How to unscrew the bolt star without a screwdriver

How to unscrew a star bolt on the phone

How to unscrew a bolt? Article about effective ways with an overview of the tool, the best and nonstandard.

In the material consider how to unscrew a torn bolt (with torn edges), rusted bolt, crankshaft pulley bolt, wheel, exhaust manifold, cylinder header and other assemblies and units.

The recommendations will also be useful in the works of household direction. repair of faucets, toilets, garage equipment, prefabricated buildings, etc.п.

Bolts are usually unscrewed with ring or open-end wrenches, screwdrivers, screw heads with a screwdriver, ratchet, or pneumatic nutrunner. However, other options are also possible.

Before you unscrew the bolt, it is necessary to choose the tool that suits you best:

  • Thin short open-jaw wrenches, especially with too loose (broken) shed, is the worst option, which is immediately better abandoned in the situation with the unscrewing of rusty riveted bolts (this will lead to ripped edges);
  • Socket wrenches are preferable to open-end wrenches because they cover the perimeter of the bolt head tighter;
  • 6-facet socket wrenches or sockets are preferable to their 12-facet versions because the hex sockets have a greater pressure area on their flat working surfaces and are less likely to tear the facets;
  • a tool with an extended handle or additional attachment is preferable to a short tool;
  • a screwdriver is preferable to a ratchet because of its simplicity and strength, t.к. the latter can be damaged by too much force (especially ratchets with a large number of teeth each are smaller and not as strong);
  • an impact wrench is better than a hand-held tool;
  • In combination with a screwdriver or an impact screwdriver, the best solution is the Super Lock head, in which the force is applied not to the corners (edges), but to the planes, which eliminates slipping of the edges of the bolt head;
  • A torque booster (multiplier) will help you apply more force to a large stuck bolt than people can handle;
  • a screwdriver with a large handle of a typical shape or a T-shaped power screwdriver will do a better job than the traditional compact versions;
  • A suitable clamping tool (pipe (“gas”), wrench, clamps, vise, pliers, etc.).п.) Are useful in the absence of wrenches or for flattened edges;
  • if the flat bar is high enough, a screwdriver of a suitable size can rarely be used.

The following methods will show you how to undo a bolt with an atypical tool.

A strong Super Lock head for wheel bolts is worth buying and carrying in the car at all times, because wheel fasteners often get damaged during seasonal tire changes and can cause serious inconvenience to the car owner on the road in case of a puncture.

The most commonly used bolts with the right direction of thread: unscrew them counterclockwise (look at the bolt from the side of the cap). The left-hand threaded bolt should be unscrewed in a clockwise direction.

When determining which way to unscrew a bolt, just look at it carefully:

unscrew, bolt, star, screwdriver
  • you can see the tilt of the bolt threads at a slight angle on the side. unscrew the bolt to the side where the thread “rises”;
  • even if the threaded part is not visible, you can determine the direction by the end of the nut (or the through thread channel, in which the bolt sits) at the point of exit of the last coil of its internal thread.

In the absence of visible signs, when you can see only the hat pressed tightly to the surface of the part, start unscrewing better counterclockwise, if no result, then try against.

A bolt with ripped edges can be unscrewed in several basic ways:.

  • Use the Super Lock head that applies to the flats and not the edges;
  • clamp the torn bolt in a pipe wrench (in a vice, a clamp, pliers, etc.).п.) and unscrew them;
  • make a kerf in the head and unscrew with a powerful screwdriver;
  • combine the two previous methods, using both a clamping tool and a screwdriver, which allows you to use two hands;
  • grind the flat for a smaller wrench;
  • to use a special tool. extractor (similar to a tap, working part is tapered, the direction of the thread is opposite to the thread of the stud): drill in the center of the hole of desired diameter and depth of about 2/3 of the length of the extractor working part, insert the extractor and rotate with force until the bolt is unscrewed;
  • drill a hole in the center of the flat not deeper than the height of the flat, hammer a TORX bit (E-profile, or similar with longitudinal ribs) into it and unscrew it by the shank of the bit;
  • to hammer on top of the flat of the bolt with the flattened faces a nut of a suitable size, the inner diameter of which allows to put it in tension, for additional fixation to make a depression in the area of contact of nuts, to insert there a suitable metal rod as a key to prevent rotation, unscrew the bolt, applying a tool on the size of the nut of a larger diameter;
  • put on a nut of larger diameter and weld it to the head of the bolt with a welding semiautomatic machine, unscrew the large nut along with the bolt welded to it.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to unscrew a bolt with ripped-off edges.

