How to sharpen a chainsaw at home

How and how to sharpen the chain teeth

The saw chain teeth are non-standard. They consist of a base, a blade and a depth gauge. At the same time, the blade has a vertical blade and a horizontal blade that falls at an angle. It is thanks to these blades that the chainsaw cuts wood. They work on the principle of a plane, cutting off pieces, and the limiter regulates their thickness (the difference in height between it and the horizontal blade will be the thickness of the chips). You can sharpen the chainsaw chain manually or using a machine.

When to sharpen and how to find out

Problems that may arise due to untimely chain maintenance:

  • curves cuts;
  • huge pressure;
  • increased fuel consumption;
  • faster wear of the leading parts of the chainsaw and a reduction in its service life.

sharpen, chainsaw, home

Signs by which you can find out that the chain is dull:

  • the tool tries to escape from the hands, gets stuck;
  • small shavings are poured, almost dust;
  • the saw deepens only with great effort;
  • cutting time increases.

In addition, blunt teeth can simply be examined carefully. Signs of dullness will be visible even to the naked eye.

The earlier the chainsaw chain is sharpened, the less metal is grinded, which means that it can last longer.

Sharpening kits

One of the most common methods is with a set of round and flat files, a holder, a stop template and a hook used to remove sawdust. For the correct positioning of the holder, special markings are applied to it, allowing you to determine the correct angle for sharpening. It is installed on the upper part of the tooth and the stop, while the round file remains under it and is located just next to the blade. Thanks to the holder, the file is at the correct height, or more precisely, protrudes 1/5 above the blade. For sharpening the cutting tooth, only round files are used, since the contour of the tooth has a rounded shape.

Kits must be purchased based on the chain pitch. You cannot use the same sharpening kit for different chains..

Before you start sharpening the chainsaw chain at home, the tire must be secured in a vice or with a clamp, the main thing is that the saw does not move during processing. Having installed the holder according to the markings, begin smoothly and without too much pressure, move the file strictly away from you 2-3 times. Similar actions are repeated with all other teeth. The file must be turned over from time to time so that there is no one-sided wear. The force of pressure and the number of movements for all should be the same, this is necessary for uniform sharpening of all teeth. If they are different, then cracks may form in the chain, which will lead to its breakage..

To make it easier to work, the teeth are first sharpened on one side, and after them the saw is turned over and the teeth are aligned on the other.

They start sharpening from the smallest tooth so that the length of all the others is the same with it. After the work on processing the blades is finished, they move on to the limiters. A template from the kit is installed on top of the chain in such a position that the stopper is in the hole. The protruding part is grinded with a flat file.

The video shows an example of how to sharpen a chainsaw chain with a file:

There is another set, which, instead of a holder, has one template, both for sharpening the blade and for grinding the stop. Install it so that the chain falls into the holes. Then the round file is placed on top of the rollers and fed under the blade. During sharpening, you need to ensure that it is always parallel to the lateral edges of the template..

There are 2 separate holes for the stopper, labeled Soft for soft wood and Hard for hard wood. The protruding part from the slot, grind with a flat file.

Sharpening is carried out only from oneself and with smooth movements, the number of the latter should be the same for all teeth.

Chainsaw chain sharpening blunt teeth

PowerSharp System

This system allows the chain to be sharpened in seconds without even removing it from the bar. Includes PowerSharp chain, abrasive bar, guide bar and sharpener. In order to sharpen the chain with them, you will need to take the following 3 steps:

  • install the PowerSharp bus and chain;
  • fix the bar inside the sharpening device, after which it is installed on the tire;
  • the end of the chainsaw is pressed against an object and started for a couple of seconds.

The video below shows in more detail how to sharpen a chainsaw chain with your own hands using this system:

Manual and electric machines

If the teeth are severely worn away and the cutting blade has lost its shape, it will take a long time to align them by hand. In this case, a manual machine or an electric one with a sharpening wheel is usually used. The first type of device looks like a bow saw with a round file. The machines are stationary and mobile, which can be installed directly on the bus.

