How to cut a round hole in glass

Special crowns and drills

First of all, you need to purchase special devices. For this you will need:

  • Drill with pointed end.
  • Drill bits.

A drill with a pointed end is mainly used when a small hole needs to be made. Spear-shaped can be conventional or diamond-coated for smoother drilling. But it is difficult to work with such a product, so it is preferable to use the second option.

For making large holes, diamond-coated drill bits are used. The use of abrasive spraying is allowed, but with such a product, the drilling is not of high quality. Therefore, it is recommended to use products with diamond dusting, because with such crowns it is less likely that the glass will crack.

Depending on which hole you want to get, you can use drills of different diameters.

hole, glass

How to make a hole larger than the drill size

If you need to make a hole with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the existing drill than the size of the drill, you can use a glass cutter. For this, a hole is drilled according to the above scheme. After that:

  • A nail is inserted into the hole.
  • A small rope is attached to the nail.
  • The end of the rope is tied to a glass cutter.
  • A circle is made.

The nail must be selected clearly according to the diameter of the hole, so that it does not dangle, but stands firmly. The length of the rope, which is attached at one end to the nail and the other to the glass cutter, must be calculated so that it is equal to the radius of the desired hole.

After drawing a circle with a glass cutter, you need to make gentle tapping movements. This will push the circle out of the hole. Then the rough edges at the cut are processed with sandpaper.

Hole in glass video

One of the fragile materials is glass, which must be handled with great care. To carefully drill a hole in the glass without cracking it, you should follow the recommendations, carefully select the tools for work.

There is an ancient, but something now forgotten method of making holes in glass. The space on the glass, where the hole should be, is properly cleaned of dirt and grease with gasoline, acetone or alcohol. Next, moist fine sand is poured onto the washed place and a funnel is made in the sand to the glass with a sharpened stick of the required diameter. Molten solder (lead or tin is acceptable) is poured into the form prepared in this way in the sand. After 1-2 minutes, the sand should be discarded and the solder cone removed. A smooth through hole appears in the glass.

Glass preparation

Before starting work, you need to decide on the surface on which the glass will be drilled. It is best to use a table that stands firmly on the floor. It is advisable to cover it with a thick cloth or cardboard so as not to damage its surface during work. This will also prevent the glass from cracking.

  • Glass is degreased with alcohol.
  • Wipe clean with a soft, dry cloth.
  • Stays on the prepared surface.
  • Scotch tape is glued to the intended place of attachment.
  • Attached stencil with drilled hole.

Using a stencil, you can more accurately make the desired hole. It is necessary to ensure that the distance from the edge of the glass is at least 25 mm, otherwise the product may crack.

There is a second method without using a stencil. For this, ordinary plasticine is taken and glued to the glass around the hole for drilling. Plasticine will act as bumpers. Water is poured inside, which will cool the glass.

Once again on how to drill a hole in glass

How to drill a hole in glass in 10-15 moments. To do this, you will need to sharpen a thin file like a chisel and attach it to a hand drill chuck. Do not forget to let the file cool down only at the moment of drilling, even occasionally sharpening it.

How to make a hole without drilling

If you do not have the right drill and drill at hand, then there is another way to make a hole in the material. You can use the old method. You must have with you:

  • Sand.
  • Tin (or lead).
  • Any thin and long object (you can take a wooden stick with a pointed end).

Work begins with degreasing the glass, onto which a small pile of wet sand is poured. A small funnel is made in it with a sharp object. Deepening is made to the surface of the glass. The center of the funnel should match the diameter of the future hole. Then a mixture of tin or lead (called solder) is melted and poured into a funnel.

After a few minutes, the sand is removed. The frozen metal is obtained, at the end of which there will be frozen glass. It should peel off easily from the surface. The result is a perfectly straight through hole in the glass.

What to do if you don’t have the right drill

Quite often there is no suitable drill on hand. Therefore, you can use their replacement:

  • Make a hardened drill.
  • Use copper wire.

You can make a hardened drill on your own using a simple technology: take a regular drill, clamp it with pliers and hold the end of the product over a gas burner. When the tip turns white, it must be immediately dipped in sealing wax. After a couple of minutes, the drill gets out, it is cleaned of sealing wax particles.

Copper wire is used if there is no drill at hand. For this, the wire is clamped in a drill. Then a special solution is prepared from sandpaper powder (it is better to take coarse-grained), camphor, and turpentine in a ratio of 0.5: 1: 2. When everything is ready, the mixture is poured onto the glass at the drilling site, and then a hole is made.

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How to cut a round hole in metal: instructions

Cutting a round hole in metal isn’t as difficult as drilling a hole in glass, but it’s more troublesome. Fortunately, there are special devices and machines that help simplify this process.

  • Hole marking
  • Gas cutter
  • Angle Grinder
  • Drill

Drill Holes in Glass Easily Wine Bottles, Mason Jars ( in under a minute ! )

In order to cut a round hole in the metal, you need at least one of these devices: an angle grinder, drill, electric welding machine or gas cutter. Each of these tools has its own advantages and is used depending on the size of the hole and the thickness of the metal. If the question is how to cut a round hole with a large diameter, then a gas cutter is best suited for this. But first you need to mark the hole with a compass. The contour must be made very clear so that it can be clearly seen even under sparks from an angle grinder or a welding machine.

