How to work with a manual jigsaw

work, manual, jigsaw

What material is better to work with

For cutting thin patterns, it is better to use thin, sanded plywood, 3-5 mm thick. Sawing such material is much easier, even for those who do not know how to use a hand jigsaw for wood, and the chance of ruining the product is significantly lower.

Another interesting material suitable for cutting with a hand jigsaw is sheet polystyrene (not to be confused with expanded polystyrene). In fact, it is a durable plastic that can be of all colors and sizes. In order not to complicate manual sawing, it is better to work with sheets up to 5 mm thick. The beauty of polystyrene handicrafts is accompanied by the high price of the material (from 700 rubles per sq / m) and limited availability. If you are confident in your cutting skills, and are ready to create an original glossy craft, you can start your search from the local construction markets.

Sawing with a hand jigsaw (step by step instructions)

Any creative work, in any industry, requires certain knowledge and skills. If an author wants to create something truly valuable, his technique must be honed to the appropriate level. Such activities can be safely attributed to the work of a hand jigsaw. In skilled hands, this device, seemingly simple at first glance, can create real works of art. Fortunately, it takes quite a bit of time to master curly sawing. All you need is a desire, and we will be happy to provide a detailed guide to action.

How to apply a drawing to a workpiece

Stick the patterned paper onto double-sided tape or glue. In the second case, after cutting, the glued paper will have to be removed with sandpaper. Double-sided tape, you can gently peel off.

How to use a Jigsaw. Basics

How to assemble a hand jigsaw

When the material is selected, and the cut-out contour is applied, you can start assembling the working tool. First of all, we tighten the file in the lower mount (near the handle), after which we thread the free end into the opposite groove and, slightly squeezing the frame, fix it in it. Be sure to remember that the saw blade teeth should always look at the tool handle.

When squeezing, do not put strong pressure on the frame trying to bend the metal arc. It is enough for the mounts to come close to each other by about 1 cm. You can squeeze the metal frame in your hand, or by resting the instrument with the handle on your chest. For devices with tubular arches, there are special devices with grooves. If you can’t tighten the lambs with your bare hand hard enough, use pliers.

If the saw blade is installed correctly, it does not wobble, and during operation, a high-pitched sound of teeth biting into the material is heard. How to properly assemble a jigsaw is best understood from the very beginning, since thin files tend to burst. The easier it is for you to assemble the device, the more pleasant it will be to work.

How to cut correctly

During shape sawing, you will often come across the same types of shapes. Despite the fact that the technology of cutting with a hand jigsaw is quite simple, it will be useful to know a few nuances:

How to work with a jigsaw correctly?

This tool is available in the household of every household craftsman, it is necessary for both professionals and those people for whom such work is a hobby, a hobby. In addition, when figuring out how to work with a jigsaw, you should decide which tool you prefer. You can use an electric tool or work with a hand tool. Of course, manual and electric models have significant differences.

Thanks to a hand jigsaw, the cut patterns are smooth and neat.

The task of the electric tool is to facilitate all the actions performed by a conventional handheld device.

Today, hand jigsaws are used as often as power tools. They are necessary when you need to cut a small pattern. If you have not previously used this equipment in your work, then it should be noted that this is a very handy tool. If we are talking about an electric jigsaw, then it is quite capable of replacing an electric saw and speeding up your work tenfold. The first thing you need in your work is electrical engineering itself, including it in the power supply.

Although all electrical equipment designed to facilitate work looks reliable, including the jigsaw, you should still remember a number of operating rules. It is important not to press hard on him, the tool itself does an excellent job. If pressure is applied to an electrical element, the holding bracket may buckle and may be expensive to repair, keep this in mind.

Features of work

Electric jigsaw device diagram.

Having started working with a hand tool, you should pay attention to the material with which you are in contact, that is, you are sawing or cutting. As for the electric sample, it is endowed with a high-speed mode, it also needs to be mastered. If there is a need to saw through thick objects, then stop at high-speed slow mode and observe the progress of the cut. When the surface to be cut is thin, you can select a faster mode. For example, if you cut a laminate with an electric file, then the 4th mode (the last) will be optimal. Usually jigsaws are sold with the first mode installed on them initially.