To adjust the necessary parameters, start with the smallest tooth. After all the teeth are sharpened and aligned, the round file is replaced with a flat file to sharpen the stops..

The advantage of electric machines is that the disc is fed directly under the blade to be sharpened. In addition, the quality of sharpening in this case is guaranteed and all teeth will be the same size..

The video below shows an example of sharpening a chainsaw with your own hands using an electric machine.

The blades are always sharpened first, and only then the stops.

The sharpening angle can be changed – it depends on the purpose of the application. A smaller angle is used for sawing hardwood, and a larger one for soft. In any case, it should be between 25 ° and 35 °. 10 ° angle is used for chains intended for longitudinal cutting.

Chainsaw chain sharpeners

The most common set for sharpening a chain includes a round file on a special holder, a flat file to reduce the depth gauge, a template for the last operation and a hook for cleaning the chainsaw from sawdust.

The mowing lines on the round file holder allow the correct positioning of the tool in relation to the chain. According to the line orientation, the holder is placed on the tooth to be sharpened. It lies on the top edge and the depth gauge and the file is under the cutting edge.

The holder allows the file to fit to the tooth at the correct height. There are different tool holders for chains with different pitches. Selecting the correct holder and the correct file diameter will allow the file to protrude 1 / 5th of its diameter above the back of the tooth. We strongly recommend that you use only special files for sharpening chainsaw chains..

Before starting sharpening, it is advisable to fix the tire. When working, it is necessary to make 2-3 turning movements away from you, while firmly pressing the file to the edge of the tooth and not changing the position of the holder. Do not press too hard on the file; move it smoothly and steadily. The file must be rotated regularly to avoid clogging and one-sided wear. With this operation, all other teeth are also sharpened. For more convenience, first sharpen all the teeth in one direction, and then the teeth in the other direction..

When sharpening teeth, try to keep the pressure and amount of motion the same for each tooth. This will ensure that the teeth have the same length. Otherwise, the chain will run unevenly and may crack. Difference in tooth sizes can be eliminated by filing all teeth to the shortest length..

After 5-10 sharpening of the teeth, the depth gauge must be grinded. For this, a template is used. It is placed so that the stopper protrudes from the slot, and this protruding tip is grinded with a flat file..

The design of the other set is different, but the principle of its operation is not much different from that described above. It uses all the same round and flat files, and a universal special template allows you to properly sharpen the cutting tooth and the depth gauge. When sharpening a cutting tooth, the chain must fall into its slots. The file is positioned on the template and guided under the cutting edge, resting on the guide rollers. The file should move along the side edges of the template..

Before you grind the height stop, think about what kind of wood you will be sawing in the near future. For soft woods, the stopper is inserted into the slot labeled “Soft”, and for hard woods, it is inserted into the slot labeled “Hard”. Sewing the height limiter, as with the first device, should be done with several smooth movements of a flat file.

Angles and parameters of links

Correct sharpening of a chainsaw chain is impossible without knowing the parts of the link and the angles at which they should be sharpened.

The main parts of the cutting link:

  • Base
  • Tooth scapula
  • Depth gauge
  • End blade
  • Upper blade

Upper blade angle, rake angle and sharpening angle can be changed during sharpening. These angles greatly affect the cutting performance of the chain. It is advisable to observe the recommended values ​​of these angles..

Each cutting link in front of the tooth blade has a depth stop. The difference in height between the leading edge of the back of the tooth and the highest point of the depth gauge is called the depth gauge distance. This distance determines the depth to which the upper blade will cut into the wood and, as a result, productivity. This distance is set depending on the type of execution and the chain pitch. Its average value is 0.6 mm and can vary in both directions by 0.2 mm. Higher values ​​of this parameter will result in a greater tendency to kickback, too much grip and vibration of the chainsaw. And its low values ​​will lead to a loss in performance..

With each subsequent sharpening of the chainsaw, due to a decrease in the upper edge of the tooth, the height of the cut chips decreases, therefore, every 5-10 sharpenings, the depth gauge needs to be sawed.

