How to cut a tablecloth evenly

How to cut the oilcloth evenly on the table

Most of the time it goes away with time. If it doesn’t go away, moisten the surface of the table a little bit with water and start laying the soft glass, smoothing it out and knocking the bubbles and water out from under it. Alternatively put something between the padded glass and the table, such as a textile tablecloth, plate liners, pictures, photos, etc.д.

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Not recommended for use in direct sunlight.

Soft glass can turn yellow. Window glass and curtains reduce sun exposure.

Soft glass withstands TEMPERATURE up to 75 degrees Celsius.

Not recommended for use near hot objects (in the vicinity of the stove, iron, hair dryer, curling iron).

Do not place hot objects (straight from the stove. pots, pans, lids, overheated dishes straight from the microwave) on the soft glass.

Cleaning with abrasives is not recommended. Scratches may appear on the soft glass.

It is not recommended to leave the contamination for a long time. Some stains may not come out 100% afterwards. First try to remove with a soapy solution, damp cloth. Remove the remains of glue, scotch tape with gasoline. Ink, felt-tip pens and various lacquer and paint products are the most frequent stains that can’t be removed.

© zaschitastola 2020-2022.IP Ivashkin Maxim AnatolievichINN 130301156356 OGRNIP 314132625300022Address: 420003, Moscow, Russia. Saransk, ul. Rabochaya, d. 72Tel: 7 (927) 640-23-97El.mail: zaschitastola@

© zaschitastola 2020-2022.IP Ivashkin Maxim AnatolievichINN 130301156356 OGRNIP 314132625300022Address: 420003, Moscow, Russia. Saransk, ul. Rabochaya st. 72Tel: 7 (927) 640-23-97El.Mail: zaschitastola@

Advantages of a linen tablecloth

Tablecloths look elegant and luxurious, they will complement and decorate the festive table, so this accessory is indispensable for the celebration. However, the fabric gets very dirty, after which it is quite difficult to wash the products.

To avoid problems many housewives put a transparent oilcloth tablecloth on top. It won’t hide the beauty and aesthetics of woven products and at the same time will protect the material from food or drink stains.

transparent oilcloth on the table

Transparent oilcloth, put directly on the table surface, will save furniture from scratches and other defects. In doing so, it will preserve the texture and design of furniture. Tablecloth refers to the weak-kneed materials. But this property works only if it lies on the table in a straightened form.

During long-term storage or transportation the folded oilcloth becomes wrinkled and untidy. Creases, kinks and creases form on the product, which spoil the appearance. But there are several methods that will make the accessory smooth again. Let’s take a look at how to smooth out a PVC and other lined tablecloths.

Four ways to smooth a tablecloth

Polyester is the most common and affordable material for a kitchen tablecloth. It is easy and fast to wash, does not shed, and is low in price, while not very wrinkly. Make all-polyester products and cotton-based polyester tablecloths.

Both should not be boiled and it is not recommended to iron even with the minimum heat of an iron or hair dryer. These materials under the influence of high temperatures melt, so it is better to apply methods of smoothing without the use of these devices. Use weights or heavy objects.

Polyvinyl chloride is the second most popular material due to its practicality and durability. In the case of creases and irregularities in the PVC tablecloths iron them gently with a minimum of heat using a light and smooth motion. Iron only through a damp cloth! A hair dryer is handy for fine materials.

Products made of polyester and PVC do not like washing and are considered disposable. The material should be periodically wiped with a damp sponge or cloth, and then wiped dry. Then the tablecloth will last a long time. But when it loses its attractive appearance it is better to replace it with a new one instead of doing the laundry.

In exceptional cases, you can wash the cloth, but only by hand and at a temperature no higher than 40 degrees Celsius. These tablecloths are ideal for garden furniture on the terrace, in the sauna or at the cottage.


It is a very practical and easy to use material, prevents slipping on the table and protects furniture from damage, while looking very aesthetically pleasing. There are models of oilcloths that mimic cloth. They do not need to be washed, they do not crease when crumpled for a short time, but if there are large creases, smoothing with a warm iron over a damp kitchen cloth will suffice.

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Note that vinyl is afraid of high temperatures, so before ironing, it is recommended to try it on an inconspicuous corner, so as not to spoil everything. You don’t have to squeeze hard and stay on one spot for a long time, but just go over it lightly if necessary several times.

Is it possible to steam smooth out a crumpled oilcloth?

Another way to get rid of aesthetic defects on a disposable tablecloth is a long exposure to steam.

