How to properly adjust the plow on a walk-behind tractor

Hitching the plow to a single-axle tractor

In order to start plowing, you need a plow, and it must have a strong connection with the main equipment. To do this, you need to mount these two parts into one integral piece.

To do this, remove the adjuster screw from the hitch and install the plow. There are three holes on the stand, with their help you can adjust the depth of the cultivated soil in the area. It is best to set the plow to the middle hole first, so it will be easier for you to determine if this type of plowing is right for you.

The plow now needs to be adjusted. This requires the heel of the plow to be parallel to the ground. To do this, you need to set it in parallel and fix the adjusting bolt, which is secured with locknuts.

The steering wheel of the walk-behind tractor itself should be in the center of the adjusting screw.

Before assembling, as well as setting up the plow, watch the video presented in this article, read the instructions. This will give you the opportunity to understand even better how to plow correctly with a plow for a walk-behind tractor.

Let’s summarize

It is very important to know how to set up a plow on a walk-behind tractor, which will allow you to correctly perform all the required work. Correct adjustment is the key to the quality of the process. After finishing work, do not forget to clean the mechanism, detach the plow from the walk-behind tractor and fold it down until next time.

How to adjust the plow on a walk-behind tractor | how

Install the lug

In order to attach the lug, you need to remove the wheels and hubs. We install other hubs on the axle, which are specially designed for the installation of lugs. These hubs differ from conventional parts in their length, which allows for greater distance between the wheels and a single axle tractor will be more stable when plowed.

These special hubs are axle mounted and connected to the shaft drive. To do this, use special spiers, which are also included in the kit. And only then the lug itself is installed.

Installing the plow attachment

There is nothing difficult to install. To do this, you will need:

  • fix the plow to the coupling device without overtightening the nuts. This is done so that in the future it would be possible to adjust the parameters of the plow;
  • the hitch should be fixed together with the plow to the shackle with two fixing pins.

This completes the installation and you should proceed to the next stage. adjustment.

Adjustment is a very important stage, since the quality of plowing and the amount of effort expended depends on it. If the adjustment is incorrect, a single-axle tractor will not be able to efficiently cope with its work and it will take a lot of time for simple tasks.

Plowing a plot

Setting up the plow on a walk-behind tractor is a very important matter, therefore, before work, it is necessary to carry out a control plowing, which will make it possible to evaluate the regulation. This process includes the following stages:

Assessment of furrow depth and blade quality

Only after a complete check can the main work begin. If at least one factor does not meet the requirements, then the mechanism will need to be re-adjusted. The plowing process itself consists of the following processes:

For final plowing, set up a mini tractor at the edge of the field where you plan to make a furrow.

Place the handlebars parallel to the ground. Do not put too much pressure on the steering wheel and push the uniaxial tractor when working, it will do everything by itself. The main thing is not to stop keeping the steering wheel parallel to the soil so that the mechanism does not sink into the soil or rise up

When you have finished making the initial furrow, check its depth from the bottom of the furrow to the ridge. If the plowing depth is between 15 and 18 cm, then the main process can be started.

Preparation for use

The first stage when using a walk-behind tractor is its preparation, which consists in the following steps:

  • Removing it on a flat surface.
  • Preparing the hook for soil and variable axes.
  • Removing wheels and replacing them with soil hooks.
properly, adjust, plow, walk-behind

After preparation, you should proceed with the installation of the mounted plow.

Preparing the walk-behind tractor for plowing

Before plowing a land plot, it is necessary to prepare a walk-behind tractor. What do I need to do? Let’s take everything in order.

It is advisable to deliver a single-axle tractor to the plowing site without a plow and lugs. Usually, a dismantled single-axle tractor is transported in a car to a summer cottage. If you have a land plot next to your house, then you can prepare the walk-behind tractor for plowing in any chosen place with a flat surface.

When the uniaxial tractor is delivered to the site of preparation for work, it is necessary to replace the transport wheels (B) with special lugs. In order to make it more convenient to remove the transport wheels, you can install a stand (A) under the hitch of the walk-behind tractor, which is located at the back.