Main corners of chain links:

  • The depth to which the top blade cuts into the wood is controlled by its clearance angle. It is formed from the back of the tooth falling back at an angle.
  • The back angle of the end blade is formed from a backward tapering tooth blade. Its purpose is lateral cutting of shavings..
  • The rake angle is formed from the edge of the end blade relative to the sliding surface of the cutting link. For different chains, this angle can vary from 60 to 85 degrees..
  • The clearance angle determines the amount of backward tilt of the upper blade and is measured from the sliding surface of the cutting link. And different circuits can have values ​​from 50 to 60 degrees. The main blade of any chain link is the top and the rear corner of the top blade is the most important angle. This angle is quite difficult to measure, but if other prescribed values ​​are observed, it is formed correctly..
  • The sharpening angle or entering angle is the angle from the perpendicular to the guide bar to the upper cutting edge. It can be changed depending on the type of wood you are going to cut. A larger sharpening angle increases the cutting performance of soft non-frozen wood, while a smaller value allows you to cut hard and frozen wood more smoothly and with less vibration. However, sharpening angles less than 25 degrees and more than 35 degrees are not recommended. As an exception, chains are produced for longitudinal sawing, the given angle of which is 10 degrees..

How the Pro’s sharpen a chainsaw

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain at home

At first glance, sharpening chainsaw chains with your own hands is a rather difficult and long task, but with special sharpening devices, this process will not be more difficult than sharpening other cutting tools. In this article, we will tell you about how to sharpen a chainsaw chain..

Principle of operation and bluntness of chain links

The chain link tooth has a rather complex geometry. The top and side cutting edges are inclined relative to each other at a certain angle, which makes the sharpening operation difficult. Planing wood with a chain tooth is similar to the work of a planer, and the thickness of the cut layer is controlled by the thickness of the stopper.

With intensive work, the saw teeth quickly become dull. The need for sharpening may arise several times during the day. This problem is especially aggravated by the contact of the chain with the ground. It is enough to hook the ground with the tire once for a couple of seconds, and you need to stop work due to the fact that the saw stops going deep into the wood itself, and the chips become rather small.

The more often you sharpen dull teeth, the less material you have to remove when sharpening the chainsaw chain, and it will last longer. Determining when it’s time for sharpening is easy enough. The easiest way to do this is by listening to your sensations when cutting: a properly sharpened and sharp chain will be drawn into the notch even with a small pressure, and if you have to make an effort, then the teeth are dull. You can also understand that the chain can be sharpened by the size of the chips flying out of the cut. Long thick chips can only be with a sharp chain, and small ones indicate that it is urgently time to sharpen the chain.

Chainsaw operation with a dull or defective chain is highly discouraged. This can result in fatigue in the arms and body and poor cutting results. It also entails a strong decrease in productivity, increased wear of all parts of the chainsaw and higher fuel consumption..

Chain sharpening machines

If the chain has plowed the gravel or sandy soil quite hard, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to sharpen it with a file with a high quality. Also, sharpening with a file will not help with severe wear of the chain, because it has lost its shape. In such cases, it makes sense to use special machines. Such machines are divided into electric and manual..

An electric machine is the best way to sharpen chains. It is versatile and has many settings and benefits such as:

  • setting the chain at the desired angle;
  • drive of the disc exactly to the sharpened edge;
  • automatic clamping of the vise when the disc is lowered onto the chain.

However, its only drawback is the high price. Its purchase is advisable only for workshops and enterprises engaged in the extraction of wood.

Hand-held machines also give good sharpening results, and the price of some of them can be commensurate with the devices described above. We will describe the principle of their operation using the example of two models of hand-held machine tools manufactured by Stihl.

