How to cut a circle out of glass without a glass cutter

Soldering iron

You don’t always need a straight cut, and a file and soldering iron can be helpful in this situation. If you do not have a soldering iron, a wood burning machine will do.

Cut a circle out of glass, cutting by a pro

The process is long, but creative. First, you mark out the glass and use a marker to draw a line for the cut. Then at the edge, at the beginning of the mark, a groove is made with a file, which will serve as a guide. After stepping back a couple of millimeters along the scythe line, the soldering iron heats the glass until there is a crack from the groove to the heating point. Then step back a few millimeters and repeat the process.

To make things go a little faster, you can cool the glass with a damp cloth or dishwashing sponge.

How to cut a circle out of glass

Figured glass products refer to difficult and painstaking work. Cut out shapes from glass with a glass cutter, but it is much easier to make a rectangle or square than to make a glass circle.

To cut a circle out of glass, you can use several methods, which will depend on the thickness of the glass plate and the diameter of the circle.

Rules for cutting

In order to cut the workpiece quickly and accurately, several rules must be followed. They “work” for most synthetic materials: organic glass, polycarbonate, and others. Let’s list the basic rules for how to cut plexiglass 4 mm and other sizes at home.

  • It is much easier to make a straight or curved cut if the part is heated. To do this, heat it up a little before machining. A construction hair dryer or a gas torch is used as a heat source. Important point. In order not to melt the acrylic, keep it at a distance from the heating device.
  • For work, it is best to choose a blade marked MP.S. This is tempered steel of high strength.
  • Sawing with any power tool should only be done at low speed. Otherwise, the acrylic glass will get hot from the blade and melt. The speed for each device is chosen individually.
  • It is not possible to cut the material without eye protection. You have to wear a mask or special glasses. When working, many very sharp, small splinters are produced that fly out from under the cutting unit.

The first feature that makes tempered glass very popular is its increased strength. It is successfully used for loggias and balconies. This material serves as a raw material for the manufacture of translucent structures and furniture. But for all this, a large number of expensive lasers are used, and the stack itself is worked on by experienced specialists. What to do when the material needs to be cut at home? First of all, it is necessary to study its properties.

Cutting tempered glass

In fact, glass is a thermally polished material. For its production, polished and unpolished glass sheets are used. For hardening, the material is placed in specially prepared ovens. Inside the furnace, it is heated to about 670°C. Under these conditions, the upper layers of the glass become softer. Once the desired temperature has been reached, the glass is cooled. The upper areas of the material cool first. The inner areas are severely stressed and compressed. After this treatment the material is made stronger and more resistant to heat.

The hardened glass is 7 times stronger than ordinary glass. It is difficult to damage the surface after tempering unless done deliberately. Even if the material does shatter, it is broken into small, blunt-edged fragments. So it’s quite difficult even to get hurt on broken glass. All stages of preparation, including edge treatment, are performed during the production of the material. The glass is then placed in a furnace for thermal treatment. Once it is hardened, it cannot undergo any changes. In cases where the material needs to be reshaped, annealing is done.

There are quite a few uses for this material. Tempered glass is often used in the construction and production of windows and doors. This material is used to make showers and other similar constructions. High demand for glass makes more and more people learn how to work with it.

We use scissors

Material that is not very thick can be cut with a pair of scissors. You will first have to make a marking. How to cut glass using this method? Plunge it in warm water and cut it into the required size pieces. If nothing came out or the material began to crumble, then you have hardened glass (the peculiarities of cutting are listed below). To cut a large piece, you will need a tub or a large basin of water.

The procedure is performed as follows: the point of the scissors is carried out on the marking, after which the unnecessary element is broken off. This method is suitable for sheets up to 3 mm thick and allows you to cut shapes with straight contours. To facilitate the work, a template is made of cardboard and glued to the workpiece with glue. You should know that the material will be more malleable under a large layer of water.

How to cut glass properly at home with or without glass cutter

Experienced craftsmen recommend using three basic types of glass cutters, with which you can easily cut the glass to the required dimensions, even at home.


Quite a popular model, distinguished by its ease of use. Glass cutter roller is very often chosen by beginners, because it is characterized by convenience in the work. In addition, this tool is inexpensive, because there are no diamond stones in its construction.

Structurally, the glass cutter consists of a roller part and a handle. Special hard alloys are used to manufacture the roller, the element diameter is 5 mm.

But working life of such tool is limited. it lasts for three and a half. four hundred meters of glass material. But since it costs very much, you can buy a new tool at any time. over, the set includes several removable roller elements, so you won’t have to change the tool you bought for quite a long time.


Another common, effective and popular glass cutter. diamond. This option is great for both professionals and inexperienced glass cutters.

Let’s see how to cut glass with a diamond glass cutter. Let us notice at once that you will spoil more than a dozen glasses during training, but all your expectations will be justified once you will have mastered the technique of using diamond glass cutters.