For information on how to unscrew a broken bolt that has no cap, see the article “How to unscrew a stud: 25 Effective Ways and Techniques,” which is posted in the “Useful” section on ZiSinfo

Unscrewing a rusty bolt is easier if you have access to the threaded part. As a rule, there is such a possibility at the end, on which a nut is screwed on (bolt goes through the fastened parts), less often. from the side of the flat when it is not tight to the fastened surface. Proceed as follows:.

  • The available threads must be thoroughly cleaned of rust with a metal brush, remove contamination;
  • Apply a penetrating compound WD-40, “Liquid Wrench” and their analogues (so that the applied composition flowed downward into the zone of tacking thread rusty bolt), give the composition to work for 20 minutes, unless other time is not specified by the manufacturer of means;
  • Using the tool available, apply force in the unscrewing direction;
  • if the bolt does not yield, then apply the method of loosening, alternately applying force both to tightening and tightening;
  • If the above measures do not lead to a positive result, apply a long-term soak in a penetrating or chemically active rust inhibitor.

Bolt with ripped edges

Now we are going to find out how to unscrew a torn-off bolt. As a rule, the reasons for this trouble are:

  • the parts that the bolt was holding are shifted unnaturally. This leads to its jamming and damaging.
  • The bolt itself was tightened too much during tightening.
  • The tool used to tighten it was not the right size and a handy tool was used (screwdrivers or chisels are often put in larger wrenches if smaller ones are not available).

Before you unscrew a stripped nut or bolt, you should make some preparations. This will allow you to spend less time and effort and sometimes to save expensive equipment.

Sequence of actions

  • Coat the connection with a liquid that will help it unscrew. Such liquid may be the famous WD-40, brake fluid or kerosene. Take your time, let the fluid do its job. As practice shows, you can safely leave the part in peace for thirty minutes or even an hour.
  • Take any handy tool and lightly, not too much, knock on the hardware from all available sides. Your aim in this case is not to pop the bolt like a golf ball, but just to loosen it slightly at its mounting location. While performing this action there is a danger of damaging the threads, so measure the force and swing.
  • If you have the opportunity and space, try to heat the bolt. A gas torch is suitable for this purpose. Make sure there are no flammable liquids or objects near the work area. Also make sure before you start the heating that you have a place to retreat to in case of an emergency. Do not heat the part with an open flame in an enclosed space. It is better to open the gate or move the bolt into the air. The rust and fat burned in this way will turn into ashes, and will no longer prevent the unscrewing of the bolt.

It often happens, however, that it is the screw that gets jammed that cannot be reached with a torch or tapping tool. In this difficult case, you should use an angle grinder or any other tool at hand like a chisel to make a deep kerf on the retained flat. It will become the hook that will allow you to pull out the entire bolt.

Now you can catch on this ledge and try to unscrew the unyielding screw. Press the screwdriver into the notch, and making light hammer blows on its handle in the direction of unscrewing (not in a clockwise direction), slowly twist the screw.

Technology of screws and self-tapping screws manufacturing

When we talk about a screw, does everyone know what it is? The word “screw” is derived from the German “Schraube. It is actually a screw that can easily be driven into any soft material and produces a “self-tapping” thread there. A typical material of this kind is wood.

What makes the screw able to drive into soft materials? First of all, due to the thread, which covers a substantial part of the rod of the screw. This thread is different from the threads found on screws and bolts.

