass on the edge of the table or putting a match under the cutting place.

This method requires a certain skill, and if you are faced with sharp glass for the first time, we strongly recommend that you practice on small, unnecessary fragments before moving on to the main material.

Victate drill

If you do not know what the cutting of glass is, then we suggest considering another way to cut glass without glass cutter. In the presence of a certain experience, one drill with a winning tip may be enough for this operation. The main thing is that the drill is more or less new, with sharp angles on the head.

The process of cutting glass by drill itself is largely similar to a conventional roller glass cutter. Of the differences, you can distinguish a higher pressure force, but otherwise all actions are standard. We lay the glass on a flat surface, mark the fishing line for the cutting trimmer, apply the bar, and we drive a fishing line for a trimmer from top to bottom. In front of the sharp, turn the tip in such a way that the most acute angle is in contact with the glass. Having received a clear fishing line for a trimmer, we break the glass along the cutting line.

The method of cutting glass with a winning drill requires skill and practical experience in handling this material. Beginning masters have very little chance of performing an accurate cut in this way, but with patience and straight hands, the necessary result can be obtained.

How to cut a mirror without glass cutter

The mirrors surrounding us: in a car, a bathroom or a female cosmetic bag, are in their structure an ordinary glass with a layer of metal on the back surface. Cutting glass with a mirror coating practically does not differ from the usual one and can be performed by ordinary glass cutter or methods given above. When there is no special tool at hand, the most effective device for cutting will be a file or a diamond disk. Let’s take a closer look at how to cut the mirror at home without glass cutter, using improvised means.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the processed surface: wash, degrease and dry. The mirror should be clean, without spots and strong stains. Otherwise, the fishing line for the trimmer cut can lead and the chip will be uneven. The working surface where cutting will be carried out should be even and not very stiff. You can lay a dense fabric or a piece of linoleum on the table.

Having prepared the material and the workplace, we mark the fishing line for the trimmer of the future cut on the mirror. Straight lines are better to drive along a ruler or a rail with a height of at least 5 mm. So that the emphasis does not slide, to its lower part you can glue the strip of island. Next, take a file, corner grinder or other tool and make a cut along the marked line. A more detailed process of various cutting methods, scheduled above.

When the cut is ready, it remains to break the mirror in the right place. To do this, you can put a small item (match, pencil, nail) under the fishing line for a trimmer for a trimmer) and slightly press on two sides. You can put glass on the edge of the table or carefully tap from below a small metal object (drill or spoon). If the glass does not break, you do not need to crush very much. It is better to make a second cut in a couple of centimeters from the first.

It is impossible to cut hardened glass in the usual sense. After hardening, the material changes its properties. Kallen glass is more known to an ordinary consumer called “safe”. Its cutting in the traditional sense will lead to the fact that the material will simply collapse on many small fragments. However, despite the existing restrictions, with a great desire, such material is quite successfully cutting. The work boils down to the fact that the glass is first anneal, and after that it is cut. Then, if desired, the glass can be repaired again to make it very durable and safe again.

The difference between hardened glass and usual.

Type of glass

2D / flat glass without a frame. glass with rounded edges. This glass completely closes the flat surface of the screen of the mobile device.

2D / flat glass without a frame / hybrid. hybrid glass combines a small thickness of a protective film with high hardness of the glass. Hybrid glass is more flexible compared to ordinary glass, and this makes it more resistant to blows. The disadvantage is a great susceptibility to the appearance of scratches. This glass completely closes the flat surface of the screen of the mobile device.

2.5D / flat glass with a colored frame. the glass completely closes the surface of the curved screen of the mobile device. Glass with a colored frame looks more natural and implicitly on the smartphone screen.

3D. completely repeats the shape of the rounded edges of the device screen, which allows you to protect the screen from mechanical damage as much as possible.

There is a belief that the larger the number D (5D, 9D, 10D), the better. In reality, this is not so. there is no system of evaluating glasses and assigning a certain number to them, it is just a name that each manufacturer comes up with his discretion.

Clever Cutting of Tempered Glass

Prepare a smartphone and glass

Take your smartphone and bought glass and place them on the table. Before you start gluing protection, it is very important to do wet cleaning in the room and get rid of all dust. If this is not done, then at the final stage of gluing under the glass, dust particles can penetrate, which will ruin the entire appearance of the display.