Instead of the hubs on which the transport wheels of the walk-behind tractor are installed, it is necessary to install elongated hubs (A). This is necessary to increase the distance between the lugs in order to ensure the stability of the walk-behind tractor during plowing.

After the hubs are installed, proceed to the installation of the lugs (A). Be sure to pay attention to the correctness of their installation. Herringbone lug tread (B) should have the direction as shown in the photo. tread narrowing is the forward direction.

When both lugs are in place, you can remove the stand (A) and proceed to the next step of work. preparing the plow for work.

How to plow correctly with a plow on a walk-behind tractor, recommendations

Motoblocks make manual work easier for many owners of personal plots and gardens. a single-axle tractor, if used correctly, will become an indispensable assistant in your farm. But not everyone knows how to properly plow with a plow on a walk-behind tractor.

Rather, they do not know how to properly prepare a uniaxial tractor and plow for plowing and cultivating the land. And, after all, it is not so difficult. Explore our recommendations and you will succeed.

First of all, depending on the size of the cultivated area, you need to choose a suitable uniaxial tractor and plowing implement. All walk-behind tractors are divided into three types:

How to setup a moldboard plow

  • 1. Lightweight walk-behind tractors or motor-cultivators with a weight usually not exceeding fifty kilograms. The power of the cultivator is from three to five horsepower. Designed for cultivating the land with a cultivator or cutter. The area of ​​the cultivated area is up to six acres.
  • 2. Medium motoblocks with a capacity of up to twelve horsepower and weighing up to one hundred kilograms. Plots up to twenty acres are processed using a cultivator or a light plow.
  • 3. Heavy walk-behind tractors with a capacity of up to thirty horsepower and a cultivation area of ​​up to two hectares, as a rule, using a mounted plow.

Now that we have decided on the walk-behind tractor, we will learn how to properly plow with the walk-behind tractor. Small areas are best cultivated with a cultivator or cutter. The delivery set of light and medium motoblocks also includes cutters.

The technology of plowing the soil with their help is simple. Just a single-axle tractor is placed on the edge of the site, an overdrive is switched on and, holding, we follow it, turning 180 degrees at the opposite end of the site.

Plowing over a large area is quite another matter. Correct plow adjustment is very important here. Suppose it is done correctly.

Then, at low speed, a control pass is made from one edge to the other edge of the section, on which we turn the uniaxial tractor and perform the return pass. At the same time, we put the uniaxial tractor with the right wheel in the middle of the furrow that remained from the first pass. We closely observe the plow. Taking into account the tilt of the walk-behind tractor, the plow should stand perpendicular to the ground plane. If not, then adjust the plow again.

Then a second pass is made and the depth of the furrow is estimated. If the depth is too deep or too shallow, then adjust the plow. As a rule, when plowing with a plow, the depth of the furrows in should be within 15-20 centimeters.

As you master plowing, when your furrows become even, you can increase the speed of the walk-behind tractor. Then the plow will roll off the soil more strongly, its surface will be flat, without lumps, and the plowing itself will go faster. This is how they plow with walk-behind tractors.


This process also consists of several stages:

Adjusting the plow on the walk-behind tractor The farmer begins by installing the walk-behind tractor on a stand, for which you can substitute a couple of small blocks with a section of 150 x 150 mm under the lugs. This height is quite enough to easily adjust the device to a plowing depth of 15 to 18 cm.

For the convenience of work, a plank or plywood should be spread, which will allow more accurate adjustment of the plow inclination angle from heel to nose. To adjust the tilt angle of the mechanism, you must first rotate the adjustment bolt clockwise, which will raise the heel upward, increasing the plowing depth, and then rotate counterclockwise, which will lower the plow‘s heel, reducing the plowing depth, as shown in the photo

The distance between the soil surface and the heel of the plow should be kept no more than 5 cm, otherwise the device will simply “bury” in the soil. With an incorrectly adjusted inclination angle, the unit will significantly reduce the quality of plowing, but the load on the driver’s hands and the engine of the mechanism will increase. After finishing the adjustment, you need to tighten the fasteners and couplings with a wrench

Using a tape measure, you need to check the gap between the surface and the gearbox of the mechanism. The gap should not be more than 20 cm.