If you have to cut a wooden surface, inspect for the presence of nails, as they will significantly damage the tool. But what to do if the file suddenly gets jammed during work? In this case, do not press down on the button, and manually remove the saw from the place where it was caught.

How to work with a hand jigsaw?

Clamps must be used to secure the part during operation.

Although the purpose of the tools is the same, the principles of their operation differ. In particular, craftsmen working with a manual jigsaw must be distinguished by special patience, perseverance and have a “full” hand. To master the work with a hand tool, you need to be persistent and not rush into action. Experts say that working with a hand jigsaw is not difficult. What is required of you? Draw the desired figure, make a hole, stretch the canvas from the jigsaw and cut along the indicated pattern.

Your task is to keep your hand straight, not to stray from the marked course. Of course, such work is painstaking, and that is why not everyone copes with it. Meanwhile, working with a simple jigsaw requires increased attention and precise measured movements from a person. In addition, almost everyone who owns it is an artist to some extent.

When working with a manual jigsaw, it is better to fix the part with clamps. Although you can easily hold the tool with one hand, it is best to free it. The fact is that if the second hand holds the part and is in a certain tension, it is more difficult to achieve maximum accuracy when guiding the jigsaw along the drawing. Experience proves that with a fixed part, the result of the work is better.

If, when buying a tool, you decided to save money and chose a cheaper sample, then immediately purchase files for it. Usually the ones that come with cheap tools are only suitable for black cuts. Their teeth are blunt and large, which makes the cut rough. Wear protective goggles when starting to work with a jigsaw. The sawdust can get into the eye if you lean closer to see the cut. Having mastered the work with this tool, you will soon be able to create real masterpieces with your own hands.!

Radial clamp

This is one of the types of quick release fasteners. This is often equipped with jigsaws of the German company Stayer. How to insert a file into a jigsaw with a clamping mechanism of this configuration? It’s simple. Scroll to the side of the clamp head, insert the file with the shank into the slot of the clamp until it stops, release the head. Whoever does not understand anything or is too lazy to read, you can watch the following video.

So, as can be seen from the above, there is nothing difficult either in choosing consumables or in replacing files. By and large. press the key, the old file jumps out, insert a new one into the slot in its place, release the key. All is ready. You can work.

Working with metal

Sawing of metal parts is carried out using files with fine teeth. The stroke frequency is chosen low, the pendulum stroke is not used at all. In the process of work, the metal vibrates, so it is pressed with clamps to the plywood or clamped inside two sheets of plywood, forming a “sandwich”.

To reduce friction and prevent overheating of the material, literally a drop of oil is applied in the direction of the jigsaw saw. This will improve the speed and quality of the cut, as well as facilitate the work process.

Bolt-on clamp (shoe)

This is less and less common today. The saw shank is inserted into the slot of the clamp and the bolts are tightened. In the process, the saw is adjusted, otherwise some misalignment may occur, and the cut will be far from ideal. The advantage of such clamps is that any types of files with any shank configuration are suitable for such jigsaws.

Sometimes there are fasteners with only one bolt. For example, some models of the German company Protool are equipped with such mounts. How to insert a file into a German jigsaw, and then how to adjust it? Everything is done simply. The saw shank is inserted into the slot in the clamp and the bolt is screwed in. No special settings are needed here.

How to use a jigsaw. My tools

Additional tips for choosing saws

The quality of the saw blades should be even better than the quality of the jigsaw itself, because it is the blunt teeth that easily bend in different directions that can ruin the work of even the most experienced craftsman.

work, manual, jigsaw

In addition, it makes sense to choose different saws for different types of sawing:

  • For straight cuts, wide blades are suitable, which are more stable and, accordingly, provide an even line in the end.
  • The more important the cleanliness of the cut itself, the thinner the teeth on the blade are selected.
  • If it is necessary to achieve a perfectly clean mowing line of the cut, absolutely without a single chip, choose a blade that has a reverse tooth stroke.
  • When you need a quick and rough cut, large saws are used with wide-set cutters.