No wonder, as the latter are not screwed into the wood but into the metal. The threads applied to the screw are somewhat higher. It has a considerable thread pitch, and is applied to the threaded section of the screw in a tapered shape that tapers towards the end of the screw. By the way, the thread on the screw can be cut, either along its entire length, or only on its part.

diameter. 4 mm., length. 8 mm. The other screw, called a track screw, is 170 mm long and 24 mm in diameter. And this is understandable, since it is used to fasten the railway track to the sleepers. The heads of such screws also have a different shape, determined by the conditions of installation, the external appearance of the product and the requirements that apply to the mounted structure.

Ways to unscrew a screw without a screwdriver

Consider the most effective ways depending on the specific type of slot. Let’s start with the cruciform.

Option #1. The Phillips head slot

To begin with, for some screws one underbore on the head can be longer than the other. If so, you should only work with a deeper hole of greater length to simplify the task. Even add that the edges of these cavities can be chipped, so you should work carefully, otherwise you can ruin the product.

How to remove a screw without a screwdriver

Let’s consider the most effective ways, depending on the specific type of spline. Let’s start with a Phillips-head.

Option No. 1. Phillips head slot

To begin with, for some screws, one groove on the head can be longer than the other. If so, you should work only with a larger recess to simplify the task. Let us also add that the edges of these cavities can be chipped, and therefore you should work carefully, otherwise you can ruin the product.

Why the edges of the fastener get torn?

Before we find out how to unscrew the star screw with a torn edge, let us highlight a number of reasons why the problem occurs. The most frequent cause of the problem is the use of a low-quality tool. It is a question of using a screwdriver or an electric screwdriver bit with an insufficiently sharp tip. In this case, the tight contact of the tool with the fastener’s notches disappears. Therefore, in order subsequently not to have to puzzle over the question of how to unscrew screws with ripped-off edges, before performing the work you need to make sure that the screwdriver sting is fully immersed in the grooves.

Another reason is the failure to comply with the technology of screwing. Trouble occurs when the performer of the work does not press the tool enough. Sometimes the problem is caused by the tip of the screwdriver being angled towards the screw head.

It is easy to guess that this can happen because of the poor quality of materials from which the fasteners are made. There can also be notches on single items. To avoid looking for a solution, how to unscrew screws with torn edges, before buying a fastener you should ask about its technical characteristics and make a visual inspection.

Option No1. Cross-head slot

To begin with, note that in some screws, one depression on the head may be longer than the other. If so, you should work only with a hole of greater length to simplify the task. We should also add that the edges of these recesses can be chipped, and therefore you should work carefully, otherwise you can ruin the product.

One of the easiest ways is to use a coin. The method often works only with small screws. The coin should be inserted into the groove and then turned counterclockwise.

If the screw is loose you can try to open it with your fingernail. Actions are the same as in the previous method.

You can try to unscrew it with your fingernail

Take the knife, place it in the groove (long if they are different lengths) and twist. Be careful because if it is tightened too much and the knife you use is of low quality it can be bent and you will not obtain the desirable result.

How to remove any screw. THE BEST tiphacks.

Using a knife to drive out a Phillips head screw

Use an old CD. Put the edge of the screw in the groove and twist. The compact disk itself can suffer as a result of such manipulations and therefore you should make sure that you do not need it any more. This method will not help if the screw is tightened too much.

You can saw a long groove in the head with a metal saw, but this method is effective only when the hardware is not completely screwed in. е. If the head protrudes slightly above the surface. Hold the saw at right angles to the head, saw slowly and carefully. Next, when the groove is ready, the screw can be unscrewed with a flat screwdriver or improvised means (for example, a credit card).

A long groove is cut into the head of the screw

Take a flathead screwdriver of appropriate size in the absence of a Phillips head screwdriver. This will only work with large/medium-diameter screws. Be careful not to tear the slot edges!

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A phillips head screw can be tried with a flathead screwdriver

Another option is to use a toothbrush. Melt one end with a lighter, and then immediately insert it into the recess on the screw head. After waiting a bit for the melted plastic to solidify, turn the brush counterclockwise. Of course, it won’t help if the screw is tightened too much.