  • Method one. The cover is held over a pan of hot water. But boiling water is not suitable, it is too bad for thin materials. The water should be around 50°C. From the exposure to steam, the clingboard will become damp. It is suspended vertically on clothespins, with medium gravity weights attached to the bottom edge.
  • The second method. After exposure to steam from a bowl of hot water the tablecloth is placed on a horizontal surface. Place flat, heavy objects on the fracture points. A stack of books, magazines, a heavy box will do. After 2-3 hours the creases will be smoothed.

The same methods can be carried out, replacing the pan with steam on the steamer. After steaming the tablecloth in a hanging position, leave it to dry or spread it out on a smooth table.

Care Features

The packaging must be removed very carefully. Do not use any sharp objects, especially scissors or knives.

In order to get the product is required:

Laying the material

On a stone, metal, or wooden surface, flexible glass is laid as follows:

  • Lay the film on the table.
  • Moving towards the edges from the center, press down. It helps to avoid air bubbles.
  • Wipe the table covered with liquid glass with a damp cloth.

On a tabletop made of glass, the film is laid as follows:

  • Clean any dirt from the surface.
  • Place a tablecloth on the table.
  • In areas where bubbles collect, spray with water from a spray gun. The tablecloth will quickly adhere to the tabletop amid the extra moisture.

How to level a vinyl tablecloth

Vinyl tablecloth looks stylish and successfully imitates fabric. It is hard to crumple when used, but the material is usually crumpled before first use. To smooth it out, use an iron and a cotton cloth dampened in water.

Vinyl does not tolerate a lot of heat, do not use the iron at maximum power and stay too long in one place. This can ruin the cloth.

After wetting the coating with warm water, get rid of kinks and crumples. Pour water into a spacious basin or tub and lower the tablecloth into it. The wet cloth is hung upright and left to dry.

How to straighten flexible glass?

When you soak soft glass in hot water, it becomes incredibly elastic, this is the way out. All you need is a good shower with hot water, after which it will lie on any surface and take its shape.

  • Work the hot air stream of a hair dryer on a creased or crumpled section of the tablecloth
  • Use a wetting of the tablecloth in hot water without bringing it to a boil
  • Remove the traces of bends with an iron, setting the heating mode to minimum.

What is a silicone tablecloth??

Silicone tablecloth. flexible glass is called by many different names. In 100% cases it is Chinese PVC film. Which has nothing to do with the tablecloth at all. It comes up with consonant names, unique, make certificates of voluntariness for 12000

With a stationery knife, take your time, carefully cut out, leaving the lines you drew outside. 5. The film is very elastic, easy to cut. You’ll have!

How to lay flexible glass on a table?

Laying soft glass on the surface is not difficult, just follow some simple tips: Place a piece of silicone tablecloth on the table. The material will straighten out and give one time shrinkage. it will decrease 1-2 cm per meter within a month, but this will not prevent you from using it right after the purchase.

To keep the tablecloth on the table you can simply press it with some heavy objects that are used to decorate the table. It can be a pair or group of wrought iron or crystal candlesticks, stones hidden in an opaque flower vase or a decorative fruit bowl.

A few ways to smooth out a linen tablecloth

Nowadays the range of tablecloths is much wider. Along with the textile samples, there are many of the cloth types. The appearance allows you to use them not only on the kitchen table. They are a decoration for the holiday table as well.

The options for smoothing the oilcloth

Modern technology allows the production of high quality synthetic oilcloths. There are common techniques for all fabrics:

  • Expose a fold or a wrinkled tablecloth to the hot air stream of a hair dryer. Always keep a distance of about 20-25 cm between the oilcloth and the hair dryer;
  • Use soaking the tablecloth in hot water without bringing it to a boil. To fix the soaked product on a clothesline with clothespins for drying. For a greater leveling effect on the opposite free side small weights may be attached. To avoid warping, suspend the cloth and weights at an equal distance;
  • You can remove the traces of bends with an iron, setting the heating mode to the minimum position. Steam the tablecloth through a damp piece of thick cloth or through several layers of gauze.

One particularly practical material used in the production of oilcloths is vinyl. Products have a beautiful appearance, they do not slip on the table surface. Imitation of different materials, allows replacing vinyl oilcloths as dressing table covers.

Important! Store a tablecloth of any kind, should be in the form of a small roll, which will avoid the appearance of creases, traces of bending. The product is ready to use at any moment.