The protective glass differs from the usual window glass, which you may have encountered in everyday life, and its cutting is impossible with the same methods as ordinary glass.

The main problems that you encounter when cutting such glass with a diamond glass cutter will be its minimum thickness (up to 0.3 mm) and the adhesive layer, which has an elastic structure and will not wolve with this method. However, even if you can cut out this layer in another way (for example, a crossbone blade), its edge will be damaged and will not stick to the screen. That is, there will be air at the scene, and it will not go out. It is possible to use such an accessory, but not at all pleasant.

What you need to know about the hardened glass before cutting it?

Hardened glass is characterized by increased strength. It is used for glazing balconies, loggias and light openings. A variety of furniture and translucent structures are created from this material. If necessary, cut off the hot glass, you need to carefully prepare for this process, carefully studying all the features of the event.

First of all, you should study the properties of hardened glass. At its core, this is thermally polished material. For its manufacture, unlawed and polished glass sheets are used. Directly hardening is carried out in specially designed furnaces for this.

Read also: Business spheres using milling milling mills

Cutting glass should be done on a flat surface with a bedding or leaf.

DIY What Happens When You Cut Tempered Glass

In this unit, the glass is heated to 680 degrees. At this temperature, partial softening of the material is noted. Next, rapid cooling of glass under the influence of uniform air flows is performed. First cools the surface layer. The internal during this is subjected to residual compression stress. It is thanks to him that as a result, hardened glass becomes so heat.resistant and mechanically durable.

According to averaged data, the strength of hardened glass is about 6 times higher than the same indicator for ordinary material. To break it without a desire to do it intentionally quite difficult. Even if the product made of hardened glass breaks, the material will turn into many small fragments without sharp edges, so that it will not be injured about them in the case of ordinary glass, it will not work.

All stages of work, including the processing of edges, are carried out in production. This is done even before the glass is sent to the hardening furnace. After all related measures are completed, hardened material is not subject to any mechanical influences. If you wish, you will have to first make an annealing glass.

The scope of such material is quite extensive. Tempered glass is popular in the construction and glazing of door and window openings, showers, furniture and other structures are made from it. So if you plan to perform durable and reliable glazing, but do not have the skills of cutting hardened glass, study in detail the proposed instructions and do everything in accordance with the leadership. If you think that such a process is too complicated for you, it is better to immediately contact the services of a specialized company to order products of the desired shape and size, with all the required cuts and holes.

Type of glass

2D / flat glass without a frame. glass with rounded edges. This glass completely closes the flat surface of the screen of the mobile device.

2D / flat glass without a frame / hybrid. hybrid glass combines a small thickness of a protective film with high hardness of the glass. Hybrid glass is more flexible compared to ordinary glass, and this makes it more resistant to blows. The disadvantage is a great susceptibility to the appearance of scratches. This glass completely closes the flat surface of the screen of the mobile device.

2.5D / flat glass with a colored frame. the glass completely closes the surface of the curved screen of the mobile device. Glass with a colored frame looks more natural and implicitly on the smartphone screen.

3D. completely repeats the shape of the rounded edges of the device screen, which allows you to protect the screen from mechanical damage as much as possible.

There is a belief that the larger the number D (5D, 9D, 10D), the better. In reality, this is not so. there is no system of evaluating glasses and assigning a certain number to them, it is just a name that each manufacturer comes up with his discretion.

Alternative solutions to the problem

The fact that at home to cut carefully protective glass is not possible does not mean that you will have to be left without a protective accessory. We offer several options for solving this problem.

Selection of protective glass from another model

In order to choose such a protective glass. You will have to spend a lot of time in the accessory store, and if you are ready for this, then you need to choose a list of smartphone models with the same screen diagonally and in terms of the ratio of the parties. At the same time, it is also worth considering the placement of colloquial speaker (whether you need a cutout for it), after that you need to go to the store with a huge list where you can apply protective glasses and draw out the wrong.

It is also worth clarifying that the likelihood that the neckline will match the approximation and lighting sensor with their locations on your smartphone is approaching zero, which means that they will not work under a layer of glass.