Setting up a jigsaw for work. a master class for beginners and professionals

Setting up a jigsaw for work

For a jeweler, as for many other needleworkers, a jigsaw is an important tool. When I just started to study, one of the difficult questions was the question. with what force it is necessary to pull the saw blade so that on the one hand it saws well, and on the other, it does not break with careless movement. And asking that question, I got advice: “It comes with experience. “,” It is necessary to try the tension of the file with your fingers. ” etc. However, my jewelry fencing teacher helped me to resolve these issues once and for all. I hope his advice (in combination with my research in this area) will help you too.

The first thing to do is to mercilessly ruin the jigsaw. When buying a jewelry jigsaw, it looks something like this:

The red line marks the part designated for amputation.

Why? Correct work with a jigsaw assumes that it must be held exactly along the axis of the hand and as close to the crossbar as possible. (My teacher also changes the jigsaw handle for a piece of the mop handle, claiming that it is easier to hold the tool in your hand correctly. I don’t know, I don’t know. I haven’t reached such perfection yet.) Therefore, we saw off part of the frame so that when clamping the file it protruded from the clamping screw by about half a centimeter.

Modification of the tensioning screw. It’s very simple. we do it on one of its blades. at risk, or, like mine, we remove part of the metal. This is necessary in order to count the number of revolutions at which we pull the file.

The jigsaw is ready to go.

The desired file tension depends on the thickness of the file. I proceed as follows:

  • I unscrew the upper tension screw of the jigsaw by the required number of revolutions. For example, for a thin file / 0, this would be 2.5 turns of the screw. This is where the risk applied to the propeller blade will help you. you can clearly see how many times you have turned the propeller on your weapon. (For thicker files. the tension should be greater, respectively, I will unscrew the screw by a higher number of turns, for example. for the thickest file (as in the photo). by 3.5 turns. (The numbers above are not the only possible ones. the tension should be more or less depending on the stiffness of your jigsaw and the length of the file. I recommend making a few tests and understanding what tension is comfortable to work at. The main thing that gives the number of revolutions. you know exactly how much you pulled the file. And if it breaks too easily, you can try to loosen it by half a turn. Or tighten it if it cuts poorly. Another benefit is you can use the fragments of the files, respectively loosening the tension. For example, for files / 0, with their length 2/3 from the original, I set the preload to 1.5 turns of the screw. That’s enough.)
  • I clamp the file with the upper clamp. This is convenient if the file needs to be drawn into the hole of the part.
  • I clamp the file with the lower clamping screw. At the same time, I try to keep the file straight (when the part is put on it).
  • I tighten the upper tension screw until it stops. It is important! It is always necessary to do this, because in this case the file will not “walk” from side to side and you have complete control over it.
  • Done. You can cut it out! For example, make such a decoration:

I will be glad to answer your questions.

Master classes on preparing the basis for sawing (finagel) and on techniques for working with a jigsaw will be separately.

Change of brushes

A pair of detachable brushes should always be included with the jigsaw and stored in the back of the engine. To get them, it is enough to open the body of the tool. Brush replacement process:

  • The worn out old brushes are getting.
  • Contact areas are purged and wiped from dust and other contaminants.
  • The same parts are wiped with alcohol.
  • New parts are installed.

After that, you can safely start work.

The difference in files

Looking at the window, you can see that some files have large teeth, others have smaller ones. This is what suggests that each file has its own material. It can be understood that a file with large teeth is more suitable for soft wood, while cutting metal blanks will only be able to be done with a file with small teeth.

Saws differ in the materials from which they are made and in length. A more detailed classification of them will be given below.