How to remove a screw with a toothbrush

So there you have it, what to do to remove a screw with a damaged edge. As you can see, it is possible to find the right solution even in the most hopeless situation. A wide variety of ways to unscrew damaged fasteners proves it.

Using screws for fastening products is convenient and reliable. But it often happens that you need to urgently unscrew a screw, but do not have a suitable screwdriver at hand. Of course, the use of a screwdriver is the simplest and safest method, but if necessary, it is quite possible to do without it. How to unscrew screws without a screwdriver? Today you will learn how to!

How to remove a screw without a screwdriver

Option #3. Remove the Torx screw

Screws with a hexagonal star recess on the head. Such screws, by the way, come protected. with a rod in the center of the star. In any case, proceed with care, since the facets of such a slot can easily get damaged.

Try to cope with a flat screwdriver. Insert its stinger in the pair of opposite beams, gently twist counterclockwise. If the screw is guarded, insert the screwdriver between the rod and any of the beams and twist in the opposite direction.

Use a small flathead screwdriver

In order to unscrew the Torx-protected screw, try using a screwdriver for the unprotected one, but then the head pin has to be removed (it can be done e.g. with a punch and hammer).

Removing the center pin on the head of a Torx-protected screw

Another option is to drill a hole in the tip of an ordinary screwdriver for the sprocket rod.

Drilling a hole in the screwdriver for a common Torx screw

Finally, you can use the same toothbrush and melt one end with a lighter (do the same as described in one of the previous methods).

Screw with blown out edges

Flat head / half head screws (or rather slotted screws) often come off and there can be several reasons for that:

  • the use of old, poor quality or unsuitable tools;
  • Screwing in incorrectly (e.g. with a hammer);
  • insufficient torque during unscrewing/screwing and, as a result, the screwdriver will pop out of the slot;
  • The screw is “stuck” (corroded);
  • incorrect use of hardware (without drilling when necessary or for unsuitable material).

Method No1. Unscrewing

Carefully examine the screwdriver you used to remove the screw and if necessary change it for a better one. It is important that the bit fits snugly in the groove and is not damaged. If replacing the screwdriver does not help, you can use other methods. If, for example, you want to remove a screw from a piece of wood, tap the head and then tap the tool every time you use force. You can also use pliers if possible as we mentioned above. Or you can use a rubber band to seal it.

How to remove a screw with a torn edge

But for your information! Use a few drops of grease or brake fluid, kerosene to make the screw go through. You can also heat the screw to make it expand, so that the surrounding material deforms and the screw can be unscrewed.

If all else fails, drastic measures can be taken.

Method No3. Extractors

Another good way to remove a screw. Pick the drill so that its diameter was less than that of the threaded part of the hardware, make a recess in the head, cut the left thread there and unscrew the screw with a tapered extractor. This will work for all types of heads, but in the case of self-tapping screws you have to choose a different method. they come hardened.

Stages of unscrewing a torn off screw with an extractor

What conclusions can be drawn? If you want to unscrew a screw with bevelled faces, the easiest way is to weld (or glue, if the force is not too great) a nut or some kind of stop to the remaining part of the hardware, heat it up and make a kerf.

The manufacturers are fools who look for extra work

unscrew it with an ordinary screwdriver, then change to a normal bolt

I’d like to see you use your head to unscrew a torquey or oxidized Torx bolt. On the contrary, it is quite possible: a Torx is hammered onto an ordinary screw with flattened faces and the screw is unscrewed.

If anything, I ate more than a ton of oysters of this variety.

How to unscrew a star bolt with a torn edge??

As an alternative. If the flat head is not countersunk, you can cut a slit for a flat-blade screwdriver with a hacksaw blade and try to unscrew it that way. Before you should warm up a bolt with a technical hair dryer or a soldering iron of sufficient power, it should facilitate the work. If the flat bar is big enough, you can also try just twisting the bolt with the pliers, clamping it harder.

If the flat head or countersunk head is not straight, things are more complicated.