In the same block, we will also include the fitting of universal glasses from different manufacturers, since with the same diagonal, different manufacturers make glass with different height and width indicators. In this case, you can see these indicators in the characteristics of the glass in the online store.

Pruning of a universal protective film

If you can’t cut the protective glass at home, then things are different with the film, but you should adhere to some recommendations so as not to damage the adhesive layer.

You can cut not only a universal film, but also any other.

To do this, put it on the screen of the smartphone with the designated number 1 down, circle the contours, while not mark the small holes, you cannot cut them out so as not to damage the silicone layer, instead of several small cuts, it is better to make one common for them.

Shift the film to a solid working surface and cut out with a sharp chancellery knife or scalpel in one movement. Do not use scissors, they bend the edge and it does not glue in this place.

Then you can glue the film to the device screen, having previously processed it from fat and dust with napkins from the kit to the film.

The protective film is not as hard as glass, but in most cases it is enough to protect the screen from scratches and scuffs.

Is it possible to do without glass at all? Yes, use a cover cover

This option, although not the most reliable, is still most of the time the smartphone in such a case is in a closed state and the likelihood of damage to the screen is minimal. And if you combine a protective film with a cover cover, you can save your screen in excellent condition throughout the entire period of operation.

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How to cut a protective film in size for your smartphone, phone

If the screen of your smartphone is not protected by a special protective film, then its surface is covered with the smallest scratches over time, transparent slightly distinguishable cracks and noticeable chips accumulates. As a result, the surface of the screen becomes more muddy, which significantly worsens the color rendering and reduces clarity.

What is a protective film?

The protective film is a thin, durable and high.quality polymer material. The structure of the film has several layers, each of which allows you to reliably protect the phone screen from sunlight, scratches, scuffs and light mechanical influences due to the operation of the device.

A little earlier, the protective films were novelty, they were produced limitedly, they could only be bought on the running models of phones, customers had to be content with what was on sale. Today, the market for mobile accessories is ready to offer films “for every taste and color”, the most popular of them:

  • Mirror protective films. with extinct illumination the effect of a real mirror,
  • Glossy. one of the most durable and high.quality transparent films,
  • Matte protective films. have an additional anti.mesh layer.

All films are thin and in a glued form are almost inconspicuous on the device. They are suitable for capacitive and resistive screens. But even with all the wide range, it is difficult for manufacturers to keep up with new models and still going to the store you can not find a protective film under your phone model. In this case, a universal protective film of a suitable size can help out.

Universal films are 5 ”, 7”, 8 ”, 10” and more inches. A millimeter is applied to one of the sides for the convenience of marking, which after cutting the required size is removed.

Do not be afraid, correctly cut the necessary shape, it is completely not difficult. You just need to know how to do it right. Let’s prepare tools for work, you will need:

It is also necessary to build a place where you can sit and cut out the film. An old work surface can serve, for example, an old unnecessary magazine, with a smooth cover lying on the surface of the table.

As auxiliary elements, there may be metal coins of different sizes, they will help to cope with rounding.

How to cut a protective film in size

In order to cut the film in size, it must be correctly marked. First of all, decide where the layer will stick to the screen, in order to subsequently cut it out.

On the film, the manufacturer marked only the side sides of “1” and “2” with stickers, and the middle main layer is clean.

    Steam 1 side is deleted in order to expose a layer for gluing on the screen. Side “medium”, from the side “1” is glued directly on the low.fat screen. Side “sticker 2” external transport sticker, after smoothing the glued film, carefully remove and remove.

  • Attach a protective film on top of the phone, starting from the upper left corner, taking into account the future rounding, if one takes place. Retreat from the edge of the screen 0.5 mm.
  • Gently mix on the film by a marker the point where the edge will pass to draw out contour lines through them.
  • Using the ruler, connect the point with the marker so as to get a fishing line for a trim cutting.
  • Place the film at the prepared workplace (magazine) and attach a metal ruler to cut the edge with a cutter.
  • After the film is cut in size, it remains to give it a complete look. cut out the missing roundings. In the necessary places, attach the coin prepared suitable in size, press with your finger and cut the arc fishing line for the trimmer. In the same way, cut the rounded oblong place under the navigation button and headphone.