The design of these devices resembles a bow saw, which has a file instead of a blade. The model called “FG 1” mounts directly to the tire of the chainsaw, while the “FG 2” is stationary. These machines are good because you can not only sharpen the chain, but also fit them to the size of the smallest tooth. Although the setting mechanism is quite heavy, it allows you to sharpen the chain with any tooth parameters and save this setting for subsequent teeth and chains. This allows the teeth to be perfectly identical to each other..

Chainsaw chain sharpening rules

Since the inner contour of the tooth is quite close in shape to a circle, and the chain is made of a fairly soft metal, sharpening is done with a round file with a small diameter. To sharpen the chainsaw correctly, you need to accurately position the file relative to the tooth. The upper edge of the file should protrude about 1/5 of its diameter relative to the upper edge of the tooth. Before sharpening, find out the parameters of your chain, since the file diameter is selected depending on the chain pitch. Usually it is 4-5.5 mm.

General conclusions

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain at home


The saw chain is a metal base with series-connected links that have teeth characterized by cutting properties. You can improve them if you sharpen the chainsaw chain at home, but you must follow the rules and use a tool specially designed for this. The latter can be homemade or factory made. How to sharpen a chainsaw chain at home, learn from this article.

Why does the tool become blunt?

It is possible to understand that the chainsaw is dull not only by reducing the cutting speed, but also by the appearance of vibration, which is transmitted to the hands of a person. High work intensity can contribute to the rapid blunting of the chain. Read more: How to make a tandoor with your own hands.

Very often, in the process of harvesting a large amount of firewood in the forest, the sharpening of the tool is performed several times a day. the reason for this is a large amount of processed material and other related factors: knots in the wood, touching the ground with the chainsaw and other hard elements.

Working with a dull chainsaw can provoke serious problems, which are associated not only with a decrease in efficiency, but also with an increase in fuel consumption and, even worse, destruction of the tire and other parts of the tool due to vibration..

Such problems can lead to serious repairs or to the need to purchase a new tool, the cost of which is difficult to attribute to the budget. To avoid such troubles with a gasoline sawing mechanism, you need to carry out regular maintenance of the tool..

A dull saw chain will quickly manifest itself as a sharp decrease in the speed of the work being carried out, an increase in the load on the chainsaw, a high level of vibration, and, most importantly, small chips will begin to fly out of the cut of the tree. The problem is also indicated by the darkening of the chips, which 100% indicates that it is time to sharpen the tool..

How to sharpen a chain on a chainsaw with your own hands

A person who has a chainsaw in his household should know how to sharpen a chainsaw chain with his own hands. There are several ways: Sharpening with a file (the most common way of sharpening, as it allows you to sharpen the tool directly at the cutting site.)

Sharpen using a special machine (this method is used in service centers, but can also be used on a personal farm) Sharpen using an angle grinder. To sharpen in this way, certain skills are required.

Uncommon method, because it is quite difficult to sharpen with an angle grinder correctly. In this video, you can familiarize yourself with the sharpening process, the most popular methods and tools used for this..


For sharpening and straightening saw chains, two types of files are used. The first is a round file with a diameter corresponding to the diameter of the rounding of the working edge of the saw tooth.

For sharpening saw chains of household tools, round files with a diameter of 4, 4.8 mm are used, due to the fact that they have a small tooth. For professional models, more powerful chains with a larger tooth are used, and accordingly files with a diameter of 5.2, 5.5 mm are needed.

In order to sharpen correctly, it is not enough to sharpen only the cutting edges of the tooth, you also need to adjust the cutting depth limiter.

If this is not done, the chain will not cut into the material being cut to the required depth, which will noticeably reduce the speed of work and, just like in a situation with a blunt chain, can lead to overheating of the saw motor due to insufficient load on the motor. This work is done with a flat file.

Description of the sharpening process with files

The first thing to start with straightening the saw chain on the saw is placing the tool on a flat surface or table. In a forest, a large diameter chock is well suited for this..

Next, you need to inspect the saw chain for any defects, it can be cracks, completely broken off teeth. After inspection, you need to set the brake in working condition, thereby blocking its movement on the tire.