For this purpose I took a suitable flat bit from a screwdriver, so that it fits very tightly into the hexagon, gently hammered it in and then tried to twist it with a pair of pliers.

And it is better to use special extractors for unscrewing screws, they are sold as all kinds of kits or even individually.

A bolt is a fastener with an external thread.

It can consist of two elements, the stem with thread and the head and the nut, and can be screwed into a hole with an internal thread, that is, the nut is not on the end.

The so-called “sprocket” could be an external sprocket,

If it is external, you will need a hammer to tap the screw, but without fanaticism.

VD-40 liquid penetrating agent, it makes it easier to unscrew the bolt.

If it is not a nut, use the same pliers to hold the head, and unscrew the nut with an open-end wrench of the required size.

If the “sprocket” is inner, you can make a straight cut for a flat screwdriver, you will need a hacksaw for metal, or an angle grinder with a cutting disc, or a sharp chisel, the same hammer, VD-40, screwdriver.

In the most extreme case (nothing helps), the bolt can be drilled, you need a drill and drill bits on metal.

Another option for unscrewing the bolt with an internal sprocket, which is actually what I used.

Armed with the dremel, put a small abrasive disk on it. On the round cap of the internal sprocket bolt, I made two faces for a ten millimeter open-end wrench. Just sawed off two halves on opposite sides. Unscrew it with an ordinary wrench. This can also be done with a normal screwdriver and even with a file on iron. In the illustration below the red areas show some of the metal being removed from the head of the bolt.

There is another way to unscrew bolts with an internal hexagon or star, but with torn facets. This is a paste that increases the adhesion of the mating parts. Pretty easy to use, does not take long to cure, adhesion is very good. the tool (Phillips screwdriver, hex or star tip “stick” into the slot perfectly). If used according to the instructions, no paste will remain on the tool.

If there is no suitable tool

Sometimes the problem occurs when a triangular screwdriver is not handy. In such cases, there is no need to use brute force and break the body of the kitchen appliance. It is enough to replace the store tool with a handmade tool. A similar one is made with a hex wrench for furniture. It is included in a closet and any other self-assembled items.

Furniture suppliers deliberately make them out of fairly soft metals to save on machining. But you can still make a pretty good tool for repairing household appliances. You will only need to remove the excess part of the hexagon. For cutting, an abrasive wheel mounted on an engraver is preferred. It usually takes no more than ¼ hour and 1-2 tweaks to make a screwdriver as good as the one in the store set.

Additional Information

Screwdrivers with a triangular tip are needed when repairing not only kitchen appliances, but also personal computers, as well as all kinds of mechanical toys. If you have to work in hard-to-reach areas, it is worth using a tool with a bending rod. It is desirable that the set includes screwdrivers suitable for removing tight (corroded) fasteners. With regard to manufacturers, buy the products of the leading German and Japanese brands should only be a professional. The possibilities offered by “China factory” are quite enough for domestic use.

Important: A triangular screwdriver, like any other screwdriver, must only be used for its intended purpose. It cannot be used as a substitute for a knife, corkscrew, wedge, lever, crowbar or other implement.

Never use damaged tools. Before you start work, look carefully at the screwdriver to make sure it is in good condition. If suddenly one cannot turn the screw or other fastener, one must not try to do it with the maximum effort. otherwise there is a great risk of damaging the tool, material, fastener, or even getting injured.

Screwdriver sets should be stored and handled only in specially prepared cases or work portable boxes. They must not be carried in s. When screwing in (unscrewing) a fastener, you may not hold the workpiece in your hand.

keep the screwdriver handle clean and be careful to avoid contact with lubricating oils. Failure to follow these rules can result in property damage or even accidents.

Specialists strongly advise to disassemble all household appliances and electronics only in the disconnected state. Even so, only insulated (dielectric) screwdrivers should be used. You have to protect the blade and handle from the heat. Never turn the handle while clamped in the pliers as it will destroy the tool instead of enhancing the effect. Do not use a screwdriver to make notches and markings, stir construction paint.