At the end, a simple recommendation in front of the film sticker:

  • Pre.clean the surface of small specks, villi and all kinds of fat spots, for this use pharmacy alcohol for injection. Moisten the corner of the cotton pad and pass without pressing the screen surface. The low.fat screen will have a reliable clutch with the surface of the film.
  • After degreasing the surface, do not touch the fingers of the prepared surface, a completely clean screen is the key to a high.quality sticker.

How to apply a protective glass?

It is not at all difficult to glue protective glass on a smartphone. Remove the protective film from it, carefully apply the glass to the screen with both hands almost without touching its surface and, making sure of the position of the position, gently spread the surface of the protective glass on the smartphone display.

If such glass does not fit in size, it needs to be cut. It is best to do it with a laser engraver that does not damage the layers in the glass. It will not work to cut with scissors or glass cutter, since the protective glass is crumbled to cut tempered glass in the usual sense.

How to cut hot glass?

Only one tool is permissible for cutting hot glass. laser. In the absence of this unit, at home you need to use another technique that implies a preliminary anneal.

The hydrogel film is created from polymer material that absorbs and holds moisture. It has high strength, capable of protecting the smartphone screen from the appearance of scratches and scuffs. Resistant to mechanical damage. Easily glued to the phone screen and quickly removed.

Properties of hot glass

Before the processing of hardened glass is carried out, you should consider its basic properties. These include:

  • The structure is characterized by high mechanical strength. Due to this, they can be used in glazing balconies and loggias.
  • Strength and hardness allow the use of material in the manufacture of furniture and other products.
  • To improve ordinary glass, heat treatment is carried out in a special furnace. Heating the medium is carried out to a temperature of 670 ° C.
  • The indicator of thermal resistance increases significantly. In the manufacture of various devices that are operated at elevated temperatures, hardened glass is often used. When heated, the hardness indicator remains unchanged.

As the results of the studies are shown, the hardened glass indicator is 7 times greater than that of the usual.

That is why it is quite difficult to damage the material and conduct its machining.

Preparatory stage

When considering how to cut hot glass, you should take into account the preparatory stage. Thorough preparation allows you to achieve high quality. Running glass at home is carried out taking into account the information below:

  • In the production of material, areas with internal voltage regions are formed. With rapid heating and cooling, such areas are redistributed. Inside the glass becomes more viscous in comparison with the outer layer.
  • At the time of processing, the workpiece should be securely fixed. For this, a variety of devices can be used.
  • The surface of the hot glass should be cleared of polluting substances. An example can be called oil or paint, which can significantly reduce the quality of processing.

In general, we can say that preparation for work is quite simple. However, without a special tool and equipment, it will not be possible to cut it.

We prepare everything you need

Let’s get ready, in addition to a smartphone, we will need: sticky tape or stickers, protective glass and a set of cleaning napkins, special stickers for removing dust dust from a set of an anti.jacket glass with an oleophilic coating.

It seems to me that you have already prepared all this, and if not yet, we order with free delivery to AliExpress. Learn how to buy on AliExpress, it is very profitable. There are good, but inexpensive protective glasses for smartphones or tablets and much more. I recommend preparing a couple of glasses in reserve, as they say in a folk proverb. “The first pancake is always lumpy”.

We find a place where there is less dust and are more comfortable

So, we should have two napkins in envelopes, but do not rush to open them. First you need to find a well.ventilated place where there is no dust in the air, for example by the window. We found a place, wonderful, now, before gluing the protective glass, put the phone on an even surface, it is better on a book, at home it will be so easier and more convenient to do everything.

Make sure that everything you need is at hand and you can start replacing the glass. First, clean the smartphone screen with a napkin saturated with alcohol solution, which comes in the kit. Then wipe dry with a dry cloth from the set, usually a deuce is drawn on the bag. Then take the glass from the cover, but it is early to peel off a transparent film.

How to cut glass without glass cutter

Tool for cutting glass did not always have such widespread as today. In the second half of the last century, people came up with their ways to conquer this capricious material, without the use of glass cutter. In fact, for cutting illegal glass up to 8 mm thick, you can use many improvised objects, you just need to have a little dexterity.