The chain must be taut when sharpening with a file. It is advisable to put a stand under the tire, as it you can use a log, a piece of a branch of a suitable diameter, or the manufacturers of sharpening tools have special clamps to hold the bar in the process of sharpening the chain.

The chain is sharpened by moving the file from the inside of the tooth outward. In this case, the file should be located parallel to the special mark on the chain. This mark is applied by the chain manufacturer to indicate the standard sharpening angle..

The sharpened tooth should be located approximately in the middle of the tire, this is necessary for the convenience of work, during the sharpening process, you need to move the chain along the tire, not forgetting to set the brake to the working position each time.

Work on sharpening the chain on a chainsaw must be carried out using gloves made of coarse material, otherwise it is quite easy to injure yourself, because the working surface of the teeth is very sharp.

Ideally, manufacturers advise to make the same number of file movements for each tooth, but in practice this is not always possible. teeth have different degrees of damage to the working edge.

To facilitate sharpening the saw chain with a file, special holders can be used, with corner markings applied to them. The markings are made not only for the standard cross-cut, but also for the longitudinal one. Holders are also handy if you don’t have sufficient sharpening experience..

Experienced craftsmen do not use holders for sharpening, but can only use special devices that support the file. Another device designed for sharpening is a manual saw chain straightener..

It uses a regular file as a sharpening tool, which can be replaced independently. The machine is mounted directly on the tire, it also has the ability to adjust the angle of sharpening of the tooth and a special stop that holds the sharpened tooth.

Manual sharpening machine, perfect for beginners. Along with electric models of sharpening machines, manual has its undeniable plus in the form of a low price.

Depending on the manufacturer of the hand-held machine, their appearance may differ, but the principle of operation is the same for all. The depth of cut is adjusted with a flat file, so that there is a difference between the upper cutting edge of the tooth and the height stop.

As you can see from the figure, the depth gauge is grinded in such a way as to bring the gap indicator to the factory value. Below is a table that shows the main values ​​of the angles, as well as clearances for the most common types of chains..

As a rule, the size of the gap is corrected using a special die. It is installed on the chain during sharpening, after which the depth gauge is grinded.

Negative consequences of working with a faulty headset

The need to sharpen the cutting edges of the saw chain becomes apparent when there are major signs of ineffective tool performance..

These are: increased vibration and difficult entry of the headset into each new cut; a significant decrease in the productivity of sawing work; the smell of overheated wood; fine structure of sawdust.

Even with effective operation of the emergency brake and chain breaker, using a saw with a dull chain carries the risk of injury. Increased loads on the engine and the chain saw kinematics negatively affect the tool life in general..

Electric grinding machines

For straightening a large number of chains, as a rule, in service centers or in manufacturing plants, electric sharpening machines are used. Depending on the manufacturer, the design of the machines may vary, but they have the same principle of operation..

The saw chain is installed in a special guide, which is mounted on the basis of the turntable and has a special retainer to hold the sharpened tooth. The latch is able to move horizontally.

An electric emery is installed at an adjustable angle to the sharpened tooth, which is turned on by the operator by pressing the start button. The immersion depth of the emery, as well as the angle at which the sharpening is performed, can be adjusted. The dive itself is performed by the operator. The chain is straightened with a special sharpening wheel, which can be changed if necessary.

Sharpening a chain – how to sharpen a chainsaw chain with your own hands

Everyone knows that the saw chain, which is used in chainsaws, needs to be sharpened periodically, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly. It is very easy to determine that the saw needs sharpening of the chain, for this you need to inspect the sawdust, and if they consist of fine dust, then the tool needs to be sharpened.

If sharpening is impossible, it is worth replacing it with a new one. An experienced electrician has leaked into the network the secret of how to pay for electricity in half, a legal way. Using a chain that is not sharpened can lead to overheating of the engine and the formation of scoring on the cylinder. We will analyze the main ways with which you can, without problems, sharpen the chain on a chainsaw.

Sharpening with a special set

Typically, such a set consists of two files, a round and a flat file, a holder, hooks for easy cleaning of the teeth, a template, gauges and several handles that can be put on files.