Any of the methods of smoothing the folds is possible for vinyl, taking into account the temperature regime. Vinyl covers do not tolerate high temperatures. Light, non-pressure ironing smooths the surface of the oilcloth. If necessary the procedure can be repeated in the same way:

PVC oilcloth is practical, has a long life span. No need to be smoothed out when creased, as the folds can be straightened out after a short unrolling. However, when folded for a long time, the fabric can still retain its creases. They can easily be eliminated by ironing through a damp cloth with an iron at a minimum ironing temperature.

It is convenient to use a hair dryer for thin PVC tablecloths. Dirty PVC tablecloths can be washed in water at a maximum temperature of 40 C. Should only be washed by hand.

Acrylic tablecloths are cotton or linen based acrylic products. They retain their texture and are resistant to abrasion and easy to remove. Spilled liquids will stay on the surface, hot pots do not harm the product.

Important! Tablecloths made of Teflon, PVC and polyester should be washed in water no hotter than 40° C.

Tablecloths made of this material can be washed and ironed on the wrong side, keeping to the usual temperature regime.

Teflon-impregnated tablecloths are stain and food resistant. They can be easily removed from the surface of the tablecloth. If necessary, all available methods of removing traces can be used, but avoid intensive washing and wringing of the material. The method of leveling a wet tablecloth is not suitable here.

The most common polyester tablecloths in common use. They are washable, do not crumple, and are inexpensive. However it should be remembered that such tablecloths melt at high temperatures. PVC can only be washed with water up to 40℃ and only by hand.

The following methods of smoothing are suitable for all the types of these products with minor differences in all cases, the temperature treatment gives a quick effect of straightening the folds. Moist napkin and moderate temperature will allow the use of oilcloth for the holiday table.

Methods of care

In order for the tablecloth to serve a long time it should be properly cared for. The following tips will help in this case:

  • Always rinse the PVC oilcloth, otherwise the stains might stay there permanently, and it will be hard to remove them later on;
  • If you use a tablecloth made of cotton material, you should treat it very carefully. It is undesirable to spill wine or get fat on it. It is better to use this covering for holidays;
  • it is not necessary to cut food on the surface with a knife. It is better to do this on a special cutting board;
  • It is not recommended to put hot dishes on the oilcloth, sometimes it leads to cracks, deformations, damages;
  • Wash the oilcloth with warm water and a little soap. After washing it, it is better to wipe it with a dry towel.

Oilcloth for the kitchen table is an important attribute that protects the countertop surface from negative factors.

This product allows to preserve the furniture for a long time, and also gives it a beautiful appearance. The main thing is to choose the right coating of oilcloth, so it will last a long time and fit perfectly into the overall interior of the room.

The construction portal

In addition to the fact that vinyl wallpaper is beautiful and practical, it is considered ideal for new construction. Their fleeceelin basis is elastic, so the wallpaper does not come off the wall because of their natural shrinkage. For gluing such wallpaper, use a special glue. How to glue vinyl wallpaper properly?

For work, in addition to the wallpaper itself, you will need

  • brush for priming the walls;
  • A roller or brush to apply glue to the wallpaper;
  • ruler and level;
  • a roller for rolling the seams;
  • a special spatula or brush to smooth the cloth;
  • scotch tape
  • Two cotton rags and a sponge, which are necessary for wiping excess glue from the floor and walls;
  • A stationery knife to cut the wallpaper
  • A brush to dab small areas of the wallpaper with glue
  • wooden spatula, which press and spread the wallpaper on narrow sections of the walls.

First of all, remove the remains of old wallpaper from the walls. Dilute the dry vinyl wallpaper adhesive mixture according to the instructions on the package. Be sure to prime the walls. This can be done with glue, or you can use a primer of deep penetration. It is also desirable before starting the vinyl wallpapering work to treat the walls with a special compound that prevents mold under the wallpaper.

After the glue and composition on the wall dries, it is necessary to draw a vertical line for the trimmer. It will serve as a guide for gluing the first cloth. Orient the corner only if you are sure that the corners of the room are flat. In order to hold the line for the trimmer correctly, use a plumb line.

After that, it is necessary to turn off the electricity in the apartment and remove sockets and switches from the walls.

Remember that vinyl wallpaper can be glued only to dry walls. They must be cleaned of old coatings, if there are cracks, they should be putty, and the surface should be leveled. How to check the dryness of the walls? Glue a small piece of polyethylene to the wall with masking tape. If overnight, water droplets appear on its inside, then the walls are not dry enough, and you need to wait until they finally dry out.