Diamond glass cutter

The tool consists of a handle and a working head with a diamond element, which can be pyramidal or beveled. It is important to be aware of this peculiarity, because the shape differences of the heads affect the principle of operation. For example, it is much more difficult to cut glass with a pyramidal head. it requires an advanced, almost “musical” ear. Let’s see how to cut glass properly with this glass cutter. The diamond moves over the glass surface and generates a certain frequency of sound during cutting. When the sound is “wrong”, it means that the motion of the diamond is not correct, and the bevel is very likely to be defective. To cut the proper shape, beginners use a glass cutter that has a beveled head.

In such a tool, the stone is either artificial or real, and this difference has an impact on the cost. But there is one more peculiarity. with real diamond you can cut a centimeters glass, while the artificial diamond is enough only for 5 mm. And the operation period of such samples is different. a real diamond will cut ten to fifteen kilometers of glass, while an artificial diamond will finish its operation after the fifth kilometer.


This variant of glass cutter is an improvement of a tool with a roller head. A small reservoir in the handle in which lubricating liquid is poured. During cutting, it is continuously fed into the roller and the glass surface, reducing friction considerably and improving the quality of the scratched lines, ensuring a long service life of the tool. Ultimately, the service life of the oil glass cutter, compared to a simple roller cutter, increases fifteen times.

Oil glass cutter

In addition to the models listed above, there are circular glass cutters that can easily cut circular holes in the glass. This tool is slightly different by design, resembling more a compasses than a handle with a cutting element. In addition to circles, you can cut ellipse-shaped holes with this glass cutter.

circle, glass, cutter

A little bit about glass

This widespread material is used for the design of windows, doorways, for decoration and manufacturing of furniture, etc.д. This material is hard, but fragile, so it is often necessary to replace the broken parts. Glass can be simple and hardened. it is stronger, but with any damage it crumbles into small pieces. That is why only simple M1-M6 glass is cut. The smaller the number, the higher the quality of the glass: less foreign inclusions, air bubbles and other inhomogeneities. That’s why it is easier to cut it.

How to cut glass without a glass cutter

If you need to cut any glass, mirror or even tile, and you do not have a cutter handy, then you will definitely need this tip. With the help of which you will learn how to make a homemade glass cutter from a spark plug and cut very straight glass with it in no time.

Cut the glass with a spark plug

So, first thing we need is absolutely any spark plug from any vehicle.

The insulator of any candle is sintered from a very strong ceramic. Put it on the anvil or a piece of steel and smash its insulator with a hammer.

Carefully! Make sure you use safety glasses.

Take a wooden slat with a knife and cut it to the middle, insert the sharpest piece of the split insulator.

Wrap it with thin wire, string or scotch tape to keep it from flying out.

We have got a real glass cutter. Take the glass and cut it like with a real tool. Use a metal saw blade as a ruler.

Crack it by the scratch. It’s not superfluous to knock on the scratch beforehand to make the crack go deep.

Such a home-made glass cutter should be quite enough for a couple of meters of glass, then the piece of insulator can be replaced by another one. Here’s a handy little tip. I hope it will come in handy for somebody.

How to properly cut tiles with a tile cutter. Let’s cut a tile without a tile cutter. A simple device

Sometimes the willingness and ability to lay tiles with their own hands is hampered by the absence of a tile cutter or angle grinder, which puts a deadlock and makes you postpone the work for a long time. Let’s see what you can use in such cases, without begging for a tool from a neighbor and without unplanned costs, especially if there are not many tiles and cuts are mostly simple linear.

In addition to self-made tile cutter is worth preparing a few more construction trifles: a drill with a pobedite tip for a drill or grinder, a pencil, an angle (ruler), a rag.

Assembling a homemade tile cutter

Note that in the photo above, all the tools are on the already made homemade conductor. It only remains to understand how it is assembled and how it works.

Here you can see all the details of the not yet assembled unit. designed for tiles up to 30 cm wide. If the tile is larger, it is worth enlarging the blanks. The laminate went to make two supporting planes between the pieces of platband. The design can be modified, this is just a pilot.

Cutting the tile

I decided to cut a 10 cm wide strip from a 25×40 cm tile as an example. I marked it, put it inside the “tile cutter” to press the laminate part and with the effort stepped on the foot and led the sharpest part of the pobedite tip on the drill a few times along the edge. After that I took the cut part of the tile through a towel and broke it off with both hands.

After breaking the inner fragment of the tile is pulled to show the quality of the cut.

Picture 5 shows the quality of the break. I like the result. I will tell you from experience, not every handheld tile cutter will give such an even line. I also tried cutting a piece of tile on the diagonal by inserting the cut part inside the self-made tile and it came out pretty good too, as you can see in the bottom 6 picture.

With this device I was able to cut a 4-5 cm wide strip, I couldn’t cut it less, because the construction lacks rigidity. The load on the upper part is high and it lifts it up a bit when you break it. I think if I’d taken a board for making cross bars, at least 20 mm, the narrow bars would be good, too.