Start listing objects suitable for working with glass is better with determining the types of exposure to this material. Of the main methods, the thermal can be distinguished when the glass is heated in a certain place, and the physical, when it is cut through the effects of gross force. The industry uses a hydro.carbrease method of cutting when glass is processed on expensive equipment under strong water pressure.

To cut the glass by the thermal method, a small segment of twine and a flammable liquid like alcohol or acetone are enough, also a soldering iron and a burning device can be used as a cutter. To cut glass with physical influence, you can use a file, a winning drill, a nail, a thin diamond disk and even ordinary tailor scissors. Of course, some of the listed items are difficult to get a good chip, but with the proper skill, a quite suitable result may come out. Now, knowing how you can cut glass without glass cutter, you can proceed to the process itself.

The screen of any gadget for communication needs to be protected. Even if you purchased the last iPhone model, do not neglect the opportunity to install an additional film on the display. This will extend the life of the phone, will allow him to look attractive longer. Such mechanical damage as scratches, blows will not be scary if you know how to stick protective glass on the phone. The task is not easy, but subject to the instructions, you can do this at home without outside help.

For a beginner, the procedure may seem difficult, but several training will make you a real specialist. It is worth noting that there is no significant difference, we glue the protective glass on the iPhone 5, other phones or tablet models. The procedure remains the same. It is better to start an inexperienced person with the back of the gadget, and then go to the screen.

Necessary materials and tools

If you just purchased a smartphone, it is important to understand how to stick protective glass on the phone. The device display is very sensitive to mechanical damage. Being just in your. the gadget is damaged by coins, fingernails or keys. Even minimal scratches can lead to the appearance of bubbles while gluing. The same goes for situations when you just want to replace the old phone protection.

  • alcohol napkin;
  • dry rag;
  • special liquid for cleaning TV or computers;
  • adhesive tape or vacuum cleaner;
  • glass.

Step-by-step instruction

An important point is the preparation of the workplace. Choose a room with a minimum dust. The best kitchen or bathroom. There are too many textiles in the bedroom, which attracts particles. This moment prevents the correct process and can complicate the procedure. If you do not know how to glue the protective glass on the phone, follow the points:

  • Wash your hands with soap, then lay out a technique, protective glass for 6 iPhone or other phone on a clean smooth surface.
  • Before starting the procedure, remove the old film from the device. To do this, pull the edge at an angle of 60 degrees a little.
  • With the help of an alcohol napkin or a cloth with a cleaner, remove the pollution from the phone screen. This tool is sold in technology stores or is done independently. To do this, you need to mix 5: 1 water and alcohol, add a little gel for dishes there.
  • Rub the display to shine. If there are dust dust, then we walk along the surface with tape or vacuumber.
  • We take out the device from the package and remove the film from it.
  • Install protection so that it corresponds to the central button of the gadget and the speakers.
  • Put with your finger in the center from top to bottom to fix the overhead surface.
  • We drive the remaining air from the center to the edges using a credit card or spatula, which often includes.

Do not press too much on the screen to remove small air bubbles. They will disappear themselves within a few days after the procedure. As a result, you should get a smooth, perfectly even coating of the screen. Although tempered glass on the phone has a thickness of only 0.18 mm, it perfectly protects the device from mechanical damage.

Is it possible to re.glue the protective glass on the phone

High.quality surfaces for the iPhone 5s and other models of the gadget can be used again. To do this, carefully remove the glass and treat the adhesive side with ant alcohol. Wipe it lightly with a cloth moistened in such a liquid, and let it drain a little time. Then set protection in accordance with the speaker and button. Light movements from the center to the edges drive air and liquid. Small bubbles will disappear themselves in a day.

The videos below will talk about how at home without the help of a specialist to equip a gadget display. You will learn how to stick protective glasses on phones or tablets. With such a coating, the screen will be reliably protected from negative impact, which will allow it to maintain an attractive look longer. Protection will protect the device from scratches, and also absorb strokes when falling. In this case, the sensitivity of the sensor of your phone will remain the same.

On the iPhone

How to stick a protective glass on the iPhone screen

On Samsung

How to stick a protective glass, film on Samsung Galaxy S6!

On Lenovo

Protective glass Mocolo. Bleing on Lenovo P780