The holder contributes to the successful fixing of the position of the file in the working process in relation to the chain, controlling the protrusion in the chainsaw above the edge of the tooth and responding to all possible tilt angles.

The gauge allows you to adjust the exact depth of the tooth edge. It is a metal plate on which there is a limiter, which is required specifically before sharpening.

The template performs useful functions of both the gauge and the holder, as it is responsible for sharpening the cutting teeth and the stop.

When working with a sharpening kit, you must adhere to a certain sequence of actions:

  • Install a tight clip for the chain, which will slow down its sliding.
  • Secure the template as much as possible. It is important that the arrows embossed on the template point exactly to the nose of the tire..
  • Make a mark on the first tooth, from which sharpening will begin, so as not to get confused.
  • Carry out work with sharpeners from yourself.
  • Change a round file to a flat file and take a control tooth.

If the teeth of the chain are not dull, then you can get by with a sharpening kit. For more serious work with the tool, you will have to use the machine.

Chainsaw chain sharpening

It is better to entrust such a difficult matter as sharpening the cutters of such a device to a specialist who at least has an idea of ​​the tools with which to work in the process. It is not difficult to determine the time when to take emergency sharpening measures. As a rule, the chainsaw itself manifests itself from the bad side and this happens at the moment:

  • reducing the speed of rotation of the saw;
  • when the instrument starts twitching in different directions;
  • characteristic changes in the quality of the shavings, it seems to turn not into sawdust, but into needles.

In addition, you can understand that it is time to sharpen the teeth of the tool by dust in the chips. It simply should not be noticeable during the workflow..

Every owner wants to try to do it on his own, relying on the good result of his work. Moreover, there are many ways and tools to help you do this. For this you will need:

  • files of various sizes and shapes;
  • Angle Grinder;
  • sharpening kit;
  • quality chain sharpening machines.

Sharpening of the tool can be carried out in time depending on the intensity of use of the chainsaw. Of course, if there is no special need to turn it on, then the teeth will remain sharp. Of course, it is more difficult for lumberjacks, because they practically do not part with this tool, and summer residents constantly grind down the chain during the pruning season..

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain yourself

In order to ensure the quality of work with the chainsaw and increase its service life, it is necessary to regularly sharpen the tool chain. It is important to do this in a timely manner, as you can violate safety rules when working with a chainsaw and injure yourself. The final result of the laborious process depends on how to sharpen the chain. According to experts, the sharpening of the teeth should be done as their sharpness deteriorates..

Using a sharpening machine

Such a machine may be needed when the situation is completely neglected and the files can no longer cope with their work. These devices are of two types: manual and electrical..
The principle of operation of the manual machine depends on the bow saw, which must be installed on top. With its help, the teeth of the tool will be sharpened. Thus, each link can be adjusted to the same size..

You should not change the settings of the machine during operation, so as not to knock down the entire mechanism. All links must work with the same precision, thanks to the same type of movement of the machine. It is also worth remembering about the limiter, the work on which begins only at the end of the sharpening of the teeth. Change the round file to a flat file. On an electric machine, this process is also reduced to automation..

Find out how to sharpen a ceramic knife here.

It would seem to be a pleasure to work with an automatic machine. You do not need to set the settings yourself and monitor the chain clamping. True, there are some nuances here:

  • before installing the chain in the machine, you need to loosen the screw, and direct the teeth towards the grindstone;
  • the sharpening angle must be sharp;
  • in order not to be confused with the polarity, if the machine does not change it on its own, you must initially sharpen the even teeth, and then the odd ones, counting from the control one;
  • the chain should be carefully placed so as not to sharpen very deeply, as this may affect the performance of the chainsaw in the future;
  • at the end of work, it is necessary to process the chain: clean it of dust and debris and leave it in engine oil for a couple of hours.

Using a hand-held machine, you also need to clean the chain from metal dust at the end of the work. Machine oil has always been lubricated with such parts for better gliding of the tool on wood..