After the hole is marked, you should ignite the torch of the gas torch. Next, you need to correctly adjust its torch and make the cut itself. The torch should be moved smoothly and at the same rate as the metal is cut. It’s certainly not as difficult as drilling a hole in the glass, but you still have to be careful. And if there is no gas cutter, then you can use an electric welding machine. True, this method is limited by the power of the device and the thickness of the metal. The relics of most of them are enough for 3-4 mm metal. Well, the cutting process itself boils down to the fact that first you need to install a welding dock, then ignite the arc and then burn the metal along the markings.

But how to drill a hole in the metal, if there is no gas torch or welding machine? In this case, an angle grinder (angle grinder) can come to the rescue. However, it should be borne in mind that it can be used only when the hole is not smaller than the cutting wheel of an angle grinder, and the metal thickness does not exceed 3 millimeters. In addition, it is impossible to make a round hole at once, because you have to make many short cuts along the contour of the circle. Even with their minimum length, it will still form not a circle, but a polygon. Therefore, after the operation is completed, you will have to trim the shape of the circle using a file.

Another way to drill a large hole is to use a drill. The advantage of this method is that the drill is a very common tool and it will not be difficult to get one. And the minus is that this method is the most laborious. Its essence lies in the fact that along the entire mowing line of the contour, the metal is drilled through with many holes. Do not forget that since the drill has a certain thickness, you need to mark another hole, the diameter of which should be reduced by the diameter of the drill. And then drill along a smaller contour. The same method can be used if you need to solve the problem of how to drill a hole in the wall.

Making holes in glass

There is an ancient, but something now forgotten method of making holes in glass. The space on the glass, where the hole should be, is properly cleaned of dirt and grease with gasoline, acetone or alcohol. Next, moist fine sand is poured onto the washed place and a funnel is made in the sand to the glass with a sharpened stick of the required diameter. In the form prepared in this way, molten solder is poured in the sand (lead or tin is acceptable). After 1-2 minutes, the sand should be discarded and the solder cone removed. A smooth through hole appears in the glass.

Glass drilling sand

At a time when there were no screwdrivers and drills yet, glass surfaces were drilled by hand using sand. To make a hole in this way, you need the following:

  • the sand itself;
  • tin or lead;
  • burner;
  • metal alloy container.

First, you should use gasoline to degrease the surface, and then make a small hill of wet sand at the drilling site. Next, using some sharp object, you should make a funnel, the dimensions of which will correspond to the dimensions of the future hole.

In the prepared form, it is necessary to pour a pre-prepared composition of tin or lead. After five to seven minutes, remove the sand and remove the frozen glass. The piece should be easily detached from the surface. The hole should turn out to be very smooth, it doesn’t even need any additional processing.

To heat lead or tin, use a metal container and a gas burner. If you do not have a gas burner, then you can use an ordinary gas stove.

Drilling a large hole in glass

The drill is made from a piece of aluminum, duralumin or copper tube 40-60 mm long. From the first end, a wood cork is hammered into it to a depth of 20-25 millimeters, and at the other end, the teeth are cut out with a triangular file. A small screw 4-5 mm thick is screwed into the cork so that its smooth part protrudes 10-15 mm. The head is sawed off. They are glued to the glass on both sides along a paper washer with a hole equal to the diameter to be drilled. The glass is placed on a piece of rubber. A little abrasive powder is poured onto the drilling space. Then insert the end of the screw protruding from the cork into a hand drill, lubricate the teeth with turpentine and then start drilling. When the tube deepens into the glass by at least 1/3 of its thickness, turn the glass over and finish drilling on the second side.

Drilling a large hole in glass

The drill is made from a piece of aluminum, duralumin or copper tube 40-60 mm long. From the first end, a wood cork is hammered into it to a depth of 20-25 millimeters, and at the other end, the teeth are cut out with a triangular file. A small screw 4-5 mm thick is screwed into the cork so that its smooth part protrudes 10-15 mm. The head is sawed off. They are glued to the glass on both sides along a paper washer with a hole equal to the diameter to be drilled. The glass is placed on a piece of rubber. A little abrasive powder is poured onto the drilling space. Then insert the end of the screw protruding from the cork into a hand drill, lubricate the teeth with turpentine and then start drilling. When the tube deepens into the glass by at least 1/3 of its thickness, turn the glass over and finish drilling on the second side.

Making a hole with sand

Before the advent of drills and screwdrivers, holes in a capricious material were made with sand. To do this, in a wet state, it was poured into the required place and a funnel was formed in the sand, the lower diameter of which exactly corresponded to the cross section of the required through channel.

An ancient way to make a hole in glass

Then molten lead or tin was poured into the funnel. After a while, the sand, together with the frozen glass mass, is removed. The hole is perfectly straight. Its edges do not require further machining. Lead can be easily melted by placing it in a mug and directing the flame of a gas burner to it, or simply placing a metal vessel on a gas stove.

Cutting round glasses

We offer the possibility of cutting rounded glasses. A roller from the glass cutter is attached to one jaw of the caliper. Another sponge rests on the glass through a rubber washer. The roller is rolled a couple of times in a circle, then 3-4 tangents are drawn with a standard glass cutter, which facilitate chipping of the glass along the boundaries of the cuts. Sharpened edges are cleaned with a file or emery under running water.

How to properly cut glass with a glass cutter. tips

Glass is inherently extremely fragile and must be handled with extreme caution. In order not to receive additional losses during its cutting, you need to use the tools correctly and adhere to the appropriate working technique. First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the cutting device itself.