What material is better to work with

For cutting thin patterns, it is better to use thin, sanded plywood, 3-5 mm thick. Sawing such material is much easier, even for those who do not know how to use a hand jigsaw for wood, and the chance of ruining the product is significantly lower.

Another interesting material suitable for cutting with a hand jigsaw is sheet polystyrene (not to be confused with expanded polystyrene). In fact, it is a durable plastic that can be of all colors and sizes. In order not to complicate manual sawing, it is better to work with sheets up to 5 mm thick. The beauty of polystyrene handicrafts is accompanied by the high price of the material (from 700 rubles per sq / m) and limited availability. If you are confident in your cutting skills, and are ready to create an original glossy craft, you can start your search from the local construction markets.

Manual jigsaw for beginners

Features of working with a jigsaw

The jigsaw for cutting on plywood looks like a very simple tool and almost every beginner can make an even cut with it. However, if we talk about beautiful curly patterns, then here it is necessary not only to have certain skills, but also to choose the right files.

Sawing patterns with a jigsaw

Like a regular hand jigsaw, this power tool allows you to cut various curly patterns on the material. Most often, sketches are taken by craftsmen from magazines. (see also the article Do-it-yourself plywood rocking chair: drawings to help)

You can use patterns from magazines for embroidery, knitting or paper cutting.

In order to transfer the drawing to plywood, you need to do the following:

  • We transfer the pattern to thick paper.
  • Using a sharp clerical knife or scalpel, cut out the stencil.
  • We apply the stencil to the surface of the material, tracing it with a simple pencil.
  • Now you can start cutting the pattern.

Drawing a picture on a material through a stencil.

Unlike the implementation of a straight cut, sawing out of plywood with a jigsaw has its own characteristics.

This instruction will help you understand all the intricacies of the work:

  • Use a narrow blade file for curved plunge cuts.
  • To cut a circle in plywood, you need to use a special nozzle. a circular cutter. The circular cutter is fixed in the center of the circle, after which you can start working.

Circular cutter.

  • If you need to select grooves in a piece of wood, you can use a rasp instead of a file. It is also used to clean uneven cuts.
  • In order to make a perfectly accurate and straight cut, use the rip fence. It must be attached to the jigsaw with screws.
    The “ski” can be equipped with a special guide ruler, due to which the cut is parallel to the straight edge. Before starting work, you must make sure that the ruler is firmly attached and aligned with the blade. Otherwise, the movement of the file will be incorrect, and it may break, or “burn” the material being processed.

Using the rip fence.

  • If you need to make a straight long cut, you can use an auxiliary guide. In this case, the jigsaw will move along the firmly fixed bar.
  • With this tool, you can make cuts at an incline of up to 45 degrees. The tilt angle is set according to the scale.

Performing an inclined cut.

  • Sawing a hole. Very often, when carving ornaments, the craftsman needs to make a hole in the plywood.
    There are two options for this:
  • The first option is the simplest. You need to drill a hole with a drill, after which you insert a file into it and continue to cut the required pattern.
  • The second option involves the use of plunge or plunger cutting technology. Do not drill the starting hole. To do this, put the tool on the leading edge of the “ski”, without touching the workpiece with the canvas.

Next, turn on the engine and gradually lower the fork, smoothly introducing the saw into the material, until the saw takes a vertical position, and the “ski” does not come into contact with the workpiece.

Plunge sawing should always start in the waste end of the material.
The saw should enter the plywood not too close to the cutting line to avoid spoiling the material.

  • In the event that you need to cut a board of great thickness and the length of the file is not enough for this, you must use a file with a pointed end. First, we saw the workpiece for it on one side, then we turn it and saw it on the other.
  • To cut a curly piece, you can clip the tool to the bottom of the desktop. If the workpiece is fed evenly and smoothly, you will be able to get a cut with clean, even edges.

In the photo. a tool fixed to the bottom of the desktop.

10 secrets to working with an electric carving tool

So that you do not have any problems when working with the jigsaw, read the basic secrets.