File sharpening

When working with round and flat files, be aware of the distance between the teeth, which should be adhered to. It is unlikely that everything will work out the first time with an inexperienced specialist. This is a very laborious process that requires close attention..

First you need to sharpen the cutting teeth, to which it is better to attach a template. Without applying excessive force, you need to carry out equivalent clicks at an angle with smooth movements, gradually approaching the saw bar. The angle of inclination can be very different, depending on the pitch of the chain.

After the sharpening of the teeth has been finished, you should start grinding the stop tooth. In this case, it is also better to use a template so as not to accidentally protrude beyond the mark. When working with the limiter, a flat file is useful.

Helpful Tips for Maintaining the Chain

Only with proper maintenance of the tool, you can not worry about its service life. You can take the saw to the workshop in a timely manner as a preventive measure, or you can just talk with specialists in order to understand how to sharpen its chain yourself.
Here are some helpful tips for caring for this tool:

  • it is necessary to control the sharpness of the chain so that the teeth do not grind off completely;
  • periodically, for example, before starting work, you need to lubricate the drive sprocket with machine oil;
  • the tire should be rearranged from time to time so that it does not wear off on one side;
  • it is necessary to regularly check the condition of the fuel, as well as the air filter, which are in the engine, in the tool for water and dirt;
  • before starting to work with the tool, you need to check the tightening of the nuts and screws so as not to injure.

Not many people use a chainsaw regularly. It is usually only needed during the pruning season. It also happens that the tool is gathering dust for a long time, no one uses it. To protect it from breakdown, you need to pour the fuel mixture into the engine, start it so that it can stand for a while. It is better to inspect the tool in a timely manner than to pay for the repair of the carburetor and engine later..

How to Sharpen a Chainsaw by hand with a file

The video will clearly demonstrate the process of sharpening the tool chain.

Using an angle grinder

As a rule, it will be difficult for an inexperienced person to handle an angle grinder in such a matter. So there is a risk of ruining the instrument. This is a very difficult method, and it is better to refuse it by a person who does not know how to handle this equipment..

How to get rid of a toothache, read the article.

It is necessary to take a disc for metal with a thickness of 2.5 mm and put it on an angle grinder. There is absolutely no need to remove the chain from the chainsaw. The sharpening angle is chosen exclusively by eye. Experts recommend only installing a wooden wedge between the chain and the underside of the bar..

The positive aspects of this method are that you have to spend a little time, and the service life of the equipment can be extended even at home..

The disadvantages when working with an angle grinder include the need to adhere to safety measures. It is imperative to have a protective face mask and gloves for hands.

Possible ways and methods of sharpening the chain

How to understand that the chain is dull

  • Increased physical effort;
  • Sagging (stretching) of the chain;
  • Vibration and “braking” cutting passage;
  • Inaccurate sawing and change in the type of sawdust (they become uneven with sharp “needle” edges, small and dusty). This is already the answer to the test.

“In the opinion of the experts, and in my opinion too: well-sharpened teeth are more important than engine power.”

Why dull? The reasons are generally known, but I will name the main ones:

  • Intense or voluminous work;
  • Accidental contact with stone, earth, hard knots, etc.;
  • Mishandling (broad term).

Electric sharpening machines

They are equipped with special adjustment functions to help you position the chain at a certain angle. At the same time, it is possible to accurately and accurately bring the disc to the chain teeth. There are machines equipped with automatic vices. They are switched on when the disc approaches the edge to be sharpened. Convenience and functionality are of course high. You can find models at “lifting” prices..

Sharpening angle grinder

Professionals consider this work to be primitive. There is a risk of tire damage, and not only.

Process (seemingly easy, but really difficult)

  • The chain also stays on the bus;
  • We attach a metal cutting disc with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm to an angle grinder. It is advisable to take not a new one, that is, with a worn edge;
  • We put an obstacle in front of the chain and the tire (the chip will come off);
  • We carry out sharpening at the desired angle;
  • Upon completion of work, the chain must be properly tightened.