Instructions: how to plow with a walk-behind tractor with a plow

Now that the uniaxial tractor is ready for plowing the soil, the ground hooks are in place, we proceed to installing the mounted plow on the uniaxial tractor:

We fasten the plow with the coupling device, while the fastening nuts are not fully tightened so that the plow can be adjusted later.

We fasten the hitch with the plow and the fastening earring of the walk-behind tractor using two pins.

That’s it, the plow is installed on a single-axle tractor and now you can proceed to adjusting it (photo).

Unlike the preparation of the walk-behind tractor and the installation of the plow, the adjustment of the plow is a little more complicated and must be done with high quality, since if the plow is incorrectly adjusted, plowing the land will take you a lot of time and effort, and, unfortunately, the quality of plowing will leave much to be desired.

Plowing a plot

Setting up the plow on a walk-behind tractor is a very important matter, therefore, before work, it is necessary to carry out a control plowing, which will make it possible to evaluate the regulation. This process includes the following stages:

How To Plow a Garden. Two Bottom Plow

Assessment of furrow depth and blade quality

properly, adjust, plow, walk-behind

Only after a complete check can the main work begin. If at least one factor does not meet the requirements, then the mechanism will need to be re-adjusted. The plowing process itself consists of the following processes:

For final plowing, set up a mini tractor at the edge of the field where you plan to make a furrow.

Place the handlebars parallel to the ground. Do not put too much pressure on the steering wheel and push the uniaxial tractor when working, it will do everything by itself. The main thing is not to stop keeping the steering wheel parallel to the soil so that the mechanism does not sink into the soil or rise up

When you have finished making the initial furrow, check its depth from the bottom of the furrow to the ridge. If the plowing depth is between 15 and 18 cm, then the main process can be started.

Preparatory process

One of the frequently asked questions is the question of how to adjust the plow on a Neva or Farmer walk-behind tractor. This must be done for correct and accurate plowing. This is easy to do if you follow the recommendations of experts.

Before starting work, the MTZ walk-behind tractor is being prepared, which consists of several processes. First, it is necessary to transport the MTZ single-axle tractor directly to the future plowing site. You can transport it in a car, having previously disassembled and put aside the unit and lugs, since they are not yet required.

If the site is located near your home, then the following processes can be carried out directly on the spot, on a flat surface:

After the delivery of the Salyut, Ugra or other walk-behind tractor to the workplace, it is required to replace the wheels for transportation to lugs. To ensure ease of removal of the wheel for transportation, a special stand is installed under the hitch.

The hubs for installing the transport wheel of the walk-behind tractor are replaced with longer hubs. This will help to increase the width between the lugs for the stability of the walk-behind tractor during plowing.

The next step is to secure the lugs. You can verify that the installation is correct by checking that the herringbone ground projector is pointing as shown in the photo where the taper of the projector is facing forward.

After installing both lugs, the stand is removed and the next stage of work begins, which consists in preparing the device for the working process.

Homemade tractor plow

Buying a unit can be quite expensive, so the opportunity to make a plow for MTZ-82 (or MTZ-1221) with your own hands comes to the rescue.

There is a simpler design, which, in principle, performs the same tasks as a plow. a home-made cultivator on the MTZ-80. The difference between them is that the plow plows the soil, turning over the layers of the earth, and the cultivator simply plows the soil. However, a homemade cultivator for an MTZ tractor is a popular device, since it is easier to make than a homemade plow.

For the competent manufacture of a plow, the tractor driver will have to use good drawings of qualified specialists, so it is better to look. A poor-quality drawing will negatively affect the subsequent design and quality of plowing the soil, and hence the yield. When constructing a homemade cultivator, on the contrary, a schematic drawing is also suitable.