About what you can replace the triangular screwdriver in its absence, see the video below.

Such a screwdriver I do not have, and in the village can not buy, before tried to drill in the same zyadryatnomu tried nothing came out, the metal is so hard that the heating the screws softened plastic and screw heads through the plastic.

I heated with a thin-edged soldering iron, alternating heads of screws. gradually pulling the housing halves apart. got it.the main thing is not to overdo it.

Fifth day the road is not cleaned, a lot of snow fell, buses do not go, no helicopter, to the nearest store with screwdrivers 25. 30 km.Valery Ivanovich, I’ll try your method.

I made a nail I milled it with a file, heated it to a dark cherry color on the gas stove and hardened in the mineral oil.

After I bought a set of screwdrivers for 100 rubles and all the problems disappeared

I agree with denis_111We can try a flathead screwdriver, the tip size of which will ensure a clear fixation in the head of the screw.For more or less professional work, you should buy all the necessary tools in case (and when the road is cleared). For future reference the above screw was just removed from a Nokia AC-3E charger

KRAB: KRAB today, 23:36 to resharpen or buy a set?By the way, I have never seen them on sale. Here 6 facets and sprockets dialed almost all, including T2 and B1 (disassembling BVG in DAT recorders/streamers). I found two-horn ones, but I’ve never seen a triangular one on sale.

HZZH I unscrewed with the heat and then unscrewed carefully with a thin flat screwdriver until the screw head appears out of the socket. The charger seems to be Nokia

I unscrewed with a flat screwdriver, then sawn a thin slot with a flat blade so it would fit a regular flat screwdriver. This is for myself.

Valery’s method worked, next time I’ll buy a screwdriver if I can find one.Yeah, Nokia. I’ll replace the screws, the hole is larger, but the screw with a larger head still has something to catch on.

Sharpened the triangular file. and in a hand vice, they can also unscrew the sprockets.

Radio forum is a site dedicated to discussion of electronics, computers and related topics.

How to open a very small bolt?

Scotch tape it up and then find a small screwdriver and tighten. A box cutter is perfect for that. Get a screwdriver for the glasses. at the optician.

  • Heat and cool
  • Select a suitable tool
  • Tap the head of the bolt or screw with a hammer and impact screwdriver
  • Use a penetrating rust remover or lubricant
  • Bore the screw
  • Braze or weld a screwdriver or hex to the screw.

How to unscrew a bolt on the iPhone without a screwdriver?

Bolts, although they have tiny threads, but they are placed on the surface. To unscrew it, you can use a knife with a thin and sharp end. Other sharp objects such as needles, scissors, and awl are also used.

If it really twists freely, with the help of a strong magnet, it can be simply pulled out. If there is no magnet, or can not get anywhere, and screws easily twisted, you can epoxy epoxy glue a nail 40-50 mm flat to the screw, and then, after a day, unscrew carefully.

Connecting rod installation

After dismounting the part and performing all planned manipulations it is necessary to return the structural element to its original place. Before proceeding, it is advisable to clean all surfaces and connections, and then perform their treatment with a thick lubricant. Such an approach will allow you to evenly install the connecting rod and will greatly facilitate the work if you need to dismantle it again.

During installation, it is essential to press the part far back onto the shaft. This will prevent play during movement. If the socket is not properly secured, it will eventually wear out. A force of about 50-70 Nm is sufficient to securely fasten the part.

How to unscrew a sprocket bolt: preparation

Whatever the reason, it’s important to do some preliminary manipulation before unscrewing:

  • The bolt fasteners should be treated with kerosene, wd-40 type lubricant or brake fluid to reduce the coefficient of friction;
  • Tap the stuck bolt with a hammer;
  • heated bolt with a gas torch to make it more malleable and to reduce the dirt and rust to ashes.

How to undo a screw with stripped edges?

The easiest way to get rid of this screw. is to drill it out. Take a drill bit with a small diameter and try to drill through the screw. Gradually increasing the diameter of the drill bit drill it out completely and remove the remnants. Then you’ll need to rebuild the threads, using a tap.