With a professional approach and a “full hand”, the number of sharpenings in this case can be more than 7.

“For a beginner, it is better not to“ experiment ”with a saw, a chain, etc. with your body parts! “

Advantages of the method: Fast, cheap and does not take up energy;

Disadvantages: Requires special skills, a steady hand and the ability to comply with safety techniques.

We sharpen the chainsaw chain with our own hands. All possible and available ways

“A lumberjack working with a blunt ax was advised: – Sharpen the ax.

He replied: – There is no time. It is necessary to cut down the forest. “

Greetings to all readers!

Today I decided to tell you about the tool, without which, as it seems to me, today it is simply impossible. A good tool should work well, and this largely depends on its owner..

Cleaning the autumn garden, preparing firewood for winter, building a bathhouse, repairing a wooden fence will require not only time and desire, but also the readiness of the “cutting” tool. If it is a chainsaw, then it must be properly sharpened..

Of course, there are paid specialists, and you, for example, have extra money … But we know that such a procedure is performed periodically and therefore a natural question arises: how to sharpen a chainsaw chain at home? I’ll tell you about that. Go!

In this article, you will learn:

Hand-operated machines

The design of such a machine is similar to a bow saw. Only where the saw blade is located is the round file. With such a machine, you can sharpen and straighten the teeth, adjusting the proportionality of the upper edges to the smallest (control) size. The mechanism allows you to accurately set the parameters. After adjusting the “control” tooth, sharpening is carried out in two or three movements. And then the transition – to the next tooth.

When it is necessary to grind off the stopper, we change the round file to a flat file.

Advantages of the method: Allows you to sharpen teeth, including those that have lost their original shape, in a high-quality, convenient and without large physical costs.

Disadvantages: The price of the tool and the distance from the possible site of the saw operation.

“After finishing the“ sharpening procedures ”, blow out the chain with compressed air (from a compressor or pump) and put it briefly in clean engine oil. Of course, almost no one does such events, but for the chain, they will only benefit. “

What to choose for sharpening is up to you. This is due to how often you use your chainsaw. From the accuracy of handling it. From the quality of the purchased chain. And, of course, from the opportunity to spend a certain amount. It is impossible to compare methods, because as the German proverb says – “apples should be compared with apples”.

First about the horror stories

If you cut with a blunt chainsaw, you will get three negative factors:

  • Reduce the efficiency of your process. For example, instead of two cubes, file one (in the same time);
  • Expose the mechanism to intense wear, with the risk of destroying the drive sprocket and tire;
  • Get increased fuel consumption;

There is also a fourth, perhaps not so significant factor – “torn” cut of the saw cut.

And of course, you will get tired more, you will (perhaps) be angry with yourself, like “why should I be a fool, do not sharpen in advance, now suffer …”

Here is a test question for you (photo on the right). Guess what kind of shavings “came out” from under the sharp and dull chain? (the answer will be below).

Chainsaw teeth

Chainsaw teeth have a specific geometry. You need to understand and know what part of them should be sharpened. In general, the “logic” of cutting wood resembles a plane.

The cutting surface has two edges. One is lateral, the other is slightly beveled. The cutting depth limiter adjusts the thickness of the chips. Let’s take a closer look. The elements of the cutting-working link are arranged as follows:

  • Base with axle holes;
  • Tooth scapula;
  • Cutting depth limiter;
  • End face of the blade (placement – vertical);
  • Upper edge of the blade (placement – horizontal);

Sharpened edge Dull After touching the ground

After sharpening, the height of the stop and the angle of the sharpened working edges should not differ greatly from the parameters specified by the manufacturer. This is an important condition and it needs an “eye and eye” behind it. Otherwise, the saw will not work as expected..

Do not over-grind or change the location of the links. The normal operation of the instrument depends on the identity of their location. Otherwise, increased stress on the chassis, tire and engine is likely. The cut can be crooked. There is also a small chance of breaking the circuit..