After the drawing is ready, you need to transfer it to a hard cardboard sheet and cut out the template. To make a plow, you need to use materials from stainless steel or other, harder metal. So, you can use an old spring from a domestic car or even a circular saw blade.

Consider the process of making a plow. Even a master with minimal experience in the design of such equipment is able to create the simplest mounted plow. single-body, using rotary mechanisms. Such additional tractor equipment includes a share and a blade at MTZ. For the manufacture of the presented elements, only steel sheets are required. In this case, the homemade product is constructed according to a certain algorithm.

  • Production of a ploughshare from a disc element removed from a circular saw. To sharpen the cutting part, you need to beat it off on the anvil, like a regular grass scythe or a flat cutter.
  • The next step is making a blade. The process is quite simple and requires minimal skills. You will need a metal pipe.
  • The final stage is the manufacture of other structural elements. This alteration is not particularly difficult.

In order to assemble a high-quality home-made reversible plow, you need to use special wedges with an angle of 25 °. After installing the wedges, a ploughshare is installed on the auxiliary metal sheet, which in turn is fixed to the blade using a welding seam.

The shields located on the sides are mounted on the ploughshare in a vertical position, for this you need to perform an arc check. Make sure that the side shield extends 8 mm beyond the share and is 10 mm above the blade. At the end of the process, you need to create a solid surface by welding the share and blade together.

  • before assembling, you need to create a layout from cardboard;
  • it is best to make a product from steel of the 9XC series;
  • if the layout was drawn up correctly, then the plow will be easy to assemble;
  • attach the ploughshare to the steel sheet by welding;
  • attach the side shield from above with overlapping on the structure;
  • after that, attach the share to the blade, the angle of attachment is 6-8 degrees;
  • a single-axle tractor must be secured on some reliable support;
  • it is necessary to remove the wheel from the vehicle;
  • a special shaft device is attached to the axle;
  • we fix the axle next to the wheel and fix it with screws;
  • using nuts, we attach the resulting device to the walk-behind tractor;
  • nuts must not be fully tightened to allow adjustment.

A detailed video on assembling the plow can be found on the Internet.

How to assemble a homemade plow

It is noteworthy that the equipment of the Kaluga plant is universal. you can install both native Kaluga attachments and hinges from other manufacturers to walk-behind tractors from this manufacturer. The main thing is that the couplings fit.

Plow Standard with Oka hitch

An alternative can be tools from such manufacturers:

But this is not the limit. Modern craftsmen are able to make with their own hands both a plow and a coupling of the required size, and any other tool for the Oka walk-behind tractor.

There are many different drawings, diagrams, descriptions and videos on the Internet, where it is described and shown in detail how to properly assemble a homemade plow and a hitch, how to install and adjust them, as well as how to plow with a hitch.

We offer several options for drawings of homemade plows and couplings:

Plow diagram

Coupling design

Making a ploughshare

As the practice of using plowshares shows, such a part must be periodically removed and sharpened before use for better performance. In order for the share to be effective in its work, in its manufacture, 9XC steel should be used, which is used for the production of circular saws. An alternative option would be steel 45, but it will need to be additionally hardened. It is also not prohibited to use ordinary steel that cannot be hardened, for example, Art. 5. But for normal operation, it must be carefully tapped with a hammer and sharpened.

Blade production

The choice of materials and the manufacture of the blade is one of the most important steps in the manufacture of a structure on a level with a share. The blade can be made from a variety of materials and methods. In order for the future owner of the device to be able to choose the right one for his soil, you need to consider all the popular options.