Secret 1. When working with a tool that works from the mains, you do not need to press hard on the material. This can lead to deformation of the blade.

Secret 2. If you are working with very tight wood or with harder materials such as metal or glass, be sure to coat the workpiece in the places where it is supposed to be cut with machine oil or at least water before work. This will make cutting easier and prevent the mechanism from deteriorating quickly.

Secret 3. Always fasten the workpiece as tightly as possible in a vice so that when you work you can hold the jigsaw with both hands. So the part will not rotate, and the cut will turn out much smoother.

Secret 4. When working with an electric tool, it is very important to have a constant cutting speed and pressure. If you build up all this at least a little, as when working with a handheld device, you risk damaging the mechanism and cutting the canvas crookedly.

Secret 5. Always try to lay the workpiece face down. This will help you to make the cutting area smoother and more even.

Secret 6. It is advisable to put a sheet of non-slip plywood under the materials to be sawn. This not only protects the cutting surface, but also reduces the vibration of the workpiece during work.

Secret 7. Always mark the cuts with a pencil and a ruler before work. The process without preliminary marking can lead to significant distortions in the future. As a result. damage to the material.

Secret 8. Always try to cut not strictly along the intended mowing line, but 3 mm away from it. Surprisingly, the cut with this approach is almost perfectly straight.

Secret 9. If the material you are working with is slippery enough, turn on the pendulum mode. Then the file will not move from side to side.

Secret 10. It is recommended to make too long cuts with a wide file of a file. So they get much more accurate, and the file does not dull so quickly.

So, the above considered 10 basic secrets when working with a manual jigsaw and one that runs on electricity. With the right choice of the type of tool for a particular job and following these tips, working with such a tool will seem quite simple and pleasant to you, and the result will certainly delight you.

Any creative work, in any industry, requires certain knowledge and skills. If an author wants to create something truly valuable, his technique must be honed to the appropriate level. Such activities can be safely attributed to the work of a hand jigsaw. In skilled hands, this device, seemingly simple at first glance, can create real works of art. Fortunately, it takes quite a bit of time to master curly sawing. All you need is a desire, and we will be happy to provide a detailed guide to action.

Characteristics of the main types of tools for carving

As a rule, no woodwork these days can be imagined without a jigsaw. a special device with which you can cut the desired shape out of wood, as well as polish a wooden surface with high quality. That is why such tools are very popular.

Jigsaw cutting scheme.

There are two main varieties of such sawing tools. hand-held and electric. It is impossible to say unequivocally which option is better. Indeed, depending on the complexity and jewelry of the work, it is advisable to use a jigsaw of a certain type.

A handheld device is best suited for small parts that need to be shaped into complex shapes. It is with the help of a hand-held device that you can achieve a high level of cutting out the most complex patterns on plastic and wood, which cannot be done with a tool that works from the mains.

How to work with a jigsaw correctly? The ability to work with it is a very useful thing, especially when it comes to the functional sawing of large parts and wood blanks. Working with an electric appliance greatly saves time, which is spent, for example, sawing planks for house frames and windows.

How to assemble a hand jigsaw

When the material is selected, and the cut-out contour is applied, you can start assembling the working tool. First of all, we tighten the file in the lower mount (near the handle), after which we thread the free end into the opposite groove and, slightly squeezing the frame, fix it in it. Be sure to remember that the saw blade teeth should always look at the tool handle.

When squeezing, do not put strong pressure on the frame trying to bend the metal arc. It is enough for the mounts to come close to each other by about 1 cm. You can squeeze the metal frame in your hand, or by resting the instrument with the handle on your chest. For devices with tubular arches, there are special devices with grooves. If you can’t tighten the lambs with your bare hand hard enough, use pliers.

If the saw blade is installed correctly, it does not wobble, and during operation, a high-pitched sound of teeth biting into the material is heard. How to properly assemble a jigsaw is best understood from the very beginning, since thin files tend to burst. The easier it is for you to assemble the device, the more pleasant it will be to work.