The blade can be made as follows:

  • A 3-4 mm steel sheet is used. To obtain the desired curved moldboard shape, bending rollers are pre-purchased. To begin with, the required shape is cut out of the sheet of steel, and then passed through the rollers and given the desired shape. If, after rolling, the shape does not correspond exactly to the model’s scheme, then it should be trimmed with a hammer.
  • The dump can be made from a pipe with a diameter of 50-60 centimeters and a wall thickness of 4-5 millimeters. Before work, you need to create a paper blade template. The tilt angle should be approximately 22-32 degrees. The contour of the notch is drawn with a pencil and cut out with a gas burner. After that, it is smoothed with coarse sandpaper or an angle grinder. If necessary, the shape can be easily corrected with a hammer.
  • You can use a purchased plow template to make a homemade blade. For example, cut a shape from a steel sheet, attach it to a blade. By heating the sheet, at the same time the desired shape is given along the matrix.

Required materials and tools

In order to make a plow with your own hands, you need the following tools and materials:

  • rollers;
  • Bulgarian saw;
  • sharpening;
  • metal cutter;
  • various fasteners;
  • pipe, the diameter of which is determined for the plow;
  • other fasteners;
  • welding machine.

How to make a plow for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands?

You can make a plow for a walk-behind tractor yourself. This will save you a lot of money. To do this, you will need tools and materials that each owner has in the garage.

First, you need to draw up a drawing. Without it, you may have problems, and in the end, nothing will work out.

How to plow with a walk-behind tractor correctly

The engine is running and you can start plowing. To start work, a single-axle tractor is brought to the site. The boundaries of the first furrow are marked with a taut twine. The control knobs should be turned to the left to operate the unit from unplowed ground. The first furrow is made at low speed. This must be done carefully, without straying from the orientation cord. Having reached the end of the plot, they check the plowing depth. It should be within 15-20 cm.

After that, the right wheel is placed in the furrow, the first gear is engaged and the plowing continues. It is easy to use the equipment, the skill develops quickly. If the plowing depth is not satisfactory, the plow must be adjusted. When plowing, you need to constantly monitor the wheel in the furrow, it should not go beyond its limits. The ridge of the earth should be at a distance of 8-10 cm from the previous one. A well-adjusted single-axle tractor runs smoothly without jerking. You can’t push him. With the advent of skills, the plowing speed can be increased.

Sometimes the motor overheats. In this case, it must be muffled and cooled. When plowing the soil, it is filled with oxygen. This affects the future harvest. Autumn plowing is useful. Plow with a walk-behind tractor before winter. In the spring, it will remain to dig up some areas in the corners of the garden. For plowing, it is better to use products of the middle and heavy class.

Final stage of assembly

For those who were interested in how to make a do-it-yourself blade for a walk-behind tractor, experienced craftsmen recommend using a solid cardboard layout before starting the installation. You need to glue the parts at certain angles. If everything is in order with the cardboard sample, then you can start assembling the metal structure using it. The ideal metal thickness for such a plow is 3 millimeters.

To fasten all the parts together, you need to have minimal experience with welding, and the device itself. First you need to take a steel sheet half a meter in width and length. Place the wedges on the steel sheet at an angle of 25 degrees. Then we mount the ploughshare by welding it to the sheet in two places. We attach the side shield vertically to the share. It should be 1 centimeter higher than the blade so that the soil can be easily trimmed. The guard for the share is mounted with tacks. After attaching the blade, a one-piece structure should be obtained. The angle between the share and the blade should be within 6-8 degrees.

Next, you need to understand the features of the attachment of the share. If, after fixing all the parts, some angles do not correspond to the recommended ones, they must be adjusted to the required hammer. After adjusting the blade and the share, they are welded, and after that the blade is attached using potholders with a side shield.

First, the side shield must be welded with the support bar, and then with the plate, which is located at the base. After that, you need to weld the ploughshare to it with a stubborn corner. We carefully inspect the entire structure and measure whether everything is correctly attached relative to the template, and then we tightly weld all joints and seams. Only then can it be detached from the auxiliary sheet. Next, you need to clean all the connections using an angle grinder. Those parts that will directly contact the soil must be cleaned, primed and painted with a double layer. The rest of the parts can be painted in one layer.